Sarah Connor Chronicles in Top 5 searches!

UPDATED: Sunday, February 3, 2008 01:36
VIEWED: 3427
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Monday, January 14, 2008 7:35 PM


I just noticed that the SCC made #5 on the top ten most popular searches on Yahoo. Speaks well for the series I hope. GO Summer!

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:18 PM


Yay. I watched SCC because Summer was in it. I tell you what, she is going to be a big big BIG star. She has blossomed into a stunningly beautiful young woman. {Heh, hi there. I joined here so I could say Summer is going to be big, I tell you BIG to people who like her as much as I do. Nice to make y'all's acquaintance.}

Whedon ought to hurry up and lock in a Serenity II while he can still afford her. It would be great to have a Serenity II, I miss Whedon's dark humor, and with the careers of the cast taking off it'll probably pull in a lot more bank.

Dreaming of sitting in the theater watching Serenity II.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:50 AM


As another poster pointed out, it's pretty obvious that FOX realized sometime between the leaked pilot over the summer and the premiere that Summer was going to be the real draw for the show. She's given more airtime, focused on during the voice-overs (pilot seemed to focus more on Sarah)...things like that.

FOX has their claws in a budding star, and they're trying to find any way possible to showcase it.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:01 AM


Hi, Butterpup!

Welcome to the site.

I see a "y'all" in that post. Where ya from?

Check out http://www.americasfunniesttshirts.com for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:56 PM


Dear Anyone who can help

I loved Summer as usual in the first night, but on the second my TIVO malfunctioned.

Does anyone know how I can see the second episode?

Thank you in advance.



Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:05 PM


1) Free on the Fox website (Fox On Demand) for streaming video

2) $1.99 on iTunes for downloaded content


Friday, January 18, 2008 8:33 AM



Originally posted by Muggi:
As another poster pointed out, it's pretty obvious that FOX realized sometime between the leaked pilot over the summer and the premiere that Summer was going to be the real draw for the show.

So the Sarah Connor Chronicles will in fact be about her sons' bodyguard?


Friday, January 18, 2008 8:43 AM



Originally posted by Cavalier:

Originally posted by Muggi:
As another poster pointed out, it's pretty obvious that FOX realized sometime between the leaked pilot over the summer and the premiere that Summer was going to be the real draw for the show.

So the Sarah Connor Chronicles will in fact be about her sons' bodyguard?

In essence, yes.

She's getting more focus than she did in the earlier pilot. It's not HER show, but she's the draw. She'll be highlighted in promo's, she'll see more airtime (obvious if you see Pilot A and Pilot B).

Sarah's relationship with John will take a back seat; just watch and see. Each character's relationship to Cameron will end up being what gets the most attention.


Friday, January 18, 2008 2:55 PM


Hi there, new poster.
Can you guys recommend a good T-SCC fansite? I'm looking for something intelligent, funny, and good-natured... y'know like firefly fansites. Thanks!


Friday, February 1, 2008 5:13 PM



Originally posted by Butterpup:
Yay. I watched SCC because Summer was in it.

It is beyond ironic that the reason I didn't watch T:TSCC was because Summer Glau was in it, but that's only because I'd never heard of Summer Glau.

That takes some explaining.

I'd heard about T:TSCC, and knew that the "protector Terminator" was going to be in the form of "some young hot babe," and that just sounded incredibly stupid to me. I imagined the pitch session at Fox: "Robots! Explosions! Guns! Nuclear war! Time-travel! A young hot babe!"


So I didn't watch it, until desperate for TV one night, I downloaded the free pilot from iTunes. And was blown away. And what blew me away the most was Cameron, the "young hot babe" that I feared would ruin the show.

Cameron didn't come across as anything like I thought (or feared). This wasn't a "young hot babe," nor 90210 with a metal endo-skeleton. This was an honest-to-God Terminator, just a different model. And Summer Glau sold the character. Completely. I was on the fence until right after she said the iconic "Come with me...." line, and speeds John away in her truck. It was the look on her face. Still. Expressionless. Unblinking. And the way she turns and looks at John, as he's looking at the bullet wounds in her chest. Without a single word, she acknowledges that, yes, I'm one of them, and I'm here to protect you. Volumes spoken without a word, as a machine might do, and she nailed it...she feakin' nailed it.

And I had no idea who she was -- the actress playing Cameron. I figured she was an unknown, and still thought that after immediately watching the second episode. I'd caught her name in the credits by then -- not an easy one to forget, once heard -- and knew I'd not heard of her before. She really didn't look familiar, either.

So I did a simple Google Images search. On the first page were movie posters for Serenity.

My jaw hit the floor. Cameron looked nothing like the haunted image of the young woman in the Serenity posters -- posters I'd seen more than enough times to make me want to watch the movie. So I went back to iTunes and tried to find Serenity -- failed -- and started downloading Firefly instead.

All I knew at the time was that she was playing some character named River Tam. I knew pretty much nothing else about the character, but hoped I'd somehow find this character -- this River Tam -- as intriguing as Cameron.

Yes, you read that right: I started watching Firefly, hoping I'd enjoy Summer's portrayal of River Tam as much as I did her portrayal of Cameron. (And yes, I'm typically late to parties, too.)

So I hit Play on the (actual "Serenity") pilot of Firefly...and thereafter promptly watched every other episode, and BDM Serenity, in a matter of days. After which I could firmly arrive at a conclusion regarding Summer's portrayal of River Tam.


Good God.

It hit me like a...like a...

Like a bullet in the brain pan.


I am, in fact, still recovering. (And as flip as that may sound, it's true. It's rare a character in a TV show moves me to tears, and River did it more than once.)

And now I find myself hoping just the opposite: Can Cameron ever be as enjoyable/poignant/memorable to watch as River? Can anything compare to that role, to that portrayal?

Only time will tell, but after 3 episodes of T:TSCC, it's obvious who the best character on the show is. By far. And that's Cameron, without any doubt.

Finally something must be said about the biggest irony of all: I'd originally feared that Cameron would be just some young hot babe. I was wrong about Cameron, and God forbid anyone would ever refer to River that way, or I'll make sure they get the torching that River and Simon nearly did. You just don't talk about River that way. It's wrong. And I can't see talking about Cameron that way either, despite my initial fears. Yet somehow, in the pilot of both T:TSCC and Firefly, both characters appear nude.

A lot.

It is a credit to the writing on both shows -- and most of all, a credit to Summer's ability to portray complex, fascinating characters -- that the last thing I think about, when I think about those characters, is the way they look, or that they were nude.

Let's hope FOX doesn't gratuitously have Cameron in too many states of undress, and keep some dignity on the character. Everything I've seen of -- and read about -- Summer Glau makes me believe that that will be the case, that we can actually have in Cameron -- as we did in River -- a strong female character who's neither a sex toy for hormonally-challenged boys, nor some bitter feminist's castrating warrior fantasy. Let's hope FOX somehow manages to live up to the example set on the show they freakin' cancelled during its first season in 2002.

And let's hope they learned from that lesson.

(website under serious reconstruction, if not life-saving surgery)


Saturday, February 2, 2008 12:19 PM


Welcome mrmgraphics.

Always good tp here from a new fan. I hope you enjoy our fansite as much as you do Summer Glau.




Sunday, February 3, 2008 1:36 AM



Welcome mrmgraphics.

Always good tp here from a new fan. I hope you enjoy our fansite as much as you do Summer Glau.

Thanks! Having s lot of fun, and hoping not to lose too much time in here!

(website under serious reconstruction, if not life-saving surgery)






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