Worst Sci-Fi Ever.

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Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:00 PM



It's my country's 228th birthday, and the board is as dead as frikkin' Sharon Stone's career. So I asked myself (and, by extension, YOU)... with all the talk of Sci-Fi...........

What is the WORST Sci-Fi you've had the displeasure of witnessing, in its entirety? Entirety meaning, you can't vote for Star Trek: Voyager if you've only seen 10 minutes of one episode (and how could you stomach any more?). Specific film, movie, or book examples, please.

Many examples come to *MY* mind (Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Star Trek Five, Star Wars Episodes I & II, and George W. Bush's environmental policy), but I'm sure there's more out there, and I'm sure any suggestions might jog loose even more from my tightly-compacted brain.

You know you've been thinking about this. Try to resist the urge to vote for specific episodes of Firefly, but... if you must, at least have a good arguement.


--------------- (Qs)


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:13 PM


Whilst I fully agree that Star Wars Eps 1 & 2 have sorely tried my patience, from the Brit side of the pond I can only say that you should never, ever try to watch a series called 'Crime Traveller', unless you are being tortured. At which point, I don't think you are getting much in a way of choice anyhow. Poor thing.

I also find the rather prolonged existence of 'Andromeda' a confusing intellectual and bruising emotional experience. Grrrr!

Greetings to all.



Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:17 PM


Not familiar with that first one. Tell me more of this "Andromeda" of which you speak.

Oh, is that the syndicated thing with Hercules? Boggle THAT. In that case, tell us more about the show that = torture.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:23 PM


From some of the ones you just mentioned, I'd have to go with Star Wars Episode I. Attack of the Clones was better than that, but still extremely disappointing. And from what I'm hearing about Episode III, I might as well get wasted before I go into the theater to watch it. Episode I was really just a slap in the face to the fans of the original "Holy Trilogy". Sad part is that he had 20 years to work on it, and that was the best he could come up with. I loved the original trilogy, but I never really could stand George Lucas himself. That guy bothers the hell out of me when I see him in interviews and stuff. There's just something about him I don't like, and Episode I really didn't help me like him any better. Okay, the pod race the first time you watch it is shiny, but then a second time it seems to drag on and be the only thing the movie has going for it. Anyways, that's just my opinion. Don't mean to piss off any Lucas aficionados. But then again I wouldn't be me if I don't piss at least one person off.

I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:25 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.



Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:34 PM


Aw, bless you for the interest, but really, noooo! Run away! A series in which two (normally perfectly able and respected) actors are asked to play detectives, travelling through time to solve crime in a stilted and ill fashioned fashion! Believe me, a fully financed reason for people rejecting the BBC's vision of futuristic TV series. In a nutshell. A v. small one.

Truly awful. Really. Like the dreadful, alledgedly mint custard I was served at primary school!

But thank you for listening!



Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:37 PM


I may well get flamed for this, but I thought Buckaroo Banzai was pretty damned bad. That one was below B-movie-level, despite its chorus line of big names.

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:57 PM



Buckaroo Banzai was doing it on PURPOSE.... as opposed to, say, "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death." (actual movie title)



Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:59 PM



Originally posted by Kurukami:
I may well get flamed for this, but I thought Buckaroo Banzai was pretty damned bad. That one was below B-movie-level, despite its chorus line of big names.

Mmmm, that's what I thought when I first saw it as a youngster, but I've lately come to appreciate its subtle brilliance. "Laugh-a while you can, monkey boy!" The Pynchon references. (Better yet, one of Pynchon's later novels actually references the movie.) The unexplained watermelon.

Now, why hasn't anyone mentioned the canonical bad SF movie: Plan 9 From Outer Space? Giant flying tin sombreros, sudden change of lead actor in the middle of filming due to Bela Lugosi's death... Now that was truly, deeply awful.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 3:10 PM


Well, yeah, Plan 9 wrote the book.

But it was no Van Helsing.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 3:34 PM


"Battlefield Earth". John Travolta has never made me want to gouge out my own eyes and stick pencils in my ears more than he did in this film, and that's saying quite a bit. The whole thing was bloody awful. Paraphrasing The Simpsons' Comic Book Guy, "Worst sci-fi ever!"

