Video Games to movie and tv series and other Cartoon / video game adaptions

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 04:28
VIEWED: 4846
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Wednesday, January 18, 2023 7:34 AM


Video Games have moved to the cinema box office for a number of years, now they are becoming tv shows
Last of Us the latest

There is talk of Fall Out and Warhammer, during the Covid Pandemic 'Mortal Kombat' made money....but then again there was almost nothing to watch.

I know this game but I never played it 'The Last of Us'

Watched the opening episodes and was impressed

It has good acting, nice sound, good camera work, there is a horror element to it so the show is not for every casual viewer, it already had a huge fanbase.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 7:39 AM


sometimes rather than watch tv I will watch people speed run video games.

I feel these days the writing is sometimes way better in a video game than a movie, what a strange time

It's done by the Award winning Chernobyl Creator

HBO is a big studio that can adapt from one media medium into a another type of media medium and Film producers and Hollywood studios have made movies and shows based on video games since the 90s. Super Mario Bros is dumb but a very fun movie by Buena Vista Pictures, Tomb Raider had a big box office Sonic the Hedgehog made 400 Million bucks. There is also a genre of Strategy, virtual world exploration, survival horror, action-adventure game, fantasy scifi, investigative puzzle story telling video game. Sony a tech, music and video game company and multinational conglomerate from Japan already showed it could make money with Stuart Little. Gozilla and Spider-Man movies. Hollywood they have already made almost very superhero comicbook film which can be made live action television TV series. People still want entertainment and the show was the second-biggest for HBO since 2010.

Some of the bad guys are people 'zombies' or Firefly Reavers infected by a mutated fungus, it is a post apocalypse world with difficult Human interaction sometimes the worst are humans themselves.

Maybe its even a scifi Western?

Reactions online
https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5346355/all , https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-last-of-us-hbo-show-review-thread
/ , https://officialfan.proboards.com/thread/608185/last-hbo-series-jan-20
, https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/2728054/the-last-of-us-tv , https://forums.sherdog.com/threads/the-last-of-us-hbo-series.4147761/ , https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/9mjq60j3 , https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/01/16/the-last-of-us-hbo-tv-
/ , https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/the-last-of-us-hbo.963776/ ,

, https://www.superherohype.com/tv/525489-hbo-orders-the-last-of-us-seas
, https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/hbos-the-last-of-us.830088/ , https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1324956/pg1 , https://www.dcurbanmom.com/jforum/posts/list/1105796.page

, https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/161921-the-last-of-us-hbo
/ , https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/2394900/the-last-of-us-tv-ser

I think most fans will like it
Sometimes not always loved but some people dislike 'neil drunkman' maybe because of california woke pokemon culture and politics?
...maybe 'Gamergate' area politics?

They also said it would 'scale back on violence' but maybe that makes sense, a shooter game is not a tv show, neither is solving cryptic cross word puzzles to solve a game quest.


The Last of Us (HBO) Teaser

btw I still hate youtube for banning hundreds of vids





Wednesday, January 18, 2023 10:17 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
sometimes rather than watch tv I will watch people speed run video games.

You know I hardly ever watch any movies or TV shows unless I'm stuck watching them with my brother and dad. I watch speedrunning quite often.

But unless it's a game I've played before and really enjoyed like Dark Souls, I don't watch many modern speedrunning and prefer watching people who were too young to have played the games just totally obliterate the 8bit and 16bit games my brothers and I grew up with.

Castlevania NES in 10:45 seconds *World Record*

Super Mario Bros. NES in 4:54.798 seconds *World Record*

(In Super Mario Bros, the go down to 3 digits past the second because we're just about one step away from having the Perfect Game. This is a feat that is not possible on most other games because there is no Random Number Generators in SMB, so the game plays exactly the same every time you play it.).

I wouldn't watch these on Twitch. Not just because Twitch is cancer, but in order to get these world records, these people will play the game tens of thousands of times, and most false starts end up with a reset within the first few levels. In fact, you can see in this video that it was Niftski's 15,285th attempt, which is actually quite good because I've seen runners well into the 30 and 40 thousands on attempts. I couldn't think of many things more boring to watch than resetting the game a billion times except for what Hollywood puts out today.

I actually prefer to watch them during competitions when two runners are racing against each other. These almost never result in a world record, but I find it a lot more fun to watch. There have been one or two occasions where a runner was able to get a world record on a game in front of a live audience during a race and the crowd goes nuts.

I think my favorite runs to watch are Zelda II (NES) randomizer tournaments. Some genius figured out how to randomize almost everything in that game, and they've got a real tight community. The top tier runners in that game have phenomenal skills. They've got some entertaining commentators for the matches too.


I feel these days the writing is sometimes way better in a video game than a movie, what a strange time

HBO is a big studio that can adapt from one media medium into a another type of media medium and Film producers and Hollywood studios have made movies and shows based on video games since the 90s. Super Mario Bros is dumb but a very fun movie by Buena Vista Pictures, Tomb Raider had a big box office Sonic the Hedgehog made 400 Million bucks. There is also a genre of Strategy, virtual world exploration, survival horror, action-adventure game, fantasy scifi, investigative puzzle story telling video game. Sony a tech, music and video game company and multinational conglomerate from Japan already showed it could make money with Stuart Little. Gozilla and Spider-Man movies. Hollywood they have already made almost very superhero comicbook film which can be made live action television TV series. People still want entertainment and the show was the second-biggest for HBO since 2010.

Some of the bad guys are people 'zombies' or Firefly Reavers infected by a mutated fungus, it is a post apocalypse world with difficult Human interaction sometimes the worst are humans themselves.

Maybe its even a scifi Western?


The Last of Us (HBO) Teaser

I'm not hopeful for this. HBO just put out Velma, which somehow did what no politician since 2008 could do, which is to make everybody come together and universally hate the show.

Also, The Last of Us 2 head writer at Naughty Dog, Neil Druckmann has his hands in this one. It's just going to be more woke shit.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 10:50 AM


The Game

I did not play this game but would argue the game is more violent and creepy especially as you interact with a virtual world, non-player NPCs controlled by a computer software but 'human like' and you moving a character around makes a game more creepy.

I understand why people thought it would be trashed by Antifa Feminist Influence or SJW Woke Politics but it looks good

It seems to get genuine good reviews

'The Last of Us' HBO Adaptation Pushes Its Universe Beyond the PlayStation Game

Can ‘The Last of Us’ Unlock a Gaming Gold Mine for TV?

