
UPDATED: Monday, October 15, 2007 10:01
VIEWED: 6623
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Friday, July 20, 2007 1:24 PM


Saw a few episodes when it aired originally on BBC3 and thought it was OK. Just started it watching it again on the net and now I'm absolutely hooked.

Just wondering who else here has seen it and what they thought of it. I know Martha Jones is set to appear in it next season for a few episodes so I'm wondering if the Doctor himself will be in for the last episode of her stint there?



Friday, July 20, 2007 1:57 PM


Loved season 1. Looking forward to more.


Friday, July 20, 2007 2:06 PM


as a yank who saw it via the net "as it aired" (approx 24 hr delay to download, etc.)
i have a 2 word review: absolutely fantastic.

if anyone here who lives in the states, who hasn't seen it, and wants to, you have 2 options,A) it should still be widely available via any number of torrent sites, and 2) it will air on BBC America this fall,starting sometime in sept i believe.
(now if only i GOT BBC America!!)
now last i read, the filming of series 2, is scheduled to run until Nov. with the series airing on BBC2 starting in the new year.

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Friday, July 20, 2007 2:13 PM


I thought it was great! Lots of sex and violence but in a thoughtful, clever way!

I believe I would die of geeker joy if the Doctor made an appearance. Seems only fair after the crossover with season 3 of Who and the massive revalation they made there. (Sorry, that was a blatent "I know more than some of you" moment for which I am very ashamed. I will say no more, I swear. Nay, not even under torture!)



Friday, July 20, 2007 4:43 PM


I too watched it and thought it was awesome. Didn't care for Owen much, but that's just me. I just don't see how they could possibly air it here in the states without butchering the script all to hell. But if it's on cable, then I guess there's always a chance!


Saturday, July 21, 2007 1:23 AM


I didn't mind the show until one of the last eps where it becomes obvious that the main character Jack Harkness is completely homosexual.. then I just cringed.


Saturday, July 21, 2007 1:46 AM


Actually he's bi-sexual. That's what I love about him, he lusts after everybody equally! Fantsatic character and far more interesting than your run of the mill indestructable square jawed hero type!



Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:55 AM


He's not even bi...he's omni-sexual. He's attracted to aliens as well. I don't see the problem here. What's so wrong with being able to find beauty and/or love wherever it is? He's not limited by choices. Just think of the options! Men, women, bugs, lizards....

As for the show, it was hit and miss. Mostly hit. I'm looking forward to the second season. I'm not a huge fan of Owen either. Not from ep 1 on. Oh well. I did enjoy the final and the link to Dr Who. I hadn't heard Martha Jones was coming over...how exciting!

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:30 AM


I dont mean to offend the homosexuals. I'm sure they're very fine people..

Its just that man on man sex creepifies me!


Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:32 AM


Of course woman on woman is another thing altogether


Saturday, July 21, 2007 10:47 AM


Surely, this is what would have happened...

Select to view spoiler:

So, Torchwood Jack snogs the "real" Jack on the dancefloor in front of a hall full of punters, and then conveniently hops back to 2006 through the time rift, thinking that "real" Jack is going to be killed on his mission the next day, and of course he can't go meddling with events and changing history...


The "real" Jack is now left in front of all those people in 1941 when homosexuality was illegal. Likely he would be beaten up and turned over to the police... Nice one (TW)Jack. Doh.


Saturday, July 21, 2007 2:19 PM


Personally I find these sentiments mildly offensive. Although I do understand them because there was a time when I found man on man sex creepifying. then i grew up. My former housemate expressed similar views after 'Captain Jack Harkness' aired. I believe his exact words were "The hero of Torchwood's a bender! The whole show is ruined for me!" To which I just rolled my eyes and thought 'what a stupid d**k'. that was pretty much my reaction to most things he said. Altho, if you don't wanna see two guys kiss thats up to you i guess. just, torchwood might not be an ideal show for you lol.
But c'mon, seriously, you didn't notice jacks omnisexuality before this? its been pretty blatant sometimes lol

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:49 PM


for example when he kissed the doctor in bad wolf/parting of the ways (Who seas. 1), or his Initial Appearance in "The Empty Child" (who seas. 1) to paraphrase the 9th Doctor:
He's a 25th century man.
Rose - So what we just go out and sleep our way across the galaxy?
(I should really re-watch those episodes....)

