Which Firefly quotes do you use every day?

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 05:45
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:18 AM


One that I do use a whole bunch (and I have my 3 year old son saying it all the time now too ) is from Serenity:
"Faster. Faster! Faster would be better!"

I also use a mish-mash of a Kaylee quote with a Jayne one often, usually when it comes to food:
"Ooh, look at all the tasty!"

I also say "... morbid and creepifyin'..." on a pretty frequent basis.

Man, I love Joss' writin'!

"This is why we lost, you know. Superior numbers." "Thanks for the re-enactment, sir."


Friday, June 15, 2007 4:11 AM


well Vera is my paintball gun so when anyone comments it "i call it Vera" pops out. i've gotton to the point where my friends dont ask about Gorram,go-se, shiny, & chwen. but really that is all i use

"When does it stop being CPR and start being necrophilia?"


Friday, August 17, 2007 5:19 PM


"Storm's getting worse."

I mostly use Mandarin cussing since I live in a french-speaking community, though I can't resist the urge to translate some particularily snappy lines when the situation calls for it

"Your mouth is talking, you might wanna look to that." That one never fails to stick a grin on my nasty mug.

I use shiny quite a bit, though, awkward as it may be. And I'm working on cursing in chinese off the bat. Ta ma de, Tzao Gao, Go se, Fey ooh, Ai ya, Tyen sah, etc. No to keen on insulting people in Mandarin, but venting aggravation is nice, 'feels good

"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Friday, August 17, 2007 6:02 PM


Let's see...

1. My dog Nikki has always been called 'Sissy', now she goes by mei-mei or xiao mei-mei.

2. I say Shiny, all the time.

3. Gorramit is starting to catch on.

4. And from the flashback in 'Safe', I say Fallacious quite a bit.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:01 AM


MSG: That kitty pic is SO cute! You definately need to add it to the Kittys rule over all this land and aim to misbehave... thread. I can't remember if that's the exact title, since its so long, but its pretty close.

River: "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vaccuuming systems."


Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:10 AM


And I use
your mouth is talking, you might wanna look in on that
go se
dong ma?

And I've been trying to work "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vaccuuming systems." into the conversation lately, given how I luv that line, but I havn't succeded. I'll keep trying, though, cuz that line's just too damn pretty to waste.

River: "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vaccuuming systems."


Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:25 AM


My friends had no idea that when I tell my husband he's going to the special came from Firefly. I don't even say the whole line most days, just look at him and say 'special hell'. I also enjoy a bit of cursing in mandarin since I don't like real curse words.

Jayne Cobb, the Dick Casablancas of Firefly


Sunday, August 26, 2007 4:40 PM


"best day ever" is my fav.

Say it just like Jayne at work all the time.

I need to amuse myself . . . work in retail. . .lol


Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:07 PM


"shiny" (doesnt everyone?)
"go se!"
"my food is problematic"(and often substitute "food" with any noun that applies)
"wacky fun"

i have a friend who's nickname is Meimei - because she the younger sister in a Chinese family :0)

oh yeah...i get to use "SLY" an awful lot. it just sounds so much beter than other words that often just sound derogatory.

gotta get more chinese phrases going...


"noah's ark is a problem..."


Monday, August 27, 2007 12:05 AM


Well a few weeks ago I started work in an office processing donation records for the National Blood Service (UK), so "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems" could possibly get a look in at some point...


Monday, August 27, 2007 11:45 AM


A lot of times, when I'm out on the train and my engineer is trying to second-guess every move I aim to make, my line usually is: Why are you still arguing what's been decided? If he really starts to get smart with me, it goes up to: This is how it is. You don't wanna fly with me anymore, this is your port o' harbour.

When we're out on the road, I've also taken to asking the dispatcher: Addressing the itch of curiousness, is Amtrak on time? Also it's extremely rare for somebody to say 'interesting' without me asking them to define interesting. (At a recent geek night there was a concern about food shortage and the answer was, 'Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna starve?')

