What Films Are You Looking Forward To In Cinema 2024?

UPDATED: Monday, December 23, 2024 06:52
VIEWED: 4252
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Thursday, April 25, 2024 6:42 PM


Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good


Thursday, April 25, 2024 10:38 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Just saw the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" on Facebook yesterday. Posted by Hugh Jackman and I am actually stoked to see a Deadpool movie. I just loves me some Wolvie.

I have to say that Deadpool 3 with Hugh Jackaman as Wolverine is about the most excited that Hollywood could ever make me about a comic book movie these days.

This is probably the last one I will ever see unless they take some real time off of the genre and get actual talented people back behind these projects and put out some real, interesting movies again instead of the same movie over and over and over and over again but just wrapped up with a different colored bow.

That is, after all, one of the greatest things about Deadpool as a character. Deadpool movies are going to be different than everything else out there by nature. The fact that Ryan Reynolds is such a superfan of Deadpool that he actually spent many, many years playing a HUGE role in making that first movie happen means the world here too. Ryan REALLY understands Deadpool.

Nobody wanted to take a chance on this character, because everybody thought that an R-Rated Comic Book movie would flop, and there was no possible way you could ever make a PG rated Deadpool movie that anybody would have liked. But when Ryan finally got 20th Century FOX to take a $58 Million gamble on it, they were repaid with a worldwide box office of over $780 Million.

Ryan simply won't allow a bad Deadpool movie to be made. He's got all the pull now when it comes to they way Deadpool is betrayed because he IS Deadpool.

But too many of the actors in all of these movies know nothing about the characters they're portraying. I'd guess that number at 90% or more. They either look at them as a huge payday or in the case of lessor known actors it's just their way to finally break out and make it big. And that's fine, as long as you have people in charge of these projects who understand the characters and have passion in the work they're doing.

Hell... Rachel Zeglier (aka Snow White 2025) was asked on the red carpet at some event what drew her to the character she played as one of Shazam's super-powered siblings and she had the nerve to say "I needed a job. I'm being so serious. The reality was we were in the middle of a pandemic and I was not working, and I couldn't get a job for the life of me because West Side Story hadn't come out yet and it was really hard to book work for me."

Really, Rachel? Really...

I appreciate the honesty, but that's not your mom you're talking to and this isn't your living room. A few MILLION people ended up hearing the little rich girl whining about how she couldn't find a job during the pandemic. The same pandemic where almost 20 million people had been deemed non-essential and they were all out of work. The same pandemic where a good portion of the people you look down on every day were basically stuck inside their cracker-box apartments while you got to spend Isolation putting out TikTok videos from one of the couple dozen rooms you've got in that mansion of yours.

And hey... that's fine. I certainly don't expect any good looking young 20-something woman to know anything about comics.

But at least pretend like you give a shit for the fans, huh?

Is it really that hard to do? You're an actress. You literally lie to people for a living. How about you just keep doing that whenever a camera is pointed in your direction.

And I don't even blame her. It's the fault of the Directors and any of the Executives responsible for these failures. The entire modern Hollywood Culture they've had going on since somewhere in the 2010s, really.

They don't have some Magical Hollywood School where up-and-coming actors and actresses learn Charisma 101 and how to sell a movie to your potential audience, or more importantly "WHAT NOT TO SAY". Nobody in charge there was coaching her and telling her the do's and don'ts when being interviewed. But more than that, she was brought of age in a Hollywood culture that actively taught all of its talent to berate and abuse their potential audience.

Brie Larson exclaiming with all of her conviction to a whole bunch of rich people as she accepted some dumb award only those same rich people care about, that "A Wrinkle In Time wasn't made for 40 year old white men" was a teaching moment. But not the kind of teaching moment that Hollywood had been using it as for the last 10 years. It was a lesson in how NOT to behave when you're in public as a celebrity.

I'm sure, without any guidance to advise her to the contrary, Rachel saw Brie accept the award that night and said, "That's it! That's exactly who I want to be like!".

And be just like her she did...

So yeah...

Ryan Reynolds is awesome and Deadpool 3 should be a treat.

And after that, I hope they take 10 years off of the Comic Book movies and not even attempt to start them up again until they can find people who actually care about the subject matter to put in charge.

Maybe that's a future job for Ryan Reynolds? Maybe he could direct and star in the movie where one day Deadpool passes the torch off to the next Deadpool. I don't even know how that would work, but I bet Ryan could even write that himself and it would be a lot better than anything they've put out since Avengers: End Game.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, April 25, 2024 11:29 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

I've got to say it at least makes for a hell of a trailer.

It subverted my expectations twice in under 3 minutes. The first time was when I immediately thought that something was going to happen to his daughter while he was going to the bathroom, which was never a concern. Then, of course, when you find out that he is the bad guy.

But if what we saw is what we are to believe, they just gave the whole movie and the M. Knight Shamalyan Twist away to sell some tickets.

There's no way that M. Knight has lost so much power in Hollywood that they'd be able to do him dirty like that. He's got to have a plan.

