Parasyte The Grey

UPDATED: Monday, June 17, 2024 01:32
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Saturday, April 6, 2024 3:25 PM


Parasyte: The Grey Review | Astounding Body Horror Series from Train to Busan Director



Sunday, April 7, 2024 3:49 PM


Netflix's Parasyte: The Grey Accomplishes What Few Live-Action Adaptations Have



Thursday, May 2, 2024 10:07 PM


This looks pretty good. Thanks for sharing it. I'll have to remember to look into it.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, May 2, 2024 10:32 PM


Well... That's an interesting little rabbit hole you found there, Jaynez.

What little I read of your links already hooked me, but I didn't read too much because I don't want anything spoiled. The 80's remake of The Thing is in my top 3 list of movies, and I'm a fan of all things Invasion of the Body Snatchers. All 4 "Invasion" movies, The Puppet Masters, The Facuilty... even the 80's version of Invaders from Mars. This seems like it would fit in with all of them nicely.

It appears this was originally Manga and they made an Anime show of it at some point. From user reviews on IMDB, it looks like the self-described fans of the anime liked the live action version and gave it 8/10 in their reviews. I'm surprised some of those reviews weren't higher since some of those people seemed to be as appreciative that they didn't screw it up as I was to the makers of Fallout.

The strange thing is I also found 2 Parasyte movies, but I'm not sure how close they are related to the Anime/Manga and "The Grey".

The movies center around a high school boy who gets one of the Parasytes that takes over one of his hands. But instead of being Body Snatchers like The Grey, its more of a symbiotic relationship like Venom. Or maybe the Parasytes are Body Snatchers with everyone else they come into contact with, but this boy is somehow special???

From what very little I've read of them, it sounds like he actually "befriends" the symbiote and maybe convinces him to help keep the rest of them from taking over humanity? But he's also got to fight it from taking over him at the same time maybe too?

That could also be interesting. I don't think anything else is dubbed and/or dubbed well from what I've heard. Subtitles might be the way to go to view any of the stuff that came before The Grey.


Did you watch The Grey? I'm curious what you thought if you had.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, May 4, 2024 10:19 AM


Oh... I did end up reading just a little bit more of one of your articles on this, and it's definitely related to the movies (Parasyte: Part 1 & Parasyte: Part 2) as well as the Manga and Anime.

Looks like they may have done themselves a gender swap here for the TV show, since it appears the main character is a girl instead of a boy, and yes... My assumptions were correct, the main character IS "special" in that instead of being taken over Body Snatchers / The Thing style they aren't fully assimilated and rather they wear this parasite on their sleeve similar to how Eddie Brock does with Venom.

I'm still really interested in giving this one a shot. The Thing, The Body Snatchers franchise, The Faculty, The Puppetmasters... Even the 80's remake of Invaders from Mars... They're all among my favorite movies. And although I've only seen Snowpiercer and haven't gotten around to watching anything else out of South Korea yet, I know that you hold South Korean productions in pretty high regard these days.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, May 4, 2024 6:26 PM


So I think you're saying there is a Parasyte: Part 1 Japanese horror scifi action film, and a part 2...if so I did not know...I only knew of the trailers of the Japan toons, I think the Koreans did a good job I'm not sure Japan can do good tv

I liked the show, very entertaining a good plot and story moving all the way through and I think it ends well. Anime characters can be unrealistic it can have cliche horror, martial arts, Crazy Hairstyles, big mecha robots, the Alien is a puppy cat Adorable Mascots, school girl, the special power Shouting Attacks'. but maybe that's the charm of it and why people prefer it to Japanese Live Action. South Korea does Not have much of a cartoon industry but they have a great tv and film industry with products exported around the world today.

