
UPDATED: Monday, May 12, 2003 15:16
VIEWED: 4097
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Friday, March 28, 2003 5:48 AM


Its starts tonight. Anyone planning on watching it?



Saturday, March 29, 2003 12:35 PM


I watched it last night. All-in-all it was good. Still the same old Burt Gummer, anti-social, paranoid and packing some great heat.


Tuesday, April 8, 2003 5:08 PM


I loved the movies, so I just had to see this show and it's good. Burt is still the same old guy. ::Smiles:: That makes the whole show the whole paranoid thing.... I mean ..if you don't have that what are you left with..big worms. Let's just I say I love the show a lot.

~ Don't get mad , get Firefly. ~


Monday, April 21, 2003 9:46 PM


The lady that played in "The Night of the Shreikers" as the doctor played Nandi in Heart of Gold, one of the unaired Firefly episodes.


Sunday, May 4, 2003 3:16 PM


Anybody ever wish that they'd do a show/movie where the whole save the world thing fails at the beginning? I refer to the plant episode of Tremors, the American Godzilla, and most cheep scifi horror movies (which I love, the cheaper the better.)

At the end of many movies the people had their chance and almost saved the world from whatever the world needed saving from this time. Note the almost. In the plant episode you see the one single spore floating through the air ready to land, become the evil plant, and send out more spores, and then destroy the world ... then Burt kills it. But in many movies the end has that one last thing getting away and going on so that it can destroy all human life.

I want to see people pick up right there, show people trying to survive as the planet becomes covered in the acid spiting plants. Or when all of the birds of the world suddenly begin to attack, or when the little Godzilla goes out and makes 200 more and the go in separate directions and each make 200 more and so on.

Last night I watched silent warnings, and it ended with aliens beaming down and beginning an assault on the western United States. It was clear that they would meet with little or no resistance capable of harming them. Why not start the movie there.

They do this in all kinds of things, whether its the genetically mutated piranhas or the rat at the end of the movie species, or one last zombie, or whatever else it might be. Just once I want to see the people trying to deal with that. Not the one chance to stop it before it gets out of hand, but the attempt to go on after it is out of hand.

Lets say you have yourself resident evil, rather than have it be isolated to the underground lab, and then the one city, start it out with people infecting rats with the T-virus and dropping them in a bus station or an airport of a major city. The rats bite people, the people are slowly infected. They go out into the city, or on to their plane or bus. Then there they are in a transit station in another city, where they cause infection, people from there spread out, the zombies that attacked people are now taken to jail or a hospital where they infect more. Now in several cities you have people spreading the infection, it can't be contained because you can't know where each infected person went. The zombies keep spreading and infecting people. As people flee they bring the infection with them, places that are free of the zombies become the targets for all people not yet zombies.

It becomes impossible to filter out the infected from the not infected, so either everyone is kept out of a safe place or they risk someone turning into a zombie on the inside. Cities begin to build walls around them so that no one can sneak in, zombie hordes begin eating all of the wildlife, and naturally everyone left out of the city. If the rest of the human race is lucky it's been isolated to just one continent, no flights out are received.

Ground travel stops, as do communications, and in many places power, as it becomes too much of a liability to venture outside of the walls to keep power and communication lines, as well as cell phone towers and power plants running. People with bites or other wounds become suspect and are killed, curfews are imposed and some places are not strict enough and are decimated or destroyed outright, others have accidents and kill innocents, causing uproar.

Everywhere that isn't self sufficient requires imports and this gives rise to a new class off person, moving on armored transport using whatever weapons they can lay their hands on to defend themselves against the hordes of human and animal zombies, as they travel between city and town trading supplies.

That is the kind of story I want to hear, not the we tried to save the world but oops; I want to hear they failed to save the world so we're doing what we can to get by. I'm sick of the movie ending on the one-made-it-out/the-invasion-came/we-otherwise-failed as the horror music plays and we are to take for granted that just because these people screwed up everything ends and it's just that simple.

This all started with the plant episode of tremors and the ending that ending makes fun of.


Sunday, May 4, 2003 3:46 PM


You ever seen the Mad Max Trilogy? That's besically what it's about. The world shot it out with the big boy bombs and now civilization's meaning has been changed.

DOBSON: I'm supposed to be meeting my wife's sister. I've only got a few days to see her...

ZOE: I wish there was another way...

DOBSON: Oh, no, no. That woman is like a dragon. I mean, I believe she has a tail. If there's any other moons we need to visit, or if we could just
fly very slowly...


Sunday, May 4, 2003 4:48 PM


Gotta love Mad Max...Roadwarrior was my favorite.

Bladerunner is one of those 'the world is in a mess, and here's what it's like' movies. Oh, and there is Battlefield Earth. And don't forget A Boy and His Dog.

The dystopic is not a real popular movie subject. Executives want to sell cheap movies, producers want to make cheap movies, and they both want to get rich doing it. They decide the tone of these movies with their money, and they mostly want to bet on insipid winners. Occaisionally they will venture into art or statement, but not very often. So there ya go.



