Which character of firefly do you most relate to?

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 12:53
VIEWED: 22502
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:08 PM


I my self seem to relate mostly to Simon...
Im very protective over my little sister and brother

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:30 PM


you are not very protective of me but u bro i agre.

um... i think i mostly relate to river... im a younger sister... im a bit troblued like river (not government wises buty yeah)


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:42 PM


Probably Simon. Really smart, blubbering idiot around girls, adores Kaylee... yeah that sounds about right.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:19 PM


kaylee( I'm the shy sweet type) plus I don't like guns.

I'm in the world not of it.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 9:24 PM


Yess Natti ok maybe im mean but you know if any one tryed to hurt you id be more grr to them and less arge to you.....
I also am smart in a pychotic way not like im crazzy i just dont think like normal people
hmmmm River Natti I thought you were more of a kaylee specualy with your (Vrookman)

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 5:52 AM


I strongly identify with Book.

It's rather odd, actually.

I did things in the Gulf War (first one) I am not at all proud of and that took me many years to come to terms with.

I spent several years in a monastery, though I never quite become a monk.

I also traveled for a time as a missionary in the pacific (as part of my journey of atonement), often taking passage on small run down trading ships. I was suspected of "being more then just a preacher" on more then one occasion. Sadly, the crews of these ships never came anywhere close to the crew of Serenity in any way.

However, I do not have an AA gun in my backyard and I have no reason to think the NSA is coming to kill me any time soon.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 5:56 AM


Simon, of course. That way I can Love River the most. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, March 2, 2006 5:59 AM



Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:01 AM


I relate to Jayne, Zoe, River, and Mal. in that order.
I am the attack dog. No one crosses me or my friends because they know that to do so means pain, and pain is scary. I am extremely loyal to said friends. Almost to a fault, but my loyalty actually has cost me a relationship. River beats out Mal mainly because I talk to myself alot and tend to do crazy things that no one sees a reason but myself. But when needs be I can really take charge. Sadly. and against my will. Responsibility...don't want it.

Maybe this is why I love it so much. I see so much of myself in these people, and they have human failures, just like me. They ain't perfect, and that is perfectly fine by me.

You know, they tell ya to never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:01 AM


I relate to Jayne, Zoe, River, and Mal. in that order.
I am the attack dog. No one crosses me or my friends because they know that to do so means pain, and pain is scary. I am extremely loyal to said friends. Almost to a fault, but my loyalty actually has cost me a relationship. River beats out Mal mainly because I talk to myself alot and tend to do crazy things that no one sees a reason but myself. But when needs be I can really take charge. Sadly. and against my will. Responsibility...don't want it.

Maybe this is why I love it so much. I see so much of myself in these people, and they have human failures, just like me. They ain't perfect, and that is perfectly fine by me.

You know, they tell ya to never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:13 AM


Mal, even though I'm a woman. I own my own business and run my own life and I'm responsible for my Mom's health and well being and also all the folks who work at and for my business. It's a daily struggle just like life on Serenity and I have a real appreciation of Mal's constant dilemmas regarding what's right for the whole and taking care of the day to day business of money in pockets and food on the table.

I sometimes make decisions that no one else WILL make...don't always like it, but I've become capable of it.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:22 AM



It's the distance within the closeness. She loves the crew and has a great deal of tenderness for the world at large, she's introverted with an adventurous side, but at the same time she needs that space to retreat and is secretive about her choices.

Next up Mal. Because he's a vast sea of everything, lots of different value systems and codes of behavior that contradict each other.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:34 AM


I would have to say Book. I don't have any direct ex-military experience but I have been lead in a new direction after finding serenity in my life. Yeah, so Book it is.

That being said, I saw the movie first so I didn't really know anything about him. Now that I've seen the whole series, if I were Joss, I wouldn't have killed him in the movie.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:38 AM



I always have a contingency plan, but I'm no coward when I'm cornered. I always try to make my position appear weaker than it actually is, but there's always a steel support underneath.
I'm usually the first one into any situation, even when I'm not supposed to be leading.
I don't see any dishonor in living to fight another day. Good with guns, but no experience with grenades, or funny hats, so I'm not Jayne.

I'm surprised that so many people identify with the doctor. He always seemed like a prig. Girls like him, but I wouldnt want to be him.

Yep. Have to go with the Cap'n. Mal's just as cunning in his own way.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:44 AM


WASH, definitely. He's a jokester and always has a clever remark ready for any situation. He has a beautiful wife who's more badass than he is, he plays with toys, and is always ready to look on the logical and/or bright side of any situation.

I think I swallowed a bug...