Can't compare it to the original J toons much I haven't really watched Anime for ages or done those Manga cartoons for a while, I do watch trailers and I was aware it was a Japan cartoon show but I had not seen much of the Japanese toon. I think the last Japan tv animation I watched might have been 'Death Note' and it was a binge watch of a few episodes before I watched the Death Note Live Action Movie Web series. As much as I have disliked Disney products I must give them repsect for the visuals, sound and animation quality at Disney studios the Anime shows often take a lot of shortcuts, Anime sometimes can look poor cheap and lower frame rate, it is not always high-quality so maybe that's one reason to switch off for a while.
Does Castlevania count? I know it was a joint US Japan studio animation production, I watched it but is it real 'Japan'?? Castelvania seems to be an American product but with Konami and Ayami Kojima's artwork so it might not be 'pure' Anime.

What I find about South Koreans is they are really good at what they do in tv and movies, and yes sometimes they can take a product from Japan and do an even better remake of the Japanese artistic property.

Adaptation into Live Action Japan tv is a risk, many of them in Japan tv acting circles over-act super emotional which the Japanese themselves are not. The Japan tv sets can be cheap and lousy, there is something not genuine about the writing of a Japan show. They do too much they move arms over express like they are trying to Copy mannerism of an American tv show, European show or South Korean actor, the variety entertainment talk show is too weird, too creepy, too predictable too sleazy porno-ish or too obnoxious there can be a very strange bullying slapstick side a dumb word play in jokes or almost a cruelty to the humor. The writing and film in some Japan Live action products with real actors look like amateur productions while the S.Koreans invest and put work and artistic effort in their show, over-acting is common on a Japan show and realism is not a strong point, for silly products there are worse drama Mexican Spanish soap operas. There might be a reason why Japan tries too hard in a Live Action show for example actor influence from Kabuki mindset of Japanese theatre. Japan tv is noted for being terrible, 'Death Note' is a good movie but I think maybe there are 2 good shows, Bartender, Hanzawa Naoki...its hard to find other shows people respect, Garo looks like a cheap period piece like an Adam West Batman or 'Xena', you get all those Kuuga Rider powerrangers type costume, tarento bad versions of talent show and bad drama stuff but Japan film is ok if you check their film industry there are heaps of good movies from Kurosawa era and J-horror but the tv never caught up it evolved which might be way many watch anime and read manga toons. I'm glad the Koreans did this show because maybe the Japanese would have messed it up.

If you liked the original manga/anime then I think the South Korean version is good and pays respect and tribute to the original, if you watched the Japan movie...I can't comment because I was not aware Japan and made this product into a movie.
if you have not seen the South Korea show I think it has enough of that original creative Japan scifi feel and paying tribute to Western scifi you mentioned like 'The Thing', 'Body Snatchers' while adding enough plot, action and unique moments of drama, action and visual spectacle to hold viewers’ interest.


Saturday, May 4, 2024 8:33 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So I think you're saying there is a Parasyte: Part 1 Japanese horror scifi action film, and a part 2...if so I did not know...I only knew of the trailers of the Japan toons, I think the Koreans did a good job I'm not sure Japan can do good tv

Yes... I just looked into it and you are correct. The two movies were made in Japan. It looks like Toho was involved.


I liked the show, very entertaining a good plot and story moving all the way through and I think it ends well. Anime characters can be unrealistic it can have cliche horror, martial arts, Crazy Hairstyles, big mecha robots, the Alien is a puppy cat Adorable Mascots, school girl, the special power Shouting Attacks'. but maybe that's the charm of it and why people prefer it to Japanese Live Action. South Korea does Not have much of a cartoon industry but they have a great tv and film industry with products exported around the world today.

Can't compare it to the original J toons much I haven't really watched Anime for ages or done those Manga cartoons for a while, I do watch trailers and I was aware it was a Japan cartoon show but I had not seen much of the Japanese toon. I think the last Japan tv animation I watched might have been 'Death Note' and it was a binge watch of a few episodes before I watched the Death Note Live Action Movie Web series. As much as I have disliked Disney products I must give them repsect for the visuals, sound and animation quality at Disney studios the Anime shows often take a lot of shortcuts, Anime sometimes can look poor cheap and lower frame rate, it is not always high-quality so maybe that's one reason to switch off for a while.
Does Castlevania count? I know it was a joint US Japan studio animation production, I watched it but is it real 'Japan'?? Castelvania seems to be an American product but with Konami and Ayami Kojima's artwork so it might not be 'pure' Anime.

