The WASH continues--VFF

UPDATED: Friday, July 11, 2008 16:31
VIEWED: 63880
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:41 AM



Originally posted by spinebite:
Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

No robbing. And if he threatens you or you think he's gonna start a fight then I give you permission to kneecap him. Otherwise... don't.

*Soon the two arrive back at the ship*

Hey Doc, Upper. You recieve any word from Tillie?

Doc: Yeah she sent a wave. Said they're ahead of schedule on everything and will be back soon. How'd things go?


Spine: We get to kidnap somebody.

Doc: We what? I, I don't know if I'd really feel comfortable doing that.

Well, no one said you have to do anything. If we get hurt you patch up our wounds and that's about it. It would be nice to have another gunhand around here though.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 9:19 AM


Upper's well enough to teach, captain. I'm sure Spine could do something about her. If not, I suppose I could teach her, seeing as spine was the one who injured her in the first place. All this is... if you feel like taking her on as a gunhand.

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:33 PM


I'd be more than happy to teach her. I can't promise that she'll make it through uninjured, seeing as I teach a very thorough class, ans such classes teach through example, but she won't be as injured as the first time, and by the end she'll be able to handle a gun fairly competently. All I need is your approval, cap'n.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 7:45 AM


*mutters to self* Whoo-hoo, love the sudden popularity.

*speaks up* Glad to see you captain, we were starting to worry. Do we have a plan for this kidnapping yet?

As to the target practise, I just have to get this straight: do I get to shoot at the person teaching the classes? Because in that case It'd better be Spine. I would feel bad shooting at the doc, him having fixed me up and all!

*grins at Blueredgreen* Besides I think the doc here is a little tired of my company.

*Looks at CommanderZero and notices her questioning lifted eyebrow*

Just kidding about the shooting at your crew bit, cap'n.

CommanderZero: Better be!

I promised to be good, didn't I? So, how's about the plan for this crime then?


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 10:38 AM


*Decides to try out newly learned skills and sends a wave to the shuttle*

Girls! The captain and spine are back, and they are ready for some criminal endevours! Hope you are moving along well on your side!


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 2:43 PM


You won't getta shoot at me, but I'll getta shoot at you. *turns to Cap'n Zero* With training rounds, of course.*turns back to Upperson* But they still hurt.

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008 3:06 PM


Will we be heading to a planet where I could use the money I brought on with me to buy myself a new gun? I have an old one in my bag but it's all broken up. It's got more personal value than real use, saved my life a few times.

Wuo duh ma...


Thursday, May 8, 2008 7:02 AM


Sounds like a couple of stories right there doctor! But I won't plague you anymore *grins*

*looks at spine* Don't I get training rounds? I thought you said I must learn to shoot at moving targets? You are such a spoilsport! there is just one little thing *pulls wallet out of pocket* I don't think this money would buy me much of anything now, and I had just been to the bank before...well before. *riffles seval notes between hands*

*Blueredgreen steps closer and hold out his hand* May I?


*Blueredgreen studies the notes*

Blueredgreen:It's worth more than you think, antique notes like these go for a good price to the right collector

*Upperson laughs* Well, I'm glad then that I didn't arrive here with absolutely nothing! What's it worth doc? Can I get my own gun?

Blueredgreen: I'm not a collector, but I would imagine so. And have some left to pay the fence and...

Spinebite: and your handy crewmates that set up the sale.

Thanks guys *holds out hand and Blueredgreen hands the money back*

Good to know


Friday, May 9, 2008 2:52 PM


(OOC: This is to all VFF Crew members, I would appreciate to be updated for my bulletins on major activities that have happened in the past week - My email is )

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Sunday, May 11, 2008 4:01 PM


Alright Spine. I give you permission to teach little Upper here how to shoot. *looks at Upper* You know you're gonna get hurt a few times, I'm sure. It's just all part of the learning process.

*Upper nods*

Well then, I don't see any problem in any of that. Spine. Don't kill her. Please. And Upper... don't kill him. Please.

*Zero turns to Doc*

Doc, maybe you can take a look at that money and such the girl had in her wallet. See if you can figure out where it's from or something. Think you can do that for me?

*Turns to the comm to contact Tillie and Tot*

***Transmission to Wash's Starboard Shuttle***

Tille, Tot? I want you to start heading home right when you're finished with the repairs. Meaning if you're done now, then leave now. We got to make our way to Beaumonde and I need my pilot to get there. Xie xie.

***End Transmission***


Monday, May 12, 2008 12:08 AM




Captain Zero: Got your wave, and pleased to report we're on our way. ETA is approximately 10.5 hours from your receipt of this wave.

Please let BlueRedGreen know I may be needing his help when we dock; busted a couple of stitches when we left atmo, and seem to be leaking a bit.

Good news is I'm bringing him plenty of supplies. The infirmary will be fully stocked, not to mention the galley and the engine room.

Tillie out


"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."


Monday, May 12, 2008 7:49 AM


Sure thing cap'n, I'll try really hard not to kill spine, him being such a delicate flower and all! *grins at spine*

OH! *stumbles back a little and braces on the wall*

Blueredgreen: You feeling OK?

*eyes come back into focus* sure, sure doc! But I think...I think something just happened to tillie and tater. Um, but I don't think it's that serious, you might want to..

*Is interrupted by tillie's wave, telling the doctor to be ready*

*Spinebite looks at upperson with suspicion* Spinebite: You goin' all crazy-like?

*Upperson shakes head as if to clear it* No, no I don't think so anyways, but if I were I would hardy admit to it, would I? Better get ready to unload the stuff in the cargobay. We might need a little more room. Besides we need to hurry if you are going to abduct your doctor chappie. If you don't get there soonish, someone might just beat you to it!

