Battlestar Gallactica...More realistic than anything you have seen

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 19:57
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Friday, December 12, 2003 10:34 PM


One last thing about Battlestar Galactica:

Near the end, where Baltar is talking to Number 6/Harvey, she askes him which side is he on.

"I am not on anyone's side!" Baltar exclaims.

Zap Brannigan was right. Its another example of the treachery carried out by Neutrals.

What makes a man turn Neutral, Kip?

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Saturday, December 13, 2003 6:07 AM


I'm glad to see so many of you enjoyed this show as much as I did, I was blown away by how 'real' the characters seemed. Ronald D Moore actually managed to get you to really care about the characters in the very first episode, the last show that I remember doing that was our beloved Firefly

And let's face it, this show certainly owes alot to Firefly. I wonder what Joss thinks of it?

It's amazing what all these ex-startrek writers/producers can do without the constricting 'rules' of trek.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 2:42 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

luigifreak wrote:

It's amazing what all these ex-startrek writers/producers can do without the constricting 'rules' of trek.

I know that this was supposed to be true, but I've always found the continuity aspect of 'Trek' to be poor if not sometimes totally lacking.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 4:42 PM


If somthing could suck and blow at the time this so called show would. I am sorry but I love the original, I remeber watching the show when I was a boy and I love it. I was just thinking what it someone tried to reimage Firefly and see what happens, that is why I am against it. I just like the parralles to world war II in the old show, the show makes more sense now and real.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 5:01 PM



Originally posted by Harlock:
If somthing could suck and blow at the time this so called show would. I am sorry but I love the original, I remeber watching the show when I was a boy and I love it. I was just thinking what it someone tried to reimage Firefly and see what happens, that is why I am against it. I just like the parralles to world war II in the old show, the show makes more sense now and real.

I enjoyed many TV shows when I was younger-I was about 15 years old back then. The only thing was that even then I came away with the feeling that it was cheesy and most poorly acted. Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch couldnt act their way out of a torn paper bag. I consider it even a low point in the otherwise great career of Lloyd Bridges. If he and some of the others were any more stiff, they could have had Jonathan Frakes's job on ST Next Generation.

Oh and of course seeing the same exact flight sequences almost every week didnt help its cause. Great concept, great effects for its time, crap writing and acting. On the rare occasion that I have seen the old BG over the past few years-I ask myself "What the HELL did I see in it?".

The new one was very well done overall and I enjoyed it. Nitpicking the crap out of it would require me to have nothing better to do with my time including eat or sleep.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:37 PM


I don't think you understood what I was trying to say, if they can change the characters in BSG why not do the same thing for Firefly. The original was good for a reason, I thought Richard Hatch was ok as an actor but I thought Dirk Benedict was great for the part he played he is a great character actor. You have to be stupid not to see that the cylon's were ruined, one of best scifi creations, and they were turned into replacants I was expecting Dekard to pop out at any time and retire them. I will take the chessy origanal than to the new soap opera, Tune in to next week to see if Apollo and Starbuck kiss, is that a canceris lump that the President has or is it a cylon bomb. What a bunch of crap.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 11:01 PM



Originally posted by Harlock:
I don't think you understood what I was trying to say, if they can change the characters in BSG why not do the same thing for Firefly. The original was good for a reason, I thought Richard Hatch was ok as an actor but I thought Dirk Benedict was great for the part he played he is a great character actor. You have to be stupid not to see that the cylon's were ruined, one of best scifi creations, and they were turned into replacants I was expecting Dekard to pop out at any time and retire them. I will take the chessy origanal than to the new soap opera, Tune in to next week to see if Apollo and Starbuck kiss, is that a canceris lump that the President has or is it a cylon bomb. What a bunch of crap.

Cylons ruined? Me, stupid? I dont think so. They created a new weapon. What is to say about the possibility of forced evolution? The cylons learned in this case that in order to defeat their "enemy", they had to become them. It worked. I suppose I could say you must be stupid for not noticing that particular idea, but I really dont need to get personal in this little debate.

I guess the clones in the ever moronic "Gun on Ice Planet Zero" original episode were far more acceptable to you. Such a wonderful episode-It was SO realistic that smaller ships were getting blown up all around the Galactica yet the Galactica was not yet within range. Great writing there-MUCH better than your percieved soap opera.

Another point about "ruining" the Cylons. It is amazing that nobody in the original series could outrun a Cylon. Yep-walking toasters were FAR superior. I couldnt engage enough suspension of disbelief with the help of drugs.

As far as humanoids go, I guess you would have expected Deckard to materialize onto the bridge of the Enterprise and "retire" Data as well if we follow your reasoning, or any other show that used humanoid constructs.

Dirk Benedict a great character actor? I guess I have higher standards and expectations of actors than you do. Fine-Difference of opinion.

