Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire.

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 19:12
VIEWED: 12249
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Friday, October 15, 2004 11:43 PM



Saturday, October 16, 2004 12:15 AM


I missed it. Thanks for the link.

The transcript is a very good read. It sounds like they were able to marginalize him at the end. But I thought he was able to make some really good points.

Jon Stewart hasn't been around long enough. He needs to maintain this level for about twenty years. But if he does, he has the potential to move into the hallowed ranks of American political humorists like Will Rogers and Mark Twain. At least IMHO.

Here's one of my favorite exchanges from the transcript:

excerpted from
STEWART: It's not honest. What you do is not honest. What you do is partisan hackery. And I will tell you why I know it.

CARLSON: You had John Kerry on your show and you sniff his throne and you're accusing us of partisan hackery?

STEWART: Absolutely.

CARLSON: You've got to be kidding me. He comes on and you...


STEWART: You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls.

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 2:33 AM


Soupcatcher :{BTW, how ya been? }
They may have attempted to marginalized him at the end - but there is a HUGE validation inherent by having John on CNN at all! Ah, partisan media!

"You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls."

OUCH!!! hee hee

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:51 AM


This was just great! The audience was really getting into it early on, when his criticism of the crossfire guys was unexpected and funny (while still incisively true). I think Jon started to lose the audience towards the end when he was less funny and a bit redundant in his criticisms, and he looked a little dour in the end too. Perhaps it was something the others said to him during the last commercial break?

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:29 AM


Here's the link to the video of the whole thing.

When I was watching it, like half-way through it got all choppy, hope it's not for all you guys.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:30 AM


as always jon stewart is amazing. i have been a fan of his since short attention span theatre on comedy central years ago--he has always had politiacl humor but just bits here and there ,yet now with the daily show it seems to be in the forefront. anyway thanks for the link i look forward to new episodes next week(?) it truly is a great show.............................................................jon.

"Hamsters is nice."


Saturday, October 16, 2004 9:43 AM


Yikes, it was like watching the Butabi brothers on SNL. (You know, Chris Kattan & Will Ferrell as a couple of wannabe hipsters slamdancing the dignity out of some hapless human they've mannaged to sandwich between them?). Ugh.

Jon Stewart had several excellent criticisms of their show and they didn't speak to a one of them. What kind of "debate" show is that? At best Mr. Bowtie resorted to the tired junior high level counter, "Well, I'd like to see you do better!" Then Mr. Bowtie goes into his "you're boring" and "is this how you act when you go out to dinner with someone?" WTF? Jesus, is this how Mr. Bowtie would conduct himself as someone's dinner guest then?

And when did shouting poeple down become an acceptible form of public discourse?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:59 AM


Tmurie, thanks for the video link. That was great, Jon Stewart kicks ass.

Although I'm surprised he wasn't informed about Bush's Hump and the whole "Is Bush wired?" debate. That's AP news, where was his research team?

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Saturday, October 16, 2004 12:42 PM


Here's a great interview with Jon Stewart on NPR's Fresh Air:

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Saturday, October 16, 2004 3:40 PM


Thank You!!!

I'd been dying to see that, but of course as an intelligent American, I never watch CNN for any reason. (ironic, isn't it?)

I love this guy... it's SO nice to see someone debating because he was intelligent and eloquent enough to earn his spot there, as opposed to two guys who were hired by a Producer with a political agenda. @.@

Zoonds.... Keep Flying!


Saturday, October 16, 2004 6:11 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
I'd been dying to see that, but of course as an intelligent American, I never watch CNN for any reason. (ironic, isn't it?)

Lol. That brought giggles to my heart. (Saddened, of course, by the truth of it all...)

I can't stand shows that have two sides arguing senselessly at one another and claim to call it a debate. The first part of the transcript wasn't too bad, but there certainly was a lot of ganging up on Jon Stewart. Personally, I LOVE Jon. . . he's wonderfully funny and well informed(and when he is "wrong" in his oppinion, he usually recognises it...)

But attacking him for criticizing their show and how it functions was done inappropriately. Jon had some very good points that he was trying to make. Also, talking to John Kerry like he was a human being does not make Jon a lap dog. I think it was unfair to accuse him of sucking up to the man simply because he had a civil conversation with him.

An interview is not made better or more valid by being an a** to your interviewee... it just makes you an a**.