Maybe he wanted to be the first Writer/Director to put out a movie that successfully subverted the expectations of its audience not only in the trailer itself, but again when they realize the movie they just watched was nothing like what they were expecting based off of the trailer?

Could be interesting.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, April 27, 2024 7:20 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Yes, Trap looks good.

Next week is Fall Guy. I likely won't be able to see it until Sunday. Having nothing to do with May The Fourth Be With You.


Monday, April 29, 2024 3:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Yes, Trap looks good.

Next week is Fall Guy. I likely won't be able to see it until Sunday. Having nothing to do with May The Fourth Be With You.

So far 'Fall Guy' is at 90% on RT


Monday, April 29, 2024 9:25 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Yes, Trap looks good.

Next week is Fall Guy. I likely won't be able to see it until Sunday. Having nothing to do with May The Fourth Be With You.

So far 'Fall Guy' is at 90% on RT

Is that good? or really good? I don't really follow, or interpret.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 1:52 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Yes, Trap looks good.

Next week is Fall Guy. I likely won't be able to see it until Sunday. Having nothing to do with May The Fourth Be With You.

So far 'Fall Guy' is at 90% on RT

Is that good? or really good? I don't really follow, or interpret.

That's hard to say, and with the current state of culture you probably need to take it all on a case by case basis.

There is no audience score yet, so it is the Critics that gave it 90%. That's been a red-flag that the movie is chock full of the agenda and they approve of the message since around 2015 or 2016. But since the back half of 2023 with all the box office failures and tons of news sites shutting down and these people realizing they need their jobs, they appear to have straightened out whatever demons they were wrestling and/or all the activists have been laid off, and they've gone back to giving actual legitimate movie reviews. At least for the most part that appears to be what they're doing.

So I looked at the reviews on RT and kind of skimmed over them. I like what I see there. I don't see one damn mention of anything even remotely political. I see the terms "fun" and "popcorn movie" thrown in there quite a bit.

Ever since the Critics started giving real movie reviews again, I actually pay even less attention to them than I used to. A year ago I knew if they liked a movie I wouldn't enjoy it and vice/versa.

I think the Audience score is much more important on RT than the Critic score is.

I'm not seeing anything that should dissuade you from seeing this or giving me any reason to believe you're not going to enjoy it. I know you've been looking forward to this one. Hope it's great.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 4:29 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Yes, Trap looks good.

Next week is Fall Guy. I likely won't be able to see it until Sunday. Having nothing to do with May The Fourth Be With You.

So far 'Fall Guy' is at 90% on RT

Is that good? or really good? I don't really follow, or interpret.

That's hard to say, and with the current state of culture you probably need to take it all on a case by case basis.

There is no audience score yet, so it is the Critics that gave it 90%. That's been a red-flag that the movie is chock full of the agenda and they approve of the message since around 2015 or 2016. But since the back half of 2023 with all the box office failures and tons of news sites shutting down and these people realizing they need their jobs, they appear to have straightened out whatever demons they were wrestling and/or all the activists have been laid off, and they've gone back to giving actual legitimate movie reviews. At least for the most part that appears to be what they're doing.

So I looked at the reviews on RT and kind of skimmed over them. I like what I see there. I don't see one damn mention of anything even remotely political. I see the terms "fun" and "popcorn movie" thrown in there quite a bit.

Ever since the Critics started giving real movie reviews again, I actually pay even less attention to them than I used to. A year ago I knew if they liked a movie I wouldn't enjoy it and vice/versa.

I think the Audience score is much more important on RT than the Critic score is.

I'm not seeing anything that should dissuade you from seeing this or giving me any reason to believe you're not going to enjoy it. I know you've been looking forward to this one. Hope it's great.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I read many of those reviews, several said 'fun', 'popcorn' and '80's action film'. Who knows, maybe most of them really liked the film, maybe 2024 won't suck.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 5:21 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just saw the trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" on Facebook yesterday. Posted by Hugh Jackman and I am actually stoked to see a Deadpool movie. I just loves me some Wolvie.

I have to say that Deadpool 3 with Hugh Jackaman as Wolverine is about the most excited that Hollywood could ever make me about a comic book movie these days.

This is probably the last one I will ever see unless they take some real time off of the genre and get actual talented people back behind these projects and put out some real, interesting movies again instead of the same movie over and over and over and over again but just wrapped up with a different colored bow.

That is, after all, one of the greatest things about Deadpool as a character. Deadpool movies are going to be different than everything else out there by nature. The fact that Ryan Reynolds is such a superfan of Deadpool that he actually spent many, many years playing a HUGE role in making that first movie happen means the world here too. Ryan REALLY understands Deadpool.

Nobody wanted to take a chance on this character, because everybody thought that an R-Rated Comic Book movie would flop, and there was no possible way you could ever make a PG rated Deadpool movie that anybody would have liked. But when Ryan finally got 20th Century FOX to take a $58 Million gamble on it, they were repaid with a worldwide box office of over $780 Million.

