Disney's Latest Woke Turd

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 06:48
VIEWED: 1466
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Sunday, November 27, 2022 10:49 PM


Strange World was Disney finally finding it's balls and just going all out on the LGBTQIAGBEPOIE+R2D2C3PO child brainwashing agenda and found out that nobody is going to pay to see that shit.

$180 Million production budget, and it probably won't even crack $20 Million in its opening week.

Add this to the ever-growing list of movies that Disney is releasing that is going to cost them over $100 Million, not including whatever they dump on their marketing budget.

Hey... There's always 2023. Maybe Disney will figure out that the fat, unloved, pink haired potbelly trolls on Twitter don't speak for the majority.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022 9:12 AM



Anyways I hear they are firing the perverts who are attempting to run Disney into the ground


Tuesday, November 29, 2022 7:43 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Not sure what you mean by this. If you don't know what movie I'm talking about, it was Strange World, that released on Tuesday of Thanksgiving week.

And, btw, my prediciton was correct. It did not make $20 Million in its opening week, falling shy at $19,287,742, after failing to even come close to cracking half a million on Monday.

It is the gayest Disney movie ever. Literally.


Anyways I hear they are firing the perverts who are attempting to run Disney into the ground

I didn't hear the same thing. Kathleen Kennedy still has a job, and they're giving the CEO position back to Bob Iger who was responsible for all the woke shit in the first place.

Let me know when Michael Eisner comes out of retirement and they put him back in charge of the Mouse House.

Until then, I won't be watching anything Disney makes. Including Deadpool 3 just out of spite.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Saturday, December 3, 2022 4:44 PM


This woke agenda child brainwashing Lefitst Cult pic was already finished right out of the gates, but it just fell 78% from last Friday night.

You can try to hide that budget all you want, Disney, but you'd do best to start firing a lot of people in the background if you want to survive what's coming.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, September 5, 2024 8:45 AM


Disney Pauses ‘The Graveyard Book’ Film Following Assault Allegations Against Neil Gaiman


Thursday, September 5, 2024 8:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

From "Adventures In The Screen Trade" by William Goldman (1984)

April twenty-third, 1896 - as much as any date, that can be taken as the beginning of the motion picture business. It marked the opening of the first theatre in New York that took money from the public in exchange for filmed entertainment. By the year 1910, there were over nine thousand theatres in operation across the country.

Movies, of course, were shorter then. D. W. Griffith, in one five-year stretch, directed over five hundred "movies." Not only were they of less duration, they were also a good deal more simplistic than what we are used to today; one early hit consisted in its entirety of nothing but a horse eating hay. (The filmmaker who created the horse movie followed up with another smash - some footage of a pillow fight between his two daughters.)

The audience could have cared less - they loved going to the movies. Clearly, these films were not directed at intellectuals or the upper classes. Movies then were for immigrants and the poor, who sought entertainment where they could get it cheaply.

And in this early booming decade, there were no stars. Actors, mostly "legitimate" ones, were ashamed of this new medium. They snuck over to New Jersey and worked, but only for the bread - the last thing they wanted was their name attached to anything they did. Also, it was not glamorous labor: Actors were automatically given other chores to do, such as sweeping up, doing carpentry, etc. One early matinee idol shocked his employers by declaring, when he reported for duty. "I am an actor and I will act - but I will not build sets and paint scenery." Then again, it was difficult for the public to find a favorite: During this "buccaneer" period, theatres would often change entire shows - up to sixty minutes of short features every day.

The resulting flood of product was, ultimately, responsible for the existence of Hollywood. All the major studios paid a fee to Thomas Edison for the right to make movies: The motion picture was his invention and he had to be reimbursed for each and every film.

But there was such a need for material that pirate companies, which did not pay the fee, sprang up. The major studios hired detectives to stop this practice, driving many of the pirates as far from the New York area as possible. Sure, Hollywood had all that great shooting weather. But more than that, being three thousand miles west made it easier to steal. (The more things change, etc., etc.)

