Hollywood's Abysmal 2023 in Numbers

UPDATED: Thursday, August 1, 2024 23:17
VIEWED: 7165
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Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:08 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by whozit:

This is what 2024 is looking like, there are few that may be worth a look.

Any bets on which will be the big ones?

That could be fun. Archiving that list before the new year starts and everybody give their top 10 picks for either worldwide gross or ww gross vs production budget (profitability).

We couldn't predict when new movies would break up that schedule or when movies were pushed off until 2025 or later, but with the archive backup we'd know which movies weren't on the list when we all made our guesses.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

Joker 2, Ghostbusters 4 and Deadpool 3 will likely do well, they have built in fan bases, there may be some surprises.

My guess is that out of the 3 of them, Ghostbusters 4 is going to be a failure.

Afterlife only made $203.6 Million on a $75 Million budget. It needed $187.5 Million to break even. Almost not even worth making another sequel, really, since it only made 108.6% of the breakeven point.

Comparatively, Songbirds & Snakes has made $303.3 Million on a $100 Million budget so far, which is 121.3% of what it needed to break even, and it will probably end its worldwide run somewhere between 130 and 135% of what it needed. So not only was Songbirds & Snakes a success in the end, but it was more successful than Ghostbusters 3 was.

There's been too much damage done to that brand. Not just the 2016 mistake, but the fact they left it dormant for decades. I was one of the biggest Ghostbusters fans in the world when I was a kid after I watched it with my old man and I remember watching every episode of the cartoon with him and my brothers growing up, but I haven't bothered watching Afterlife yet. It may have been a step in the right direction after the 2016 bomb, but to me it comes off just as cynical. Ghostbusters was never supposed to be FOR KIDS. It was something we felt like we were getting away with watching that we shouldn't have been watching. Even the first season of the cartoon was pretty adult themed most of the time before the Studio Execs got involved and made it a dumb kids cartoon.

So I guess there's my first meaningful prediction for 2024. Unless Sony managed to lower the production budget for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire to only $60 Million or less, my guess is that it doesn't break even. At least not on its own. They could probably try to really get kids excited about the toys again, and maybe put out a new cartoon to keep them coming back for more. There probably is a big potential for merchandising the brand again after all these years if they do it right. There is a huge void left in that area by Star Wars and Marvel toys not selling. I just wonder if kids really care about playing with action figures anymore when so much entertainment is available digitally these days.


The Fall Guy looks like fun, it may do well. BUT, 2024 is an election year, I'm sure somebody will shoot their mouth off chase off some audience members.

Yeah... I'm sure we're in for a lot more preaching in 2024.

Keep voting with that wallet.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:15 PM


Here is a good video talking about how they "kidified" the cartoon and why they did the stupid changes.

It also mentions that the studio considered Ghostbusters II a failure after it made only $215 Million in 1989, even though it only cost $25 Million to make.

So Ghostbusters II made $11 Million more than Afterlife on 1/3rd of the budget and was considered a failure. If you calculate for inflation, Ghostbusters II made $532 Million on a $62 Million budget and they weren't happy with that.

Think about that... They made an 850% profit and weren't happy. I don't have my updated 2023 spreadsheet in front of me at the moment, but it's possible that there weren't even 10 flicks put out this year that did as well as Ghostbusters II did in 1989.

Oh how low are the expectations today compared to 30 years ago...

There are other videos about how they "kidified" the second movie, but other than mentioning that it was considered a failure by Colombia Pictures this video doesn't go into that at all.


There you go. Nostalgia Critic rails hard on the dumbing down of the 2nd movie for kids.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, December 28, 2023 2:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

This whole thing has gotten completely out of hand, which is one more reason to NOT go to the movie theater:

When is this movie really going to start? I’ve been here half an hour.

By Richard Zoglin, New York-based writer and critic | Dec 27, 2023

It took me a few weeks to get out to see the new Martin Scorsese film, “Killers of the Flower Moon”; the running time of three hours and 26 minutes was pretty daunting. Still, on a recent weeknight, I trekked to my local multiplex in New York City for an 8:30 p.m. showing. Since I knew it would be a long evening, I made sure to arrive a few minutes late, to miss some of the pre-show ads and trailers.

Not late enough. I still had to sit through several minutes of previews and AMC Theatres promotions, before Leonardo DiCaprio finally appeared on the screen. But not in the movie ­— he was interviewing Scorsese about the historical background of the film, which recounts the organized murders of Osage tribe members in 1920s Oklahoma. After three or four minutes of their gab, the theater finally darkened, and the film seemed ready to start. But wait — there was Scorsese again, addressing the audience to say, once more, how honored he was to “tell this powerful historical story in the most authentic way possible.” By the time the movie dawdled onto the screen, a three-hour-26-minute film had ballooned into a nearly four-hour evening.

Scorsese is one of many filmmakers and critics who have campaigned for seeing movies the old-fashioned way — on the big screen in theaters, rather than through streaming services at home. But I wonder how many of these film lovers (who generally see movies in a comfy screening room, where they start on time and no one has to sit through ads for PlayStation) have actually been to a movie theater lately. It has become a grueling experience.

Set aside the $10 bags of popcorn and the confusing array of projection formats — Imax, 4DX, Dolby — that can boost the ticket price to $25 or more. And I’m not complaining about audience members who talk and scan their cellphones during the movie; complaints about unruly patrons date back to the days when people used to read the title cards aloud in silent films. No, it’s the bloated running times of so many current films and the expanding pre-show folderol that have turned moviegoing into an endurance test.

There once was a time (it now seems quaint to recall) when you had to go to Europe to see commercials in a movie theater; American movie houses were blessedly free of them. Not anymore. On another trip to the multiplex, to see Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” (which weighs in at a relatively compact two hours and 38 minutes), I counted a dozen commercials, for everything from Hyundai to M&M’s, before the Regal voice of God told us to silence our cellphones and “enjoy the show” — after which came another slew of ads, for various Pepsi drinks; six trailers for upcoming movies (because where better than a screening of “Napoleon” to look for fans of “Drive-Away Dolls” and “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom”?); and a pitch for the Regal Unlimited subscription plan. Thirty minutes in hard-sell captivity before the movie finally started.

Don’t get me wrong: I love going to the movies. After the pandemic, I returned to the theaters much sooner than most of my friends. But it’s becoming harder to justify that ordeal at the multiplex, rather than waiting a few weeks for the film to show up on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

Watching a movie on the big screen can be absorbing, even thrilling. But it’s not a religious experience. My blood pressure spikes every time I see those platform heels stepping through a puddle on the way to a movie theater — the opening of Nicole Kidman’s inescapable promotional spot for AMC Theatres.

“We come to this place … for magic,” she intones reverently, as she settles into a seat in a deserted theater, stares beatifically up at the screen and rhapsodizes about “that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim. … Somehow heartbreak feels good in a place like this.” AMC began running the spot two years ago, to encourage people to return to theaters after the pandemic. By now it’s the most grating commercial pitch this side of the Kars4Kids jingle.

In an industry that takes itself so seriously, it’s perhaps not surprising that directors have been allowed to let their films run on and on. The average length of the top 10 grossing films of 2023 was two hours and 23 minutes — almost 30 minutes longer than in 2020. When some theaters tried inserting an intermission into their screenings of “Killers of the Flower Moon,” the film’s producer and distributor forced them to stop, and Scorsese has fiercely defended the film’s length. Fine, Marty, you tell us where the best moment is to leave for a bathroom break.

I appreciate the nostalgia that Scorsese and other filmmakers feel for the old days, when going to the movies was a weekly habit. But it ignores how films have changed. They used to clock in at 90 minutes or less, and any preliminaries were added value — a Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry cartoon — not a commercial bombardment that both exhausts the audience and demeans the experience.

For an industry trying to lure people away from their home screens and back into theaters, a little restraint might be in order.
If not a self-imposed limit on the number of pre-show ads and trailers, at least full disclosure in the listings of the film’s actual start time. After all, to reiterate the obvious, we come to this place … for movies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 28, 2023 2:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Another reason to NOT go to the movies:

How in the World Did Ferrari End Up Using a Line From Walk Hard?

Ferrari avoids many of the Walk Hard pitfalls. It even offers many pleasures: Penélope Cruz overacting with all her might, cool cars on winding Italian roads, a guy cut in half even more disgustingly than Nate Cox. But after that line, I simply could not take Ferrari seriously.

For no matter its impeccable production design, brilliant direction, or whipcrack editing, it is infected with the fatally silly virus that infects basically all biopics: the self-seriousness inherent in creating a portrait of a Great Man (or, very occasionally, a Great Woman), who brushes aside all else in pursuit of that very Greatness. The wigs, the clichés, the golden-hour light of Italy 1957: It’s all in service of a fundamentally foolish goal, one that not even a director as good as Michael Mann can achieve without making me giggle. It’s that goal, not only the specific music-biopic tropes, that Walk Hard is satirizing. And Mann’s Ferrari, serious as a Mass, steers right into the wall.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 28, 2023 9:02 AM


2024 will be full of sequels but it looks a lot better than 2023, if they keep the woke crap to a minimum they may do well in 2024. I think the studios learned a lesson in 2023.


Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:
I think the studios learned a lesson in 2023.

I don't think they have learned. In 1925, Herman Mankiewicz (“Citizen Kane”) sent a telegram to his friend Ben Hecht, the playwright, trying to lure him from New York to Los Angeles. “Millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots,” he wrote, adding, “Don’t let this get around.” 1925 is long ago, but the competition is still idiots.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:53 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by whozit:
I think the studios learned a lesson in 2023.

I don't think they have learned. In 1925, Herman Mankiewicz (“Citizen Kane”) sent a telegram to his friend Ben Hecht, the playwright, trying to lure him from New York to Los Angeles. “Millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots,” he wrote, adding, “Don’t let this get around.” 1925 is long ago, but the competition is still idiots.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In 1925 the film industry was still a NEW industry and growing, now they're looking at merging and maybe selling off divisions. I still believe there will be major changes in the film and TV industry in 2024, they don't have the money to throw around anymore.


Thursday, December 28, 2023 11:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:

In 1925 the film industry was still a NEW industry and growing, now they're looking at merging and maybe selling off divisions. I still believe there will be major changes in the film and TV industry in 2024, they don't have the money to throw around anymore.

Did you know there is an article titled: 15 Movies That Bankrupted Their Studios? That is how business has always worked. The most incompetent die and most business leaders are incompetent and very much deserve what misfortune happens to their businesses. The bad ones survive only because they are lucky. Eventually, their lucky streak ends and they die.

Animation companies also die.

Even The Walt Disney Company almost died because of Pinocchio. Pinocchio won Oscars but that won't pay the bills.

There is so much more about the survival of the fittest businesses at Movie studios that no longer exist:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 28, 2023 12:25 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by whozit:

In 1925 the film industry was still a NEW industry and growing, now they're looking at merging and maybe selling off divisions. I still believe there will be major changes in the film and TV industry in 2024, they don't have the money to throw around anymore.

Did you know there is an article titled: 15 Movies That Bankrupted Their Studios? That is how business has always worked. The most incompetent die and most business leaders are incompetent and very much deserve what misfortune happens to their businesses. The bad ones survive only because they are lucky. Eventually, their lucky streak ends and they die.

Animation companies also die.

Even The Walt Disney Company almost died because of Pinocchio. Pinocchio won Oscars but that won't pay the bills.

There is so much more about the survival of the fittest businesses at Movie studios that no longer exist:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In this years case it's a LIST of flops, not just one. The reason the industry is in the bind they are today is because of bad management, they can't blame COVID for the list of flops this year, they put out poorly written woke crap the fan base didn't want to see. They're making woke crap for an audience that has no interest in Sci-Fi or Super Hero flicks or TV shows. PLUS, they insult the fan base when they refuse to see OR, go to see their crap and give it bad reviews on twitter or their YOUTUBE channel. This is why I'm sure they'll be major changes in 2024, possibly a blood bath.


Thursday, December 28, 2023 4:11 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:

In this years case it's a LIST of flops, not just one. The reason the industry is in the bind they are today is because of bad management, they can't blame COVID for the list of flops this year, they put out poorly written woke crap the fan base didn't want to see. They're making woke crap for an audience that has no interest in Sci-Fi or Super Hero flicks or TV shows. PLUS, they insult the fan base when they refuse to see OR, go to see their crap and give it bad reviews on twitter or their YOUTUBE channel. This is why I'm sure they'll be major changes in 2024, possibly a blood bath.

What Hollywood needs is more executives who will say to directors: "Killers of Flower Moon is the perfect example of a movie that should NOT be made."

It cost $200 M and sold only $156 M in tickets. Sure thing that director Martin Scorsese and cast are all famous, but so what? Scorsese has a remarkable ability to spend too much money. He has forgotten how to economize. Hollywood makes movies for money. Screw Art with a Capital A. No Hollywood exec should have approved spending $200 M for such a minor work of art, no matter how good the script is or how many weeks it was a best seller on the New York Times Non-fiction book list (147 weeks and counting).