"Ten percent of nothin', well, let's see, that's nothin' add nothin', carry the nothin'. . . ."


Saturday, October 16, 2004 10:00 PM


Hey CapnRahn! {I'm doing pretty good - thanks for asking }

And thanks, TMurrie, for posting the video link. I'm glad I read the transcript first because the multiple people talking at the same time made it hard to hear what Jon was saying and it was nice to have the words in front of me ( on a side note, when did talking at the same time as another person, and continuing loudly until the other person just gives up and stops, become acceptable? Crossfire hosts, I'm talking to you. Just seems rude to me. This is one of the major reasons I can't stand talking head shows).

I shaved my beard for you, devil woman!


Sunday, October 17, 2004 8:56 PM


Tucker Carlson was a perfect victim. He parodied himself at every turn, proving Jon Stewart's charges with his every word and action.
I especially like the way he cherry-picked the questions from Stewart's interview with Kerry. Unfortunately, that was only clear to those of us who saw that interview, as well as Stewart's interviews with Ralph Reed and John McCain.
And the moniker "Deception Lane" can be applied to all mass media as far as I'm concerned.


Monday, October 18, 2004 3:11 AM


Jon Stewart is an idiotic weasel. Now, the ratings for that stupid show of his are finally going down.


Monday, October 18, 2004 4:44 AM


The hell, CrevanReaver?

Jon Stewart owns.
You know it, I know it, just admit it.

"We don't pay as well as CNN, but you can sleep at night." Classic.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Monday, October 18, 2004 12:34 PM



Originally posted by CrevanReaver:
Jon Stewart is an idiotic weasel. Now, the ratings for that stupid show of his are finally going down.

put the crackpipe down, darlin'.
those 2 jackasses were trying to crack on stewart for not asking "hard" questions.
uh...let me see...the daily show is on the COMEDY NETWORK.
stewart was right. he's not a journalist. his show is NOT a "news" show. it's an entertainment show.
tucker carson is the weasel and he and his pal sure got served.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Monday, October 18, 2004 3:02 PM


No way CrevanReaver meant those harsh words to our beloved Jon. You was just playin..right..right...right Crevan?


Monday, October 18, 2004 4:07 PM


Harsh? Those words are kind as far as I'm concerned. Jon Stewart is a stupid, useless, bitch. He probably got that job by performing a blowjob on an executive at Comedy Central.

Fuck Jon Stewart and the rest of the hollywood idiots...

He's nothing more than a butt-monkey for the DEMONcratic Party. When Kerry was on that shitty show of his, Stewart spent the entire time licking Kerry's asshole. He didn't once ask him a legitimate question.

I'm glad to hear that the rating on the Daily Show are dropping. Hopefully this will lead to the show being cancelled, which will lead to Stewart losing his money, which will lead to him being destitute, which will lead him becoming a male hooker, which will lead to him selling his ass and mouth to really fat and dirty gay men, which will lead to him getting arrested, which will lead to him getting into more serious crimes, which will lead to him going to prison, which will lead to him getting butt-raped, which will lead to him getting infected with AIDS, which will hopefully lead to him killing himself.

Now that pussy-assed faggot is actually feuding with Tucker Carlson.


Monday, October 18, 2004 5:04 PM



Originally posted by Conscience:
Harsh? Those words are kind as far as I'm concerned. Jone Stewart is a stupid, useless, bitch...........

Your critical examination of Stewart's points was eloquent and well-reasoned. You've certainly convinced me! This kind of high caliber retort is why those whining liberals don't stand a chance. In short, you're my hero.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Monday, October 18, 2004 5:23 PM



When Kerry was on that shitty show of his, Stewart spent the entire time licking Kerry's asshole. He didn't once ask him a legitimate question.

If you hate the guy so much...why did you watch his show? do know he runs a *comedy* show, right? Not a news program?

"You should have seen my hair." -Joss Whedon


Monday, October 18, 2004 5:23 PM


Thanks SergeantX! I was trying to figure out a polite, constructive response and you beat me to it .

Oh, and Conscience, I'm still waiting for an answer to the question I posed to you .

I shaved my beard for you, devil woman!


Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:17 PM


Thanks for the funny links, Conscience.

Because simpletons are high-larious!

(Abu Ghraib is like a football game. Classic!)


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:17 AM



Originally posted by Conscience:
When Kerry was on that shitty show of his, Stewart spent the entire time licking Kerry's asshole.