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 3:36 PM


This is the best site ever for movies of this caliber: http://www.badmovies.org/ The reviews are hilarious! Go now!

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 3:48 PM



If people only beleive wahts in a movie, their damn well sure beleiving Serenity.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 4:05 PM


Hmmmm ... I ran across a paperback novel at the library recently, titled "Slave Trade". I forget the author's name, but it was written so horribly, both mechanically and stylistically, that I kept thinking, "Who did this woman sleep with to get paid for publishing this drek?"

At the end I read her mini-bio and was shocked to discover she'd written several novels for the Star Trek franchise (I don't know which series and I can't remember her name).

And whilst I loved Doctor Who over the years, the few episodes of Colin Baker's incarnation (no relation to Tom Baker of earlier Who fame) nearly destroyed my ability to enjoy the series at all. Those were dark days indeed.

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 4:28 PM



Originally posted by arcbeatle:

If people only beleive wahts in a movie, their damn well sure beleiving Serenity.

The series or the movie "I Worship His Shadow". You really need to start by watching the movie. It is, admittedly, wierd, confusing, and fairly awful. http://www.badmovies.org/movies/lexxiwhs/index.html

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 4:44 PM


America loves a winner!

Dunno about 'worst', but here goes my choices of those I enjoyed the least ( not at all )

T.V Series : Lost in space - yes, the original. Hated it as a kid, hate it more now that I'm 'grown up'.

Movie : Event Horizon - Here I was duped thinking this would be a great flick w/ a super cast...WRONG. What a silly, dreadful, depressing movie.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:02 PM


Hey, what about the 1997 MOVIE, Lost in Space?! That brought new meaning to the word, "Crap," didn't it?


Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:16 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
Hey, what about the 1997 MOVIE, Lost in Space?! That brought new meaning to the word, "Crap," didn't it?

Yes, amazingly, it was worse than the series.

Do the "Godzilla" movies count as sci-fi? They're so bad, they're good.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:58 PM


Lexx is really bad.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 6:28 PM


Andromeda dies. Now. Star Trek V was terrible. I think I may be the only human alive what liked Episodes I and II. It showed a prosperous civilization before the Empire ran it into the ground, making it all dirty and gritty, as opposed to the clean of the Republic. Worst movie? An MST3K number called Space Mutiny. It includes Battlestar Galactica rip-offs! And it's terrible! A lot!

"And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of these Love."


Sunday, July 4, 2004 6:45 PM


Probably going to get flamed for this.


I don't care, I'm still free.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 6:56 PM



Originally posted by JCobb:
Probably going to get flamed for this.


I don't care, I'm still free.

OK, I'll bite. I'm not a Farscape "fan", per se. I've only just watched the first season and thought it was alright, but certainly not in Firefly's class. But worst sci-fi ever? I'd really like to hear your reasoning for that.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 8:50 PM



Originally posted by Jello:
Okay, the pod race the first time you watch it is shiny, but then a second time it seems to drag on and be the only thing the movie has going for it.

I personally hated the pod race with all my heart. the on;y thing the movie has for it was the duel of fates, duel blade, oh and darth maul. Sure he's no darth vader, but him being sorta bad-ass just makes darth vader bad-ass-er.

besides... don't tell me that when you "first" saw the trailer, and he showed off the duel sabre infront of two jedi's didn't make you wet your pants. (okay, maybe not that extreme...)

"You know, they say mercy is the mark of a great man.

Guess I'm just a good man.

Well, I'm all right.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 9:03 PM


well, here goes nothing...

I hate the matrix and it's sequels reassured my feelings towards it.

also Starship Trooper's pretter up there after I read the book; I'd probably hate it even more had I read the book first.

"You know, they say mercy is the mark of a great man.

Guess I'm just a good man.

Well, I'm all right.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 9:05 PM


Worst sci-fi television show: Harlan Ellison's The Starlost.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 9:17 PM


Okay, maybe there was a little moistness in my pants, but that all dried up once I actually had to sit through the movie. I admire Liam Neeson and all, but his performance as Qui-Gon was his worst.