The story of a murder spree in 1920s Oklahoma that targeted Osage Indians, whose lands contained oil. The fledgling F.B.I. intervened, ineffectively.
By David Grann 338 pp. Doubleday. $28.95.

In 1804, President Thomas Jefferson hosted a delegation of Osage chiefs who had traveled from their ancestral land, which Jefferson had recently acquired — from the French, not the Osage — in the Louisiana Purchase. The Osage representatives were tall, many of them over six feet, and they towered over most of their White House hosts. Jefferson was impressed, calling them the “ finest men we have ever seen.” He promised to treat their tribe fairly, telling them that from then on, “they shall know our nation only as friends and benefactors.”

Over the next 20 years, the Osage were stripped of their land, ceding almost 100 million acres, and were forced onto a parcel in southeastern Kansas that measured about 50 by 125 miles (four million acres). This land would be theirs forever, the United States government told them.

And then — as David Grann details early in his disturbing and riveting new book, “Killers of the Flower Moon” — this promise, too, was broken. White settlers began squatting on Osage territory, skirmishes ensued and eventually the tribe had to sell the land for $1.25 an acre. Looking for a new home, the Osage found an area of what was to become Oklahoma that no one else wanted. It was hilly and unsuited to cultivation. The Osage bought the parcel for roughly a million dollars, later adding a provision that the land’s “oil, gas, coal or other minerals” would be owned by the Osage, too. Thus they owned the land above and whatever was below, as well.

No one argued the point at the time. No one but the Osage knew there was oil under that rocky soil. The Osage leased the land to prospectors and made a fortune. “In 1923 alone,” Grann writes, “the tribe took in more than $30 million, the equivalent today of more than $400 million. The Osage were considered the wealthiest people per capita in the world.” They built mansions and bought fleets of cars. A magazine writer at the time wrote: “Every time a new well is drilled the Indians are that much richer. … The Osage Indians are becoming so rich that something will have to be done about it.” Serial murder. That is what was done about it. Hence, the book and, later, the movie. A movie much like a C.S.I. TV show could be made, but because most of the murderers got away with murder, it would not be a popular TV show. And it certainly was not a popular movie and any competent Hollywood executive could see unpopular would be the fate of this movie.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 28, 2023 5:41 PM


‘Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire’ Review: Is Something There or Is It a Flop?


Saturday, December 30, 2023 6:26 PM



Sunday, December 31, 2023 10:33 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by whozit:

In this years case it's a LIST of flops, not just one. The reason the industry is in the bind they are today is because of bad management, they can't blame COVID for the list of flops this year, they put out poorly written woke crap the fan base didn't want to see. They're making woke crap for an audience that has no interest in Sci-Fi or Super Hero flicks or TV shows. PLUS, they insult the fan base when they refuse to see OR, go to see their crap and give it bad reviews on twitter or their YOUTUBE channel. This is why I'm sure they'll be major changes in 2024, possibly a blood bath.

What Hollywood needs is more executives who will say to directors: "Killers of Flower Moon is the perfect example of a movie that should NOT be made."

It cost $200 M and sold only $156 M in tickets. Sure thing that director Martin Scorsese and cast are all famous, but so what? Scorsese has a remarkable ability to spend too much money. He has forgotten how to economize. Hollywood makes movies for money. Screw Art with a Capital A. No Hollywood exec should have approved spending $200 M for such a minor work of art, no matter how good the script is or how many weeks it was a best seller on the New York Times Non-fiction book list (147 weeks and counting).


But it can now be argued that no Directors get green lights for ANY movie that's $200 Million or more, not just these artsy-fartsy movies like Killers and Napoleon.

There was only one movie released in 2023 that cost $200 Million or more that broke even (and made a profit), and that was Guardians of the Galaxy 3 with its $250 Million budget. The only reason that this was the only superhero movie from either the MCU or DCEU to make money in 2023 is because those characters already had been established (and loved) long before Phase 4's agenda BS that killed the Marvel franchise through Phase 5.

$150 Million should probably be the CAP for blockbuster budgets going forward, with $100 Million being the goal for movies which aren't sure-things but that they're fairly confident will do well.

There were only 2 movies in 2023 that cost more than $100 Million and broke even (and made a profit). Barbie was $145 Million. Meg 2: The Trench somehow was the other one, making just shy of $400 Million worldwide.

Elemental almost broke even with the long legs, but it did come shy of profit and it cost $200 Million. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania lost just shy of $40 Million with its $200 Million budget. The Little Mermaid lost over $50 Million on its $250 Million budget. Transformers lost just shy of $50 Million on its $195 Million budget. Fast X lost over $135 Million on its insane $340 Million budget. MI7 Part 1 lost just shy of $160 Million on its equally insane $290 Million budget. Dungeons and Dragons lost just shy of $170 Million on its $150 Million budget. Indiana Jones 5 lost a staggering $368 Million on its crazy $300 Million budget. Blue Beetle lost $170 Million on its $120 Million budget. Shazam II lost $180 Million on its $125 Million budget. Haunted Mansion lost just shy of $280 Million on its $159 Million budget.

And then you've got movies that cost $100 Million or less that still cost way too much to make. Expendables 4 lost just shy of $200 Million on a $100 Million budget. And Renfield lost just shy of $190 Million on its $87 Million budget.

Personally, I'd shy away from CGI-Fests like Superhero flicks for a while. Firstly because the audience has grown bored with them after 20 years of it, but secondly because its very obvious that they're cutting corners on the CGI and stuff they've been putting out the last few years doesn't even come close to holding up to movies that came out way earlier like the original Jurassic Park or the Pirates movies.

We can argue all day about politics in movies, but the bottom line is that the budgets are the problems here. When a movie comes out of the gates needing to make $500 Million after marketing/reshoots/theater takes because it cost $200 Million to produce, it's at an insane disadvantage to a movie only needing to make $250 Million because it only cost $100 Million to make.

And all of them are at a severe disadvantage to movies like Five Nights at Freddy's that only needed to make $50 Million, or M3GAN that only needed to make $30 Million to break even.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, January 1, 2024 8:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

And all of them are at a severe disadvantage to movies like Five Nights at Freddy's that only needed to make $50 Million, or M3GAN that only needed to make $30 Million to break even.

Rebel Moon has a $166 million budget, according to Vanity Fair. How much did it earn? Zero dollars, according to The Numbers. Maybe Netflix gets a return on its investment when part 2 of Rebel Moon comes out on April 19, 2023. Or maybe when the R-rated version comes out. Or maybe it is a corporate black hole – money goes in and no money is returned.

How did it manage to cost at least $166 million? Copious quantities of realism:

While any sci-fi extravaganza naturally features copious digital effects, Snyder also used his estimated budget of at least $166 million to manifest as much of it in real life as possible. In a Santa Clarita canyon just outside Los Angeles, a full-size abandoned starfighter decays not far from what appears to be an idyllic Scandinavian-style village, complete with clusters of homes, shops, and barns, as well as a stone bridge arching over a crystalline river. (Team Snyder also built the river.) Vast fields of actual wheat sprout from desert hardpan never meant for such lush growth, but Snyder insisted on real crops for his farmers to harvest and defend. Just over the rocky hillside sits another Rebel Moon set for a larger community known as Providence that looks like an Old West metropolis. All of these are just locations on the moon of the title; there are other worlds beyond.
Zack Snyder has been mulling this story for more than three decades, so why would Netflix not splurge on real sets? You might think $166 million is excessive but Snyder is making ART and no expense must be spared to create the Artist's Vision or some other bullshit Hollywood explanation:

“I’m a glutton for punishment. I don’t know why I always make an ensemble movie. I can’t wait to not do that. But in the meantime, of course…I love it,” Snyder says. He feels that constructing his worlds in real life makes the otherworldly feel more immersive. “This movie was me going, ‘Of course it’s a space opera, but let’s not lens it that way. Let’s lens it in a more intimate way, so that the sci-fi elements feel more grounded.’ We’re not always saying, ‘Look at how big our spaceships are or how weird our planets look!’ That happens, but it happens as an organic part of the world you’re in. You’re there, and so the things you see on that journey are not forced upon you or spoon-fed to you.”

Snyder shares these thoughts while sitting in a tavern built on the port city set, sweating profusely as he directs a gunfight sequence. A network of overhead pipes creates a thunderstorm that transforms the desert dust into pools of sticky mud while the heroes and villains blast at each other. When we spoke last summer, Rebel Moon was about halfway through principal photography, with more than three months to go. Snyder couldn’t have looked giddier. After an excruciating, combative experience building the DC superhero universe for Warner Bros. — and then seeing it scrapped — Snyder has finally found a studio that has given him epic trust to match its epic funding.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 1, 2024 5:48 PM


Yup. Lot of hoo rah out there about how Netflix "won" the streaming wars this week.

Personally, I don't see it.

Being the one unprofitable company in an unprofitable market that was less unprofitable than everyone else was doesn't look like a win to me.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, January 1, 2024 6:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yup. Lot of hoo rah out there about how Netflix "won" the streaming wars this week.

Personally, I don't see it.

Being the one unprofitable company in an unprofitable market that was less unprofitable than everyone else was doesn't look like a win to me.

Rebel Moon has got the same storytelling problem or Hollywood technique as, for example, Avatar:

Select to view spoiler:

Avatar 1 killed the main villain, but he is reincarnated for Avatar 2, and he was saved, once again, for Avatar 3. Rebel Moon handled the dead-villain-returns-in-the-sequel problem differently and much better.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 1, 2024 8:37 PM



Batman's gotten away with it more than a few times. For some reason as long as the writing is good they manage to always get away with rebooting that franchise.

I know that they're only going to get away with that with a few properties, and only if it's done well. We don't know if Marvel is or is not one of them yet because the writing has been terrible along with the obvious degradation of the special effects as the years have gone on top of the leftist messaging that's been injected into every facet of the entire Universe at this point.

You can't say for sure exactly what part of Marvel is failing right now because they brought almost nothing good to the table in 2023 at all and every step they make is the wrong one now.

I'd suggest giving everybody at least a 1 year break from superhero movies from both universes and beyond.

It will be the pallet cleanser that the fans and audience need right now, and it should give the studios some time to really think about how they want to move forward. Even if it means just entirely scrapping all the plans they currently had in place and starting over completely.

For example, I'd seriously suggest NOT bringing back Downey Jr.'s Iron Man, or any of the original Avengers they'd already killed off. That's just putting a band-aid on the problem. Scrap the entire Marvel Universe, do some research on why the organic growth of all the characters worked when DCEU's hodge-podge attempt at universe building completely flopped with audiences outside of a few surprise hits like Aquaman 1 and Joker, genuinely figure out who killed the Marvel Universe internally and remove them from the equation, and hire back whoever was removed who was there when the MCU was successful.

Then don't even think about making that first New MCU movie without having a GREAT story for it and a good latticework of future films that you will add thoughtfully to the New Universe.

Anything they do going forward should be a clean break from the past. It needs to be thoughtful and it needs to be well written. Every addition (spaced out at a decent pace that doesn't over-saturate the market again) also needs a budget of $150 Million or less. The less the better.

No race or gender swaps either. You can have plenty of diversity going forward in a thoughtful and well written Universe, but it has to be organic and stay the hell away from pandering just to pander.

I'm even okay with the minority female Wolverine being a thing one day because it is something that happens and it can be done in a way that doesn't shit all over the real Logan. They'd have to rebuild the character from scratch and get somebody who does it at least as good as Hugh Jackman because otherwise they'd be needlessly retconning the already well-received way they already wrapped that character's arc if they wanted to do the female minority Wolverine justice in that universe. Switches like this can be well received as long as the character's death was noble and meant something, their story wasn't nonsensically retconned just to make the race/gender swap occur, the writing is good and the new character isn't just a mindless Girl Boss who is automatically better than the original character without taking any beatdowns, having any training or learning any lessons to become better than they were before, just because Girl/Minority Power. The race swaps also can't be every single character, especially at once, which seemed to be the plan at Marvel before nearly every move they made in 2023 was a failure, especially at Disney. (So yes... the current Ironheart "replacement" for Tony Stark's Iron Man needs to be thrown right in the trash where it belongs because it did EVERYTHING wrong and 90% of the people who actually gave money to Disney/Marvel hates her, which is clearly evidenced by how hard The Marvels with its cut-and-paste Girl Boss characters bombed to finish off 2023 has proven).

There are good minority and female characters already. Put the spotlight on them with good writing and the constant race/gender swaps don't even need to be a thing. They can also make new characters that are minorities and women to join the already established ones without pissing off half the fanbase for no reason other than points with the haters on twitter that don't even pay to see the movies in the first place anyhow.