I'd like to add that I for one wouldn't mind licking Ann Coulter's asshole.

She's hot!


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:51 AM


You're quoting yourself dude.... somehow that strikes me as similar to licking ass. I say go for it! You deserve it!


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:48 AM



Originally posted by Conscience:
I'd like to add that I for one wouldn't mind licking Ann Coulter's asshole.

She's hot!

Conscience actually is right about Ann Coulter. She is hot. I myself would like a piece of that.

I'd even lick her as well.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 3:19 AM


Do you really enjoy having your multiple accounts talk to each other that much, Conscience?

I guess it's kind of like talking to an AIMbot, but you control the responses and you're A DESPICABLE HUMAN BEING.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 3:20 AM


Paul Begala was just on Imus in the Morning. He talked about the Jon Stewart incident on Crossfire.

He said that he thinks Stewart is a thoughtfull, smart and has interesting observations. However he said that Stewart simply went on the show and told them they are bad without actually giving any content to his argument. And before he could get to any specifics, he and Tucker Carlson got into a fight.

Begala said, from what he got out of the rant, Stewart thinks that the media should have one omniscient moderator who should correct the politicians when they lie. Although Begala said he liked Stewart, he said he was a little pompous and a little full of himself.

He also basically said that Jon Stewart is a hypocrite because he came on Crossfire and accuse everyone there of being mean, harsh and demeaning to democracy and then call Tucker Carlson a dick.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:38 AM



Originally posted by fivebyfive:
Do you really enjoy having your multiple accounts talk to each other that much, Conscience?

What multiple accounts?


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:29 AM



Originally posted by SergeantX:
You're quoting yourself dude....

Well. Using the quote tags is a step in the right direction, at least. Conscience's first post was a cut-and-paste article dump with no attribution that had no relevance to what was being discussed. I'm still waiting for him/her to post something/anything in a Firefly related thread.

The closer we get to the US elections, the more I expect to see people come to this site, create new accounts, and post on the non-Firefly related threads without having ever seen an episode of Firefly. Hopefully we can convert them to fireflyfans.

There are three kinds of people: fighters, lovers, and screamers.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:36 AM


Good observation, SoupCatcher.

I already suspected that Conscience was a Blue Sun and/or Alliance mole.

We all know that actual Firefly fans are thoughtful, fair, intelligent, articulate, and attractive people. Which, of course, is everything that the ironically named "Conscience" is not.

1) Jon Stewart rocks.
2) Extremist Bushites are a dangerous plague upon the Earth.
3) Real Republicans -- read: moderate, responsible fiscal conservatives --
are voting for Kerry.

God Bless America


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:59 PM



Originally posted by CrevanReaver:

He said that he thinks Stewart is a thoughtfull, smart and has interesting observations. However he said that Stewart simply went on the show and told them they are bad without actually giving any content to his argument. And before he could get to any specifics, he and Tucker Carlson got into a fight.

I find it interesting that someone could critize someone else for not providing points and then go onto basically say that they didn't have a chance to provide any.


Originally posted by CrevanReaver:

Begala said, from what he got out of the rant, Stewart thinks that the media should have one omniscient moderator who should correct the politicians when they lie. Although Begala said he liked Stewart, he said he was a little pompous and a little full of himself.

I didn't really find it a rant, I found it the one breath of fresh air that I've seen on CNN. Quite frankly, I found JS quite calm throughout the show.

But, I don't understand how someone could get that JS thinks that there should be one moderator. He was saying that these guys should use there position (or anyone else with in the same position) to point out the faults in the polititions on any issue regardless of the party they belong to. Something, IMO, JS does better than they do. I also got that JS thinks that the interviewers should ask tougher questions (which is clear IMO).

I also don't understand how JS being full of himself (if he is) has anything to do with the issue at hand.


Originally posted by CrevanReaver:

He also basically said that Jon Stewart is a hypocrite because he came on Crossfire and accuse everyone there of being mean, harsh and demeaning to democracy and then call Tucker Carlson a dick.

I find it absolutly hi-larious that this guy is calling JS a hypocrite b/c bow-tie-man pushed him into a comment, where these guys are that way (apparently, I don't watch this smut) everyday or at least regularly. Interesting how he attempts to compare one comment to typical behaviour.

I'd say, this man's coments go right along with what JS was trying to say. There job right now is basically to cover the election and related issues. And this guys spending time commenting on JS's critizism of there non-coverage instead of thinking about it and actually attempting to actually do his job.

