Serenity Dreams

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 17:25
VIEWED: 9381
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:37 AM


Every since I started watching Firefly I've been having dreams of being aboard the ship...




I dunno if it's just my over-active imagination, but have any other of you Browncoats had similar experiences?

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:16 AM


i cant say all the time, but i did have a dream the night after i saw serenity at the cinema that was SO vivid.

obviously i was somewhat traumatized (to the point of excessive tears) about certain events at the end of the film. my dream took the form of wash being alive and zoe slapping him for being a hu dan and scaring her. there was then some random reavers and a lot of randomness ensued, but wash was there!

then i awoke to find it but a dream. =(


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:27 AM


Yeah, it's always disappointing when you wake up...u_u

My last one (last night) I was a member of the crew...I had to deliver some package...In this rainforest type place...Strange

She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:31 AM


I had a really weird serenity dream the other night, I was like replaying the movie in my head, and my imagination kept changing it, and i would keep arguing with my imagination like "hey that's not how it happened" was weird

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:41 AM


I haven't had a dream about being part of the crew or wandering around the ship or anything, but I did have a nightmare once about being trapped in that box River was in, all curled up like she was, and someone (could have been Simon, but I honestly don't remember) trying to open it and not being able to.

It was pretty horrible, actually. I woke up all shaky and scared. I'm a bit claustraphobic by the way!


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:28 AM


Ooo. I had a dream about a postscript to Serenity that had Inara in mortal peril and Wash's brain transfered to a computer (really) in an ambulance.

Our minds... curious things.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:33 AM


I have too! Not every night, but a good amount of them.

I've only been part of the crew once I think. But it was a while ago and I don't remember those too well, I know one of them happened in a desert.

A week ago: In my dream there was going to be a big flood. My main concern was bubble wrapping and tape sealing my Firefly and Serenity Discs so that I could watch them after I survived the flood.

Last night: Reese Witherspoon was going to revive Firefly with all her $. And it was in a little blurb of the newspaper. Then there was other stuff that I really have no clue how to explain.

Isn't it wierd how everything makes perfect sense when you're dreaming it....but when you wake up and try to explain it, it either sounds really crazy/dumb or completely escapes your memory...wierd.

"In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control."
Always up for talkin' to my fellow Browncoats!


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:51 AM


I've been having a lot lately, too. The first one, Serenity was in my neck of the woods and the crew and I were looking to prevent an assassination attempt on some big-shot official or other. So we were staking out a likely spot for an attempt, and next thing I knew, I was making out with River. As this is not something I ever anticipate doing with anyone, let alone River, that strained the mind a bit...

The following week, I was shipping out as a passenger with Serenity. Didn't know where, didn't know how long, didn't care - I just got to play tonsil hockey with Kaylee. No continuity was evident since River didn't seem jealous and I'm glad.

Week after that was dinner with the Niskas. PLEASE...and Mrs. Niska uncannily reminded me of my fourth-grade teacher - no big shock there. Needless to say, I'd rather have been making out with Kaylee.

The most recent one took place out in the woods with a horde of vengeful Alliance troops bearing down on me, Simon, and River. Simon disappeared someplace to hide, but it was too late for River and me to follow so we had to find someplace else. Hiding in a thicket with Alliance troops rushing past on all sides, we reached a level of affection higher yet than in the previous dream - and no, I do not mean to say Still strains the mind, however. My heart belongs to Kaylee and yet I keep dreaming about romantic contact with River.

Where's Freud when we need him?

"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:24 PM


Yes! I have had many serenity, Firefly dreams! and a few quite recently. I had one just the night before last where I had to land Serenity! I was totally freaked out and there is Wash trying to talk me through it. Another one I had was the inspiration for my fan fiction piece "Into the Black" which I am still working on and haven't posted yet.That one involved me as a new crew member signed on, we were chased by Reavers. And I had a crush on Mal and Simon now that I think of it. Hmmm that was a good dream. And another one was very freaky. I was kidnapped by the Alliance and I was strapped into this medical chair. The men wanted to cut open my neck and poke at my spine and they wanted to take out my left eye. I fought as much as I could while being restrained.Then Mal and Zoe rush in guns blazing and rescue me. Kaylee and I have some fun teasing Jayne and Simon helped stitch me up again.
Can't take the sky from me! Or my dreams either!

