The Northman

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 20:32
VIEWED: 1847
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Saturday, April 30, 2022 11:18 PM


I saw this the past week, just too busy to post about it.

11 am showing on Tuesday had 2/3 of seating taken.

This is an interesting film. The version I saw was listed as without subtitles, although there are quite a bit of subtitles or subscript. I think they meant Close Captioned. I plan to try to catch the CC version this week, at a different cinema - but those showtimes are more difficult for me.
Apparently filmed in Iceland, and financed in Ireland, the story is based in Iceland. Maybe folks from those places won't need subtitles for the thick accents.

This film has gobs of savagery, brutality, buckets of heedless violence. Braveheart and Gladiator are comparatively civilized, romantic, genteel. Although I think this time period is only centuries before Braveheart.

There was a lot of historical, legend, mythology, traditions in the backstory - far more than I could fully absorb or even recognize.

Without being spoiler, this is a story of Kings, Kingdoms, revenge.
For those unfamiliar, "Land of the Rus" refers to modern day Ukraine, Belarus, adjoining Russia, and descended from Scandinavians.

As I had mentioned, cast includes Nicole Kidman and Willem Dafoe. This may be the meatiest role Anya Taylor-Joy has performed.

Film length is over 2 hours.
Cinematography is low-light, quite dark. Get seated before the lights go down, or you won't find any seat. Seems like home viewing would suffer because of this. I understand this may be the mood, indicating the lack of Sun in northern climes, but come on, Alaska gets 3 months of Midnight Sun each year.

If you are offended by nekkid guys on film, you should avoid this one. Including, I think, nekkid guys wielding Sword and Shield, and battling.

I really doubt that anybody is going to absorb the full scope and depth of this story in only one viewing. Unless the CC version is better than I conjure.


Saturday, April 30, 2022 11:55 PM


I've seen some good comments made about it by people who's opinions on media I respect.

From your description it seems a bit too much gore fest for my personal tastes.

I'm not saying we need to go back to the days where Clift stabs Borgnine behind a bunch of crates off camera while dramatic music punctuates every stab, but I'm not really sure why so many flicks of the modern era feel the need to have as much gore in the action as late 90's envelope pushing movies like Dee Snyder's Strangeland did.

I mean, I used the blood cheat code when playing Mortal Kombat II when I was a kid because Mortal Kombat without blood just ain't Mortal Kombat, but I don't think that buckets of blood thrown around with every hit adds anything to a serious flick that wasn't some dumb slasher movie made for edgy teenagers.

So you say it's interesting. Did you like it?

Is it not as gory as I'm thinking from how I read your description?


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, May 1, 2022 1:33 AM


I should have clarified that it was not non-stop Gore, savagery, violence. But there were some early scenes to set the mental frame. What I would call the prologue, preamble, the Set-up. Although those scenes do have some Gore, much of the savagery and brutality is clearly implied, wanton genocide by means without sword or blood. Plus mass slavery/kidnapping, human trade/trafficking. And the murders were celebrated by the mass murderers.
I suppose there was probably more blood splattered in The 300. Or possibly The Purge.


Sunday, May 1, 2022 2:04 AM


It will come as no surprise to you, I'm sure, that I've not ever watched 300 or The Purge.

And it's not as if I can't watch any movie that is more graphic with its violence if there is good reason for it. The first long part of Saving Private Ryan comes to mind, although I don't actually recall exactly how "bloody" it was as much as I just remember how damn intense it was to sit through.

I also loved Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and The Hunt as well, but even though they were gory it was so over-the-top Looney Tunes style violence that the lack of realism negates the impact a movie like the Saw series would have.

If you were to say that it was on par with Saving Private Ryan and it is a worthwhile movie to watch otherwise, I would probably still be inclined to give it a watch sometime.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, May 1, 2022 11:48 AM


Saving Private Ryan had "war violence" as well as collateral damage of noncombatants. The Northman had intentional genocide of noncombatants, pillaging, like Russians in Ukraine now, killing civilians with their hands tied behind their backs, executions of noncombatants, kidnapping and slave trading.
I found Ryan to be more satisfying film overall.
In terms of worthwhile, I mostly had difficulty deciphering the language, dialogue.

I did get a sense that it might attain cult status.
I did specifically mention the violence because I do know people who become violently ill when they see a head separated from the torso.
In both Ryan and Northman, the level of violence early on sets the tone, the context. Ryan is modem, more remote, death arrives from afar indiscriminantly. Northman does not have projectiles except occasional arrows, so all the death is accomplished up close, more personal. And intentional.

The 300 was a more worthwhile film, largely due to its historical accuracy. But yes, I already knew you dislike historically accurate film.