CommanderZero: What exactly does that mean?

Upperson: Just that there seem to be some other people out there looking for the doctor on that planet.

Spinebite: Did you see it in your crystal ball? *snorts*

Upperson: Actually not. I stumbled across it on the cortex when I was looking around. Just checking out everything. It seems a fellow called Goosen has sent out a general call to all and sundry that he is looking for this man. And that he is willing to pay good money for him. He isn't the same man you were talking to, is he captain?


Monday, May 12, 2008 4:50 PM


Well captain, Upper, I believe that this money is definatly from 2008, Earth That Was. As for the country, I'm sure, with a little research, I could confirm that. But... *glances at Upper* any help you can provide will definitely simplify things. AND, if we need it, I know a fellow on Osiris who would definatly purchase these at a high price. Might even hold Upper for an interrogation about the ways of the culture in which she lived. *he laughs quietly for a few seconds*

But anyway, I'll just take this one piece of currency and do some research into it, maybe send out a general wave about antique currency for sale and help you out there. *He walks off towards his room, puts the money in there, and then prepares the mediocre infirmary for Tillie and Tates' arrival*

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:08 PM


I will be using this thread to teach Upperson how to handle a gun so as not to clutter up the WASH thread.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 4:35 PM


*on board Shuttle 1*

Tatertot: *wakes up and stretches* Mmm, that was a nice nap. Hey Tillie, how soon are we to landing?

*When she doesn't get an answer, she goes forward to the cockpit. The chair is empty* Oh, maybe she's in the head. *she peers forward at the controls and sees that they're less than an hour from re-entry* Shiny, we're almost there. *calling out* Hey Tillie, c'n I dock this time?

*When Tillie still doesn't respond, Tatertot goes over to the head* Tillie? You okay in there? *she hears a low moan coming from the aft cargo area and rushes back to find Tillie curled up in her hammock. Bloody hand prints dot the webbing, and the coat covering her has dark sodden splotches on it* Tillie! Jie jie! Omigod, Tillie!

*Tillie raises her head groggily* Hey there Tate, we there yet? *sees the horrified expression on Tatertot's face* What's the matter, mei mei?

Tatertot: You're bleeding!

Tillie: Oh yeah, that.

*Tillie leans forward gingerly and takes stock of her wounds* Yeah, things got a mite shaky when we broke orbit, and a bunch of my stitches split open. *points to a medkit on the floor* Go grab that case there. See the silver box? Good. Lemme have that, and unwrap some bandages for me. *she tapes the gashes and covers them with clean bandages*

Hey, don't cry honey, ain't nearly so bad as it looks. Mei mei, listen to me, I need you to keep it together for me, dong ma? We got a shuttle to steer into atmo and I can't have you panicking. Can you handle it, or you want me to pilot?

Tatertot: No jie jie, I can handle it.

Tillie: That's my good girl. *laughs softly to herself*

Okay, I'm gonna send another wave while you get us in orbit, and then we'll strap in for the fun stuff.

"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:18 PM


*On Board Shuttle 1*

*still feeling alittle shaky, tatertot goes to
the controls. she sits in the chair and switches off auto pilot and clicks on some other switches above her. soon tillie joins her after sending the wave*

So you are ok? I got really worried when you didn't replyed when i called. Then I found you bleeding like that...*shakes head* You are going straight to the infirmary when we get back to the WASH. Not even to stop to say howdy doody to Zero...

Tillie: Whats this? You are giving me orders Tate? I think your encounter with CJ has made you a bit bolder. *tillie gives tatertot a teasing smile, and she blushes*

Yeah...I guess so...*her face becomes serious* What exactly happend down in Greenleaf? I feel like there's something your not telling me...


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:19 PM


*On Shuttle1*

*Tillie shifts in her seat* Ain't some big secret or nothin'. Zero waved us come back, and Cal agreed we best be off right quick. Thing is, if we dawdled there would have been trouble. Folks would be interviewing us about that fireball on the market road, and we'd've been stuck on that rock till they were done asking questions. It would've made all kinds of problems for the captain. "I need my pilot to get there": those were Zero's words. Couldn't disappoint her, could we? 'Specially after you went and bought her that shiny new necklace.

Tatertot: But --

Tillie: No more questions now, xíng ma? I'm a mite wore out what with the bleeding and all, and you gotta keep your mind on gettin' us docked. I promise you can ask as many questions as you want, but tomorrow. --Hey there, put your nose down just a bit.

*Tatertot adjusts her angle and concentrates on the re-entry. The next time she looks over, Tillie is asleep in the chair*

"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 9:21 PM




Dear whoever is at the comm right now,

I need your help. Shuttle's starting orbital descent, and we should be docking in thirty.

By the time we're locked in, I might be passed out, so please give this info to BRG now so he can be ready:

Already mentioned I'm injured; got a mess of little cuts and a couple deep ones, and didn't take the time on Greenleaf to get them all sewed up tight. When we left atmo I got jarred about and started bleeding. Fixed it a little, but it's not good. I'm a mite woozy.

All the med equipment boxes are marked with the medalert star. There's plasma and typed blood in two of the starred coolers. To save you time looking up my medbio: I'm O Pos, allergic to penicillin and most mycins, and already had tetanus shots on Greenleaf.

Doc Alex, just need you to stop the leaks and fill my tank, so I can hurry up and be the doc for the Wash and get her healthy and back in the black. Thank you in advance. You done good work on me already, and I know I'm in good hands. Duō xiè. I got shiny presents for you.

Tillie out



Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:24 PM



Upperson: Actually not. I stumbled across it on the cortex when I was looking around. Just checking out everything. It seems a fellow called Goosen has sent out a general call to all and sundry that he is looking for this man. And that he is willing to pay good money for him. He isn't the same man you were talking to, is he captain?