The Last of Us TV show changes: differences between new HBO show and original video game explained



Wednesday, January 18, 2023 12:34 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
The Game

I did not play this game but would argue the game is more violent and creepy especially as you interact with a virtual world, non-player NPCs controlled by a computer software but 'human like' and you moving a character around makes a game more creepy.

The one bad part about the game is when you have Ellie or anybody else in tow, Naughty Dog had to abandon their plans to make anything the followers did alert the zombies to your presence. They had tried to do it originally, but with the hardware they had at the time it ended up with you constantly being spotted because of the dumb crap that your AI followers did behind you. In an interview, Neil Druckman himself said that they had to strip this feature out of the game entirely because you were supposed to care a lot about Ellie and having her get you spotted all the time would make you hate her. So at the end of the day they had to completely strip this out of the game and make them essentially invisible, which would lead you into quite a few hilarious situations where the zombies just looked really stupid because they didn't spot your idiot AI companions "hiding" out in the open right behind you, wagging their asses in direct sight of the oblivious zombies around the corner.

Otherwise, the story was excellent.


I understand why people thought it would be trashed by Antifa Feminist Influence or SJW Woke Politics but it looks good

I think you may have missed what they did with The Last of Us 2. It's FAR more than just worrying that Woke Hollywood is going to do Woke Hollywood things. They already ruined the game franchise with the sequel.


It seems to get genuine good reviews

Yeah. And TLOU 2 got perfect 100% and 10/10 ratings from nearly every shill access media website and magazine when it came out, with a lot of them claiming that it was the best video game ever made. Only after the game wasn't new anymore did you get a few detractors that lowered the ultimate Critic score to 93% on Metacritic. The ultimate audience score was a 5.8.


And if you look back in history, on June 13th, 6 days before release date, the critic score at Metacritic was 96.


Then take a look at the all-time highest critic ratings for the Playstation 4 and if that 96 had stayed, it would be the third highest critical rating for a PS4 game out of a library consisting of 3280 games! As it stands now, at 93%, it is the 6th highest critically rated game for the system.


And incidentally, on release date, the game only had an audience score of 3.3 out of 10. This was one of the instances where Metacritic did what Rotten Tomatoes always does and purged audience reviews.


Now compare that with the first game released in 2013 (predating "woke") on Playstation 3, which got a 95% from critics and a user score of 9.2.

Remember them good old days when the Critics and Audiences generally agreed on things?


SPOILER ALERT: Don't get too attached to Pedro Pascal as Joel. If they don't fix what they wrecked in the 2nd game, he's going to be brutally beaten to death with a golf club by a RetConned woman so butch she might as well be a tranny right in front of his surrogate daughter, and then it becomes a lesbian love fest until the sad, sad ending.

And don't expect them to change anything story-wise. They've already race swapped the two main characters, because 2020's.

But if they actually followed the first game story to a T, I'm not surprised if it's getting good fan reception so far. The Last of Us was an excellent game with an excellent story. It's just a game that didn't need a sequel... especially with what they did in their sequel. If there's one season per game, fully expect the audience score to sink like a stone when Season 2 drops.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 8:09 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
The Game

I did not play this game but would argue the game is more violent and creepy especially as you interact with a virtual world, non-player NPCs controlled by a computer software but 'human like' and you moving a character around makes a game more creepy.

I prefer Dark Souls type games, which are really hard the first time you play through them and don't have much NPC AI to speak of. But I have enjoyed quite a few games with some potentially hilarious NPC actions like the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series on XBox 360.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 8:21 PM


I kinda spoiled the show for myself watching games again and remembering what I seen before.

So this is not the first video game to tv show at all, the Canadians got there way back in 1990 with a thing called 'ManiacMansion' the TV series, it looks like a spooky family comedy if that makes sense but I do not watch sitcoms, especially old ones and I have not played the game, there may have been other games remade as tv shows before this?

Pac-Man the cartoon??

Also recently there was 'Halo' the TV series, some gamer fans didn't like it but I enjoyed it. Again I have not played the games but was kinda familiar with the brand but only watched people playing. Halo had something like 13 games, that's a lot of hours gaming shooting, exploring, fighting to figure out what the universe is about.

I watched a few eps and will probably finish this series


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Yeah. And TLOU 2 got perfect 100% and 10/10 ratings from nearly every shill access media website and magazine when it came out, with a lot of them claiming that it was the best video game ever made. Only after the game wasn't new anymore did you get a few detractors that lowered the ultimate Critic score to 93% on Metacritic. The ultimate audience score was a 5.8.


The hype machine has been around almost forever because they figured out to make critical writers into fanboys of Hollywood Media Corporations

I'm old enough to remember the days when 'VHS' was around and there was an older brother a guy with a cool Aunt and another guy with an older brother who knew a critic and sometimes this critic would get a 'Tape' in the post. The tape would be shared or copied, if you knew the right person you might get to see a movie before it came out. It was basically getting a movie 1 month before release, sometimes an effect or sound would be missing and every 2 mins a big typed message would appear in the bottom of the screen
it kinda ruined the experience of the movie

It still happens X-Men Origins: Wolverine was outright leaked online by streamer hacker pirate sites before it was released in cinema with unfinished special effects
the studio was in danger of losing money that FBI even got involved


An early review of a product?

It's not exactly an outright LIE

but its kinda 'rigged' also

If the studio wanted to they would have given some proto-type version of the game or movie to their sjw gay diversity tranny friends...who will naturally vote and review a certain way.
I never played the game but I remember the censorship and controversy well

There was also something about gays and tranny, Ellen Page Crying Game stuff being pushed in the video game.

and before it wasn't just Video Games this I remember Marvel putting pressure on Rotten Tomatoes to ban critics of
Captain Marvel
...because sexist or feminism power
Black Panther
...because racisms

I will probably enjoy this show

The video game of a franchise is clearly going to be deeper or more interactive or longer with hours and hours of side quests etc

I think its unfair to call it a 'zombie' thing it looks more like 'The Road' or 'Children of Men'


Wednesday, January 18, 2023 9:21 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I kinda spoiled the show for myself watching games again and remembering what I seen before.

So this is not the first video game to tv show at all, the Canadians got there way back in 1990 with a thing called 'ManiacMansion' the TV series, it looks like a spooky family comedy if that makes sense but I do not watch sitcoms, especially old ones and I have not played the game, there may have been other games remade as tv shows before this?

