Firefly Episodic Spin-off series...Charlotte, NC

UPDATED: Thursday, August 3, 2006 20:35
VIEWED: 2392
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Thursday, July 13, 2006 5:13 PM


Location of shoots will be nearby Charlotte, North Carolina.

I am seeking interesting individuals to help bring this production forward. I am presently writing the first episode and have posted on various sites my intent to make a Firefly Spin-off series which will be fully cast and ran by real browncoats. I also have stated repeatedly that these episodes will be more parody than special-effects laden as of budget and time constraints. I am thinking 3 months per episode with only a couple days of shooting.

Here is the post I put on the firefly newsgroup and at the fireflync yahoo group:

:::Begin post:::

Hello all,

My name is Bradley and I'm the guy who came to the Charlotte Serenity screening looking like an overweight Jayne, heh.

Anyways, I've been working on a script which is a parody of Firefly. Let me define that a little further so everyone would know what they would be signing on to.

The cast would be between 5 to 6 main characters plus extras. The extras would be minor roles and/or very few words spoken. Those that would be a part of this would have to help out in various ways (when not on screen you'd need to either help with setup, lightning, sound, location prep, or whatever). It would involve an entire day of shooting in the least with at least one day recall for reshoots. So, you would be signing up for about two days of work and I do include the word WORK because it takes work to get something like this done.

It would of course be a labor of love on all parts but then again (and I want to stress this point) NO OTHER INTERNET OR FIREFLY GROUP has pulled off a completed productional parody/spin off show. [Someone pointed out Mosquito and Into the Black to me, but Mosquito was a one-shot deal and Into the Black hasn't done it yet.]

I want to do it. I think it would be a great way to spend some free time and a creative outlet. I would make the script (at least the first few) exceptionally easy to shoot...focusing on humor for the most part to get people interested and about two or three locations which I control the rights to already (thanks grandpa's farm). The injokes are aplenty and I doubt anyone not a fan of firefly would even catch them. Some that know of firefly might see stuff going on in the background but unless it was pointed out they wouldn't "get it."

So, let's define what is going on here and who/whom I need:

For ALL characters:

-This is a NON-paid volunteer production. You will recieve at most one dollar for your participation. Points might be discussed for well qualified persons. If you don't know what points are, you aren't well qualified...heh.
-A sense of humor, ability to work in hot environments for extended periods (summer outside shoots), no pay, screen credit and we could talk points if needed. Knowledge of the firefly universe / serentiy universe is totally required. A "labor of love" means you first need to know what you love, this isn't no one night stand, HEH. Living close to Charlotte, North Carolina and/or nearby our shoot location (just north of Davidson, North Carolina) a plus. Living nearby is NOT a requirement just a bonus as it cuts down on travel time and investment by you.


::Possibly Filled:: I need a captain type like Mal. Pref tall and thin, not ugly, not exceptionally handsome. "Partly" handsome would do and tall with a stomach might work. A good sense of humor a must. Ability to "twirl" a weapon a plus. Deep southern drawl (speak'in likea southern guy) a plus.

I need a female warrior type like Zoe. African American not required. Prefer in shape but willing to over look for a great personality. Must at least be able to throw a convincing punch ;0) and look menacing.

I have my Wash / pilot type thanks to a brother that fits the bill.

A Kaylee type unless I can talk my sister into it. She would fit the bill perfectly but I can't get her to commit the time (two little Saturdays???) Ugh. Anyways, I guess I need someone that could play a Kaylee type role.

I am honestly thinking of playing the Jayne role, HOWEVER I am (I'll admit it) not in shape enough at this time, ugh...therefore if someone more convincing would apply then I would definitely accept them.

A Niska type. Prefer an older gentleman with a darker side. You would not be in the first two-ish episodes (sorry) so this is a "down the road" type of role.

:::One of the two blue handers possibily Filled:::
Two "blue hand men." Non-speaking roles for the most part (is grunting a speaking role?)Must "fit the bill." These guys need to be able to make your skin crawl with a simple look, quite possibly hardest to cast I am betting.

