Which 1 Episode Would You Pick To Win Over Verse Virgins?

UPDATED: Thursday, March 5, 2009 22:41
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Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:16 PM


Out of Gas for the character exposition
Our Mrs Reynolds for the best one liners
then when I've got them hooked I throw in War Stories coz it's my favourite, and I love the commentaries...Why don't Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion have their own comedy show? they kill me they're so funny.


Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:16 PM


Out of Gas for the character exposition
Our Mrs Reynolds for the best one liners
then when I've got them hooked I throw in War Stories coz it's my favourite, and I love the commentaries...Why don't Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion have their own comedy show? they kill me they're so funny.


Sunday, October 14, 2007 1:07 PM


The first episode I saw was "Ariel", which got me intrigued due to the whole Simon's offering a job to the crew. . . that, and the blue-handed dudes and the ebola-inducing gas. . .

I think it's better to begin with something that will grab right away, and I did well with "Ariel." I asked questions and wanted them answered; hence, I got my hands on the first couple of discs. But I do agree that "Out of Gas" is a good starter. "Serenity" is great, but the length might hinder the average person, especially if he/she is skeptical.

Just a thought.



Friday, November 30, 2007 5:29 AM


I read this thread hoping to get ideas on how to convert our 19 year-old housemate, A.
He caught the tail end of me watching an episode (It was my birthday and I was treating myself to a dose of Mal :)). He asked what it was and my stepson, M., (same age as the housemate) rolls his eyes and says "You haven't seen her watching this show, she only watches it ALL the time!" :P
A has never seen Firefly (the series) but he is familiar with Serenity. The movie was not enough to hook him, so which episode should I show?

I was debating between the pilot and Out of Gas and came here for an opinion. Still seems to be split between the two...


Friday, November 30, 2007 6:13 AM


I'd go with Jaynestown. No way anyone could not like that episode.


Friday, November 30, 2007 5:31 PM


If he likes a good laugh, I'd say Jaynestown. But as I said before, Ariel's a good hook.



Tuesday, December 4, 2007 11:55 PM


The Pilot should be the way to go. If KayLee shot or shooting Dobson doesn't get them, they might be hopeless. Others are engrossing, but either too far out of sequence or needing too much background. WE are all looking from the perspective of already being hooked. After the BDM, I first saw the end of Ariel, and was hooked - but the whole setup at the beginning might throw off the uninitiated.
Out of Gas is probably my fave episode, but doesn't have as much impact if you're not already familiar with the characters - like everything that is said between Inara and Mal.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 10:27 AM


actually, Joss wanted the train job to be the pilot but the producers wouldn't let him. they said it didn't have enough content to make a pilot.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 10:33 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:

Originally posted by Shannara:
joss introduced the show in the pilot and so should you!

"A ship like this, be with you until the day you die"

I agree. Gives some background also.....

Actually Joss wanted to introduce The Train Job as the pilot but evil producers wouldn't let him. They said it didn't have enough content to be a good pilot.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007 9:27 PM


??? Where do you get that from?
I thought the network declined the pilot and Joss and Tim had to create the entirety of Train Job over a weekend.


Thursday, December 6, 2007 4:23 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
??? Where do you get that from?
I thought the network declined the pilot and Joss and Tim had to create the entirety of Train Job over a weekend.

Watch the special features on the Firefly First(and only ) Season. he said that he wanted the train job to be the piolot but the producers wouldn't let him.

I would totaly F*** River


Thursday, December 6, 2007 4:27 PM



Originally posted by Kacek:
I read this thread hoping to get ideas on how to convert our 19 year-old housemate, A.
He caught the tail end of me watching an episode (It was my birthday and I was treating myself to a dose of Mal :)). He asked what it was and my stepson, M., (same age as the housemate) rolls his eyes and says "You haven't seen her watching this show, she only watches it ALL the time!" :P
A has never seen Firefly (the series) but he is familiar with Serenity. The movie was not enough to hook him, so which episode should I show?

I was debating between the pilot and Out of Gas and came here for an opinion. Still seems to be split between the two...

To be Honest i saw the last episode first(a beautiful heart) and i fell in love with the whole series. but i think any episode would be good. their all funny and they are all amazing!

I would Totaly F*** River


Saturday, December 8, 2007 1:16 PM


For some reason, no one ever believes me when I say something is good. Particularly my family members. Not really sure why.

