Atlantis' Carson is back!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 05:22
VIEWED: 4223
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Sunday, February 24, 2008 3:38 PM


Anyone see the latest ep (418)??

Wonder how they're going to explain this..


Sunday, February 24, 2008 9:21 PM


Not to difficult. Half the main cast was recently cloned by a rogue faction of the Asurans(Pegasus Replicators). Also he could be from an alternate dimension. I'd be willing to bet Weir has something to do with it though.

Also unless your in a different country with different promos, or just haven't watch Scifi all week. This was no surprise at all. Which pisses me off. I would have loved to have tuned in and had no clue at all and been blown away. Scifi needs to get it's act together with the stupid spoiler promos. They had the idiocy to say IN THE PROMO that "You'll never guess what happens in the last five minutes!" then they show Carson saying his one line "What took ya so long?". I mean come on, I can guess... in fact you just told me.

Still a good episode though. I love the direction the Michael and Teyla storylines are going. Michael no longer needing to feed is fricking awesome and makes the wraith both more viable as an ally as well as much more dangerous, not to mention the fact he looks totally bad-ass. I remember when he first changed back into a wraith I booed when his hair grew long so fast. I thought a wraith with short hair looked pretty cool. Todd also had some great bits and is easily one of the best wraith characters on the show. Love his easily identifiable sunburst tattoo on his face.

Also a side note. I know Carson returning is no secret and due to Scifi's stupid promos obvious to everyone... still it's usually not a good idea to put a spoiler in a thread title. No big deal on this one though. Like I said Scifi already ruined any shock factor for this episode. Also nearly every major character killed off a Stargate series has popped back up for a howdy on occasion. Martuff and Janet did at least once on SG-1. I think on the same episode. Either way I knew he'd be back someday.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Sunday, February 24, 2008 11:42 PM



StrangeBird wrote:
Sunday, February 24, 2008 21:21

Also a side note. I know Carson returning is no secret and due to Scifi's stupid promos obvious to everyone... still it's usually not a good idea to put a spoiler in a thread title

I just figured the episode has aired.. how can I be spoiling it. I guess there are ways but I supposed anyone who is a real fan will watch it as it airs or if they live elsewhere will download it like I do.

Oh well the cats out of the bag.


Monday, February 25, 2008 6:47 AM


Like I said though, no big deal since scifi already gave it away months ago online and all week with the promo. Still though, it doesn't air at the same time in every country and very very few people have the ability to just download a tv show when they want it. I'm in the US and I can't get highspeed in my area unless I want to fork over the cash for satellite. And some folks aren't watching as it airs since they just started watching the series on DVD. Anyway, you obviously didn't start this thread about spoiler etiquette, so I apologize. There really should be one somewhere else.

Back on topic though. Carson is only back for a few episodes. Two or three, or so I've heard. I'm sure like most of the other clones or what have you he'll be killed off pretty soon after he shows up. Only exception to this in the Stargate verse, that I can think of right now, was the SG-1 robots who went around on their own missions for awhile. Just speculation, who knows what he is or what they'll do with the character. If he's one of the rogue Asuran clones he'll not have much in the line of recent memory. Which means he wouldn't be aware of his death and assume he just doesn't remember how he was captured and was waiting for a rescue. Which would explain the "What to ya so long?".

I like the actor and the character and I hope they don't do anything stupid. I miss Carson but I'd almost prefer at this point he stays "dead". It sometimes ruins a character to kill them off and bring them back for good later. Obviously it didn't with Daniel but his "death" was different as he didn't really die. Also I really like Dr. Keller and she needs more character development, which seeing as she may become a regular next season I'm sure we'll be getting.

I guess it's also still possible Carson isn't Carson but some sort of replicator spy. Maybe they created a clone then instead of putting Carson's memories and personality in they put in a modified replicator consciousness. Which could mean they are a much more dangerous foe than previously thought... which was dangerous enough already. I think that would be overkill though as they just upgraded the wraith again from seemingly defeated to major threat. First with the new army and again with Michael's new modifications and what I guess is probably the start of a new species. What next? More Goa'uld spies in Atlantis? Which honestly wouldn't be a bad idea, though I would imagine after the "Trust" got one in they probably started a thorough screening process of all personnel using the Gates and Daedalus class cruisers.

Anyway, time will tell. I can't wait for Friday's episode to see what happens. Only a couple episodes left in season 4. Wow, it went by so fast. I cannot wait for season 5 since it appears Jewel will be promoted to a regular cast member. Hopefully with her face and name in the title credits.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Monday, February 25, 2008 6:52 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Actually, I have a different theory about Carson. Word is he's going to be back for at least 5 episodes next season, so my theory is that he is the real Carson, and that Michael kidnapped him way back when and replaced him with a clone. Or a replicator. Something of the sort.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!



Monday, February 25, 2008 6:58 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

I just figured the episode has aired.. how can I be spoiling it. I guess there are ways but I supposed anyone who is a real fan will watch it as it airs or if they live elsewhere will download it like I do.

Oh well the cats out of the bag.

So you won't mind me posting Torchwood spoilers in subject lines as soon as the episode has aired over here then?