And now that Panera is being inundated with noisy kids....

Well, that's my cue to skedaddle! (I used the same quote recently at a friend's wedding when it came time to toss the bouquet and the garter. )

Killed some bandits
Partied, tarried
Next thing he knows
Mal is married

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Saturday, September 1, 2007 5:16 AM


I was having difficulty the other day searching for a file at work, and was about to utter "where are you hiding little girl?", but then realised in time that it sounds rather suspect out of context.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 8:40 PM


"per-maybe-haps" (all the time)
"gorammit" slips out every now and then when I least expect it.
" on our/your merry"
"One of you is gonna fall and die, and I'm not cleaning it up!" (to my brother when he does something exceptionally stupid at a great height with his friends, which happens alarmingly often, now that I think about it...)
Also, I've been known to refer to pompous or uptight people as "Lord Fauntleroy" quite often
"Some people juggle geese!"
"whimsical in the brain-pan"
"I think you have a problem with your brain bein' missing."
"son of a whore"
"where's that get fun?"
"I'm gonna have to brillo that outa my brainpan." (Mal's thoughts from the BDM novelization aftter Kaylee's "twixt my nethers" tirade)
"Well, my days of not takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle."

There are a few more I can't remember offhand, but that's the gist of it.

[img] [/img]

"I refuse to submit,
To the god you say is kind.
I know what's right, and it is time,
It's time to fight, and free our minds!

Our spirits were forged in snow and ice,
To bend like steel forged over fire.
We were not made to bend like reed,
Or to turn the other cheek!"

- from the song "Thousand Years of Opression" by Amon Amarth


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 9:17 PM


Besides the most commonly used ones... "Gorram" "How's that get fun?" "Gee... wouldn't it be nice if we had some GRANADES about now?" "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak" "Shiney"... "Huh..." few choice mandarin curse words, "I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar" right before I get on the road (just before leaving my driveway, 'cause I useually drive like a bat outta hell) "Oh, I'm goin' to the special hell..." "Some people juggle geese!" "Have good sex" (that one gets a LOT of strange looks ) many many others, I can't think of 'em all off the top of my head right now... OOOoo, almost forgot "Bwaha!!" "I think you/I have a problem with my brain bein' missing" "creepifying" "per-maybe-haps" "poetical" " on our/your merry" "One of you is gunna fall, and die, and I'm not cleaning it up!" (quite too often... just 'cause most of my friends do stupid stuff...) *ponders* yeah... I'll be in my bunk... night 'coats


Thursday, September 6, 2007 1:52 AM


I don't use that much, except maybe 'Shiny'. Although I have used the wishes/horses quote, and one that's not been mentioned before - "And I want to be king of Londinium and wear a shiny hat"


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Friday, September 21, 2007 4:12 PM


"Gorramit" i get strange looks after that one.
"I think you have a problem with your brain being missing" i've used a couple of times.
"go se" i get strange looks after that one too.
"This must be what going mad feels like" and of course "No, this must be what going mad feels like"
>I also will quote whole segments of separate episodes at the apartment, and my boyfriend will look at me weird, then say "oh, you're quoting again" just cuz there are so many parts of firefly and serenity that are worth quoting.
I can't wait for the opportunity to use "You're like a trained ape, WITHOUT the training" in a conversation. so choice.
"Your mouth is talking, you might want to look to that."

there was one quote in particular I used recently but I can't remember what it was. :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:46 PM


(with a fellow Browncoat coming into work) Well, well, well -- coming in at the nick of time... what does that make us?
(friend) Big Damn Heroes, sir!
(me) Ain't we just...

"Shiny" has come into my regular vocabulary... as has "Special Hell..." and "My God, they're all psychopaths"... and my friend and I start laughing.

"We will rise again..."


