My Journey Through The 'Verse

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 02:22
VIEWED: 6731
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Friday, April 24, 2009 6:18 AM


I'm watching this show for the first time, and after my introductory post, someone suggested making a little "Viewing Journal." So here it is! I figured I'd get caught up to where I am now and keep updating as I watch!

1. Serenity: I had actually seen part of The Train Job and all of Bushwhacked when I visited my fiancee in Canada in early March, but I didn't see this until I bought the series in late March/early April. My initial thought was, "Hmmm, after that first scene this goes kind of slow..." That didn't last, though, and when I watched it a second time (when the REST of my family fell in love with it), I saw that it was used as an introduction for the characters. "Part 1," as it were, isn't as action-packed as The Train Job, but it's just as interesting. The characters immediately grabbed me. I was initially pulled in by Inara's character, something that I would never expect to really see in a Western. Soon after, though, after realizing WHO Kaylee was (or who Jewel Staite was, rather - hadn't seen her since I, and she, was a kid) I fell for her character. I'm a sucker for the kind of easy-going, friendly types, being one myself. Simon was soon to follow, and when I saw their interaction developing, I did a silent (and not-so-silent) "YES!"

After seeming so futuristic for the first part of the show (minus the little bit on Persephone), the scene at the end with the "gold" (I lost it when it turned out to be food) was so bizarre that I almost had to do a double take.

Throughout the entire episode, though, I kept thinking, "This has to be the most quotable show in existence." "Nice hat *BAM*" "Are you asking me to dance?"

2. The Train Job: As previously mentioned, I had seen part of this before. As it turned out, I hadn't missed much, but seeing it from start to finish uninterrupted was still nice. This was my favourite episode for a long while. I am not a sci-fi buff by any means. I used to watch Start Trek TNG with my dad as a kid, but that is about the extent of my hard-core sci-fi knowledge (not counting Star Wars because really who doesn't know at least a little about it?). The Western aspect of the show is probably what most appeals to me, though its integration with the space theme is even cooler than a plain old western.

That being said, it's hard to beat a good old-fashioned train heist. It should have been cliche, but as I quickly discovered, it wasn't. Something about settlers traveling west on a train through a desert with an enormous horse-shaped spaceship flying above it is...unique.

Again I found myself laughing hysterically at a good bit of the episode. (Is it a bad thing that I laughed when Mal kicked the guy into the turbines?) "'What are we doing?' 'Crime.' 'Crime! Good! Okay! Crime.'" "'So you've done this before?' 'Oh hell no. But I think it's gonna work.'"

3. Bushwhacked: This was the one episode I had seen in full before I bought the series. It was just as creepy the second time, I can assure you. This one was one of the ones that was so space-centered that I found myself asking, "Is this the same show that I saw 'The Train Job' on?" Putting those episodes back-to-back, though, was great. There's not much to say about this episode other than, "Holy cow that was intense." It's non-stop tension, even though there's not a lot of action. Probably the most memorable part for me, though, is the bit with Simon and River outside the ship. It's just hilarious. Oh, and of course: "'Fought with a lot of people in the war.' 'And your husband?' 'Fight with him sometimes, too.'" "I definitely have to say it was her legs. You can put that down! Her legs, and right where her legs meet her back. That - actually that whole area. That and - and above it."

4. Shindig: And another angle is added to the show. The almost Elizabethan dresses in a Western city with a spaceship sitting outside sounds ridiculous. Unless you've seen it. Then you know it's genius. I have to admit that I spent most of the episode going, "Awwwwwwwwww" at Kaylee. She's adorable. The duel was fantastic. Looking back on this episode it dawns on me that there weren't a lot of individual events that stood out but rather a few long (and really awesome) events that put this right up there with The Train Job.

"Yes, sir, Cap'n Tight-Pants." "You want a slinky dress? I can buy you a slinky dress. Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?" "Here lies my beloved Zoë, my autumn flower, somewhat less attractive now that she's all corpsified and gross." "I was gonna watch. Very exciting." "What we need's a diversion. I say Zoë gets nekked." "Well, how can we be sure, u-unless we question it? :D"

Oh, and that crazy River monologue. Wow.