Maniac Mansion was pretty miserable, but I was a dumb kid and most TV shows were not all that much better than MM was. But this was my first experience where I thought "WTF? This has absolutely nothing to do with the game." And it seriously didn't. For an old game, Maniac Mansion had a very rich story to it with a lot of characters. There was plenty of content in the game that the producers of the show could have used for their content, but they went an entirely different direction with it and really the only thing it had in common with the game was the title and a few of the character's names. I don't know why this choice was made. Probably budget. They certainly could have had an easy time otherwise making a pretty great TV show as they had a ton more to work with than the makers of the Super Mario Bros. Movie ever did. As for the comedy, it was about as funny as any of the middling mid-80's drek out there. Come to think of it, I'd put it on the same level as The New Leave it to Beaver. And that's not a compliment.

The stupid theme song is playing in my head now that you brought it up. So kudos to the makers of that ditty for keeping it stuck in my craw some 35 years or so later.

Contrast that with the awesome-to-this-day 8-bit intro theme for the NES game, and you already knew before the first scene of episode 1 started that we were in trouble:

And then there was Dave's Theme, which is one of the all time greatest Nintendo songs:

It was even covered by Decendent's of Edrick in live concerts....

Lucasfilm was really on their game back in those days.

So yeah... The TV show as pretty insulting. And I even like Joe Flaherty.


Pac-Man the cartoon??

I remember watching it when I was a kid. Since they didn't have anything to work with at all, I'm sure it was fine.


Also recently there was 'Halo' the TV series, some gamer fans didn't like it but I enjoyed it. Again I have not played the games but was kinda familiar with the brand but only watched people playing. Halo had something like 13 games, that's a lot of hours gaming shooting, exploring, fighting to figure out what the universe is about.

I watched a few eps and will probably finish this series

Yeah. Most of the woke probably escapes you since you didn't play any of the games. Lots of race/gender swapping in there, but nice to hear from a normie to the series that maybe it's at least entertaining despite that.

That being said, I've only ever played about 4 hours of the entire Halo series with my brother back in the late 2000's. It was pretty cool, but FPS style games haven't really been my thing since the DOOM games. I'm more a big RPG fan myself. But I do follow the woke trail into all aspects of media and the needless race and gender swaps for "modern audiences" is such a huge turnoff at this point that the core audience isn't even going to give any of it a chance anymore. We're done with that bullshit. Make new stuff and stop bastardizing long existing IPs.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Yeah. And TLOU 2 got perfect 100% and 10/10 ratings from nearly every shill access media website and magazine when it came out, with a lot of them claiming that it was the best video game ever made. Only after the game wasn't new anymore did you get a few detractors that lowered the ultimate Critic score to 93% on Metacritic. The ultimate audience score was a 5.8.


The hype machine has been around almost forever because they figured out to make critical writers into fanboys of Hollywood Media Corporations

I'm old enough to remember the days when 'VHS' was around and there was an older brother a guy with a cool Aunt and another guy with an older brother who knew a critic and sometimes this critic would get a 'Tape' in the post. The tape would be shared or copied, if you knew the right person you might get to see a movie before it came out. It was basically getting a movie 1 month before release, sometimes an effect or sound would be missing and every 2 mins a big typed message would appear in the bottom of the screen
it kinda ruined the experience of the movie

Even I remember this. My mom had dated some dude at one point that was able to get us a few of those VHS tapes, but we had free cable that some other dude she dated was able to hook up that lasted for years until one day we were watching TV and the signal just stopped. Getting to see a movie early didn't really mean anything to my young brain because I had no idea even about movies being new at the time. It was more of an annoyance than anything to me to see those "REVIEW ONLY" tags going over the film.


It still happens X-Men Origins: Wolverine was outright leaked online by streamer hacker pirate sites before it was released in cinema with unfinished special effects
the studio was in danger of losing money that FBI even got involved


Yeah. Happens quite a bit. I know that I saw the first Zombieland about a week before it was released in theaters and it was a perfect copy.


An early review of a product?

It's not exactly an outright LIE

but its kinda 'rigged' also

I have no problems with a review being early.

The problems are that a vast majority of the critics today are woke pieces of shit that were brainwashed in college, and they don't even need the specter of a possible future without early access for their magazine dangled in front of their face to give glowing reviews to woke bullshit.


If the studio wanted to they would have given some proto-type version of the game or movie to their sjw gay diversity tranny friends...who will naturally vote and review a certain way.

Right. That's exactly what they do.


I never played the game but I remember the censorship and controversy well

There was also something about gays and tranny, Ellen Page Crying Game stuff being pushed in the video game.

Yup. That's probably going to be Season 2. Brace yourself for a big letdown if they follow the 2nd game.


and before it wasn't just Video Games this I remember Marvel putting pressure on Rotten Tomatoes to ban critics of
Captain Marvel
...because sexist or feminism power
Black Panther
...because racisms

Yup. But I do like to see (at least some) critics finally coming out and thrashing the trash. At this point even the normies are onto the fact that critics have no legitimate criticisms of things that should be criticized, and that they've been lied to by the critics for years. Their integrity is on the line now, and big layoffs are coming for all of them.


I will probably enjoy this show

I hope you do, and I hope they fix the 2nd part for you as well. I'm only going to watch it if I find out they did, and not waste my time until then.


The video game of a franchise is clearly going to be deeper or more interactive or longer with hours and hours of side quests etc

This idea would have thrilled me in the early-to-mid 2000's. But unless woke dies in Hollywood I have zero interest in seeing any video game properties being brought to the screen. And as for games, the only ones I'd really care to play are the "SoulsBorne" games from From Software that I haven't yet been able to play since I've never gotten a newer system after I got a PS3 and an XBox 360 on hand me down. The last time I even payed for a new game console was a PS2 when it was only $100 and on its way out.

For now? I'll stick to retro gaming. I never had to ask Mega-Man if he had a penis. The question didn't even spring to mind back then.


