Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 2

UPDATED: Saturday, July 29, 2017 20:25
VIEWED: 7375
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Saturday, April 22, 2017 4:02 PM


I have been looking forward to this, which should be out in 2 weeks. 5 May.

The recent GEICO commercials with the Gekko trying to train Baby Groot to speak scripted words was quite endearing, more a commercail for GotG2 than GEICO.

Is anybody NOT looking forward to it? Trying to avoid the hoopla?

It could be the best film this year, haven't seen serious contenders so far.

With Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Gregg Henry, and the family Gunn.


Sunday, April 23, 2017 3:50 PM


Perhaps I should have said "most entertaining" film this year.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017 12:12 AM


America loves a winner!

I am highly anticipating it. New characters and the deeper look at returning ones... plus new music. Until I saw Thor: Ragnarok, I wasn't expecting any competition to best soundtrack to compete w/ GotG v2 , but wow....I think THAT trailer is my most fav since... Serenity!

But yeah, look for some Yondo love in Vol 2, along w/ more Gamora and Nebula. Baby Groot is...well, more a work in progress.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017 7:08 PM


If Nathan and/or Alan are part of this one, I wonder if they had any scenes with Gregg Henry again. Nathan has already worked with him again in Slither, with some James Gunn guy directing.


Thursday, May 4, 2017 7:22 PM


Who is watching tonight?


Thursday, May 4, 2017 10:21 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Who is watching tonight?

Hoping to catch this weekend. Will dodge spoilery type stuff as best I can though.


Friday, May 5, 2017 10:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Who is watching tonight?

Hoping to catch this weekend. Will dodge spoilery type stuff as best I can though.

The post in codas does not have any spoilers - at least regarding content.


Friday, May 5, 2017 2:06 PM


Oooh, they got the Sunday early "Heathen hour" cheap seats up....I know when I'll be going


Friday, May 5, 2017 7:38 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Who is watching tonight?

Hoping to catch this weekend. Will dodge spoilery type stuff as best I can though.

The post in codas does not have any spoilers - at least regarding content.

Tried to dodge, but I did hear that...

It was a good , funny movie, but not as good as the 1st one. Expected.
There was actually too much attempt at humor, and it took away from the action.
The 4 codas weren't all that much worth it.

On this last one, I guess I'll withhold judgement. Some believe that codas are meant to be awesome teasers as to what is coming in the next movie, or some such. Others view it as extra side stuff, connected to but not shown in the movie itself, and just meant to be funny. The Shawarma scene at the end of Avengers didn't TELL us anything, though it was kinda cool. I liked that, but I suppose opinions vary.


Saturday, May 6, 2017 6:11 PM


Does Nathan make an appearance at all?
I know early on he was spotted faux movie posters on the set of a presumably flashback scene on Earth.


Sunday, May 7, 2017 2:45 PM



Originally posted by MOOSE:
Does Nathan make an appearance at all?

No. I'm guessing he was cut? Not listed in any of the credits either. I don't even know what the posters were about now...Odd.

You know how there is different types of humor? Slapstick, Uncomfortable, Deadpan...

I think this is the first movie that used "Improbable humor" all the way through. Like they say things that you wouldn't expect them to say, and they can be funny, but mostly the whole thing felt surreal. It was like the whole thing was written by guys that live in the comic book store that are really "out there."

It was also like you are in a line of consciousness dream/slash nightmare. And they tried to shove a lot of awkward emotionalism into the movie, but only one of the feels felt real. And it's a doozy, bring tissues.

There were also a lot of cliché devices that I can't say because it would ruin the movie, but you can see them coming from a mile off.

I don't like this one as much as the first, but I was still happy to get out and watch anything. We give it a B+.

There were also like five extra shorts so stick around if you do go.


Sunday, May 7, 2017 3:39 PM


America loves a winner!

So, saw the movie. Liked it. Certainly follows the first in over all look, theme, etc... good. A solid B.

