Battlestar Galactica Greenlighted!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 19:37
VIEWED: 7519
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Friday, January 30, 2004 7:34 AM


January 30, 2004 - Battlestar Galactica Greenlighted! - According to a handful of sources, Battlestar Galactica has been given the greenlight for series. More information will be published as soon as more official word come from the Sci Fi Channel.


I dooubted this project, but must admit to being very impressed with the finished article. So what if they changed the sex of some of the characters!

Still Flyin.....


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:16 AM


Yah! Maybe now they will tell us more about all of those evil questions that they left us hanging with! Earth that never was? Boomer? GAH!

Being of my generation I never saw the old school BSG, But I thought all of the "switched" characters were much with the shiny all on their own merits.

Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:17 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Monkey chair dance of joy!!!!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:18 AM


Oy! My roommate is going to be guay to live with... She's a hard core original BG fan and hated the new miniseries...


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:19 AM


As long as they don't run across "Terra", the new BSG should do just fine.

"Let's moon 'em!"


Friday, January 30, 2004 8:26 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

They can't - the second they run across it, it's over. If they do, it would have to be WAY late in the series, and they would have to find "Terra" far more updated than us. FAR FAR FAR more.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:26 AM


it's not greenlighted as of yet, the signs do look good BUT until there's an official word i wouldn't read too much into it.

Sci fi are still doing budget stuff etc, they're commeted to a lot right now

SG-1 (season 8)
stargate: Atlantis
Quantum Leap Mini series/pilot for new series

etc, for a small cable channel, that's a lot of money to be paying out.


Sunday, February 1, 2004 10:44 AM


well, i'm in the camp that is wanting the series - so a qualified YAY until more news comes in.

To change the subject temporarily...What is Stargate: Atlantis?


Monday, February 2, 2004 6:55 AM


I'm an old Battlestar Galactica loyalist and a rabid fan of the books of Richard Hatch and loved his vision for the show, if he were in charge it would have been great. So I wish this new B.G. nothing but doom and defeat. And why is this Moore guy convinced Starbuck hated authority he didn't. Moore allways says in interviews Starbuck is the same but female and she hates authority too. But Starbuck had no problem with authority he just liked women,gambleing and smoking on his down time. The new hates authority Starbuck has nothing what so ever to do with the old.

Why couldn't they bring back the cast of the most popular Sci-Fi show in history? With the exception of the X-Files wich is only sci-fi because there is no other place to put it B.G. was the highest rated sci-fi show of all time 24 in fact in the 78-79 ratings.

And by the way B.G. the original was not a money looser it was just ABC thought since Star Wars was so big it should be one or two in the ratings.And since it wasn't they could make 20 other shows for the same money and at least one of them might be one or two ratings wise ABC made fat cash on B.G.

Anyway I like the original B.G. family feel not the stupid excessivly cute aspects but just the fact that it was for adults children and everyone in between. I mean if you have a child of 7 wich I was at the time of the original B.G. and show him or her the old show thats great. If you show a seven year old the new over sexed Battlestar I suggest your a bad parent.

This show would be okay but they should call it something else because at best it's only vaguely based on Battlestar Galactica.


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:37 AM


I am looking forward to the new series as well. It may very well be everything the old one wasnt, starting with quality acting.

I am old enough to remember the original series, and to put it bluntly-It sucked. Taking a whole bunch of cool things (The ships, most of the FX and an interesting premise) and put them in a blender with crap writing and crapier acting all we got was a bucket of puke.

Anybody remember "The Gun On Ice Planet Zero"?

How about All of Galactica 1980?

Gimme a break.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 3:40 AM



Originally posted by Samus:
well, i'm in the camp that is wanting the series - so a qualified YAY until more news comes in.

To change the subject temporarily...What is Stargate: Atlantis?

Stargate:atlantis is the spinoff series from stargate:sg-1. It'll have a new cast, but sg-1 do make cross-overs apparently etc.

it'll be set up at the end of season 7 of sg-1 and run at the same time...much like buffy and angel did.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 3:48 AM


February 3, 2004 - The Vine: Sci Fi orbits 'Galactica' series - Hollywood Reporter - Sci-fi fans probably haven't seen the last of "Battlestar Galactica." After successfully relaunching the franchise as a miniseries in December, Sci Fi Channel picked up the options last week on its top cast members, which include Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell and Katee Sackhoff. Sources said the cable network is aiming to bow "Galactica" as a full-fledged series as early as fourth-quarter 2004. Sci Fi declined comment, but all indications are that at least six episodes of "Galactica" will be shot in Vancouver as soon as April. It will likely be one of cable's more expensive drama series, with production estimates as high as $1.5 million per episode. The four-hour "Galactica" miniseries averaged 4.2 million viewers last year, making it the third-highest-rated multinight program Sci Fi has aired. Executive producers are David Eick and Ronald D. Moore. (Andrew Wallenstein)

It is looking quite likely... :smile


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:42 AM


I thought the new BG was complete crap and it makes me angry to think that all that potential firefly money is being spent on ex-hack-trek writers spewing MORE garbage...