So my way of hooking people into stuff is to just start watching in a public place when they're around. They'll catch bits and pieces as I go along and then get curious and want to start from the beginning. So I get to watch the entire thing again. :D


Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:30 AM


ah, very tricksy there. i do the same thing. i shared a house with 3 others, and i'd always stick firefly or the newer doctor who on when everyone came home from work. they at least stayed to watch the episode. exposure is key. :)



Sunday, August 3, 2008 9:41 AM


My episodes would be serenity as this sets everything up really the characters the backgrounds to the story etc and i like Heart of gold just for some of the lines in it they make me laugh. such as
Jayne "i dont know these folk dont care much to"
mal "they're whores"
jayne"im in"
That makes me laugh everytime. Also the bit were kaylee asks wash to tell her shes pretty and gets the reply "if i were unwed i would take you in a manly fashion". Despite seeing these episodes again and again these things still make me laugh.


Friday, August 22, 2008 2:50 AM


Hello hello hello.

Havnt been here for a while due to lack of a computer.

anyway, i know a guy who is a massive sci fi fan, in his collection he has serenity...

But NO Firefly.


Yeah, he has the gaul to own the movie but not to fall in love with the show before hand. He didnt even watch it in '02/3 when sci-fi uk premiered it.

so, the other night i made a pact...

were gonna sit and watch a couple of episodes soon, so i picked 5 out all 13.



Our Mrs. Reynolds


The Message

We shoul really watch them in order, but hes a 'Verse Virgin so ill let it go for a while.

Those are what i would choose.


Friday, August 22, 2008 3:04 AM


"Out of Gas", of course. Although the original pilot "Serenity" would be a close second.

"You wanna meet the real me now...?"


Saturday, August 23, 2008 4:18 AM


I would have to pick "shindig"
the right amount of humor, the right amount of big damn hero.



Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:52 PM


Good call! Lol!


Monday, September 8, 2008 4:39 PM


I would start them with "Serenity". You need to know who these people are and how they get together. It is an excellent episode anyway.

Love the end with Mal all pissed off about Whitefall and walking into his spacecraft with some foolish agent who has a gun to River's head.

Gotta love Mal's quick reaction to this situation.
It is like he does it everyday. Even Jayne takes it in stride as he helps Mal throw the trash out the hatch.

Gotta see them in order.

When I saw Farscape out of oder I had no idea what was going on. Now I have the ability to see this show in order and it is so much better.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:10 AM



Originally posted by ILiveAtSerinity:
Actually Joss wanted to introduce The Train Job as the pilot but evil producers wouldn't let him. They said it didn't have enough content to be a good pilot.

You might have heard this before, but if you havn't, read below.

I'm sorry, I must correct this if it hasn't been already. Joss wanted Serenity(the episode) to be the pilot, but the producers thought it was too long, with too much information in one sitting.(funny I thought that was what a Pilot episode was supposed to have)

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD
Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:55 PM


I was actually introduced to the 'Verse with the movie, Serenity, by my dad. I thought it worked quite well to reel me in, as my over actified imagination kept going, "now who's this?! What? Waitaminute. How'd she get there in the first place?! Wow! This is frickin' awesome!" I had to know more about these fantastic personalities, and I still remember my dad saying " know there's a TV show where everybody's alive again." :)) the movie came before the show.., that cracks me up now, how he worded it :P
As for an introduction episode from the series..? I started with the Pilot and it worked great, but if I hadn't seen the movie first.., I'd probably pick Ariel. Good heist-style action, and a good dose of high tech sci-fi for people leery of getting on board with a western theme. Hook 'em with the tech, the humor, the characters, ..then show 'em the cows and horses later. Nothing against westerns (or cows or horses), mind you, but for people used to Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica...
And Jayne trying to remember all the doctor jargon, and failing miserably, would be enough to make anyone grin :)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:05 AM


Draginspleen, I was introduced with the movie too. :) (Although I did see the very, very end of Ariel months before).

If you're lucky it would be great to introduce people with the movie. It's excellent from the start. It instantly captivates, then becomes hilarious when we enter Serenity.

While you may not have the time for the movie, I think that's only because the worry is that a lengthy feature might bore your friends. But I reckon they'd definitely wanna keep watching the movie from start to finish. And once you get to River's kickass seen in the bar, you'll have them won over.

For an episode I'll have to go with MrShinyVerse, who started this thread. Our Mrs. Reynolds was great. It's entertaining, and like ly to win over the proposed stereotype of mates.

In the end it depends on the type of people watching. And while it would be nice to start with Serenity, you really have to consider whether it's a risk worth taking. There's evidence that Firefly newbies can lose interest in it. The movie i just a much better starting point. But hey, that was just with me, so as I said, it still depends on your mate's interests. :D

Great thread :D
Domeone should count up what everyone's said and make a grand tally. If it doesn't happen soon I will :D

Keep Writing, Keep Flying


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:13 PM


The pilot "Serenity" worked to win me over.