I think its unfair to call it a 'zombie' thing it looks more like 'The Road' or 'Children of Men'

Yeah. It is unfair. At this point I'm as Zombie'd out as I am SuperHeroe'd out and just couldn't care less anymore. The first LOU was so good I'd make an exception, and it just may be possible that I'm doing myself a disservice by not watching up to the point that the first game ended, but on principal alone I won't watch any of it if they don't end the show there or fix what they broke after the ending of the first game.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, January 29, 2023 1:03 PM



Monday, January 30, 2023 6:52 AM


Looks like they already started to put homo lesbo rights or gay stuff into the show

During a cataclysm, a full on apocalpse the most important thing for writers is to make effort to be the most gay of the diversity of the lebos of homosexuals, if there is a world ending event the most important thing is for hollyweirdos to have their 'progressive' STI STD disease spreading LGBT stance.


Monday, January 30, 2023 2:48 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
'The Last of Us' Renewed for Season 2 at HBO


Uh oh... HERE WE GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Looks like they already started to put homo lesbo rights or gay stuff into the show

During a cataclysm, a full on apocalpse the most important thing for writers is to make effort to be the most gay of the diversity of the lebos of homosexuals, if there is a world ending event the most important thing is for hollyweirdos to have their 'progressive' STI STD disease spreading LGBT stance.

Told you. Maybe you should put that in the predictions thread. You've got an entire thread here to copy into that one full of my retroactive "I Told You So's".

Looks like their new plan is to hook you with a good season, then throw all the Marxist shit in season 2 after you're already a drug addict and can't turn it off.

Without wasting much time, Joel gets brutally beaten to death by a woman so butch she might as well have just been a tranny. (Recall that Joel was a White Male in the game, so the Oppression Olympics Pyramid effects of this might be blunted somewhat now that he's a Mexican Male). This could possibly happen at the end of Episode 1. Then half of season 2 will be retconned flashbacks about the tranny, trying to make you like that character after she killed one of Season 1's main characters. Ellie and some new chick will fuck all season long until Ellie gets bored of all that gay sex and goes off on her own to hunt the tranny down, and the last minutes of Season 2 will be Ellie picking up Joel's guitar and crying when she realizes she'll never be able to play it again because the tranny cut off all her fingers on one hand.

That's Season 2. No reason to watch it now. You're welcome.

/End of Spoiler Alert.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023 5:43 PM


Thanks for the spoilers but I quit Last of Us.

a game simulation on Nuke-Wars

other products

Halo, Mortal Kombat, Mario, Resident Evil...

Arcane animation, the 'Sonic' games, 'Mass Effect' gaming franchise, 'Street Fighter', Life is Strange, Splinter Cell, Hunt Showdown, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Castlevania Nocturne, Gears of War, System Shock and Shodan, Dragon’s Dogma, Uncharted, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Alan Wake seems Twin Peaks-ish, Disco Elysium seems Memento-ish, God of War, Brothers in Arms does history and wars, Ark Survival or the Ark Animation, Driver, Twisted Metal, the Fallout games and the entire 'War-Hammer' franchise.

Video Game Adaptations Are ‘Among Us’

Twisted Metal team is more than happy to make TV’s deranged underdog


Twisted Metal Trailer


Saturday, August 19, 2023 12:38 PM


Some Fallout tv pics leaked look good, other shows did a terrible job.

Would South Korea do a better job of translating tv shows to screen than Hollyweirdos?

Leaked images from the Fallout TV suggest that Vault-Tec is doing even worse stuff than we realized

A half-dozen images and a brief video clip taken from the set of Amazon's Fallout TV series have been posted online.

New Fallout TV show leaks reveal Vault-Tec HQ

They will probably do the video game thing again with the writers strike

Some make their own product David James Armsby, better know online as Dead Sound, is a Scottish animator, does some video gamer stuff, he's a sculptor, and Youtuber

Many suggestions online over the years

the many, many types of Japanese Dungeons and Dragons style Lord of the Rings Fantasy Quest games, 'The Thief Franchise' period spooky fantasy, Monkey Island series with Pirates, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Franchise post Apocalypse, Dead Space the scifi horror, Heavy Rain a killer mystery, Elder Scrolls series in a Fantasy universe, Metal gear solid its like Commando, James Bond, Rambo, and Snake Plisken in one game they have talked about this 'movie' idea for a while but it never happened, Destroy All Humans! Alan Tudyk seems to have the idea beat with the Syfy series 'Resident Alien', Wolfenstein could be like Man in the High Castle, Dragon Age Origins tv can do Dragons now, Mass Effect another scifi, Half-Life scifi or shoot 'em up or anotehr deep story about resistance fighters its another of those massive game franchises, Max Payne a Cop but not really grounded in reality some Buffy plots and a lot of spooky psycho up-shit-creek happening, Bioshock Scifi Fantasy Steampunk and weirdness, God Of War maybe Game of Thrones meets Thor meets Conan, the Horror games Dead By Daylight, The Clock Tower Franchise could be made into a slasher type film or tv show, Fallout universe.




Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:36 PM


They won't need special FX as LA already looks like a Doomsday Apocalypse

Vault 33
Location: Los Angeles
Fallout, an original series, coming to Prime Video in 2024


Wednesday, August 30, 2023 6:01 PM


From the Five Nights at Freddy's video game series

Born in Texas, Cawthon started out developing Christian adventure games which were financially unsuccessful.

In 2021 Cawthon posted a message on his website announcing his retirement from public game development and expressing gratitude towards his followers for their ongoing support. He stated that he wished to retire in order to spend more time with his children.


Warner Bros. Pictures announced it had acquired film rights


Saturday, September 2, 2023 3:19 PM


Starfield, looks like Fallout and a tv show plot


Sunday, September 3, 2023 8:35 AM


That whole future past setting of Final Fantasy might work, the games are huge universes, amazing sound and visual designs but they also had a movie that flopped, performed very poorly in theaters, blamed for the demise of Square Pictures. Aki Ross, the computer-generated protagonist of the movie The Spirits Within, intended to serve as the world's first CGI actress re-used in later movies but it flops.

it has some scifi elements like Dr Who episodes, Planet of the Apes, Mad Max but also a lot of 'magic' a mix of Low and High Fantasy or science fantasy maybe similar to Ursula K. Le Guin or Gene Wolfe "Dying Earth" genre story


Tuesday, September 5, 2023 3:20 PM


'Stray' movie based on video game, Ice Age director's next film a go at Annapurna



Thursday, September 7, 2023 7:16 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
That whole future past setting of Final Fantasy might work, the games are huge universes, amazing sound and visual designs but they also had a movie that flopped, performed very poorly in theaters, blamed for the demise of Square Pictures. Aki Ross, the computer-generated protagonist of the movie The Spirits Within, intended to serve as the world's first CGI actress re-used in later movies but it flops.

it has some scifi elements like Dr Who episodes, Planet of the Apes, Mad Max but also a lot of 'magic' a mix of Low and High Fantasy or science fantasy maybe similar to Ursula K. Le Guin or Gene Wolfe "Dying Earth" genre story

I don't even understand why Spirits Within flopped. I loved that movie.

