UPDATED: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 20:37
VIEWED: 5762
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Monday, December 31, 2018 3:30 AM


This movie totally belongs to Dick Cheney, it's all about the Vice president and the inner workings of politics in Washington....well, sort of.

For those of you who are afraid of the facts, skip this movie. No seriously.
For movie buffs, brace yourself, this is no walk in the park. It does NOT color by numbers, nor does it stay inside the lines. It is funny, it is irreverent, it starts and stops, but it is never boring. It is timely and current. I could see why, by the end of the movie, why it was nominated for best picture.

Christian Bale and Amy Adams have a chemistry that is unmistakable. Both have been nominated for Best Actor in the Golden Globes, but this film belonged to Bale without question. He WAS Cheney. He was superb and carried this movie on his back. My feeling is he'll be going up against Cooper and Mortensen in the
Oscars. The film followed his life from a country bumpkin drunkard to the White House. Only in America. But the film had a lot going for it, a lot more than your average political biopic. It had humor, satire, some biographic detail, narration and Shakespeare (you'll see). Like I said - never boring.

It covers his life from humble beginnings in the 60s to present day. It even covers 9/11 and the aftermath. Is it "liberal?" - you betcha.

No, wait a minute; it does briefly cover his run for office, the behind the scenes manipulations with the Bushes, also what went on behind closed doors in the White House, and the inevitable shenanigans during, before and after Iraq. Even his relationship with Dubya. So yeah, totally "liberal" but definitely hilarious and worth every penny. It is riveting and "avant garde" by not exactly following the rules of filmmaking, adding asides and flashes of brilliant commentary within the structure of the film. In other words, it deserves the Best Picture nomination it received from the Golden Globes.
My guess is that it will be so honored come Oscar time.

So yeah, you Republicans will not like this movie. So I am doing my civic duty
by telling you - "stay away" do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just you wait until some filmmaker genius comes along and puts together a film about
Trump. My one wish is that Adam McKay decides to tackle that little task, then you'll see some kick ass political satire starring, you guessed it - Alec Baldwin. Now wouldn't that be something.



Monday, December 31, 2018 3:44 AM


Why am I afraid that 2018 liberals could actually make me sympathize with that monster after reading your review.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, December 31, 2018 7:27 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
This movie totally belongs to Dick Cheney, it's all about the Vice president and the inner workings of politics in Washington....well, sort of.

For those of you who are afraid of the facts, skip this movie. No seriously.
For movie buffs, brace yourself, this is no walk in the park. It does NOT color by numbers, nor does it stay inside the lines. It is funny, it is irreverent, it starts and stops, but it is never boring. It is timely and current. I could see why, by the end of the movie, why it was nominated for best picture.

Christian Bale and Amy Adams have a chemistry that is unmistakable. Both have been nominated for Best Actor in the Golden Globes, but this film belonged to Bale without question. He WAS Cheney. He was superb and carried this movie on his back. My feeling is he'll be going up against Cooper and Mortensen in the
Oscars. The film followed his life from a country bumpkin drunkard to the White House. Only in America. But the film had a lot going for it, a lot more than your average political biopic. It had humor, satire, some biographic detail, narration and Shakespeare (you'll see). Like I said - never boring.

It covers his life from humble beginnings in the 60s to present day. It even covers 9/11 and the aftermath. Is it "liberal?" - you betcha.

No, wait a minute; it does briefly cover his run for office, the behind the scenes manipulations with the Bushes, also what went on behind closed doors in the White House, and the inevitable shenanigans during, before and after Iraq. Even his relationship with Dubya. So yeah, totally "liberal" but definitely hilarious and worth every penny. It is riveting and "avant garde" by not exactly following the rules of filmmaking, adding asides and flashes of brilliant commentary within the structure of the film. In other words, it deserves the Best Picture nomination it received from the Golden Globes.
My guess is that it will be so honored come Oscar time.

So yeah, you Republicans will not like this movie. So I am doing my civic duty
by telling you - "stay away" do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just you wait until some filmmaker genius comes along and puts together a film about
Trump. My one wish is that Adam McKay decides to tackle that little task, then you'll see some kick ass political satire starring, you guessed it - Alec Baldwin. Now wouldn't that be something.


This Fake Film portrays him as residing in the White House?


Wednesday, January 2, 2019 1:36 AM


Sympathize with Cheney? Really!? You got that from my review. Hmph, I don't get that, but then I'm commenting based upon my take of how I think you guys may react. I need to read my review to see of I give off that impression, it was not my initial intention.

After re-reading my review, like I said, I don't get it. Could you elaborate?
What makes you think that the film "sympathizes" with Cheney? Let me give you this: I put "liberal" in quotes because that's how I feel you guys would react
about how he's portrayed in this movie, plus that they use facts (and some
"poetic" license in how they present those facts). In other words they don't
just regurgitate a bunch of known facts and present a biography recounting
the pure nastiness of the man and his wife.

I only ask because I want to know how you came to that conclusion.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Why am I afraid that 2018 liberals could actually make me sympathize with that monster after reading your review.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 2, 2019 1:56 AM


I was going to say something clever and rude, ya know, like you usually do. But I have better things to do. Jewels, you're slipping.

Where, in all my review, does it say Cheney lived in the White House?



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
This movie totally belongs to Dick Cheney, it's all about the Vice president and the inner workings of politics in Washington....well, sort of.

For those of you who are afraid of the facts, skip this movie. No seriously.
For movie buffs, brace yourself, this is no walk in the park. It does NOT color by numbers, nor does it stay inside the lines. It is funny, it is irreverent, it starts and stops, but it is never boring. It is timely and current. I could see why, by the end of the movie, why it was nominated for best picture.

Christian Bale and Amy Adams have a chemistry that is unmistakable. Both have been nominated for Best Actor in the Golden Globes, but this film belonged to Bale without question. He WAS Cheney. He was superb and carried this movie on his back. My feeling is he'll be going up against Cooper and Mortensen in the
Oscars. The film followed his life from a country bumpkin drunkard to the White House. Only in America. But the film had a lot going for it, a lot more than your average political biopic. It had humor, satire, some biographic detail, narration and Shakespeare (you'll see). Like I said - never boring.

It covers his life from humble beginnings in the 60s to present day. It even covers 9/11 and the aftermath. Is it "liberal?" - you betcha.

No, wait a minute; it does briefly cover his run for office, the behind the scenes manipulations with the Bushes, also what went on behind closed doors in the White House, and the inevitable shenanigans during, before and after Iraq. Even his relationship with Dubya. So yeah, totally "liberal" but definitely hilarious and worth every penny. It is riveting and "avant garde" by not exactly following the rules of filmmaking, adding asides and flashes of brilliant commentary within the structure of the film. In other words, it deserves the Best Picture nomination it received from the Golden Globes.
My guess is that it will be so honored come Oscar time.