5. Safe: Ahhh, another Western one. And this time focusing on Simon! Yay! I got all excited when Kaylee was looking for something for him. Then he had to go and screw it up unwittingly. Been there myself more times than I can count, and I just shook my head going, "You idiot...but you don't know any better, do you?" The dance scene with River was pretty much amazing, and the way Simon helped her in the end, well that was just amazing. A nice little speech and some heroics from the last person I'd expect to be heroic.

"Yeah, but she's our witch." "Yeah, we should start dealing in those black market beagles." "That's good. You lie there and be ironical." "Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever." "'What does that make us?' 'Big damn heroes, sir.'" "Well, you were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens." "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (I still shiver just thinking about that one.)

6. Our Mrs. Reynolds: This one blew The Train Job out of the water. The opening scene was both amazing and hilarious. The initial scene with Saffron on the ship was hysterical, and somehow I didn't realize until Mal was unconscious (yes, I had to rewind to where he stumbled back - I think the phone rang or something, and I missed that bit - was suddenly going "WHY IS HE UNCONSCIOUS?!?!") that she was a bad guy. I have to say that the scene with Vera is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I was initially thinking, "This is so out of character for him to be so threatening...oh wait. Saffron's interaction with the crew just adds so much to the episode and really brings out their personality quirks. Though I do wonder what Mal did to Saffron...

"Quaint!" "Whoa...good bible." "Whoa...good myth." "It is my very favourite gun." "Then can I know her?" "Oh sweetie, don't feel bad. He makes everybody cry." "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you." "Some people juggle geese!" "But she was naked and all...articulate!" "Isn't that...special."

Also, I saw somewhere that there were deleted scenes from this one...are they on the DVD somewhere?

7. Jaynestown: My favourite episode to this point. It starts like any other episode then gets really twisted really fast. Simon with a huge mud print on his jacket was hilarious, and I had to agree when he said, "This must be what going mad feels like." There was a moment where I just stared at the statue before bursting into laughter. It's another great display of all of the characters' personalities, and I was yet again heartbroken when Simon made a fool of himself. At least he made up for it at the end, though. The folk song was amazing. I'm thinking of recording a cover of it in my studio, and I'm debating getting a messenger bag with "Jayne: The Hero Of Canton" on it. Even better that there's a Canton maybe a half hour down the road from here...

Jayne really revealed a lot about himself in this episode, though. He started out all classic and "WOO ALCOHOL AND WOMEN!," but the end scene with him and Mal, as well as the scene after Stitch is killed, really surprised me and made me smile.

"'So when we made love last night...' 'When we WHAT?!'" "I swear...when it's appropriate." "Bye now! Have good sex!" "She named her hamster after me." "You're pretty...pretty" (<3) "Doesn't matter. It'll still be there...waiting." "

Out Of Gas: I wish I could say for sure what it is that makes me love this episode so much. I want to say that it's the camaraderie between the crew, and while that is part of it, I don't think that's the whole thing. I love the flashbacks. Serenity set up the show to start, and this one was like the prequel to that, and I loved the back stories (Especially Kaylee's - hilarious). The beginning was a great hook. "Hmmm, what's he...BLOOD!" Very nice touch, and the suspense leading up to how he got there is just brilliant. The "triple-timeline" thing is something that I figured wouldn't work, but wouldn't you know that it did.

There's just a touch of the Simon/Kaylee romance that I love so much, though the "It was my birthday" line seemed more than a little out of place. The humour vs. serious aspect of the episode is great. The flashbacks are all humourous (Wash with a mustache D:), the "middle" is suspenseful, and the "present" is just scary. The little fight between Mal and Wash did a fantastic job of making me angry with Mal...again.

The ending of this episode might just be the best ending so far. You're so certain at the beginning that the man is trying to sell the Serenity to Mal, and then you see him at the end, looking the same yet so very different, a childlike hopefulness covering his cold features, looking off at Serenity, completely oblivious to the man's words. Or perhaps not; perhaps he heard the man's words but heard them in regards to Serenity instead of whatever junk heap he was really pitching.