Where I think it lost me some was the humor. Just too much and over done, imo. Unnecessary. It's like they gathered everyone's ideas and instead of toning down or leaving out some, they just wrote it all in. IDK if it took away from the story, or was actually put in there to help distract FROM the story, which imo was a bit lacking.

Issues / questions I had...

Select to view spoiler:

* The Sovereign. Why did they, super advanced race that they are , need a rag tag band of mercs to defend their precious batteries in the first place ? I'm sorry, but that just made no sense. And if they were so damn valuable, why no alarm when a few go missing ?

Oh, and their remote drones aren't worth jack squat for fire power.

* When Nebula ate the unripened fruit, why say what everyone already knows ? No need to state the obvious. Just make a sour face, and spit it out...

* Ego - What a cool character. But seriously, the guy is a PLANET ! He couldn't defend himself better than that ? Is taking down a millions year old Celestial really that easy to do ? Pretty weak ,imo. I think it would have been best to wound him ( thinking they'd killed him , make the escape, and leaving the door open for his possible return, or simply reference to him still being alive, later on.

* So Peter finds out he's HALF Celestial, and then just figures out in a day or two how to harness the planetary power that literally IS is dad ? Please ! That's even less likely than Rey fighting a fully trained Sith after picking up a light sabre for the first time !

* The Ravagers and the funeral - We're to assume that Peter not only relayed the news of Yondu's passing, but also that by NOT delivering Peter to Ego, Yondu basically saved the universe from being taken over ? And by hearing that news, they believed it, and fully comprehended it, to the point of acknowledging that yes - Yondu was in fact a worthy Ravager after all, and because he FROZE to death, not exactly while in an actual battle, he deserved full burial rights, by everyone else, who clearly dropped what they were doing to just show up and shoot fireworks about ?

Did they also have to make 700 portal jumps ?

I mean, it's one thing for Ego to transmit his planet power to the 1000's of planets, across the Cosmos, instantaneously, but we're to expect the Ravagers to have a communication system that sends and receives across light years, in real time ?

Yondu - Sucked that he went out, but I guess he did show a father's love for Peter. I had heard that one of the Guardians might die, and that it would be Mantis.

I was sure Mantis would leap out and sacrifice herself for the others, so she'd no longer be Ego's pet. Much like Carina offed herself rather than be The Collector's slave girl.

And yeah, the music was pretty darn good.


Sunday, May 7, 2017 10:25 PM


I'm just wondering why you are bothering to rationalize out ANYTHING that happened in the movie?? I mean, you could spend LESS time pointing out the logical bits


Monday, May 8, 2017 5:35 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:
I'm just wondering why you are bothering to rationalize out ANYTHING that happened in the movie?? I mean, you could spend LESS time pointing out the logical bits

Where's the fun in that?


Monday, May 8, 2017 10:25 AM


I forgot that I did see the scene with Guillermo from the Jimmy Show.


Monday, May 8, 2017 7:00 PM


America loves a winner!

Oh, and one more thing...

Select to view spoiler:

Clearly, Groot had been walking around for some time. Why did he freeze when Drax looked at him, during the fight scene at the beginning ? Yes, it was a cute reference to when Groot was still in the pot, and hadn't become animated yet. So why do it now ? That made no sense, and wasn't funny.

Seemed more of a reach than anything.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, May 13, 2017 3:16 AM


Where I think it lost me a few was the diversion. Just excessively and over done, imo. Superfluous. It resembles they accumulated everybody's thoughts and as opposed to conditioning down or forgetting a few, they just composed everything in. IDK in the event that it detracted from the story, or was really placed in there to help divert FROM the story, which imo was somewhat deficient.


Saturday, May 13, 2017 5:13 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Oh, and one more thing...

Select to view spoiler:

Clearly, Groot had been walking around for some time. Why did he freeze when Drax looked at him, during the fight scene at the beginning ? Yes, it was a cute reference to when Groot was still in the pot, and hadn't become animated yet. So why do it now ? That made no sense, and wasn't funny.

Seemed more of a reach than anything.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

I conjured it was just Baby Groot showing immaturity, in character.