So yeah, you Republicans will not like this movie. So I am doing my civic duty
by telling you - "stay away" do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just you wait until some filmmaker genius comes along and puts together a film about
Trump. My one wish is that Adam McKay decides to tackle that little task, then you'll see some kick ass political satire starring, you guessed it - Alec Baldwin. Now wouldn't that be something.


This Fake Film portrays him as residing in the White House?


Wednesday, January 2, 2019 7:52 AM


I'm certainly not a liberal, but I know that automatically qualifies me as a Republican in your eyes.

However, I have a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG history here and I had A LOT of bad things to say about both Bush and Cheney for many years before Obama got in office (when I largely disappeared from this site except for my drunken ramblings and music video posting). I've never said that I was one or the other, but I certainly leaned much further left when W. was in office. I regularly referred to the right back then as "Rethuglicans" here.

Cheney was a monster. There is no doubt about that.

But the left has gone off the reservation over the last decade. It wouldn't surprise me if this movie about Cheney had more to do with Trump then it does either Cheney or W. That's how bad your Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten. I'm just waiting for the reviews from sites like Vox and Mother Jones to talk about all the parallels to the current administration.

As for your particular review, it reeked of smarmy douche. Like watching 5 minutes of any of the idiots on late night TV today, or reading any of T's posts in the RWED.

Don't feel bad though. I wasn't going to waste my time with this movie anyhow. I already know what a sack of shit Cheney was and don't need to go pay to see a movie to remind me.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Sympathize with Cheney? Really!? You got that from my review. Hmph, I don't get that, but then I'm commenting based upon my take of how I think you guys may react. I need to read my review to see of I give off that impression, it was not my initial intention.

After re-reading my review, like I said, I don't get it. Could you elaborate?
What makes you think that the film "sympathizes" with Cheney? Let me give you this: I put "liberal" in quotes because that's how I feel you guys would react
about how he's portrayed in this movie, plus that they use facts (and some
"poetic" license in how they present those facts). In other words they don't
just regurgitate a bunch of known facts and present a biography recounting
the pure nastiness of the man and his wife.

I only ask because I want to know how you came to that conclusion.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Why am I afraid that 2018 liberals could actually make me sympathize with that monster after reading your review.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 2, 2019 10:31 AM



I'm certainly not a liberal, but I know that automatically qualifies me as a Republican in your eyes.

I really don't give a shit about what you think I think of you, but I do not assume that you're a republican, Democrat or Independent. I always go by your
comments and responses here, so there's that.


However, I have a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG history here and I had A LOT of bad things to say about both Bush and Cheney for many years before Obama got in office (when I largely disappeared from this site except for my drunken ramblings and music video posting). I've never said that I was one or the other, but I certainly leaned much further left when W. was in office. I regularly referred to the right back then as "Rethuglicans" here.

If you say so, I really don't know and I try to go by your (and others) most recent comments and responses. You are entitled to be whatever you want, last time I looked, it's a free country. But it tickles me that you have this response to something I posted that was addressed to no one in particular.
You seem to be offended by my remarks, it's curious that you think I'm "speaking" to you directly, when my comments are general in nature.

I wrote with a particular slant, that much is evident, but it was a take within the film that had hilarious results and I took that and ran with it.
There was a scene that spoke to that directly and had a similar reaction
to yours. Funny how that works sometimes.


Cheney was a monster. There is no doubt about that.

Agreed. And that was the film's take as well.


But the left has gone off the reservation over the last decade.

I'm not sure what it is your referring to, but my guess is it has something to do with the whole McCain thing. I'm not going to make any further comments on that. I'm just making an observation.


It wouldn't surprise me if this movie about Cheney had more to do with Trump then it does either Cheney or W. That's how bad your Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten. I'm just waiting for the reviews from sites like Vox and Mother Jones to talk about all the parallels to the current administration.

What if it did. So the fuck what! There are parallels as to the corruption of the presidency, but you know, wait to hear from Vox and Mother Jones.


As for your particular review, it reeked of smarmy douche. Like watching 5 minutes of any of the idiots on late night TV today, or reading any of T's posts in the RWED.

"smarmy douche" HA! Your comments really tickle me. You are really taking this personal, aren't you? I noticed that whenever I remark on that fucking scumbag
Trump, you have a rather strong reaction. Just an observation dude, nothing to get hung about. Late night TV hosts, well now, isn't that special. So you watch them!

Just so you know, writers/journalists write with a particular angle, something that will bring across a point of view that will make for interesting reading.
"smarmy douche" - yeah, that sounds about right. I must admit I never would have thought of it in those terms, but that's what makes the world go 'round.

As for you and your "douchie" comments it doesn't surprise me; since yours
runs from "asshole" to "asinine." Yours are very revealing and firmly entrenched in hyperbole; more of your "comments" are welcomed.


Don't feel bad though.

Certainly, never crossed my mind.


I wasn't going to waste my time with this movie anyhow.

I knew this already, based upon your recent brown-dirt "comments" regarding Hollywood.


I already know what a sack of shit Cheney was and don't need to go pay to see a movie to remind me.

Your typical response, how refreshing!

P.S. You still haven't told me why you came to that conclusion.



Friday, January 4, 2019 8:10 AM


You posted it the way you did at a site that has about a dozen regular members. This isn't Rotten Tomatoes.

You knew very well who your audience was when you posted it and exactly who you were talking to when you did. Everybody else who took the time to read your review, whether they replied or not, knew exactly who you were talking to as well. You just called me a dickweed the other day in the RWED for not agreeing with you. This isn't a huge mystery. No need to call Scooby Doo. I already solved the case.

By all means. Please revel in the fact that you're being a smarmy douche like your late night "comedy" idols. They truly are excellent role models, what with jokes like our president being Putin's "cock holster".

I do hope when people look back at this point in history they realize just how terrible the left became.

That's only going to happen if sane minds come together in the Center and start reigning the people back in from the extremes.

Here's hoping.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 5, 2019 3:40 PM



You posted it the way you did at a site that has about a dozen regular members. This isn't Rotten Tomatoes.

Of course, I know this isn't RT dickhead, do you? You've already reached the stage of asshole...I don't think you can go any lower. Shithead maybe, IDK!


You knew very well who your audience was when you posted it and exactly who you were talking to when you did. Everybody else who took the time to read your review, whether they replied or not, knew exactly who you were talking to as well.

