Best of DS9

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:23
VIEWED: 2803
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Saturday, December 6, 2003 8:02 AM


Just finished watching " Once More Into the Breach "

One of my favorite episodes, beautifully written and acted. One of my favorites, and another example that the best sci-fi is not about technology, but relationships.

" Worf is surprised to be paid a visit by Kor, an aging Klingon war hero. Kor admits that his ambition has earned him countless enemies, and that consequently he has been unable to secure the command of a ship. Worf promises to find him a military command, and approaches General Martok with the request — which is angrily refused. Martok explains that years earlier Kor had denied Martok officer status because he was descended from a common house. Undaunted, Worf appoints Kor as a third officer on the Ch'Tang, Martok's flagship, where he is treated with awe by the crew — much to Martok's chagrin. "

The ending where Kor takes command of a damaged ship to conduct a suicide run in order to hold off a Dominion fleet, buying time so that the rest can escape was brillant.

Also a excellant tribute to actor John Colicos, whose protrayal of Kor was I believe the last before his death.

Anyone else have any favorites ?

" Thats not fair !!!!
I didn't even have a soul when I did that!"


Saturday, December 6, 2003 8:23 AM


"Best of Deep Space Nine" is an oxymoron.

"Can he, you know, chase us? Because I know if I woke up looking like that, I'd just run towards the nearest living thing, and then kill it." ~Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Saturday, December 6, 2003 11:39 AM


Actually that would be best of Enterprise; Deep Space Nine was the good one.


Saturday, December 6, 2003 1:48 PM


Deep Space Nine is best described as a "Cult show within a cult show"

Most trek fans either consider it the best or the worst.(I'm in the best category, as are my friends)


Saturday, December 6, 2003 7:53 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Gino, you haven't posted in a while. Good to see you're still around. I think DS9 was the best of the new Treks, too bad they don't syndicate it on any stations I get. This is hard, since it's a long time since I've seen an episode. There are lot of good ones. Right off the bat I can remember that the first episode was good, especially because of the tactical bluff Cisco pulled off on the Cardassians.

Also the episode where they end up in the alternate universe from the original Trek epdisode Mirror Mirror. I may like this for the wrong reasons. A big selling point, for me, on this episode is the outfit that the alternate Kira Nerys wears. Something about the way it accentuates that "part just above the legs."

I also like the episodes about the Ferengis. In particular I like the one where Quark marries the Klingon.


Saturday, December 6, 2003 9:16 PM


Count me as a Niner!

I've been reveling in the DVD's for a few weeks now and even though I was a fan before I find myself more impressed with the series than ever. It hardly ever has a really bad ep (and almost all of those are Ferengi eps (I hate most everything about Ferengi except Quark))

I've just started season 5 (which is generally regarded as their best season show-for-show) and of the first four seasons, some noteable eps for that "personal drama" element (as opposed to action and technology) include:

Season One:
Captive Persuit - seldom mentioned but a good story very well acted

Progress - Very people oreinted storyline, and Kira shines in this one

Duet - widely regarded among the 2-3 best eps of the series

Season Two:
Necessary Evil - one of the best

Paradise - Avery Brooks shines

The Wire - Best ep of second season. A virtuoso performance by Andy Robinson (Garek)

Season Three:
Second Skin - another fine Kira ep

Improbable Cause/The Die is Cast: two part story among the better Cardassian stories

Explorers: Great father/son story which sets up next seasons classic...

Season Four:
The Visitor: Some rate this the best Trek episode of any of the series including the original. Not me. But it is very, very good.

Hard Time: the best of the "torture O'Brian" episodes

For The Cause: Bit of an action ep but the whole buisness of Sisko having to pursue his lover as a smuggler is powerful.

Season Five: (from memory)
Trials and Tribblations: Okay, so it's not a dramatic masterpeice, it's still marvelous fun to see our heroes from two different series interacting like this

The Ascent: one of the best of the Odo/Quark team ups

For the Uniform: Great example of the "dark side" of Sisko and sets up his decision in the following seasons "In the Pale Moonlight"

Season Six:
Waltz: Dukat and Sisko alone

Far Beyond the Stars: Great "message ep"

In the Pale Moonlight: the other nominee for the best DS9 ep...very dark and compelling story

Season Seven is hard to srt out because it's virtually all one story. This is not to say these are the only good eps, but they are great examples of what the original poster was talking about. I can't say enugh good things about DS9.

"Why we still discussin' this?"


Saturday, December 6, 2003 10:55 PM


I liked Next Gen, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise they all had excellent episodes and average episodes..

What cracks me up is that in Enterprise which is before Kirks time the ships and weapons look heaps better than in the later centuries.

Favourite eps in Next Gen: Brothers, A Matter of Time, Nth Degree and Yesterdays Enterprise.


Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:50 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:

Also the episode where they end up in the alternate universe from the original Trek

I remember that one, it had that cute line when the Ferengi found out the other Kira was a lesbian and says " So thats why they call this the alternate universe "

I think one of the reasons I think it was the best of the treks is the use of story arcs, where everything was moving in a direction, even if a particular episode didn't fit exactly into the storyarc, it was given a feel for the time. Paticularly the last season.

Another favorite was the one where Garak conspires to bring the Romulans into the war with Sisko, and uses means far beyond what Sisko was comfortable with. At the end, Sisko decides the end justifys the means but still doesn't like it.

" Thats not fair !!!!
I didn't even have a soul when I did that!"


Sunday, December 7, 2003 6:57 AM


I really like the arc at the being of season seven, where they branched off into three different stories in the same line.

Worf, O'Brien, Bashir, and Quark were on a Klingon attack ship trying to buy Jadzias way into Stobocor

The Siskos and Ezri were searching for a hidden orb

And Best of all Kira takes command of the station and stares the Romulans and the Federation down in order to protect Bajour.

Same timeline, but every major character gets a great ep

" Thats not fair !!!!
I didn't even have a soul when I did that!"


Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:23 PM


"Far Beyond the Stars" was definitely one of my favorite eps, the only one that I can remember vividly.

In Los Angeles, they show DS9 on the UPN affiliate but usually it's after 3 in the morning. I hear SpikeTV (formerly TNN) is rumored to syndicate the DS9 eps sometime in the next year or two. After a while, they will also pick up Voyager, to the pleasure or dismay of some.

"Let's moon 'em!"






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