Ryan simply won't allow a bad Deadpool movie to be made. He's got all the pull now when it comes to they way Deadpool is betrayed because he IS Deadpool.

But too many of the actors in all of these movies know nothing about the characters they're portraying. I'd guess that number at 90% or more. They either look at them as a huge payday or in the case of lessor known actors it's just their way to finally break out and make it big. And that's fine, as long as you have people in charge of these projects who understand the characters and have passion in the work they're doing.

Hell... Rachel Zeglier (aka Snow White 2025) was asked on the red carpet at some event what drew her to the character she played as one of Shazam's super-powered siblings and she had the nerve to say "I needed a job. I'm being so serious. The reality was we were in the middle of a pandemic and I was not working, and I couldn't get a job for the life of me because West Side Story hadn't come out yet and it was really hard to book work for me."

Really, Rachel? Really...

I appreciate the honesty, but that's not your mom you're talking to and this isn't your living room. A few MILLION people ended up hearing the little rich girl whining about how she couldn't find a job during the pandemic. The same pandemic where almost 20 million people had been deemed non-essential and they were all out of work. The same pandemic where a good portion of the people you look down on every day were basically stuck inside their cracker-box apartments while you got to spend Isolation putting out TikTok videos from one of the couple dozen rooms you've got in that mansion of yours.

And hey... that's fine. I certainly don't expect any good looking young 20-something woman to know anything about comics.

But at least pretend like you give a shit for the fans, huh?

Is it really that hard to do? You're an actress. You literally lie to people for a living. How about you just keep doing that whenever a camera is pointed in your direction.

And I don't even blame her. It's the fault of the Directors and any of the Executives responsible for these failures. The entire modern Hollywood Culture they've had going on since somewhere in the 2010s, really.

They don't have some Magical Hollywood School where up-and-coming actors and actresses learn Charisma 101 and how to sell a movie to your potential audience, or more importantly "WHAT NOT TO SAY". Nobody in charge there was coaching her and telling her the do's and don'ts when being interviewed. But more than that, she was brought of age in a Hollywood culture that actively taught all of its talent to berate and abuse their potential audience.

Brie Larson exclaiming with all of her conviction to a whole bunch of rich people as she accepted some dumb award only those same rich people care about, that "A Wrinkle In Time wasn't made for 40 year old white men" was a teaching moment. But not the kind of teaching moment that Hollywood had been using it as for the last 10 years. It was a lesson in how NOT to behave when you're in public as a celebrity.

I'm sure, without any guidance to advise her to the contrary, Rachel saw Brie accept the award that night and said, "That's it! That's exactly who I want to be like!".

And be just like her she did...

So yeah...

Ryan Reynolds is awesome and Deadpool 3 should be a treat.

And after that, I hope they take 10 years off of the Comic Book movies and not even attempt to start them up again until they can find people who actually care about the subject matter to put in charge.

Maybe that's a future job for Ryan Reynolds? Maybe he could direct and star in the movie where one day Deadpool passes the torch off to the next Deadpool. I don't even know how that would work, but I bet Ryan could even write that himself and it would be a lot better than anything they've put out since Avengers: End Game.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I think I may have said this before the only thing I really know about Deadpool is that he knows how to push Wolvie's buttons and drive him even crazier than a lot of people think Wolvie is already. So Wolvie threatening to let the air out of Deadpool will be good for a laugh. :)

I'm glad to see 2 actors in a project that actually care about their characters.

So, yeah I am stoked for it.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 6:56 PM


According to Variety 'The Fall Guy' is looking at a $30 million plus opening, that may be why the critics like it?


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9:40 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
According to Variety 'The Fall Guy' is looking at a $30 million plus opening, that may be why the critics like it?

Well... If that's the case, it's another Box Office flop in 2024.

The production budget was $130 Million. It's going to need $325 Million to break even.

Making less than 10% of that in the states on opening weekend is a death sentence for this movie. They'd better hope for about $70-$100 Million additional from overseas when Monday's numbers roll in if they want a chance at breaking even.

These guys have GOT to get these budgets under control.

First thing first, axe the huge figures for the "stars". They are getting paid far more money than they're worth.

Here's an article on pay...


Breakdown of Earnings: A Starring Role’s Worth

Unpacking an actor’s earnings for a major motion picture involves several components. Here’s a peek behind the curtain:

Base Salary: A-listers like Gosling typically command a hefty upfront payment, regardless of the film’s box office performance. This base salary can range from a cool $5 million to a staggering $20 million, depending on the actor’s star power and the project’s budget. “The Fall Guy,” with its reported $125 million budget, suggests Gosling likely landed on the higher end of this spectrum.

If Gosling made $20 Million for Fall Guy, the movie needs to make $50 Million just to cover his pay.

Say Emily Blunt made $5 Million. They've got to make another $12.5 Million gross just to cover her pay.

And that's only two of the actors.

If those numbers were correct and they only got $1 Million each instead, the amount of money the movie would need to gross to hit breakeven point would be $57.5 Million less than it is right now, or $267 Million vs. the current $325 Million.