Saturday, May 13, 2017 5:58 PM


I thought is was just for the 3-d effects...which we didn't see the 3-d, but there are a lot of those kinds of still shots for effect now a days.


Sunday, May 14, 2017 1:38 PM


I did not see 3D either.


Monday, May 15, 2017 4:49 AM


Went to see it yesterday (Saturday) and I agree with whoever said it wasn't as good as the first one. They threw everything in including the kitchen sink, but it made little sense, or I should say, it wasn't as interesting.

It seemed to me that they stopped the film to do these boring character studies as to why our heroes weren't given enough love and hugs when they were kids. It was sappy and not funny, at all. The trailers gave away the best scenes in the movie and it didn't have the snappy banter of the first one.

I give it 3 Stars out of 5

Select to view spoiler:

I got a few chuckles out of it, but on in particular made me LOL. The scene where they show Starlord's daddy when he turns into David Hasselhoff



Tuesday, May 16, 2017 3:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Went to see it yesterday (Saturday) and I agree with whoever said it wasn't as good as the first one. They threw everything in including the kitchen sink, but it made little sense, or I should say, it wasn't as interesting.

It seemed to me that they stopped the film to do these boring character studies as to why our heroes weren't given enough love and hugs when they were kids. It was sappy and not funny, at all. The trailers gave away the best scenes in the movie and it didn't have the snappy banter of the first one.

I give it 3 Stars out of 5

Select to view spoiler:

I got a few chuckles out of it, but on in particular made me LOL. The scene where they show Starlord's daddy when he turns into David Hasselhoff



Thursday, May 18, 2017 11:21 AM


Finally got out to the theater to see it. I liked it. Not quite as good as the first one, but that's probably just because it's not new this time around.

That being said I think I laughed harder than I have in years. Baby Groot just gets me.

I liked the they actually developed the villain of the movie this time around. I think it's a big misstep of most of the marvel movies that they just sort of have villains who are running around doing bad things cause they're bad and that's the extent of them. At least explain their motivations and give them some backstory.

Anyway definitely worth a rewatch when it comes to home video.


Thursday, May 18, 2017 7:37 PM



Friday, May 19, 2017 10:26 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Oh, and one more thing...

Select to view spoiler:

Clearly, Groot had been walking around for some time. Why did he freeze when Drax looked at him, during the fight scene at the beginning ? Yes, it was a cute reference to when Groot was still in the pot, and hadn't become animated yet. So why do it now ? That made no sense, and wasn't funny.

Seemed more of a reach than anything.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

I conjured it was just Baby Groot showing immaturity, in character.

Select to view spoiler:

It wasn't that he's walking it's that he's dancing. Drax isn't a fan of dancing. There's apparently a deleted scene from the first movie where adult Groot is dancing and Drax gives him a hard time about it. That's why he stops in the post credits scene of the first movie when Drax looks at him. Probably just a throw back to that.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017 8:03 PM


America loves a winner!

So... now that Peter ... Starlord has held on to an Infinity Stone, and lived, and visited his old pops and received some of ...well, what ever his dad was, I have some questions.

Is Starlord a 'Super'hero now ?

And if so, what powers does he possess ?

And what about the rest of the Guardians ? Did holding onto the stone give them any enhancements ? Longer life ? Because, after watching Vol 2, I really can't tell they came out all that much different. Other than not being dead, of course.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:52 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

So... now that Peter ... Starlord has held on to an Infinity Stone, and lived, and visited his old pops and received some of ...well, what ever his dad was, I have some questions.

Is Starlord a 'Super'hero now ?

And if so, what powers does he possess ?

And what about the rest of the Guardians ? Did holding onto the stone give them any enhancements ? Longer life ? Because, after watching Vol 2, I really can't tell they came out all that much different. Other than not being dead, of course.

This was a while ago, but IIRC there was some Catch-22 where once Dad's power expired, then all other derived powers would also dissolve - so Starlord ending Dad also ended his own power derived from Dad.
Does that sound like I recalled correctly?