What I find about South Koreans is they are really good at what they do in tv and movies, and yes sometimes they can take a product from Japan and do an even better remake of the Japanese artistic property.

Adaptation into Live Action Japan tv is a risk, many of them in Japan tv acting circles over-act super emotional which the Japanese themselves are not. The Japan tv sets can be cheap and lousy, there is something not genuine about the writing of a Japan show. They do too much they move arms over express like they are trying to Copy mannerism of an American tv show, European show or South Korean actor, the variety entertainment talk show is too weird, too creepy, too predictable too sleazy porno-ish or too obnoxious there can be a very strange bullying slapstick side a dumb word play in jokes or almost a cruelty to the humor. The writing and film in some Japan Live action products with real actors look like amateur productions while the S.Koreans invest and put work and artistic effort in their show, over-acting is common on a Japan show and realism is not a strong point, for silly products there are worse drama Mexican Spanish soap operas. There might be a reason why Japan tries too hard in a Live Action show for example actor influence from Kabuki mindset of Japanese theatre. Japan tv is noted for being terrible, 'Death Note' is a good movie but I think maybe there are 2 good shows, Bartender, Hanzawa Naoki...its hard to find other shows people respect, Garo looks like a cheap period piece like an Adam West Batman or 'Xena', you get all those Kuuga Rider powerrangers type costume, tarento bad versions of talent show and bad drama stuff but Japan film is ok if you check their film industry there are heaps of good movies from Kurosawa era and J-horror but the tv never caught up it evolved which might be way many watch anime and read manga toons. I'm glad the Koreans did this show because maybe the Japanese would have messed it up.

If you liked the original manga/anime then I think the South Korean version is good and pays respect and tribute to the original, if you watched the Japan movie...I can't comment because I was not aware Japan and made this product into a movie.
if you have not seen the South Korea show I think it has enough of that original creative Japan scifi feel and paying tribute to Western scifi you mentioned like 'The Thing', 'Body Snatchers' while adding enough plot, action and unique moments of drama, action and visual spectacle to hold viewers’ interest.

I never watched Castlevania although I've heard great things about it. The game franchise it was based off of was 100% a Japanese creation spanning all the way back to the mid 1980's, but I do not know what kind of Japanese/American involvement there was in the show. I have seen bits and pieces of it though and the artwork looks pretty damn good. I know what you're saying about your average Anime productions though. Even though the few that my brothers got me to watch were pretty damn enjoyable just because they covered much more adult topics than anything Disney put out, they just can't compete with Disney animation even though they've come a LONG way since things like Speed Racer and Lupin III.

I have not seen any Parasyte property and wasn't even aware of it at all until I'd seen this post from you about the Netflix show.

It's funny you mention the "silliness" of Japan Cinema/Movies, because from what I read about the Parasyte movies is that they're "dark comedies". I think I also heard that there were "self pleasuring" jokes in there too, both in the movies and the Manga/Anime... yanno... because the thing only takes over the main character's hand instead of sharing the entire body like it does with the girl on the Netflix show.

I did watch the first episode of the Netflix show today and though I could be wrong, I don't imagine that it's going to have much comedy in it, dark or otherwise. I really liked the first episode, so thanks for bringing this up.

I think my only complaint so far would probably be the acting of the woman who is running the military response to the invasion... the one who's husband was assimilated. I didn't think that in the first scene you saw her, but I felt her acting in the scene where she's explaining the situation to the cops and requesting that any recent unsolved murders need to be brought to her was pretty cartoonish and over the top. I'm hoping they dial that back going forward.

Otherwise, I'm invested. I'll happily watch the rest of them after seeing episode one, and I'm very interested in the dynamic between Main Girl and her parasyte. I really like how they've managed to begin the communication process with each other since it seems that, at least for now, they do not have the ability to directly communicate with each other although they share the same body.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, May 4, 2024 10:56 PM



I'm 3 episodes in now and I'm loving it.