"You have no idea. And you never will." "Not as deceiving as a low down, dirty... deceiver." "Day" is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles. It's not applicable... I didn't get you anything." "Genius! No one's ever called me that before. Shiny!" "Tell us where the stuff's at, so I can shoot ya."

Ariel: The more I watch this show the more I see that there is never a bad episode. This one especially was great since I'm a Simon fan. The whole "Hey, let's steal stuff" thing from Simon really surprised me at first, but it's just a sign of how the crew is wearing off on him as well as his love for his sister.

It occurred to me during this episode that perhaps the "random nonsense" that River says is her describing things that happened at the academy. The deal about Christmas was what made me hit on it initially. I was disappointed in Jayne, but I'm not sure if I was surprised or not.

The whole "3-D Brain" thing was really cool, and the "lobotomy"-ish discovery was interesting; my mind immediately started trying to put pieces together. This was probably the first time Mal did something "extreme" that I didn't think he was being unreasonable. I was both pleased and disappointed in Jayne's remark of "Make some'm up." That he was willing to die for what he did surprised me, but the fact that he was still trying to defend his honor disappointed me. Then again, I'm of the mind that honour is more important than life. What good is living if you're seen as a back stabber and a coward?

The end of the episode was more heartwarming than I can put into words. I got a huge grin on my face that lasted well past the end of the credits.

"Oh, well, let's see. We killed Simon and River, stole a bunch of medicine, and now the Captain and Zoë are off springing the others got snatched by the feds. Oh, 'n here they are now!" "Figures, first time on the Core, and what do I get to do? Dig through trash. Couldn't he send me shoppin' at the Tri-plex, or... Ooh! Synchronizers!" "The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face." "Well, if I didn't know better I'd say you all were ready to save some lives."

War Stories: With the previous episodes, I had always made a point of not reading the episode summaries on the back of the disk cases. I read this one, but I have to say that it didn't ruin much for me. Of course I knew that Wash and Mal were going to be captured, but wow. The whole Wash/Zoe clash had me grinding my teeth and shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

The whole "messing with the controls" thing seemed a bit immature, even for Wash. Shepherd Book is fast becoming a favourite character. Every time he's prominent in an episode he does something awesome. His skills and his dedication are really a marvel to see unfolding.

The scene with Wash and Mal being tortured was humourous at first until I realized that Mal was trying to keep Wash conscious and to hold his attention. Then I thought, "Aw wow, Mal really does have a heart!"

The whole rescue scene was amazing except for the bit with Kaylee and River. At first I was like "HOLY COW!" but when I saw Kaylee's reaction, it made me kinda sad. They had that nice thing developing at the beginning, but it seemed to all go down the drain.

"'Jayne. This is something the captain has to do for himself.' 'No, no it's not!' 'Oh.'" "No power in the 'verse can stop me." "Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps." "Mmm. Wife soup. I must have done good." "I was there, son. I'm fair sure you haven't shot anyone yet." "Actually, I was fired... from a fry-cook opportunity. I can handle myself." "What are we gonna do, clone him?" "'I threw up on your bed.' 'Yep, definitely my sister.'" "I'm a large, semi-muscular man..."

War Stories: This is another one that I read the synopsis for on the back of the DVD case. Still, watching it with my family made up for it as Mal's old war buddy mentioned his wife. My brother turned with his eyes wide and said, "Is" It was a nice touch, and even though I knew what was going to happen to a point, I was still pulled in. I couldn't tell if he knew where Saffron was hiding because he told her to go there or because he just figured that's where she would be. I initially guessed the latter and found it hilarious.

The job itself was fantastic. I'm a sucker for con-job stories, and this one was right up that alley. Despite knowing the basic plot of the episode there were still enough surprises to keep me interested; the fact that Saffron had married yet another man as "Yolanda," was hilarious and a great twist.

Mal's portion of this episode could have been a very old-time classic caper aside from the fact that they were trying to steal a laser gun.

