Jayne in Serenity

UPDATED: Sunday, March 2, 2008 10:21
VIEWED: 6803
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Thursday, January 10, 2008 8:01 AM


Just watching BDM between the hours of dropping kids off and work. I never really noticed this before. At the end of the movie, after the operative has his final say to Mal, every member of the crew is given some particular attention about what the future has in store; all except for Jayne. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about this? Still holding out for something more than novelization. go run your little world.


Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:13 AM


For an odd reason, maybe just b/c I liked the way they interacted, I always thought Jayne would pick up religion after the death of Book.

I just kind of like the idea that he never found God, God found him and where that would lead to.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:20 AM



Originally posted by Dewrastler:
For an odd reason, maybe just b/c I liked the way they interacted, I always thought Jayne would pick up religion after the death of Book.

I just kind of like the idea that he never found God, God found him and where that would lead to.

That actually makes a lot of sense....especially after the mudder boy sacrificed himself for Jayne....maybe at some point it WILL make sense to him.


Friday, January 11, 2008 1:36 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Perhaps he returns to Higgin's Moon and becomes the hero the mudder's already think he is.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, January 11, 2008 3:27 PM


he was in his bunk with the lovebot


Thursday, January 17, 2008 2:18 PM


That is the main reason I wish the show would continued. Eventually Jayne would have to wake up and see the light. He came close on Arial when Mal hit him with a wrench and told him to straighten out and again in Jaynestown when the young man sacrificed himself to save Jayne.

In the movie, Jayne quoted Book and that means he is listening. It just has not totaly sunk in yet. If Joss ever produces a sequel we may see Jayne face his demons and turn his life over. I would like that to be a major part of the next movie.


Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:30 PM


I'm hearing a lot of "ifs".
I guess I'm a huge Jayne fan because I can relate to him best and I'm a really bad man! I've always thought that Jayne would eventually hook up with Kaylee. I think he does have a soft spot in his heart for her. He seems to care about her more than anyone on the ship. I've always wondered if one of the reasons for his animosity against Simon was the love interest in Kaylee. 'Cause I've thought about Jayne hooking up with Zoe, and that's downright unsettling.
*PS* with all the hate mail i've been getting regarding my pseudonym "Lawman", its not an homage to the lawman in the first double episode pilot of Firefly. Just another guy in law enforcement.

I could stand to hear a little more.


Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:17 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Lawman:
I'm hearing a lot of "ifs".
I guess I'm a huge Jayne fan because I can relate to him best and I'm a really bad man! I've always thought that Jayne would eventually hook up with Kaylee. I think he does have a soft spot in his heart for her. He seems to care about her more than anyone on the ship. I've always wondered if one of the reasons for his animosity against Simon was the love interest in Kaylee. 'Cause I've thought about Jayne hooking up with Zoe, and that's downright unsettling.
*PS* with all the hate mail i've been getting regarding my pseudonym "Lawman", its not an homage to the lawman in the first double episode pilot of Firefly. Just another guy in law enforcement.

I could stand to hear a little more.

Well said. Jayne definatly seems to favor Kaylee. From his remarks at the table in the pilot episode, where he feigns disinterest toward Kaylee's feelings, to where he's seen in the shadows looking on as Kaylee fights for life. He is jealous of Simon, because Simon is everything Jayne isn't, nor could ever be, especially to Kaylee.

He's rich
He's good looking
He's smart
He's rich
He's young(er) than Jayne
He's rich

At the very least, Jayne likely sees Kaylee as close to 'kin folk' as he has on Serenity. They seem to be from similar economic backgrounds, and both seem to say / do what they feel, with out much consideration for the consequences.

It is not those who use the term "Islamo-Fascism" who are sullying the name of Islam; it is the Islamo-Fascists. - Dennis Prager

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, February 3, 2008 9:58 PM


Kaylee is the one person Jayne feels he can trust on Serenity. He either has jealousy against Simon, or just brotherly protectiveness over Kaylee.
I always thought it weird when Kaylee says to him (about River) that he doesn't like River because she can read his mind and all his thought are mean - and he responds Yeah, there is that.