"Diversity" isn't the problem. Its the lazy and insulting way that the people they hired on in the last decade that is the problem. It makes the self-hating, white, pink haired lefties on Twitter happy, but it pisses off everyone else, even the minorities they're supposedly doing all of it for.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 6:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

"Diversity" isn't the problem. Its the lazy and insulting way that the people they hired on in the last decade that is the problem. It makes the self-hating, white, pink haired lefties on Twitter happy, but it pisses off everyone else, even the minorities they're supposedly doing all of it for.

Hollywood makes many excellent movies that sell few tickets. See what gets nominated for Best Picture for the names of those movies. But instead of buying a billion dollars worth of tickets to each of those excellent movies, audiences bitch and moan about the poor quality of the other stuff Hollywood makes, buying only hundreds of millions of dollars in tickets for each.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 6:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Which had larger yearly sales revenue? Hollywood or Bed Bath & Beyond? Hollywood has an awesome advantage to be profitable because nothing physical is delivered to the purchasers other than the paper movie ticket.

I won’t immediately tell you which is which, but one of these sales numbers is for Hollywood, and the other for BBBY:

2023 $8,895,788,905

2021 $9,230,000,000

Now I tell you. The answer is Bed Bath & Beyond sold more stuff than Hollywood. One of them is out of business as of Oct 2, 2023 (lost its stock market listing) and the other is slowly heading in the same direction. It wasn’t earthshaking when BBBY went bankrupt and only Hollywood or a ninny would think its own death is a bigger deal than BBBY’s death.

6ixStringJack, I don’t think Hollywood’s decline is more important than BBBY’s.
Why do you make such big deal out of Hollywood’s trouble but not BBBY’s?

After over a century in business, it is painfully obvious that the crappy stuff (known as the Magic of the Movies) Hollywood routinely sells is less useful, less enduring, and even less significant than BBBY stuff.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 10:53 AM



Why do you make such big deal out of Hollywood’s trouble but not BBBY’s?

Because this is the Cinema board, dipshit. Not the wine mom thread.

BBBY and the fat loser piece of shit diversity hire Amy Hauk that also brought Victoria's Secret down got their knocks from me in the RWED boards.

I don't know how you would wokify Bed Bath and Beyond, but that useless piece of shit probably figured out a way to do it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 12:34 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Why do you make such big deal out of Hollywood’s trouble but not BBBY’s?

Because this is the Cinema board, dipshit. Not the wine mom thread.

BBBY and the fat loser piece of shit diversity hire Amy Hauk that also brought Victoria's Secret down got their knocks from me in the RWED boards.

I don't know how you would wokify Bed Bath and Beyond, but that useless piece of shit probably figured out a way to do it.

6ix, compare some numbers between the US and the World:

US Domestic Yearly Box Office 2023 $8,895,788,905
World annual revenue (in U.S. dollars) $76,700,000,000
World number of employees 388,770
World number of businesses 57,100

If all Hollywood studios went bankrupt, there are still plenty more studios around the world to grind out entertainment for US. It will have subtitles, but that’s what you get when you hate everything unapproved by Trump made in Hollywood.

Key data on the movie production & distribution industry worldwide 2022
Published by Statista Research Department, Jan 5, 2023
The source forecast that, by the end of 2022, the annual revenue of the global film production and distribution industry would amount to 76.7 billion U.S. dollars. As of mid-2022, the sector employed almost 389 thousand people in a little more than 57 thousand businesses worldwide. China, the North American market (a term that includes the United States and Canada and excludes Mexico), and Japan were the world's leading box office markets by revenue in 2021.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 3:38 PM


I'm refusing to take this conversation any further with you because your opinion on this, as on anything, is of no benefit to anybody else.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 8:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm refusing to take this conversation any further with you because your opinion on this, as on anything, is of no benefit to anybody else.

Essentially because of Trump's politics, you despise present-day Hollywood, but Hollywood has made thousands of movies before recent movies became politically unacceptable, exceptions for Joker and Top Gun Maverick. Why not just watch an old movie and let modern-day Hollywood go bankrupt? And if you want to make some money from Hollywood's slow death, short-sell the stocks connected to Hollywood:

Wall Street "short sellers" are often cast as villains. They make money when most others are losing it — that is, when stock prices fall.

To end on a more positive note, Hollywood is selling fewer tickets because the same movie will be streaming a month after it opens in the theater. Which would you prefer? See a movie for free on your 4k TV? Or travel long distances, pay inflated prices for tickets and snacks, and impatiently watch twenty minutes of advertisement in a theater before the show starts? Such a difficult decision to make about the Magic of the Movies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 11:40 AM



Originally posted by second:
Essentially because of Trump's politics, you despise present-day Hollywood, but Hollywood has made thousands of movies before recent movies became politically unacceptable, exceptions for Joker and Top Gun Maverick.

Once again, this has nothing at all to do with Trump.

I watch a handful of movies and/or TV shows per year, and it's been that way since I sobered up. I'm the first one to tell everybody that Hollywood did this to themselves because even before they started injecting leftist politics into everything there had been over a decade of lazy remakes and reboots and countless sequels nobody asked for because they lost their nerve to try anything new. This has all been a long time coming. Leftist agenda just made it happen faster than the worldwide shutdown of movie theaters during Covid did.


Why not just watch an old movie and let modern-day Hollywood go bankrupt?

I've already watched most of what I wanted to watch pre-woke. And not every movie that comes out today is awful. I rarely watch anything, but when I do it's usually something new and with somebody else who wanted to watch it.

That being said, I'm rarely disappointed when I watch something these days. I don't know if that has more to do with the fact that watching a new movie or show is such a rare occurrence for me, or that the products I chose to consume are fairly highly curated compared to the days when I watched stuff all the time.

I watched Lady Ballers with my old man a few weeks ago. I'm sure Trump loved that movie (or at the very least he approved of the message and told the Ben Shapiro cult to go watch it). I didn't care for it. I'd say of all of the movies that I've watched since I sobered up 8 years ago, it was the worst movie that I consumed in that time. It was guilty of all of the things I accuse Leftist writers/producers/actors of doing, but just coming from the Right. It was lazy. It was formulaic. The "jokes" rarely landed. It appealed strongly to one faction while being too afraid to take the piss out of themselves too for jokes. It was basically everything I expected it to be while going into it with the low expectations that it deserved.

The other big surprise of 2023 was that I watched The Flash with the old man and really enjoyed it. I'll bet that Trump didn't love The Flash, if he even saw the movie. None of the rage-bait YouTubers will admit that it was a good movie upon watching it, just as they never mentioned Songbirds & Snakes in a single video after it was apparent it was going to be a box office success, choosing instead to just pretend that the movie didn't exist.

I won't write my praise for The Flash again here, but I created a thread for it after watching it.

The Flash: An Honest Review


And if you want to make some money from Hollywood's slow death, short-sell the stocks connected to Hollywood:

I don't gamble.


To end on a more positive note, Hollywood is selling fewer tickets because the same movie will be streaming a month after it opens in the theater. Which would you prefer? See a movie for free on your 4k TV? Or travel long distances, pay inflated prices for tickets and snacks, and impatiently watch twenty minutes of advertisement in a theater before the show starts? Such a difficult decision to make about the Magic of the Movies.

It's when you write things like this that I don't even understand what your point is, because I'm pretty sure that you don't understand what your point is.

If you're making the claim once again that Leftist Agenda isn't what is killing Hollywood, I'll point out the OP in this thread to you once again where it shows a list of all the top studios and how much a company like Disney who couldn't put out anything that wasn't stuffed full of it lost, compared to a company like Universal who is going to end up the year in the black almost as much as Disney ended the year in the Red.

The numbers themselves don't lie, and they easily destroy any narrative that it wasn't Leftist politics that turned audiences away.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 6:48 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I'm refusing to take this conversation any further with you because your opinion on this, as on anything, is of no benefit to anybody else.

Essentially because of Trump's politics, you despise present-day Hollywood, but Hollywood has made thousands of movies before recent movies became politically unacceptable, exceptions for Joker and Top Gun Maverick. Why not just watch an old movie and let modern-day Hollywood go bankrupt? And if you want to make some money from Hollywood's slow death, short-sell the stocks connected to Hollywood:

Wall Street "short sellers" are often cast as villains. They make money when most others are losing it — that is, when stock prices fall.

To end on a more positive note, Hollywood is selling fewer tickets because the same movie will be streaming a month after it opens in the theater. Which would you prefer? See a movie for free on your 4k TV? Or travel long distances, pay inflated prices for tickets and snacks, and impatiently watch twenty minutes of advertisement in a theater before the show starts? Such a difficult decision to make about the Magic of the Movies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I use to enjoy going out to the movies, it was an excuse to get out of the house. I didn't mind paying too much for popcorn, fruit punch and Snowcaps, but in recent years there have been no flicks that excite me. I'm turning into one of those old guys that yell at kids to get off the lawn, but maybe this year I'll get off my dead ass and see something. There looks like there'll be a few worth the over priced crap, Fall Guy, Deadpool and Joker may get me out of Lay-Z-Boy.


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 7:35 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It is not about "wokeness". If Hollywood went out of business, we'd be better off. Buy your entertainment from Canada or anywhere other than Hollywood. I hear Jewel Staite (both Firefly's Kaylee Fry and Canadian) would love to make another movie for you.

Screamboat Willie? Mickey Mouse horror films lurk as cartoon enters public domain

By Christi Carras | Jan. 2, 2024

From Mark Lezama, a patent attorney, about recent announcements that Steamboat Willie (aka Mickey Mouse) will be starring in several horror films now that Disney's copyright has expired:

The main thing is to be sure you’re not using Mickey in promotional materials in a way that would make someone think the film came from Disney. I don’t think that should be too hard, especially if Mickey is portrayed as a bloodthirsty sadist.

Lezama points out that the Mickey Mouse featured in “Steamboat Willie” bears some key differences to modern depictions of the character. For example, the “Steamboat Willie” Mickey is shown entirely in black and white and is missing the mouse’s signature white gloves. So, to be extra safe, a filmmaker might avoid a gloved, colorized depiction of Mickey.

Director and producer Steven LaMorte confirmed Tuesday in a news release that he is helming a horror-comedy adaptation of “Steamboat Willie,” about a “mischievous” and “monstrous” mouse with a “taste for tourists” who terrorizes the passengers and crew members of a boat off the coast of New York City.

LaMorte previously directed and produced “The Mean One,” a 2022 horror-comedy film based on Dr. Seuss’ the Grinch.

“‘Steamboat Willie’ has brought joy to generations, but beneath that cheerful exterior lies a potential for pure, unhinged terror,” LaMorte said in a statement. “It’s a project I’ve been dreaming of, and I can’t wait to unleash our twisted take on this beloved character to the world.”

Earlier this week, a trailer for “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” — an indie slasher flick about a masked killer disguised as Mickey Mouse who hunts down innocent amusement park guests and employees — surfaced on YouTube. Directed by Jamie Bailey, “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” is tentatively set to open in March.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 7:47 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

It's when you write things like this that I don't even understand what your point is, because I'm pretty sure that you don't understand what your point is.

If you're making the claim once again that Leftist Agenda isn't what is killing Hollywood, I'll point out the OP in this thread to you once again where it shows a list of all the top studios and how much a company like Disney who couldn't put out anything that wasn't stuffed full of it lost, compared to a company like Universal who is going to end up the year in the black almost as much as Disney ended the year in the Red.

The numbers themselves don't lie, and they easily destroy any narrative that it wasn't Leftist politics that turned audiences away.

It is NOT politics that makes these movie failures crappy. I've got no qualms about the politics that you think are poisoning the movie experience. It's crappiness poisoning the movies (and also the fact that anybody, even the unsophisticated, can get any new movie from streaming or from pirates for free.)

I can see why it took a decade to understand that alcohol was killing you. And how long did it take to realize you were dying from diabetes? That disease needed your retarded brother's keen insight ("You look like death") to point it out to you. In other words, you are not very conscious about life, 6ixStringJack. You live almost completely inside your emotionally traumatized mind. Get out more and go to the movies with friends. Preferably old movies made before 1999, Trump, MAGA, and "wokeness". There are many thousands to see.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 9:41 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

It's when you write things like this that I don't even understand what your point is, because I'm pretty sure that you don't understand what your point is.

If you're making the claim once again that Leftist Agenda isn't what is killing Hollywood, I'll point out the OP in this thread to you once again where it shows a list of all the top studios and how much a company like Disney who couldn't put out anything that wasn't stuffed full of it lost, compared to a company like Universal who is going to end up the year in the black almost as much as Disney ended the year in the Red.

The numbers themselves don't lie, and they easily destroy any narrative that it wasn't Leftist politics that turned audiences away.

It is NOT politics that makes these movie failures crappy.

Yes. It IS.

That isn't the only thing making movies suck, but it's by far the largest contributor to it in 2023.



I've got no qualms about the politics that you think are poisoning the movie experience.