Keep in mind these series( Doctor Who, & Torchwood) are helmed by a Gay man(Russell T Davies), and John Barrowman(actor who plays Capt. Jack) IS Gay. so it's only natural for here to be such a (not strictly hetero)character.

incidentally he(Barrowman) was one of the finalists for the role of Will, on Will & Grace, was passed over for "not seeming gay enough." ( Will was played by Eric McCormick, a straight man)

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Saturday, July 21, 2007 4:55 PM



Originally posted by Corncobb:
Personally I find these sentiments mildly offensive.

Not mine I hope, I just thought Jack hadn't really thought things through there... I got no problem with folks being sly.


Saturday, July 21, 2007 9:29 PM



Corncobb wrote:
Saturday, July 21, 2007 14:19
Personally I find these sentiments mildly offensive.

Heh.. each to their own and all that..

Personally I find homosexuality mildly or even slightly more than mildly offensive. I'm not a poofter basher or anything like that.. I can ignore their carryings on unless they try and involve me.

I'm not really trying to offend, I just find gayness unnatural and to your inference that I need to grow up.. i'm past that pal. You cant teach an old dog new tricks.


Sunday, July 22, 2007 2:15 AM


No, not yours, Cruithne3753. You made a good point. Sorry, should have made it clearer which comments I was referring to.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Sunday, July 22, 2007 7:30 AM


I've heard this show is really good, I think I'll look into it after I finish getting caught up on Doctor Who, I haven't seen all of season 2 yet.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Sunday, July 22, 2007 1:45 PM


it's not really said WHEN torchwood takes place(unlike season 3, which we know is 2008), but it is clearly post season 2. jack has the doctor's hand from the Christmas invasion, and there are a couple mentions of the final battle of season 2...
but all in all a good watch.

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Tuesday, August 7, 2007 5:46 PM


I am a huge torchwood fan. We are only halfway through season 1 here in Oz though. I saw bits of dr who season one and thought it was funny, was starting to get interested when they got a new Dr. I havent really watched it much since - looks like Im going to have to go back and find them on DVD or something, as Ive obviously missed a lot - I had wondered who's hand that was in the jar! Anyone who wants to PM me the gist of the crossover episodes - I have nothing against spoilers. I am a sick puppy who will go online and read the episode guides for the next season, just to get a fix on any of my favourite shows, as we are always so far behind in OZ. SO I dont mind finding out things I havent seen yet.

The episode 'They keep killing Suzie' aired last night - anyone got any ideas on what sort of things Ianto was suggesting about the stopwatch? The mind boggles, but it sure cheered jack up!


Sunday, August 26, 2007 5:39 AM


Well it is not available at all in the US yet and I am far to impatient to try to watch a start-stop-start internet video.
What I've read about it looks really interesting.


Monday, September 3, 2007 12:50 PM


Looks like it is coming to BBC-America next weekend...Saturday 9:00pm Eastern...yay.


Saturday, September 8, 2007 4:19 PM


Dude, why can you guys swear on TV and we can't?

Just finished Torchwood. With the way everyone was talking on Whedonesque, I was thinking it was going to be horrible. I mean, they were really slamming it. But to be honest, I've seen much worse shows over the years. Then again, it could still get worse I suppose.

It seems Jack has inherited more than a sense of adventure from The Doctor. He's almost as callous too. It seems Gwen has kind of the same function as Rose and Martha, serving as a source of humanity to Jack (as well as the others). Looking forward to the next episodes; I think the show has potential.

(Then again, who am I kidding. I'd watch John Barrowman reading the phonebook. )


"But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes."


Sunday, September 9, 2007 2:13 AM



Dude, why can you guys swear on TV and we can't?

UK network TV has a 9PM "watershed" after which it is assumed that all good children will be in bed so it is ok to say (but not ) and show people . This is workable, becuase when its 9PM in Plymouth, its 9PM in Aberdeen.

If you wait until all good children are in bed in California then most of your Adult audience in New York will either be asleep or making their own

Note: I have no idea whether this is true (apart from the "UK watershed" bit), but it sounds awfully plausible so that's good enough for teh interweb.


Sunday, September 9, 2007 5:40 AM


What about my revalation from the Dr Who thread? Anyone got any comments on the fact that

Select to view spoiler:

James Marsters is going to appear in season 2!


