Suicide Squad

UPDATED: Friday, August 19, 2016 10:45
VIEWED: 4144
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Sunday, August 14, 2016 3:41 AM


I wrote a complete review and it disappeared on me. This is not the first time this has happened. Haken, what's the deal?

Does this site time you out after a certain amount of time?
Could you explain this to me. Trouble is I know this happens from time to time and yet, as I'm writing I forget. Whenever I remember I copy what I
wrote, just in case, to then paste.

Only thing is, most times it doesn't happen. So I assume it's okay. Then it
happens and I get supremely frustrated. I was on a roll with my review, fresh of the "dailies" as it were.

I will write separately from now on and then copy and paste.

Damn it this is frustrating.



Sunday, August 14, 2016 3:42 AM


I will attempt to re-create it tomorrow. right now I'm tired and angry, more angry at myself than anything.



Monday, August 15, 2016 12:38 PM


Don't bother, we already know they cut the movie down a LOT, and it wasn't about the bad guys having a win it- was about Harley...and her butt.

Apparently, a guy is suing because most of the things that were in the previews weren't even in the movie.

I think they just didn't want another theater shooter. Who wants to shoot up a theater to a lame movie, maybe....

This video explains a lot. And has a buncha spoilers...


Monday, August 15, 2016 1:18 PM


She does have a nice butt...


Monday, August 15, 2016 3:13 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
She does have a nice butt...

WHERE? Meh. No junk in da trunk.


Monday, August 15, 2016 3:44 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Don't bother, we already know they cut the movie down a LOT, and it wasn't about the bad guys having a win it- was about Harley...and her butt.

Apparently, a guy is suing because most of the things that were in the previews weren't even in the movie.

I think they just didn't want another theater shooter. Who wants to shoot up a theater to a lame movie, maybe....

This video explains a lot. And has a buncha spoilers...

Not to push back wishie but I like Harley's butt.



Monday, August 15, 2016 5:11 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jewel Staite wrote about Suicide Squad indirectly: “The definition of acting: playing make-believe and getting paid for it. No need to glorify it, gang. Love this piece.”

The piece Jewel wrote about is Hollywood Has Ruined Method Acting
Jared Leto’s turn in Suicide Squad is the latest reminder that the technique has become more about ego and marketing than good performances.

The professional critics gave it mixed reviews, but it is making big money. And isn't money what Hollywood is for?

It opened in Russia with an estimated $3.9 million, the industry's biggest opening day of all-time, which says something about Russians. What, I'm unsure.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 16, 2016 3:19 AM


Thanks for posting the video review, it helped me to understand why David Ayer, who's had some success in his career with really good scripts, would suddenly write a somewhat shitty one. The suits at DC gotta get their act together if they want to compete.

The main video review hit upon some things that I saw in the movie, but I also watched a review by Kevin Smith and his take was a bit more generous.
He hit upon some things that only a film director could fully understand
about a film like this one. Aside from his frenetic style of review, he really touched upon some of the good qualities of Suicide Squad that I may
not have considered otherwise. Watch it, it's really an eye opener. You could tell he really loves film making and he sincerely is a comic book geek.

Spoiler Alert with Kevin Smith's review.....Big Time!



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Don't bother, we already know they cut the movie down a LOT, and it wasn't about the bad guys having a win it- was about Harley...and her butt.

Apparently, a guy is suing because most of the things that were in the previews weren't even in the movie.

I think they just didn't want another theater shooter. Who wants to shoot up a theater to a lame movie, maybe....

This video explains a lot. And has a buncha spoilers...


Wednesday, August 17, 2016 2:54 AM



I second that junk in da trunk.

But she was damn good in the movie, perfect Harley Quinn.



Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:21 AM



I saw a review that revealed that David Ayer (End of Watch, Training Day & Fury among others) was given 6 weeks to write a script.....6 weeks! That's impossible to write a good script in that amount of time. Warner Brothers doesn't have a clue how to pursue and catch up to the Marvel Universe. This latest fiasco did not help.

The above mentioned flicks were all written and directed by David Ayer, and all enjoyed some success, both critically and financially. So this "failure"
(it's grossed $135 million opening weekend and has totaled a little over
$471 million worldwide) was a bit of a mess, but parts of it showed promise,
inventiveness and attention to detail.

Okay, it was a weak script, dialogue was sometimes cheesy and the plot left a lot to be desired. But, aside from Robbie's Harley Quinn and Smith's Deadshot, there were some good performances - for a comic book movie. Warner Brothers need to get their act together. For my money Robbie stole this movie without even breaking a sweat. Her Harley Quinn was brilliant, as good or better than the animated series Batman. Her performance transcended the
rather skimpy costume and gave the movie it's weight. What little there was of it. Was it a complete waste - like Alice in Wonderland bad, no. But it could have been better, much better.