Sure... in many respects it could hardly even be considered a Final Fantasy property, but even since the original game that came out for the original Nintendo back in 1986, there was hints of vastly futuristic technology, and it wasn't just the medieval type setting. And ever since then they've had fantastic war machines and space craft in their games that are totally anachronistic to the setting. And besides... with rare exception, most of the games in the 37 year old series had nothing to do with each other.

The voice acting in Spirits was top-notch with a pretty awesome cast, and the animation was so good for the time it still holds up well today. Though none of the medieval setting made an appearance at all, I loved the sci-fi vibe.

They could have called it something other than Final Fantasy and it probably would have done a lot better.

Yeah... They even put Aki Ross in a Maxim Magazine back then.

There's footage online of "interviews" being done with her as if she was an actress and a real person. They had quite a few plans for her.

It's crazy to think how many millions of dollars were spent on the budget of that movie back then to make those characters, but people have free access to software today that is capable of doing even more impressive work depending on the skill of the person behind it.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023 8:21 AM


Books don't seem to inspiure as much as they used to, all paint by numbers now with Cartoons and Video Games, they have been trying Akria for a long time, One Piece now selling, SpyxFamily becoming popular and wacky Season 2 Opening Credits maybe Demon Slayer or some other video games stuff will work.

It sounds like 'My Hero Academia' would ahve worked before the Super Hero Fatigue if it came out before 'Avengers'

Attack on Titan like Godzilla and Giant Zombies

Some people hated the movie, I think it was a Japanese anime toon and not a video game

Attack on Titan


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

It's crazy to think how many millions of dollars were spent on the budget of that movie back then to make those characters, but people have free access to software today that is capable of doing even more impressive work depending on the skill of the person behind it.

Someone has to break new ground, the Artist, the Science inventor, Painter or Architecture man is not always a good business man


Thursday, October 5, 2023 5:12 PM



Thursday, October 5, 2023 7:09 PM


I'm really hoping that Lionsgate Borderlands isn't a total woke piece of shit when it drops next year.

The casting is woke, but that was greenlit way before the overall failure of the 2023 box office and the strikes could purge the bad actors and is to be expected.

That could be a fun movie if they didn't do what nearly everybody besides Universal did with Super Mario Bros. But that credit probably goes to Nintendo far more than Universal. I heard that Nintendo shot down a lot of woke bullshit that was pitched in the pre-production of that film.

I don't even know why you'd make a movie out of Cyberpunk 2077. That game got middling scores by critics and gamers alike and is still riddled with bugs today.

Not only that, but it's only a couple of years old. Hardly a classic. And hardly a household name at that. If they go woke with it, it's DOA. If they don't go woke with it, they'd better still have a small production budget because nobody but hardcore gamers are even going to care.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, October 6, 2023 11:20 AM


I don't know the game, I might have seen a trailer clip

Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Jamie Lee Curtis


Eli Roth who did those erotic thriller and weird sadist tortureporn Hostel movies?

There is also an explosion of news about video game to Live Action movies or Tv shows

/ , https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/blindspotting-producers-
, https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/duke-nukem-movie-1
/ , https://deadline.com/2022/08/days-gone-sony-playstation-movie-outlande
/ , https://deadline.com/2021/03/sony-playstation-productions-ghost-of-tsu
/ , https://movieweb.com/matthew-lillard-three-film-deal-five-nights-at-fr
/, https://deadline.com/2022/08/gravity-rush-film-in-works-from-playstati
/ , https://www.ladbible.com/entertainment/tv-and-film-the-script-for-meta
, https://deadline.com/2022/12/story-kitchen-sloclap-sifu-1235187397/ , https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/sega-adapting-spac
/ , https://deadline.com/2023/04/markiplier-to-star-in-direct-horror-film-


Friday, October 6, 2023 5:21 PM


I've only ever played Borderlands 2 when my brother gave it to me. I loved the art style of the game and the humor.

That B3 demo video you posted doesn't really do anything to show that there is an actual story. Unlike the DOOM movies that had to try to create a movie-length story out of a game that had about 1 minute of story and was just a 1st person shooter gore-fest, they should have plenty of story to work with, with 4 games and all the DLC that came out over the years.

Those are just the cutscenes. There were probably a ton more of them on B3 because of the newer technology. The scenes in that video were probably only 5% of the story in the game, and the game itself looked as good as the cutscenes did, so unlike games using older technology, B2 came out at a time where you never really lost the immersion between cutscenes and gameplay.

There was a ton of story to B2, but a lot of it in dialogue you had with NPCs and you had (I believe) a sat-phone on you so there was also a lot of dialogue during missions when you were on your own through the link.

Jack was probably my favorite video game villain of all time. Gotta say... I'm not thrilled to see that he isn't on the cast list over at IMDB.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023 8:17 AM


Five Nights at Freddy's

very creepy looking


Tuesday, October 24, 2023 11:48 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Five Nights at Freddy's

very creepy looking

I'm hoping they did it justice. It's got to be better than Willy's Wonderland, just because it doesn't have Nicholas Cage hamming it up the whole time, otherwise there was no real point in even making it when Willy's Wonderland already exists.

There's a ton of lore for them to work off of. I have to say I'm rather pleased with the obvious work and care they put into the animatronics themselves. This one could actually be an enjoyable watch.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, December 3, 2023 9:19 PM


FNaF great results at the box office

I think we have a 'Fallout' thread somewhere

however it's 'Amazon' so they might put a bunch of SJW politics in it


Tuesday, December 5, 2023 7:23 PM


The Most Awaited Movies And TV Shows Based On Video Games



Friday, December 8, 2023 8:18 AM



HBO’s ‘The Last of Us’ Wins Best Adaptation at the 2023 Game Awards

and they still hate and stalk and write trash about the creator of FNaF


Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:31 PM


2025? or 2024??

