Great article on the dark side of fandom.

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 9, 2008 06:54
VIEWED: 1499
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:52 AM


Hey All

I was checking over on imdb and their featured articles section, and I came across this really insightful essay on fandoms and the negativity it can sometimes produce. Here's the link to it.


I really responded to this essay since it nails exactly on the head my own conflicted feelings about being a geek and fandoms and how some very vocal people on sites like these can ruin it for others.

I'm with the author in that I hate it when fans see something online and then automatically throw in the towel and say that it's a lost cause. So what if Optimus Prime has flame decals? That's such a minor, insignificant detail from my perspective that it shouldn't get in the way of the film itself. I don't think TRANSFORMERS suck because of that. I think TRANSFORMERS sucks because of a weak script, shoddy attention to the human characters and overkill.

And the analogy between sports fans and geeks is an interesting one since it really points out how geeks can hold a grudge, even past the point of no return. Red Sox fans may have been let down and disappointed, but when they finally won the World Series, all was forgiven. But STAR WARS fans, even after seeing REVENGE OF THE SITH and the dark tragedy of the saga come full circle were still bitter over a minor character in PHANTOM MENACE or a shoot-out in the re-release. I don't give a shit if Han shot first. And as intrigued I am over these new STAR WARS series in the works, I know that most of what I'll hear online is neverending complaints and grievances and malaise towards them.

George Lucas hasn't raped my childhood. It's the legion of people who say that he did that did it.

Also, the final point that he makes is a valid one. I remember a famous quote from some author who was asked once what he thinks of Hollywood changing his novels. He just nodded to his bookshelf an said that they haven't changed the books themselves. They're still there, waiting to be read. And it's an important point, that the thing you fell in love with is still there, no matter what anyone else does to it.

So while I'm pissed that the newer version of I AM LEGEND doesn't have the book's ending, the book's ending is still there for anyone interested. And while THE GOLDEN COMPASS felt rushed and didn't have the mindbender of the book's ending, the book's ending and the other two books in the trilogy is still there. And while THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, WATCHMEN and BONE's future adaptations are still in the air in terms of quality, the originals power is still unmatched.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 5:00 AM


Yeah, but I don't think that applies to Starship Troopers...that was just so far off.

But as to Star Wars; I liked the original, but the new ones stunk. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan; hell I've found myself basically disgusted with the expanded universe, but the recent movies were just plain bad...

There's a widow in sleepy Chester
Who weeps for her only son;
There's a grave on the Pabeng River,
A grave that the Burmans shun;
And there's Subadar Prag Tewarri
Who tells how the work was done.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 6:54 AM


Okay, time to have my say.
Re-design the Lost In Space Robot, the Mach 5, the Superman "s"....this is stupid for a number of reasons...as an art department, you're HANDED a design, all you have to do is copy it...maybe even tweak it a bit (think Enterprise in the first movie), and it's done. But no, wait...I, as a designer, can take a famous and beloved visual icon...and make it BETTER!! I can put my own stamp on it! I can bring it to new heights!!! (in short, I can eff it up)
What a dumass way to proceed. It's more expensive, ego-stroking, time-consuming, and financially iffy. The easy way is often the best way, as these things go.

And to the Lucas stuff...don't like it, don't watch. No biggie. I don't much care for eps 1,2&3, so I don't watch 'em. Doesn't spoil a thing for me regarding the other three movies.

As to I Am Legend, they gutted the book IMO, and The Omega Man got it more right, so that's the one I watch, for it's adherence to the overall feel of the novel...I'm not so worked up about an ending change as I am about the quality of the script.

Also, I've heard a lot on this site about Mal's 3-D suspenders in Serenity- how it detracts from the movie-watching experience for many. That's laughable as far as I'm concerned. His suspenders are not nearly like Superman's "S"- I can't even go more into it it's so trivial to me.

I guess I'm quasi-rabid....

The geek-to-a-point Chrisisall






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