BTW, Ledger's Joker is epic and there was no way that Leto could ever top it, but it wasn't a complete disaster. He was actually quite good. This was Robbie's movie from start to finish. Hopefully, in future, WB will give Ayer or the next director/writer more than 6 weeks to write a screenplay.



Originally posted by second:
Jewel Staite wrote about Suicide Squad indirectly: “The definition of acting: playing make-believe and getting paid for it. No need to glorify it, gang. Love this piece.”

The piece Jewel wrote about is Hollywood Has Ruined Method Acting
Jared Leto’s turn in Suicide Squad is the latest reminder that the technique has become more about ego and marketing than good performances.

The professional critics gave it mixed reviews, but it is making big money. And isn't money what Hollywood is for?

It opened in Russia with an estimated $3.9 million, the industry's biggest opening day of all-time, which says something about Russians. What, I'm unsure.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 17, 2016 10:36 AM


This is hilarious.

HEY the hands of blue are in this one!


Wednesday, August 17, 2016 5:32 PM


America loves a winner!

Finally got around to seeing it, and it wasn't the dumpster fire many have tried to claim. At least, I don't think it was. I liked it. I see where it was greatly lacking , in several parts. Many characters were woefully under developed and / or lines came off as weak or empty.

Again, I'm not so much the comic book afficanato, less so w/ D.C. comics than Marvel - That I'm more vested in Marvel has a bit to do w/ feeling allegiance to Joss and The Avengers, but I digress...

Killer Croc - Huh ? Something about 'evolution' giving him some sort of reptilian abilities... No Spiderman like backs story, like he was bitten by a radio active baby croc or something ? Meh.

Katana - no clue who she was. They just dropped her in there, and it's " I'm dressed like a bad guy, but I'm a good guy. Got it ? " . Nope, not really. Chick talks to her sword.

El Diablo - Don't know much about him, but he's actually the sort of character I've been longing to see for a very long time. Someone who has ' abilities', but when faced w/ a big bad, turns those powers up to 11. They did him right, imo.

Of course, Harley and Deadshot were kickin'. REALLY liked Harley - duh. Save for one thing... how does being crazy turn one into a near River like killing machine ? I get she's fearless, but the ability to fight and take out all manner of enemies... that doesn't come from just being tortured. Maybe for River, but not a clinical psychologist.

Anyway, sorry for you D.C. fans who thought you were getting a 5 star movie and only got a 2 or 3 star one instead. I thought it was pretty good, actually. Not Deadpool good, but then , what is ?


Wednesday, August 17, 2016 6:51 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Finally got around to seeing it, and it wasn't the dumpster fire many have tried to claim. At least, I don't think it was.

The problem was that I think a lot of people were expecting that the bad guys would have a win, because even losers can once in a while and maybe even find a little redemption, and it wasn't about that so much as Harley's and Jokers' irrational relationship. Like at the last minute they realized girls might watch it.

And then all those people you list who don't seem to BE all that bad and really have no reason to be there to begin with. A stereotypically bad doomsday weapon that took no unique abilities to dynoMITE.
No good reason why ANY other team couldn't have handled it.

So many movies these days are visually entertaining, but lack the poetry and art of an actual STORY, and sadly, we're all so desperate we've stopped caring... and they know it.


Thursday, August 18, 2016 1:40 AM


Hey Rappy,

Once again we find ourselves at the precipice - and we agree. Seriously, what's going on? Lol........just kidding. I know you enjoy movies as much as the next guy, so we seem to be on the same page, or, at the very least, the same book.

You're right, this is no Deadpool, not by a long shot. But parts of it were well done and I agree that it should get 2 or 3 stars (closer to 2.5). But, above all, it was not the total disaster it was reported to be. Overall a 27
is a bit harsh (Rotten Tomatoes), after all parts of it were brilliant.

Killer Croc - totally agree. He was airlifted into this movie, but I must admit, I know little of his story. And, after seeing this movie, that still holds true.

Kitana - Ditto. Know nothing about this character, now I know a little bit more. Chick talks to her sword - I thought that was cool, but no development
whatsoever, so no one is emotionally involved.

El Diablo - I really liked how they developed his back story. A repentant sinner and former gang member who sees the light, so to speak. The director, Ayer, grew up around this way of life (he wrote and directed Fury, End of Watch and wrote the screenplay for Training Day), so he has a good track record in writing successful movies. So imagine my surprise when I hear that
Squad is terrible.

Anyway, I digress. I think this character is as close as
Ayer will come to presenting his case on the big screen. He identifies closely with El Diablo. I found his story, and the actor, to be very
interesting. One of the few highlights in this movie. The bar scene was so
well done.

I know I'm jumping all over the place, bare with me. One that you didn't list, although it was a strange role - Amanda Waller, the government agent.
Viola Davis was awesome, but somewhat over the top, which made me question
how bad were these "Dirty Dozen" crew. She was out there.