Simon's role with Jayne was particularly interesting, as was Inara's. Up until this point, she had seemed decidedly separate from the "life of crime" that the others tend to go with.

I also liked the fact that stylistically this was a more humourous take on "Out Of Gas." You see the end of the episode then flash back and see how the characters arrived there. Granted, Mal naked in the dessert is a lot funnier than him bleeding with an engine part in his arms.

"I shaved off my beard for you, devil woman!" "No matter what you do or say or plot, no matter how you come down on us, I will never, ever harm you. You're on this table, you're safe..." "Also, I can kill you with my brain." "'Jayne is a girl's name.' 'Well, Jayne ain't a girl! If she starts in on that girl's name thing, I'll show her good and all I got man parts.' 'I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. I just... It's not coming.'" "Should I start with the part where you're stranded in the middle of nowhere or the part where you have no clothes?" "'They were little geisha dolls with big heads that wobbled!' 'Hey, people *loved* those!'" "'All you gotta do to be a rich woman, hon, is get over it.' 'Okay. *SMACK*'" "Aaaww dirty, dirty whore! Yeah, you better run!"

The Message: Wow. This episode started about like I expected it to. I knew about the hat thing, but it was still hilarious. I knew about the whole "body" thing, but it was still creepy. The flashback sequence was really a great touch. What I DIDN'T expect was the whole "He's not really dead" bit. I've noticed that "friends" of the crew tend to be backstabbers, and of course this one was no different. Wash's flying was particularly awesome, and those scenes were visually amazing.

After the episode was done, though, I turned to my dad and said, "This is the first episode like this that we've seen." It was probably the first one with a somber ending like that, at least in my memory.

Oh, and I hated that guy because he was snatchin' Kaylee away from Simon.

"How's it sit? Pretty cunning, don't you think?" "Oh my God! It's grotesque! Oh, and there's something in a jar." "What'd y'all order a dead guy for?" "'Woo-hoo! I'm right here! I'm right here! You want some of this? Yeah, you do! Come on! Come on!' 'Course there are other schools of thought.'" "You manage to find the bright side of every single thing." "Tell me more good stuff about me!" "Yep. It's a cow fetus."

Heart Of Gold: My first comment after hitting "Play" on this was, "Is that Lady Heather?!" If you can't tell, I'm a CSI fan. I also found it hysterical that she played essentially the same character. And then this episode is another that showcases the crazy duality of the show. Two horses on either side of a hovercraft with a mounted machine gun is just something you don't see every day. But I knew I was getting used to the show because it didn't phase me in the least.

And then of course there's the cop from Men In Black. Only he's a *insert Chinese insult here.* It was really nice to see Inara as the focal point for once. The closest we had come to this point was probably Shindig. The very nature of this episode gave Jayne a chance be his very worst (and funniest), and Simon was actually in his game for once (sorta).

I kind of expected it, but when Nandi and Mal got together I wanted to shout, "No you moron! She's not Inara!" But of course that's one of the alluring aspects of the show. They get so close then nothing happens or it happens to someone else. And then Nandi just almost tells Mal about Inara's feelings (though I have a sneaking suspicion that he knows even better than Nandi does but is in denial) before the fun starts.

I kind of expected Nandi to die really. I didn't want her to, but the role her character played just made it a nearly perfect move. Petaline's character was great, a perfect combination of vulnerability and stability.

And then there's the end of the episode, which would have really bothered me if I didn't know that she was in Serenity. Of course it still bothered me, but I saw it coming. As soon as she said, "There's something I have to do, and I'm sorry that it took so long" I knew she was going to leave, not kiss him or tell him how she feels, cause that would end the tension, and that's too important a part of the show really.

I don't know how I did, but I nearly forgot the "funeral" scene. It was one of the most touching moments in the entire series thus far, only rivaled by the end of The Message really. Having Amazing Grace sung, especially while you see Serenity lifting off, was just a perfect touch.

"Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting." "'They're whores.' 'I'm in.'" "Well, lady, I must say, you're my kind of stupid." "Would be you get your most poetical about your pecker." "'Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.'
''Cause I'm pretty?' ''Cause you're pretty. '" "'Inara, think you can stoop to bein' on my arm?' 'Will you wash it first.'" "Look, they got boy whores. Isn't that thoughtful?" "Can I start gettin' sexed already?" "'As the primary? This would be the first. You?' 'My first too.' 'Mine too.'" "There's something - there's something I should've done a long while ago. And I'm sorry, for both of us, that it took me this long. I'm leaving." (GRRRRRRR )

Objects In Space: This episode was just hard to watch. I was afraid I would be let down, and in a way I was. This was an amazing ending to a first season. It was great finally seeing the crew kind of pick up on River's "abilities," and at was great seeing River finally be a "character" instead of a "situation." I actually bought the soundtrack yesterday and was wondering, "River Tricks Early...who or what is Early?" Of course I'd also seen the gun on eBay, so I put two and two together fairly quickly. Still, I was on the edge of my seat because, let's face it, knowing who he is doesn't make him any less interesting.

Seeing Simon shirtless made me wonder what kind of doctor he is. None of my doctors have had guns like those, I can tell you that.

The opening scene was just cool. I was wondering what role River was going to play because there was no way they'd have that intro then have her be in the background the whole time. I saw the gun and thought, "I've seen that...where have I seen that?" Then when Kaylee explained about rescuing Mal it hit me.

This episode really was about River. Her trick was flippin' awesome, and I was wondering the whole time where she REALLY was. When Early figured it out, it was hysterical. Of course they don't let the VIEWER know that she has a plan either. You really think she's going to go.

And then she doesn't. The scene between her and Mal is just touching. He's been so antagonistic the whole series then they have that HILARIOUS but touching dialog, and you know everything's alright.

Ending the episode with Kaylee and River playing Jacks just brings it all home. The bit with Early floating through space didn't make sense until I realized that at that point they were expecting a second season. Still, River and Kaylee just lets you know that everything's alright. It was really a fitting (albeit FAR TOO SOON) ending to the series; you have no doubt that the crew kept causing trouble and having a blast doing it.

Oh, and that scene with Simon and Kaylee in the hallway. Nothing to say about that but "Heck Yeah!"

"I'm not on the ship. I'm in the ship. I am the ship." "You're talking to "Serenity." And Early, "Serenity" is very unhappy." "He's really very... gentle... and fuzzy. We're becoming fast friends." "Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood." "'Am I dreamin'?' 'We all are. Don't make faces.'" "I hope she does the soup thing. It's always a hoot, and we don't all die from it." "'When I want a lot of medical jargon I'll talk to a doctor.' 'You are talking to a doctor.'" "'Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science-fiction.' 'We live in a spaceship, dear.' 'So?'" "No one likes the idea of hearing what you're thinking." "'How come there's a guy on board and how come you're all of a sudden the ship?' 'I know you have questions.' 'That would be why I just asked them. '" "'Permission to come aboard?' 'You know, you ain't quite right.' 'It's the popular theory.' 'Go on. Get in there. Give your brother a thrashing for messing up your plan.' 'He takes so much looking after.'"

All in all, I freakin' love this series. I can't understand why it didn't keep going, and it makes me said that it didn't. But I'm also glad that there's the movie I still get to watch (Haven't yet - I'll review it but don't spoiler me anymore than I've been spoiled please D:). And I'm a huge dork, so I ordered the Firefly P&P RPG to continue the fun. >> << >>

Gah, can't stop thinking about Firefly now. I don't watch much TV. I watch "Monday Night Shows" sometimes (including Big Bang Theory which had a Firefly shoutout when Summer Glau was a guest), but aside from that, I don't watch it. Finding a series that was SO good made me smile but also frown because it's not around anymore.

So, I guess after tomorrow I can roam the boards and not have to worry about Spoilers!

Serenity: There's too much to say to put it in a post, so I'm going to just rattle off what's on the top of my mind right now. First and foremost, wow. It really was like a long episode. There was plenty to laugh about, as there always has been. I was wondering about Book, but I'd seen him on the DVD artwork, so I knew he'd be there.