Lady Serenity


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:23 PM


I've had quite a few Firefly related dreams. Pretty much any fictional character that seems at least pretty cool to me has a fairly good chance of showing up at random in a dream for no apparent reason. If i really get into a show like Firefly or whatever i sometimes have dreams detailed enough to make an episode of the show out of them which can be really cool. Also i've had some pretty cool crossovers between fictional universes in my dreams. They don't all fit together well though i've had some pretty random stuff that just didn't make a whole lot of sense which is usually either really confusing or hillarious.


Friday, March 24, 2006 4:56 AM


Well, last night I simply dreamed of watching an episide...-_- It was Our Mrs. Reynolds, the whole thing...


She'll turn you in before you can say "Don't turn me in...lady..."


Friday, March 24, 2006 5:08 AM


I dreamt last night, and its a bit fuzzy, but ass kickin' was involved. I'm old enough to remember the Original Star Trek series... last night Mal kicked Kirk's ass all over the place. Left him bloddy and broke, it was amazing!!!

I look out for me and mine... that don't include you 'less I conjure it does.


Monday, April 10, 2006 5:15 AM


I have only had one firefly related dream where the crew of Serenity (by which I mean the charecters(I probably misspelled that) just to avoid confusion) was I my house. It was cool and weird at the same time

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Monday, April 10, 2006 1:36 PM


I had one the other night where the crew was in my reality. There was this huge party I was planning, don't know why I was having it but anyway, the crew shows up to help me set up this party. Inara is standing there with a set of paper lanterns she wants to hang and Wash and Zoe are overlooking the places for my guests to park as well as the other decorations, it was this huge outdoor party. Then there is Kaylee fixing up the buffet table and Simon and River helping where they can. River is dancing on the dance floor to no music. THen there is Mal. Well Mal had to help me go shopping! Weird! We took Serenity to the mall!

Then last night I had one after watching Shindig again. Mal shows up at my front door and invites me to this dance! I get ready and wear a dress that looks just like Inara's red one in the end of the Train Job when she goes in to pull Zoe and Mal out. When I come down the stairs he gives me his arm and then we board the shuttle and go to this ball very similar in style to the one in Shindig, since it was floating around in my subconscious after all. But this time there is no punching and no sword fight just me and Cap'n Tightpants dancing the night away. He does give me one heck of a goodnight kiss when he brings me home again! Ohhhh Why do I have to wake up!?

Lady Serenity


Monday, April 10, 2006 1:59 PM


Well, the the crew does tend to show up in my dreams on occasion, for all the obvious reasons :)

Did have one rather wierd one, though, that might be worth mentioning. It was one of those really fuzzy-type dreams where most of it really doesn't make much sense.

I was at some wierd house I've never been to, with lots of people I'd never met. All our pretty actors were there as well, though some may have been the actual characters. Some were in costume, some were just "real" people. And the Academy doctor from the beginning of Serenity was there (the one who is talking to Simon about River before they escape and who later "falls" on his sword.)

Anyways, I have no idea what all of us were trying to do there, but for some reason the Doctor shows up and wants to shut it down. And I'm running around like mad picking up all of these photos, pictures, and books and shoving them in his face yelling something like "Look, you don't understand! All of this means something!"

Also, I think at some point I was in jail with Snoop Dog, though I have no idea where that fits in with the rest :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Monday, April 10, 2006 8:40 PM


Practically every early-morning. I've never dreamed of them in real life, only as acting in the show. I've multiple episodes in my head. It's funny though, no major romance in mine for me at least. Mal and Inara are a bit uncomfortable as they don't know what to do now, Jayne keeps making passes at Zoe, she finally made good on the promise "I can hurt you.", Kaylee and Simon "disappear" noisily on occaision, and River and Myself shared one passionate albeit brief kiss, immediately after which she slapped me, but smilled and giggled. I don't know what to make of that.

As stated above, Where's Freud when you need him?

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Friday, November 3, 2006 8:15 PM


I have dreams about Serenity pretty regularly. The most commonly reoccuring one is the one starts out differently, but the most common opening is that I'm on this site...and it shuts down, suddenly. Well, I'm a bit confused...but I head over to a different site for a different fandom and don't even realize there's a problem...

'till the next day at school when everyone who knows me is giving me these symphathitic looks and hugs and asking me if I'll be O.K. I don't find out why until second period which everyone is OUTRAGED because Firefly, and all firefly-related materials, were made ILLIGAL.