I showed my parents the pilot and my mother said at one point, "None of them are very likable, are they...?" I had to bite my tongue a little there. A few days later I showed them "Train Job" which my father loved (he's more of the Western buff) and my mother said, "Now they're funny and likable! Ok, I'm understanding better now."

Didn't figure "Our Mrs Reynolds" would be the best introduction in this case, taking my audience into consideration. :)

I'd like to see a tally as well, if someone has the time!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:25 PM


Keeping order in every verse

Its got to be Ariel, without a shadow of a doubt. You are left in no doubt as to modus operandi of not just the crew as a whole but of the individual members.You are aware of the trouble that river is in and are given the only real glimpse of the alliance operatives chasing her.You see Simons skills in action and you see Jayne isnt to be trusted. And at the end you are left in no doubt who's boss. An episode full of action, tension and good story arc. I saw the ep ages ago on the UK Sci-fi network, and although I had never heard of Firefly before that and never really followed it until much later, I always remember it as being good tele.

Peacekeeper- keeping order in every verse


Thursday, February 26, 2009 6:29 AM


i would chose from shindig,janystown,pilot,or heart of gold

"we did the impossible once yhat makes us mighty"


Monday, March 2, 2009 7:37 AM


the pilot was great.
i also think our mrs. reynolds would work as well. that hot lil' redhead with the angelic voice won me over,and over,and :)

Saffron: But we've been wed. Aren't… we to become one flesh?
Mal: Well, no, uh… we're still two fleshes here, and… I think… that your flesh oughta… sleep somewhere else.
Saffron: I'm sorry. When we talked, I'd hoped, but I—
[She gestures with her hands, losing the sheet. Mal turns away.]
Mal: Whoa, hey! Flesh. Um… Saffron… i-it… it ain't a question of pleasing me. It's more a question of what's…
[Mal, breathing heavily, strains not to look at the naked woman.]
Mal: … um… of what's morally right.
Saffron: I do know my Bible, sir. "On the night of their betrothal, the wife shall open to the man as the furrow to the plow, and he shall work in her, in and again, till she bring him to his fall, and rest him then upon the sweat of her breast." [N]
[Cut to Mal, who is openly staring now.]
Mal: Whoa. Good Bible.


Monday, March 2, 2009 8:20 AM


I've had very good results with Jaynestown, when the people I know can't commit to watching the pilot episode.


Monday, March 2, 2009 9:03 AM


Imho, ya gotta go with the lowest common denominator. Give your audience the shock value of 'Mal kicking Crow through the engine', and you've gained a fan or few. Ergo, The Train Job, and go for the "whoa" crowd.

There are other episodes, such as Objects in Space, that would draw the, um, more intellectual audience, but my point is that in order to maximize common viewership, one puts one's best efforts into drawing new viewers in via shock value. Also, given my conceit regarding generally limited attention spans, TTJ gets to the quick, for instance, faster than Serenity (the pilot).

Then there's those odd statistical outliers like cozen, who became kinda interested from seeing the last 2/3 of OMR, but was sold on the show when he tried out the following episode on a whim, and was totally sucked in by Sonny's rendition of the theme song. Having said that, I wouldn't count on that tune to be a selling point for any normal peeps.

Take my love, take my land
More Firefly I demand.


Monday, March 2, 2009 9:10 AM


I've tried The Train Job too because it actually does have a pretty good run-down of the characters and backstory of the series in lieu of the pilot episode. But for some reason, I can never get people to stick around and watch that one.


Thursday, March 5, 2009 10:41 PM


I'm a movie convert. So I don't know how it was to see them aired in original order, without the knowledge of Serenity.

I do know what a heck of a re-wind it was to see their character progressions from the beginning.

That said, I would NOT do Ariel, Heart of Gold, or Our Mrs. Reynolds.

These have "special character background knowledge" necessary for jokes and true depth of plot. Plus they're all episodes where one or more prominent characters is really unbalanced.

Train Job, maligned as it is, seems to do a pretty good job of setting us up fast with the 'feel'. But it of course can't stop there.

I show people the first half of Serenity (ep.) Usually they can't stop in the middle. :D If they can, it usually means they wouldn't find the rest exciting enough. Y'know, too hokey. Infidels.

Other than that, I agree with Steamboat28: bar fights and spaceships all the way.
I liked The Movie well enough, but it was that scene from the series where Mal gets thrown through a holographic bar window by guys in cowboy boots that I knew I ain't comin' back from the black.

Going for a ride.

Another Sky






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