Spare me the gratuitous baby-killing femme-bots and love boat-like make out scenes on the bridge of a WAR VESSEL...

And perhaps the cheesiest and most transparent gimmick-cliche is the new "president" getting in adama's face about the need for and role of the government in people's lives... TWENTY FOUR HOURS AFTER TWELVE BILLION PEOPLE ARE KILLED... Be real... Its a tension that the hack-writer wants to start establishing, but, with 50 thousand humans left in existence, does ANYONE think that adama is gonna allow the secretary of education to lecture him on ANYTHING before they have even had a single smoke-break since the DESTRUCTION OF CIVILIZATION?!?
... talk about a rushed and stupid cliche...

And I'll not even bother getting into the hack job done on original characters... Using fan familiarity to trick people with stupid plot twists...


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:09 AM


Ni ta ma de! Tian xia Sci Fi channel executives suo you de ren dou gai si! (syntax may be wrong but the sentiment is there). This is Astriana's roommate and I will fume quietly. I wholehartedly agree with Dyairvatree's sentiment about the new "BG". Barf!

If you want to fly, you've got to give up the s*** that weighs you down.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:47 AM


Never watched the old BG, didn't watch the new BG, and although I'm a big fan of Ron Moore from his Star Trek days, I'm hoping BG fails (miserably) because each failed sci-fi series possibly brings us one step closer to getting Firefly back on TV.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:43 AM


i liked the 2 part mini series, sure there has been better sci fi out, but that's not the point. The point is, it was quite good, and had a slightly epic feel to it, which again i liked.

sure there were things i didn't like about it, but all in all it was nice to see a small cable channel push the boat out a little and do something like that, it was nice to see that an old series can be redone.

I for one would look forward to a series, i wont say there is one until official word is out but it would be fun to watch.

and what the hell is wrong with some of you "i'm an old core fan so hope it fails" or "i hope it fails cos every failed sci fi show brings us a step closer to getting firefly back".

you know every failed sci fi show is just another nail in the coffin of the sci fi genre, a genre that is much needed IMO, as it draws contrasts to life, societies values, to irnocial situations that arise in the world today (when done correctly) And more failed sci fi means bad news for firefly, if sci fi appears to be a dying art, no channel would then want to produce a failed sci fi show (regards ratings) that's also expensive to make. Instead they'll stick with cheap reality tv shows that bore us forum go-ers to hell but entertain the general public who really don't want to think while watching tv.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:53 AM


I didn't like 90210 Galactica because it wasn't well-written or well-acted.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:58 AM


I didnt hate the new BG. What I do hate is that an estimated 1.5 mill per episode will be spent on this show when it coulda and shoulda been spent on Firefly.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:12 PM


stop moaning about sci fi passing over firefly, because at the time when they were offered firefly they didn't have that kind of money.

why? because the company that owned sci fi at the time was trying to sell them, and thus wans't putting as much money in as the new owners are.

so you'd now go "but they could renew firefly" well no they can't, universal nowowns firefly and semingly want to do a movie, and so sci fi have a chance to do a series based on a sci fi franchise that has potential, and what looks like viewers...which if it pulls them in will lead to more money, and more chance of getting firefly if a movie is made and then a series done after that

do you see?


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:43 PM


I gotta kinda agree with Majson. Scifi can't affoard Firefly due to the insane level of protection put on the rights to it. Buying it would be a long term engagement, which would mean risk to the scifi channel which they simply won't take. Probably even somebody like UPN couldn't get ahold of it easily. I know we're all still bitter to a point, but celebrating the defeat of other scifi things is not the way to go.

On Battlestar: It's ok if you don't like it as a remake. Treat it as a very similar new series, and just enjoy it for what it is. Or just go watch Stargate and don't spend all your time complaining about BG

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed." - Mal


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:51 PM


It was my understanding that Universal bought the only the movie rights.

How could the SciFi channel see Firefly as a risk when the evidence is plain to see? Couple the DVD sales records with just watching the show and any semi-intelligent, sane person must see it deserves the chance.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 5:29 PM


Um, just want to make one small clarification here:

Universal is owned by Vivendi. Who also owns the USA network. And the Sci-Fi channel.

"Be reasonable! What're you takin' this so personal for? It ain't like I ratted you out to the Feds."
"Oh, but you did. You turn on any of my crew, you turn on ME!!"


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 2:22 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
It was my understanding that Universal bought the only the movie rights.

How could the SciFi channel see Firefly as a risk when the evidence is plain to see? Couple the DVD sales records with just watching the show and any semi-intelligent, sane person must see it deserves the chance.

I think you have answered your own question. Any semi-intelligent, sane person would see it. Therefore, who are we dealing with?

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 7:37 PM


February 10, 2004 - BATTLESTAR GALACTICA given greenlight by Sci Fi : Thirteen episodes are ordered - Cinescape - Sci Fi Channel has announced that it has officially given a greenlight to the first season of the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

Check out http://www.galactica2003.net/articles/index.shtml for more...






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