The first Matrix movie was insane. I must have seen it 200 times the first year it was out on DVD. I still enjoy watching it to this day. The sequels, on the other hand, deserve to be gathered up and burned and remove any trace that they were ever made. The Wachowskis got lost in the FX and that's what killed those 2 movies. Other than the freeway scene, Reloaded had nothing going for it. The 100-Smith pileup was just a sad, sad attempt at creating something the audience never saw before. And don't get me started on Revolutions. Other than the all out war at the end with the humans and the machines, there was nothing that kept me awake. I wanted to hunt down the Wachowskis and cause them serious bodily harm after seeing that joke of an ending.

I'll be in my bunk.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:10 PM


Voyager was the worst sci fi TV ever. Not only because it sucked in its own right, but because it desicrated the once-great Star Trek franchise. When you have material that good and botch it that badly, it really shows your total incompetence.

By the same critera, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is the worst sci fi movie of all time, for the reasons that have been mentioned and many, many more.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:29 PM


Oh dear, I seem to enjoy a lot of these 'worst' sci-fi shows/movies!
I love Lexx for its sillyness, Deep Space 9 is/was the best Star Trek series of all of them, I love episodes I and II (though I didn't like 1 until 2 came out) and I OWN Crime Traveller on DVD, ok it's not the best show in the world and a couple of the episodes are awful but at the same time a couple of the episodes are really damn clever. Voyager wasn't bad, it just had the potential to be the greatest thing ever and they wasted it. I've only seen the pilot of Enterprise, but liked it. I'd say TNG was the worst, perfect people living their perfect lives and debating molecules is not my idea of good television.

I'd go with Battlefield Earth and Event Horizon as worst sci-fi movies ever (I felt ill from watching them both). As for TV, Doctor Who is pretty awful (not pain inducing, but not good) and that short lived firefly TV show, what the hell was that all about?

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at www.estador.co.uk/firefly


Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:42 PM


If you want crap... try anything in Andromeda after season 2... I was a big fan of the show in it's first season, put up with the second season... then gave up in the 3rd season because it became crap... the Kevin Sorbo action hour instead of, you know, character driven plots... this couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that Sorbo's an executive producer, noooooo *taste the sarcasm*

I'm not bitter at ALL.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 11:59 PM


I have only seen a few episodes of Lexx but i don't want to see any more.
I liked Crime Traveller!
Matrix Revolutions may not be the worst but was a huge letdown.
Event Horizon was not good either.
Episode 1 and 2 both had god bits and bad bits but always had the problem that they had to live up to the originals.

"Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, July 5, 2004 12:13 AM


Matrix Revolutions. The worst film I have ever seen. It used to be Kill Bill 1, simply because that film bored me to tears with it's self-knowing references to everything under the sun except it's own goddamn story. But Matrix Revolutions ruined the trilogy for me. I'd thought it might redeem Reloaded. But it just buggered it up. At least in Reloaded you have the freeway and that Chateau fight (which is much more interesting than the Smith fight; I swear Keanu Reeves only did two moves whilst filming that, the rest seems to be all CGI). Revolutions has nothing. That fight with Smith at the end? Boring. The end itself? Wet and anti-climactic.

I keep meaning to watch it again, in the hopes that I'll find something, just one thing, to enjoy. But I keep putting it off, because I don't enjoy pain.



Monday, July 5, 2004 12:22 AM


When I saw Reloaded I was sitting in the cinema thinking 'ohmygodwhataretheydoingtotheMatrix???' over and over again. Even worse, everyone else in the place didn't seem to have noticed how bad it was! I still haven't plucked up the courage to watch Revolutions. I know all too well that it will be awful.


Monday, July 5, 2004 12:25 AM



Originally posted by Melee:
If you want crap... try anything in Andromeda after season 2... I was a big fan of the show in it's first season, put up with the second season... then gave up in the 3rd season because it became crap... the Kevin Sorbo action hour instead of, you know, character driven plots... this couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that Sorbo's an executive producer, noooooo *taste the sarcasm*

I'm not bitter at ALL.