I get back home, find out that my mom's roommate turned over all my stuff to the authorties, and totally wig out. The websites are all down...but I contact some of the browncoats I have on my IM buddy list. It's apparently an international thing. No one has a clue why, and the big mystery is what happened to Joss, 'cause someone reported he was missing.

It was weeks later, of secretly meeting browncoats and trying to get to the bottom of what had happened, all the while watching bootleg copies of the BDM, while coverting people who thought the new law was stupid...but those people were far and few between. Because everyone seemed brainwashed to think this really was for the best...Then, I lost contact with almost everyone...people were disapearing.

One day, I get arrested along with some browncoat friends 'cause we're huddled over this portable DVD player watching "Jaynestown" and it turns out there's this huge prision, and Joss is there, and like...thousands of people from all over the world who love Fierfly...and it's really crowded and claustrophobic...and nightmareish, kinda...but in a cool way, 'cause we're all together, and we're sticking to it even though there's a revision to the law being considered that makes browncoatness punishable by death...

Then Mal, Jayne, Zoe, and River just bursted in, and got everybody out...

Lots of dream knowledge after that...that lets me know that the earth we know is really an aliance simulation set up to see if outside interfearence could have stopped Earth-that-was from distroying itself. Then Jayne caught an eposode of Buffy, fanboyed himself straight to earth-that-was-simulation and sought out Joss...who was so taken with what he learned was the truth of the world he created Firefly...

Yeah, I have this dream alot.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:01 AM


Well hey I love this thread as this is my third post.Is this sad or what?

Anyway I had to share a dream my brother had. He told me cause he was all happy to have had a Firefly dream. So he told me because I was in this dream as well as his friend Ryan.

So he told me we were all on the ship and Ryan is following Inara around (he loves Inara in the waking world too.) And my brother is helping Kaylee fix the engine and apparently I spend a lot of time down in captain's quarters for long periods of time. Go figure and its not even my dream!

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:43 AM


strangely i havn't had ANY type of dream for a long time.(and if i can't remeber them) Maybe its 'cause i day dream WAY too much in real life. Maybe my brain just shuts down and takes a breather? (trust me, reality sucks. Trying to live a life in the black seems so much easier )



Monday, November 6, 2006 2:19 PM


Actually I've never had dreams about Serenifly. I mean, I have daydreams about it all the time. But never an actual sleepytime dream.


Monday, November 6, 2006 3:25 PM



Originally posted by LadyKnight: which everyone is OUTRAGED because Firefly, and all firefly-related materials, were made ILLIGAL.

Yeah, I have this dream alot

I had to shorten it, but apparently we have similar dreams. The same thing happened in one of mine and we had the whole underground movement thing. But then in my dream, the world becomes one government, and they outlaw all unapproved materials. And they are THE ALLIANCE. Well, and some of use fight back, because we don't want to be in the crazy international country and don't want our mediastuffs outlawed. And, like the browncoats, you know what happens after that ... and we lose. Wow, a whole war over DVDs!


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Monday, November 6, 2006 4:07 PM


Well, let's see....Last night - very, very briefly - I dreamed I was standing on the catwalk in the cargo bay. Then all of a sudden River drops in front of me, hanging upside down from a panel, and she looks terrified about something. But then she looks up, withdraws through the panel and then....gorrammit all, I wake up.

I dream about River so much these days, I'm tellin' ya. Might have to ask Summer if she's gotten similar reports, if I see her at a con next year. There was one dream where I went in with the crew to rescue River from someplace a la War Stories - and after we found her, everybody else ran ahead to clear the way out while River and I stayed behind kissing passionately. Sheesh.

What's really sad about it? I'm writing fanfic around some of these dreams.

River grabbed
The gun and
Dropped three
"No power
In the 'verse
Can stop me!"


Monday, November 6, 2006 4:17 PM


I had a Firefly dream once, it involved Simony goodness and Wash being replaced with Chuck Norris (no joke I had just watched Dodgeball for the 50th time).

Mal-"Well, look at this. Appears we got here just in the nick of time! What does that make us?" Zoe-"Big Damn Heroes, Sir!" Mal-"Ain't we just"


Monday, November 6, 2006 4:24 PM


A more recent dream I have had was ... (took me awhile to type this)


Which takes place after the big damn movie Serenity (And Serenity was actually stretched out in 22 episodes, like they're doin' over at And he strangest thing is I can very easily recap it.