That alone still might not be enough to save this movie from losing money with only $30 Million domestic gross this weekend, but even if you're going to lose money anyway, it's better to lose $57.5 Million less.

They then go on to say...


Bonuses: Performance-based incentives can significantly inflate an actor’s overall earnings. These bonuses often kick in after the film reaches certain box office milestones. Since “The Fall Guy” is shaping up to be a summer blockbuster, Gosling could potentially see additional millions added to his paycheck if the film performs well.

"Shaping up to be a summer blockbuster" in what world? $30 Million on opening weekend is considered a summer blockbuster in 2024? I know that Hollywood has taken one hard on the chin, but that is absolutely pathetic.

And with $130 Million budgets, it's not even true.

Just go back to late summer last year when we were laughing at Blue Beetle only pulling in $25 Million gross in the US on opening weekend with a $120 Million budget. That ended up being a HUGE flop for DC, only pulling in $128 Million worldwide when it needed $300 Million to break even.

If there were any bonus clauses in either Gosling's or Blunt's contracts, the good news for Universal is that, contrary to anything this article says, they won't be paying out any of those if Fall Guy opens to only $30 Million.

Honestly, I don't even understand the media coverage on this one. If it's a great movie, great. I hope it does very well.

But it appears there's almost unanimous agreement at these online sites that the movie is going to be a success, but when you look at the numbers it paints the exact opposite picture. I'm not seeing what they're seeing at all.

So I'm going to have to strongly disagree with all of them, just as I had to disagree with anyone who thought Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire was going to be a success at the box office. The Fall Guy is set to be a huge box office flop. Nowhere near the level of Argylle making only $96 Million when it needed $500 Million to break even, but still really bad.

I'm not saying either of the movies aren't good. I'm just commenting on it from a financial perspective.

I don't know what Universal is doing. They had a banner year in 2023, but now they've easily taken the crown for the largest failure of the year and we haven't even seen how much money the $200 Million Twister sequel is going to lose them.

Meanwhile, last year's "winner" Disney has just been sitting 2024 out. They've got a few projects making it into theaters starting soon, but even when they likely fail, there's probably no chance Disney ends up losing more money than Universal does just because they're putting such little content out this year.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 9:45 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I think I may have said this before the only thing I really know about Deadpool is that he knows how to push Wolvie's buttons and drive him even crazier than a lot of people think Wolvie is already. So Wolvie threatening to let the air out of Deadpool will be good for a laugh. :)

I'm glad to see 2 actors in a project that actually care about their characters.

So, yeah I am stoked for it.

I never read Deadpool comics. I know he was out sometime in the mid 80's after I was born, but he was never on my radar. But my brother who was into comics a lot more than I was was a huge Deadpool fan and was super pissed when they released Wolverine: Origins and how they treated Deadpool in that movie.

Me, not knowing anything about Deadpool at all when I saw it on cable didn't hate the movie as I guess most folk did.

However much my brother hated that movie, Ryan Reynolds hated it even more and he spent the next 7 years making sure a legitimate representation of Deadpool made it to the screen.

So I do think it's really cool that he got Hugh Jackman on board to reprise his role as Wolverine so they can make the movie Ryan would have wanted to make back before he had any pull in Hollywood.

And I'm sure they're going to roast Wolverine: Origins plenty in this movie.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 11:45 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I think I may have said this before the only thing I really know about Deadpool is that he knows how to push Wolvie's buttons and drive him even crazier than a lot of people think Wolvie is already. So Wolvie threatening to let the air out of Deadpool will be good for a laugh. :)

I'm glad to see 2 actors in a project that actually care about their characters.

So, yeah I am stoked for it.

I never read Deadpool comics. I know he was out sometime in the mid 80's after I was born, but he was never on my radar. But my brother who was into comics a lot more than I was was a huge Deadpool fan and was super pissed when they released Wolverine: Origins and how they treated Deadpool in that movie.

Me, not knowing anything about Deadpool at all when I saw it on cable didn't hate the movie as I guess most folk did.

However much my brother hated that movie, Ryan Reynolds hated it even more and he spent the next 7 years making sure a legitimate representation of Deadpool made it to the screen.

So I do think it's really cool that he got Hugh Jackman on board to reprise his role as Wolverine so they can make the movie Ryan would have wanted to make back before he had any pull in Hollywood.

And I'm sure they're going to roast Wolverine: Origins plenty in this movie.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

All I saw of Deadpool in the comics was from references in the Wolverine and X-Men comics. Wolverine and X-Men were and still are my jam when it comes to comics. :)

I watched Wolverine: Origins once and have never watched it again because of the hash they made out of my Wolvie.

Funny, I don't remember Deadpool in Wolverine: Origins so he never made much of an impression on me.