Got to agree with you there for the most part. The first few episodes of season 3 were good, but after they got rid of the brilliant JMS, it bombed. We've not even seen season 4 in the UK, so it looks like Sky TV agree that it's crap and didn't bother buying it.

People said at the start "Oh no - Hercules in Space". It took Sorbo a while, but he got there eventually. Just one scrap after another, with the excuses for the fight scenes getting thinner by the episode. Shame really, started well, and had a really great forum as well (eh Lillius?). Perhaps it still has a great forum - not been there for ages.


"Best not be taking it as a suggestion"


Monday, July 5, 2004 12:29 AM


Harlan Ellison walked away from The Starlost because they turned it into such crap and refused to listen to him. Dig a little deeper.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, July 5, 2004 12:39 AM


JMS? He had nothing to do with AnDumeDuh.

It sucked from the beginning. Here are a few things I have had to say about it in the past-

Excerpts from the "Andromeda and Mutant X Cancelled" thread:

"Crap stories, crap acting and crap production. Who gives a damn about Sorbo's ego? That only made it proof positive that you cannot polish a turd."

"I truly have found the best parts of Andromeda-Generally the minute after the show ends, or the minute before when I remember that taking an hour long power dump would be far more interesting."

"Oh and I thought of another good part of Andromeda-Back before it was on the air and only the synopsis was being bantered around. Seemed like a good idea at the time.....

Oops, time to take another power dump. The subject of Andromeda seems to have a laxative effect.........."

Yep-Worst Sci-Fi ever.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, July 5, 2004 12:57 AM


I gotta say, I was a HUGE fan of Andromeda, it almost instantly became one of my favorite shows, and I didn't even manage to see the first half of the pilot!(so I was rather confused for a while till I managed to see it)

If you didn't like the show, fine, but it certainly wasn't universally terrible until the latter half of season 2(and season 3 on was just astoundingly bad, hell, even one of the actors quit because he couldn't stand it or his character anymore after they butchered it/him)

As for worst sci fi, I don't know. Stuff I (mostly) didn't enjoy: Ep1/2, Indepence Day, The Day After Tommorow(thats sci fi, or fantasy, relax though, I saw it for free with friends while we mocked it :)), Event Horizon, Matrix 3(and lesserly matrix 2 due to 3 sucking). I really can't come up with many things not mentioned that I thought was horrible.

Oh yeah, Mutant X, not SO bad with the execution(I've seen a few eps here and there), but way WAY too ripped off x-men to get any real enjoyment out of it.


Monday, July 5, 2004 1:06 AM


OK, we're talking egos here - so I'll say I hate what they did to thew movie Stargate in the form of the Ego-Stroke for Harry Dean Anderson called "Stargate - SG1".

Not really worst all in all, but I got tired of nearly all the stories revolving around McNeil.

Dean's preformance cannot hold a candle to Kurt Russel.

but as a wise man once said - "Opinions vary" - heh, now where is that line from? I know, do you?!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, July 5, 2004 1:43 AM



Originally posted by FahQ:
JMS? He had nothing to do with AnDumeDuh.


Well spotted! Getting my heroes mixed up. Well, it IS Monday morning!

I meant Robert Hewitt Wolfe, of course.


"Best not be taking it as a suggestion"


Monday, July 5, 2004 2:44 AM


this thread reminds me of the simpsons and the comic book guy with his shirt that says "worst episode ever".



Originally posted by JK:
Matrix Revolutions. The worst film I have ever seen. It used to be Kill Bill 1, simply because that film bored me to tears with it's self-knowing references to everything under the sun except it's own goddamn story.

just have to voice my opinion. i thought matrix revolutions was okay. it was disappointing, but i think the writers were seriously backed into a corner because expectations were so high. regardless of how they ended it, most people probably would have thought it should have been different. i thought kill bill vol 1 was a lot of fun. it is a completely over the top kind of 70s style action movie. i enjoyed it because it was so outrageous. anyhoo, just my humble opinion.

as for bad sci fi, any of the movies shown on MST3K (not the commentary by the guys, just the movies themselves) are absolutely terrible. who authorizes these things?