*sigh* The only way this'll change is if the americans change the channel and make some demands before they change it back. Somehow, I doubt this'll happen any time soon.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:07 PM



Originally posted by CrevanReaver:
Paul Begala was just on Imus in the Morning. He talked about the Jon Stewart incident on Crossfire.

He said that he thinks Stewart is a thoughtfull, smart and ...

...Begala said, from what he got out of the rant, Stewart thinks that the media should have one omniscient moderator who should correct the politicians when they lie. Although Begala said he liked Stewart, he said he was a little pompous and a little full of himself.

He also basically said that Jon Stewart is a hypocrite because he came on Crossfire and accuse everyone there of being mean, harsh and demeaning to democracy and then call Tucker Carlson a dick.

This is perfect. He obviously didn't get what Stewart was saying, which is why Jon kept coming at it from a different angle. I think that just as Jon was sincere in trying to persuade them, they are sincere in their inability to understand what he is saying.

He wasn't holding them accountable for every deception put forth by their guests. He was merely asking them to include some critical judgement in their presentation, to press their guests to do something besides parrot the party talking points.

The political parties use these programs as little more than advertising platforms. Most major media outlets are happy to function in this way, as it requires them to do very little work, just repeat the press releases that are handed to them. They allow the spin doctors to control what is, or is not, being discussed in the public forum.

Neither was Stewart saying they were too mean or aggressive. He was saying that shouting party talking points at each other isn't the same as debate. Just because they present two sides of an issue doesn't mean that the either of the positions is defensible. Nor does it mean they are worth considering in the first place. Most times, they're arguing about some sideshow distraction that people like Karl Rove have happily manufactured to draw attention away from real problems in policy.

I think some good will come of this. A great many people are looking to the internet for their news. These people have become disgusted and distrustful of mainstream journalism for many of the same reasons Stewart has. The fact that his confrontation with the Crossfire goons has recieved overwhelming support on the internet will not be ignored and may help to lead some of the mainstream venues to change their tune.

Anyway, I applaud Jon Stewart's efforts, even if it did fall on deaf ears.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:47 PM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Good observation, SoupCatcher.

I already suspected that Conscience was a Blue Sun and/or Alliance mole.

We all know that actual Firefly fans are thoughtful, fair, intelligent, articulate, and attractive people. Which, of course, is everything that the ironically named "Conscience" is not.

1) Jon Stewart rocks.
2) Extremist Bushites are a dangerous plague upon the Earth.
3) Real Republicans -- read: moderate, responsible fiscal conservatives --
are voting for Kerry.

God Bless America

I agree that most people on here are very level-headed. And John Stewart does indeed rock out loud! I looooove the Daily Show. Two things I want to note though...extremists on ANY side are dangerous to the earth. And I know many moderates who lean toward conservatism who would never vote for Kerry. I consider myself slighly to the right of middle...but yeah, I have issues with both candidates. Never with the Daily Show though!

I love Bleach, I love I sensing a trend here?


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:58 PM


She's hot!

Now I know Conscience is just another troll.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 6:14 PM



Originally posted by SergeantX:

I think that just as Jon was sincere in trying to persuade them, they are sincere in their inability to understand what he is saying.

I believe that the precision of that statement is inescapable!

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:49 AM


I don't watch the show. But I followed one of the links and watched the clip of Jon's interview over the internet. I thought the crux of his argument was absolutely spot on. And I was disappointed (but not surprised) that the hosts simply never grasped the fact that holding forth on opposites of a fence does not equal enlightened debate.

Honest debate implies the possibility of listening to the other side and acknowledging that they got something right. Shouting your opinions from your side of the fence without listening to the reply is, as Jon so aptly put it, partisan hackery.

The only false note was the contrast of Jon's defense of his own show with the clip from his show that was shown at the start of the interview. In the clip from the Daily show, there was an excerpt of Regis Philbin and his current cohost (whoever it is) tossing cream puff questions at John Kerry... then cut to Jon in his studio with a disgusted look on his face as he says "Nerf Crossfire!" When challenged about the depth of his questions to Kerry, Jon replied that his show is comedy. IMO, what he is really saying is that his show is neither NEWS or SERIOUS PUBLIC DEBATE. Given that fact, his show can't be taken to task for failing its mission as Crossfire can. He is absolutely correct in that regard... he was on Crossfire not as a colleague critiquing their skills, but as a citizen chastising them for not providing the service they purport to offer to all citizens. But then in the clip that they showed, he took the same cheap shot at Philbin that they took at him. Philbin's show is not news or serious public debate either...