You also don't pay for anything you consume or pay the taxes to the IRS for all the stuff that you've stolen and consumed, so nobody gives one single shit about your opinion on the matter.


It's crappiness poisoning the movies (and also the fact that anybody, even the unsophisticated, can get any new movie from streaming or from pirates for free.)

Oh wow. You are so sophisticated.

Pirating is not a skill. A 5 year old could do it.

5 year olds also have no impulse control either and would steal with reckless abandon, so you have much in common.

You are not special.


I can see why it took a decade to understand that alcohol was killing you. And how long did it take to realize you were dying from diabetes? That disease needed your retarded brother's keen insight ("You look like death") to point it out to you. In other words, you are not very conscious about life, 6ixStringJack. You live almost completely inside your emotionally traumatized mind. Get out more and go to the movies with friends. Preferably old movies made before 1999, Trump, MAGA, and "wokeness". There are many thousands to see.

Stay classy, moron.

And if you're going to persist with pointless personal attacks because you can never win an argument against me, at least get the details right. As my number one stalker I have to say that I'm quite disappointed with how inaccurate your false accounting of my very not-private history has been as of late.

In the meantime, it's YOUR version of Hollywood that is dying. Movies aren't going anywhere. Just the ones that inject the Leftist Agenda that nobody is going to pay for anymore.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 6:25 PM


The Color Purple...

Warner Bros. wraps up 2023 with another box office failure because it doesn't know how to budget.

And here I was thinking this movie was already a great success with $49 Million in the bank after 10 days and international releases not rolling out until the end of January.

But that was when a Google search told me it cost only $15 Million to make.


That was the 1985 movie's production budget.

2023's version cost $100 Million.

It needs to make $250 Million to break even.

SPOILER ALERT: With it's first sub-Million day on Tuesday in the states, it ain't getting there.

Why? Why? Why do you keep doing this?

Songbirds & Snakes was saved by the fact that Lionsgate decided to strip down the budget and only lay down $100 Million when adjusted for inflation it might have made sense to spend $200 Million for another installment compared to the previous budgets those movies had.

But The Color Purple was never going to have the mass-market appeal of a Hunger Games movie.

You had to know this. You had to.

Movies like The Color Purple, Killers of the Flower Moon and Napoleon shouldn't cost a single dime more than $50 Million, maximum. Hell... I'd argue that because of the demographically challenged nature of The Color Purple, it shouldn't have cost more than $30 Million to make. If you did that, you would have made a lot of money.


I'm looking forward to getting the 2023 lists together. We already know that Disney shit the bed and Universal was rolling in cash during 2023, but I'm really interested in finding out just how luke warm Warner Bros. 2023 turned out with flop after flop after flop under its belt despite having the highest grossing flick of the year.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 8:23 PM


I've updated the spreadsheets on my end, but I don't know when I'll get around to taking the hours I'll need to update them here. In total, I believe that it spans 72 movies (It's either 72 or 73 including "Champions", which may be removed since I still can't find a production budget for it). Most of these are still in the top 100 worldwide for 2023, but a good number of them were pushed to the top 200 as the year went on.

The reason why the list isn't over 100 is because, obviously, China makes a LOT of movies these days that brake into the top 100 worldwide, and there are some other additions by India and a few other countries as well.

I don't have the exact figures in front of me while typing this, but we're looking at around $1.559 Billion profit for Universal and $1.48 Billion loss for Disney. If you include 20th Century Studios as Disney since Disney owns it, that's another roughly $150 Million lost for the company.

(The reason why these numbers don't add up to the $1.8 Billion+ Disney losses in the Disney Failure Thread is because none of the Fox Searchlight movies made enough money to even be on the Top 100 worldwide list, and several other movies that were in the Disney thread outside of Searchlight didn't make enough money either.)

It looks as though Warner Bros. has made a profit of somewhere around $460 Million in 2023. It still has Wonka, Aquaman II and The Color Purple in theaters, so I have no doubt that it will profit at least half a billion by the time they're out of theaters.

Not a bad year for WB, considering how bad some other studios like Disney, Lionsgate and Paramount performed, but it has to be extremely disappointing finish for them after Barbie.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 11:32 AM


OLD DATA: Numbers as of 10/31/2023:


Up to date as of 10/31/2023

00000000000000000000| PRODUCTION0| WORLDWIDE0000|% OVER|2.0x RoT000000|2.5x RoT000000|FINAL|

001|Talk To Me000000|00$4,500,000|000$90,494,330|2,011%|000$81,494,330|000$79,244,330|10/26|A24000000|
002|Sound of Freedom|0$14,500,000|00$242,611,522|1,673%|00$213,611,522|00$206,361,522|00000|ANGEL STU|
003|M3GAN 0000000000|0$12,000,000|00$181,013,217|1,508%|00$157,013,217|00$151,013,217|03/16|UNIVERSAL|
004|Super Mario Bros|$100,000,000|$1,361,020,801|1,361%|$1,161,020,801|$1,111,020,801|07/07|UNIVERSAL|
005|Insidious: TRD00|0$16,000,000|00$186,258,928|1,164%|00$154,258,928|00$146,258,928|09/14|SONY PICT|
006|Barbie0000000000|$145,000,000|$1,441,120,164|00994%|$1,151,120,164|$1,078,620,164|00000|WARNER BR|
008|Evil Dead Rise00|0$19,000,000|00$146,017,671|00769%|00$108,017,671|000$98,517,671|06/15|WARNER BR|
009|Saw X00000000000|0$13,000,000|000$93,533,516|00719%|000$67,533,516|000$61,033,516|00000|LIONSGATE|
010|The Nun II000000|0$38,500,000|00$265,740,742|00690%|00$188,740,742|00$169,490,742|00000|WARNER BR|
011|Spider-Man: AtSV|$100,000,000|00$683,097,797|00683%|00$483,097,797|00$433,097,797|09/14|SONY PICT|
012|Missing000000000|00$7,000,000|000$45,100,756|00644%|000$31,100,756|000$27,600,756|03/30|SONY PICT|
013|Five Nights AF00|0$25,000,000|00$132,697,720|00531%|000$82,697,720|000$70,197,720|00000|UNIVERSAL|
014|Paw Patrol000000|0$30,000,000|00$151,686,978|00506%|000$91,686,978|000$76,686,978|00000|PARAMOUNT|
015|Scream VI0000000|0$35,000,000|00$168,834,132|00482%|000$98,834,132|000$81,334,132|05/04|PARAMOUNT|
016|Mummies000000000|0$12,000,000|000$52,800,831|00440%|000$28,800,831|000$22,800,831|04/10|WARNER BR|
017|John Wick: Ch. 4|$100,000,000|00$432,710,881|00433%|00$232,710,881|00$182,710,881|06/15|LIONSGATE|
018|The Pope's Exorc|0$18,000,000|000$72,913,467|00405%|000$36,913,467|000$27,913,467|06/29|SONY PICT|
019|The Exorcist: B0|0$30,000,000|00$120,643,605|00402%|000$60,643,605|000$45,643,605|00000|UNIVERSAL|
020|The Blackening00|00$5,000,000|000$18,563,767|00371%|0000$8,563,767|0000$6,063,767|07/27|LIONSGATE|
021|Creed III0000000|0$75,000,000|00$274,448,615|00366%|00$124,448,615|000$86,948,615|05/18|UNITED AR|
022|Jesus Revolution|0$15,000,000|000$53,337,740|00356%|000$23,337,740|000$15,837,740|04/27|LIONSGATE|
023|Guardians: Vol 3|$250,000,000|00$845,468,744|00338%|00$345,468,744|00$220,468,744|08/10|DISNEY000|
024|Meg 2:The Trench|$129,000,000|00$394,266,444|00306%|00$136,266,444|000$71,766,444|10/12|WARNER BR|
025|Knock at t Cabin|0$20,000,000|000$54,712,735|00274%|000$14,712,735|0000$4,712,735|03/16|UNIVERSAL|
026|The Equalizer 30|0$70,000,000|00$185,480,965|00265%|000$45,480,965|000$10,480,965|00000|SONY PICT|
027|TMNT: Mutant May|0$70,000,000|00$180,506,894|00258%|000$40,506,894|0000$5,506,894|10/26|PARAMOUNT|
028|Cocaine Bear0000|0$35,000,000|000$89,676,399|00256%|000$19,676,399|0000$2,176,399|04/20|UNIVERSAL|
030|The Boogeyman000|0$35,000,000|000$82,344,833|00235%|000$12,344,833|0000$5,155,167|07/27|20TH CENT|
031|Ant-Man & Wasp 2|$200,000,000|00$463,635,303|00232%|000$63,635,303|000$36,364,697|06/15|DISNEY000|
032|The Lttl Mermaid|$250,000,000|00$568,345,048|00227%|000$68,345,048|000$56,654,952|09/14|DISNEY000|
033|Transformers: Ri|$195,000,000|00$437,690,587|00224%|000$47,690,587|000$49,809,413|08/10|PARAMOUNT|
034|Asteroid City000|0$25,000,000|000$53,816,985|00215%|0000$3,816,985|0000$8,683,015|09/07|FOCUS FEA|
035|My Big Fat GW 30|0$18,000,000|000$38,336,423|00213%|0000$2,336,423|0000$6,663,577|10/26|FOCUS FEA|
036|Fast X0000000000|$340,000,000|00$713,979,164|00210%|000$33,979,164|00$136,020,836|07/13|UNIVERSAL|
038|Gran Turismo0000|0$60,000,000|00$117,207,201|00195%|0000$2,792,799|000$32,792,799|00000|SONY PICT|
040|No Hard Feelings|0$45,000,000|000$83,453,541|00185%|0000$6,546,459|000$29,046,459|08/13|SONY PICT|
041|A Haunt in Venic|0$60,000,000|00$110,408,903|00184%|0000$9,591,097|000$39,591,097|00000|20TH CENT|
042|Book Club 200000|0$20,000,000|000$29,077,436|00145%|000$10,922,564|000$20,922,564|06/22|FOCUS FEA|
043|80 For Brady0000|0$28,000,000|000$40,266,090|00144%|000$15,733,910|000$29,733,910|03/23|PARAMOUNT|
044|Magic Mike 30000|0$40,000,000|000$56,270,502|00141%|000$23,729,498|000$43,729,498|03/23|WARNER BR|
045|Dungeons & Drago|$150,000,000|00$207,582,323|00138%|000$92,417,677|00$167,417,677|06/01|PARAMOUNT|
046|The Flash0000000|$200,000,000|00$266,516,138|00133%|00$133,483,862|00$233,483,862|08/17|WARNER BR|
047|AIR0000000000000|0$70,000,000|000$89,448,266|00128%|000$50,551,734|000$85,551,734|06/01|AMAZON ST|
048|Indiana Jones 50|$300,000,000|00$381,579,529|00127%|00$218,420,471|00$368,420,471|09/14|DISNEY000|
049|6500000000000000|0$45,000,000|000$56,241,027|00125%|000$33,758,973|000$56,258,973|05/11|SONY PICT|
050|The Creator00000|0$80,000,000|000$97,369,537|00122%|000$62,630,463|00$102,630,463|00000|20TH CENT|
051|Blue Beetle00000|$120,000,000|00$128,763,995|00107%|00$111,236,005|00$171,236,005|00000|WARNER BR|
052|Shazam II0000000|$125,000,000|00$132,192,362|00106%|00$117,807,638|00$180,307,638|05/04|WARNER BR|
054|Haunted Mansion0|$157,750,000|00$114,807,872|00073%|00$200,692,128|00$279,567,128|00000|DISNEY000|
055|Are U There God?|0$30,000,000|000$21,498,192|00072%|000$38,501,808|000$53,501,808|06/15|LIONSGATE|
056|Ruby Gillman0000|0$70,000,000|000$45,929,444|00066%|000$94,070,556|00$129,070,556|08/17|UNIVERSAL|
057|Operation Fortun|0$50,000,000|000$27,868,441|00056%|000$72,131,559|000$97,131,559|03/23|LIONSGATE|
059|LastV ot Demeter|0$45,000,000|000$20,358,437|00045%|000$69,641,563|000$92,141,563|09/07|UNIVERSAL|
060|The Covenant0000|0$55,000,000|000$20,377,413|00037%|000$89,622,587|00$117,122,587|06/01|MGM000000|
062|Killers of TFM00|$200,000,000|000$57,126,409|00029%|00$342,873,591|00$442,873,591|00000|PARAMOUNT|
0NA|Champions0000000|0$??,???,???|000$18,852,343|000??%|000$??,???,???|000$??,???,???|05/04|FOCUS FEA|

By PROFIT ACCORDING TO 2.0x Rule of Thumb (RoT)

Up to date as of 10/31/2023*

00000000000000000000000| COMBINED0000000| COMBINED00000000| %GROSS0|0000000000000000|0000000000000000|
00000000000000000000000| PRODUCTION00000| WORLDWIDE0000000| OVER000| 2.0x RoT0000000| 2.5x RoT0000000|
Rnk | STUDIO00000000000| BUDGETS00000000| GROSS00000000000| BUDGET0| PROFIT/LOSS0000| PROFIT/LOSS0000|