Am I breaking an exciting story here or telling something that everyone knows?! I would love to be the first on the scene with the goss! I'm usually the last person to know anything. The last few series I've started to enjoy have usually already been cancelled before I ever heard of them!



Sunday, September 9, 2007 6:09 AM


Very sorry to disappoint, Emma, but the news broke on Whedonesque about two months ago. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll get you're breaking news announcement one day.


"But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes."


Sunday, September 9, 2007 6:38 AM


Argh! Shoulda known! I'm always the last to know anything!

Well can you update if it's a guest spot or a regular thing?



Sunday, September 9, 2007 8:17 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Corncobb wrote:
Saturday, July 21, 2007 14:19
Personally I find these sentiments mildly offensive.

Heh.. each to their own and all that..

Personally I find homosexuality mildly or even slightly more than mildly offensive. I'm not a poofter basher or anything like that.. I can ignore their carryings on unless they try and involve me.

I'm not really trying to offend, I just find gayness unnatural and to your inference that I need to grow up.. i'm past that pal. You cant teach an old dog new tricks.

Heh.. each to their own and all that.

Now me, I find bigoted bb-brained bufoons who equate their own knee-jerk reactions to moral rightness to be more than mildly offensive.

I'm not really trying to offend, I just find closed minds in supposed adults unnatural. Maybe I need to grow up.

Naah. That's your job.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoƫ Washburn


Sunday, September 9, 2007 8:44 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Well can you update if it's a guest spot or a regular thing?

I don't know if he'll be a series regular, but he'll appear in at least two episodes. He was filming in Cardiff recently.


"But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes."


Sunday, September 9, 2007 12:57 PM



RocketJock wrote:
Sunday, September 09, 2007 08:17

Originally posted by Calhoun:



Corncobb wrote:
Saturday, July 21, 2007 14:19
Personally I find these sentiments mildly offensive.


Heh.. each to their own and all that..

Personally I find homosexuality mildly or even slightly more than mildly offensive. I'm not a poofter basher or anything like that.. I can ignore their carryings on unless they try and involve me.

I'm not really trying to offend, I just find gayness unnatural and to your inference that I need to grow up.. i'm past that pal. You cant teach an old dog new tricks.

Heh.. each to their own and all that.

Now me, I find bigoted bb-brained bufoons who equate their own knee-jerk reactions to moral rightness to be more than mildly offensive.

I'm not really trying to offend, I just find closed minds in supposed adults unnatural. Maybe I need to grow up.

Naah. That's your job.

Equating knee-jerk reactions to moral rightness.... umm.. well.. whatever, probably makes sense in your head..

River Tam move over, we have a new mind reader. You seem to think you know me. You're saying that i'm a supposed adult? Hmmm, well I suppose you're correct on that one as I am an adult. You insinuate that i'm closed minded? Well, being a middle aged "adult" I have had a few years to consider why homosexuals are, and the implications and repercussions of their choice..(I must be closed minded because I dont agree with you?) And finally you make the claim that I have knee-jerk reactions??? Knee-jerk?? STUFF YOU! POOFTER (oops.. the bufoon in me in making an escape)


Monday, September 10, 2007 12:09 PM


[quote}it's not really said WHEN torchwood takes place(unlike season 3, which we know is 2008), but it is clearly post season 2. jack has the doctor's hand from the Christmas invasion, and there are a couple mentions of the final battle of season 2...
but all in all a good watch

I dont know whether you've seen Doctor who season 3 yet (or end of season 1 torchwood) and I dont want to spoil it but the events in the last 2 minutes of Torchwood S1 and the first two minutes of Episode 11(?) (its the episode called Utopia anyway) of Who season 3 occur (in series time at least) at exactly the same momeht as can be seen by what transpires in those few minutes. So its some time in 2008 but after the battle of Canary Wharf.

This post will only probably make sense if you have seen season three doctor who and the last episode of torchwood season 1


Monday, September 10, 2007 3:52 PM


yes, actually i have seen it all, but there is 1 SMALL difference in those events, that as of yet anywho, we can't really explain away (rest in spoiler mode as not to ruin it for others)

Select to view spoiler:

In the end of torchwod, the TARDIS appears/disappears(w/ Jack & the Hand in tow) INSIDE THE HUB, and in Utopia, The Doctor "parks" the TARDIS UP ON THE PLAZA,( to recharge the systems via the rift energy) and Jack comes running Towards the TARDIS with a knapsack on his back containing the hand.

that is my 2 cents anywho.
if you Wish to compare, PM me, i can put together a DVD with both scenes.

on an unrelated note,
as far as Marsters goes, is his character gonna be American, or a Brit. just wondering if he'd be reviving the Spike Accent(which over time turned into a Tony Head impression), or his own SO CAL accent( which still after all this time weirds me right the fuck out)
Just curious...
Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2:51 PM


Lovin' Torchwood so far. Yes, the second episode was kind of a rip-off of "Lonely Hearts", but I still really enjoyed it. I don't know why I've heard people bashing it so much.