Monday, February 25, 2008 7:04 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Word is he's going to be back for at least 5 episodes next season

You know I just read that somewhere else as well. Here's hoping they do it right. Also found confirmation that Jewel will be upgraded to regular and apparently so will Robert Picardo. I love Picardo and his character Woolsey and think it will add some great and needed inner tension to the story. I know some folks hate him but he's proven he's a decent guy and will fight hard for what he thinks is right.

I won't however reveal what he's doing in Atlantis since it's a big season 5 spoiler. I will say that I doubt he and Sheppard will see eye to eye. Heh.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Monday, February 25, 2008 11:40 AM


Well I live in the UK and we get this a few days after you so I don't bother downloading it and will watch it on Sky One on a Tuesday.
I also don't watch promos because they always give too much away.

So I'm well and truly spoilt, especially as there's only a few episodes left.

Thanks a bunch! But as you're a Browncoat I'll let it slide.
Just this once.
After that I'm kicking you into the engine.

As stated it's not a good idea to put spoilers in the thread title, and not everyone watches a show as soon as it is available because of transfer to Tivo, HD Recorders or even VHS.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, February 25, 2008 11:48 AM


Well, speaking as one who is only on the third ep of season three, I have ONE THING TO SAY ABOUT ALL THIS SPOILERY TALK!!!
Meh. I love the show regardless.



Monday, February 25, 2008 12:10 PM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Well I live in the UK and we get this a few days after you so I don't bother downloading it and will watch it on Sky One on a Tuesday.
I also don't watch promos because they always give too much away.

So I'm well and truly spoilt, especially as there's only a few episodes left.

Thanks a bunch! But as you're a Browncoat I'll let it slide.
Just this once.
After that I'm kicking you into the engine.

As stated it's not a good idea to put spoilers in the thread title, and not everyone watches a show as soon as it is available because of transfer to Tivo, HD Recorders or even VHS.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

Exactly my point.

Also I try to avoid the promos but on Scifi Channel they play them at least once an hour, sometimes more. Even during reruns of X-files which I watch everyday. Also they tend to scream the spoilery parts.

Anyway I think there should be a thread about thread title etiquette. Look out for one later today.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Monday, February 25, 2008 12:22 PM



SimonWho wrote:
Monday, February 25, 2008 06:58

Originally posted by Calhoun:

I just figured the episode has aired.. how can I be spoiling it. I guess there are ways but I supposed anyone who is a real fan will watch it as it airs or if they live elsewhere will download it like I do.

Oh well the cats out of the bag.

So you won't mind me posting Torchwood spoilers in subject lines as soon as the episode has aired over here then?

I wont mind at all.

I am very impatient and cant wait for each ep of the shows I watch so if they dont air here straight away I download instantly. You'll never spoil me!


Monday, February 25, 2008 12:32 PM



chrisisall wrote:
Monday, February 25, 2008 11:48
Well, speaking as one who is only on the third ep of season three, I have ONE THING TO SAY ABOUT ALL THIS SPOILERY TALK!!!
Meh. I love the show regardless.

Sorry Chrisisall..

Good thing I didnt spoil the bit about Ronan being gay..


Monday, February 25, 2008 12:36 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Ronan being gay..

oh isall


Monday, February 25, 2008 2:43 PM


How shocked and stunned would you have been if you didn't know? I mean would you have walked around in a daze mumbling, I can't believe Carson is back, didn't he like explode or something? Then end up like Daniel Jackson in a rubber room seeing corpses all over the place.

Personally I probably would have given a 'Huh?' like the Captain or a raised Eyebrow like Spock, which I have never been able to do by thinking about it.

Hey maybe they can use the same premise that brought back Carson to bring back Wash for the next Serenity movie. Got to be a split second beam out by Michael and a setup explosion with a swap out for some poor shlumb, I mean why would they do a DNA match when he was the only one there and they all saw him get blown up. I remember someone saying it looked like he acsended at the moment of the explosion, I would have thought he would only have got as high as the ceiling myself. But a beam out on the other hand works.

Just conjecture not spoiler StrangeBird, no need for another long winded reprisal.


Monday, February 25, 2008 3:11 PM


Conjecture is most welcome. I use it all the time. Honestly I don't mind a bit of spoiler myself, it's others I'm talking about for the most part. Also we have the spoiler brackets for a reason, just meant to ask that y'all use them is all. It's an old topic, debated to death so lets just drop it.

Anyway, I take back my whole Weir involvement idea. I wouldn't be surprised if we only see a glimpse of her ever again. I have a feeling they are going to pull a Ford and leave her up in the air. Either forever or nearly. My guess is that this Carson is a clone and that he's going to end up going rogue or something. They've done the ascension thing before and if they use it like this they're lessening the effect.

And to Chris.... no Ronon is not gay. He's bisexual... wait 'til the episode with him, Rodney and Keller getting it on.

And I do apologize for being so damned long winded. Sad thing is that's actually how I talk. I have a hard time not saying things if I get them in my head.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Monday, February 25, 2008 4:49 PM


I'm only kidding with the long winded line, my choice to read what you have written after all. Although saying that, talking and typing are two different things. You can edit what you type.


Monday, February 25, 2008 5:24 PM



Originally posted by Quietude:
I'm only kidding with the long winded line, my choice to read what you have written after all. Although saying that, talking and typing are two different things. You can edit what you type.

Which to be honest I do too much. Though I argue it is possible to edit what you say, you just have to think very fast.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." -Jayne quoting Book


Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:22 AM


I moved this post to the SGA thread






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