Your point then you don't write your comments with particular people in mind, and you partner up with the worst offenders on this site in RWED. Your beloved "friends" who ridiculed and bullied you, calling you drunkard (although that doesn't mean shit because anyone who doesn't see things their way they attempt to insult and ridicule by saying that they're
drunk, mentally ill or on drugs), so now you've taken up with them.

Although, I have to say, you did manage to stay on the fence for quite some
time; you should call Guinness, there may be a world record in it for you.
But you did declare yourself, so now it's official (what I knew all along, it was just a matter of time). Trouble is none of what you say matters much, it's
all been said. Like water off a duck's back...and that goes for your friends
as well. So, do your worst. I laugh, I parry and thrust thusly.


You just called me a dickweed the other day in the RWED for not agreeing with you. This isn't a huge mystery. No need to call Scooby Doo. I already solved the case.

Indeed, so then "smarmy douche" that means what other "names" and insults you and your comrades hurl at me. I put you and them in the same
bucket of slime. But then I expect nothing but the dregs of humankind when it comes to you and your pals. So, I'm not surprised in the least.

In the past we didn't agree, and we would leave with a modicum of respect; without scummy insults and degrading comments. But something happened (maybe
your comrades got to you, who knows), and here we are, hurling epithets.
And so it goes. That's life.


By all means. Please revel in the fact that you're being a smarmy douche like your late night "comedy" idols. They truly are excellent role models, what with jokes like our president being Putin's "cock holster".

Please stop it, I'm already laughing too hard. Comedy idols indeed, Ha!
You don't know shit. And yes, "your" president is a cock holster for
Putin (another scumbag). That's not a joke! Him and the Saudi prince of skeeves! What role models!


I do hope when people look back at this point in history they realize just how terrible the left became.

Whatever the left is nowadays; they're finally giving as good as they get...
and for that they get shit from the "douches" of the "alt-right." Wow, what
a fucking joke. Both sides don't know shit about shit...what's going on today
is total bullshit. Ask your friend Kiki...she knows the deal.


That's only going to happen if sane minds come together in the Center and start reigning the people back in from the extremes.

Well, that it gonna happen by using your brethren's methods...I could tell
you that.


Here's hoping.

I'll believe it when I see it from...........



Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:24 PM


I never called you a drunk, and I certainly didn't ever poke fun at you about it. That would be HUGELY hypocritical on my part.

I don't go around calling you names randomly for disagreeing with me, as all of your "friends" here on this site do all the time... Whether it's Nazi or Comrade, or idiot or dummy. I've called you out on it 3 or 4 times now when you've done it to me, and you usually backpedal and apologize for it.

I'm getting quite tired of having to do that though, so I haven't bothered the last several insults you've thrown my way.

But yeah... you wrote this as though you were emulating one of the late night smarmy douches... and then you seemed to revel in that idea when I brought it up. This seems to be the style of comedy you prefer these days, and that being the case I don't believe I'd find any enjoyment. I'm actually afraid that watching this movie would make me sympathize with a monster because of how it was written and directed based off of your review.

So you can keep being a dick to me if you want to. That's on you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 6, 2019 3:26 PM


America loves a winner!

Hollywood and the facts could not be more distant strangers.

I will never understand the fetish the Left has w/ Dick Cheney, but ignores the monsters of their own , from Bill & Hillary, Obama, AlGore, John Kerry... it's an endless parade of subversive pieces of crap who abuse power and fleece the hell out of their positions to financially enrich themselves.


Monday, January 7, 2019 12:59 AM


You still haven't told me why you came to that conclusion. But, I'm going to answer this in two parts; Part 1 will be a direct response to your post here.
And Part 2 will be a breakdown of my review to settle this little diatribe of yours. Seriously, we need to end this, and if you still feel afraid of growing
a brain...well, then I will leave it at that.

This is the final response to your misunderstanding of my post.

Part 1: My response to your comments here


I never called you a drunk, and I certainly didn't ever poke fun at you about it. That would be HUGELY hypocritical on my part.

I can't believe I actually have to explain this, but here it goes. I never accused you of calling me a drunk (other names and insinuations yes, but never
that you called me a drunkard. Especially most recently). Carefully read my response and you will see that I said your "friends" called you a drunkard - as well as me - whenever there wasn't a meeting of the minds. So, I did NOT accuse you of that.

I somehow get the feeling that I'm being pranked by you and your "friends"
because, despite whatever Jewels says, I do write in English. Reread my
comments and you will see. Okay, I hope that clears things up. Next case!


I don't go around calling you names randomly for disagreeing with me, as all of your "friends" here on this site do all the time...

In regards to name calling; I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat about
that little topic; so forget that shit. And as far as my "friends" are
concerned, that's on them. Perhaps they feel justified because of past encounters in RWED with you. I've seen the comments/epithets/insults hurled
back and forth. I look at it as a "snowball fight" and I will leave it at that.


Whether it's Nazi or Comrade, or idiot or dummy. I've called you out on it 3 or 4 times now when you've done it to me, and you usually backpedal and apologize for it.

I'm not going to rehash this, but it seems to me that people, and I'm talking about you, Kiki, Siggy, Rappy and Jewels disagree with me (and I'm only going to talk about interactions with me) you come out of your "face" and start the
name calling. When I first came to the RWED, I was warned. I was told that
to be wary because people could get rough and carried away. I told my contact
not to worry, I'm a big boy. I could take it. Little did I know. But here we are, adults talking about name calling.

I never imagined myself getting into it with other so-called adults. And I always get the feeling that it's done purposely, just to get a "rise" out of
whomever is on the receiving end. There's a pattern - argue, insult/ridicule,
offering of peace and harmony, a brief moment of sane conversation, followed
by an almost agreeable state, when the person doesn't agree wholeheartedly
they are insulted and ridiculed mercilessly. Followed by a very hostile
period of bullying and, what I call, soul-bashing. The respondent brutally
attacks and tries to make it seem that the other started it. Typical narcissistic move - Turning the tables and making it look like your opponent
made the move.


I'm getting quite tired of having to do that though, so I haven't bothered the last several insults you've thrown my way.

You and me both. I'm tired of playing this little game. I must tell you I'm not going to stand there and take shit from anyone. I'm going
to fight back and hit twice as throw a rock, I'll throw a boulder.
You hit me with a car, I'll use a bulldozer. You get the picture. But, no more


you wrote this as though you were emulating one of the late night smarmy douches...

