I'll start: DOCTOR WHO 4.1-the awesomeness

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:07
VIEWED: 16313
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008 6:49 PM


With everyone making a big deal about the final season of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, I guess it's a little understandable that the new season of DOCTOR WHO doesn't get much attention, especially since they debuted on the exact same day.

Finally got around to watching it, and loved it. I think of all the various premieres, this was the funniest. Donna was far less annoying than when she was in the second Xmas special, and I loved the whole "Sleepless in Seattle" bit of her and The Doctor missing each other. And when they finally do see each other, the silent interaction was the funniest bit in the whole episode. The whole weight loss/fat babies angle that was going on was a nice little bit of satire, and Donna's home life and the relationship with her granddad was a nice, poignant break in the screwball tone of the ep. And the moments between her and The Doctor really show how much they've changed in a year and that they really do make a good team.

Select to view spoiler:

Of course, the real shocker and surprise was Rose appearing in the last minutes and then fading away. This obviously is the set up for the season long mystery this year, and it's a real doozy. I've heard that a future ep isn't going to have The Doctor in it at all and will just be the three Companions. So I'm eager to see how it'll all play out.

The only thing I didn't like was the new version of the theme song. It didn't have the "bum-bum-bum", electronic throb that made it so memorable.

So, anyone else psyched over the new season of DOCTOR WHO, or are we all just watching GALACTICA?

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7:54 PM


You're not the only one psyched about this but unfortunately we don't get the new season until April 18th.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 1:38 AM


I totally agree with you i thought it was awesome, i loved the idea of the fat babies thing and im so pleased they made Donna less irritating. I got a little frusttrated with the keep missing each other thing after a while but i loved when they did spot each other was brilliantly done.

I also agree with you on the theme tune thing. I really wish they wouldn't change it that tiny amount every season, i liked the first one the best.

But still a great start to a new season

"I believe in an open mind, but not so open your brain falls out" - Arthur Hayes Sulzberger


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 1:46 AM



Originally posted by singate:
You're not the only one psyched about this but unfortunately we don't get the new season until April 18th.

*sigh* Yeah. Plus I haven't even seen all of season 3 yet. It's finally out on DVD so I'm Netflixing my way through it.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:48 AM


I want an adipose...they were so damn cute. I think they are going to end up as stress toys or something.

I thought they were going to do a Langford with CT as the companion, but it actually works. ( I got badly over-excited during the whole episode, especially that last scene.) I still think Dr Who is a step above Torchwood, though there were moments in the last series that were bearable.

Looking forward to the Christie episode myself. Though from the glimpses of the Roman episode, I would say someone's been watching Pan's Labyrinth....


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 4:53 AM


Definitely not liking the new theme music. But I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later.

Doctor Who was certainly awesome for me, but for a somewhat different reason. For those of you that are Torchwood fans (and have seen the season finale), you know what reason I'm referring to. Was very glad to have a chance to laugh. They couldn't have planned things better, putting DW on the day after Torchwood ended.

With the scheduled appearances at the end of the series, this season has me very excited. And I must say, I'm actually starting to like Donna. I'd been dreading the start of this season for that very reason, but it looks like things are gonna turn out okay.

ETA: And as long as we're talking about the opening song, look here for a very creative use of the music: http://webfeedcentral.com/DeanGray6/02_Dean_Gray_-_Dr_Who_on_Holiday.m


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 6:16 AM


DeepGirl, your link isn't working for me.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 6:33 AM


I'll be rewatching on Sci-fi channel, but I also have to watch sooner when I can....
and I LOVED every single thing about the start to the new season,
of course I loved Donna's snarky attitude in 'Runaway Bride', but I love her even more now that they've given her some vulnerability...
She is a great foil for the Doctor, and I know they will really be able to bring the comedy to the show.
Doctor Who is able to do comedy w/the excitement much like Joss does in all his shows, much like no one else ever really manages to do.