Obviously The Doctor's leaving really messed Jack up. He nearly blew the whole case over that severed hand. On the other hand, I have to applaud him. He told Gwen to go home, to enjoy her regular life, whereas The Doctor would have taken someone away from it. Jack understands the value of human ties, something I don't think The Doctor will ever grasp (or at least will be very slow to do so). Definitely looking forward to the next episode.


"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd."


Saturday, September 29, 2007 4:05 PM


Okay, I'm about to become real unpopular around here.

I actually liked "Cyberwoman". Yes, the costume was god-awful (a metal bikini? High heels? Yeesh). But the story itself wasn't really that bad. And poor Ianto. He really went through the ringer. Torchwood may be no Buffy or Angel, and the writing isn't always up to par, but I think this has a lot of potential.

And if we're gonna talk about bad TV, we can always tune in to Moonlight. Yuck.


"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd."


Sunday, September 30, 2007 10:21 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I don't know why I've heard people bashing it so much.

Its enjoyable, but a bit variable. Main problem is that Torchwood is trying to be adult, gritty and disturbing while sharing a "universe" with Doctor Who - which is aimed partly at children and has traditionally had a camp, B-movie tone (Cyberwomen wearing metal bikinis and high heels would fit right in there). Sometimes the result is (to quote a friend of mine) "not really adult - just unsuitable for children" with sex scenes and bad language dropped in just for the sake of it. The plots also veer between quite good, original ideas and silly "monster of the week" capers.

I think what really disappointed me was the last episode when: (minor spoilers)

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They start off with a really good idea - time travellers appearing bringing historical plagues with them - then forget about it in favour of "Evil villain awakes giant monster for no adequately explored reason" (and becomes its first victim - don't evil geniuses ever watch horror movies!?)

Now, if you really want adult entertainment, we lucky peeps in the UK have just been treated to Billie Piper (yup, Rose from Dr Who) in "The Secret Diary of a Call Girl". Not sure if that will make it stateside...

(...and its all done in the best paaaasible taste)

(...except perhaps the opening 5 seconds which were a very unsubtle reference to Rose's first appearance in Dr Who...)

The angels have the phone box


Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:20 PM


Umm, raise your hand if "ewww"?

Select to view spoiler:

Just finished "Countrycide". If Gwen was gonna screw a team member, for the love of God, couldn't it have been Jack? Or Christ, even Ianto? Owen's a complete ass. I knew she wasn't going to stay with Rhys, but icky. I was hoping she'd have better taste.

Not the greatest episode, but okay. One thing I've enjoyed about the show is the fact that they show each character's flaws (which in many cases tend to be monumental). Too often in American TV, we have these superheroes that have no faults. Torchwood, on the other hand, is full of fuck-ups. Kind of refreshing, really.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Sunday, October 14, 2007 2:47 PM



(...except perhaps the opening 5 seconds which were a very unsubtle reference to Rose's first appearance in Dr Who...)

huh? I must have missed that... maybe I didn't see the first 5 seconds :? what happened?

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Monday, October 15, 2007 9:18 AM



Originally posted by charliethebloody:

(...except perhaps the opening 5 seconds which were a very unsubtle reference to Rose's first appearance in Dr Who...)

huh? I must have missed that... maybe I didn't see the first 5 seconds :? what happened?

Nothing remarkable - just that they both started with some nice postcard views of London followed by Rose/Belle's hand reaching out to turn off her alarm clock. Coincidence?

(Unless I'm hallucinating - I don't have either recorded just now)


Monday, October 15, 2007 10:01 AM


Ok I love Torchwood.... it's only started season one in the states a few weeks ago, but I'm hooked!!

You can't rush science, Gibbs! You can yell at it and scream at it, but you can't rush it. "- Abby Sciuto






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