There goes that "smarmy douches" crack again. Dude, you know what you're doing. You say you don't insult, yet there you are, doing it. That is your interpretation, I'm writing like me. Yes, like I said I'm writing with a particular point of view and commentary. I'm having fun with the review and you're absorbing it like an insult. I'm teasing folk exactly like you. Besides
you have it all wrong. More on that in Part 2.


I'm actually afraid that watching this movie would make me sympathize with a monster because of how it was written and directed based off of your review.

I'm going to repeat myself; you haven't made it clear to me what exactly you're talking about. Please explain why you feel that way. I don't believe for a second that you would be that sensitive as to be that influenced by the review, which you wrongly portray as being "sympathetic" to Cheney. Nothing could be further from the truth. I merely point out how well written it is, and how well acted it is. Nothing in regards to making Cheney out a hero.
Quite the contrary. In the film, there's a scene that quite correctly spells
out my "biased" review. It needs no further explanation because I'm having fun
with the premise of the film. The artistic manipulation of facts, fiction,
politics and the massaging of the truth. It is all built on smoke and mirrors.

And yes, it parallels the goings on in the current administration. History playing havoc with our American existence.



Monday, January 7, 2019 2:36 AM


I know, right!



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Hollywood and the facts could not be more distant strangers.

I will never understand the fetish the Left has w/ Dick Cheney, but ignores the monsters of their own , from Bill & Hillary, Obama, AlGore, John Kerry... it's an endless parade of subversive pieces of crap who abuse power and fleece the hell out of their positions to financially enrich themselves.


Monday, January 7, 2019 3:36 AM


Here goes Part 2:


This movie totally belongs to Dick Cheney, it's all about the Vice president and the inner workings of politics in Washington....well, sort of.

I still can't believe I have to break this down to you, but here it is: The story is about Cheney. Pretty simple. Where he came from and how he got started. Now, I know that you feel he's a scumbag (he is), but when you get
to know a dude and his motivations, well it just helps with staying a step ahead of him. Anyway, I know he's a douche (see, that's the right person to
call a douche). We can learn a thing or two by studying such a man, despite the fact he's scum.

Now that's exactly how I feel about Trump. It's probably exactly how you feel about Clinton. Does that mean that you sympathize with him...No. It's like getting to know your enemy, his movements and motivations. It's just to keep
yourself sharp in order to survive.


For those of you who are afraid of the facts, skip this movie. No seriously.

Purely having fun here. It's like someone putting a burning paper bag of shit on your front porch, ringing the bell and hiding in the bushes to watch your reaction; except I'm doing it with words. Plus it was a scene in the movie that gave me the idea.


For movie buffs, brace yourself, this is no walk in the park. It does NOT color by numbers, nor does it stay inside the lines. It is funny, it is irreverent, it starts and stops, but it is never boring.

Pretty straight forward; I'm talking to movie fans and telling them that this movie is NOT your typical film with a story line that follows a predictable pattern - it has a beginning, middle and end - but it's how it gets there
that is not normal. It takes flights of fancy, little side trips that gives the film it's flavor. It's pieces of a story, almost like poetry (but visual)
like a moving collage, that, put together, tells a story. A very clever way of
storytelling. But, if you're not a movie fan (which you are not), then this will not interest you in the least. Got it!

Moving on!


It is timely and current. I could see why, by the end of the movie, why it was nominated for best picture.

The pacing and the rhythm, again, was not a straight-line storytelling but, by the end of the film, I understood it. Timely and current, because the topic of the film is corruption and manipulation within the government and how one man
managed to literally run the whole show from behind the scenes. You might not think so, but there are many who feel that the country is being run into the ground without regard for the way things are normally and lawfully handled.


Christian Bale and Amy Adams have a chemistry that is unmistakable.
Both have been nominated for Best Actor in the Golden Globes, but this film belonged to Bale without question. He WAS Cheney. He was superb and carried this movie on his back. My feeling is he'll be going up against Cooper and Mortensen in the Oscars.

This is more movie stuff that wouldn't interest you. But it has nothing to do with Cheney, just how the actors portrayed their roles.


The film followed his life from a country bumpkin drunkard to the White House. Only in America. But the film had a lot going for it, a lot more than your average political biopic. It had humor, satire, some biographic detail, narration and Shakespeare (you'll see). Like I said - never boring.

This part has to do with storytelling technique. Nothing more (again, boring -
for you - movie technique)


Is it "liberal?" - you betcha.

Now here's the part where you probably got all upset. I'm having a bit of fun
by saying that the movie was "liberal" - and yes, I did aim it specifically
at you guys (you know who I mean), because anything "liberal" is considered
poison by you guys.


No, wait a minute; it does briefly cover his run for office, the behind the scenes manipulations with the Bushes, also what went on behind closed doors in the White House, and the inevitable shenanigans during, before and after Iraq. Even his relationship with Dubya. So yeah, totally "liberal" but definitely hilarious and worth every penny. It is riveting and "avant garde" by not exactly following the rules of filmmaking, adding asides and flashes of brilliant commentary within the structure of the film. In other words, it deserves the Best Picture nomination it received from the Golden Globes.
My guess is that it will be so honored come Oscar time.

Now here, again, I describe for the movie buff/amateur, which I know you find
boring and disgusting, some of what they'll find.


So yeah, you Republicans will not like this movie. So I am doing my civic duty
by telling you - "stay away" do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just you wait until some filmmaker genius comes along and puts together a film about
Trump. My one wish is that Adam McKay decides to tackle that little task, then you'll see some kick ass political satire starring, you guessed it - Alec Baldwin. Now wouldn't that be something.

Yes, again...having fun fucking with you guys. But overall, you can have a good solid movie, that depicts an evil SOB and yet still be a good story.
Christian Bale describe his Golden Globe winning performance as learning
from Satan himself. He studied Cheney so he could portray the role to the best of his ability as an actor. That's what they do.

So tell me, where did I convince you that I sympathized with Cheney at all.
Or even that I try to get you, or anyone, to sympathize with him.
Point out the sentence, paragraph or phrase.



Monday, January 7, 2019 5:23 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You can download Vice [2018] from here:
and here:

A wide spectrum of reviews, pro and con, here:

Direct links to Vice.2018.INTERNAL.SD.DVDScr.2CH.x265.HEVC-PSA

( is quick and simple, while will stay available for months)!o412GaAQ!Xqog9vTqZZl7ZtmG6alaqCzcZ8-wxJgSh1LuwF6JqwE


Monday, January 7, 2019 4:07 PM


America loves a winner!

So... was it brought up that he supported gay marriage well before Obama and Hillary ?

I guess Christian Bale really did need to thank Satan, huh ?