Unfortunately I'd had it spoiled that he and Wash died. I thought it would take some of the sting out of it, and while it did a little with Book (his being drawn out and all), Wash's death was so...unexpected that it really hit like I didn't see it coming, because I didn't. My brother, whose favourite character is Wash, just dropped his jaw and stared at the screen going, "What? No...he didn't..."

It was a bit funny seeing Mr. Universe since I used to watch Numbers and of course have seen The Santa Clause. He was also one of the few faces I'd actually seen before. Yes, believe it or not I'd never seen anything with Nathan Fillion in it before.

It was so awesome to see River finally be a CHARACTER, even moreso than in Objects In Space. The Fruity Oaty Bar thing was both comical and intense. When I first saw it, I thought, " that a real Japanese cartoon? Wouldn't surprise me..." Then of course River goes nuts and I wasn't thinkin' about much else.

On that particular scene, Kaylee's remark about Simon was hysterical, though I had to rewind to catch the last bit.

Still, toward the end, after having seen Book and Wash die, I wouldn't have been surprised to see anyone else die. When Zoe and Simon were injured I really thought one of them was going to go. I knew River wouldn't because I'd seen the "Triumphant River" statue on eBay (a semi-spoiler, not nearly as bad as "Wash Dies"). I really thought Mal might die as well until I saw his fingers twitch after being stabbed in the back. Still, I thought, "Wait...his fingers moved...does that mean...?" At the beginning I didn't quite realize what the guy had done, but when I saw him do it to Mal I just went, "Oh heck..."

Also, I'm just guessing, but the remark about, "Do you know what your sin is?" was an allusion to the line being used in the series (I think in Objects In Space) right?

Anyway, I think I've said more times than you care to hear that I love Simon and Kaylee. The scene when the reavers are attacking was perfect. "You mean like sex?" "I mean like..." "Screw this, I'm livin'!"

I really hated to see Book and Wash go with all they added to the world, but I feel like aside from that it was nearly equal parts closure and room for a sequel. The closest thing I can think of was the ending of National Treasure (And there was a sequel to that!!).

I see now why there are so many fans and why they are so loyal/eccentric about it. It really is the best TV show I've ever seen and easily one of my favourite movies. Why this didn't continue is beyond me.

All in all, I'm ridiculously sad that this is over. Of course I'll read Those Left Behind and Better Days. And fanfics. And probably write a few. And of course going to Dragon*Con as Simon with my fiancee going as Kaylee and my brother as Jayne.

It's so ridiculous trying to put all of my thoughts here. Unfortunately my one MSN buddy who knows the show/movie (the one who introduced me, in fact) has taken to disappearing as of late. I really feel, though, that I could just discuss this for hours upon hours and never run out of things to talk about.

*Sigh* Now I'm supposed to get to sleep. I have no clue how that's going to work with this all going around in my head.


Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:05 AM


This is really fun to read! Thanks for doing it! :)


Serenifly Costumes


Sunday, April 26, 2009 7:32 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Beatlesfan:
Also, I saw somewhere that there were deleted scenes from this one...are they on the DVD somewhere?

If you have the original Region One dvds, the deleted scenes are on Disc Four. If it's the Blu-Ray set they are on Disc Three. There are deleted scenes for Serenity, Our Mrs. Reynolds and Objects in Space.

Also, when you finish watching all of the episodes and special features you should go back and watch again, this time turning on the commentary tracks for Serenity, The Train Job, Shindig, Out of Gas, War Stories, The Message and Objects in Space. The Blu-Ray set has an extra commentary track on Our Mrs. Reynolds.

In case I haven't already, I wish you a big welcome to the 'Verse. Glad to have you on board.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, April 27, 2009 12:24 AM


This is great. Thought you'd like Out of Gas. You got Ariel and War Stories coming up, can't wait to hear your comments.


Monday, April 27, 2009 4:53 PM


Updated through Ariel and War Stories. WOW those two were good!!