At the end of BDM, he helps Mal get the big gun off the Hull, and then after we briefly see Simon and Kaylee in the background kitchen, he comes through eating something noodlelike, while still walking, and then Mal and Inara exchange chat. What more do we expect to see from Jayne? Hard Labor, gun, eat, get the hell out of his way when he's eating and walking. That is fairly much what I expect from him, not much more.

I don't see foreshadowing plus or minus regarding Jayne here.


Sunday, February 3, 2008 11:49 PM


I think Jayne is a universal constant - there's no hints of changes in his life because it'll remain the same.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 8:44 AM


why does he look younger in his new series than he did in the firefly series? just wondering.

that's why i never kiss em on the mouth


Tuesday, February 5, 2008 12:00 PM


Well seeing as Adam Baldwin is a 900 year old immortal I think he just made himself look a bit older for Firefly.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book

2% of teens have not smoked pot, if you are(or were) one of the 98% that have, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 2:33 AM


Adam Baldwin is a god. Possibly one of the weapon-wielding ones from a Northern pantheon.

It was the beard that gave him a little roughness; he looked better with his hair cropped shorter, too. But he hasn't looked significantly different since his first film. ('My Bodyguard' - only seventeen, bless him, and already twice the size of the other kids.)

See, I think everything about Jayne is there in the series, it just needed bringing out more. 'The Message', and his letter from home said an awful lot about the man.

Where will he go? Hell, he don't need to go no place. He knows his place. It's standin' behind Mal, watching that he don't get them screwed over by being noble or some gorram foolin' like that. It ain't a fancy job, but if you're needin' muscles and guns, well, he likes a good tussle.

He's got a simple faith, and possibly a good heart, buried beneath layers of practicality learnt in a hard school. Stopping to consider consequences in his line of work could leave you with a bad case of dead. Besides, what's wrong with being a big bloke with an appetite for life? He doesn't need to contemplate his navel, or his place in the 'Verse. Jayne knows who he is, what he can do, and he seems more at peace with himself than anyone else.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 3:42 AM


Neat thread!
First the characters are GREAT on Firefly, we luv’em to death. Why? Because they are real. Joss and company have come up with character traits and personalities that we know and see in our everyday lives. Don’t you know someone like Jayne? Maybe Malcolm Reynolds or Kaylee? Name anybody on that little transport and I’ll bet you know someone like them, or maybe a combination of several. Anyway one thing is for certain, whichever direction Jayne or Mal, Kaylee, Simon or River would have taken it’s for sure WE & JOSS weren’t through with them. I’ve read where after Books death that Jayne woulda found religion. That may be true. When the sequel comes (and it will) we’ll get to see a bit more into our favorite merry marauders and I for one can’t wait. We are not done my fellow browncoats. Not by a long shot.



Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:48 AM


Jayne is simply Jayne. He will continue on Serenity until he's no longer needed... eat, sleep, drink, make merry, shoot someone, get some money...Jayne's a simple man, but fundamentally a good one ( with a little encouragement) so I figure he'll continue pretty much the way he is...which I personally like a lot:)


Ain't Love GRAND!!!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:57 AM


I think Jayne is an evolving character. In Jaynestown, he is given a glimpse of how selfish he is when that kid took that blast for him. He also learns a lot about mercy when River and Simon find out about Jayne betraying them. Though there is a lot of potential in the direction of Jayne's character, I dont think much is going to change about his position in the scheme of the show and the ship. Even in the movie, he is still a gun-ho/ lock and load type of character.


"If you make advances on that girl, you are going to the special hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies" -Shepard Book


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:57 AM


I think Jayne is an evolving character. In Jaynestown, he is given a glimpse of how selfish he is when that kid took that blast for him. He also learns a lot about mercy when River and Simon find out about Jayne betraying them. Though there is a lot of potential in the direction of Jayne's character, I dont think much is going to change about his position in the scheme of the show and the ship. Even in the movie, he is still a gun-ho/ lock and load type of character.


