UPDATED: Friday, February 12, 2016 00:08
VIEWED: 4100
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Monday, February 1, 2016 4:39 AM


or wait....


Honestly, I don't know who to thank. I just filled my almost empty gas tank tonight for less than $20 bucks and the last time I remember doing that, Third Eye Blind was still a Band....

Although the price of NOTHING ELSE has gone down, have you noticed that the price of Milk and Eggs and Meat have actually decreased in the last month or so?

I'm not saying anything politically any way. I'm just stating facts.

I think it's awful funny that all of the sudden gas prices are 50 cents cheaper per gallon than they were 16 years ago when GWB took over.

I don't know what it means, but put me in the corner with people who think that this is just the Calm before the Proverbial Storm.

In the mean time, fill those tanks Motherfukers!!!!!!! ;)


Monday, February 1, 2016 6:08 AM


Really, I don't think either party has anything to do with it. Historically,
prices fluctuate as markets around the world ebb and flow. But actually, politically speaking, whenever prices go up it's republicans and when prices go down it's Dems.

Now, when a president is hated as much as Obama (relatively speaking) if prices go up it's his fault, but when they go down Republicans keep quiet
lest they bring attention to the matter. Since they blame the president
when prices rise, then logic dictates that he affects the downward change.
Repubs (politicians) are such stupid motherfuckers, and there's a handful of people that believe every word that comes out of their mouths - verbatim.

One thing is clear, someone is making money regardless. And it ain't me.
But yeah, Rejoice car owners. Yay!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
or wait....


Honestly, I don't know who to thank. I just filled my almost empty gas tank tonight for less than $20 bucks and the last time I remember doing that, Third Eye Blind was still a Band....

Although the price of NOTHING ELSE has gone down, have you noticed that the price of Milk and Eggs and Meat have actually decreased in the last month or so?

I'm not saying anything politically any way. I'm just stating facts.

I think it's awful funny that all of the sudden gas prices are 50 cents cheaper per gallon than they were 16 years ago when GWB took over.

I don't know what it means, but put me in the corner with people who think that this is just the Calm before the Proverbial Storm.

In the mean time, fill those tanks Motherfukers!!!!!!! ;)


Monday, February 1, 2016 7:52 AM



Now, when a president is hated as much as Obama (relatively speaking)...

It IS all relatively, isn't it? Obama's current approval rating is actually better than average for a president at this point in their term. To put it in perspective, his numbers are identical to Reagan's, a little lower than Clinton's, and 50% higher than Bush's.

Either, way, I'm enjoying the low gas prices for now. I never thought I'd see the sign at the gas station dip below $2 again, and this week, my wife said she saw $1.51 (lowest I've seen myself is $1.53).


Monday, February 1, 2016 12:30 PM


Fracking has increased production. While it sounds nice for now, the real cost will catch up to us in the years to come.

It won't be pretty.


Monday, February 1, 2016 2:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at https://www.mediafire.com/two


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Fracking has increased production. While it sounds nice for now, the real cost will catch up to us in the years to come.

It won't be pretty.

If you mean financial rather than environmental costs, then those pessimistic predictions are now facts:

Consumers have been big winners—gasoline prices have plummeted. That part has happened. But analysts failed to anticipate that the Saudis would refuse to cooperate with the shale gale, as it’s been dubbed, and in fact would declare war on it, even though Riyadh did precisely the same thing in the 1980s. The analysts did not foretell that, if shale oil production rose as they projected, it could drive down prices not only to the $80-a-barrel average that many forecast, but much lower—so low, for so long that companies would put on hold $380 billion (and counting) in oil and natural gas field investment, and fire 250,000 industry workers around the world last year (including around 90,000 in the US).

Nor did they foresee that many of the companies themselves would be at risk of bankruptcy (42 already filed as of last year). Of 155 US oil and gas companies studied by Standard & Poor’s, one third are rated B- or less, meaning they are a high risk of default. These companies’ debt is selling at just 56 cents on the dollar, below even the level during the financial crash. As a measure of this vulnerability, the 60 leading US independent oil and gas companies have accumulated $200 billion in debt.