Monday, January 7, 2019 4:07 PM


America loves a winner!

gorram double post.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 5:23 AM


I usually don't go around describing/rehashing the film (goes towards spoilers), besides that's the lazy-man way. But yeah.

So then, that means that Cheney was at heart a "libtard" - Bwah ha ha ha!

Sidebar for Jack: Ya see Jack, you can make a joke without the sky falling.

Thanks Rappy, for allowing me to send Jack a message within my response to you. Which brings me to your comment about who did what first. Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Does knowing that he was first or the most prolific put food on your table? Just asking!

Rappy, seriously, it was a good movie, politics aside. Now it all depends on
just how you like your movies. It was like a Robert Frost poem: imagery, words
and narrative. Now if you need to ask who Robert Frost is then this movie is not for you. Move on, go see Spiderman: Into the Verse (5 Stars). Excellent storytelling; predictable, but in a very good way. It's loads of fun. Fun! being the operative word.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So... was it brought up that he supported gay marriage well before Obama and Hillary ?

I guess Christian Bale really did need to thank Satan, huh ?


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 10:07 AM


Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 12:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The closest I ever got to Robert Frost: In 1940, Robert Frost bought a 5-acre plot in South Miami, Florida, naming it Pencil Pines; he spent his winters there for the rest of his life, according to wiki. Pencil Pines was at the end of my street, behind a coral wall. Frost died in 1963 and I never saw him in winter, which makes me think that the neighbor kids identified the Frost house as the wrong house. This is my house, except for a complete face-lift sometime in the last 56 years. Everything is smaller, yet newer, than I remember and Frost’s 5 acres (if it was Frost's) have been subdivided for bigger houses:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 12:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Such a good movie, I posted twice. But the point of Variety's review is that Vice didn't explain what motivated Cheney to prefer torturing rather than following the time tested methods, both legal and very effective, used to get information from Nazi prisoners during WWII. Is it because Cheney tortured animals as child? Or did he not know any better as an adult? Unfortunately for a movie that is more biographical than satirical, the movie script does not explore Cheney's underlying motivations. The movie treats Cheney's psychology as a black box: he does stuff for superficial reasons or even no reason at all. That's why Cheney went to war in Iraq and that's why it was an expensive fiasco -- there wasn't enough strong, solid, truthful reasons for him and Bush to do what they did. Not surprisingly, Iraq didn't end well because of a lack of reason.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 5:07 PM


I have no doubt that Cheney tortured animals when he was a kid.

Probably still does now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 5:52 PM


America loves a winner!


Does knowing that he was first or the most prolific put food on your table? Just asking!

Gee, you're sounding a bit like Hillary and her ' what difference at this time does it make ' whining

First of all, I didn't get an answer as to if that's in the movie or not.
Secondly, facts do matter. We form opinions based on not just what is reported, but often what's been left out. NOT knowing , or being reminded, can play a part in how the public sees Cheney, or any public figure, for that matter.

Lastly, when taking a full , honest assessment of his life, public and private, I don't think most Americans have been given a true representation of the former VP. The Leftist MSM love to craft their favored icons in a positive light, while casting others as villains, all the time, 24/7. That's not how the real world works, and I'd appreciate it if Hollywood and the media would stop trying to pre-package everything in their brand of reality.


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 8:25 PM


I don't think anybody was lying about Cheney or his nature.

I do wish the media and Hollywood would be honest about the demons in their own closet though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 10:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I don't think anybody was lying about Cheney or his nature.

I do wish the media and Hollywood would be honest about the demons in their own closet though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hollywood has an ongoing cartoon that might match what you want: BoJack Horseman.

If you want live action, Hollywood already made that movie and it did not do well, so there will be no sequel to The Player. The Player is a 1992 American satirical black comedy film starring Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward, Whoopi Goldberg, Peter Gallagher, Brion James, Cynthia Stevenson and is the story of a Hollywood film studio executive who murders an aspiring screenwriter he believes is sending him death threats. The Player has many film references and Hollywood in-jokes, with 65 celebrities making cameo appearances in the film.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 9, 2019 3:47 AM


Dude, what is your fucking problem? Do you know who Robert Frost is?
And no, I couldn't care less if he, you or half the fucking world voted for Putin, er, I mean Trump.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 9, 2019 4:27 AM


Well, I guess that this critic thinks there should be a reason, but perhaps there wasn't one. Sometimes people, when they achieve total unquestioned power, they tend to behave in irrational ways. But, that would have been a
different film.

There is, if you recall, a scene where Cheney and Lynne are in the bathroom brushing their teeth (or, at least, Cheney is) and the narrator specifically
brings up that fact - what was on his mind at that moment. I believe it was right before the Iraq debacle. That was his (McKay's) thinking on the matter.
I took it to mean that Cheney had no soul, no reason but exhibiting his power.

There is one motivation that I could think of, which seemed to be the driving force behind Cheney's political moves. He wanted to prove he was a man to his
darling Lynne. I think back to the scene in their house, when a young wife
admonishes her man for being a nobody and a drunkard. She challenged him and his manhood. To me, that stuck out. He was so consumed by this that he spared
no expense, and even sacrificed his gay daughter's happiness to appease that
of his youngest. His life was filled with action and inaction, spurred on by his wife. She campaigned in his place, she was the motivation. Plus his addiction to violence, though he found a new way to express himself.

That's why I mention Robert Frost, an American poet. Not everything in a poem
is explained by the artist because much is implied in the written word. A painter paints and interprets his vision of the world in paint strokes. I'm
not saying that the critic is wrong, but I found myself, after some thought
about what I just finished seeing and the challenge put up on the screen, searching for meaning and the purpose of using the imagery he used.
McKay's use of the fly fishing scenes, the narrator and the vignette-style of storytelling. This was not your usual fare, not a straight-forward biographical film. Not by a long shot. It reminded me of impressionistic
painting. Avant garde. That's what I meant in my little review


For movie buffs, brace yourself, this is no walk in the park. It does NOT color by numbers, nor does it stay inside the lines. It is funny, it is irreverent, it starts and stops, but it is never boring.

Iraq, as it turned out, was an exercise in wielding power and not one of strategy. Unfortunately, we are still paying for it today.



Originally posted by second:
Such a good movie, I posted twice. But the point of Variety's review is that Vice didn't explain what motivated Cheney to prefer torturing rather than following the time tested methods, both legal and very effective, used to get information from Nazi prisoners during WWII. Is it because Cheney tortured animals as child? Or did he not know any better as an adult? Unfortunately for a movie that is more biographical than satirical, the movie script does not explore Cheney's underlying motivations. The movie treats Cheney's psychology as a black box: he does stuff for superficial reasons or even no reason at all. That's why Cheney went to war in Iraq and that's why it was an expensive fiasco -- there wasn't enough strong, solid, truthful reasons for him and Bush to do what they did. Not surprisingly, Iraq didn't end well because of a lack of reason.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019 5:41 AM



First of all, I didn't get an answer as to if that's in the movie or not.