Monday, September 24, 2007 9:55 AM


I have a friend who hasn't even seen the series yet, but he's seen the movie ONCE, and he's already using the word "shiny" in regular conversation *teehees* that just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

OH!OH!OH! and, *sniggers* i used "morbid and creepifying" in a conversation yesterday without even having to think about it, and when i realzed what i said i started laughing, and my boyfriend rolled his eyes at me :-P love it!

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, October 1, 2007 1:32 AM


Usual, I just end up slangin' my words more and takin' leave of grammatical rules. Which is not necessarily good since I teach English and my students need grammar (or at least, a teacher who is conscious of her grammar). But here are words I end up sayin' some:

"chi ni duh",
and "ain't we just."

and this I just found the perfect situation for earlier: "I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder... *pause* it's just not coming."

I got a real big mental high-five just then. hehe.

Ain't we just.


Monday, October 1, 2007 1:33 AM


Usual, I just end up slangin' my words more and takin' leave of grammatical rules. Which is not necessarily good since I teach English and my students need grammar (or at least, a teacher who is conscious of her grammar). But here are words I end up sayin' some:

"chi ni duh",
and "ain't we just."

and this I just found the perfect situation for earlier: "I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder... *pause* it's just not coming."

I got a real big mental high-five just then. hehe.

Ain't we just.


Monday, October 1, 2007 10:15 AM


big hi-five for that quote, awesome.

I used "the human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems" in conversation today. A classmate and I were talking about people being encyclopedias of useless information (I'm once of them), and I found it fit to use that quote, as morbid and creepifying as it is. I think that's my new favorite phrase, morbid and creepifying, lol.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, October 1, 2007 9:54 PM


I've always been morbid and creepifying, even if I didn't know what I was called. Haha.

Oooh, and I used another of Doc's quotes again: "Will you please not do that when we're-- ever?!"

I love Simon's annoyance of Jayne.^^

Ain't we just.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 4:35 PM


lol, i love that quote. what i love even more about it is the expression on Simon's face XD

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 5:01 AM


Lol. it is always the expression on Simon's face!

Speaking of which, lookie here:

teehee. was really funny for me so...

oh well. i have a weird sense of humor.

Ain't we just.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 5:44 AM


Of course it's always about the expression on Simon's face. He has the most priceless facial expressions, as does Mal. Nice pic in the blue sun room btw, made me laugh :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 5:52 AM


Somehow using the phrase " all manner of" has crept in quite strongly... I'll find myself saying Oh he's got all manner of issues...or If you don't finish that work you'll have all manner of trouble"

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Thursday, October 4, 2007 12:04 AM



Originally posted by freelancertex:
Of course it's always about the expression on Simon's face. He has the most priceless facial expressions, as does Mal. Nice pic in the blue sun room btw, made me laugh :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...

xie xie.^^ rate it if you can... so far i've got 0 ratings on it.^^ not that it matters though. I made that out of fun and nothing in the 'verse can stop me. LMAO.

Ain't we just.


Thursday, October 4, 2007 6:06 AM


I tried rating it and it wouldn't let me :-\ wouldn't load for some reason. i gave it a ten. :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, October 4, 2007 2:54 PM


"i'm going to special hell" a few times to some of my browncoat friends and "i'll be in my bunk"
also shiny and gorram have become common enough to not be qustioned (my cross ountry team even uses gorram sometimes) a few (probably mis pronounced) chinese phrases. other then that not much


Thursday, October 4, 2007 9:15 PM



Originally posted by freelancertex:
I tried rating it and it wouldn't let me :-\ wouldn't load for some reason. i gave it a ten. :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...

thanks anyway dear. and happy birthday!^^

there was something wrong with the site earlier and I was completely horrified when I can't get to it (said that Page cannot be displayed). Kinda like the shock of seeing Reaver ships approaching.haha.


Ain't we just.