No, it's not. Well just as soon as Tillie and Tot get back, we're gonna head out. In the mean time, you and Spine head out to train. On Beaumonde, there could be a chance I might need a gun in your hand so get to it and get good. Alright? Captain's orders.

*Upper smiles and nods, but before Spine and Upper leave, the doc comes up*


BlueRedGreen:Well captain, Upper, I believe that this money is definatly from 2008, Earth That Was. As for the country, I'm sure, with a little research, I could confirm that. But... *glances at Upper* any help you can provide will definitely simplify things. AND, if we need it, I know a fellow on Osiris who would definatly purchase these at a high price. Might even hold Upper for an interrogation about the ways of the culture in which she lived. *he laughs quietly for a few seconds*

But anyway, I'll just take this one piece of currency and do some research into it, maybe send out a general wave about antique currency for sale and help you out there. *He walks off towards his room, puts the money in there, and then prepares the mediocre infirmary for Tillie and Tates' arrival*

Thanks Doc. Maybe later on we can drop by Osiris to see how much money we can make off of your friend. Possibly sell these artifacts to him... if Upper's alright with it. *Nods toward Spine and Spine and Upper leave to start training and Zero head up to the bridge and to the comm just as Tillie sends a wave*




Dear whoever is at the comm right now,

I need your help. Shuttle's starting orbital descent, and we should be docking in thirty.

By the time we're locked in, I might be passed out, so please give this info to BRG now so he can be ready:

Already mentioned I'm injured; got a mess of little cuts and a couple deep ones, and didn't take the time on Greenleaf to get them all sewed up tight. When we left atmo I got jarred about and started bleeding. Fixed it a little, but it's not good. I'm a mite woozy.

All the med equipment boxes are marked with the medalert star. There's plasma and typed blood in two of the starred coolers. To save you time looking up my medbio: I'm O Pos, allergic to penicillin and most mycins, and already had tetanus shots on Greenleaf.

Doc Alex, just need you to stop the leaks and fill my tank, so I can hurry up and be the doc for the Wash and get her healthy and back in the black. Thank you in advance. You done good work on me already, and I know I'm in good hands. Duō xiè. I got shiny presents for you.

Tillie out


*Checks the time the wave was sent and then checks the time on her watch. It's almost time for her to dock. Zero gets everything ready then heads down to the infirmary to talk to BRG*

Doc, I know I set you on figuring out about those ancient coins and such, but I need you to get ready to stitch up Tillie. Seems she's been hurt. She said... *pulls out a piece of paper and reads it* Med equipment boxes are marked with the medalert stars and they contain plasma and typed blood. She said she's O-positive, allergic to penicillin and most mycins, but already had a tetanus shot on Greenleaf. *shoves paper back in her pocket*

Now, doc, I know it may be a lot to ask but I need you to work on her quickly. We got to get to Beaumonde ASAP, otherwise we're out of a job. But I need her to twix and twither whatever she needs to before we take off. I'll be up on the bridge awaiting her arrival. I've already set up everything for her to dock. She should be only about...*checks watch* five minutes more. You need anything, call to me. Oh, and would you mind checking in on Spine and Upper once in a while. I don't trust them being alone together with guns.

Doc: Will do, Captain.

Thanks. *Heads up to the bridge*


Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:56 PM


*On the bridge, Zero sees the shuttle's proximity signal*

Zero: Starboard hatch is green for docking.

Tatertot: Locking in five, four, three.

*the shuttle lands, the locks engage, and the shuttle is pulled into the Wash*

Zero: *on the comm* Doc, they've arrived.

BRG: On my way. *he runs up to the shuttle as the door opens. Tatertot runs right into him*

Tatertot: She ain't wakin' up, Doc!

BRG: *runs to the cockpit and checks on Tillie, who's passed out in her chair* We can't walk her out of here, we'll need the stretcher. Tot, I'll need your assistance.

Tatertot: Anything.

BRG: *assesses her size; she won't be able to help carry Tillie* You stay here, keep an eye on her while I get help. *runs down the stairs, leans over the railing, and calls down to the cargo bay* Spinebite, I need you and Upperson to put the training on hold for a minute. *continues running down the stairs* I need you to help me carry the stretcher, know where it is? And there's boxes of plasma need to be brought from the shuttle.

*Spinebite looks up to see Zero coming down the stairs from the bridge. She nods to him: do what he says*

Spinebite: No problem, Doc. *He jumps through the hatch down to the infirmary, grabs the metal stretcher from the wall, and proceeds back up the stairs* Here we go. * he and BRG enter the shuttle, with Upperson close behind*

BRG: *points to Tatertot and Upperson* You two, there's boxes in the cargo bay marked with medalert stars -- a red six-pointed cross with a snake on a stick in the middle. I need you to bring them to the infirmary. Zero said there were coolers: start with those. *to Spinebite* Okay, you get her legs. One, two, three! *they lift Tillie out of the chair and set her on the stretcher. BRG gets her strapped in* Ready to lift? Okay, and heave! *they bring Tillie down to the infirmary and get her on the table. Zero pokes her head in*

Zero: Need any help?

BRG: Appreciate it, Captain. Would you help with the medboxes? Need that plasma now.

Zero: Sure thing. *she steps out of the infirmary, as Upperson and Tatertot carry in the first cooler*

*as BRG sets up an IV and begins a plasma drip, the others continue carting boxes down from the shuttle, one after the other. When he barks his shin on a crate he notices how full his infirmary is getting.

BRG: Exactly how many boxes are there?

Zero: I think this is the last of it.

BRG: May I see that wave?

Zero: *pulls the paper out of her pocket and gives it to him* Here you go.