Yes, I did answer your question, see below...

I usually don't go around describing/rehashing the film (goes towards spoilers), besides that's the lazy-man way.

But yeah. (right here, to be more specific; it's in the movie).


Secondly, facts do matter. We form opinions based on not just what is reported, but often what's been left out.

Facts do matter. We agree on that, but what is it that you're referring to?
The movie, which I guess you haven't seen, or my comments. We form our opinions based on what we believe to be true/facts. So, if someone says the
sky is falling, well, you know the rest. So how do you know if something has been left out? How do you know that what you're being told is fact or fiction?
It is important. So we agree again.


Lastly, when taking a full , honest assessment of his life, public and private, I don't think most Americans have been given a true representation of the former VP.

As far as I know, VICE is the first, and only, movie about Cheney. If you haven't seen it, then how can you say that. I don't know Cheney privately, nor do I want to, so I'm only going by the public persona; his track record in
the White House, during the Bush Administration. Tell me, do you know him?


That's not how the real world works, and I'd appreciate it if Hollywood and the media would stop trying to pre-package everything in their brand of reality.

Speaking of reality, is that the way the Right Wing-Nut media works? They're
truthful and full of facts. Tell me, Fox and Friends, they operate differently
don't they? Always speaking truth. Nothing prepackaged there, right?

Just so you know, Hollywood is a dream factory. "Based on a True Story" does not mean that everything in the movie is true. It makes shit up...I thought you knew that. Do you go around looking for a man dressed up as a bat? And
if you go around listening to Jack, then you have other problems that I can't
help you with.



Does knowing that he was first or the most prolific put food on your table? Just asking!

I keep forgetting that you follow the Lemmings of Broadway, anyway, NO I AM NOT HILLARY, or anyone else. Apples and oranges Rappy, apples and oranges!
My statement was not a competition with Trump, or anyone else. But I know how much you guys like to compare everything to Obama and Hillary, as though we were measuring dick size.

First of all, Cheney never supported his gay daughter publicly; he did, however support his daughter Liz for Senate, who expressed her opposition to gay marriage in her platform. Cheney was quoted as saying, "This is an issue we have dealt with privately for many years, and we are pained to see it become public...since it has, one thing should be clear. Liz has always believed in the traditional definition of marriage."
(source: WAPO, 11/18/2013, by Aaron Blake)




Wednesday, January 9, 2019 10:26 AM


I'll have you know that the Spider Verse movie is an excellent movie and not mindless at all, unlike you.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 9, 2019 11:07 AM



Whether it's Nazi or Comrade, or idiot or dummy.

Now it's my turn. I've never called you any of those things, ever!
Here's the thing, you have hurled insults my way and I, like I've said countless of times, I defend myself. And now the "smarmy douche" crack.
Fuck that, I'm letting you have it - both barrels. You stop, I stop.
It's very simple.


I've called you out on it 3 or 4 times now when you've done it to me, and you usually backpedal and apologize for it.

You have asked that I stop using the term "comrades" referring to Kiki, Siggy, Jewels, etc. I remember having a conversation with you regarding the "bullying" from the likes of these people. We spoke about how they called
you names and drunkard and the like. Same tactic they used on me, including calling me mentally ill.

But let me get one thing straight with you - apologizing and backpedaling are two entirely different things.

backpedaling is when someone changes their position or thinking on a particular opinion.

apologizing is when you do something that you regret having done to someone
and you let them know that you made a mistake. You do that to set things right. I didn't want that being done to me, so I apologized and we spoke for a while on an equal basis. We each had a point of view and we pretty much left each other alone with little to no hostility.

Most of my comments were aimed at Trump and those he calls "very fine people."
It's only been recent that I called you a "dickweed" and "asshole" because
you've begun to act like one. And I'm only referring to myself, I'm not worried about any of the others.

Just wanted to clarify that little thing.



Wednesday, January 9, 2019 3:52 PM


Dude, this is what you said that I replied to:


Now if you need to ask who Robert Frost is then this movie is not for you. Move on, go see Spiderman: Into the Verse

What a cunty, elitist thing to say.

And nobody here voted for Putin. Only assholes think that or say it.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, what is your fucking problem? Do you know who Robert Frost is?
And no, I couldn't care less if he, you or half the fucking world voted for Putin, er, I mean Trump.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 9, 2019 4:43 PM


America loves a winner!


" yeah, it's in the movie "

As in , briefly mentioned , or does it get discussed to the level that anyone who watched this movie will know undeniably that Cheney was for gay marriage almost a decade before Obama or Hillary?

As far as I know, VICE is the 1st and only movie about ANY VP. And why would you imagine that's the case, hmm ?

Honestly, I don't know him. Nor am I much a fan of his, which isn't meant in a bad way. I just don't think much of him in any way. What I do know of him, I like. The claims that he supports " torture " , imo, are vastly overstated and politically motivated.

I think the gloves should come off when dealing w/ radical religious zealots , like psychopathic Muslim jihadists.

And I'm afraid that his virtue signaling not being to the level of your liking regarding gay marriage is soooo significant. That's what I dislike most about " activists ", is that if you don't kowtow to their demands, and show sufficient levels of public #Outrage or promote their agenda, you're some how Satan.

And yeah, he rightfully did support his other daughter for public office. So damn what ?


Apples and orange, indeed.


Thursday, January 10, 2019 3:29 AM


Struck a work here is done.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Dude, this is what you said that I replied to:


Now if you need to ask who Robert Frost is then this movie is not for you. Move on, go see Spiderman: Into the Verse

What a cunty, elitist thing to say.

And nobody here voted for Putin. Only assholes think that or say it.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, what is your fucking problem? Do you know who Robert Frost is?
And no, I couldn't care less if he, you or half the fucking world voted for Putin, er, I mean Trump.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 10, 2019 3:39 AM


Well now, I guess I could make a note that you're not going to see the movie.




Originally posted by AURaptor:

" yeah, it's in the movie "

As in , briefly mentioned , or does it get discussed to the level that anyone who watched this movie will know undeniably that Cheney was for gay marriage almost a decade before Obama or Hillary?

As far as I know, VICE is the 1st and only movie about ANY VP. And why would you imagine that's the case, hmm ?