Sunday, May 4, 2003 9:33 PM


Battlestar Galactica pretty much had a "Oops our world was destroyed, now what do we do" theme to it.

Titan A.E. is another nice example... Oops, Earth blew up, damn stinkin' aliens... now what?

Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, pod people anyone?

The Stand, where most the world dies from a plague is a nice example too, although it gets a bit too biblical.

Planet of the Apes... I bet those fiendish apes are plotting to overthrow humanity as we speak!

And let's not forget, with a sequal coming up REAL soon, The Matrix! Machines took over our world and farm us for energy.. can't get more messed up than that..

Ofcourse, there's also the type of movie where an evil HUMAN empire is at the base of the world's problems.. like Fatherland, where Germany won WWII.. scary.

In all of these movies, the bad world threatening thing already happened, attempts to avoid it have failed, and this is the world as it is now.

Actually, pretty much every post apocalyptical type of movie/show would fit the criteria, there's too many to mention (although a few favorites, Mad Max, Salute of the Jugger, come to mind)


Monday, May 5, 2003 8:43 AM


Yes I am well aware of many of these movies, who could forget Mad Max, and Titan A.E. made such ann impression that I think that kind of depth and animation quality should be what most animators strive for. The world created was diverse and well illistrated. Planet of the Apes, well have to admit that it did meet my criteria, but I found it predictable, badly writen and acted, and basicly trying to pass off the entire movie on the merit of special effects and makeup. That of course refers to the new one.

But what I meant was showing the fall, the atempts to save human civalization, the collapse of socity as we know it and the institution of whatever replaces it.

I didn't mean that everythiung had already fallen apart, I meant it was still falling. We have lots of movies about trying to stop "the end" from coming, and many after "the end" (which is in quotations because there is an after) has come and gone. An example of what I was talking about would be the prologue to Rein of Fire, an entire movie the period between when the dragon got out and the culture in the movie was set up.

I also have become sick of the just kill this one, or just convert them to a power source, and everything is better. I still enjoy the movies, and still watch more, but what I really want to see is a movie where the world is forced to deal with it, whatever it is.

So for the matrirx it would be the orginal war between humans and the machines, or beter yet the start of the human resistance. For mad max it would be makeing it through the nuclear war, and winter (was there a nuclear winter in mad max?) and geting his dog, car, gas, and guns.

I could go on, what about after the bodysnatchers take over, they cant posibly get everyone, so maybe show the people working to hide themselves, then maybe you skip ahead fifty years and show people try to take back the planet, but first show how they managed to not be exterminaTED.

The Stand is a good example of this but I think it was more of religous fiction than scifi.

The only movie I have heard of that does what I'm thinking of is threads, which I have not seen.

As it has been discribe to me it shows peoples efforts to survive after a nuclear war, and it doesn't hold back so it shows what would really happen, and shows people trying to deal with it. This is the kind of movie i'm talking about, it doesn't show "we have this one chance to save the world" nor does it show "a long time ago bad stuff happened, now lets fix it/live with it" It shows the adjustment and the fighting for survival whaile things are changing.

There apear to be two versions:
These reviews come from the Internet Movie Database.
This programme was on television in 1976 and whether or not i was easily shaken then is up for question. It concerns two families in Sheffield England who are living at a time when governments (as usual) are causing aggression in the middle east. This aggression mounts up with what looks like real news broadcasts (with real news readers of the day), people panic buying, lot's of talking about what if? it culminates with nuclear bombs going off, then shows the destruction that follows. Said two families struggle with what's left of their world, enforced slave labour to earn what little food there is, traffic wardens with machine guns, irradiated water, still born children, lack of educational facilities, girls being attacked by backward boys and raped, you get the picture. All in all a very strong movie which if the way things are going could come true, an insight to what we must try to avoid! Watch it, 7/10.



The production values are a bit dated by today's values, but still hold up. What makes this movie effective is the documentary style. Also, the credits list a dozen scientists (including Carl Sagan), so you know this film realistically depicts what would happen if the nukes started to fly. Basically, we're up a creek if nuclear weapon's detonate and spread fallout. Can you say "nuclear winter?" No fresh crops? Malnutrition? Disease? Get the picture yet?

Ihere might also be a 1932 version, but I am unable to get information on it.

Hope I've explained what I meant.


Monday, May 12, 2003 1:42 PM


Did they cancel Tremors?

I ask because when I tune in to watch it on fridays all I get is Stargate reruns. My digital tv tells me that what I'm watching is Tremors but what I'm seeing is Richard Dean Anderson killin' G'uold. Did I miss something?

DOBSON: I'm supposed to be meeting my wife's sister. I've only got a few days to see her...

ZOE: I wish there was another way...

DOBSON: Oh, no, no. That woman is like a dragon. I mean, I believe she has a tail. If there's any other moons we need to visit, or if we could just
fly very slowly...


Monday, May 12, 2003 2:48 PM


Exactly! My digital says Tremors but all we get is Stargate. I'm confused.

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" -Wash
"I told him to sit down," -Simon


Monday, May 12, 2003 3:16 PM


The same happened with my non digital, but now it just says Stargate.






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