The biggest difference between the "new" BSG and old is somebody said "Hold the limburger", and Moore delivered. Nose plugs not required. You may recall that Olmos said in an interview that the diehard fans of the original should not watch it because they would hate it. I think he should have said they wouldnt understand it. Lets not forget Galactica 1980- Where is my barf bag? Ok, maybe we should forget it.

The original BSG was created to ride on the coattails of Star Wars-Nothing more. Look at the track record of Donald P. Bellisario on IMDB-Creator of some of the most insipid crap in television history. Examples: Magnum-Now THERE was some high quality television. JAG-Doesnt take too many brain cells to enjoy that show. Cheeto TV at its best. Oh yeah- Airwolf. Do I really have to go into detail about THAT one? All formulaic crap.

Now to address your statement about changing the characters in Firefly-Look at the statements from Whedon and ask youself something- How would it affect the story that he insists on telling?
Would he let that happen? Doubtful, if you have been paying attention to what he has been saying.

Funny-Its 3 A.M. here in Chicago and I am writing this response just to kill time until I get tired enough to fall asleep. Mission accomplished.

I would really like to see your point of view, but I cant get my head up my butt.


Sunday, December 14, 2003 11:07 PM


Dont know how that happened-Must be finally getting tired........


Monday, December 15, 2003 1:32 AM



Originally posted by Veteran:
I know that this was supposed to be true, but I've always found the continuity aspect of 'Trek' to be poor if not sometimes totally lacking.

I didn't actually mean the continuity (that has gone out the window), I just meant all the the established rules, the star trek bible if you will.

Star Trek is very formulaic, if you look at enterprise the editing/writing/pacing/stories etc. are not that much differen't than the Next Generation.


Monday, December 15, 2003 2:59 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Your right "Trek" is very much a formula type show. Funny thing is that the formula killed the continuity. For some reason (except for DS9), both Voyager and Next Generation started to deal heavily with the Borg and Time Travel plots. Both of these plot types got carried over to Enterprise, which should nothing to do with either (from a continuity aspect).


Saturday, December 20, 2003 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
btw - GOOD EYE!! I didn't even see that Boxey was in the picture on the ambassador's desk in the prolouge.

I didn't actually notice until my second viewing of the show. I certainly didn't recognize Boxey as "hey, that's the kid in the picture", during the first time around.


Saturday, December 20, 2003 2:42 PM


I also found it interesting watching the reporter/cylon the second time around, because he says thinks that seemed perfectly innocent the first time I watched it, but on second viewing I realised that they could have lead to the destruction of the fleet.


Monday, December 22, 2003 3:57 AM


Finally got around to catching it.

Enjoyed the show...didn't care for Starbuck at all.

I dont mind the cocky attitude and rough edges (or the character being a female)...but I have no patience for hypocrites.

At the end, when the XO comes to offer her the olive branch, she calls him a drunk and dangerous.

However, not thirty minutes before she admits to passing Zak through flight school cause she and he were having a "thing".
So she is guilty of passing someone who wasnt ready and possibly contributing to his death.

Methinks she needs to climb off of that high horse and take another close look in the mirror.

I also would have liked to see more of the updated mechanical Cylons. If you are going to introduce them you should use them.

Just my thoughts.


Tuesday, December 30, 2003 9:04 PM



Originally posted by Samus:
I saw Gallactica Part One, and thought is was good - not GREAT - but really good. I was pleasantly surprised.

So, as some points for discussion, I present: something I thought was weird, some things I didn't like, and some things I liked:

I was a bit surprised at the sheer amount of sex that took place in the first hour. It just seemed strange and slightly out of place. Oh well, I guess sex sells.

So with all of the sex going on in this mini-show. What would be a good porn title for BSG-2003?


Didn't Like:
although I understand the story value to having human-looking cylons, this disappointed me. The CGI robotic cylons looked really great - I want more of them, not less.

Plus, I thought the whole point of the Cylons is that they think organic life is inferior. Other than using them for spying purposes, I can't see them having much desire to emulate humans at all.

Also, conspicously missing was that traitor guy who ended up working with the Cylons in the original series (I forget his name). I liked that character, would have like to see him included.

Liked the mixing up of the characters. Liked Starbuck and Boomer being women - great twist there. Starbuck being the same rowdy fighter pilot, but a woman, was a GREAT twist. Liked that Apollo and Adama aren't the perfect happy family of the original series.

Overall, I guess I give it a "B"


Tuesday, December 30, 2003 10:13 PM


Hey, I just wanted to add that I loved the new BSG almost as much as Firefly, and I've got two points to throw in.

1) Of course the FX look similar. Same VFX people did both shows. So they were already good at "shaky-cam" space fights. And they already had that Serenity model sitting around on a hard drive somewhere for the cameo.