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Monday, July 5, 2004 2:44 AM



TheZoomZoomKid wrote:
Sunday, July 04, 2004 17:58
Lexx is really bad.

Lexx wasnt all that bad... surely i'm not the only one to think it.

ooh that chicky babe........


Monday, July 5, 2004 2:52 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

TheZoomZoomKid wrote:
Sunday, July 04, 2004 17:58
Lexx is really bad.

Lexx wasnt all that bad... surely i'm not the only one to think it.

ooh that chicky babe........

i agree with ya. lexx was great. i only started watching it in the last series, but it hooked me right in. however, i view it more as a dark comedy than a scifi show so i can understand pure scifi fans not getting into it in the way i did.

the bits where the were on earth with oberon were hilarious though, i loved the lines "you're beautiful and you have big breasts" as a complement to xev and puck's line of "they don't call hime king of the faries for nothing." bloody marvellous.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Monday, July 5, 2004 4:07 AM


Matrix Revolutions did lower my feelings about the other two films, aside from just being bored while I was in the theatre. I am not sure it is quite as bad as Highlander II or Congo, but pretty close.

Watching Lexx was like watching porn with all the sex scenes edited out.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Monday, July 5, 2004 4:17 AM


I have actually found SG-1 to be better than the original movie.

I have never liked stories where enduring evils are thrown down by the arrival of our heroes a mere 2 hours earlier (or whatever short amount of time is covered).

I haven't found the episodes to be anymore Macneil oriented than TNG was Picard oriented.

Kurt Russel is great though, but one cannot expect him to do a tv series on cable.


Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Monday, July 5, 2004 5:04 AM



Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog:
Oh dear, I seem to enjoy a lot of these 'worst' sci-fi shows/movies!

Yeah me too. Unsettling isn't it?

I'm gonna have to vote for a single episode: Voyager's "Endgame."

The real hell of it is I liked Voyager. I liked the characters, the dry humour and realistic silliness that tended to crop up among the "way too stressed for way too long" characters, the loveably irritable Doc Hologram (still one of my favourite characters anywhere).

I could even look the other way while the inept, too-careful writers reduced the Borg (one of my favourite species/individual beings) to a shadow of their/its former greatness.

It was only Endgame that seemed to be some alternate-universe story. The preternaturally self-confident Janeway is suddenly second-guessing herself, stoic cerebral Chakotay is suddenly a horny teenager, ice-princess 7/9 is suddenly a high school girl. . .

Andromeda has the same disappointed hopes for me. It started out so great, and the Andromeda Ascendant was so beautiful, with all her sweeping chrome curves and the folding battleblades that looked like angel wings. And it had Rev (a devout Wayist monk, kindred to our own Shepherd Book), Tyr (a Nietzschean materialist dedicated to the ideals of genetic superiority and procreation as a religion), and Trance (an immortal goddess of inexplicable origin and Kaylee-like cheerfulness) all sharing the same ship with Rommie (a self-proclaimed goddess of war, despite her man-made origins --the "Ship Made Flesh").

I anticipated head-splitting philosophical struggles, Deep Questions, moral and spiritual issues, and overlapping agendas (and sudden but inevitable betrayals). Instead, I got Captain Hercules.

In general, I guess I can take the "bad" stuff, as long as it doesn't misrepresent itself. What I truly hate, as a writer/Storyteller myself, is a story that doesn't live up to its own potential. There's a certain art to storytelling, and I hate shows that reduce it to formula.

And now, the pedantry:


Originally posted by Arawaen:
I have actually found SG-1 to be better than the original movie.
I haven't found the episodes to be anymore Macneil oriented than TNG was Picard oriented.

I think you mean Richard Dean Anderson (Col. O'Neill). Apparently having him billed as the big star is mainly a marketing ploy --they get to use his name for the star power, but it's still an ensemble show. At least it was back in S5. Gorram Global (the networkthat holds the Canadian broadcast rights without actually broadcasting anything) are almost as bad as Fox.