"If you make advances on that girl, you are going to the special hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies" -Shepard Book


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 7:57 AM


I think Jayne is an evolving character. In Jaynestown, he is given a glimpse of how selfish he is when that kid took that blast for him. He also learns a lot about mercy when River and Simon find out about Jayne betraying them. Though there is a lot of potential in the direction of Jayne's character, I dont think much is going to change about his position in the scheme of the show and the ship. Even in the movie, he is still a gun-ho/ lock and load type of character.


"If you make advances on that girl, you are going to the special hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies" -Shepard Book


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 8:45 PM


Jayne is not a complete moron, and less so regarding his best interests. He's been around a while, and yet, after so many years of all the hard jobs, he had progressed to the point of sharing a bunk with marco's other crewman.
Now, he's with Mal, has his own bunk, which he seems to visit a lot (or we just quote him disproportionately), gets a better cut than before, has his run of the ship. For many people the newness and benefits of a greener side of the fence can wear off, become for fuzzy once one gets used to it. But Jayne can probably recall his previous decades of fun whenever he considers leaving Serenity. Dobson offered a decent reward/bribe. Jayne understood he's got it pretty good here. He even bought apples for the whole crew after Ariel.
Jayne leaving is a possibility, but not a likelihood, I conjure.

I might venture that this likelihood would increase if Kaylee were to leave.

I also think that Jayne may have developed some begrudging respect for River's abilities after BDM. She handled him without a knife, and she wasn't afraid of Reavers.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:58 AM


I posted something similar to this somewhere else, but will put it here as well...

I think Jayne is going to settle into the 'big brother' role he has with Kaylee with the Tams. We know he has at least one brother, and I just think he acts like a man who grew up with either sisters or a mess of girl cousins, probably both. He seems like a man used to a large family. River, used to having a big brother, will probably wind him round her little finger (hopefully metaphorically) in short order. Simon, only used to a bratty baby sister, is going to find the prospect of a big brother... interesting. I think it will be a positive experience for both of them. Always supposing Mal doesn't space the pair of them for bickering. ("He's looking out of my shuttle window...")

I think Jayne already has a basic faith - he was one of the first to join Book in saying grace, and I think that might also be part of his background. I think he's from one of those planets where the settlers turned their rocket into the church roof (like those Breton churches where the roof is a boat hull), a hard-working industrial community, welders and miners, rather than farmers. (AB is a Chicago boy, after all.)

He is what he is, and I think if Mal and the crew start to treat him like a man, instead of a weapon, he'll start to open up a little. If he makes the mental switch to putting them inside his circle of things that are 'his', he'll fight to the death for them.

He is a big, violent, heavily-armed thug, who likes food, drink, sex and violence. He can also cook, play the guitar, and has a close-knit and loving family. He's not very well-educated, but he isn't stupid, and he's very good at what he does do. Possessive and protective of what he considers 'his', if he considers that it's his role to play protector to the ship, he will.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 3:38 AM


I would have liked to see him sitting in his room reading an old bible with his "thinking" face on

"When does it stop being CPR and start being necrophilia?"


Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:25 AM


Oh, noooo....

*SpaceAnJL is having a 'Pulp Fiction' flashback*


*with a side order of 'Casualites of War'*

Particularly the latter. You know the quote. If you were being shepherded through the Valley of Death, you'd definitely want a tooled-up Jayne riding point.


Sunday, March 2, 2008 10:21 AM


He only bought apples for the crew because MAL found out that he had betrayed Simon and River on Ariel. If you watch the shows in order, it fairly easy to notice Jaynes diposition after he got caught by MAL. The apples were a guilt present.

"If you make advances on that girl, you are going to the special hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies"


Sunday, March 2, 2008 10:21 AM


He only bought apples for the crew because MAL found out that he had betrayed Simon and River on Ariel. If you watch the shows in order, it fairly easy to notice Jaynes diposition after he got caught by MAL. The apples were a guilt present.

"If you make advances on that girl, you are going to the special hell, reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies"






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