Friday, October 5, 2007 11:41 AM


lol, and thanks :) for the b-day wishes.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, October 5, 2007 7:50 PM


Funny thing is, a lot of these have just become part of common usage to me. "Shiny" is just accepted as something I'll say. (Equally well accepted is that if anyone asks what the !#@$ I mean by "shiny", they're going to be handed my copy of Firefly and Serenity until they get it).

But all sorts of things have become common usage, not just to me but to others where I work. "This gives me an uncomfortableness" is in regular usage. "You're like a trained ape, without the training!" is another one (don't ask why this one would be used so much at work... please don't.)

The plain fact of the matter is that whether you've seen it or not, the writing in Firefly and Serenity is just plain good. I don't care if it was borrowed from Louis Lamour, or if it was cooked up out of Joss's head or the head of ANY of the writers of Firefly (of which there were many, and all of which I cherish and treasure!) it's plain speaking, and well worth adopting.

I don't care that I missed the original run of Firefly. It was the wrong time, the wrong place for me. But gorramit, that's mighty fine work. If I take a shine to it now, that's nobody's business but my own.

Aaaaah, you got me going. I'll be at it for hours now.

-- Twitch


Saturday, October 6, 2007 6:31 AM


I use 'shiny' very occasionally. When my girlfriend asked, "Is there something wrong with my car?"
Me: "Nah, shiny."

And I use 'gorram' and 'ruttin' to replace swear words.

When I was a supervisor, I used things like, "As soon as you wrap up that communication log, you can be on your merry."

My girlfriend was about to splash a cup of water on me, and I said, "If you throw that on me, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you."


Saturday, October 6, 2007 9:07 PM


I TOTALLY used a Wash line at my friend's house today. We were playing a game and I saw something that looked really weird and said, "Oh my God it's grotesque!!" I was so proud of myself. I've been waiting to use that one in conversation, almost didn't realize I said it. :)

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, October 7, 2007 5:38 AM


LOL. Aint it nice to have that proud moment when you know you have used a Firefly quote properly? Yes, I am always so *PROUD* I used one again this morning when my brother was running around the house and trying to use a cardboard box as a sled (I have no idea why he's doing it!). Had to adjust it to fit my purpose though: "If you fall and die, I'm not gonna clean it up!"

and my other brother told me that I was being "morbid and creepifying".


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Sunday, October 7, 2007 12:32 PM


Yes it always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I use a quote properly without even knowing or trying to.

Oh, and it's funny you mention it, when I was in high school there was a kid who was a year ahead of me and he was on the football team, and one of his friends flattened a cardboard box, stood on it, grabbed onto the football player's hands, and the guy dragged him down the hall standing on the box like it was a surfboard. XD must be a guy thing, iunno, it was funny though. fortunately no one fell and died, so there was no cleaning up to do ;-) I badly want to use that in conversation though, and I'm sure with my two little cousin's I'll get the chance at some point.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, October 7, 2007 9:13 PM


Does Mutant Enemy, Inc.'s "grr...arrgh..." count as a quote? I keep laughing when I see it on the subtitle, but I laugh more when I unconsciously use it in IMs or emails. teehee!


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Monday, October 8, 2007 9:22 AM


lol, i guess it could count :-P

every time i hear something hit my car *i.e. acorn, rock, or something that makes a noise* i say "what was that?" even though there's no one there to offer an answer :-P every time i say it it reminds me of mal.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 11:25 PM


LOL. won't it be stranger if you continued on with "Was that the primary buffer panel?" and people looked at you funny?

Wtgh does a primary buffer panel do anyway?


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:32 PM


LOL that would be hilarious, of course it would only apply if something went flying off of my car, which, since it's 15 years old, might happen at some poing :-P (too bad Serenity wasn't around when my mom had her Reliant. The muffler was always falling off that gorram car and that line would be perfect)

Well, a primary buffer panel...buffers, I guess :-P lol

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, October 21, 2007 8:39 AM


wow...I think I killed this thread. :-P that makes me sad.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, October 21, 2007 11:02 PM


no, you didn't!

is it still considered a quote if you just roll your eyes like Saffron? I love the way she rolls her eyes and I find myself rolling my eyes like her when my colleague says something inane. and he is prone to saying really inane things...

and last weekend, my brother showed my sister and I some dance moves he learned from some movie. My sister asked, "How did he do that??" and I (secretly proud) said, "By moving fast like a freak??"