Honestly, I don't know him. Nor am I much a fan of his, which isn't meant in a bad way. I just don't think much of him in any way. What I do know of him, I like. The claims that he supports " torture " , imo, are vastly overstated and politically motivated.

I think the gloves should come off when dealing w/ radical religious zealots , like psychopathic Muslim jihadists.

And I'm afraid that his virtue signaling not being to the level of your liking regarding gay marriage is soooo significant. That's what I dislike most about " activists ", is that if you don't kowtow to their demands, and show sufficient levels of public #Outrage or promote their agenda, you're some how Satan.

And yeah, he rightfully did support his other daughter for public office. So damn what ?


Apples and orange, indeed.


Thursday, January 10, 2019 3:57 AM


...and another thing...


Hollywood and the facts could not be more distant strangers.

Scumbag Trump, facts!? He never met a fact he didn't lie about and fuck whoever he meets including every single person who voted for the slug.
He's thumbing his nose at all of you, and wiping his ass with your money.
Oh, by the way, he had a little show called the fucking Apprentice, made in
fucking Hollywood!

How's that for irony!?


I will never understand the fetish the Left has w/ Dick Cheney, but ignores the monsters of their own

You fucking retarded dickhead, the left couldn't care less about Cheney. He's just another rich fuck who abused his power and screwed over the country
to get rich and stay that way. Another power hungry megalo-maniac with delusions of grandeur. Another brick in the wall.


from Bill & Hillary, Obama, AlGore, John Kerry... it's an endless parade of subversive pieces of crap who abuse power and fleece the hell out of their positions to financially enrich themselves.

Talk about obsessed.



Thursday, January 10, 2019 4:00 AM



I think the gloves should come off when dealing w/ radical religious zealots , like psychopathic Muslim jihadists.

Really!? Are you prepared to do your part?



Thursday, January 10, 2019 7:06 AM


Thank you for proving me right.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Struck a work here is done.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Dude, this is what you said that I replied to:


Now if you need to ask who Robert Frost is then this movie is not for you. Move on, go see Spiderman: Into the Verse

What a cunty, elitist thing to say.

And nobody here voted for Putin. Only assholes think that or say it.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, what is your fucking problem? Do you know who Robert Frost is?
And no, I couldn't care less if he, you or half the fucking world voted for Putin, er, I mean Trump.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 10, 2019 7:11 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, by the way, he had a little show called the fucking Apprentice, made in
fucking Hollywood!

How's that for irony!?

Nah. It was made in New York. Created by Mark Burnett who is British.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 10, 2019 10:08 AM



Originally posted:
Most of my comments were aimed at Trump and those he calls "very fine people."

Is Trump pulling lines from Badger?


Thursday, January 10, 2019 10:55 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

" yeah, it's in the movie "

As in , briefly mentioned , or does it get discussed to the level that anyone who watched this movie will know undeniably that Cheney was for gay marriage almost a decade before Obama or Hillary?

As far as I know, VICE is the 1st and only movie about ANY VP. And why would you imagine that's the case, hmm ?

I imagine you do not include VPs who ascended.

Have you seen Aaron Burr, Part 2 (2011)? He tied Jefferson in the Electoral College. Maybe if Cheney had also shot Hilliary to death, he would be more celebrated, and have a play on Broadway.

All the Way (2016)

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Love Story

Field of Lost Shoes (2014) - although this was after Gen Breckenridge had completed his term as VP.

Amistad only had John C. Calhoun as ensemble, while VP under one of his 2 Presidents.
The Gorgeous Hussy (1936) was more about his wife (and cousin). About the Petticoat Affair, Eaton Affair. Funny how an incestuous wife looks down upon and belittles others, ending her husband's path to President.

Attica (1974). Although many blame Rockefeller for this, and tie him to it, this was before his VP stint.

Fritz: the Walter Mondale Story (2008)


Friday, January 11, 2019 4:38 AM


Ha! Schwing! Flew way over your head there, could you get me an ice cream from
the concession stand?

Filmed in New York, but the production company is run out of Hollywood by MGM television studios (more specifically Beverly Hills, California).

And I know Mark Burnett is British.....

He shoots, he scores! Swish! Nothing but net!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, by the way, he had a little show called the fucking Apprentice, made in
fucking Hollywood!

How's that for irony!?

Nah. It was made in New York. Created by Mark Burnett who is British.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 11, 2019 4:40 AM


Awwwww, does that mean you won't write anymore?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Thank you for proving me right.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Struck a work here is done.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Dude, this is what you said that I replied to:


Now if you need to ask who Robert Frost is then this movie is not for you. Move on, go see Spiderman: Into the Verse

What a cunty, elitist thing to say.

And nobody here voted for Putin. Only assholes think that or say it.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Dude, what is your fucking problem? Do you know who Robert Frost is?
And no, I couldn't care less if he, you or half the fucking world voted for Putin, er, I mean Trump.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah, Rappy. There's no way that you would know who Robert Frost is. You voted for Trump, afterall.

Only mindless superhero flicks for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 11, 2019 5:24 AM



I do wish the media and Hollywood would be honest about the demons in their own closet though.

The Player, 1992
The Bad and The Beautiful, 1952
The Big Picture, 1989
Scarlet Diva, 2000
An Open Secret, 2014
Map to the Stars, 2014
Sunset Boulevard, 1950
The Neon Demon, 2016
S.O.B., 1981
State and Main, 2000
Living in Oblivion, 1995
Swimming with Sharks, 1995

I recommend The Player, State and Main.

Source: and Google



Friday, January 11, 2019 6:15 AM



As in , briefly mentioned , or does it get discussed to the level that anyone who watched this movie will know undeniably that Cheney was for gay marriage almost a decade before Obama or Hillary?

Being that you are so obsessed with this, let me tell you that the film does show that Cheney supported both his daughters. He showed compassion for his gay daughter in private (his wife Lynne, not so much). His daughter Liz he supported in public by backing her run for senate in 2014. But I believe
he made his support of his gay daughter public in 2004 (Source: Google).

As far as showing that he did it before Obama, no. But I don't think that was a big priority for the filmmaker. Quiet as it's kept, they did show that Cheney loved his daughters, and his wife. What exactly went on in that man's brain, well no one knows. That was one of the points the film made. He was one calculating S.O.B. and that's what was depicted on screen.

According to Time magazine (circa 2015), Obama initially opposed gay marriage during the 2008 campaign, but...


Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.

“I’m just not very good at bullshitting,” Obama told Axelrod, after an event where he stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, according to the book.

Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even as Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages. Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for political reasons. “Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’ ” Axelrod writes.

...and here's another response from me...


And I'm afraid that his virtue signaling not being to the level of your liking regarding gay marriage is soooo significant.