001 | UNIVERSAL00000000|000$909,203,077 |00$3,726,003,539 |000410% |0$1,907,597,385 |0$1,452,995,847 |
002 | WARNER BROS.00000|000$828,500,000 |00$2,883,688,849 |000348% |0$1,226,688,849 |000$812,438,849 |
003 | SONY PICTURES0000|000$361,000,000 |00$1,429,753,682 |000396% |000$707,753,682 |000$527,253,682 |
004 | ANGEL STUDIOS0000|0000$14,500,000 |0000$242,611,522 |01,673% |000$213,611,522 |000$206,361,522 |
005 | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,357,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000211% |000$145,954,592 |000$532,920,408 |
006 | UNITED ARTISTS000|0000$75,000,000 |0000$274,448,615 |000366% |000$124,448,615 |0000$86,948,615 |
007 | A2400000000000000|00000$4,500,000 |00000$90,494,330 |02,011% |0000$81,494,330 |0000$79,244,330 |
008 | LIONSGATE00000000|000$325,000,000 |0000$652,607,770 |000201% |00000$2,607,770 |000$159,892,230 |
009 | FOCUS FEATURES000|0000$63,000,000 |0000$140,083,187 |000222% |00000$4,769,156 |0000$36,269,156 |
010 | AMAZON STUDIOS000|0000$70,000,000 |00000$89,448,266 |000128% |0000$50,551,734 |0000$85,551,734 |
011 | 20TH CENTURY STUD|000$175,000,000 |0000$290,123,273 |000166% |0000$59,876,727 |000$147,376,727 |
012 | MGM00000000000000|0000$55,000,000 |00000$20,377,413 |000037% |0000$89,622,587 |000$117,122,587 |
013 | PARAMOUNT PICTURE|000$998,000,000 |00$1,810,204,259 |000181% |000$185,795,741 |000$684,795,741 |
000 | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$5,236,453,077 |0$14,511,299,297 |000277% |0$4,019,540,800 |0$1,401,314,262 |
ADJ | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,357,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000211% |000$145,954,592 |000$532,920,408 |
ADJ | Peter Pan&W Bdgt0|000$170,000,000 |00000000000000$0 |0000000 |000$170,000,000 |000$170,000,000 |
ADJ | W. DISNEY REVISED|0$1,527,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000187% |0000$24,045,408 |000$702,920,408 |
REV | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$5,406,453,077 |0$14,511,299,297 |000268% |0$3,849,540,800 |0$1,231,314,262 |

* I neglected to add in Saw X when I originally made my last update. This is fixed in the movie to movie list now, but I didn't update any of the studio information to reflect this and that won't be updated until my next huge update.

The movie was produced by Lionsgate, so add $13 Million to their total production budgets and $93.5 Million to their WW Gross.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 1:13 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
OLD DATA: Numbers as of 10/31/2023:


Up to date as of 10/31/2023

00000000000000000000| PRODUCTION0| WORLDWIDE0000|% OVER|2.0x RoT000000|2.5x RoT000000|FINAL|

001|Talk To Me000000|00$4,500,000|000$90,494,330|2,011%|000$81,494,330|000$79,244,330|10/26|A24000000|
002|Sound of Freedom|0$14,500,000|00$242,611,522|1,673%|00$213,611,522|00$206,361,522|00000|ANGEL STU|
003|M3GAN 0000000000|0$12,000,000|00$181,013,217|1,508%|00$157,013,217|00$151,013,217|03/16|UNIVERSAL|
004|Super Mario Bros|$100,000,000|$1,361,020,801|1,361%|$1,161,020,801|$1,111,020,801|07/07|UNIVERSAL|
005|Insidious: TRD00|0$16,000,000|00$186,258,928|1,164%|00$154,258,928|00$146,258,928|09/14|SONY PICT|
006|Barbie0000000000|$145,000,000|$1,441,120,164|00994%|$1,151,120,164|$1,078,620,164|00000|WARNER BR|
008|Evil Dead Rise00|0$19,000,000|00$146,017,671|00769%|00$108,017,671|000$98,517,671|06/15|WARNER BR|
009|Saw X00000000000|0$13,000,000|000$93,533,516|00719%|000$67,533,516|000$61,033,516|00000|LIONSGATE|
010|The Nun II000000|0$38,500,000|00$265,740,742|00690%|00$188,740,742|00$169,490,742|00000|WARNER BR|
011|Spider-Man: AtSV|$100,000,000|00$683,097,797|00683%|00$483,097,797|00$433,097,797|09/14|SONY PICT|
012|Missing000000000|00$7,000,000|000$45,100,756|00644%|000$31,100,756|000$27,600,756|03/30|SONY PICT|
013|Five Nights AF00|0$25,000,000|00$132,697,720|00531%|000$82,697,720|000$70,197,720|00000|UNIVERSAL|
014|Paw Patrol000000|0$30,000,000|00$151,686,978|00506%|000$91,686,978|000$76,686,978|00000|PARAMOUNT|
015|Scream VI0000000|0$35,000,000|00$168,834,132|00482%|000$98,834,132|000$81,334,132|05/04|PARAMOUNT|
016|Mummies000000000|0$12,000,000|000$52,800,831|00440%|000$28,800,831|000$22,800,831|04/10|WARNER BR|
017|John Wick: Ch. 4|$100,000,000|00$432,710,881|00433%|00$232,710,881|00$182,710,881|06/15|LIONSGATE|
018|The Pope's Exorc|0$18,000,000|000$72,913,467|00405%|000$36,913,467|000$27,913,467|06/29|SONY PICT|
019|The Exorcist: B0|0$30,000,000|00$120,643,605|00402%|000$60,643,605|000$45,643,605|00000|UNIVERSAL|
020|The Blackening00|00$5,000,000|000$18,563,767|00371%|0000$8,563,767|0000$6,063,767|07/27|LIONSGATE|
021|Creed III0000000|0$75,000,000|00$274,448,615|00366%|00$124,448,615|000$86,948,615|05/18|UNITED AR|
022|Jesus Revolution|0$15,000,000|000$53,337,740|00356%|000$23,337,740|000$15,837,740|04/27|LIONSGATE|
023|Guardians: Vol 3|$250,000,000|00$845,468,744|00338%|00$345,468,744|00$220,468,744|08/10|DISNEY000|
024|Meg 2:The Trench|$129,000,000|00$394,266,444|00306%|00$136,266,444|000$71,766,444|10/12|WARNER BR|
025|Knock at t Cabin|0$20,000,000|000$54,712,735|00274%|000$14,712,735|0000$4,712,735|03/16|UNIVERSAL|
026|The Equalizer 30|0$70,000,000|00$185,480,965|00265%|000$45,480,965|000$10,480,965|00000|SONY PICT|
027|TMNT: Mutant May|0$70,000,000|00$180,506,894|00258%|000$40,506,894|0000$5,506,894|10/26|PARAMOUNT|
028|Cocaine Bear0000|0$35,000,000|000$89,676,399|00256%|000$19,676,399|0000$2,176,399|04/20|UNIVERSAL|
030|The Boogeyman000|0$35,000,000|000$82,344,833|00235%|000$12,344,833|0000$5,155,167|07/27|20TH CENT|
031|Ant-Man & Wasp 2|$200,000,000|00$463,635,303|00232%|000$63,635,303|000$36,364,697|06/15|DISNEY000|
032|The Lttl Mermaid|$250,000,000|00$568,345,048|00227%|000$68,345,048|000$56,654,952|09/14|DISNEY000|
033|Transformers: Ri|$195,000,000|00$437,690,587|00224%|000$47,690,587|000$49,809,413|08/10|PARAMOUNT|
034|Asteroid City000|0$25,000,000|000$53,816,985|00215%|0000$3,816,985|0000$8,683,015|09/07|FOCUS FEA|
035|My Big Fat GW 30|0$18,000,000|000$38,336,423|00213%|0000$2,336,423|0000$6,663,577|10/26|FOCUS FEA|
036|Fast X0000000000|$340,000,000|00$713,979,164|00210%|000$33,979,164|00$136,020,836|07/13|UNIVERSAL|
038|Gran Turismo0000|0$60,000,000|00$117,207,201|00195%|0000$2,792,799|000$32,792,799|00000|SONY PICT|
040|No Hard Feelings|0$45,000,000|000$83,453,541|00185%|0000$6,546,459|000$29,046,459|08/13|SONY PICT|
041|A Haunt in Venic|0$60,000,000|00$110,408,903|00184%|0000$9,591,097|000$39,591,097|00000|20TH CENT|
042|Book Club 200000|0$20,000,000|000$29,077,436|00145%|000$10,922,564|000$20,922,564|06/22|FOCUS FEA|
043|80 For Brady0000|0$28,000,000|000$40,266,090|00144%|000$15,733,910|000$29,733,910|03/23|PARAMOUNT|
044|Magic Mike 30000|0$40,000,000|000$56,270,502|00141%|000$23,729,498|000$43,729,498|03/23|WARNER BR|
045|Dungeons & Drago|$150,000,000|00$207,582,323|00138%|000$92,417,677|00$167,417,677|06/01|PARAMOUNT|
046|The Flash0000000|$200,000,000|00$266,516,138|00133%|00$133,483,862|00$233,483,862|08/17|WARNER BR|
047|AIR0000000000000|0$70,000,000|000$89,448,266|00128%|000$50,551,734|000$85,551,734|06/01|AMAZON ST|
048|Indiana Jones 50|$300,000,000|00$381,579,529|00127%|00$218,420,471|00$368,420,471|09/14|DISNEY000|
049|6500000000000000|0$45,000,000|000$56,241,027|00125%|000$33,758,973|000$56,258,973|05/11|SONY PICT|
050|The Creator00000|0$80,000,000|000$97,369,537|00122%|000$62,630,463|00$102,630,463|00000|20TH CENT|
051|Blue Beetle00000|$120,000,000|00$128,763,995|00107%|00$111,236,005|00$171,236,005|00000|WARNER BR|
052|Shazam II0000000|$125,000,000|00$132,192,362|00106%|00$117,807,638|00$180,307,638|05/04|WARNER BR|
054|Haunted Mansion0|$157,750,000|00$114,807,872|00073%|00$200,692,128|00$279,567,128|00000|DISNEY000|
055|Are U There God?|0$30,000,000|000$21,498,192|00072%|000$38,501,808|000$53,501,808|06/15|LIONSGATE|
056|Ruby Gillman0000|0$70,000,000|000$45,929,444|00066%|000$94,070,556|00$129,070,556|08/17|UNIVERSAL|
057|Operation Fortun|0$50,000,000|000$27,868,441|00056%|000$72,131,559|000$97,131,559|03/23|LIONSGATE|
059|LastV ot Demeter|0$45,000,000|000$20,358,437|00045%|000$69,641,563|000$92,141,563|09/07|UNIVERSAL|
060|The Covenant0000|0$55,000,000|000$20,377,413|00037%|000$89,622,587|00$117,122,587|06/01|MGM000000|
062|Killers of TFM00|$200,000,000|000$57,126,409|00029%|00$342,873,591|00$442,873,591|00000|PARAMOUNT|
0NA|Champions0000000|0$??,???,???|000$18,852,343|000??%|000$??,???,???|000$??,???,???|05/04|FOCUS FEA|

By PROFIT ACCORDING TO 2.0x Rule of Thumb (RoT)

Up to date as of 10/31/2023*

00000000000000000000000| COMBINED0000000| COMBINED00000000| %GROSS0|0000000000000000|0000000000000000|
00000000000000000000000| PRODUCTION00000| WORLDWIDE0000000| OVER000| 2.0x RoT0000000| 2.5x RoT0000000|
Rnk | STUDIO00000000000| BUDGETS00000000| GROSS00000000000| BUDGET0| PROFIT/LOSS0000| PROFIT/LOSS0000|

001 | UNIVERSAL00000000|000$909,203,077 |00$3,726,003,539 |000410% |0$1,907,597,385 |0$1,452,995,847 |
002 | WARNER BROS.00000|000$828,500,000 |00$2,883,688,849 |000348% |0$1,226,688,849 |000$812,438,849 |
003 | SONY PICTURES0000|000$361,000,000 |00$1,429,753,682 |000396% |000$707,753,682 |000$527,253,682 |
004 | ANGEL STUDIOS0000|0000$14,500,000 |0000$242,611,522 |01,673% |000$213,611,522 |000$206,361,522 |
005 | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,357,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000211% |000$145,954,592 |000$532,920,408 |
006 | UNITED ARTISTS000|0000$75,000,000 |0000$274,448,615 |000366% |000$124,448,615 |0000$86,948,615 |
007 | A2400000000000000|00000$4,500,000 |00000$90,494,330 |02,011% |0000$81,494,330 |0000$79,244,330 |
008 | LIONSGATE00000000|000$325,000,000 |0000$652,607,770 |000201% |00000$2,607,770 |000$159,892,230 |
009 | FOCUS FEATURES000|0000$63,000,000 |0000$140,083,187 |000222% |00000$4,769,156 |0000$36,269,156 |
010 | AMAZON STUDIOS000|0000$70,000,000 |00000$89,448,266 |000128% |0000$50,551,734 |0000$85,551,734 |
011 | 20TH CENTURY STUD|000$175,000,000 |0000$290,123,273 |000166% |0000$59,876,727 |000$147,376,727 |
012 | MGM00000000000000|0000$55,000,000 |00000$20,377,413 |000037% |0000$89,622,587 |000$117,122,587 |
013 | PARAMOUNT PICTURE|000$998,000,000 |00$1,810,204,259 |000181% |000$185,795,741 |000$684,795,741 |
000 | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$5,236,453,077 |0$14,511,299,297 |000277% |0$4,019,540,800 |0$1,401,314,262 |
ADJ | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,357,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000211% |000$145,954,592 |000$532,920,408 |
ADJ | Peter Pan&W Bdgt0|000$170,000,000 |00000000000000$0 |0000000 |000$170,000,000 |000$170,000,000 |
ADJ | W. DISNEY REVISED|0$1,527,750,000 |00$2,861,454,592 |000187% |0000$24,045,408 |000$702,920,408 |
REV | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$5,406,453,077 |0$14,511,299,297 |000268% |0$3,849,540,800 |0$1,231,314,262 |

* I neglected to add in Saw X when I originally made my last update. This is fixed in the movie to movie list now, but I didn't update any of the studio information to reflect this and that won't be updated until my next huge update.