Unfortunately, I can't personally put it on the same level as The Thing and Body Snatchers or the other movies I mentioned though.

That has little to nothing at all to do with the quality of writing, acting or special effects. I love pretty much everything I'm seeing on those fronts. It's just not really "scary" to me though since body horror in and of itself doesn't creep me out at all.

It's just that either we already know who is a parasyte or if somebody ends up being one it just doesn't really matter all that much. They're not really that scary to me because there is no real sense of paranoia that you get from those other movies when the aliens have the ability to multiply and take anybody over at any time. Unless something changes, they've basically come right out and said that they can't procreate and they need each other to survive because of how small their numbers are.

I think the one thing they probably still could have done (and may actually end up doing with half the season left) is to keep the viewer in the dark about who has been turned and who hasn't been turned. But because they really are fish out of water that appear to have no real ability to blend in it just doesn't have that constant sense of dread that you feel when you watch something like The Thing where you have no idea if characters you care about are themselves or not anymore. Or the feeling you get when it's pretty clear that eventually everybody else, including you, will eventually be turned in the end no matter how far you try to run.

But I still really like the characters and I'm very interested in seeing where this goes.

I'm dying to find out why the Captain's 2nd in command is working for them even though he's still human. I'm glad that the actress I was complaining about a little in the last post has toned it down a bit from the scene I thought was a bit problematic. I'm also happy they showed the flashback of what happened to her husband right in front of her and how she managed that situation. She's been through some shit, so the fact that she was acting pretty loopy there doesn't feel as over the top as I thought it did when I'd just watched the 1st episode. She's kind of a badass and it feels earned.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, May 6, 2024 10:57 PM


Funny story...

I didn't realize until I started watching the 5th episode that Parasyte: The Grey was dubbed in English and I was using subtitles the whole time. But when I finally figured that out not only did it sound completely wrong since the voices aren't anything alike, but I didn't care for the voice acting, so I switched it back to subtitles for the last two episodes.

I loved the show man. Thanks for pointing it out 'cause I probably never would have even heard about it otherwise.

I think it's kind of funny that pretty much everybody in South Korea is a Millionaire. That's where American's are heading soon. I bet it costs $20,000 for a loaf of bread before I die.

It's really interesting seeing South Korean shows like this and getting a feeling that they really have emulated American democracy and society. If you took out the aliens and it was just a cop show, I don't think it would be all that different from the two dozen cop shows we've got running in America at any given time.

Even though Korean is pure gibberish to my ears, I still could tell that the acting was very good. Especially among the key cast and the two mains in particular.

It wasn't The Thing, but in the end it didn't need to be. It was something all of its own and that something was pretty damn great. I'm looking forward to season 2. In a perfect world, we'd get some spinoffs since this is a worldwide phenomena and not just a South Korean problem. But I know how these things go... I'll consider us lucky if we get a season 2.

We get a couple of whole dumb comic book universes that nobody wants anymore, but something like this would probably never get that type of money put into it. It's too smart for the normies.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, June 17, 2024 1:32 AM


I've finally gotten around to Parasyte: The Maxim. That's the Anime out of Japan that came out in 2014.

I figured I at least had to give it a shot, even though for one reason or another I've never really gotten into Anime as a genre outside of a few exceptions here or there.

It's actually pretty freakin' good.

I'm about halfway through 24 episodes that are only around 20 minutes each without the title or ending sequences.

Not sure yet, but it's possible I like the anime more than the show. I'm leaning towards very much so, depending on how it ended (like... was it cancelled? Dunno yet...)

The Grey and Matrix could easily have been taking place in the same universe. I'm not seeing anything so far that would prohibit both stories from playing out just around the exact same time without any need for either to reference each other... (or not).

Enough similarities exist to keep it Parasyte, but the characters in this story are going through a much different experience. And it definitely is not afraid to be adult about it every step of the way. This is not for kids.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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