BRG: *reads* "Thank you in advance...know I'm in good shiny presents for you." Wow, qí miào. Okay, everybody out. Got some sewing to do. *he closes the door, and starts cutting Tillie's blood-soaked clothes off*

qí miào = fantastic / wonderful

"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."


Friday, May 16, 2008 9:58 PM


*Upperson and Tater carry the heavy cooler from the shuttle to the med bay* Tater: Doc, is she gonna be allright? BRG: If I can do my job, her chances of being allright are excellent. However, I need you to do your part, which is bringing all the meds, so I can do my part. *Tater and Upper leave the medbay to go and collect another load*Upperson: What happened, tater? Tater *looking a little pale*: We ran into some trouble... an explosion. But it all happened so fast. I'm really worried about Tillie, you should have seen her in the shuttle.

Upperson: Well, the doc knows what he's doing, and he's sure to fix her up! Let's just do our part and get these supplies to the medbay asap. *After several return trips of tater, upper and the captain they finally finish unloading the shuttle* Upperson: You guys sure bought back loads of stuff! Except for the med supplies I mean.

Tatertot: Yes. No offence, but I think Tillie must discuss that with the captain first.*tater looks uncomfortable* Upperon: Not a problem. I understand. *Sees spinebite coming from the crew quarters after helping BRG with Tillie* Spinebite: Get down to the cargohold asap! We got more training to do.

*Upper looks at Tater and grins*:Work, work! I wonder if this job really needs an extra gunhand, or if he's just really pissed! Better go get on his nerves! Tater: Don't piss him off so bad...*Tater trails off as she sees Upper is already out of hearing range*


Saturday, May 17, 2008 10:03 PM


*BlueRedGreen is busy stitching Tillie's wounds, only pausing when he hears a hail of gunfire, a gasp, and a thud. He goes out to the hatchway, peers out at the cargo area, and sees Spinebite standing over Upperson laughing. He watches her get up, touch her belly tentatively, and grimace. There's no blood, or even holes in her clothes. Assured that she's not in any immediate danger, he returns to the infirmary, only to discover that Tillie is regaining consciousness. She moves her head and looks as if she's trying to speak, and her hands open and close*

BlueRedGreen: Tillie. Are you back with us? *a tear rolls out of the corner of Tillie's eye* You must be in pain. I couldn't risk anesthesia while you were--

Tillie: Why?

BRG: You were uncons--

Tillie: How come you don't like me? *BRG doesn't know what to make of her outburst* Is it 'cause I talk like a rimworlder? 'Cause I work with my hands, got dirt under my nails? don't condescend to acknowledge...beneath contempt...think I'm too thick to notice... *her words become mumbles as she thrashes around in a nightmare*

*BRG checks her vitals; nothing seems to be wrong; is this delirium?*

Tillie: Ruttin' tired...méi yòng waste of time. *suddenly she sits up on the table and grabs BRG's forearm above his glove* Got no time to waste! Zero needs me to get Wash in the sky mǎ shàng! You done yet?

BRG: I think you need just a few more minutes, and just a few more stitches.

Tillie: Okay, whatever you say... *she lies back on the table and releases his arm. Her eyes closed, she starts mumbling again as he completes his surgery* ...Make you happy -- or not, I don't care...provisioned better than in all her fifty years...stocked as well as any Core hospital...shēng rì kuài lè...

BRG: *is finally finished. He looks over his work: Tillie's torso fairly bristles with stitches, as do her arms and thighs. He covers her with a sheet and gets the pile of clean clothes Tatertot brought in for her* Can you open your eyes? How are you?

*this time Tillie sits up slowly, feeling her aches. She lifts the sheet and looks down at her body. She stretches out her arms, makes fists and spreads her fingers wide, and shrugs her shoulders up and down. She grins at him, once more her cheerful and forthright self*

Tillie: Duō xiè. Gotta hand it to you, Doc Alex. *she gingerly eases herself off the table, then slowly and carefully twists side to side. She lifts one leg and then the other, sees how far they will go without straining* I was right about your sewing. *she pats her bicep* How much load you think I can bear? I got work to do. *she matter-of-factly puts on her clothes, testing all the time what directions she can stretch with ease, which movements hurt and which are bearable*

BRG: You can't lift anything too heavy---

TIllie: Don't worry, I promise I won't spoil your work. *she bends to put her boots on* Okay, that's a bit of a challenge. *all dressed, she turns and winks at the doctor* Have fun opening your presents. *she grabs her tattered, bloody clothes and leaves the infirmary*

*BRG watches as she navigates the stairs up to the shuttle one step at a time*

méi yòng = useless
mǎ shàng = at once / right away / immediately
shēng rì kuài lè = Happy birthday
duō xiè = many thanks / thanks a lot

"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."


Sunday, May 18, 2008 8:04 AM


*tatertot see's tillie stummble out of the infirmary and tatertot rushes over to her*

Are you ok jie jie?

Tillie: I'm just fine mei mei.

You look alittle upset...

*tillie's looks alittle surprised*
Tillie: Oh no no, I'm not! What do I look upset or something?

*tatertot nods*

Tillie: Well, I'm not, don't worry Jordyn honey. I need to fix up my ole girl here. Why don't you give Zero her gift.*she smiles as she wobbles away*

*tatertot sighs then walks to the shuttle and receives zero's gift. she walks out and finds Zero outside the infirmary*

Zero I uh got you something when I went shopping on Greenleaf. Its not real fancy or anything...but here you go. *tater hands the gift to zero, she looks a bit surprised*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:25 PM


*Zero is walking past the infirmary when Tot comes up to her with a gift.*


Tatertot:Zero I uh got you something when I went shopping on Greenleaf. Its not real fancy or anything...but here you go. *tater hands the gift to zero, she looks a bit surprised*

What's this? *Looks at the necklace Tot handed to her. Zero is somewhat flabbergasted by Tot's kind gesture.* Um... thanks, I guess. It's um, it's nice.