In spite of the Studios, certain performers began to become favorites. Of course they had no names. If you wrote to them, you would have to send off your fan letter to "The Butler with the Mustache" or "The Girl with the Curly Blonde Hair."

If a studio had a performer they used a great deal, they still would never give the public a name to associate with the face. And so it was that, in 1910, perhaps the most popular film performer in America was known as "The Biograph Girl," Biograph being the company that had her under contract.

But when her contract was up, another studio stole her away. There were, of course, the usual inducements - a higher salary, her husband came along with her with a directing contract of his own - all standard. What was not standard, and what altered the future of movies, was this: The new studio agreed to feature her name. And so, in 1910, a beautiful young girl with the mellifluous name of Florence Lawrence initiated the star system in America.

The peers of Carl Laemmle (the executive who had spirited away Miss Lawrence) were, of course, more than a little displeased. Why? Because they were afraid that once the public really began to identify with performers, they might be forced to pay them more. You can say what you will about the morals of these early titans, you can scorn them as little more than furriers. But boy, they sure weren't dumb. Here is what happened to salaries:

1912: Miss Lawrence was now the highest paid movie worker, making, by the end of that year, $250.00 per week.

1913: Mary Pickford signs for $500.00 per week.

1914: Miss Pickford re-signs for double her previous weekly fee.

1915: Miss Pickford re-re-signs, 'this time $2,000.00 weekly compensation.

1916: $10,000.00 per week - that was Charlie Chaplin's stipend. Plus $150,000.00 in bonus money for signing.

1919; Fatty Arbuckle became the first star in history to be guaranteed a salary of one million dollars per year. Minimum.

The war cry of the studios has been the same ever since: Every time the business is about to self-destruct, they can pinpoint the reason - it's the goddam greed of the stars. In the late sixties, the most recent crisis time till now, it was the Burtons' fault, each of them getting a million to co-star in such items as The Comedians and Boom! (The exclamation point didn't help the latter at the box office.)

Today, a million dollars is what you pay a star you don't want.

Personally, I don't blame the stars for grabbing every cent they can. They all know the studios are going to rob them of as much of a Film's profits as they can. And no one forces the studios to pay what they do. Most of all, though, stardom just doesn't last. (For a gifted few, sure. But only a few.)

Download a free copy of “Adventures In The Screen Trade” from

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 5, 2024 1:18 PM


Maybe that $1 Million a year minimum deal was the reason why Hollywood tried to #MeToo Fatty. Other stars were warned not to speak out against the allegations and were threatened with their careers if they did. Buster Keaton was the only person who came to Fatty's defense.

In the end Fatty didn't lose the court cases, but his career was over and Hollywood got what they wanted.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, September 6, 2024 12:41 PM


Jon Del Arroz talks about how he was selling himself as a Feminist Ally

Disney PANICS Over Neil Gaiman And CANCELS The Graveyard Book Movie Production

Weinstein effect continues

creepy rumors have surrounded him for a long time

the production halted due to a variety of factors including sexual assault allegations against Gaiman


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 4:03 AM


Disney allegedly wanted Inside Out 2 to seem 'less gay' after Lightyear's same-sex kiss controversy

Claims surfaced that Pixar and Disney pushed staffed to make Inside Out 2 more heterosexual after they saw the public's response to an same-sex kiss in Lightyear


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:08 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Disney allegedly wanted Inside Out 2 to seem 'less gay' after Lightyear's same-sex kiss controversy

Claims surfaced that Pixar and Disney pushed staffed to make Inside Out 2 more heterosexual after they saw the public's response to an same-sex kiss in Lightyear

Haha... yeah. I did hear that.

Probably tons of agenda shit in IO2 despite the order anyway. I can't be arsed to watch it myself and be on the lookout for it though.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, November 6, 2024 6:48 AM


Maybe if Disney didn't insist on making so many shitty movies and TV shows destroying beloved fictional characters for the last decade, Donald J. Trump wouldn't be America's 45 and 47th President.

I guess we'll never know now, huh?

Yo, Bob...


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.






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