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:49 AM



I've got this thing about john lennon specs and full-length button-suit jackets. I'm interested in torture methods, like to employ light-relief blundering henchmen, and I've got a real penchant for comedy german accents.

We're both into pretentious existential claptrap and there's nothing I enjoy more than trying out some new pain device while speaking infuriatingly slowly and finishing every sentence with "yes?"

It's really odd how the parallels pile up.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:53 AM



Originally posted by aztechrome:
I'm surprised that so many people identify with the doctor. He always seemed like a prig.

There's more to Simon than his arrogance, it's the other things I identify with, although I guess I can be a little arrogant at times. I've got a little bit of the others in me as well. I'd probably order them as Simon, Jayne, Kaylee, Wash, Mal, Zoe, Book.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:04 AM


That's just my gut reaction to the guy.
Besides! He's my competition for Kaylee! Why should i like him?

Seriously though, the cast wouldn't be complete without Simon. Simon's endearingly awkward with girls, and has great compassion, and intelligence to boot. Still he's just too stuffy. (He's supposed to be, i know)

So, you know, if it's going to be Mal or Simon.

I gotta follow Mal.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:09 AM


Wash. I'm all about the snark. Also the sex with warior women. Mostly the snark though.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:18 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:

River. No doubt in my mind regarding that.

Hey River! Nice to find you in this thread. No doubt in my mind regarding that, either. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:33 AM


I have the most in common with River but I don't really relate to her. Probably because she's usually either raving mad or beating people up, both of which are fun to watch but not things I do. Not often anyway. I hope we get to see a slightly saner River someday!

I'd say I relate to Mal more. He manages to live his own way in a limiting world.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 11:50 AM



Originally posted by VTbrowncoat:
I strongly identify with Book.
It's rather odd, actually.


Sorry, but the parallels there are so gorram striking. What's odd is just how many similarities there are...

Anyway, for me, I strongly, strongly identify with Book; that's typically the wording I'd use whenever explaining why he was my favorite character. But, I identify more with his present-day persona.

Movie Spoiler:

Select to view spoiler:

No, I don't mean I'm dead.

I mean that I try much as I can to let my religion and faith guide my life, and inasmuch as I've been able to do that, it's made my life that much better, much fuller--even though I'm far from perfect, and I suspect I still have a lot of reckoning left to do. Plus that, most of my close friends may not share in my beliefs quite precisely, but that doesn't prevent me from settin' sail with them, so to speak.

Throughout the series, I found that Book was typically the one who acted the closest to how I would in any given situation--save for the ones where fighting was involved.

Oh, right, and Ron Glass is all manner of awesome. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:03 PM


Even though I'm a girl, I indentify most with Wash. I am always the comic relief in life. And (although I try really hard to make sure it doesn't happen) the comments will come at a time when, perhaps, is innapropriate. ( I can't help it!) After Wash, I though I would identify with Kaylee. I love being cheerful! Then Mal... can't think of any specific example I just have the feeling that I am.

Somedays It's not even worth chewing through the restraints...


Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:18 PM


I'm definitely a Wash...

"It's not an excuse, it's objective assessment, I can't help that it stays relevant" Wash "Heart of Gold"

...that's totally me lol

Plus if I was piloting a ship, I would totally cover my display with plastic dinosaurs lol.

"This is a fertile land and we will thrive, we will claim this land and we will call it, this land. I think we should we should call it your grave. Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal. Haha, mine is an evil laugh, now die!"


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:32 PM


aztechrome wrote:
I'm surprised that so many people identify with the doctor. He always seemed like a prig. Girls like him, but I wouldnt want to be him.

you are right alot of girls like Sean Maher....

but i like the charactor of Simon... he is what i see as the perfect well semi perfect product of aliance teachings and yet he defies all that he is to prove a point and to protect River. He is akward and out of place but he belongs there in that inbetween.... thats why i relate most to him....

But he is a HOT MAHER

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:36 AM


What a fantastic question!

I can see why a lot of people would identify with Simon (although he is a priss, ain't he?), I think his character grew up in a world most like our society now. Very few of us are actually smuggling cattle orny have a real danger of getting shot before breakfast. I often feel like my emotional responses would be similar to Simon's if I was suddenly forced into such a violent world. I like to see the change in him throughout the series.

However, I'd like to think that I would be able to ACT more like Zoe. I think in my real life my only real talent lies in identifying what needs to be done to get the job finsihed and immedietly committing to it and taking action.

But I've never had to shoot a man.


When you can't do that...we'll you know the rest.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:51 AM


Oh jeez. Probably Inara.

