LOST *** spoiler ****. Sorry , I don't buy it. ***spoiler***

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:57
VIEWED: 2634
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Friday, January 27, 2006 7:28 PM


America loves a winner!

Charlie's freaking out - huh??? Did I miss something? Was Charlie secretly using , and that's what caused him to have those wicked vivid dreams? I get that he felt jilted by his brother and all, but wtf did that have to do w/ Claire and her baby? He's been on that island for all this time, and NOW suddenly he goes all 'save the baby'? Completely out of character, imo. I don't think it fit very well at all.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:47 PM


If anyone was out of character, it was Locke, at least compared to the way he was portrayed in the previous episodes of the current season. Locke seems to be changing, something that was metaphorically alluded to when he was changing the lock on the door to the gun room (changing lock, Locke changing, geddit?).

Charlie has a soft spot for babies, partly because he sees in babies the potential that his mother saw in him(*, and also because having a baby and taking care of it makes him different from the person he wants to escape from: his brother. His brother had a wife and baby, and then threw it all away because of his drug addiction, and since Charlie threw most of his own life away because of his dedication to his brother (and consequently following him down the same road, just not quite as extremely), he saw the surrogate family he had on the island as a start to what could be a better life free from the pitfalls of his brother's life.

The temptation of the heroin on the island, as well as the fact that Claire didn't want Charlie to be with Aaron anymore, just like his brother's (was Luke his name?) wife didn't want Luke to see his child anymore, just made it seem to Charlie that even on the island he couldn't escape the parallels to his brother's wasted life.

So what you term "out of character" may just be character development, or in this case, regression.

(* Note that in his first fantasy, he was playing the piano when he heard a baby crying inside of it. A baby can be seen as hope for the future (particularly when it comes to Charlie's mom, who saw a young Charlie as the only hope for a better life), just as his piano was his own hope for the future. He was distracted by voices from the island, and in that time the piano started drifting away, indicating that he feels the island is taking away his hope for a better life.

On a side note, having already been in Brixton, I don't blame his mother one bit for wanting to get out (no offence to anybody on here from Brixton).


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Charlie's freaking out - huh??? Did I miss something? Was Charlie secretly using , and that's what caused him to have those wicked vivid dreams? I get that he felt jilted by his brother and all, but wtf did that have to do w/ Claire and her baby? He's been on that island for all this time, and NOW suddenly he goes all 'save the baby'? Completely out of character, imo. I don't think it fit very well at all.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

I found this ep kind of annoying, myself.

But, I thought the whole point of Charlie's episodes was to drive Claire to Baptize the baby, because Claire's baby was supposed to be some kind of evil Devil-Child, or something.

Ain't. We. Just.


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:55 AM


ooh, that whole baptizm thing really made me unhappy. Baptism isn't a "get out of hell free" card, which is what they made it seem like.

I'm hoping future eps will explain that one because I was a bit puzzled by the whole thing, and pretty angry at Locke for punching Charlie.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

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Monday, January 30, 2006 12:54 PM


America loves a winner!


His brother had a wife and baby, and then threw it all away because of his drug addiction,

Wait a sec, did I miss something ? ( very possible, I know )Wasn't Charlie's brother clean now ? Isn't that why Charlie went to Australia, to try and get the band back together/ get more drugs, but his brother sent him away, because of his own family and solid life ? I thought that was part of Charlie's delima, that his brother got him hooked on the stuff, and now was clean and living a straight life, but Charlie was still hooked.

And as for the baby thing, seems to me that Charlie went way overboard in trying to make the point... getting beat down by Locke, starting the brush fire , and finally alienating the whole camp against him ....just got get Clarie and Aaron baptised ? Seems to me that he could have started OFF with Mr Echo and Locke, mentioning his dream, and conveying his views via them to Claire. It's clear that his using put a wall between them, so why didn't he see that anything he said was a futile gesture ? He knows that his trust was blown away because of using before, why would this be any different? He acted like it was the 1st time he's ever been caught.... it made little sense to me. And I know, he wasn't using, but why store the statues unless they still had a hold on him, which in that case, Claire was right to shove him away from her, whether he was using or not.

Locke's been through a lot since the crash,(wheel chair bound to renaissance man ) so I don't view changes in his peresonality as being all that shocking....in fact, I'd expect more of it.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:33 PM


one question...which episode of the first season show's locke's backstory? i have the 1st season on dvd and i was watching one of the recaps and it showed locke in a wheelchair. i seemed to have missed that episode and am unable to find it


Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:11 PM


The episode is Walkabout, it's episode 4, and I think it's on the first disk.

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:57 AM


Okay Charlie's craziness is a little off but I think there is an explanation for it (maybe).

I think all the 'visions', Charlie's as well, are part of the 'sickness'. Both Danielle and Duncan mentioned if any of them had gotten sick but to our appearances no one had. Danielle hinted/stated that she killed her team members when they got sick. Maybe they went crazy, maybe they tried to baptise or drown her baby.
The psychic Claire saw said that she had to raise the child herself and Charlie was becoming too much of a father. We'll have to see how close Locke gets to the baby.

Like a lot of stuff in the show, answers don't come easy and I'm sure there will be a reason why Charlie acted his way.

I have a theory worked out (which is probably full of holes) based on the show and what various creators/producers have said but it's far too long to type in now. Maybe soon.






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