Help Browncoats at NiceGuy Comics :)

UPDATED: Thursday, June 8, 2006 06:39
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Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:36 AM


Apologies if this has already been posted

Hey Fellow Browncoats!

I'm Tim Watts. I draw an online comic called The Nice Guy. Some of you here are probably familiar with the strip because we've done some Firefly themed strips in the past. The writer of the comic, Mike O'Connell, and I are big Firefly fans.

I'm writing this because Mike is having a difficult time right now. Mike has Muscular Dystrophy and in order to get around he uses a van with a wheelchair lift and a special driving system that allows him to operate the van with only his hands. But the van he has currently is falling apart. There is another van available but even used it costs $50,000. Mike's family and friends are trying to put together enough money to at least put down a big downpayment. The thing is, Mike gets up and goes to work every morning. He doesn't get any government assistance of any kind. He just wants to live an independent life. Mike set up a webpage explaining the van situation:

Since I'm an artist and not a writer, I can't adequately express my relationship with Mike. We've been best friends since we were 10 years old. He's as close to me as my brother. Never once has Mike complained about his lot in life. He deals with the daily challenges with a grace that I don't think I could ever muster. I've never met anyone more deserving of a good life. I've never heard anyone whose ever met Mike say “Man, what a jerk”. Mike is one of the most universally loved people I've ever known. And it's all deserved.

If those of you reading aren't down with the donation thing, I've set up an auction on Ebay offering custom sketches with the proceeds going into Mikes van fund. The auction number is: 6285168197. Feel free to check it out and place a bid. So if you've seen our strip and it made you laugh or if you like all of the Firefly pimping we've done through the site, check out Mike's page and the auction.

If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to email me at:


Hey Everybody,

By now anyone that was aware of Mike's need for a new van knew that I had an Ebay auction up to help raise some money for the cause. If for some reason you aren't aware of Mike's situation, you can read about it here:

I say “had” because Ebay decided that since I wasn't a recognized, registered charity, that I couldn't keep the auction up there. So it was pulled. Rather than try to reword the auction to get around Ebay's rules, I've decided to go a different direction.

At the time that the auction was pulled, the price was up to $35.51 per piece. To make things simple, I'm going to set a flat price of $35.00 per piece and I'm going to accept all comers. That's right, whoever wants a drawing can get one at that price. Or two. Or however many you want. If my hand falls off from drawing, so be it.

Please do me a favor and repost this wherever you can so people can contact me about getting commissions. As for payment, just go to Mike's link above and make a donation of $35.00. Paypal will provide your email address to Mike. After you donate, contact me at and I will confirm the donation and we'll get to work on the art. I will even cover the shipping. By the way, I have nothing against drawing sexy pinup art but there is a line I won't cross as far as content is concerned. Just keep that in mind. So get out there and help hook my boy up with a pimpin' new ride!


Everyone can go to and click on the Sketchbook link and see all kinds of samples. Everyone remember, the commisions are for a single character with no background. Everyone pray for my drawing hand, it's starting to sink in just what I've gotten myself into.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:39 AM


NiceGuy is a great comic, I'll help out.


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal: