Avengers: EndGame

UPDATED: Friday, May 31, 2019 19:53
VIEWED: 3899
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Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:22 PM


NO SPOILERS..............

I don't know if you guys have seen this movie, or even if you're interested,
but this movie is near perfect, actually I'll say that it IS perfect.

Do you have to have seen the movies previous to Endgame? I dare say no.
I went with a friend who had not followed this particular franchise and she enjoyed herself. That's not easy to pull off, and shows the brilliance of
showrunner Kevin Feige.

Music, story, cinematography, actors (of which there are plenty, far too many
to mention here and would likely spoil your experience). But all the characters are brought back in some capacity, mostly major characters. But that's all I'll say about that. Is it all deeply serious and dramatic? Yes and
no. It is, at times, hilarious (okay, much humor is spread throughout the
movie that enhances the action onscreen).

The creative minds behind this franchise perfectly managed the script, plot and dialogue to produce THE BEST AVENGERS MOVIE EVER. No question! The pacing, timing and execution of the script was pure joy to this writer, but also to
my fellow moviegoers who agreed immediately after. We discussed our favorite scenes and repeated dialogue that stuck out, of which there were plenty. People stayed far afterward, mainly because of a message from Spiderman before the start of the movie, that the new Spiderman trailer would show following the end credits (an obvious marketing ploy, but it worked).

I hate to say this, mainly because whatever Disney did right here was not copied in the Star Wars franchise, but the MCU is alive and well, and kicking some serious ass. You might ask, is Endgame better than all the Avengers movies? YES it is. Think Joss's Avengers movie on steroids, it was THAT good.
So good in fact that I already have seen a pre-order ad on Best Buy.

Oh, one more thing. For all you who worry about SJWs and the like, fear not nothing could damage this movie. It's fucking great.

P.S. I wonder if Joss had a hand in writing some of the dialogue, or perhaps
Taika Waititi. After writing this I checked and the credits online go to
Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus (brilliant job guys).

So, there you have it. I end my little review with a unique star rating:

I give it my best award: It's Fucking Great!



Sunday, May 26, 2019 5:19 PM


I might check out the 1 hour and 25 minute De-Feminized cut.

3 hours is way too long.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 26, 2019 9:03 PM


America loves a winner!

Saw it a 2nd time. As a fan of the past 11 years, it's well made. Tugs at the right heart strings. As well it damn should.

But here's the kicker -

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, May 27, 2019 6:31 PM


You'll be missing out. There are 3 scenes with Captain Marvel, if that's what you're talking about. This movie is mostly about Capt' America, Iron Man, the Hulk (who was hilarious), Thor, Hawkeye, Ant Man, well you get it. All the others and very little from your favorite She-ro.

Believe me, it did not feel like 3 hours. It was so entertaining that the time flew by. Funny and fun, and quite probably the Best movie of the year. Everybody in the theater was having a good time, and IMHO 100 times better than Infinity War.

But, having said that, don't go. I'm sure that they'll get along without you.
Save your time and money. Sorry to have wasted your time.




Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I might check out the 1 hour and 25 minute De-Feminized cut.

3 hours is way too long.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 27, 2019 7:02 PM


I've been following posts on You Tube about Alita Battle Angel and it seems that Disney has been stacking the deck against this "little" movie that could.

Prior to Alita's release there was "bad" press being released against this Cameron produced movie. Sight unseen RT and others poo-pooed Alita as a poor-to-bad movie based on rumors (most likely spread by Disney flunkies writing
downright nasty previews). I read a few online and saw the RT score (in the 60s). Not good, but fans of the manga and anime went to theater and dragged their friends kicking and screaming to go see this diamond in the rough (fuck it, I'm stealing this from Disney, saw Aladdin this weekend). Alita is a gem of a movie. Does it have flaws, of course, but overall it kicked ass.

Alita got a 90+ score from fans who actually saw the movie. It made $405M in the worldwide box office ($85M stateside). Just about every writer burned this movie prior, during and after months (until the release of, you guessed it, Capt. Marvel in March). So it doesn't surprise me that RT has been hired to
"snipe" anything that isn't Disney, Marvel and now 20th Century Fox. Don't fall for the hype. Go see any movie that Disney and their affiliates splatter
mud on.