Personally, I think Hugh Jackman has a blast playing everyone's favourite Canucklehead as Wolvie has often referred to himself as. Outside of Wolvie my next favourite is Gambit.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024 12:14 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
All I saw of Deadpool in the comics was from references in the Wolverine and X-Men comics. Wolverine and X-Men were and still are my jam when it comes to comics. :)

You probably have WAY more knowledge of comics than I do, TBH. I only really got into them when I was a kid because my dad had collected when he was younger and had quite an impressive collection. I read a few comics with superheros as a kid that I bought, but mostly they just ended up bagged and borded because I thought I was going to be rich one day off of them. To this day, none of them are worth the paper they were printed on. I've got comics my old man gave me for Chirstmas as a kid that weren't worth much back then but now are worth easily 10 to 20 times what any of the junk I collected in the 80's and 90's is worth.

Hell... I even have Guardians of the Galaxy #1 in near mint condition and it's only worth like $30 bucks. They were just printing too many comics by the time I was growing up, and everybody else had the same idea as I did too, so there's probably 5,000 copies of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 out there that are in even better shape than mine and nobody want's to pay more than 2 movie tickets for any of them.

The only comics I really read in earnest were the Weird Science reprints my dad was getting around the same time. I liked Tales From the Crypt and The Vault of Horror too, but Weird Science was my jam. Those EC comics reprints in the 80s were awesome.


I watched Wolverine: Origins once and have never watched it again because of the hash they made out of my Wolvie.

I don't remember much of it at all, TBH. I remember being kind of bored, but then I also remember that I did like the lighting in the movie for some odd reason. There was a bit of intrigue there in the lore of how Wolverine got his adamantium skeleton and claws, but you'd know so much better than I would if any of that was even in the comics or they just made it up for the movie.


Funny, I don't remember Deadpool in Wolverine: Origins so he never made much of an impression on me.

Yup. Played by Ryan Reynolds himself!

That dude has always been Deadpool.

From what I remember, he was a normal dude in the beginning that didn't wear the mask. At that point he was basically Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds in 90% of Deadpool's costume. Witty guy, this alternate reality Deadpool, but over-talkative to the point that I think it would get grating after a while in real life.

And if memory serves, his big mouth is why he got his mouth entirely removed when the "operations" were done to turn him into a super soldier or something. And I think it was by the same guy that put the adamantium inside Logan too. At that point is was angry Ryan Reyonlds that couldn't quip and just had angry eyebrows against Wolverine in the final showdown. I think maybe he was being completely mind controlled at this point too and didn't even have a personality anymore, so the guy removing his mouth was just really being a dick for no reason there.

So I'm actually really glad we had this conversation now so I could remind you of that. This ain't Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynold's first rodeo together.

This is going to be a 15 Year Reunion for both of them playing the same characters they did back then.

Hell... I think I'm probably going to watch Wolverine: Origins again before I watch Deadpool 3 just to see how different they are. Kind of a study on what happens when Corporate Suits have all the control over a movie VS. when a superfan actor does.


Personally, I think Hugh Jackman has a blast playing everyone's favourite Canucklehead as Wolvie has often referred to himself as. Outside of Wolvie my next favourite is Gambit.

I would hope that he loved that job. I'm just about the furthest thing from a comic book movie fan there is, but even I've got a soft-spot for Hugh as Logan. I really got a kick out of seeing those teaser videos he did with Ryan a year or two back that we saw. Not going to lie, I am actually looking forward to seeing this one. So much that I might even finally get around to seeing Deadpool 2 before I watch it.

I hope it is as good as we think it might be.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024 1:19 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
All I saw of Deadpool in the comics was from references in the Wolverine and X-Men comics. Wolverine and X-Men were and still are my jam when it comes to comics. :)

You probably have WAY more knowledge of comics than I do, TBH. I only really got into them when I was a kid because my dad had collected when he was younger and had quite an impressive collection. I read a few comics with superheros as a kid that I bought, but mostly they just ended up bagged and borded because I thought I was going to be rich one day off of them. To this day, none of them are worth the paper they were printed on. I've got comics my old man gave me for Chirstmas as a kid that weren't worth much back then but now are worth easily 10 to 20 times what any of the junk I collected in the 80's and 90's is worth.

Hell... I even have Guardians of the Galaxy #1 in near mint condition and it's only worth like $30 bucks. They were just printing too many comics by the time I was growing up, and everybody else had the same idea as I did too, so there's probably 5,000 copies of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 out there that are in even better shape than mine and nobody want's to pay more than 2 movie tickets for any of them.

The only comics I really read in earnest were the Weird Science reprints my dad was getting around the same time. I liked Tales From the Crypt and The Vault of Horror too, but Weird Science was my jam. Those EC comics reprints in the 80s were awesome.


I watched Wolverine: Origins once and have never watched it again because of the hash they made out of my Wolvie.

I don't remember much of it at all, TBH. I remember being kind of bored, but then I also remember that I did like the lighting in the movie for some odd reason. There was a bit of intrigue there in the lore of how Wolverine got his adamantium skeleton and claws, but you'd know so much better than I would if any of that was even in the comics or they just made it up for the movie.


Funny, I don't remember Deadpool in Wolverine: Origins so he never made much of an impression on me.

Yup. Played by Ryan Reynolds himself!