In the bigger picture, none took account of the emerging markets’ addiction to investment from OPEC, whose billions of dollars today are either being withdrawn or simply no longer sent. This, along with an evaporation of recycled petrodollars from Europe, is consigning those emerging nations to recession, as reported first by Izabella Kaminska and her Financial Times colleagues.

“Unfortunately, we are all slaves to history,” said Robin Mann, an energy analyst with Deloitte. “We kind of fall back to what historically has happened.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at www.mediafire.com/folder/1uwh75oa407q8/Firefly


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 3:47 AM


Agreed.......it reminds me of the movie Oblivion. Aliens sucking the marrow
of Mother Earth, except we're the aliens in this scenario.

WTF is wrong with these oil companies, they must know what I'm sure the
engineers have pointed out. Something's got to give. We will be paying for this, maybe not today, but soon. Our children's children. I wouldn't be surprised if we went the way of Krypton.............you know, KABOOM!!!

Anyway, did you guys see the California coast line on the news deteriorating and crumbling into the sea. And the report on 60 Minutes about the glacier up by Greenland melting at an accelerated pace. It's already affecting the landscape.

We gotta stop digging our own graves. Stop using fossil fuels and start
using alternative forms of energy or else risk speeding up that pace, so
much so that we won't have to worry about gas prices anymore because they'll be under the sea.



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Fracking has increased production. While it sounds nice for now, the real cost will catch up to us in the years to come.

It won't be pretty.


Sunday, February 7, 2016 9:47 PM


$1.31 a gallon by me. I seriously just don't believe it. The last time I have seen gas prices that low by me was when I was in high school and had my first car.

I just damn near filled an entire tank for less than 19 bucks....

I'm guessing that people "in the know" must be expecting lower gas prices to become a trend, although nobody could expect them to stay THIS low for long. The reason I say that is because meat and dairy prices at my local grocery stores have come down quite a bit in price in the last few months.

We've had periodical dips in gas prices from time to time, but never have I seen prices on food go down 25% or more like I'm seeing now. I just bought a gallon of store-brand milk for $1.99 and it wasn't even on sale. That same store-brand is almost ALWAYS on sale for around $2.59 with a usual price of $2.99.

I thought Obama was Mr. Environment? Is this really because of frakking shale?

Honestly, I'm all for it so long as the powers that be make us continue to rely on an outdated and completely inefficient source of power. With gas at prices we haven't seen in nearly 20 years, maybe some decent jobs might start opening up again?

Does anybody else think it's funny that we've managed to make lightbulbs run on 1/10th the power or less of what they ran on 10 years ago, but NOBODY has figured out how to make our completely inefficient combustion engines in our cars work the way they should in 2016?

I guarantee you that there is an engine that nobody knows about that gets 400 miles to the gallon.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 7, 2016 11:37 PM


Fracking is only a small part of why gas prices are low. The main reason is that there's been a huge market over-supply of oil for the last several years as global economies stagnate and demand declines. Enjoy the low gas prices now 'cause it won't last. As worldwide demand rises in the future, oil prices will start going up significantly.


Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:34 AM


And when that happens....????


The 2007 movie that nobody saw starring the Girl who was My Girl and was never in anything else...

The best movie you never saw. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 11, 2016 4:41 AM


And after watching that preview, I have to say that whoever made that preview might be the single reason why nobody ever saw Bloodcar, even though it actually DID win a lot of awards in 2007 and beyond...

It wasn't a horror movie, or at least it didn't start out that way, aside from the gas prices being over $32/gal...

It's a cheezy little indie flick about overcoming today's hardships, and maybe even falling in love on the side.

It wasn't until he figured out his new car engine ran one the same fuel as Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors that things started to get twisted...

What a shitty trailer... I mean seriously. Whoever edited this trailer for blood car shouldn't have any more responsibility than manning the fries at Burger King.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 12, 2016 12:08 AM


"...Whoever edited this trailer for blood car shouldn't have any more responsibility than manning the fries at Burger King."

Perhaps he was manning the fries while editing the film, you know because he had to keep his day job (you know, because he was lousy at it).........

BWAHahahahaha! I kill me!







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