When I went to see Alita, I totally ignored the bad press because - Cameron was behind this, and Robert Rodriguez was directing. Plus the trailer looked totally awesome.

As an aside: guys, come on, please don't tell me that you're afraid of a female saying "I am woman, hear me roar." Fuck that. Let them have their day
in the Sun. So what...are we not men!? Now, having said that, I really do find
Brie Larson amazingly annoying. A few years back I saw her in an interview and
she seemed cool. Of course, this was before she won her Oscar for Room. So that may well be the problem. Who knows and who the fuck cares! Let her screech and squawk...nobody cares.

Too much is made of this whole SJW bullshit. The more you guys give it attention, the more you're gonna hear more of this shit. Are you really that insecure? Come on, these are "very fine people."



Monday, May 27, 2019 7:20 PM


Well, to be frank, most of the anti-SJW types ignored all of the bad news and went and saw Alita Battle Angel and loved it.

Glad you finally got around to watching it and recognize the system is rigged today. RT has lost all credibility and continues to make things worse for themselves. They recently removed all history of user ratings and are going to start charging to verify them going forward.

I was just joking about seeing the De-Feminized cut. I hear they removed ScarJo from it too, and I never had a problem with her as an actress or her character.

Nobody is afraid of women making a name for themselves or doing what they want to do. That's a tired argument that just does nothing but piss people off when you or anybody else brings that up. Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

I never even saw Infinity War, and the only saw the first two Avengers movies because the married woman I was messing around with while I was drinking heavily made me see them. Never saw a Thor or Captain America movie. Never saw an Ant Man movie. The first Iron Man was the last Iron Man I saw. Guardians was pretty good, but never saw the second one.

This movie just wasn't made for me. Don't matter if it's 3 hours long or only an hour long. I just thought it was funny that somebody made that edit of the movie and you can download it from piratebay.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 7:59 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I've been following posts on You Tube about Alita Battle Angel and it seems that Disney has been stacking the deck against this "little" movie that could.

Prior to Alita's release there was "bad" press being released against this Cameron produced movie. Sight unseen RT and others poo-pooed Alita as a poor-to-bad movie based on rumors (most likely spread by Disney flunkies writing
downright nasty previews). I read a few online and saw the RT score (in the 60s). Not good, but fans of the manga and anime went to theater and dragged their friends kicking and screaming to go see this diamond in the rough (fuck it, I'm stealing this from Disney, saw Aladdin this weekend). Alita is a gem of a movie. Does it have flaws, of course, but overall it kicked ass.

Alita got a 90+ score from fans who actually saw the movie. It made $405M in the worldwide box office ($85M stateside). Just about every writer burned this movie prior, during and after months (until the release of, you guessed it, Capt. Marvel in March). So it doesn't surprise me that RT has been hired to
"snipe" anything that isn't Disney, Marvel and now 20th Century Fox. Don't fall for the hype. Go see any movie that Disney and their affiliates splatter
mud on.

When I went to see Alita, I totally ignored the bad press because - Cameron was behind this, and Robert Rodriguez was directing. Plus the trailer looked totally awesome.

As an aside: guys, come on, please don't tell me that you're afraid of a female saying "I am woman, hear me roar." Fuck that. Let them have their day
in the Sun. So what...are we not men!? Now, having said that, I really do find
Brie Larson amazingly annoying. A few years back I saw her in an interview and
she seemed cool. Of course, this was before she won her Oscar for Room. So that may well be the problem. Who knows and who the fuck cares! Let her screech and squawk...nobody cares.

Too much is made of this whole SJW bullshit. The more you guys give it attention, the more you're gonna hear more of this shit. Are you really that insecure? Come on, these are "very fine people."


I loved Alita. Saw it more than once in cinema. Not sure why this couldn't be posted in one of the Alita threads.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 11:34 PM



I loved Alita. Saw it more than once in cinema. Not sure why this couldn't be posted in one of the Alita threads.