Henry Cavill's Warhammer 40,000 cinematic universe is now 'properly rolling' as Games Workshop finalizes deal

The grandfather of Warhammer, Bryan Ansell, has died


Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:51 PM


Arcane: Season 2


Friday, January 12, 2024 1:30 PM


Looks like Halo S2 is out soon


Friday, January 12, 2024 1:31 PM


Halo season 2 Trailer


Friday, January 12, 2024 5:01 PM


Never got into Halo myself. 1st person shooters were my bag between Wolfenstein/DOOM and Goldeneye. Everything since has been derivative and boring to me and I'd already tuned out of the genre before the original XBOX came out.

Was the first season any good? I can't really imagine it was with the way things have been going lately.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 19, 2024 7:22 AM


didn't see your post and its kind of diffuclt to keep track of posts on this online community

I watched most of the show, kind of casually in the background but getting into it more at the end of first season. I thought it was a good show but I know many were offended for it not following a story almost exactly like the 'Video Games'. I don't know the games but some of my friends played them you might know more about the games than me. I also played old games like Doom which was weird demonic, Wolfenstein very good gameplay but straneg zombie Nazis and GoldenEye was fun especial the Split-goldeneye 4 player screen, a different time an era of gaming before credit cards upgrading weapons and interwebs chat addictions.

It didn't have much of 'The Message' a sudden appearance of Gay Black Islamist Transexuals Diversity Feminist Gay Lesbian Multi-Sexual Antifa appearing suddenly for no reason...the show seemed kind of normal like old shows used to be.

To me 'Halo' I didnt have time for it or it seemed like it was done before, like the whole Space Marine from the book Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein or the Warhammer board game Space Marines or any of the other dozens of military in space genre with 'alien' worlds. The game is known for great shooter gameplay, top music score, very good computer graphical imagery. I know the Halo franchise is a huge seller so it is understandable it has its fans who are very particular about how video game to a show could be made. I never seen the game as 'wow that looks super original' I feel the 'Space Marine' itself is everywhere now Just like a a Green Alien man is everywhere or StarTrek FlashGordon StarWars style ship is seen everywhere another cliché pre-existing trope genre archetype, the Space Marine is everywhere now in Gears of War, Starcraft, Colonial Marines of Aliens, maybe its better to enjoy a tv or movie a little ignorant of the franchise without knowing too much about its history.


Friday, January 19, 2024 10:54 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
didn't see your post and its kind of diffuclt to keep track of posts on this online community

No worries.


I watched most of the show, kind of casually in the background but getting into it more at the end of first season. I thought it was a good show but I know many were offended for it not following a story almost exactly like the 'Video Games'. I don't know the games but some of my friends played them you might know more about the games than me. I also played old games like Doom which was weird demonic, Wolfenstein very good gameplay but straneg zombie Nazis and GoldenEye was fun especial the Split-goldeneye 4 player screen, a different time an era of gaming before credit cards upgrading weapons and interwebs chat addictions.

I was like 11 years old when DOOM came out, so of course I loved it. Growing up with the Atari 5200 and Atari 7800, it was amazing to me that 3D graphics were even possible and the game just blew my young little mind at the time. I remember thinking when DOOM was out on PC and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was in the arcades "that's it. Graphics can't possibly get any better than this!."

Goldeneye was the best of the best. I used to have parties all the time at my first apartment and a lot of people there were always taking turns playing Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64. It's kind of funny looking back on that.

I don't know any more about Halo than you do I'm sure. I've played games up until the Playstation 3 / XBox 360 generation, and have gotten hand me down consoles and games from my brothers who had moved on to the next generation. I used to play them quite a bit too, but my problem is that I always want to 100% games (perfectionism is a curse), and my brain is wired in a way where I can do mindless virtual chores that most people wouldn't ever be able to do to get those Platinum Trophies. I sunk over 660 hours into Bethesda's Oblivion, and that was after I stopped drinking. It was even worse back when I was drinking. I remember playing a game called Torchlight II on the PC (it's very much like Diablo, if you know what that is). I probably put 2,500+ hours into that one when I was drinking. Same with Borderlands 2, which was the last game I played while drinking.

Borderlands to IS a first person shooter, but I was able to play it because it had very heavy Role Playing Game elements like leveling up, a skill tree, and the "loot farm", with probably a million different guns and shields of different rarities that would force you to do the same things over and over and over again until you got the best loot.


It didn't have much of 'The Message' a sudden appearance of Gay Black Islamist Transexuals Diversity Feminist Gay Lesbian Multi-Sexual Antifa appearing suddenly for no reason...the show seemed kind of normal like old shows used to be.

Of course. That's just expected in current year.


To me 'Halo' I didnt have time for it or it seemed like it was done before, like the whole Space Marine from the book Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein or the Warhammer board game Space Marines or any of the other dozens of military in space genre with 'alien' worlds. The game is known for great shooter gameplay, top music score, very good computer graphical imagery. I know the Halo franchise is a huge seller so it is understandable it has its fans who are very particular about how video game to a show could be made. I never seen the game as 'wow that looks super original' I feel the 'Space Marine' itself is everywhere now Just like a a Green Alien man is everywhere or StarTrek FlashGordon StarWars style ship is seen everywhere another cliché pre-existing trope genre archetype, the Space Marine is everywhere now in Gears of War, Starcraft, Colonial Marines of Aliens, maybe its better to enjoy a tv or movie a little ignorant of the franchise without knowing too much about its history.

I played one of the HALO games once 2-player with my brother for a couple of hours. It was a technological marvel at the time. I didn't get what was happening, but that's only because it was already the 3rd or 4th game and I jumped in with him at a point in the middle of the game.

He knew everything about it. He was in the army and he set up an entire network on base where 20 or 30 guys would be able to play multiplayer on the LAN. They were all huge fans of an OG youtube channel that made a series called Red vs. Blue, which was a comedy using assets from the original Halo game and the characters.

I'm pretty sure all of those guys ended up super disappointed with the show. It's not like back in the day when the original Super Mario Bros. movie came out and they had no real story to work with. For probably at least 20 years now there has been rich storytelling in the video game industry that I would argue rivaled almost anything coming out of Hollywood on the big and small screen. Especially when they upgraded to getting real actors to voice characters around the XBox 360 era. I was kind of pissed that they were putting voice actors out of work by doing that, but it's hard to deny that the quality of the games increased quite a bit when people like Patrick Stewart and even Firefly's own Adam Baldwin were the voices you were hearing.

So I'll bet it's really tricky making a show or movie with a huge budget that not only caters to long-time fans of a property, but also can have enough appeal with general non-gamer audiences that don't know all the back story and aren't about to go play through half a dozen games as homework before watching a new show.