Thursday, July 27, 2017 11:15 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

So... now that Peter ... Starlord has held on to an Infinity Stone, and lived, and visited his old pops and received some of ...well, what ever his dad was, I have some questions.

Is Starlord a 'Super'hero now ?

And if so, what powers does he possess ?

And what about the rest of the Guardians ? Did holding onto the stone give them any enhancements ? Longer life ? Because, after watching Vol 2, I really can't tell they came out all that much different. Other than not being dead, of course.

This was a while ago, but IIRC there was some Catch-22 where once Dad's power expired, then all other derived powers would also dissolve - so Starlord ending Dad also ended his own power derived from Dad.
Does that sound like I recalled correctly?

Yes, that's how they described it. Starlord didn't get powers from holding the infinity stone. He was able to hold the infinity stone because he had powers already. His powers were from his dad who's a celestial I believe. So, Starlord is half celestial. His Dad had been searching for his offspring that he had running all around the galaxy because he was hoping to find one who inherited his powers. When Starlord became famous for holding the infinity stone that clued his Dad into the fact that Starlord inherited some of his Dad's powers. However, they explain that those powers are only basically tapping into his Dad's power. If his Dad is destroyed there's no more power for Starlord to tap into. That's the theory at least. I think there may be wiggle room because Starlord's Dad is the one telling us that and he seemed to have a skewed point of view.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 6:59 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

So... now that Peter ... Starlord has held on to an Infinity Stone, and lived, and visited his old pops and received some of ...well, what ever his dad was, I have some questions.

Is Starlord a 'Super'hero now ?

And if so, what powers does he possess ?

And what about the rest of the Guardians ? Did holding onto the stone give them any enhancements ? Longer life ? Because, after watching Vol 2, I really can't tell they came out all that much different. Other than not being dead, of course.

This was a while ago, but IIRC there was some Catch-22 where once Dad's power expired, then all other derived powers would also dissolve - so Starlord ending Dad also ended his own power derived from Dad.
Does that sound like I recalled correctly?

Yes, that's how they described it. Starlord didn't get powers from holding the infinity stone. He was able to hold the infinity stone because he had powers already. His powers were from his dad who's a celestial I believe. So, Starlord is half celestial. His Dad had been searching for his offspring that he had running all around the galaxy because he was hoping to find one who inherited his powers. When Starlord became famous for holding the infinity stone that clued his Dad into the fact that Starlord inherited some of his Dad's powers. However, they explain that those powers are only basically tapping into his Dad's power. If his Dad is destroyed there's no more power for Starlord to tap into. That's the theory at least. I think there may be wiggle room because Starlord's Dad is the one telling us that and he seemed to have a skewed point of view.

That sounds like what I recall.
So now he could no longer hold an Infinity Stone, is that right? And di the other Guardians hold the Infinity Stone? And could they now?


Thursday, July 27, 2017 9:01 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

That sounds like what I recall.
So now he could no longer hold an Infinity Stone, is that right? And di the other Guardians hold the Infinity Stone? And could they now?

The others absorbed the power from the Infinity stone, or I guess more accurately, diluted the power so that Peter - Starlord COULD hold on to it.

But I was thinking, much like that which doesn't kill you , makes you stronger sort of thing... like Bruce Banner and the gammer-rays ? ( And as a side note, didn't Bruce only survive the gamma burst because HIS dad experimented on him as a new born / toddler ? I'm fuzzy on that, but from the line even in The Avengers " that much gamma radiation 'should have ' killed you ". Of course, we know it didn't, but - why ? )

So here's the thing. Starlord is a knock off the old block. But just because dear old dad snuffed it ( or we're assuming he did ) , his genetic material is still in Starlord, right ? Now, what really bugged me is how all those little seeds from Daddy Ego had their own genetic material, needing the different planets to get energy from or what ever... why would THEY die off because Ego died ? Couldn't they carry on by themselves ?