I did go off on a tangent, mainly due to my love for Alita. But I was trying to bring up a point about how people will trash a movie or actor based upon false pretenses. Whether it's SJWs, die-hard fans or right wingnuts it doesn't
matter. All falsely negative press or attacks suck and should be ignored. Support your favorites and keep rolling, because the best revenge is to see
your favorite movie/actor/story make big bucks - it's the best middle finger to those who annoyingly trash your "favs."

If people want to support their favs - fine, but don't trash mine for the fuck of it unless, of course, it does suck. But then, if I'm being honest, I'll be
the first. Anyway, just wanted to point that out.

P.S. Saw Alita 3 times. And now I ordered the Blu-ray due out July 23rd.
And that's another story.



Wednesday, May 29, 2019 12:27 AM



Well, to be frank, most of the anti-SJW types ignored all of the bad news and went and saw Alita Battle Angel and loved it.

Anti-SJW types!? Wow, it's come to this. Well, to each his own. Whatever!


Glad you finally got around to watching it and recognize the system is rigged today. RT has lost all credibility and continues to make things worse for themselves. They recently removed all history of user ratings and are going to start charging to verify them going forward.

I resent that "finally got around to watching it" crack. Dude where have you been, I saw this months ago (within a couple of weeks of it's release in Feb)
and not because someone told me to go, or that I have some bullshit notion
of anti-SJW type ideas - but merely because I like movies, good ones. Period.
I would have seen it opening night, but I was hoping to see it with a good friend of mine that had a shitload of work. I finally went on my own and I
was right. I loved every minute of it. Thought it was the best until I saw Endgame.

Yes, I agree, RT has lost all credibility. It's been my suspicion that Disney
is behind all of this. Well, I can't take all the credit for that thought, quite a few sci-fi geeks online (mostly on You Tube) theorize along the same lines. I believe that the story goes like this: Disney owns Fandango, or some
such, and they wanted to crush the competition by bad mouthing any movie with
a female superhero as lead - for example Alita. So they had various writers
submit negative press about the movie. Disney was hoping for billion dollar record-setting numbers. They were dead wrong. I have yet to see Captain Marvel, but I heard it sucks. I mostly ignored her scenes in Endgame.

I saw an interview with her, Hemsworth and Don Cheadle. You could have cut the tension with a butter knife. Boy was it thick. She is an annoying obnoxious
BITCH. My problem with her, or anyone, was due to her obnoxiousness and not her asshole beliefs. I hate rude people.

Now, give me ScarJo or Rosa Salazar (Alita) any day of the week. Now those two are women. Real women. That Rosa Salazar is not only yummy, she's a true professional. Like ScarJo. I have seen Rosa's interviews and she's all kinds of awesome.

Yes, you had some anti-SJW types run out and support Alita but, for the most part, it was the die-hard fans of the manga and anime, then the newly acquired
fans (like myself) who fell in love with the movie spread the word about Alita's awesomeness.


Nobody is afraid of women making a name for themselves or doing what they want to do. That's a tired argument that just does nothing but piss people off when you or anybody else brings that up. Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

"That's a tired argument that just does nothing but piss people off when you or anybody else brings that up." Dude, don't let Siggy see this. She hates
when people get all emotional. She may kick you off the "club."
Besides, I'm like the umpire at the baseball game: I calls 'em like I sees 'em. If people get pissed, that's fine too. You are entitled to your pissyness. I'm an equal opportunity annoyer. Unlike Sigs who frowns upon

I see more and more of this so-called SJW movement, and the MeToo movement and it "seems" they feed off of each other. I suspect they're being fed by media attention, much like our resident scumbag-in-chief. So I'm going to take a piece of my own criticism and stop giving Trump much more attention than he deserves. His policies.....wait, he doesn't have any policies. Never mind.

But, it's like you say about Brie: "a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets." I agree...and Trump, being the shittiest of them
all, certainly doesn't.

As for the rest, I know that you are anti-Hollywood, so I'll say no more.