*Zero is a bit confused at the moment but quickly changes the subject as she looks at the red stone on the necklace. She speaks with a slightly worried tone.*
What in God's name happened to ya'll out there anyhow? My mechanic was sitting there bleeding to death. After you lift us off and get us on track to Beaumonde, I'd like to hear about you're little adventure.

*She looks back at Tot and then walks past her and into her quarters. She looks at herself in the mirror and holds the necklace up to her chest. After she positions it correctly, she clips the back of it together and let's it dangle neatly from her neck. A small smile crosses her lips.*
*Thinking to herself:* Kid's nice. Don't know why she'd do something like this for me, though. I ain't no one special...

*She shrugs as Tot comes over the comm*

Tot: Captain, five till we're out of atmo. Setting course for Beaumonde. Should be around 8 to 10 days depending on if it's a smooth ride or not.

*Zero smiles as she looks in the mirror again and then heads over to the comm* Copy that, Tot. *Heads up the ladder and onto the bridge*


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:44 PM


*BRG finishes opening and organizing the last of the crates' contents and heads up to the bridge just as the Wash breaks atmo* Captain, I'm going to contact my friend now, the one who will purchase Upperson's money, and I was just wondering, how long would it be before we could go to Osiris? Any estimation would be nice...

CommanderZero: I dont know, doc. Might be a while.

That's fine. I'm sure she'll be patient. By the way, that doctor you're going to kidnap? If you'd like, I brought a little chloroform from the one of the hospitals on Persephone. I... borrowed it. If it'd help, I suppose I could give you the bottle. But I'm not going to do anything else. Hopefully I wont have to do my job, that's bad for everyone. *BRG grins and walks off of the bridge.

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:05 PM



Originally posted by Blueredgreen:
That's fine. I'm sure she'll be patient. By the way, that doctor you're going to kidnap? If you'd like, I brought a little chloroform from the one of the hospitals on Persephone. I... borrowed it. If it'd help, I suppose I could give you the bottle. But I'm not going to do anything else. Hopefully I wont have to do my job, that's bad for everyone. *BRG grins and walks off of the bridge.*

*Gets up just as Tot is about to tell her story.* Err... hold that thought. *Follows BRG down from the bridge.*
What exactly do you mean by "borrowed" Doctor? You mean you stole if from Alliance med facilities? Are you crazy?!

BRG: Relax, Captain. They don't have enough time to go around the worlds and sniff out those who are stealing from their medical supplies. Besides, an Alliance medical facility would be restocked within a few hours.

*Zero looks irritated.* You're one hell of a trippy fellow, Doc. Now you want to go to Osiris to sell Upperson's artifacts and such, if I understood correctly. Did you make sure it was alright with her first?

BRG: Yes, ma'am. She agreed.

So you do understand this is her money, then, doctor. She can do whatever she wants with it and since you found someone to sell it to, I'm sure she'll be kind enough to give a share to you. But if she doesn't want to give you nothing, don't force her to do so.

BRG: I understand.

It's no so much that I would mind if you did, it's just that there's something... off... about that girl. Seems like she could kill you without breaking a sweat despite her petite size. That's what's scary about her. Maybe I'll do a cortex search on her. See what I can find... *Changes the subject.*
So doc, how's my mechanic? She okay?

BRG: Yes. She's stable for now. As far as I'm concerned she just needs some rest and she'll be fine. There were just some cuts and bruises is all. Nothing too major like broken bones or anything. She'll live.

Well that's good to hear then. Can't have my mech dying on me. I still need her to keep the Wash up in the sky... *looks down at the ground*

BRG: Something on your mind Captain?

*Snaps out of it.* Oh, no. It's nothing. It's just that... things changed so fast. Walker's disappearence and then suddenly I become Captain. It was just so... unfair.

BRG: What was unfair?

Everything. The fact that Walker just left. The fact that I had to become Captain after that and suddenly take up duties that I didn't even know if I could handle. The fact that ya'll-my crew-had to face something that would change things immensely. It was unfair to all of us. And yet, ya'll are still so loyal to me. I guess I should be thanking you guys.

BRG: I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear it once in a while. *chuckles* But it's not your job to thank us. It's your job to gives us orders and yell at us. *smiles* And it's our job to listen. Just the fact that you kept us on this boat after Walker left is thank enough. At least for me.

*Grins* Well that's good to hear then, doc. *Turns and walks away as she says:* And we'll be heading to Osiris after we kidnap that doctor and bring him back to Jiangyin. It should be, at the most three weeks.

BRG: Ok, thanks Captain.

*Zero heads back up to the bridge and sits down next to Tot.* Alright, Tot. I'm here to listen all about you and Tillie's adventure. Go for it.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 6:37 PM


*tatertot lets out a small sigh*

Well, when we first got there a strange man came up to us and started talking about Walker and-

Zero: What? Hold on Tot. Strange man? Did he mention what his name was?

No mame.

*zero has a puzzled look, but snaps out of it*

Zero: Go on Tot. What else happend?

Well after that things went smooth. We ate, I saw an indoor waterfall, I spent some time talking to CJ-

*a small smile spreads across zero's face*
CJ? Now Tot I never figured you to be the flirting type...

*tater blushes* C-come on don't tease me about that too!

Zero:*chuckles* I'm sorry, go on.

Well then we went shopping and i don't know it was strange...many of the mechanics tagged along as bodygaurds in a way. Anyhow, everything was fine I got your gift *points to the necklace around Zero's neck* and I got me and Tillie matching bracelets *lefts up wrist and points to the pink bracelet* Tillie got medical supplies and such...then on our way back...*shakes head*

Zero: Yeah...then?