I love and deeply care for the people that make up my surrogate family but there is still the distance between us that I keep in order to protect myself. it keeps me from getting hurt by any of them, espically the one guy that I have a total Mal-Inara realationship with. And I have my Kaylee too, the rock that keeps me from drifting too far away.


Jayne! Try not to steal too much of their shit.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:29 AM


Probably Wash/ Simon. I tend towards the easygoing spectrum, and you can always tell the gravity of a situation if I'm not cracking jokes. (Though I look considerably less dashing in Hawaiian shirts :)

Also identify alot with Simon, for his excellent taste in women if nothing else. I like his dedication to River, too. Being the oldest in my family, I totally get that he'd go to any length to keep his sister safe.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 12:27 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

A little of Simon, especially this past week. For years I've been the good little faithful employee at my job, but this past week when they started to micromanage me, etc., I realized that I didn't have a problem questioning them and that there are other people I'd rather be loyal to. (And I love my sister very much, even though sometimes she makes me crazy.)

That being said, I'm a little of a Zoe/Wash combo, too, odd as that sounds. I'm fiercely loyal to those who I think have earned it, but every once in a while I just have to question what's going on around me. "Can we maybe vote on the whole murdering people issue?"

I WANT to be Wash and fly a spaceship! With dinosaurs on the dash.

And I want Mal to be my captain!


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:18 PM


Howdy y'all. Just thought I'd add my two cents. I guess I mostly relate to Mal with a bit of Simon.

I understand how it feels to lose all faith at times and just not give a good gorram about anyone. Recently my mom and stepfather split after 15 years of marriage. I wasn't close to him, but seeing how badly my mother reacted to it and just remembering the break up of my original parents really kind of disheartened me. Since then, I've only had a few close friends whom I trust and I work to keep that relationship strong with them. Plus, I have a little sister who I am very protective of, and just like River, she makes me look like an 'idiot child' because she's a lot more mature about somethings than I am.

Anyways, just thought I'd send that out into the 'Verse. Keep flying y'all.

Burn the land and boil the sea...You can't take the sky from me.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:48 PM


I relate to Inara the most.

Because I also struggle with the ever torturing emotions of harboring a deep love... for Captain Mal Reynolds.

Okay, yea, leave it to me to take a serious thread and ruin it. But seriously, I relate most to River. I think anyone can relate to the concept of being an outsider or not fitting in, during at least one point of their life.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:53 PM


I know everyone's gonna roll their eyes and sigh, but I really am like Jayne in many ways.

- I've never been in the military, but most people who know me would swear that I walk the walk.

- God help anyone who messes with my people, though I feel quite free to tease/annoy/advise them at all times.

- I'm usually the one who says what everyone's thinking, but no one wants to say or hear. And I'm usually right, much to everyone's dismay.

- I honestly HAVE mourned the lack of the proper weaponry at hand.

- I snark. Loudly and often.

- A lot of people would swear that I don't have a heart (me included), but see that "God help anyone who messes with my people" line above.

- I'm usually the comic relief, but not in the obvious way. I do crack jokes like Wash, but I more tend to say practical, everyday stuff in such a deadpan way that everyone cracks up anyway.

- I'm not always the muscle of the group, but I am the one people ask for strategy, tactics, and snipering.

- When involved in "missions" (I'm mainly talking laser tag, paintballing, and war games here), I am always the unpredictable element. My brother knew better than to completely trust me, especially with crucial information regarding location and exactly WHO was in charge. Heh. I'd never outright BETRAY him, but I would certainly sway the situation until it works out best for ME.

I could go on, but I think you're all probably ready to shoot me by now. *snerk*


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:43 PM


Thats awsome

GutterBall wrote:I know everyone's gonna roll their eyes and sigh, but I really am like Jayne in many ways.

not a usual Guy to Relate to. Its cool to know some muscle men are still out there....

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 1:44 AM


I most relate to Kaylee - I like people around me to be happy - and I care deeply about others (maybe a bit too much!)

But may absolute favourite character is JAYNE!!!
He's so funny - and a think underneath all that bluff and bravado beats a good heart ....... He's such a Mama'a boy, but I think his Mama raised him right ...... I love that whole protective side to him - comes out particularly when it comes to the women on Serenity, especially Kaylee (in the original pilot). Plus, of course, I think he's really fit!!! *sigh*

So, I relate to Kaylee, but I fancy Jayne!!!


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:50 AM


River is the one that i relate too the most.........................just because you actually get too feel for her, and be brought in to her mind.
i would die to be like her even if it means being crazy


Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:31 AM



Riverrules wrote:
Sunday, March 05, 2006 05:50
River is the one that i relate too the most.........................just because you actually get too feel for her, and be brought in to her mind.
i would die to be like her even if it means being crazy

thats a scarry thought

The court of this obsession, is abstracted from possession which when the worlds of outside in fall.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:55 AM


I tend to relate the most to River. Most people that I'm aware of (aka. the ones I don't pay much attention to) think that I am absolutely insane. I don't think many of my friends are to sure of me either.