And what the frak was allowing them to grow and engulf all those planets, in real time, despite being light years away ? I can understand how they all might have synced up and started to grow in unison, but how is it remotely possible that they all snuffed it once ?


Friday, July 28, 2017 5:40 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

That sounds like what I recall.
So now he could no longer hold an Infinity Stone, is that right? And di the other Guardians hold the Infinity Stone? And could they now?

The others absorbed the power from the Infinity stone, or I guess more accurately, diluted the power so that Peter - Starlord COULD hold on to it.

But I was thinking, much like that which doesn't kill you , makes you stronger sort of thing... like Bruce Banner and the gammer-rays ? ( And as a side note, didn't Bruce only survive the gamma burst because HIS dad experimented on him as a new born / toddler ? I'm fuzzy on that, but from the line even in The Avengers " that much gamma radiation 'should have ' killed you ". Of course, we know it didn't, but - why ? )

So here's the thing. Starlord is a knock off the old block. But just because dear old dad snuffed it ( or we're assuming he did ) , his genetic material is still in Starlord, right ? Now, what really bugged me is how all those little seeds from Daddy Ego had their own genetic material, needing the different planets to get energy from or what ever... why would THEY die off because Ego died ? Couldn't they carry on by themselves ?

And what the frak was allowing them to grow and engulf all those planets, in real time, despite being light years away ? I can understand how they all might have synced up and started to grow in unison, but how is it remotely possible that they all snuffed it once ?

I thought God was everywhere, all at once. Doesn't seem light-years bright-smears would have any effect.


Friday, July 28, 2017 9:33 PM


America loves a winner!

So, you're saying Ego was God ?

If so, what does God need with a starship ?

Oh, wait.. wrong movie.

If so, why didn't God see the nuke coming ?

Puny God.


Friday, July 28, 2017 11:55 PM


lol... Star Trek V reference.

Man I'm a nerd.

What an awful movie.


Saturday, July 29, 2017 5:24 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

So, you're saying Ego was God ?

If so, what does God need with a starship ?

Oh, wait.. wrong movie.

If so, why didn't God see the nuke coming ?

Puny God.

IIRC they had to hide it from God for a moment, or distract him, so his omniscience was limited. With a name like Ego, distraction seems an achievable goal, even with the power/capability to be omniscient.


Saturday, July 29, 2017 5:30 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
lol... Star Trek V reference.

Man I'm a nerd.

What an awful movie.

Remember Shah-Karee, the place of the Supreme Being? Remember it was named after Sean Connery, who was expected to fill the guest starring role? When Sean had to withdraw due to obligations on another film, how did Lawrence Luckinbill get enough juice to take on that role? After he had only been in lightweight rom-coms prior to that?
Do you recall the answer?


Saturday, July 29, 2017 8:25 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
lol... Star Trek V reference.

Man I'm a nerd.

What an awful movie.

Remember Shah-Karee, the place of the Supreme Being? Remember it was named after Sean Connery, who was expected to fill the guest starring role? When Sean had to withdraw due to obligations on another film, how did Lawrence Luckinbill get enough juice to take on that role? After he had only been in lightweight rom-coms prior to that?
Do you recall the answer?

I didn't know any of that lol, so I surely didn't know the answer to the question.

My old man was huge into Sci-Fi, but it was more the books and tv shows like War of the Worlds, TNG and the 80's update to the Twilight Zone I remember watching with him. I don't think he was a huge fan of most Sci-Fi movies back around that era. He was never a Trekkie, but he liked it. He hated Star Wars, so my love of that was not due to him.

I remember that Star Trek 4 was a video he rented when we were kids though and we loved it. It was my first taste of Star Trek and really the only thing I loved about that universe. What a great flick. I dont' know why they didn't try to emulate the action and feel and light hearted comedy of that movie in the rest of the Trek universe all that often.

I don't even really care for TNG all that much, but I do like some of their more goofy 1 off episodes.

Strangely enough, the only TV show of Trek that I actually really liked was Deep Space 9.

Deep Space 9. TO BOLDLY STAY HOME!!!






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