At least they used to try though. But then they got high on their own farts and started forcing DEI agendas into everything for likes on Twitter. But now the venture capital is gone, all the tech companies and the studios are laying off everyone and I think we'll get back to actually making good content instead of stuff that just pushes "The Message".

Everybody always talks so doom and gloom about Hollywood, but that's never my point I'm trying to get across when I make all those Hollywood bashing threads. I want them to fix themselves. I want them to do better. Great entertainment is a great thing. Let's get back to making great entertainment.

I'm not MAGA. I'm MEGA. Make Entertainment Great Again!


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, March 4, 2024 5:41 AM


Fallout Presented by Overseer Hank


Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:11 AM


trailer for Fallout,


Thursday, March 7, 2024 10:54 AM


Looks a little Girl Bossy and Black Powerey from the trailer. Not a great start.

Also, "saving the world" is not something that anybody gives a shit about in the Fallout universe. Not even the vault dwellers. So subtract some points for that as well.

On the flip side, they did use the Fallout 3 soundtrack and actual in-game sounds to good effect, the props and costumes are excellent and the cinematography is gorgeous.

And I suspect that might be Grandma Sparkle laughing and saying "I thought all of you dipshits were dead", which is bound to win back a few points if it is.

We'll see what happens. I'm going to sit this one out if all the white males are dumb cucks and bad guys, but if they manage to have some white male protagonists in there with a good amount of screentime that they aren't showing in the trailers I'll probably watch it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 7, 2024 11:26 AM


it looks ok-ish not terrible, they kept some of the feel and look but there might be something to that whole George Soros, the EU, Blackrock Vanguard 'DEI' conspiracy

how stupid could it get, add islamic Black muslim transexuals....

Hollywood’s Chief Diversity Officers Tell All
After George Floyd’s killing by police in May 2020, demands on D&I leaders "exploded," with burnout and a critical balancing act between CEOs and employees constantly at hand — but also signs of progress.

Two Years After George Floyd’s Murder, Is Your DEI Strategy Performative Or Sustainable?

‘Diversity Fatigue’? Hollywood Loses 4 DEI Leaders in Less Than 2 Weeks
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion execs From Warner Bros. Discovery, Disney, Netflix and the Academy were either laid off or left their jobs in the past 10 days


Thursday, March 7, 2024 11:34 AM


Nah... That ain't Grandma Sparkle. It's "Ma June", played by Dale Dickey.

Not a good sign that they're just making up their own characters either. There are a literal TON of characters that they already have to choose from between all of the fallout games.

Makes me think that this might be one of those productions where the showrunners are telling everyone involved not to do any research or play any of the games beforehand like they did with The Witcher.

All they had to do was call that character Grandma Sparkle instead of Ma June and it would have already gone viral among actual players of the games, which SHOULD be the first demographic you're trying to impress with this.

It looks like Walton Goggins isn't just the Vault-Tec guy in the intro, and he plays one of the 3 main protagonists. He's the ghoul. So they do have a white guy playing a sort of anti-hero, which to be honest is probably going to make his character the most accurate depiction of Fallout in the entire show.

Black Guy joining the Brotherhood of Steel for vengeance is a bullshit story arc. Even if that was his motivation, he wouldn't go around telling anybody that was his motivation. He would never have been initiated into the BoS if he told them that's why he wanted to join. He also would have known that to be the case if he was even serious about joining up.

I don't hate the naivity of the main character and the whole "fish out of water" thing. That interaction with Not-Grandma-Sparkle was pretty funny. You could tell that she thought she was hot shit since she came from the vault and then she gets laughed right in her face.

But unless she gets some SERIOUS help almost immediately, there is zero chance she would survive more than a day or two in the wasteland with the way she carries herself. It's absolutely brutal out there. If she wasn't killed outright, somebody would come around quick and put a slave collar on her. I'm sure nobody 20 miles outside of the New Vegas strip has seen a hooker as clean as she is with all of her teeth in their lives and she'd be some prime real estate.

It looks from the trailer that she's surviving a whole lot of bad things right after leaving the vault. That's fine if it's done right and maybe she's the recipient of some very good luck (and it's okay if she's smart enough to believably have the wits to get out of hairy situations), but if she's just a girl boss who goes around kicking everyone's ass or sharpshooting everybody trying to kill her when it's obvious that she's lived a very semi-charmed life in the vault until today, nobody is going to be interested in this for very long.

It's also fine if over time she learns from the people who aren't out to kill her and she ends up being a force to be reckoned with by season 3 or something too. After all, that's what the games are all about. When you first emerge from the vault, no matter what sex or the hue of skin you choose for your avatar, you're equally as useless and a couple of mole rats could come around and kill you if you don't run away from them. It was made much easier in the 3D games in the 2000's too. The first two turn-based isometric Fallout games from the 90s were tough as nails and there was a great chance that a few rats in the cave on your way out the vault were going to kill you, forcing you to respec your entire character since the game didn't hold your hand and tell you what stats were the most important to beef up initially. You'll just keep kicking at those rats and missing them every time while they chew at your legs until you die.

I'll reserve my judgement until it comes out. Unless I hear awful things about it I will probably at least give the first episode a watch. If done well, Fallout could be an amazing show, and there's no reason why they couldn't add to the cast of characters in the future like they did over time with The Walking Dead. Hopefully with actual characters instead of this made up shit. "The Ghoul" is a stupid, stupid name for Goggins when there are a LOT of non-feral ghouls that live among the humans.


Fortunately though, by just naming him "The Ghoul" they could actually reveal that he is one of the actual fallout Ghoul characters in time and they haven't locked themselves into a fake made up character. So maybe the name isn't so stupid after all.

It would be great if they got Danny Trejo on board to reprise his role as the ghoul Raul at some point.

There's plenty of opportunity to fix this if they already broke it, as long as they didn't already break it too bad.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, March 7, 2024 2:26 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
It looks like Walton Goggins isn't just the Vault-Tec guy in the intro, and he plays one of the 3 main protagonists. He's the ghoul. So they do have a white guy playing a sort of anti-hero, which to be honest is probably going to make his character the most accurate depiction of Fallout in the entire show.

Yanno... I was thinking about this post while doing some work and this specific part really started to bother me.

Not the fact that the only white male protagonist is the one hidden under a mask. I fully expect that to be the case in current year, and I'm surprised that they gave the job of one of the 3 main protagonists to a white male in the first place.