Monday, April 27, 2009 8:28 PM



Originally posted by Beatlesfan:
Updated through Ariel and War Stories. WOW those two were good!!

I liked Mal's "You starting a Book Club? What, you want to torture me now?"


Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:34 AM


Hah forgot about that one. I had a hard time getting humour out of a lot of that scene. Probably the whole "Hi, I'm being tortured but still being a smart aleck" thing - I was going "YEAH!" rather than laughing, if that makes sense. That, and I have a tendency to be that way. If someone was torturing me, I'd probably be a smart aleck till the end :P


Saturday, May 2, 2009 3:12 AM


Only one episode left :( Well, and the movie, but still. The fact that the light at the end of the tunnel is gettin' mighty big is not comforting.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 9:18 PM


Looks like you're watching OiS as the last ep, instead of Message. That's the way the DVD is laid out. When you see the originally aired scene from OiS (in deleted scenes or bonus material), conjure on it a bit.


Sunday, May 3, 2009 3:39 AM


Does it go the other way 'round chronologically? I could see the series ending with Heart of Gold, but then again I haven't watched Objects In Space yet...


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:10 PM


And I'm done...and I'm sad :( Only Serenity to go, then it's over T_T


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:22 PM


Aww... :( *hugs* I know, it's depressing. From what I can tell though, even for people who have seen the episodes about 60 times each (give or take) over the last seven years, it doesn't get old! I'm hoping that's the case for me too. Plus, you can watch director commentary, deleted scenes, gag reels, and then delve into fan fiction!

Thanks for sharing the viewing journal and enjoy the BDM when you get around to watching it! (For me, that was harder than finishing the series, because like you, I did start with the show DVDs and the movie was in fact "the end"). Heh, not to end on a downer... You've got a treat in store!

OH! and PLEASE beware of Serenity movie spoilers still! There are MAJOR spoilers out there, so... just be careful is all I'm sayin'.


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:29 PM


Thanks for the heads up. I joined the "Atlanta Browncoats" forum (My local Browncoats, woo), which seems to be a ghost town, so I joined the Austin Browncoats forum as well. In both, though, I'm avoiding just about everything except for my introduction post until I've seen Serenity.

Also, edited my post to put in my fav quotes from this episode :)


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:36 PM


Oh wow, you're close to Dragon*Con then, I'm jealous! :) In Tennessee I'm several hours away from it, so that's not a trip that's happening this year. Hehe, yes Austin Browncoats are certainly an active bunch if you want to keep tabs on Browncoat activity in the USA!


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:39 PM


"Throughout the entire episode, though, I kept thinking, "This has to be the most quotable show in existence."

Gah, can't stop thinking about Firefly now. I don't watch much TV....... Finding a series that was SO good made me smile but also frown because it's not around anymore."

Hey, Beatlesfan, like you I only recently discovered the show (probably a week or so before you did). I totally agree about the quotable-ness of the show. In fact, I had the chance to quote 'The Message' today .....I was having trouble w/some food and told my friends that it was problematic....none of them got it, but I was happy for having been able to finally use that quote.
Anyway....I also can't stop thinking about the show. I get distracted at work all the time now thinking about Attention Deficit Firefly Disorder or something, lol.
Let us know when you watch the movie. And DON'T read too much online....I stupidly was reading stuff on a Facebook Firefly fanpage and have part of it TOTALLY ruined for me that I really wish I hadn't known about beforehand!
OH, also, you should try watching Chuck too if you haven't already. Adam Baldwin (Jayne) is fabulous on it..... hopefully it'll get picked up for a 3rd season!
"He was mostly brave.....MOSTLY??!?!...he was brave..."


Sunday, May 3, 2009 5:40 PM


I saw that Ron Glass is gonna be there this year. I'm KICKING myself for not discovering this show before LAST year when they were ALL there. Now I just watch Youtube videos and gaze wistfully at my screen imagining what could have been.

But yeah, definitely going. Buying my ticket as soon as my paycheck gets here. Goin' as Simon. Fiancee's comin' down to go as Kaylee. My brother is going as Jayne. We're gonna be Big Damn Dorks and proud of it!