I do a lot of things without being quite aware of them, I space out a lot, and I say things that make no sense and see things that aren't there.

Beyond that, I relate the most to Wash (and, according to my sig., Mal... Well, I do take control of situations when I feel they need it... ). I always have a witty retort in one form or another at the tip of my tongue, and I make people (like LadyKnight ) laugh until their sides feel like they're about to split.

[img] [/img]

(100%) 1: River Tam ° (75%) 2: Captain. Mal Reynolds ° (75%) 3: Hoban Washburne ° (72%) 4: Shepard Book ° (70%) 5: Zoe Washburne ° (62%) 6: Jayne Cobb ° (55%) 7: Kaylee Frye (47%) 8: Simon Tam ° (45%) 9: Inara


Sunday, March 5, 2006 9:24 AM


I'm Simon in the sense that I am awkward. I'm also River, because I say things that don't make sense and aren't relevant to the conversation unless properly analyzed and taken as foreshadowing of the days to come.

All in all, I consider myself the third Tam sibling.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:52 PM



Originally posted by jockockeyock:

GutterBall wrote:I know everyone's gonna roll their eyes and sigh, but I really am like Jayne in many ways.

not a usual Guy to Relate to. Its cool to know some muscle men are still out there....

Heh, but I'm not a man. I just tend to think like one under pressure.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:22 PM



I’m very independent, and HATE government meddling into the private affaires of folk.

Served my time, and did my part for God and country.

Love my friends & employees and am fiercely loyal to them. They know they can depend on me.

A never quit, failure is not an option.

I love to do my own thing and am drawn to people who have a desire do something with themselves, regardless of education or social graces.

Am a bit of an old fashion chivalrous fool. Yeah, rushing in where Angles fear to tread.

Won’t ask anyone to do something that I’ve not already demonstrated I’d do myself.

Not always righ,t but dam sure can act with conviction regardless. = )

Will usually do the right thing.

Have hung my own ass on the line for my friends.

Yeah… I can identify with the Captain.

Mal: Jayne, just how many weapons you plan on taking? You only got the two arms.
Jayne: I just get excitable as to choice. Like to keep my options open.
Mal: I don’t plan on any shooting taking place during this job.
Jayne: Yeah, well what you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.
Mal: No grenades.


Friday, May 26, 2006 7:24 PM


Kaylee reminds me of the person I was when I was a teenager/college student. I was SO much like her, always loved everyone, always optimistic, sweet, etc.

Then, along the line, life happened and a whole lot of goh se piled up, I experienced some tragedies and losses, etc., and I became a lot like Zoe. Reticent. Sarcastic. Very cynical. Tough.

Then there's JAYNE. I don't know if I could say I relate to his lifestyle or his background (I am female, don't own guns, and have had a fair amount of schoolin'), but oddly enough, I find that, in any given episode, Jayne always says what I'm thinking, or does what I would have done if I were on the ship. I don't know if I should admit that! But it's true. And he lives with such gusto - I love that.

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:32 PM



Originally posted by AzBrowncoat:
I relate to Jayne, Zoe, River, and Mal. in that order.
I am the attack dog. No one crosses me or my friends because they know that to do so means pain, and pain is scary. I am extremely loyal to said friends. Almost to a fault, but my loyalty actually has cost me a relationship. River beats out Mal mainly because I talk to myself alot and tend to do crazy things that no one sees a reason but myself. But when needs be I can really take charge. Sadly. and against my will. Responsibility...don't want it.

Maybe this is why I love it so much. I see so much of myself in these people, and they have human failures, just like me. They ain't perfect, and that is perfectly fine by me.

You know, they tell ya to never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is, on occasion, hilarious.

WOW, GOOD ANSWER! All I can say is DITTO.



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:43 AM


I relate mostly to Simon as well. Work, the general stuffiness, the bashfulness. Yeah, I'm mostly Simon :P


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 3:49 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I don't think I've responded on this thread - if I have I missed it so...

Kaylee! The moment I 'met' her in the cargo hold on Serenity I knew we were kindred spirits. She dares to be friendly, opomistic and find the best in people and situations which is what i try to dare to do everyday - and most of the time it comes naturally... just sometimes it's a strain...