That dude has always been Deadpool.

From what I remember, he was a normal dude in the beginning that didn't wear the mask. At that point he was basically Ryan Reynolds playing Ryan Reynolds in 90% of Deadpool's costume. Witty guy, this alternate reality Deadpool, but over-talkative to the point that I think it would get grating after a while in real life.

And if memory serves, his big mouth is why he got his mouth entirely removed when the "operations" were done to turn him into a super soldier or something. And I think it was by the same guy that put the adamantium inside Logan too. At that point is was angry Ryan Reyonlds that couldn't quip and just had angry eyebrows against Wolverine in the final showdown. I think maybe he was being completely mind controlled at this point too and didn't even have a personality anymore, so the guy removing his mouth was just really being a dick for no reason there.

So I'm actually really glad we had this conversation now so I could remind you of that. This ain't Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynold's first rodeo together.

This is going to be a 15 Year Reunion for both of them playing the same characters they did back then.

Hell... I think I'm probably going to watch Wolverine: Origins again before I watch Deadpool 3 just to see how different they are. Kind of a study on what happens when Corporate Suits have all the control over a movie VS. when a superfan actor does.


Personally, I think Hugh Jackman has a blast playing everyone's favourite Canucklehead as Wolvie has often referred to himself as. Outside of Wolvie my next favourite is Gambit.

I would hope that he loved that job. I'm just about the furthest thing from a comic book movie fan there is, but even I've got a soft-spot for Hugh as Logan. I really got a kick out of seeing those teaser videos he did with Ryan a year or two back that we saw. Not going to lie, I am actually looking forward to seeing this one. So much that I might even finally get around to seeing Deadpool 2 before I watch it.

I hope it is as good as we think it might be.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

I started reading them before my dad died, so I would have been around 10years old. Maybe. Long time ago now. First I bought was Little Monsters. Put out by Gold Key, then Aquaman, then the "Mighty Thor" who I was really big into before X-Men and Wolverine.

I remember tales from "Tales from the Crypt" but I've never been into Horror. Had me a couple of the "Miami Mice" comics and yes those were written around "Miami Vice". Rico and Crockett were turned into mice. Even had a "Miami Mice" t-shirt.

There was so much wrong with "Wolverine Origins" as I remember. For starters he was never in Japan at the end of the Second World War. Like a good Canadian soldier he was in Europe. The Weapon X program was what produced Wolverine's skeleton and made Deadpool even crazier than he was to begin with. So, they got that much right.

Huh. Maybe I should too as it has been a long time since I've seen the movie.

Yeah, I saw the teaser ads on tv and they were funny. So, I think it should be a good movie and a good last outing for Hugh as Wolvie.


Monday, June 17, 2024 10:28 PM


I just heard of a film, I think I would like to see it: Screams Before Silence.

I would also like to see Bearing Witness. But that is only for Private Screenings, Invitaion Only - and even then, some screenings must be cancelled due to the Terrorist threats of the Gaza Terrorists.


Monday, June 17, 2024 10:29 PM


Not sure if anybody mentioned Alien: Romulus.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 7:46 PM


The Kevin Costner Western.


Monday, July 1, 2024 8:19 PM


I have been doing a lousy job of keeping up with this thread.

I missed Hit Man. It had limited release for 2 weeks, earlier this month. Not at the theater I normally prefer. And those 2 weeks I was very busy with a new job.

This past weekend Horizon came out, which I had mentioned, but I thought it was coming out in July. So I didn't get to see it. Hope to rectify that in the coming week. It is Part 1 of 4.

Alien: Romulus looks promising. it is an interquel, taking place between Alien and Aliens, while Lt Ripley is lost in cryosleep. So this would suggest that it is a horror film, not so much of an action film. But the director was apparently given carte blanche, so who knows?


Saturday, July 6, 2024 2:37 AM


City of Dreams.


Saturday, July 6, 2024 2:39 AM


City of Dreams.


Saturday, July 6, 2024 2:41 AM


City of Dreams.


Thursday, August 22, 2024 11:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Beekeeper came out on 12 Jan, and I was glad to see it.

I just saw this with my old man today. It was his second time watching it and he's been wanting to watch it with me after he saw it with my brother a while back.

I loved it.

The title fits the movie for sure, but I think it probably hurt the sales. I don't know what I would have titled it instead, but I think they should have figured something else out just from a marketing standpoint.

My dad was laughing when I was saying out loud what those scammers were going to say before they said it in the beginning because I follow those scams and know all the scripts. He said "I knew this would be right up your alley".

It was great seeing them get theirs.

I realize there wouldn't be a movie if they portrayed the actual boring buildings that the Indian call centers use, or the fact that a great majority of the people who do the scams in real life are just dummies without access to any real jobs otherwise, so I can forgive the movie for putting them in a $30 Million building with a bunch of primarily white Americans doing the scamming. That being said, they did a pretty good job portraying the scam. Those MF's run a $20 BILLION per year industry scamming retirees from the US and the UK alone. And just like the corrupt government who doesn't do anything about the problem in the movie, none of our governments are doing anything about the scammers based out of India today.