I don't know. It happend so fast....there was an explosion...Tillie got hurt. We rushed out of there so we could avoid the feds...

Zero: Is that all?

I suspect'll have to talk to Tillie.
I don't understand what exactly happend...

*zero gets to her feet*

Zero: I'll do that then. Now I want you to see to getting the WASH into the air.

Will do Captain.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 9:30 PM


*Tillie lugs the fuel cells from the shuttle and shoves them into place. She returns to the shuttle, and hauls the boxes of perishable foodstuffs into the galley and stows them. Sighing, she boils water for tea* Best make it strong, got lots to do.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 3:03 AM


{URGENT! All crew members check my blog}

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 19, 2008 6:58 AM


Sees Tillie finishing up carrying the foodstuffs and follows her to the kitchen. Sees Tillie making tea.
Upper: Are you allright, Tillie? I don't think you should have been carrying all that stuff!
Tillie: Doc stitched me up real good, 'm feelin' allright.
Upper: Yeah that's probably the painkillers. Wait till they wear off!
Tillie: Mm. Wan' some tea?
Upper: Yeah...ok. You wanna tell me what happened? some extreme excitement?
*Before Tillie can answer BRG comes in*BRG: Tillie, I've been looking for you, just want to make sure that you're not lugging things around, or something.
Tillie: Aww, that's real nice of you, doc, but I'm allright.
*Looks at Upper* What about you?
Upper: Sure doc, except if you have something for bruises? In the shape of smiley faces?
*BRG smiles* Nothing that specific, but I should have something. Let's go to the infirmary.
*They walk to the infirmary*
BRG: Captain says we will be on Osiris in about 3 weeks time. My friend is very interested in the money
Upper: Good. That's good to know. Didn't know how I was going to pay for my passage. Could have sung for my supper, but I'm not sure that you would have enjoyed it! *smiles* This is a real relief, doc! thanks for your help. You have to take your cut. I trust you to be fair.

*BRG nods thoughtfully and hands Upper a container of salve* There, that should sort out your smiley problem.

Upper: Thanks doc. Are you hungry? I'm starving! Let's join Tillie and see what they brought back.

Upper starts towards the kitchen


Monday, May 19, 2008 9:37 PM


Tillie: I was just comin' to get ya; tea's ready.

Upper: So what kind of food did you get?

Tillie: Brought back a bunch of fresh veggies, always good to have fresh greens when you can get 'em. Got tomatoes, spinach, bean sprouts... all kinds of stuff. Have a look for yourself.

Upper: How'd you get all this food? *realizes this may be an indelicate question* Uh, I was looking on the cortex and apparently fresh food is very expensive and difficult to obtain.

Tillie: Good friends and good trade. Don't always need credits when you can barter goods or skills. *she absentmindly puts her hand under her shirt and rubs the stitches on her belly* So ya hungry for anything in particular?

Upper: You okay under there?

Tillie: Oh, sorry, it's a little itchy.

Upper: May I see?

Tillie: *gives a smile and lifts her shirt to expose her torso, covered with red lines criss-crossed with shiny black bristly stitches* Looks a lot worse'n it is.

Upper: *whistles appreciatively* There's so many!

Tillie: More'n 'at, too, you ain't seen my arms and legs.

Upper: So how'd it happen?

Tillie: *bustling around the galley preparing food as she explains* There was an explosion, and we got hit with a bunch of broken -- something, glass or crockery, I'm not sure, but lots of broken pieces of stuff.

Upper: Oh how awful!

Tillie: Nah, it was nothin' serious, I mean not so much - little shallow cuts mostly, and nothing like those fragmentation bombs during the war -- Oh, sorry. I keep forgetting this is all foreign to you.

Upper: No, not really. There were bombs and wars in my time too. *she looks sober and sad*

Tillie: I'm so sorry honey. Didn't mean to make you think on a sad -- Say, how's your belly doin'? Heard you got some souvenirs yourself from training.

Upper: *laughs* Wanna see? *lifts her shirt enough to show her smiley-face bruises* What do you think?

Tillie: You're a walkin' poster for Spinebite's shootin' skills, anyway. I like it, we both got artwork on our middles, start a new trend. Next big thing.

*they laugh together comfortably as Tillie continues to make with the cooking*

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:53 AM


*Zero enters the galley as Tillie lifts up her shirt to expose her stitches. Zero cringes at the sight, but walks past her to get some tea from the pot on the counter. She pulls a small container from her jacket and opens it, then pours an amber colored liquid into her tea. She closes the cap tightly and stuffs it back in her jacket as Tillie begins to tell Upper the story of what happened. It was what she had wanted to hear in the first place, and the two didn't seem to mind Zero sitting in on their conversation. She chuckles at the sight of Upper's happy face bruises. She speaks to Tillie as Tillie continues to cook.*

Smells mighty fine in here.

Tillie: Thanks. It's one of my specialties. 'Think you'll like it. *smiles*

So you got into quite a predicament back on Greenleaf.

Tillie: Yeah, I guess we did. It was sorta startling--like we didn't know what hit us.

I can imagine. Those Alliance planets are never safe.

Tillie: But they got the best goods.

I know. Next time, though--if there is a next time--I might have Upper go with you. Upper, I hear, is doing good in her training so she can be a useful gunhand to you. *smiles at Upper* 'Sides, Spine and I make a good team and we can usually handle things on our own.

Tillie: Sounds great. I wouldn't mind having Upper along for a ride next time we need to head off on our own.

Good. But I'm hoping we won't have to send you off anymore for a long, long time. Especially where the place is crawling with Alliance officials. Plus, losing my mechanic wouldn't be the best thing for the Wash here. You and the rest of the crew are what keeps her running.