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 4:23 PM


what a great thread. can't believe i've missed it before. actually, i relate best to the commander of the alliance cruiser in bushwhacked. i know that will generate some hate. hear me out. he's doin his job, and under the circumstances, how can he expect to know otherwise. he wants to protect his crew and their families (doesn't care what the alliance has with the siblings and when the killing happens, he puts guards at the nursery). and in the end, even Mal agrees, can't let them profit. Mal does the right thing and helps the Alliance crew out by killing the crazy nut. The commander does right and lets them go. he didn't have to. he has his own code that he tries to live by. i respect that. he does what's right. i also relate to the sheriff on the train job. fair and what you would hope for in law enforcement.

he makes everybody cry, he's like a monster


Wednesday, July 25, 2007 6:01 PM


I feel like I relate to Simon. This is because he is highly intelligent and he is always around people who aren't near as smart as he his ... I work in a call centre ... you fill in the gap there :P. Also he is out of place. My new home is 2,000 miles from my old one and even though I have been here for 4 years I still feel like an outsider here at times. Also his caring for River and his distance from his folks; my sister was my guardian when I was 15 (9 years ago) and I am just as distant from my folks. Mind you that is more so towards river but more Simon than anyone else.



Wednesday, July 25, 2007 7:53 PM


I too join the 'I relate to Simon' bandwagon.

Smart? 'A' student, I've been told I'm gifted. Common sense when I talk in general conversation? It sometimes eludes me. Fumbling idiot when approached by guys? (as I am a chica) YES.

When he recited that little fact about the Eygptians... yeah I sometimes do that too.

I also tend to understand him because he's somewhat introverted and out of place which is me in the real world. I also get the bond between him and River and his protectiveness of her. I have a young brother, and while I doubt I will ever rescue his genius self (He's sorta like River, #1 in his classes, pianist, brat, and sometimes I think he's insane ) from the government, I care about him tons and we have that deep sibling relationship thing going on.



Thursday, July 26, 2007 5:36 AM


Jayne, even though he's pretty much the opposite to me (In personality, I feel I'm probably somewhat 80% Wash 20% Simon).

I suppose he represents the assertiveness I wish I had.


Thursday, July 26, 2007 6:06 AM


River or Simon definately...probably River. Aside from the gender difference, we're both way smart (ok simon is too), we both are weird and isolated sometimes, we can both kick butt sometimes :P


"My food is problematic"


Thursday, July 26, 2007 6:25 AM


What a great thread! I think the beautiful thing about Firefly is that I can relate to something in each of our crew. I believe there is a little bit of Mal- that fight for freedom and the responsibility for his crew. Inara- keeping a part of myself at a distance, and the secret love of my heart stays there and is never spoken of ( and of course sharing her love of Mal) , Book- my faith has changd my life, Zoe- there is a little bit of a warrior woman in me, hidden somewhere deep down that I summon in times of need and action, Simon- shy, soft spoken but with a sharp mind and dedication to family that surpasses and overcomes great obstacles, Wash- the fun loving, goofy, big hearted side of me, River- when I feel that the world hasn't caught up with me, that no one could understand what goes on in my head, that I have vast potential waiting to be tapped and used for the benefit of others to utilize hidden gifts, and Jaayne, well I like Jayne the fact that he is absolutely sure of who he is if not whose side he is on, and that he is a good guy to have on your side in a fight, I'm sure there is some of him in here too, hmmm might have to dig to find it though.

But the one I would relate most to is Kaylee- sweet caring, loving Kaylee. I am closest in age to Kaylee (me being 23) and I just felt a kind of kin-ship, kindred feeling to Kaylee right away. I loved how cheery and caring she is. I can relate to that even if I'm not as cheery all the time as Kaylee is. I can also relate to her wanting everyone to be good and trustworthy and how she looks for the best in people, even though it may seem like naivete I think it just makes her who she is. I'm not as amorous as Kaylee but hey a girl can dream can't she? Especially about Simon Tam. Hmmm I like how Kaylee is looked after by Mal and there is a little sister/ brother vibe between them, (Although in my case there wouldn't be a sibling type relationship going on with Mal.)

I like how Kaylee makes them all family eveh though they are in this battered ship out in the Black. I guess we Browncoats are like that, a kind of extended family sticking together out in the world, hanging on to the thoughts and feelings and adventures of a rag-tag crew sailing the sky in a Firefly.

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.


Thursday, July 26, 2007 6:42 AM



I've lost my faith in both God and man. I let few people into my heart to see the real me, and I'm fiercely protective of those I consider family. Although I have no military experience, people often assume that I have. I'm comfortable with guns, but not excitable as to choice. I'm a pragmatist and a libertarian - I do what needs doing, one obstacle at a time.

Oh, and I'm also too damn good looking to die.






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