Dude, I really don't give a shit about Cheney's virtue, gayness or any other thing. If he wants to fuck a duck, that's his choice. Whatever he, or anyone else, wants to do. Fuck it,live your life, because it's none of my business.
But don't try to tell me anything, especially how I should live or think. Fuck Cheney, or anyone else for that matter. Every single human being on this planet has a friend or relative who's gay. How you or anyone else lives their life makes no never mind to me. Period. End of story.



Friday, January 11, 2019 6:27 AM



Production companies responsible for the show are Trump Productions and Mark Burnett Productions. Neither of which are based out of Hollywood.

It was Distributed by MGM Worldwide Television, which is based out of Beverley Hills, CA.

In other words, it's kind of like saying that Hollywood was responsible for the original Paranormal Activity movie.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ha! Schwing! Flew way over your head there, could you get me an ice cream from
the concession stand?

Filmed in New York, but the production company is run out of Hollywood by MGM television studios (more specifically Beverly Hills, California).

And I know Mark Burnett is British.....

He shoots, he scores! Swish! Nothing but net!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, by the way, he had a little show called the fucking Apprentice, made in
fucking Hollywood!

How's that for irony!?

Nah. It was made in New York. Created by Mark Burnett who is British.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 11, 2019 6:30 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I do wish the media and Hollywood would be honest about the demons in their own closet though.

The Player, 1992
The Bad and The Beautiful, 1952
The Big Picture, 1989
Scarlet Diva, 2000
An Open Secret, 2014
Map to the Stars, 2014
Sunset Boulevard, 1950
The Neon Demon, 2016
S.O.B., 1981
State and Main, 2000
Living in Oblivion, 1995
Swimming with Sharks, 1995

I recommend The Player, State and Main.

Source: and Google


Swimming with Sharks was great.

It should be required viewing for all millennial idiot kids. They'd learn more in 2 hours than in 4 years of high priced college that's going to make them wage slaves for the next 30 years of their lives.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 11, 2019 6:31 AM


Guess not.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Awwwww, does that mean you won't write anymore?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 14, 2019 2:46 AM


Double Nope, laser're confusing the physical location of Hollywood with the production of television and film form of existence. "Hollywood" is a physical and philosophical state of mind.

MGM is a mainstream film and television production studio, or "Hollywood."
Where a film or TV show is filmed does not make it one thing or the other.
For example Silvercup Studios (where they use to make Silvercup bread)

"opened in 1983 and has established itself as the largest, independent, full-service film and television production facility in northeastern United States."

Established by two brothers, Stuart and Alan Suna...both film and television
productions have been made here:

30 Rock
Analyze That
Big Daddy
Big Lake Birth
Black Rain
Dark Water
The Devil Wears Prada

Now, does the fact that they were filmed at this studio make them independent?
Does the term "Hollywood" fit these films and TV productions? Is Silvercup
considered "Hollywood"? Does it's location change any of the above?

According to Wikipedia: "Mark Burnett is a British television producer who is the current Chairman of MGM Worldwide Television Group."

Mark Burnett Productions
3000 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, California 90404
(562) 388-5155

MGM is one of the oldest film studios in the world, founded in 1924, and their HQ is located at 245 North Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA. MGM no longer makes movies, but...

"in 2014 MGM Studios Inc. acquired the majority share of
Ligtworkers Media and One Three Media, which were formed by Burnett and Roma Downey and consolidated the two companies into MGM's new TV production division, United Artists Media Group, with Burnett as CEO."
(Source: Google/Wikipedia)

The headquarters located in Beverly Hills, California (although the location is irrelevant). California is it's home, but what makes it "Hollywood" is that the parent company is Mainstream Hollywood...namely, MGM Studios.
"Hollywood" is a state of mind, you know this because you often refer to it
as being corrupt and devoid of any redeeming value. Yet "Hollywood" as we
know it is not so much a physical place, but more of an iconic land of "make-believe."

But, if you want to think of it as a physical place, there's always the "Hollywood" sign overlooking Hollywood, CA.

According to Trip Advisor:


The term "Hollywood" usually refers to two distinctly different things:
1) The culture and lifestyle of being a celebrity (not a physical place); and
2) a neighborhood in Los Angeles where almost no celebrities live, and which is mostly an area set up for tourism around movie making.

According to Sports Studio:


If you’ve ever been to Hollywood, the place, you quickly realized that it isn’t what you thought it was going to be. When you went to the Walk of Fame or Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, you probably didn’t see Brad or Angelina or the Kardashians. You probably didn’t see a movie being filmed or a deal being signed. You saw the tourist attraction.

Hollywood, the real Hollywood, is a metonymy for the entertainment industry in Southern California. Hollywood is really located wherever there’s a camera rolling, a script being written, or an audition being held.

"Metonymy - is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to
by the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept."
(Source: Google)

So, you see, Hollywood isn't so much a place as it is an idea, a thought,
a dream, an alternate reality. In this case, the term "Hollywood" is a
metonymy, or general notion, for the film industry.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Production companies responsible for the show are Trump Productions and Mark Burnett Productions. Neither of which are based out of Hollywood.

It was Distributed by MGM Worldwide Television, which is based out of Beverley Hills, CA.

In other words, it's kind of like saying that Hollywood was responsible for the original Paranormal Activity movie.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ha! Schwing! Flew way over your head there, could you get me an ice cream from
the concession stand?

Filmed in New York, but the production company is run out of Hollywood by MGM television studios (more specifically Beverly Hills, California).

And I know Mark Burnett is British.....

He shoots, he scores! Swish! Nothing but net!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, by the way, he had a little show called the fucking Apprentice, made in
fucking Hollywood!

How's that for irony!?

Nah. It was made in New York. Created by Mark Burnett who is British.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 14, 2019 4:49 AM


SGG thinks that everything he sees on a rectangular box comes from Hollywood.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 14, 2019 7:59 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Hollywood and the facts could not be more distant strangers.

I will never understand the fetish the Left has w/ Dick Cheney, but ignores the monsters of their own , from Bill & Hillary, Obama, AlGore, John Kerry... it's an endless parade of subversive pieces of crap who abuse power and fleece the hell out of their positions to financially enrich themselves.

I am not speaking for RapKnight, but this Founding quote that ShittyGooberGuy is referencing seems to mean the center of Libtard delusions, more relevant in the cesspool of SoCal surrounding an in Hollywood (the geographical location) rather than the more reasonable, rational, sensible rest of the nation or world wherever a camera is rolling (the theoretical concept). Apprentice was not filmed in Toronto.

Not that SGG won't double down on being wrong, as always.






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