No... What bothers me here is that it appears the people making this show don't understand the subject matter AT ALL, and I believe the fact that they made the only main white male actor a ghoul is all the evidence you need for this.

Dating back to the early Fallout games, but extrapolated heavily on in the later games, the ghoul characters as a whole were an allegory for how easily humans tend to "judge a book by its cover" and how unfair stereotyping somebody who looks different than you do can be. The early games couldn't convey this nearly as well with the limited voice acting, but later games really did a great job of this.

So to take that main ghoul character and cast him as the main white male in the cast seems to me that they completely missed the point, or the people charged with telling this story weren't even aware the point existed in the first place.

I suppose that one COULD make the argument that some really deep thinking was put into this casting choice and that with the strange turns the culture "wars" have taken since 2012 it is a very interesting choice to make that main ghoul character the only white male protagonist, but until I watch it and see if that is the case I'll have to see it to believe that I'm not giving them WAY too much credit here.

If they simply put Goggins in a ghoul mask to "hide the white guy", this entire show is trash from the start.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, April 13, 2024 12:19 PM


did Amazon mess it up?

‘Fallout’ review: learn to love the bomb in this fun yet flawed adaptation


Saturday, April 13, 2024 3:44 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
did Amazon mess it up?

‘Fallout’ review: learn to love the bomb in this fun yet flawed adaptation

That seems like a pretty glowing review to only give it 3 out of 5 stars, ngl.

With this review I'm sold on it...


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024 11:36 PM


I just watched episode 1 of Fallout and I'm extremely happy to report that it's the best video game adaptation I've ever seen in my life, and nothing else even comes close to it.

Here's hoping they kept that up the whole run and that if they do more they keep the same people in charge because they clearly know what they're doing.

Boy am I glad they wasted $500 Million on Lord of the Rings and fucked that up with The Message first, and learned from that very expensive lesson before they got to Fallout.

Congratulations to everyone involved, and also my sincere thanks.

You did a great job.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, May 2, 2024 4:49 PM


I posted more about it in the Predictions thread in the RWED today. Fallout made that thread since Jaynez put my prediction that this was going to be a legendary woke flop before the trailer dropped.

I'm 4 episodes into it and I like it even more than I did after that first episode and I'm looking forward to binging the last 4 episodes this evening.

At this point I'd be very surprised if they let me down and crammed in a bunch of Democrat talking points to ruin it like they've ruined almost everything else they've done for the last decade.

I think this just may very well be one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I just hope they don't leave us with a Sarah Connor Chronicles cliff-hanger and cancel season 2.

Finger's crossed.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, May 3, 2024 12:13 AM


Finished it. It was awesome. Looking forward to season two.

Figured I will mention that they ultimately pushed really hard on the interracial relationships that you find in all the commercials in current year.

But other than that, no complaints.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, May 4, 2024 5:26 PM


They put a lot of money into Fallout. Watched the first ep and enjoyed it

20 Best Video Game Adaptations Ever

7 games that would make TV shows as good as Fallout

Video Game TV Adaptations That Could Be The Next ‘Fallout’


can't be much worse than Mortal Kombat?


Monday, May 6, 2024 11:20 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
They put a lot of money into Fallout. Watched the first ep and enjoyed it

I haven't ever looked into the budget, but it is VERY evident that a lot of money went into this one. The sets were absolutely gorgeous and those vaults were perfect living recreations of what you saw in the game.

80% of the songs that were in the show were in the game Fallout 3, and there's a whole bunch of lore surrounding the Fallout musical style. They did a good job finding other music of the era and even sometimes from the same artists that did other songs in Fallout 3. I had to laugh and tell my dad that he already heard most of those songs before even though he never played the game. When my brother got married, pretty much the entire Fallout 3 soundtrack was playing during the dinner part of the evening.

Strangely enough, one of the few songs they didn't play at the wedding (for obvious reasons) wasn't in the show either...

Pretty sure they're saving that for a really good part next season though... although I can think of a few parts in the first season where it would have fit well.

And the sound effects were on point. There were so many things that happened in the show where you'd hear the exact sounds that happened in the game. Sometimes almost to the point of being spoiler territory for a huge Fallout fan who's played the games multiple times. There was more than one instance where I knew what was right around the corner before general audiences would have just because of what I was hearing.

And damn if they didn't get the exact same guy to voice Mr. Handy on the show as they did in the games, he's one of the best mimics around. I like Jack Black and all, but it's a downright sin they didn't get the guy who voiced Claptrap in the Borderlands game to voice him in the Borderlands movie. (There's even a joke in the Fallout show about how little the guy who voiced all the Mr. Handy robots got paid for that gig, but I bet Jack Black saw at least a Million or two to do the voice of Claptrap... what a senseless waste of money).

I've been told by a few other people who have never played the games who have either seen it already or started watching it after I told them about it that it took them about 2 episodes to really get into it, so if you're already enjoying it after 1 episode you've got a fun 7 hours ahead of you.


20 Best Video Game Adaptations Ever

LOL... The 20 "Best", huh? Boy, they had to cram a bunch of crap in there to stretch that list out.

Of course they picked uber-woke The Last of Us as number one though. That's bullshit. There's no chance in hell that was better than Fallout is, even if it wasn't a woke dumpster fire. These writers are no doubt the same people who gave TLOU2 a 100% or 10/10 on failing or already failed video game "journalism" sites a few years back. That's cool. They'll all be pushing carts and serving coffee soon if they aren't already.

And honestly... Ain't everybody "zombied" out by now anyhow. *yawn*


7 games that would make TV shows as good as Fallout

I've never played any of those, although I have played one or two of the Shin Megami Tensi games, of which the Persona games are a spinoff.

Personally, I'd love to see a Borderlands TV show but I have a real bad feeling, particularly in the 2024 market, that the Borderlands movie is going to be a massive flop, so I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.


Video Game TV Adaptations That Could Be The Next ‘Fallout’

Yeah... I'd watch a Metroid show for sure.

Samus is the first badass female character in video game history.

And it's earned.

And please, Hollywood... I know that Brie Larson REALLY wants to play her. Do not let this be a thing that happens. You'll end up paying for that decision if it does. She's tainted goods.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, May 27, 2024 6:02 AM


32 Classic Video Games That Need To Get A Movie Or TV Show





JAYNEZTOWN 10.17 04:28


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