The movie was produced by Lionsgate, so add $13 Million to their total production budgets and $93.5 Million to their WW Gross.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

WOW! I bet if Warner Brothers/Discovery does buy Parmount it'll be at a 'fire sale' price. FYI, 20th Century Studios is Disney.


Friday, January 5, 2024 3:11 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
WOW! I bet if Warner Brothers/Discovery does buy Parmount it'll be at a 'fire sale' price.

And that's just the OLD data from Halloween. I just finished updating the lists as of 01/04/2024.

If you thought that was good get ready for some laughs, because there's a few really good ones coming.


FYI, 20th Century Studios is Disney.

Yeah. I mentioned that a few posts back as the reason why Disney is "only" losing around $1.5 Billion in 2023 on this list when I have them losing over $1.85 Billion in the Disney failure thread.

Not only that, but some of 20th Century's movies didn't even crack the worldwide top 100 so they're not counted here, and none of the FOX Searchlight flicks that I put in the Disney Failure Thread even made the Top 100 so they're not counted here either.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 4:30 PM


You can go to the Original Post and see the updated list of movies now. I left the Woody Harrelson movie Champions on the list here, but since I was never able to find a production budget for it, the $19 Million it made is not factored into any math in the tables. Focus Features doesn't get any credit for that box office gross if they won't tell anybody what the budget was.

That being said, there were 74 US movies recorded in the Top 100 Grossing Worldwide. Over time, some of them were pushed into the Top 200, with The Blackening being the lowest of them, currently at 140. There were quite a few movies in the Top 100/200 that were made in other countries, with most of them being from China if not from the US. If the movie was between 101 and 140 and didn't make the list, it was either because I couldn't find some important data such as production budget so it was left off, or because it was such a late comer with such a small gross that it never had a chance at the Top 100 and I didn't add it.

Here's the list showing how the Studios did with these 74 films in 2023:

By PROFIT ACCORDING TO 2.5x Rule of Thumb (RoT)

Up to date as of 01/04/2024*

00000000000000000000000| COMBINED0000000| COMBINED00000000| %GROSS0|0000000000000000|0000000000000000|
00000000000000000000000| PRODUCTION00000| WORLDWIDE0000000| OVER000| 2.0x RoT0000000| 2.5x RoT0000000|
Rnk | STUDIO00000000000| BUDGETS00000000| GROSS00000000000| BUDGET0| PROFIT/LOSS0000| PROFIT/LOSS0000|

001 | UNIVERSAL00000000|0$1,071,203,077 |00$4,237,897,174 |000396% |0$2,095,491,020 |0$1,559,889,482 |
002 | WARNER BROS.00000|0$1,258,500,000 |00$3,608,908,135 |000287% |0$1,091,908,135 |000$462,658,135 |
003 | SONY PICTURES0000|000$601,000,000 |00$1,429,753,682 |000287% |000$519,041,484 |000$218,541,484 |
004 | ANGEL STUDIOS0000|0000$14,500,000 |0000$250,460,345 |01,727% |000$221,460,345 |000$214,210,345 |
005 | UNITED ARTISTS000|0000$75,000,000 |0000$274,448,615 |000366% |000$124,448,615 |0000$86,948,615 |
006 | A2400000000000000|00000$4,500,000 |00000$92,039,206 |02,045% |0000$83,039,206 |0000$80,789,206 |
007 | LIONSGATE00000000|000$438,000,000 |00$1,080,097,965 |000247% |000$204,097,965 |0000$14,902,035 |
008 | FOCUS FEATURES000|0000$63,000,000 |0000$141,048,523 |000224% |00000$3,803,820 |0000$35,303,820 |
009 | AMAZON STUDIOS000|0000$70,000,000 |00000$89,448,266 |000128% |0000$50,551,734 |0000$85,551,734 |
010 | 20TH CENTURY STUD|000$175,000,000 |0000$294,706,185 |000168% |0000$55,293,815 |000$142,793,815 |
011 | MGM00000000000000|000$105,000,000 |00000$47,238,660 |000045% |000$162,761,340 |000$215,261,340 |
012 | PARAMOUNT PICTURE|000$998,000,000 |00$1,957,181,889 |000196% |0000$38,818,111 |000$537,818,111 |
013 | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,832,550,000 |00$3,237,431,331 |000177% |000$427,668,669 |0$1,343,943,669 |
000 | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$6,706,253,077 |0$17,031,947,778 |000254% |0$3,600,589,281 |000$247,462,743 |
ADJ | WALT DISNEY000000|0$1,832,550,000 |00$3,237,431,331 |000177% |000$427,668,669 |0$1,343,943,669 |
ADJ | Peter Pan&W Bdgt0|000$170,000,000 |00000000000000$0 |0000000 |000$170,000,000 |000$170,000,000 |
ADJ | W. DISNEY REVISED|0$2,002,550,000 |00$3,237,431,331 |000152% |000$597,668,669 |0$1,513,943,669 |
REV | HOLLYWOOD TOTALS:|0$6,876,253,077 |0$17,031,947,778 |000251% |0$3,430,589,281 |0000$77,462,743 |

So... I have a question...


I know times are rough in JoeBidenFlationLand in 2023/2024, but c'mon man! You could have gotten TEN TIMES as much a return on your $17 Billion if you put it in a Savings Account last year.

According to Forbes, a Marcus Savings Account yield is currently 4.50% APY.

Had you put your $17,031,947,778 in there instead, you would have made $766,437,650.01 in interest!

All jokes aside, half the studios lost money last year, but Disney really fucked the pooch. They grossed over $3.2 Billion at the global box office, yet still managed to lose $1.5 Billion on just the Disney studio alone. Their 20th Century Fox studio grossed just under $300 Million and lost another $142 Million on top of that. And that's just the movies 20th century made that grossed enough money to even end up on my Hollywood 2023 radar. If you look at the Disney Failure Thread, they've lost over $1.85 Billion in 2023.

As of 01/04/2024, Universal has made $46 Million more in PROFIT than Disney lost. Not only did Universal gross almost exactly $1 Billion more than Disney did worldwide in 2023, but its combined Production Budgets for all of its movies was roughly $930 Million less than Disney's combined Production Budgets.

If you add Disney's loss to Universal's 2023 gain, the difference between the studios was a staggering $3,073,833,151.

Here's a list of movies from 2023 that are still in the theater, and the likelihood that they'll make any real money for the studios before they're done.


Oppenheimer - Unbelievable that this is still in theaters. It made $770 in 25 theaters on 01/04, so this isn't going to help Universal anymore.

Migration - After a very weak opening weekend in the States, Migration is one of the few movies I've ever witnessed that did better the 2nd weekend than it did on Opening Weekend. I think for sure it's the only one I've ever seen pull off this feat with the same amount of theaters showing it both weekends. It made over $2 Million on 01/04 and it's only 14 days into its run. I think there's a pretty good deal of gas left in the tank here.

Not that any of the Execs at Universal are worried about their jobs in 2024. They were King Shit on Turd Mountain in 2023. It would be nice to see Universal's final entry into 2023 break even though. Right now, Migration has only made 163% of its Production Budget and needs another $62.5 Million to break even.


Barbie - Just like Universal's Oppenheimer, it's unbelievable this is still in theaters in 2024. It made $444 in 16 theaters on 01/04, so this isn't going to help WB anymore.

Wonka - I said this one was going to be at least a modest success, but it is doing better than I thought it would. It's already got $403 Million Worldwide on a $125 Million budget in only 21 days. It made $2.7 Million in the US alone on 01/04/2024, so Warner should still get a good kickback out of this one and raise that bottom line over $500 Million for 2023.

Aquaman 2 - Even with $276 Million in the bank worldwide, this one is going to be a MASSIVE failure for Warner/DC and be the 4th out of 4 comic book flops for the studio in 2023.

It still made $1.9 Million in the US on 01/04 though, so it should still make way more than enough in tandem with Wonka to get WB over $500 Million in profit for the year. At this point it's just about stacking as much cash as possible on the 2023 releases to offset all of these massive losses as much as possible now. The Execs at WB must be thanking their lucky stars for Barbie, because they'd be in 2nd to last place behind Disney instead of 2nd place behind Universal if Barbieheimer wasn't a thing that happened in 2023.

The Color Purple - Same story with this one as with A2. Stupid budget, run by stupid people. But it WILL make more money.

I dunno. What do you think? Will Warner Bros actually bank $600 Million for 2023 with all of these films still out there? They certainly have the advantage on the number of remaining films compared to any other studio.


Anyone But You - It's like, a rom-com, I think? It seems to have some pretty decent buzz around it, even though the early international numbers are low. It's opening in quite a few more countries later this month and it did gross $2 Million on 01/04. I'd imagine this one should EASILY make the $25 Million it still needs to break even and not add to the black hole that Napoleon has left on an otherwise pretty solid year for Sony.


Napoleon - $207 Million worldwide on a $200 Million budget. Not good. At least it did better than Killers of the Flower Moon did, like I said it would. Sony should be in 2nd place for 2023 above Warner Bros. Had they not made this mistake, they would have been. Grossing only $63k in the states on 01/04, there's not much more hope for this flick.


Hunger Games: Songbirds & Snakes - $318 Million is probably more than Lionsgate ever dreamed this was going to make with the whole Rachel Zegler/Snow White debacle preceding its release, but does it have another $15 Million in the gas tank? After a roller coaster of a year for Lionsgate including successes like S&S and John Wick 4, but also including huge flops like Expen4bles and Operation Fortune, S&S's surprise success just might be the thing that helps Lionsgate break even for the year.

It only grossed $371k on 01/04 in the states, so it's not super likely that the US box office would get it to $334 Million Worldwide, but if it's still playing well overseas it just might make it. This is Lionsgate's only remaining hope since it doesn't have anything else playing from 2023.


If I were an Exec at Paramount looking at a $537,818,111 deficit for 2023 and my only two remaining hopes for breaking even for last year were Trolls Band Together and Killers of the Flower Moon, I'd be polishing up my resume. 'Nuff Said.


Wish and The Marvels? I'm sure the audiences just haven't come out for it yet and in a month or two they will bank $1.513 Billion combined and bring Disney back into the black for 2023.


I'd have forgotten MGM was even a studio anymore if it weren't for their two flops last year. Guy Ritchie's The Covenant and The Boys in the Boat. Boys in the Boat made $1 Million on 01/04, but it will hardly matter even if this one somehow defies all odds and manages to break even after the $117 Million hole that The Covenant started off the year for MGM with.

Why bother guys? Bad budgeting. Bad marketing. Very little product. Maybe take 2024 off and see what happens in 2025.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 4:47 PM


Some cool stats for 2023...

6 of the Top 10 movies were from the Horror genre. 11 of the Top 20 were Horror flicks.

The Top 5 movies cost $156,000,000 to produce and grossed $2,181,807,919 Worldwide. This was 2.27% of the total Hollywood Budget cost for all 74 movies, yet it was 12.81% of the Total Worldwide Gross.