So, Mal, Zoe, Wash, Kaylee, Jayne, Two Blue Handers, Niska, who am I forgetting?

Hmmm...oh, Simon!

Need a brooding doctor type. Nice purty talk'n, errr, ahh, Eloquent speach a plus.

Incidental roles:
-Office/post-office clerk (two lines, or more depends on convincingness, is that a word?, of performer.)

-Shipping helpers (two of them) (maybe one or zero lines depends if you are "worker #1 or worker #2.")

Objective: To quickly but effectively put together an episodic 1 hr internet-released parody of the Firefly Universe within 3 months of startup. First month planning. Second month filming. Third month editing. Released the fourth.

Pay: One dollar per role. No "real" contracts unless points involved. I am really hoping no points will be involved HINT HINT.

Requirement: You'd sign a non-disclosure agreement and that is about it. Oh, that and acting, helping, and being available for two days of shooting [One day to shoot (Month 1) and perhaps a day of reshooting (Month 2? 3?)]. We can always hope the re-shoots aren't needed (cross fingers).

Interested parties that would like to be involved please email me:
mcgyverATbellsouthDOTnet (change AT to @ and DOT to . )
mcgyver @ bellsouth . net ( remove spaces )


AKA: "McGyver"


Friday, July 14, 2006 1:43 AM


SHINEY, I live too far away but wanted to say I thought this was cool

-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 14, 2006 4:30 AM


Sounds fun. I'm definitely interested.

That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth...


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:28 AM


To all interested parties:

-Email me:
mcgyver @ bellsouth . net
-include atleast first name, small JPEG photo, and roll desired.

And I just thought of something. Anyone in the New York area that would want to become involved let me know because Jet Blue just started doing runs into Charlotte and people from there could get exceptional deals on air-fare now!

Anyone else that would/might want to fly-in contact me and let me know, I am drawing NO distance limitation lines except your desire to show up on the day of shooting (which is not even set yet this is the first stage of the production).


AKA: "McGyver"


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:30 PM


Anyone know who this guy is?

Anyone know if he can act?

Anyone wanna email him or let him know I'd be interested in his being a character in my spin-off series to be filmed in N.C.?

McGyver @ bellsouth . net


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:06 AM



Originally posted by McGyver:
Anyone know who this guy is?

Adam Savage from Mythbusters?

How many Jaynes does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to try to put it in and another to find a bigger hammer.


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:51 AM



Originally posted by McGyver:
Location of shoots will be nearby Charlotte, North Carolina.

I am seeking interesting individuals to help bring this production forward. I am presently writing the first episode and have posted on various sites my intent to make a Firefly Spin-off series which will be fully cast and ran by real browncoats. I also have stated repeatedly that these episodes will be more parody than special-effects laden as of budget and time constraints. I am thinking 3 months per episode with only a couple days of shooting.

Hi McGyver!

I'm from Germany, so definitivelly too far off for personal participation. However, I would love to read over your script as a "script doctor", making any suggestions on storyline, plot etc. (It'l be still your scipt and your coice to make whatever you want out of my comments). References: I have written some shortstories (published two in a paper in Germany so far) and 3 novels in my desk (not published ... yet :o)). I'm a member of a German website, where we write and comment on our stories reciprocally (so don't be scared, that I'll do anything rude. I know, how it feels, to get "ideas" from someone else on your own baby)

If you are o.k. with that, you'll find my e-mail address in the profile, and you could sent over a word-docment for me to comment on.

Keep it up!


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 4):
If you pay your workers near to nothing, you can pass on the savings to your customers (now wait - seems, my boss is a browncoat after all!)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:35 PM


Well, I don't know if I fit with what you've got in mind, but the whole thing sounds super shiny. If you need anything, or an extra hand, feel free to drop me a line, I'd love to run around getting whatever for people, or doing whatever. Whatever you need done, I'll do it. I'd just love to help out and spen some time with some real Browncoats. My addy: xenite_one_2001@yahoo.com

I'm smack dab in Charlotte, btw. Well, at least, Huntersville.






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