Originally posted by SlowSmurf:
I gotta say, I was a HUGE fan of Andromeda,
it certainly wasn't universally terrible until the latter half of season 2(and season 3 on was just astoundingly bad, hell, even one of the actors quit because he couldn't stand it or his character anymore after they butchered it/him)

Actually, Keith Hamilton Cobb (likely no relation to Jayne )(Tyr) was fired. He was more popular with the viewers (and writers) than Sorbo (Dylan), so Sorbo had him emasculated (his arm-spikes removed along with his badassitude). Tyr was still cooler than Dylan. So Sorbo had him written out. End result, Tyr was still cooler than Dylan.

So Sorbo had him brought back as a one-ep villain, who died after being shot in the back after trying to run and getting caught at a dead-end cliff.

If you're referring to Brent "Rev Bem" Stait, he left because he was allergic to the makeup they were using. Not really anybody's fault, just unfortunate (well, lucky for him, it turns out).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, July 5, 2004 5:09 AM


You are so correct. I HAVE been thinking on this topic for quite a while.

Worst Sci-Fi TV show. I have two, and they both share a common name. "Earth: Final Conflict" and "Earth 2".

No disrespect to Gene, but E:FC was the lamest, most confusing show I have ever tried to watch. And I mean, I really tried. I would watch the episodes and come away with a headache. I dont watch alot of TV. I find my time more valuable than gazing mindlessly at go se for hours on end. I always sat there after watching the newest episode saying "What the hell was that?!?" So, yes, I tried more than most to get into a show. Not just the 10 mins of one episode and wrote the entire series off.

"Earth 2" was a good idea gone horribly, horribly wrong. I thought the crashing of the Advance Team was good, 1000 miles away... maybe extream, but not undoable. But why, oh why, do they always find time to put in the cardboard cutout of a "badguy" who is evil and you and I and the entire cast knows is evil, but they dont do a damn thing about? Also, was the entire series going to be them just walking around towards "New Pacifica" whilst looking to the heavens and endlessly stating that 250 families are on their way?!? And don't get me started on the less than believable, not even close to Henson Quality aliens. (or would that be natives?)

I call her "Vera"


Monday, July 5, 2004 5:16 AM


Glad to see Event Horizon making a lot of people's lists. They've got a singularity driving their ship and they still use mother boards! Sad waste of a good cast. And Sphere was pretty sad too, but not as sad as Event Horizon. But Battlefield Earth really is the most derangingly terrible sci-fi I've ever seen. It was so bad my roommate couldn't stop screaming, I'm not kidding.

Oh, and just to give another minority report: I thought Voyager had a lot to offer: the Vulcan was great, some the plot lines centering on the character that was a year old were very interesting, Seven of Nine had some pretty meaningful episodes (and a lot of dreck), Chakotee was largely wasted (recipient of the Councellor Troy Award for Utterly Flumoxing the Writers) but he had that one very fine episode where he had to battle aliens in his dreams.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Monday, July 5, 2004 7:15 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Event Horizon was horrific. I can't believe that movie ever made it to the big screen. It is one of the all time worst movies. Of course Battlefield Earth rates as my all time love to hate sci fi movie. The only time I ever enjoyed Battlefield Earth was at Dragon Con 2 years ago when they held a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 style viewing of the film and the entire room heckled the movie from beginning to end.

As for other bad sci fi shows:

Star Trek Voyager
Andromeda (second season on)

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, July 5, 2004 9:20 AM



Godzilla (US version - I LOVE the Japanese Godzilla movies.)
Matrix Revolutions.

ST: Voyager

I actually enjoy Lexx, and Battlefield Earth is quite fun if you assume it was a deliberate satire. (I know it wasn't, but it makes it easier.)

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Monday, July 5, 2004 9:26 AM


"Vanilla Sky" and "AI: Artificial Intelligence" were both really bad.


Monday, July 5, 2004 9:46 AM



Originally posted by JK:
I keep meaning to watch it again, in the hopes that I'll find something, just one thing, to enjoy. But I keep putting it off, because I don't enjoy pain.

yeah, cause pain is scary

"Why? Is there blubber? "






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