The Top 10 movies cost $449,000,000 to produce and grossed $5,017,902,373 Worldwide. This was 6.53% of the total Hollywood Budget cost for all 74 movies, yet it was 29.46% of the Total Worldwide Gross.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, January 6, 2024 8:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A fine example of a Hollywood movie that should not have been made, assuming Hollywood wishes the movie to be profitable rather than being an income tax evasion scheme for rich and dishonest investors:

Worldwide Box Office $8,850

The Bricklayer (2024)
The film was announced in August 2011, with Gerard Butler set to star and produce. In January 2022, it was announced that Eckhart would star, with Butler still producing.

The Pirates already have a copy ready for your viewing: The final / is very important, but does not get the URL correct. You will have to copy/paste the final /.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 6, 2024 11:56 AM



Said Millennium Media VP, Development and Production Tanner Mobley, “Working with Renny is always a delight, and teaming up with Vertical was a no-brainer. We’re excited to collaborate with Vertical’s incredibly talented team who are the perfect partners for this film.”

They got a talent alright.

For turning $23,900,000 into $8,850.

Disney tried hard and had a lot more money to throw around, but they didn't come close to that kind of return.

Disney's got bigger problems going forward though. They've burned all of their original IPs and everything they paid billions to acquire. Star Wars is done. Indiana Jones is done. Willow is done. Marvel is done. Nobody is interested in any more live-action Disney remakes. Nobody is interested in an new original Disney cartoons.

Sure... If you're a shady producer from some shady marketing agency, it's one thing to drop $24 Million on a group of competent B-List actors who at least a good deal of the population is going to recognize from prior projects and make a competent spy thriller that's been done a million times before, written by an ex-FBI agent under a pseudonym...

But you don't spend a few years burning one multi-billion franchise after another after another all while dipping into your own vast library of beloved characters known the world round and bastardize the hell out of them to the point nobody is even interested in seeing anything new you make anymore.

Nobody knew who Vertical or Millennium Media was before this movie got its obligatory limited release and nobody knows them after it's already come and gone.

Everybody in the world who has electricity knows who Disney is, and nobody is interested in seeing anything more they have to offer.

Who knows? Maybe this was all an inside job and somebody or some group of somebodies working at high levels inside Disney intentionally orchestrated the collapse of the company.

I don't know why you'd kill the Golden Goose when you can just wait patiently for all the Golden Eggs it was going to deliver to you in perpetuity, but I'm sure if some mid-level con-men can copy the playbook laid out for them in The Producers and turn a $24 Million loss on the books into a big payday come tax time, destroying one of the biggest companies that ever existed on Earth must be worth a fortune to the right people.

If that is what is actually going on here, there needs to be some investigations into the inner-workings at Disney to weed out those who have abandoned their fiduciary duty to the stockholders and hold them all accountable.

Because while the markets have been doing fine, there's real signs that we're in for a collapse now that the free money has run out. And instead of rising in value along with the rest of the market, Disney appears to be perfectly happy having shed half of its market cap and appears to desire lowering it even further going forward. And since it didn't take advantage of the market upswing despite the rising unaffordability of everything in these recent years, if there is a big downturn coming it might not even be something Disney has any control over at that point.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:42 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Who knows? Maybe this was all an inside job and somebody or some group of somebodies working at high levels inside Disney intentionally orchestrated the collapse of the company.

I don't know why you'd kill the Golden Goose when you can just wait patiently for all the Golden Eggs it was going to deliver to you in perpetuity, but I'm sure if some mid-level con-men can copy the playbook laid out for them in The Producers and turn a $24 Million loss on the books into a big payday come tax time, destroying one of the biggest companies that ever existed on Earth must be worth a fortune to the right people.

If Disney is doomed, why not make Serenity a big damn trilogy? A couple more Firefly movies will speed Disney toward its ultimate destiny:

Production Budget: $39,000,000 (worldwide box office is 1.0 times production budget)
Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $25,514,517
International Box Office $14,804,923
Worldwide Box Office $40,319,440

The cost to de-age all the actors to how they looked in 2005, and digital double for the deceased Ron Glass as Book, could push the Disney budget per picture to over $200,000,000. It would be Disney money well spent but I don't know how Disney will rehabilitate Joss Whedon:

See The Undoing of Joss Whedon – Jan. 17, 2022

The Buffy creator, once an icon of Hollywood feminism, is now an outcast accused of misogyny. How did he get here?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 6, 2024 3:50 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Who knows? Maybe this was all an inside job and somebody or some group of somebodies working at high levels inside Disney intentionally orchestrated the collapse of the company.

I don't know why you'd kill the Golden Goose when you can just wait patiently for all the Golden Eggs it was going to deliver to you in perpetuity, but I'm sure if some mid-level con-men can copy the playbook laid out for them in The Producers and turn a $24 Million loss on the books into a big payday come tax time, destroying one of the biggest companies that ever existed on Earth must be worth a fortune to the right people.

If Disney is doomed, why not make Serenity a big damn trilogy? A couple more Firefly movies will speed Disney toward its ultimate destiny:

Production Budget: $39,000,000 (worldwide box office is 1.0 times production budget)
Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $25,514,517
International Box Office $14,804,923
Worldwide Box Office $40,319,440

Sure. Why not?

Serenity was a big piece of shit. Not only because it was itself a story that was never completed, but even if it were it was simply a mad rush to wrap up a lot of loose ends that ended up having 12 beautiful years worth of seasons fleshed out in the parallel universes that are much better than this shitty little dump we exist in is.

But even though 2 more sequels would have lost Disney a ton of money, it wouldn't have been as much as they lost on The Marvels in one shot. And since they'd be doing it with the intention of concluding the series anyhow, they wouldn't be doing any damage to a brand that they never cared for in the first place and had zero intentions of ever really exploring, although they'll fight fans tooth and nail over copyright if they try to make their own Firefly stories or merch.


The cost to de-age all the actors to how they looked in 2005, and digital double for the deceased Ron Glass as Book, could push the Disney budget per picture to over $200,000,000. It would be Disney money well spent

If done right, yeah. If injected with 2020's Disney politics, hard pass.


but I don't know how Disney will rehabilitate Joss Whedon:

See The Undoing of Joss Whedon – Jan. 17, 2022

The Buffy creator, once an icon of Hollywood feminism, is now an outcast accused of misogyny. How did he get here?

Who isn't accused of misogyny these days.

Accusations are accusations. They're as common as the oxygen molecules we breathe.

And they were made all the more common once people understood the power that they had on social media with very little concern that false allegations on your part would ever land you into any trouble unless your name was Amber Heard and you Girl Bossed too close to the sun.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 7, 2024 6:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why the hell did Hollywood make The Marsh King's Daughter? It couldn’t have been for money. It must have been because somebody making the decision wants their father dead.

Why does Hollywood ever make movies where the daughter kills her evil father?

Daisy Ridley, the star from Disney’s Star Wars Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker [2019], is now starring as the daughter in The Marsh King's Daughter [2023]. If the trailer is any guide, she will kill her evil father. (She does according to )

While working for Disney, Daisy killed her evil grandfather, the Emperor Palatine, in Star Wars. Or was she the daughter of the Emperor’s clone? Whatever, but I think Hollywood has no new ideas.

Maybe reversing the ending on both movies would be an unexpected and crowd pleasing plot twist? Daisy dies and her father lives? I’m not so sure that would make more money, but it would be different than business as usual for Hollywood.

One more money-loser for Hollywood:
The Marsh King’s Daughter (2023) Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $1,792,905
International Box Office $831,789
Worldwide Box Office $2,624,694

The Pirates provide a free copy of The Marsh King's Daughter for your entertainment: ( The final / in the URL is very important )

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 7, 2024 9:12 AM


The movies that you're bringing up could probably be a pretty fascinating topic of their own... Assuming of course we could find some real information about why they were made and why they only got an extremely limited release despite their $20 Million + price tags.

I don't have any examples, but I do know that some of these things are due to contractual obligations or even hand shake agreements being fulfilled for scratching each other's backs... Like a director getting a no fuss mid-budget movie they've been wanting to do in return for coming in late and saving another fledgling production. The Marsh King's Daughter could have been some director's dream project that he/she couldn't have gotten funding for by anybody, but because they did something else they finally got to make it and have a decent cast to work with on a modest budget, even though those that were funding it knew they'd just be using the whole project as a tax write off.

And since we know nothing about what streaming services pay to host movies since they keep most of that info under wraps, maybe they go into these things knowing that they'll make the modest budgets back in a few years through licensing fees anyhow.

I'd love to see actual explanations why these types of movies even get made. There appears to be a LOT of limited releases in the theaters throughout the year that never get talked about. I just didn't realize how large the budgets for them actually were until you pointed out Bricklayer ($23.9 Million) and Marsh King's Daughter ($20 Million). I figured they had budgets closer to Talk To Me ($4.5 Million) or at the most, The Blackening ($7 Million).

Interestingly, according to my chart of movies that hit the Worldwide Top 100 at some point in 2023, Lionsgate is currently around $14-15 Million in the hole with Songbirds & Snakes' remaining time in theaters being the only saving grace they've got to break even for the year. Though I would never apply the 2.5x rule to Marsh King's Daughter since it obviously had a $0 Marketing Budget and the theater takes were 50% or so of practically nothing, the $19 Million or so loss for Lionsgate on this movie alone would make breaking even in 2023 an impossibility for the studio.


Maybe reversing the ending on both movies would be an unexpected and crowd pleasing plot twist? Daisy dies and her father lives? I’m not so sure that would make more money, but it would be different than business as usual for Hollywood.

Take "woke" completely out of the equation and they would still never have the balls to have done that.

But that's not a bad idea.

I think it would have made a lot of long-time Star Wars fans very happy after all of Disney's missteps in the 3rd trilogy, while also making all the pink haired potbelly goblins on Twitter shriek in agony after watching it. There would be a lot of hate and accusations being thrown around after that decision for sure, but at least people would still be talking about Star Wars. Disney's problem now is that nobody talks about Star Wars anymore. You get the new lefty fans on Twitter talking about a new show a lot when it first drops, but even they lose interest right away because all the old fans already walked away and don't care, so because these new Disney shows don't cause any arguments and flame wars online anymore the whole situation has just become stale and boring.

Even the rage-bait YouTubers like Nerdrotic and Heelvsbabyface can't get any traction on Star Wars content anymore. I've seen some videos pop up in my feed the last few weeks indicating that Disney is doubling down on woke Star Wars with thumbnails showing Daisy Ridley and "The Force is Female", but I'm not going to bother clicking on any of them. I can't even think of the last time that I watched anything regarding how shit Star Wars has gotten other than WCB's videos showing the mountains of unsalable merchandise floor to ceiling at Ollies (which is why Hasbro is in huge trouble right now). Star Wars died a long time ago. I think it was already dying before Disney even got their hands on it. It's just a shame that after all the initial excitement when Disney first bought it that Disney decided to do what they did with it, the very first thing being erasing the entire extended universe that Lucas himself had vetted and approved over decades, before just taking a big steamy dump over the entire franchise.

Personally, at this point, I think they should just nuke the Star Wars franchise. Literally.

Every time there was a show that me and my old man liked and it got cancelled, I'd just say instead of leaving it on a cliffhanger like The Sarah Connor Chronicles, they should have just had one final episode where the entire planet gets nuked and everyone dies. Firefly could have had the sun go supernova and everyone dies. Freaks and Geeks? Maybe North Korea fired the first nuke and everyone dies.

One great show that never got a fair shake, The Black Donnelly's, didn't go to such extreme measures but the way they ended it when they knew the writing on the wall was priceless.

You can't cancel my show. I'm going to destroy it first.

Let's just kill off pretty much all the main characters on both sides at the end and call it a day.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 7, 2024 10:17 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Personally, at this point, I think they should just nuke the Star Wars franchise. Literally.

Every time there was a show that me and my old man liked and it got cancelled, I'd just say instead of leaving it on a cliffhanger like The Sarah Connor Chronicles, they should have just had one final episode where the entire planet gets nuked and everyone dies. Firefly could have had the sun go supernova and everyone dies. Freaks and Geeks? Maybe North Korea fired the first nuke and everyone dies.

One great show that never got a fair shake, The Black Donnelly's, didn't go to such extreme measures but the way they ended it when they knew the writing on the wall was priceless.

You can't cancel my show. I'm going to destroy it first.

Let's just kill off pretty much all the main characters on both sides at the end and call it a day.

The Black Donnellys Episode 13 (Easy Is The Way) begins with: "The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent and easy is the way." -- Virgil

At that point, I predicted everyone would die. Jumping to the end of the episode, everyone dies.

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Firefly could have had the sun go supernova and everyone dies.

My preferred ending for Firefly is a huge cargo ship leaving for the Solar System, with the name painted in huge letters on the side of the ship "Shepherd Derrial Book". The Book is an open latticework showing the cargo. Many smaller ships are being carried, but one of them is Serenity.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 8, 2024 1:28 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Personally, at this point, I think they should just nuke the Star Wars franchise. Literally.