If you are considering watching Northman, it should be in Cinema.

I should have mentioned that I don't recall the Icelandic succession of Kings as well, so I am unsure if Northman is based in historical fact.


Sunday, May 1, 2022 5:23 PM



When I look for historical accuracy, my very first thought is Zach Snyder too.

It's just such a shame that Michael Bay was too busy filming the first Transformers or it could have been accurate TO THE EXTREEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMEEEEEE!!!!!

Holy cow.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, June 5, 2022 11:16 AM


Five Modern Viking Movies To Watch If You Enjoyed The Northman

Maybe this will be my Hamlet, the violent Hamlet for me to watch.

Some accused 2022 Northman of borrowing from or ripping off Shakespeare’s Hamlet, I have tired many times tried to watch or read any version of Hamlet and always found it too be near impossible, I do enjoy old books or very rarely maybe enjoy a musical or theater once in a while but Hamlet for me was always to insane, dumb, comical, too ridiculous to be taken serious....maybe I should just accept it as a full on comedy?

I discovered years later that old William Shakespeare never really wrote hamlet but just borrowed or stole the story from the Norse Nordic men, Amleth or Amlóði from Saxo Grammaticus Gesta a Denmark Iceland story from the 13th century, i t might be called the Amleth Saga in old German, Saxon or Latin.

There is also a movie 'Prince of Jutland', also known as Royal Deceit, maybe it more drama and less gore, a young Christian Bale stars in it. It was before the new era of film and tv like LOTR and GameofThrone but after Swashbuckle era of Errol Flynn or sword and sorcery Conan the Barbarian films. I remember an interesting trailer and good hollywood sound but in our modern post 911 ISIS era violence and gore in a story has become more acceptable in film.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 7:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I really doubt that anybody is going to absorb the full scope and depth of this story in only one viewing. Unless the CC version is better than I conjure.

If you download the movie, you can stop it to contemplate the pure craziness of the Norse Religion.

The whole motivation of The Northman is summed up in these 3 sentences spoken by Young Amleth, who grows up to be the Northman: “I will avenge you, Father! I will save you, Mother! I will kill you, Fjolnir!” With such goals, and the Norse Religion, Amleth’s story ends as any reasonable person would expect. Since Amleth knows where he is going, he takes his time getting his evil plan started: 33 years!

Young Amleth actor was born in 2009.
The older Amleth actor was born 1976.
Subtract one year from the other to get 33 years.

Amleth is Hamlet with the 'h' moved. Shakespeare stole the story and renamed the main character.

The best lines in the movie: “Christian monsters! . . . Their god is a corpse nailed to a tree.”
Shakespeare should have stolen that for Hamlet.

Save your time and money by downloading the movie from

There are larger files of this movie, but the smallest file is 720p:


Mjölnir pendants were the Old Norse Religion's equivalent to the Christian cross during the later Viking Age. Mjölnir is also the hammer of the thunder god Thor in Norse mythology.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 2:10 PM


I watched it in the cinema, had to drive a bit since not many showed it in my area and some of the old big theaters closed down after the Covid bullshit

Worth the experience to have the visuals surround your field of view and the music and noise echo and blast through your body in surround sound

Ethan Hawke plays the King, I guess at times it could be compared to The Patriot, The Conan the Barbarian and Last of the Mohicans, good if you're okay with weird stuff like a strange Indie/Art flick that's where it goes deep into Viking myth.

Parts of it were grim or shocking I understand the remarks on Brutality, Gore, Savagery comments now
Didn't expect it to be so out of it trippy, people in a different time with a strange understand of reality or out of their minds on Alcohol and Mushrooms for periods of the film, maybe purist’s attempt to accurately recount the madness and violence and crazy society of Vikings.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022 8:32 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

I guess at times it could be compared to The Patriot, The Conan the Barbarian and Last of the Mohicans, good if you're okay with weird stuff like a strange Indie/Art flick that's where it goes deep into Viking myth.

Parts of it were grim or shocking I understand the remarks on Brutality, Gore, Savagery comments now
Didn't expect it to be so out of it trippy, people in a different time with a strange understand of reality or out of their minds on Alcohol and Mushrooms for periods of the film, maybe purist’s attempt to accurately recount the madness and violence and crazy society of Vikings.

This movie is set in times when the people were switching from Old Norse Religion craziness to Christian mundaneness. The Old Religion believers lived brutally and died young. Better to make the switch and live gentler and longer.

Viking Religion: From the Norse Gods to Christianity

“All people are insane (in Viking movies). They will do anything at any time, and God help anybody who looks for reasons.” - paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut

Or this about Viking movies:

“My point, once again, is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally.” - John Dominic Crossan

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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