It seemed to me in the clip they showed that John sucker punched another show just for the yucks. He can certainly do that... it just weakens his defense when Crossfire takes the same cheap shot at his show.

That said, I reiterate that I agreed with every charge he levelled against the hosts of Crossfire...


Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:43 PM



then cut to Jon in his studio with a disgusted look on his face as he says "Nerf Crossfire!"

I think that look on his face was not for Regis and Co., it was for the candidates, in this case John Kerry, in choosing these venues to stump for president.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:06 PM



That would make this a perfect example of the dangers of trying to draw conclusions from soundbites. Not having seen the Daily Show from which the clip came, the context was completely lost on me.

Your interpretation sounds reasonable.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:46 AM


hay sorry if i offended any 1 in the forms after i say anything.

ok so thats takin care i got 2 say jon stewert is the most retarted comediens ive ever seen.he is just not funny.ive seen the crossfire video and it just stupid.who thought that just making fun if a goofy looking guy with a red tie will make him 10 times famous.jon stewert just fucking stupid.ive seen his show as well and i dont get any of his 32 year old joke.this proves that comedy central just get comediens of the street and put them it a comedy news show (thats not even funny)and see what will happen.that makes the daly show the worst show ive ever had 2 see.and last but
lest the "america" book.i read the book 2 weeks after making this post and the book FUCKING SUCK.when it comes jon stewert is just some john kerry look alike cracking jokes about the news
and at the same time making 63+ year old men and wemon laugh.GO TO FUCKING HELL JON STEWERT.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:54 AM


Hehe..personally I enjoy Jon Stewart. In case you didn't know..Tucker Carlson has been fired by CNN.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:37 PM


What's great is that the reason cited Jon Stewart's interview . It worked! He did stop.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:49 PM



That is all.

"You mean they have the internet on computers now?" Homer


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 5:29 PM


Kevin280: Welcome to fireflyfans! It's always good to see a first time poster around here. I hope you enjoy the time spent with fellow browncoats. It's also nice to see old threads revived so thanks for bumping this one. It had gotten a bit dusty over the past few months.

I haven't finished Jon Stewart's book yet (just got it for Christmas and I've been picking it up periodically to read for a few minutes and get a good chuckle) but it's nice to see that you have. I knew I was going to enjoy it when I opened the front cover and saw the off-center "This Book is the Property of:" textbook stamp that was on every book I had in grade school. Especially the last line of the instructions, "3. We are fully aware that Dick Hertz, I.P. Freely, and Heywood Jablome are not real people, so please exclude them." It's the little things .

Connorflynn: Yeah, that's too bad about Tucker . It sounds like he wanted to move to more of an anchor job and failed his screen test - at least at CNN:

excerpted from Reuters article dated 5 January at
Carlson's fate as a CNN personality had been the subject of discussion for months, ever since he told his bosses in April that he didn't want to continue as a "Crossfire" co-host, which he had been since 1999. It heated up in recent weeks as he was courted by MSNBC and given the chance to substitute for "NewsNight" anchor Aaron Brown last week.

But CNN-U.S. president Jonathan Klein told Carlson on Wednesday that he wouldn't be offered another contract at the news channel.

"Tucker was ready to go on to the next phase of his career, and I respect that," Klein said. "We are not a place where he can realize his ambition to anchor a nightly show."

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:12 PM



Originally posted by Connorflynn:
In case you didn't know..Tucker Carlson has been fired by CNN.


I try not to get into politics... and I'm not attacking Rebublicans or Democrats, just Tucker Carlson.

He's an extremely unlikable individual.

I feel that CNN's status as a 'world-leader in news' was degraded by his presence. Had he calmly explained his ideas/opinions, and let others get their fair say, I would have been more likely to listen to what he had to say, and might even be the slightest bit saddened by his getting FIRED.

As it is though, he was an obnoxious prick who never let anyone get a word in edgewise, and always tried to out-shout his opponents, rather than defeat them by having a more sensible viewpoint.

(Edited to say: Maybe if Jon Stewart is in a forgiving mood, he can hook Carlson up with a job on Crossballs... hehehe)

The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde






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