Wednesday, May 29, 2019 1:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I was just joking about seeing the De-Feminized cut. I hear they removed ScarJo from it too, and I never had a problem with her as an actress or her character.

Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

It's amazing how many times Trump says "I was just joking" when he says things that are stupid and not remotely funny.

What a co-incidence.

PS. You aren't the arbiter of who gets hype and who doesn't, Mr. Nobody.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:15 PM


America loves a winner!

Avengers : End Game...


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:46 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I was just joking about seeing the De-Feminized cut. I hear they removed ScarJo from it too, and I never had a problem with her as an actress or her character.

Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

It's amazing how many times Trump says "I was just joking" when he says things that are stupid and not remotely funny.

What a co-incidence.

PS. You aren't the arbiter of who gets hype and who doesn't, Mr. Nobody.

Seems except for wack job feminists like you, my take on Brie Larson is pretty unanimous. Even among sane women, who have tweets saying how cringe the media-hyped deleted scene available on Netflix is.

Before showing it, here's a few of my favorite Twitter quotes, all from women:


Ummm… ya don’t take on “toxic masculinity” with toxic “femininity.”

How is this going to help anyone?

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 24, 2019


As if it wasn't obvious that this clip was pandering to the currently trendy brand of faux feminism, USA Today had to spell it out

— Cathy Young (@CathyYoung63) May 25, 2019


I think Brie's fight has taken her too far. Now she fights ghosts, imaginary villains, inspiring others to fight, too. But these flesh-and-blood enemies are no longer evil men, simply men, some of whom are good men. I've met too many good men who were hurt by people like Brie


Imagine if in Thor 1 a woman was like "damn guy nice ass" to Thor so he breaks her fingers and steals her car. Would he ever be called a hero ever again.

Or one simply giving a pass...


No, thanks.

Here's the scene.

Did you happen to see that yet, SGG?

Somebody at least had the sense to remove it before the theatrical edit.

Carol Danvers is supposed to be the good guy, right?

Assault, theft, and grand theft auto would have been a great way to start this flick.

But to the defenders, it's cool because "muh feminism".

Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it, Nilbog.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:49 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I was just joking about seeing the De-Feminized cut. I hear they removed ScarJo from it too, and I never had a problem with her as an actress or her character.

Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

It's amazing how many times Trump says "I was just joking" when he says things that are stupid and not remotely funny.

What a co-incidence.

PS. You aren't the arbiter of who gets hype and who doesn't, Mr. Nobody.




Wednesday, May 29, 2019 7:48 PM


America loves a winner!

Yeah, Captain Mary Sue is a bad ass, just like Arnold was, in Terminator.

Only she's supposed to be a HERo, right ?

" What does God need with a starship ? " - Captain James T. Kirk - The Final Frontier

Why does Captain Mary Sue need a guy's jacket,helmet and motorcycle ?

Can't she FLY ??

But hey, at least they accurately portrayed Captain Wahman's inability to drive !


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 10:24 PM


First time I watched it I thought it was even cringier than the second viewing.

I was sure he said "People call me Adon".

I really think they missed an opportunity there to turn the cringe factor all the way to 11.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 11:21 PM


No, first time ever seeing that clip. Not a good clip at terms of superheroes. Loki, yes because that's his character. But whoever wrote that
scene wasn't thinking clearly.

Anywho, not my kind of taste for superheroes. Give me Thor or Hulk or Black Widow or Alita...any day.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I was just joking about seeing the De-Feminized cut. I hear they removed ScarJo from it too, and I never had a problem with her as an actress or her character.

Brie Larson is just a shitty person IRL, and doesn't deserve any of the hype she gets.

It's amazing how many times Trump says "I was just joking" when he says things that are stupid and not remotely funny.

What a co-incidence.

PS. You aren't the arbiter of who gets hype and who doesn't, Mr. Nobody.

Seems except for wack job feminists like you, my take on Brie Larson is pretty unanimous. Even among sane women, who have tweets saying how cringe the media-hyped deleted scene available on Netflix is.