The episode begins in place not unsimilar to where Simon broke River out in Serenity -- like a hospital-lab type, or in Ariel. And two doctor techies are talking,about Chewie saying Tams are no longer a threat -- but they do seemed still concerned that they are letting the fugitives go. But then one doctor -- the older of the two -- says "We will deal with that later. We need to focus on the problem at hand"

Then we come to Serenity, where Kaylee and River are preparing dinner. (Simon, Inara and Jayne are also there). Jayne is cleaning guns, and Simon and Inara are ... sitting around. Everyone is quiet, though River and Kaylee occaisionally make comments to eachother (mostly on the food) and Jayne tells a joke about something... we should presume its a dirty one.

River leaves Kaylee for a moment as she walks down to the lower level of the cargo bay. There, she listens under the catwalk to Zoe and Mal, talking about an upcoming job. Some emotion and pauses between Zoe and Mal, not really relevant though.

And then its job time. Serenity lands on a rim world---somewhat like Lilac, maybe even another town on Lilac, and they enter a building (metal walls, seems abandoned)They go in and then bad guy pops out at them and shoots -- he doesn't hit anyone, but then quickly turns and runs down an adjoining hallway. Zoe says she's going after him, Mal says no, we hold back here because he might get more, but Zoe disobeys and runs off anyway. Then out of another adjoining hall way about three guys with big guns pop out right before Mal and Jayne get up to follow Zoe. They shoot back, and eventually they go down the halls.

Mal gets to Zoe first, where he discovers she is outnumbered and in trouble. Her gun is tossed from her across the floor and a badguy cocks his gun at her,but then a BANG and he falls out of frame, to see Mal holding his pistol and Jayne running upbehind him (is a bit cliched) and Zoe breathing with relief.

Back on Serenity, Simon patches up Zoe with River sitting on thecounter in the background like inthe Train Job, watching intently.

Then we go to Kaylee and Inara in Inara's shuttle -- now partially redecorated, and Kaylee is talking about Simon, all happy, and then Inara makes a comment about happiness and Zoe and Wash, and the two fall silent. The conversation continues with Kaylee saying shes afraid something will happen to one of them. And shes all worried about everyone on the crew's future. Inara gives her advice, accompanied by that famous quote- 'what lies behind us, what lies before us, are small matters compared to what lies within us'.Or something like thhat,anyway, I lve that quote.

We go back to the core-hospital place, but it is in a more open area like in Ariel where Simon saves the patient. A techie says another doctor wants to see the other doctor thats with him. And thats when they gointo the darker lab-room and speak. They talk about (Yes, you know where this is leading to) about the patient hasn't awoke but his vitals are stabilizing though critical.

Cut to Simon and River in Rivers room, River says she is happy after her secret was revealed and now she's free. There is a nice sibling hug, but then River seems to be ina bit of shock, and gets out her brothers arms and goes up to the bridge as he followsher. She's tapping away on the cortex when her brother comes up behind her and she shows him the page. As helooks on it, he says 'we have to tell the captain about this'

Back to our core hospital, we see a file getting passed, and one doctor techie says we identified the patient. We don't seethe other guy, but we see his hands pick up the paper (and no they aren't blue). The hands flip through the pages. Then he closes that file and he looks at another file - Mals, and Zoes.The nervous little doctor techies says 'we may have a bigger problem than we think.'


Oh, itwas so AWESOME!! Maybe I'll dream bout episode 3x02.Shiny, I might turn this into a fic!!!


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Wednesday, November 8, 2006 1:25 PM


Wow, Kelai, that sounds like quite a fic if you decide to make it one! Firefly must be one of the few shows a body can dream about and then turn that dream into a fanfic. Doubt I'll do the same for this one, but...

....last night I had a pretty hefty dream where I was having a drink with Nathan. (Had a frame of reference for this since I met him at Moonlight Rising last June. ) We were chatting about this, that and the other thing, and when I mentioned I was a fanfic writer, his face lit right up. I kept hoping Summer would show up, and I think I even asked Nathan about that at one point, but he never answered and she never showed....ah well. Can never seem to have my cake and eat it, too.