We need some real life Beekeepers to knock some heads together and blow some shit up.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, August 23, 2024 8:52 AM


2024 has been mostly crap....maybe just maybe something like Kraven or Beetlejuice but I think I've watched all the Hollyweird crap I can take this year

I might go back to looking for small arthouse cinema, however the small indie stuff is rarely supported so maybe try Foreign Language Non-Hollywood non-English films because Hollywood has been so crap.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
City of Dreams.

a Mexican film 2023, did you really have to post this 3 times?


Monday, August 26, 2024 6:13 AM


finally gets a Japan release

it does 84 M overseas, 177.6M worldwide so its another shit year for Hollyweird

Budget $ 150 million?


Tuesday, August 27, 2024 3:56 AM


Cinema seems over with Commiefornia type culture destroying film creativity, Hollywood or Hollyweird will have to give awards to a bunch of foreign movies again.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024 8:35 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
City of Dreams.

This was not showing at my favorite theater, but it was in cinema this past weekend.

Looks like I have forgotten to mention Red One. Looks funny.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024 8:44 PM


This weekend I saw some films. Reagan was playing. I had planned to see it, but there were no seats available. It was in a very small screen, few seats total.
But the people going into this theaters were all carrying armloads of concessions. Makes me wonder if theaters can track this - which films make the most profit through concessions vs. ticket sales. Those who use their movie rewards card likely got linked in the data, but how would this work otherwise?
I have to believe that if cinema owner knew about this, this film would be in cinema for quite some time - and with more seats, instead of being Sold Out all the time.


Friday, September 27, 2024 11:16 PM


Vindicating Trump. In cinema now.

Plus there are a bunch of horror film showing now - gotta look into them.


Friday, September 27, 2024 11:42 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
This weekend I saw some films. Reagan was playing. I had planned to see it, but there were no seats available. It was in a very small screen, few seats total.
But the people going into this theaters were all carrying armloads of concessions. Makes me wonder if theaters can track this - which films make the most profit through concessions vs. ticket sales. Those who use their movie rewards card likely got linked in the data, but how would this work otherwise?
I have to believe that if cinema owner knew about this, this film would be in cinema for quite some time - and with more seats, instead of being Sold Out all the time.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to figure out if they offered some sort of rewards card. That's what I'd do. Either something like 5% off concessions or Spend X amount and you get a free popcorn or soda or something. You don't want to give too much or you're hurting the bottom line, but it has to be enough to make people go through the effort. Or they could do what the Illinois Tollway Authority did with the I-Pass and just let it be known that prices on concessions are all going up 15% across the board but will remain the same price as they are now if you get a rewards card.

I doubt they have any real way of tracking it otherwise, outside of people paying for all of this online first or something.

And until they force us into being a cashless society they'd never know what I'm up to. I pay cash for almost everything unless it's a huge pain in the ass to do so. In my life, that's for almost everything outside of monthly/yearly bills. So until the day we can only pay with a credit card or phone app, you'll never have a 100% complete picture.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, September 29, 2024 1:21 PM


Finally just updated the OP. I had not listed those mentioned, until now.


Sunday, September 29, 2024 10:04 PM


For next year, Marky Mark flies a plane.

Not sure about Nightbitch or Emilia Perez.


Sunday, September 29, 2024 10:11 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
For next year, Marky Mark flies a plane.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 12:05 PM


FOLIE Á DEUX Joker 2 profits are falling like a rock

‘JOKER 2’ earned $121M on its worldwide box office opening weekend.
The film had a $200M budget.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

So until the day we can only pay with a credit card or phone app, you'll never have a 100% complete picture.

Yeah I'm still one of those who tries to use cash as much as possible, its not the business of globalists to known every person's details what food I buy or what dvd collection I had purchased, if I had a cigarette or a beer its none of their business. Maybe I blame those PirateNews style big brother posts.

can't ever imagine wanting to watch that worthless shit called 'Reagan' the trailer looked terrible, I think I would be happier watching paint dry.


Monday, October 7, 2024 5:12 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Joker 2

If anyone goes to cinema to watch this crap after all the bad reviews and warnings out there, they probably have serious mental issues


Saturday, November 9, 2024 4:31 PM



My favorite cinema hasn't had any decent new offerings in many weeks, perhaps months. Mostly cartoons. Bummer.

Next week they are claiming to show Red One, so I'll be back there.

Quite a while ago, but probably this year, I saw a trailer and wanted to see the film. Had forgotten about it, conjured I had missed it. That was Absolution, which is just released yesterday. I expect to be entertained. Although it is only playing at my least favorite cinema, I might even partake in concessions.
Liam Neeson is the star, if not the lead credit. Now that Ron Perlman is a raging Libtard pervert, it will be easier to dislike his role. Even tho it is just another comrade of the Biden/Obama Crime Syndicate, so it's not like he's acting. I'll just need to forget about City of Lost Children.