Tillie: *Smiles to herself as she continues to cook*

Say Tillie?

Tillie: Yeah Cap'n?

How good are you with guns?


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:11 AM


*tatertot is drawn by the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen, and walks in, she gets a cup of tea blows on it and takes a sip when she hears Zero ask Tillie...*

Zero: How are you with guns?

*tatertot nearly spits out her tea*

Wha-? Cap'n your not going to make Tillie go on jobs are you?

Zero: I'm not sure Tot. Let me hear Tillie's answer.



98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:20 PM


Tillie: *at Tatertot's spit-take* No, don't make me laugh, ow ow ow! *holds her belly, trying not to bust a stitch with the giggles that are threatening to overtake her* Tate honey, I'm not laughing at you, it's just the look on your face was priceless.

*to Zero* Don't think I could handle a smiley-face on top o' these, Cap'n. *pats her stomach* If you're thinking on havin' me gun-train too, I'll need about a month.

Tatertot: But Jie jie, we need you on the ship --

Tillie: *pats Tate's hand reassuringly* Mei mei, let's hear the Captain out. Maybe she wants someone on-board can defend the Wash while the rest of the crew is out on a job.

Are the menfolk gonna join us, or is it only us girls for supper?

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:26 PM


*as if on cue, BRG and Spinebite troop into the galley*

BRG: What smells so good?

Spinebite: Is there enough for everybody?

Tillie: *laughing* Dinner, and yes, if you don't eat it all yourself. We got tāng bāo, cài bāo zi, bái cài, bō cài- *seeing Upperson's uncomprehending expression* -I'm sorry, you don't speak any zhōng wén, I mean Chinese, do you?

Upper: No, I recognise most of the food, it's just the names got me totally confused.

Okay, we'll start over. *points to each dish in turn* We got: dumplings with real meat, vegetable dumplings, cabbage, spinach, a salad with tomatoes, and some broth. There's sides of spicy pickled cabbage, bean curd cubes, and rice. That one is kind of spicy, that one has garlic, and that one's just oil and vinegar and a few herbs. Those are dipping sauces for the dumplings, and that's the soy sauce.

Spinebite: All right! *leans over the table and starts piling stuff on his plate*

Tillie: *pulling his shirt* I SAID: if you don't eat it all yourself. You get to wait until everybody else fills their plate. Then you get to fill yours. Dǒng ma?

Spinebite: Who do you think you are, the Captain?

Zero: No, but I am, and I think you can wait a minute or two. We all want some, and *taking dumplings off his plate and putting them back in the steamer one at a time* we wouldn't *dumpling* get *dumpling* to try *dumpling* any *dumpling* if you *dumpling* had taken *dumpling* them all *dumpling*.

*Spinebite pouts but lets Zero empty his plate* Just lemme know when it's my turn. *goes and sulks on the comfy chair*

*When everyone else has filled their plates, Tillie makes a plate for Spinebite and brings it over to the round table*

Tillie: Gonna eat here, or join us at the grown-up table?

*Spinebite glares up at her* Here's fine.

Tillie: *leans over, talks softly* What's up? You were being selfish, and Zero made you give the food back. Big deal. You still get to eat; look, lots of food. We all know you're a big muscular man, and you need lots to eat. You just can't take all of it. Come on back to the table, Ian; don't you want some sauce for your dumplings?

Spinebite: You go; I'll be there in a minute.

Tillie: Okay, meet you there.

*Tillie returns to the table and sees that Tatertot put a napkin over Tillie's plate to keep her food warm* Thank you mei mei.

Tate: Everything okay?

Tillie: Sure, everything's just fine.

*Everyone's a little surprised when Spinebite returns to the table*

Spinebite: What? I gotta dip my dumplings like everyone else...

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Thursday, May 22, 2008 4:54 AM


*Zero watches as Spine comes back, almost slightly reluctantly pretending he's only coming back to "dip his dumplings." Zero just laughs after he mentions it then takes a bite of one of her dumplings.*

Well, as I was saying before Tillie, I think I might need you to handle a gun anywhere you go. There's no telling when you might run into trouble and such. And when we go out on this mission, since you're stitched and sewn, I'd feel a bit more comfortable if you kept a gun around. At least a pistol. You know, just in case. There may well be a day when you have to go to Greenleaf again or some dangerous backwater planet on your own and you run in with some bad fellows wanting to take advantage of you or something. Can't have that now, can we? *takes a bite of bái cài.*
Mm, this dinner's good as usual...

Spine: *with half-chewed food in his mouth:* Gee, Captain, it's not like you to be all concerned-like 'n stuff. Never seen that side of you before.

*Zero almost spits out her food, but swallows before it comes flying from her mouth.* Well, you see... it's my crew, you know. First Captain abandoned ya'll and myself... and I don't plan on doing the same. *looks down at her food while she eats some more.*

Tillie: Well I think it's mighty jǐng xíng of you, Cap'n.

Tot: *Nods and smiles while chewing her food.*

Well, I can't really say I'm as jǐng xíng as you think. *Coughs as she stands up and grabs her plate.* I'm going up on the bridge. I need a little time with just me and the black.

BRG: If you need any assistance, I'd be happy to oblige you Captain.

Thank you Doctor. I'll call if I need any of your help. *Gets up and goes up to the bridge.*

*jǐng xíng - noble


Thursday, May 22, 2008 5:25 AM


[Excuse the Interruption]

Attn Crew; Please go to the following thread & read please & thanks:

Also, don't forget to post here!!


Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:31 AM


*tatertot eats slowly then swallows*

This is really good, Tillie!

Tillie: Why thank you mei mei.

So...*looks at the rest of the crew* Anyone have any interesting storys to tell?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:48 AM


Well, I have a few stories, nothing interesting though. I'm sure Spine has something from his little "Shock Platoon" adventures...

