. . . A Robot?

UPDATED: Friday, February 10, 2006 15:58
VIEWED: 2825
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Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:21 AM


Okay, I'm something of a UFO/paranormal/conspiracy junkie, so I'm up on most of the common threads, but this one's wierd even by my standards.


Anil Kulkarni, a senior ISRO scientist who has been mapping glaciers for a quarter century, and his team members saw what appeared to be a robot floating a few inches above the ground, approaching the camp along the mountain slope. Kulkarni and his co-researcher, geologist Sunil Dhar, pulled out their digital cameras and began shooting the object even as the team raced towards the mountain to investigate.

The oblong object, between 3 and 4 ft high, kept moving down the slope towards the team. It had a cylindrical head with two balloon-type attachments, a body, hands and two legs. "It seemed to be walking, planting and pacing its steps like a human being," recalls Dhar.

It seems when the object reached the lower edge of the hill, 50 m away from the stunned scientists, the team members' excitement alarmed it. It stood still for a few seconds, turned and started a steep 70-degree ascent towards the ridge top. By this time, apparently due to the rays of the rising sun, its colour had changed to black. Soon it changed to white again, hovered above the camp for five minutes before noiselessly receding into a white dot in the sky.

I recall hearing mention of "robots" before, but I can't locate that particular account (the one I heard was just an offhand reference). Still, this is a new one for me.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:21 AM


El Diablo Roboto!.....

"It's a cow."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:07 AM


Better make sure your Robot insurance is paid up.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:11 AM




Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:04 AM



CyberSnark wrote:

Okay, I'm something of a UFO/paranormal/conspiracy junkie, so I'm up on most of the common threads, but this one's wierd even by my standards.

As a student of ufology, I have to agree. It is an unusual case. It's made even more credible by the fact that the eyewitnesses were scientists.

With regards to the article, the only niggle that I have, is that they class it as a UFO. It doesn't really fit in with what's regarded as a classic sighting. UFO's are either elliptical in shape, 'rods', flying black triangles or even pulsating lights that have the ability to change shape.

The references to balloons smacks of Roswell; it's a classic explaination for anything out of the ordinary.

Also, The X-Files reference irritated me a bit, because every tabloid or press article carries that sentence in one way or another. It's cliche.

Although, there are plausible explainations.

It’s not a huge leap to suggest that what may have been witnessed, was actually a UAV or even prototype cyborg technology. That last one sounds NUTS, but you only have to look at the technological advances that we’ve made over the last 30 years.

Medical science has come along in leaps and bounds. Doctors are able to sew together blood vessels and reattach limbs. Technological advances are the same, with the internet etc.

It's possible that a world government were secretly field testing their latest toy.

The 'robot' could easily be used for space exploration. I read somewhere that cyborg technology could replace the astronaut during hazardous space missions.

Whether the technology actually exists is anybody's guess. Although, it's unlikely any government or organisation will admit to the scientists that it does. :)

The lake location is ideal for field testing space technology. The area is secluded and uncharted. An ideal location to explore, say Mars, which is a hostile enviroment and believed to hold some water.

I'm sure that I read somewhere that astronauts are trained underwater first, before they go on a space mission. The same could be applied to technology that's gonna be used in space.

The ballons clearly suggest that it's capable of floating in water.

Although, on the flip side, 'robots' aren't too uncommon within ufology. The abduction phenomenon has the occasional reference to creatures that serve as computers/translators, or humans that move in a robotic way.

(There's not enough space to go into great detail, but even the classic Betty and Barney Hill case has a reference to them. It was claimed that Betty Hill had several other visitations, on her own, after the original incident. This included being chased and fired upon by a ufo while she was out driving. And, claims of having encountered robots.

These are all fantastical claims, but doctors at the time put it down to the 'trauma' of the first incident, which hasn't been fully explained.)

Whatever the case, the India sighting is intriguing. I wish I could get a hold of those photos!

- Cos.


Friday, February 10, 2006 12:53 PM


My problem with stuff like this, especially where the World Government conspiracy gets involved, is rather the opposite of most people's, I think. Many people say, "If this kind of thing were happening, wouldn't we hear about it from reputable sources?" Well, no, not if those reputable sources are secretly in the emply of the World Government.

My question is, if the World Government doesn't want us to hear about this, how in hell did we dig it up at all? Seriously, those guys are not very good at this.

Still and all, I find stuff like this very intriguing, because... well, hell, I don't know for sure that it's bullhockey.


Friday, February 10, 2006 3:58 PM



Originally posted by Sikkukut:
My question is, if the World Government doesn't want us to hear about this, how in hell did we dig it up at all?

Which raises numerous possibilities:

(1) The "World Government" (whomever they may be) isn't as powerful as they're made out to be, and some things slip through their fingers.

(2) There is a separate faction, or possibly a sub-group within the WG that is actively trying to undermine the WG's efforts.

(3) The Conspirators are letting this information leak out in order to sow confusion and misinformation, and to pre-emptively sabotage any legitimate leaks (see "Roswell Conspiracies").

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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