I had not Heard of Elevation. Perhaps nonstop political ads had an effect. In a battleground state.
The poster is not impressive. But it does have Morena's name. So I check the trailer - this does seem really good, perhaps like A Quiet Place. This could be really entertaining/ Also opened yesterday.


Saturday, November 9, 2024 4:57 PM


Yeah... I'm glad I watched City of Lost Children back when I did and we were talking about it in here. I think going into that for the first time today would be a really hard watch.

Enjoy the popcorn.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Monday, November 18, 2024 7:22 AM


Tinseltown might even burn down

I try to sperate the artist real personality from the product but some of it is impossible and really annoying or very, very disturbing, I find it very difficult to go back and watch anything knowing the abuse with the boys and what happened little girls in Hollywood, Charlie Sheen is a degenerate, Ezra Miller if not a criminal needs help to fix his sicko little head, don't watch anything Weinstein and Woody Allen creeps me out ever since photos of him walking out of the Epstein mansion were published...he creeped me out before but now he really creeps me out.

Once you see Hollyweird you can't unsee it

Was mostly correct

I wasn't sure if this would be one of Hollywood's 'WORST YEARS' but it has been.
Ron Pearlman is an asshole but he hasn't weirded me out or creeped me out enough yet, I could probably still watch a movie of his

Corey Haim probably went through child abuse by the Creeps at Hollywood, in The Two Coreys tv, Haim told Feldman that he had been sexually abused at the age of 14 by one of Feldman's acquaintances, Corey Haim became a drug addict and died from health complications, dead at 38 years old. Attorney General Brown called Haim the "poster child" for prescription drug addiction.
Haim was a destitute case and died with very little money

In 2007 after a string of hospital visits, Haim was so broke he pulled his own teeth and cut his hair and tried to sell the body parts online to raise cash.Haim called himself a "chronic relapser", who struggled dealing with reality. As his life crumbled, so did his ability to perform in movie roles and Haim retreated into a haze of drug use, eventually making disturbing claims about being raped by a Hollywood paedophile as a youngster.Haim died young of pneumonia and surrounded by prescription drugs, after collapsing in his mother's arms.


The Soda Pop Club was a teenage Hollywood hotspot where child stars could party without supervision. Often seen there were Alyssa Milano, Tori Spelling, the Coreys, their friend Scott Grimes and Christina Applegate.

Before his death, Haim recounted fond, surreal memories of the Soda Pop Club, including the famous tale of Randy, an eccentric who ran the club, jumping down 11 storeys with a soda pop in his hand, landing on his feet.

The stunt, which sounds unreal, was turned into a commercial for fizzy drink. Haim watched it while holding one of Randy's pet tigers. "It was pretty trippy," he said.

Haim also told a story about driving around in a limousine with one of Randy's jaguars, which had to be tranquillised mid journey when it roared.

He said his time at the Soda Club was before he got into drugs, saying it just wasn't his style then.

"I got really sick and tired of Alphy Hoffman, to be honest with you," he said.

"I don't think he's a good human being, and you can print that sh** too!" he told Vice. He later tried to recant his statements.

Years after Haim's death, Feldman would say he and Haim were raped and intimidated by a number of men in a high-level ring of Hollywood paedophiles, who frequented the Soda Pop Club.


Thursday, November 28, 2024 11:19 PM


Horizon Part 2 never got released, it seems.


Friday, November 29, 2024 4:02 PM


Yeah. Unfortunately I've seen way too much of Ron Perlman's homemade videos or videos random people have taken of him when he's out in public. I won't go into any details and ruin it for you.

I'm glad I watched Sons of Anarchy years ago too, because that would be a pretty hilarious watch today.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024 8:19 AM


another bad year for Hollyweird profits

Some of those Greatest Ally Britbong French Shekel families most be asking the Fed and Blackrock's Larry Fink to print them more money.

but Larry wants your company to have a DEI SJW message before he hands out the tax payer cash and redistributes wealth to the big studios


Originally posted by whozit:
Check out the trailer for 'Trap', it looks pretty good

Did anyone see this



Monday, December 23, 2024 6:52 AM


Well, I have done a lousy job this year of listing the Angel Studio films coming out.
Now another has snuck into theaters without me noticing.

Homestead. I have not seen ads or trailers.
Poster says in theaters Christmas. Opened Friday 20 Dec. In my town, the largest cineplex in the northeast of my state is ending it's run after 4 days, on Monday - so not even showing for Christmas Eve. Amidst a flood of cartoons, gotta make way for even more cartoons.

Cast includes Neal McDonough, who I understand was runner up to be cast as Malcolm Reynolds.

According to The Numbers, even though Angel tends to low-ball their estimates and projections:
Fri - 8th highest theater count, 3rd highest per screen take, 5th largest Box Office.
Sat - still 8th highest theater count, 5th highest per screen take, only 6th largest Box Office.
Sun - still 8th highest theater count, 5th highest per screen take, and 5th at the Box office
Weekend - 8th theater count, 5th highest per screen take, 5th at the Box office.






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