Spinebite: Nope. Even if I did, wouldn't share none with nobody anyways.

*BRG eats the last thing on his plate* Well then, I guess I'll have to tell you one about Shock Platoons. During the last year of the Unification War I was stationed on the planet Boros. We'd won the main battle on the planet, but there was still loads of scattered resistance.
We had only a few outposts and thing on the planet since most of our forces were headed to Hera and Serenity Valley. It only happened one time. Independent Shock Troopers attacked our outpost. The 21st Riflemen, the platoon I was with, were sluggish to respond. We lost four people in the first minute. But then the 76th arrived and our combined forces managed to eliminate the shock troopers. And the remainder of them ran into a small nearby town, some mining town. The 76th went in with a few of us from the 21st. We spent a few hours going from house to house. After we couldn't find them the 76th began burning houses. When people tried to run out, they shot them. And laughed, and-

Tillie: OK Doc, we've heard enough... *she pauses for a moment* Bad people, those 76th?

Criminal platoon. Alliance made people with high sentences fight in platoons that were called exactly that. Bad Platoons. Afterwards, charges were brought up against all of the 21st and 76th, but all the ones against the 21st were dropped after balistics proved that none of us had fired a single round in that town.

Wuo duh ma...


Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:29 PM


Sorry to sound uninformed, Doc, but when you say 21st and 76th you mean Alliance regiments, right? Just wanna be clear. You positive the number on that Bad Platoon of Alliance criminals was 76?

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:51 AM


OPEN 24\7
All welcome

[sorry to break your storyline]

thanks, shadow - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 23, 2008 11:35 AM


Yes. Alliance. And the number was 76. Mean anything to you?

Wuo duh ma...


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:10 PM


Hey Crew, (Yet another interruption).

I created us one of them chat rooms that all the other crews have. Just thought we might need one by now so here's the link just in case you want to stop by.


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 3:47 PM


I was with that platoon. The 72nd. The first four kills were mine. We lost a lot of good men that day. 73 Alliance troopers died, but all but 9 of ours did. *everyone at table looks surprised that spinebite is talking about it* What? Figure that since I was there, I might as well help the doc tell the story. Anyway, after Boros, what was left of us regrouped on Shongzhu. We almost had the planet under control, but the 34th Heavy Weapons Brigade was firmly entrenched just south of the Chingjin Chasm. So our platoon split into three groups. One snuck around to the east and another snuck around to the west and flanked them. My group, the 3rd group, drove down the middle, and the purplebellies retreated until they got to the Chingjin Chasm. When they realized that they had nowhere left to run, they surrendered. Knifed them all in the gut and let them all bleed out as revenge for Boros. 136 Alliance troopers dead from knife wounds to the stomach, and another 253 dead from gunshot wounds. We didn't lose a single man that day.

"Pain is scary."


Friday, May 23, 2008 4:14 PM


*BRG laughs softly* So you're the guy who shot Jonathon in the shoulder, first kill. He took one to the shoulder then one to the chest. Mean little SOB didn't wanna go down though! His guts were falling on to the ground and he was lying there swearing at me! "Put this Hwai back into me dammit!"
Yes, that was a grusome battle. We weren't prepared. The 76th were all barely trained and the 21st were caught off guard, half of us just sitting with our weapons all the way inside of our bunks. I hold respect for the Independents though. They fought for their freedom and did not commit the atrocities that the Alliance did, at least not on civilians. By the way, the civilian casualty count from Boros was roughly 19,000. Maybe when Zero comes back from her little starring contest with the stars I can tell you about why I stopped working for the Alliance and maybe a little about my short career as an arms dealer...

Wuo duh ma...


Friday, May 23, 2008 8:38 PM


Tillie: That platoon you spoke on massacred a lot of innocent folks. Acted like the Nihons did at Nanjing back on Earth-That-Was. Didn't know they were called the 76th. Just wondering if they gave those criminals that number to dirty it up, take it away from the Independents. *clearly upset, she gets up from the table and sets about making herself a new cup of tea*

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:14 AM


*Gets up, and goes over to Tillie*

You OK?

Tillie: I'm good

*sees that Tillie's not really interested in talking, and goes and sits down again at the table*

So all of you had some part in this war?

*looks around at everyone, and notices a bottle that looks like it may contain some form of alcohol*

May I?

*BRG pushes it closer, and Upper fills up a mug*

BRG: It was one of those, I guess, most people got involved in some way.

Right. So what was this war about? Land? Money?


Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:09 AM


The central government, the Alliance wanted all to have control over all of the planets in the system. The outer planets resisted Allaince control, fought back in what became known as the Unification War. To put it simply, the Alliance wanted to control everything. They fought the Independents and won. Mostly because of superior numbers and technology. But their special forces groups were far better then the Independent's were.

Wuo duh ma...


Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:57 AM


Tillie: *muttering under her breath* Yeah, better at behaving like reavers...

BRG: Exactly how-

Tillie: Rape? Check. Massacre-by which I mean horrifically brutal murders of innocent men, women, and children? Check. Devastation of entire villages? Check. Cannibalism and skin suits? Not so much.

*it looks like BRG is going to respond, but Upperson takes a big slug of her drink and smiles disarmingly at him*

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Sunday, May 25, 2008 10:17 AM


*takes a big swallow from the mug and grins at the doctor*

So it was about land and money. The alliance wanted to use the land in the outer rim to produce more for less so that their companies could sell that back to the population of the central planets for more money. Any non-government enterprise would still provide more money to the government in the form of taxes and duties.

BRG: No it was about control.

*looks at the set expression on the doctor's face and shrugs*

Whatever you say doctor, I meant no offence

*takes another drink from the mug, and shuts up*






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