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Monday, October 22, 2007 11:48 AM


awesome usage of a classic Mal quote :-P

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, October 22, 2007 6:03 PM


"Shiny" is always a big one. I use it a lot and I've heard some of my friends accidentally use it, even though they don't know what it means.

I also find I say things like "conjure up a terribly compellng reason" as opposed to "think of a good reason" and so on.


Monday, October 22, 2007 9:32 PM


xie xie freelancertex!

hmmm... im trying to make it a point to use at least one quote a day, but i dont have one yet today. *sigh*


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:45 AM


I've used Simon's classic "Could you not do that while we're.....EVER?" complete with facial expression and suspended fork, at the dinner table a few times when my boyfriend was sick and felt the need to hauk (sp?) something out of his lungs. but afterwards I've always laughed cuz then I'd get a pic of Simon's face in my head followed immediately by Jayne's reaction, then andy's like "okay...what's that from?" and i then have to re-enact the scene all over again :P but it's worth it.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:57 AM


oh oh oh! the other night we were playing cards with a new couple and some other friends. Well, one of the girls we were playing with was named Miranda. Everytime someone said her name my husband would turn to me and in a creepy River-like voice say miranda . the couple had never heard of firefly or serenity, but the guy decided that he liked saying it that way, said it sounded like sex-voice.

Jayne Cobb, the Dick Casablancas of Firefly


Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:12 PM



Originally posted by freelancertex:
I've used Simon's classic "Could you not do that while we're.....EVER?" complete with facial expression and suspended fork, at the dinner table a few times when my boyfriend was sick and felt the need to hauk (sp?) something out of his lungs. but afterwards I've always laughed cuz then I'd get a pic of Simon's face in my head followed immediately by Jayne's reaction, then andy's like "okay...what's that from?" and i then have to re-enact the scene all over again :P but it's worth it.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...

way to go dear! Haha. LOL at Andy's (your boyfriend, right?) saying "Okay... what's that from?". I can imagine him saying it in a deadpan-bordering-on-scolding expression. God knows I get the same reaction everytime I inject a bit of Firefly-ness in my daily conversations. Hehe.


oh oh oh! the other night we were playing cards with a new couple and some other friends. Well, one of the girls we were playing with was named Miranda. Everytime someone said her name my husband would turn to me and in a creepy River-like voice say miranda . the couple had never heard of firefly or serenity, but the guy decided that he liked saying it that way, said it sounded like sex-voice.

LOL at that too Crystalkei. Though I hope you didn't tell him that River was thnking of dead and rotting corpses when she says that. lmao.


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Wednesday, October 24, 2007 4:11 AM


BitBPS: :) thanks. yeah, (yes, andy's my boyfriend, sry for not specifying :-P) he does say it kind of deadpan and rolls his eyes. People just don't appreciate the use of a decent firefly-ism in every day life :-P

Oh, and whenever I'm frustrated about a homework issue to the point where my brain just doesn't get it and is like "just walk away, it's not gonna work" I sigh and say "...doing it backwards. Walking up the down slide." To which andy, of course, turns around from his desk and goes "What??" Then I usually start laughing, cuz I know that not only does he not knwo where that's from, but it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever :-P love it.

Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky?
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you?

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

A man is least himself when he speaks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will show you his true self.

You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, October 26, 2007 4:43 AM


how about if we use quotes in forums? does that count?


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)






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Thu, June 20, 2019 20:39 - 21 posts
The Savant Crew
Wed, May 15, 2019 13:47 - 32 posts