Inara's wile
Quickly renders
In a twist
Mal's suspenders


Thursday, November 9, 2006 11:58 AM


I recently had a dream that I was having coffee in a diner with Nathan Fillion. Conversation started off innocently enough but somewhere it turned to the subject of body hair. He told me he was hairy, I told him to prove all went down hill from there... on top of a table at a diner no less

Knitter of Cunning Jayne Hats


Friday, November 10, 2006 6:25 AM


Well wouldn't you know it I had another Firefly dream last night. I chalk it up to the fact I was all a twitter at seeing Nathan on Lost Wednesday night. It was so odd for me to see him out of Mal's brown coat and into a cop uniform in Kate's flashback. Anyway in this dream I am on Serenity as myself which doesn't always happen. Then Mal is standing with me and says something to comfort me and puts a hand on my shoulder. Apparently we had been dropping me off at my home only to discover that it was no more and my family was dead. Pretty sorrowful. But then there is Mal and he says " As long as you are needin a home you can have one with us, on Serenity." And my dreamself cries and Mal takes me in his arms and holds me while I cry into his shirt.

It was so real all the detail and the color and the smells. I hate it when I wake up.

Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it.


Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:42 AM


Usually I have Serenity nightmares, which suck. Last night was my only non-nightmare dream (although it was scary in a way).

It started with me and Joss having an Email exchange. Appearently SciFi had decided to make Firefly Season 3 after 23,000 people had posted on the "SciFi Hear Us" thread on the Firefly forum of (I was doing that last night, so I figure that's where that part of the dream came from).

Joss: I think you are a tremendous writer, and I want you to write most of the Firefly eps.

Me: But nobody's heard of me and most people will be pissed if I write all the eps instead of you.

Joss: I'm writing the first one and the last one and a couple of the middle ones, and I'm directing all of them, but I don't want to write all of them because then I won't sleep, ever. And I'll make a big post on Whedonesque saying how great you are.

Me: Wow. Cool. But I don't think I'm worthy. I mean, I don't really have any idea what to do.

Joss: You'll figure it out. You're brilliant and I have faith in you.

And then he goes off to write episode I, and I'm wondering if his faith in me is misplaced. And then I get writers block, and I can't even think of anything for episode 2, and I'm panicking.

I go to sleep that night, and I have a dream about episode 2. It's about the crew dropping a package in a mossy lake inside a cave, and there's lots of Mal/Inara tension and Kaylee, dispite being a good swimmer, almost gets eaten by huge cave-lake-alligators until Mal, Jayne, Zoe and Inara save her. It's bloody brilliant, and the next morning, I write it down (as episode 2) and send it to Joss.

The next night I have a dream about episode 4 (Joss is writing episode 3). The crew is still on the lake planet, but their job is now to rescue a boy named Matthias whose stepfather is trying to kill him in order to inherit his (Matthias's) money. Trouble ensues when the stepfather's minions begin chasing the crew in order to kill Matthias. More trouble ensues when Matthias turns out to be a Tracey-like fellow, who, in his spineless self-preservation, wouldn't mind sacrificing the rest of the crew in order to save his own skin.

Again, I wake up, write it, and send the script to Joss. Days and days go by, but I can't write episode 5 (no more dreams). Joss emails me, asking for episode 5. I don't reply. That night, desperate, I go to bed and finally have the episode 5 dream.

More on the lake planet, although it looks like the crew is about to leave. For the last night on ground, they are staying in the area near the cave-lake, a nice spot if one ignores the fact that the lake has gigantic alligators in it. This ep is about River, who is pretty sane but can't quite control whose thoughts she picks up on. She picks up on Mal, who is worried about whether she'll go nutty-assasin and kill his crew, and on Simon, who is worried about whether she'll go nutty-assasin and kill Kaylee. River herself isn't quite sure if she can control when she goes nutty-assasin, and, upon realizing that neither Mal nor Simon quite trusts her apparent sanity, becomes a bit unhappy. Comfort comes from a most unexpected spot, a la Jayne. Then a gigantic alligator attacks the crew and she and Jayne kill it.

Yeah. Then I wake up and write it down and send it to Joss, who likes it. Then I send my three episodes to my friend, who also likes them, but keeps asking what the character's motivations for this and that are. I finally admit to her that they are all dreams, and express the fear that I'm not going to be able to write any more, because I won't have any more dreams.

My friend laughs evilly and says that she is going to tell Joss that my brilliant episodes are only dreams, so that Joss will fire me for being unreliable and she can take my job.

Then I wake up, for real.

"And you can't stop me by gettin' all...bendy..."


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 5:25 PM


Last night I dreamed that I was having really, really sweet sex with somebody, although for the life of me I can't remember who. I think it was Kaylee, but it might have been River.

*holds head*


Canton folk gave
Jayne the shudders
Hero worship?
Ruttin' mudders!






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