Sunday, May 3, 2009 9:44 PM


After you've watched the BDM, check out the Episode forum for threads like Episode Order, and timeline stuff.
Original scripted and shot eps ended with WS, HoG, OiS, Trash, Message. Notice no mention of Lassiter in Hog or OiS? After F*x cancelled, order was rearranged to WS, Trash, Message, HoG, OiS. Many do feel Message was the most fitting (albeit premature) end to the series.

If still wanting more, remember Done The Impossible, and the Visual Companion Books for Serenity and Firefly (Vol 1&2), and The Map of the Verse.
Don't forget Can't Stop The Serenity screenings.


Monday, May 4, 2009 4:03 PM


...Finished :( :( :(


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 5:35 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Loved reading all of this.Nice to hear someones thoughts from a fresh perspective. Must admit, I hate watching OIS.Knowing its the last depresses me.And its so obvious it wasnt supposed to be a season ender,that it bugs me that its left hanging with no threads tied up.The movie is one of my "desert island dvd's" but I dont think Book was used anywhere near as much as he should have been,but I can understand the constraints on Joss in the movie making process and it would have been difficult to place him in that particular story.
What I love about the film is the way it can be watched by the folk who have never seen the series,but still has little subtle references to the series that keep us Browncoats happy.For example,note the scene where Mal is talking to Inara on the screen in his bunk.He is standing there shirtless and you see a scar on his right upper torso.To the uninitiated it is just the sign of a battlescarred ships captain, but to us its the wound he got from Crow's hooked blade in the Train Job.Subtle and clever I thought.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 7:13 AM


I was very glad to read your thoughts on the episodes. I am fairly new to the 'Verse myself and I think I had roughly the same reaction to some of the episodes. Out of Gas is probably my favorite with Ariel a close second.

If anything can cheer you while watching Serenity (the BDM) - and it did me - is that at the funeral scene Zoe walks up dressed very nicely, but I couldn't help think that she finally got her slinky dress, but not for the occassion she'd hoped for. That and the quotes in my signature just tear me up(both pronunciations, actually - I get teary eyed and it's heart-breaking).

I'll echo the thoughts of many a Browncoat and say once again, for the millionth time, CURSE YOU FOX FOR CANCELLING THIS SHOW!!!!!!

Mal: You think she'll hold together?
Zoë: She's torn up plenty, but she'll fly true.
Mal: Could be bumpy.
Zoë: Always is


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 7:23 AM


Aw, hey, Chi, don't get so down. There's still lots of material out there. You said you're getting the RPG manual, I have it myself and I think it's a great source. There's still the Visual Companions, the Comic Books...

And Joss Whedon has said he's by no means done with this verse. He's been a little distracted lately, but there's always going to be more.

I'll keep a look out for your fanfics. :)


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 7:32 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
And Joss Whedon has said he's by no means done with this verse. He's been a little distracted lately, but there's always going to be more.

This makes me happy. And curious.

I didn't even think of the "slinky dress" thing. Probably cause I was all teary and such. Blah.

Still, seeing Simon and Kaylee FINALLY get together made the whole journey worth it <3


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 4:19 PM


I hadn't thought about the slinky dress either.....maybe I was still shocked at how sudden Wash's death was....or I was looking at her dress wondering why she wore white to her husband's funeral (apparently it's something they do in China). On youtube there is video of Alan Tudyk reading Wash's eulogy, which was written by a fan, but he edits as he's reading it (which is where the quote in my signature comes from). It's worth a watch if you're bored.

"He was mostly brave.....MOSTLY??!?!...he was brave..."


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 9:25 PM


Well, not to point out the obvious, but there are about some 38 thousand threads to peruse just on this board alone.
Many are quite interesting and thought-provoking.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 2:22 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Well, not to point out the obvious, but there are about some 38 thousand threads to peruse just on this board alone.
Many are quite interesting and thought-provoking.

Haha, yeah. I think my mind is un-blown enough now that I can think straight to discuss it properly ;)






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