But, let's face it, this was built to be a Will Smith/DeadShot and Margot Robbie/Harley Quinn movie. But, IMHO, this turned out to be a Robbie homerun.
Harley Quinn was everything and then some, and Robbie stole this movie while
polishing her nails. Brilliant and cool all rolled into one dynamic performance - she was worth the price of admission. Sorry Will.

To be clear, nothing is going to knock off DeadPool from the hilltop. Of course, we have to wait and see how Rogue One will perform in the winter.




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Finally got around to seeing it, and it wasn't the dumpster fire many have tried to claim. At least, I don't think it was. I liked it. I see where it was greatly lacking , in several parts. Many characters were woefully under developed and / or lines came off as weak or empty.

Again, I'm not so much the comic book afficanato, less so w/ D.C. comics than Marvel - That I'm more vested in Marvel has a bit to do w/ feeling allegiance to Joss and The Avengers, but I digress...

Killer Croc - Huh ? Something about 'evolution' giving him some sort of reptilian abilities... No Spiderman like backs story, like he was bitten by a radio active baby croc or something ? Meh.

Katana - no clue who she was. They just dropped her in there, and it's " I'm dressed like a bad guy, but I'm a good guy. Got it ? " . Nope, not really. Chick talks to her sword.

El Diablo - Don't know much about him, but he's actually the sort of character I've been longing to see for a very long time. Someone who has ' abilities', but when faced w/ a big bad, turns those powers up to 11. They did him right, imo.

Of course, Harley and Deadshot were kickin'. REALLY liked Harley - duh. Save for one thing... how does being crazy turn one into a near River like killing machine ? I get she's fearless, but the ability to fight and take out all manner of enemies... that doesn't come from just being tortured. Maybe for River, but not a clinical psychologist.

Anyway, sorry for you D.C. fans who thought you were getting a 5 star movie and only got a 2 or 3 star one instead. I thought it was pretty good, actually. Not Deadpool good, but then , what is ?


Thursday, August 18, 2016 2:05 AM


Hey Wish,


So many movies these days are visually entertaining, but lack the poetry and art of an actual STORY, and sadly, we're all so desperate we've stopped caring... and they know it.

Agreed. Do you remember Star Man? A solid sci-fi movie and love story; first of it's kind!? It's rare these days, but I hate to use that old cliché - they
don't make 'em like they used to. It is a shame that the studios are so busy
trying to outmaneuver one another, that they don't take the time to develop
a story and their characters.

Case in point: the 6-week time frame for Suicide Squad.



Thursday, August 18, 2016 2:20 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Agreed. Do you remember Star Man?

I just added that to my netflix list for the kiddo the other day.


Thursday, August 18, 2016 7:33 PM


America loves a winner!

SGG - crazy times indeed, huh?

There were several points I didn't care for in this story, mainly the " twist " that it was a rescue op and not so much a seek and destroy op.

Getting Amanda Waller out of the DZ was all well and good, but the attitude of ' OK, now that's taken care of, y'all do what ever... I'm out of here ' came off as really half azzed.

Really? End of the world shit goin' on , and all she's worried about is getting out of the immediate vicinity ?

And totally agree on the ' charge '. How is anyone suppose to know that it'll even work against *** magic *** ??? They didn't even have to cross the streams or anything ! Lame.


Friday, August 19, 2016 2:35 AM


Hey Rap,

You are indeed a good movie fan; you caught that too.......the weak 'twist' I mean. Then she shoots the entire crew.........what!? Totally out of left field, but I think they were trying to show that 'bad guys' come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe Waller should be locked up.

Whaddaya think!? Did I put too much into it? Give them too much credit.

Agree on just about everything you said. Fuck it! Everything you said makes
sense. But there were some little parts that I liked about it to not totally
blast this movie.

I liked the bar scene. I liked Harley Quinn, although I was mixed on Will Smith as Deadshot. Viola Davis as Waller was over the top scary, but it was like she was on a different movie. She was pure evil, almost like a true villain.

But those 'likes' were so few. Anyway, I'm starting to repeat myself. I agree, 2 - 2.5 stars out of 5. Believe me, I've seen worse.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
SGG - crazy times indeed, huh?

There were several points I didn't care for in this story, mainly the " twist " that it was a rescue op and not so much a seek and destroy op.

Getting Amanda Waller out of the DZ was all well and good, but the attitude of ' OK, now that's taken care of, y'all do what ever... I'm out of here ' came off as really half azzed.

Really? End of the world shit goin' on , and all she's worried about is getting out of the immediate vicinity ?

And totally agree on the ' charge '. How is anyone suppose to know that it'll even work against *** magic *** ??? They didn't even have to cross the streams or anything ! Lame.


Friday, August 19, 2016 7:54 AM


America loves a winner!

The Waller stuff and the taking out of the staff seemed like it was attempting some Joss level shock / surprise, but it came off as empty and gratuitous.






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