2) The 12 Cylons. Okay, maybe I'm the only one who counted. Boomer is the only Cylon onboard now. If you count, including the first "#6" on Armistice station and that Baltar's #6 and the guy on Ragnar Anchorage who all died, that leaves EXACTLY 12 total Cylons. They weren't talking about 12 *types*, they meant 12 clone Cylons PERIOD. Refute my point if you dare, but first, do the math!

Firefly DVD is a godsend! These two shows have satisfied me immensely. Made my year, so to speak.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:31 AM



Originally posted by Enderspawn:
Hey, I just wanted to add that I loved the new BSG almost as much as Firefly, and I've got two points to throw in.

1) Of course the FX look similar. Same VFX people did both shows. So they were already good at "shaky-cam" space fights. And they already had that Serenity model sitting around on a hard drive somewhere for the cameo.

2) The 12 Cylons. Okay, maybe I'm the only one who counted. Boomer is the only Cylon onboard now. If you count, including the first "#6" on Armistice station and that Baltar's #6 and the guy on Ragnar Anchorage who all died, that leaves EXACTLY 12 total Cylons. They weren't talking about 12 *types*, they meant 12 clone Cylons PERIOD. Refute my point if you dare, but first, do the math!

Firefly DVD is a godsend! These two shows have satisfied me immensely. Made my year, so to speak.

That might or might not make sense. If there were a limited number of bodies - as in 12 total. Then they (#6 and the smuggler) wouldn't have talked so cheaply about their own bodies. They would have done a bit more to save their hide since they might not have another Cylon clone body to jump into. I think that #6 was talking exactly that, there are 12 different "human" types of clone Cylon and they can make the bodies fairly cheaply.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:49 AM


The reason Baltar didn't push down the old lady and take her number was because when he was recognized by the co-pilot he though they knew what he had done (thought the law was after him) and he was trying to avoid answering that he was indeed Baltar. He's still out for number one. Didn't like the show. It bored the hell out of me to be honest. I was a big fan of the original. Thought this was just lacked all the way around.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:44 AM


That's an excellent point. They didn't especially value their bodies because they had backups. But think about it, how many spare bodies would you need as a person to disregard your current one? One? One hundred? Both #6 and Ragnar man had two or three "spares" walk in in the epilogue.

And why would the Cylons need more than 12 clone people? They're trying to wipe out humanity, not replace them (har har). They hadn't counted on Galactica escaping, or they wouldn't have had that conversation about chasing them in that last scene.

A problem with my 12 argument has to do with how many clones the Cylons actually used to defeat humanity. Were there clones at Picon fleet station or on any other Battlestars? What about near the President? To kill billions of humans, how many clone agents did they need?

I think that the Cylons didn't have any others. I'm thinking they had faith in their tricks to use against the colonial fleet and only placed clones where they thought there might be problems (this is a stretch in the opening scene at the Armistice station, they could have just blown it up...maybe the Cylons have a bit of pride). That is, on the Galactica, the last of its kind (as said in the show, by the PR clone, actually). It might make sense that the PR guy was supposed to be with Colonial One, in that the Cylons knew that the rest of the government was in one place. He did try to muck up both the President's and Galactica's plan a couple of times. That means that it was his job to do so.

And the number thing is just too perfect. 12 models, 12 in the show...


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:34 PM


I Found this article on the Hollywood North Report.

Last Thursday, May 13th, filming on episode three of Battlestar Galactica began. Richard Hatch was in town between May 9th and May 11th for rehearsals and costume fittings, and returned to Vancouver to begin shooting his scenes today. FLIGHT DECK has learned that the episode is entitled “Bastille Day,” and – as previously reported – revolves around Hatch's character, political ideologue, Peter Zarek. Zarek is an extraordinarily charismatic and philosophical Sagitaran, originally jailed for spurring political unrest. He leads a revolt protesting the appalling conditions aboard the prison ship. But when fortunes suddenly necessitate that Adama solicit Zarek's help, Zarek has some sweeping demands of his own...

Word has it that the script is powerful – and given today's politically turbulent world – vigorously topical in several key respects. It's also rumored to be peppered with moments of splendidly clever dialogue that pay subtle homage to Hatch's original Apollo character. The episode is directed by Allan Kroeker ( Roswell, Enterprise, Tru Calling ) and Rod K. Hardy ( The X-Files, JAG, The Practice ) and is scheduled to wrap shooting on Tuesday, May 25th.

I can't wait till this show airs!


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:57 PM


I sorta buzzed thu this thread, so I don't know if anybody brought this up already.

The CGI is exactly like Firefly because Zoic Effects Studio did both. Much cool stuff says my assoiate/friend Lee. He really enjoyed workin' on both and is looking forward to doing "Serenity" and the new BSG series.

Can't wait!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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