Before showing it, here's a few of my favorite Twitter quotes, all from women:


Ummm… ya don’t take on “toxic masculinity” with toxic “femininity.”

How is this going to help anyone?

— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) May 24, 2019


As if it wasn't obvious that this clip was pandering to the currently trendy brand of faux feminism, USA Today had to spell it out

— Cathy Young (@CathyYoung63) May 25, 2019


I think Brie's fight has taken her too far. Now she fights ghosts, imaginary villains, inspiring others to fight, too. But these flesh-and-blood enemies are no longer evil men, simply men, some of whom are good men. I've met too many good men who were hurt by people like Brie


Imagine if in Thor 1 a woman was like "damn guy nice ass" to Thor so he breaks her fingers and steals her car. Would he ever be called a hero ever again.

Or one simply giving a pass...


No, thanks.

Here's the scene.

Did you happen to see that yet, SGG?

Somebody at least had the sense to remove it before the theatrical edit.

Carol Danvers is supposed to be the good guy, right?

Assault, theft, and grand theft auto would have been a great way to start this flick.

But to the defenders, it's cool because "muh feminism".

Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it, Nilbog.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 11:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Seems except for wack job feminists like you, my take on Brie Larson is pretty unanimous. Even among sane women, who have tweets saying how cringe the media-hyped deleted scene available on Netflix is.

Before showing it, here's a few of my favorite Twitter quotes, all from women:

Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it, Nilbog.


You, and your hero Trump, both of you are huge freaking idiots.

Twitter. L.O.L.

I guess I should be happy you are reading something other than self-brainwashing on Youtube.

Nope. Yer still a stooge!


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 11:39 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:


JSF. Brain-damaged impotent gullible knuckle-dragging hypocrite.
If it came down to saving you or saving a lawyer, darlin'.... I'd save the lawyer.


Thursday, May 30, 2019 8:13 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, first time ever seeing that clip. Not a good clip at terms of superheroes. Loki, yes because that's his character. But whoever wrote that
scene wasn't thinking clearly.

Anywho, not my kind of taste for superheroes. Give me Thor or Hulk or Black Widow or Alita...any day.


Can't argue any of that.

I might not be into super hero stuff at all, but after seeing the first two Avengers I had to say that ScarJo was perfect for the role. Both on screen and off.

Though I think it could be argued that Iron Man was never a household name before Robert Downey Jr. played the part, most of the other male Avengers were. Black Widow was pretty obscure though, and Johansson is to thank for making Black Widow part of the cultural vernacular.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 30, 2019 8:17 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:


You, and your hero Trump, both of you are huge freaking idiots.

Twitter. L.O.L.

I guess I should be happy you are reading something other than self-brainwashing on Youtube.

Nope. Yer still a stooge!

Look at that. You wrote a perfect hateful Twitter quote that would fit right in with most of the 6,000 tweets per second at the site.

Maybe you could be a social influencer, Nilbog.

Glad you're happy. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 30, 2019 7:47 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Seems except for wack job feminists like you, my take on Brie Larson is pretty unanimous. Even among sane women, who have tweets saying how cringe the media-hyped deleted scene available on Netflix is.

Before showing it, here's a few of my favorite Twitter quotes, all from women:

Put that in your meth pipe and smoke it, Nilbog.


You, and your hero Trump, both of you are huge freaking idiots.

Twitter. L.O.L.

I guess I should be happy you are reading something other than self-brainwashing on Youtube.

Nope. Yer still a stooge!




Friday, May 31, 2019 12:52 PM


Still haven't seen it yet. Want to though...



Friday, May 31, 2019 6:55 PM


America loves a winner!

Thing about End's as much ( if not more ) a tribute to the ones who made the movie ( actors, writers, fx folks, and the rest of the little people ) as it is for the fans.


Friday, May 31, 2019 7:13 PM


I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I think I'm done with the MCU for now.
Nothing really negative about it all, but I'm just burnt out on superhero movies.


Friday, May 31, 2019 7:53 PM


Been burnt out on Superhero Movies since Batman and Robin.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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