UPDATED: Monday, November 28, 2005 07:22
VIEWED: 3156
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:54 PM


I'm guessing most of you have either seen this attatched to HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE or online. And I was wondering how geeked out you were over it.

I have to admit, outside of Kevin Smith's hilarious anecdote on his brief time on the project (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, track down AN EVENING WITH KEVIN SMITH and listen to his story on him dealing with nutcase Jon Peters over the film ("Everyday with the fucking spider."), I wasn't that juiced up over it. The revolving door of people atached to it didn't exactly inspire me with confidence. And I was relieved to hear that Bryan Singer was attached to it (after X2, this guy can do any comic justice), that an unknown was in the title role and that Kevin "The Man" Spacey was Lex Luthor.

But on hearing Marlon Brando's Kal-El over the soundtrack along with the familiar William's theme, as well as the 40's imagery and the Christ-like visual, I gotta say...

Fuck X MEN 3, THIS is the comic book movie I'm looking forward too. And I'm not even a Superman fan.

So who here was out of breath after seeing it?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"YES!!!I'm a man posessed by many demons....Polite demons that would open the door for a lady carrying too many parcels...BUT DEMONS NONETHELESS!!!! Yes. I have walked along the path of evil many times, it's a twisting, curving path that..actually leads to a charming plot garden, BUT BEYOND THAT EVIL!!!"


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:07 PM


I haven't seen the official trailer yet. I saw the bit they did on Smallville and a few flashs on one of those entertainment news shows (ET, Extra). Honestly, I was annoyed that Singer left X-men, and I was hopeful that the next Superman film would in fact be another year or two away and feature the crew from Smallville (after the series ends). But then I saw Spacey as Lex, and I'm so there. Spacey is fantastic. Keyzer Soze etc.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:31 PM


Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm a superman fan, though (only because of the death and life of series...I'd love to see a well done movie of it)

inch towards daylight


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:54 PM


I must say, the trailer didn't make me wanna see it (saw the attached to HP).

You can't even tell who Superman is, I think i reconized who the chick on the building was, but it was to fast for me to put a name to the face.

But i have no doubt next year and the next is gonna be a good year for comic book movies (Wonder Woman, Superman, Spidey 3, X3) can't wait...

Hell now that i think about it, it might make for a good Mavel vs DC movies watch, lol

Death is like sex in high school... If you knew how many times you missed having it you'd be paralyzed- Georgia Lass (Dead Like Me)

*Andersen AFB, Guam*


Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:47 PM


Yes, I saw the trailer and was totaly pysched to see it. Me and my nephew starting clapping after the trailer was over. We were the only ones though. I can't wait!!!

By the by, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire kicked ass.

People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.


Friday, November 25, 2005 2:19 PM


I saw the trailer online and as much as i hate to say it i was dissapointed. I'm hopefull for a good movie but the only thing that Superman Returns seems to have going for it is that its directed by Bryan Singer. Tom Welling should be Superman, CK, and Michael Rosenbaum should be Lex, and so on with the rest of the cast of smallville. *sad face*

On a good day, hell can look alot like LA.-Playing God


Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:15 PM


Ugh. No way. No Smallville cast. Then it would just like the tv show and not a movie. It's Bryan Singer's vision not a copy of the WB's show.

People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:40 AM


I'm interested to see the movie. It seems like a "learn from the past deal". Christopher Reeve was pretty much an unknown actor before superman, having only played in two fairly unknown movies prior. Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman were accomplished actors who helped to keep the movie flowing well. Brandon Routh is in about the same boat as Christopher Reeve was, and has Kevin Spacey to work with. I was skeptical of seeing the movie because I wasn't sure that Superman could be done as well as Smallville has made it. The other comic movies that have been coming out have been slightly revamping the hero styles. For instance, the look is little more modern rather than classic (i.e. Wolverine's crack about wearing yellow spandex in the movies). But from the preview I saw on Smallville, I think it should turn out pretty well, but its a hope more than expectation.

Mal: Kaylee, what the hell's going on in the engine room? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?


Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:04 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Iam totally psyched. I downloaded the trailer and have watched it a few times now - I can't get enough of it. Plus, I've been going through old episodes of Smallville recently AND read Superman:Red Son (which is excellent btw)

I've got to admit though, I didn't like the sound of Superman Returns at first, sharing similar feelings to other fans have posted here, for 2 main reasons

1 - Bryan Singer was doing it, which wasn't a bad thing in of itself but it led to Brett Ratner taking over reins of X3 which can't be good (though I hope I'm proven wrong)
2 - No smallville cast! Whilst I understand that the new film would have big movie names and not tv stars, I felt it'd be a huge shame if Tom Welling and especially Michael Rosenbaum would not be in it. Plus I felt it would undermine the work done by Gough and Millar on Smallville and would pretty much ignore it

Actually Singer has apparently tried to incorporate the history of both the original movies and Smallville, so kudos to him.

I honestly would have thought I'd be waiting eagerly for X3, but I couldn't care less at the minute (maybe that'll change when a trailer is released)
Superman Returns is my most eagerly anticipated movie

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:56 AM


X__X I didn't really like it. Superman looks all plasticy and fake.

But then again, I was never a fan of him to begin with lol, so go figure.


Sunday, November 27, 2005 3:24 PM


I don't know if Superman Returns will be any good, but if it's release gets us a Superman II: Special Edition (like I hear), then I'm all for it!

Edit to add: Okay, I just saw the trailer, and it looks intriguing. I'm there.

Kal-El Chrisisall


Sunday, November 27, 2005 3:50 PM



Originally posted by NEEDY:

Superman Returns is my most eagerly anticipated movie

The trailer is impressive. Most impressive. Indeed, Singer is powerfull as the Donner has forseen.

Chrisisall with the Superman side of the Force


Monday, November 28, 2005 7:22 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by chrisisall:
The trailer is impressive. Most impressive. Indeed, Singer is powerfull as the Donner has forseen.

Chrisisall with the Superman side of the Force


I would like to reply with another quote but I can't top that!

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny






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