Every time there was a show that me and my old man liked and it got cancelled, I'd just say instead of leaving it on a cliffhanger like The Sarah Connor Chronicles, they should have just had one final episode where the entire planet gets nuked and everyone dies. Firefly could have had the sun go supernova and everyone dies. Freaks and Geeks? Maybe North Korea fired the first nuke and everyone dies.

One great show that never got a fair shake, The Black Donnelly's, didn't go to such extreme measures but the way they ended it when they knew the writing on the wall was priceless.

You can't cancel my show. I'm going to destroy it first.

Let's just kill off pretty much all the main characters on both sides at the end and call it a day.

The Black Donnellys Episode 13 (Easy Is The Way) begins with: "The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent and easy is the way." -- Virgil

At that point, I predicted everyone would die. Jumping to the end of the episode, everyone dies.

Yeah... I probably spoiled that part. Maybe I should have put a spoiler alert in there, but it is a show that's like 20 years old by now and not only did they cancel it prematurely, but you had to watch the last 6 episodes online because they didn't air them.

Shame. It really was a good show.

But I'm glad they just killed everyone off and made it so that the entire season didn't matter since the network killed it.




Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Firefly could have had the sun go supernova and everyone dies.

My preferred ending for Firefly is a huge cargo ship leaving for the Solar System, with the name painted in huge letters on the side of the ship "Shepherd Derrial Book". The Book is an open latticework showing the cargo. Many smaller ships are being carried, but one of them is Serenity.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Yeah... I mean, that's nice and everything. There could be quite a few different ways that you could end the show on a nice note.

But Serenity was not the way to do it for sure.

I like the idea of a supernova just killing everybody in the solar system off, because FOX killed Firefly anyhow, so Joss should have just said fuck it and made a huge catastrophe outside of anybody's control just coming in and making the entire show as pointless as FOX decided it was.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, January 8, 2024 9:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Golden Globes Awards was on TV last night. The awards celebrated making money, but what else did you expect from Hollywood? Meaningfulness? The movies are the wrong place to look if you are seeking such.

The Golden Globes Were a Mess, and Not in the Fun, Tipsy Way

In aiming for respectability, the awards show landed somewhere in boring.
By Sam Adams | Jan 08, 2024, 1:17 AM

Debuting an award for “box office achievement” feels redundant in a year when the box-office champs were also critical favorites. Barbie, the box-office award winner, didn’t need a made-up category to earn recognition, and Oppenheimer, which won the regular old best picture, drama, earned nearly $1 billion on its own.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 8, 2024 1:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why did Hollywood make Napoleon? They had to know it would be a money-loser but made it despite the obvious.

Production Budget:
$200,000,000 (worldwide box office is 1.1 times production budget)

The Pirates didn’t copy Napoleon immediately, but eventually they did so why even go buy a ticket, rather than stay home? Hollywood must have known the Domestic Share would be small: 28.7% (domestic box office/worldwide) (The final "/" is very important in the URL.)

The title cards at the end succinctly summarize Napoleon, the movie:

He led 61 battles in his military career...
Toulon 6,000 Dead
Marengo 12,000 Dead
Austerlitz 16,500 Dead
Borodino 71,000 Dead
Waterloo 47,000 Dead (One Day)
Invasion Of Russia 460,000 Dead
1793-1815: Over 3,000,000 Died

His final words were...
France... Army... Josephine

Special note to Hollywood: Don't make a movie about George Washington and the Revolutionary War assuming you do it for money. Even fewer people want to know about George and Martha Washington's sex life than want to know about Napoleon Bonaparte's and Josephine's.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 10, 2024 8:19 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Marvel promises to do better, but then does the same old stupid things, again

In early November, less than a week before The Marvels opened to the worst box office in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the company announced it was time for a fresh start. Echo, the MCU’s latest TV series, would mark the debut of a new line called Marvel Spotlight, one that would allow them to “bring more grounded, character-driven stories to the screen … focusing on street-level stakes over large MCU continuity.” In other words, you wouldn’t need to be deeply versed in the now 16-year history to understand what the heck was going on, a welcome (and much-needed) departure from a long string of releases that have left fans yawning and Disney scrambling.

The first episode of Echo, which premieres this Tuesday, lingers on the Marvel Spotlight logo longer than it does the one for Marvel Studios, introducing the new banner with fanfare by Oscar-winning composer Michael Giacchino to underline the sense of occasion. And yet it takes only a few minutes for the show to utterly betray that promise. By the end of the first half-hour, we’ve been treated to a lengthy brawl between Alaqua Cox’s Maya Lopez and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil and a cameo by Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, with neither of the latter identified or introduced on screen for new viewers. As I watched Renner pull off his mask for a dramatic reveal, I spontaneously imagined a person sitting behind me, whispering to their date, “Which one is he?”

Instead of fleshing out its setting, Echo just dithers, haphazardly introducing plot points and then seeming to forget them for long stretches of time. With as many as seven writers credited on some episodes, Echo feels both overworked and unfinished, as if pieces were hacked out and rearranged at random.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 10, 2024 10:34 AM



Originally posted by second:
Marvel promises to do better, but then does the same old stupid things, again

In early November, less than a week before The Marvels opened to the worst box office in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the company announced it was time for a fresh start. Echo, the MCU’s latest TV series, would mark the debut of a new line called Marvel Spotlight, one that would allow them to “bring more grounded, character-driven stories to the screen … focusing on street-level stakes over large MCU continuity.” In other words, you wouldn’t need to be deeply versed in the now 16-year history to understand what the heck was going on, a welcome (and much-needed) departure from a long string of releases that have left fans yawning and Disney scrambling.

The first episode of Echo, which premieres this Tuesday, lingers on the Marvel Spotlight logo longer than it does the one for Marvel Studios, introducing the new banner with fanfare by Oscar-winning composer Michael Giacchino to underline the sense of occasion. And yet it takes only a few minutes for the show to utterly betray that promise. By the end of the first half-hour, we’ve been treated to a lengthy brawl between Alaqua Cox’s Maya Lopez and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil and a cameo by Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye, with neither of the latter identified or introduced on screen for new viewers. As I watched Renner pull off his mask for a dramatic reveal, I spontaneously imagined a person sitting behind me, whispering to their date, “Which one is he?”

Instead of fleshing out its setting, Echo just dithers, haphazardly introducing plot points and then seeming to forget them for long stretches of time. With as many as seven writers credited on some episodes, Echo feels both overworked and unfinished, as if pieces were hacked out and rearranged at random.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Disney/Marvel doesn't actually promise anything. They just say a whole bunch of words they hope people want to hear after the fact.

Filming for this series started in April of 2022, long before Disney lost the first dime out of $1.8 Billion that they'd lose in 2023. They didn't have a great 2022, but I'm sure they had no idea what was coming the following year.

But hey! It's rated TV-MA! It's got to be good!

No. It's not. The choreography sucks. But what did you expect? You pigeonhole yourself to an actress that is not only Native American but who is also actually deaf in real life, and that leaves you with what... this one actress? Is there another deaf Native American woman in the country with an ounce of acting chops? One that doesn't have a prosthetic leg, perhaps? So you're perplexed why nobody buys any of the fight scenes because she didn't have a background in fighting too?

I know Sharice Davids is too busy these days being a US Representative from Kansas after her MMA career to play Echo, and at 46 years old she may have been a little long in the tooth and rusty at fighting for the role, but maybe you could have tapped in Nicco Montano if you wanted to have Netflix Daredevil levels of realism in your fight scenes.

She's only 35 years old now, and though she hasn't been in the MMA since 2021, she was the UFC Women's Flyweight Champion in December of 2017.

After winning that fight, she said “We were dirt poor just before tonight in all reality. I’m going to go move to an apartment with some water pressure, and buy some good food and treats for my cats.”

That's a Cinderella story right there. One that didn't need to be manufactured.

Nicco is also part Hispanic, so Disney/Marvel could have checked off another box by using her.

Hollywood REALLY needs to get off of this kick where an actor/actress needs to be part of Group X if they're going to play Group X.

Because while they wouldn't hire somebody like Nicco to play a deaf character because she wasn't deaf, they hired somebody who had zero background in fighting to play a character that does nothing but fight and it's very apparent.

It would have been infinitely easier to bring someone like Nicco up to speed on the acting bits and have her give a convincing enough deaf performance than it ever would have been getting Alaqua and her prosthetic leg to a level of fighting expertise that would translate to a convincing fight choreography on her show.

If the 1st episode is confusing, it's because they put about 30 minutes of previously shot footage unused in other projects to tie it in with Hawkeye/Daredevil/Kingpin.

So they've got 5 episodes, and most of the 1st episode wasn't even new footage related to this project, and for a Disney+ first, they're dumping all 5 of them on the streaming service at once instead of putting out one episode per week. They also put up a review embargo until after the show was released, which is never a good sign.

They know they have another steaming pile of gotse here that nobody is going to watch.

Fortunately for them, they've managed to keep the production budget numbers a secret this time, so we can't laugh at the $200 Million + they spent making this like they wasted on Secret Invasion last year.

Marvel is lost. Disney is lost.

They're still talking about making a theatrical release of a Star Wars movie centered around Rey, directed by a man hating Palestinian feminist that has no actual box office success under their belt. If they go through with that, they're just putting one more nail in the Star Wars coffin and had better be prepared to lose another $300 Million + when it releases.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024 11:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You knew that Robert Downey Jr was not an engineering genius like Tony Stark and his Iron Man Suit does not fly. It was all fake from the beginning. What happens, next? There are two kinds of fake and Hollywood wants to sell the genuine kind you can believe in, at least for the length of the show, but because the storytellers have gotten fat and stupid at Marvel, since they became fabulously wealthy like Robert Downey Jr now is, the stories are not genuine any longer and can't be believed on any level. The Marvel stories, with the possible exception of Loki, are now mostly the other kind of fake, the bad kind.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 10, 2024 12:54 PM



Originally posted by second:
You knew that Robert Downey Jr was not an engineering genius like Tony Stark and his Iron Man Suit does not fly. It was all fake from the beginning.

Yeah. I know that Robert Downey Jr didn't have any engineering skills in real life, let alone the fact that he wasn't an engineering genius. That's the beauty of acting.

The difference here is, there was never a 5 minute montage scene in any of the Iron Man or Avengers movies that showcased Robert Downey Jr.'s real-life lack of engineering skills.

Echo has as many fight scenes as Daredevil had though, and when you've got an actress like Alaqua Cox who has never had prior experience fighting and two handicaps (being deaf and arguably more important the fact she has a prosthetic leg), it becomes very apparent despite whatever her level of acting ability is that she has never been in a fight in her entire life and doesn't know how to do the one thing her character is supposed to be doing in every action scene.

In other words, major false equivalency here.


What happens, next? There are two kinds of fake and Hollywood wants to sell the genuine kind you can believe in, at least for the length of the show, but because the storytellers have gotten fat and stupid at Marvel, since they became fabulously wealthy like Robert Downey Jr now is, the stories are not genuine any longer and can't be believed on any level. The Marvel stories, with the possible exception of Loki, are now mostly the other kind of fake, the bad kind.

I'm glad you're all finally coming around to admitting how shit Disney and Marvel are. They haven't told a good story in ages. They got rid of all their actual talent and replaced good writing, good directing and good acting with diversity hires for the sake of diversity.

Though they're trying hard as hell to salvage Echo, it's going to fail.

But Echo was made during a time where Marvel/Disney still wasn't admitting that they had problems of their own making and also at a time where the entire Legacy Media apparatus was protecting them (see also: you turning on them in the previous few posts because your Legacy Media Masters allow you to have the correct opinion on the issue now).

The only real question now is whether or not Disney/Marvel actually learns from all of their mistakes and Echo's failure is simply one of the last remnants of a Disney culture that no longer exists in present day, or if they haven't actually learned any lessons yet and Echo is just another sign of things to come.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024 11:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The only real question now is whether or not Disney/Marvel actually learns from all of their mistakes and Echo's failure is simply one of the last remnants of a Disney culture that no longer exists in present day, or if they haven't actually learned any lessons yet and Echo is just another sign of things to come.

Disney increased its production rate of movies far beyond its capacity to make good movies. The movies Disney now makes are only good in a limited way. The pictures are in focus. The color is realistic. The sound is excellent. All those things are engineering and can be expanded endlessly until Disney is making thousands of movies per year but there is a shortage of two things engineers cannot do, at least until engineers perfect artificial intelligence and robots --

1) write screenplays and compose music/songs that are as good as the best cameras and microphones.

2) build robots that can act/sing as well as the best humans.

I don't think Disney can find enough good human screenwriters/composers/songwriters and human actors/singers to match Disney's present-day production rate. Disney needs to make fewer movies, at least until those A.I. writers/songwriters and robot actors (ones that never have drug problems or flub their lines and can do their own stunts) are available.

All Disney Movies (1937 - Present)

List of Walt Disney Pictures films

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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