I think that this will be a GREAT season!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 8:46 AM


I keep missing out on this, I see random episodes here and there and enjoy it emensly, and tell myself I'm gunna start watching it... then... I... forget

Guess I should rent whole series and watch 'em all, then start viewing the new season :)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 9:49 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
Guess I should rent whole series and watch 'em all, then start viewing the new season :)

start by renting series 1, with Christopher Eccelston as Doctor Who #9... that introduces Rose....
it is nice to watch it all in order if possible

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 10:17 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat2007:
Guess I should rent whole series and watch 'em all, then start viewing the new season :)

By the time you finish viewing the classic series, the show will probably have been cancelled, resurrected, cancelled again, "re-imagined" as a Star Trek spin-off, made into a movie starring Paris Hilton as the Doctor and will be available in suppository form (good news, everybody!) and finally re-re-imagined by Joss Wheedon as a show so awesomely good that infuriated Fox executives will invent time-travel and send a robot back in time to 1963 to prevent the show's creation.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 10:42 AM


LOL.... no no no... not ALL of 'em all of 'em... just the more recent... this is what, 4th season of the "new" Doctor Who on SciFi?? I'm pretty sure I can get through 4 seasons in short order...


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:00 AM


I almost started a thread about this on Saturday night....but just didn't get around to it.


Don't like the new theme tune. It's not the worst of the bunch, but it's not good either. They kept the same themes for years in the classic series so why they can't this time is beyond me.

Didn't really like the fat babies. I thought the idea behind them was great, but they were just too cute when they waved and made silly noises (and I like cute). I would have preferred it if they'd made them more slimy or gross, but that might have put some people off.

Donna was great and if they keep her like this she will make a good and refreshing companion. And it kind of shows just how much The Doctor affects the people he meets. A nice scene was:

Doctor: I just want a mate.
Donna: You just want to mate!
Doctor: I just want a mate!
Donna: You're not mating with me, sunshine!
Doctor: I want a mate! I want a mate!
Donna: Well, just as well, cos I'm not having any of that nonsense!

And when 'you-know-who' appeared it was a genuine surprise so early in the series. Nice little touch and something they kept very quiet.
Really looking forward to the rest.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:20 AM



Originally posted by Grizwald:
DeepGirl, your link isn't working for me.

Here, try this one instead, Grizwald. It's the second song.



"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Wednesday, April 9, 2008 12:11 PM


*does chair dance*

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:55 AM


I did enjoy the season premiere and really enjoyed 'Donna' being back. I think her interaction with the Doctor is going to be much better & honest than the love-sick companions of the past couple seasons.

The Adipose were cute, but I would have liked more of the real villian, 'Miss Foster'. Sarah Lancashire was great, but her screen time was far too limited.

Does anyone else believe that RTD has "mother" issues? Jackie Tyler, Francine Jones and Sylvia Noble (the mothers of Rose, Martha and Donna) have all been incredibly over-bearing women that treat their daughters like trash. No wonder each of them has wanted to take off with the Doctor, if I had a mother that behaved like any of these women I'd want off the planet as well.

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:00 PM


It is so funny that you mention that, since I think that Joss has "daddy issues" that are so prevalent in his work. And people tend to compare DOCTOR WHO to Joss.

I noticed that as well in DOCTOR WHO, but I think in DOCTOR WHO's case, each of the mothers have so far redeems themselves. Like Jackie. In the two years show was on the show, she slowly came around to Rose wanting to go off with The Doctor and ended up going with her to the other universe to be with her and the parallel version of her husband. And Martha's family may have been a little dysfunctional at the beginning, but they learned the hard way through The Master, and ultimately Martha decided to stay behind with her family instead of continuing to travel with The Doctor. And with Donna, her mother may be a pill at this point, but I think she might come around. Her gramps certainly did at the end of the ep.

The inevitable strong bond between the companions and their families is one of the things that I LOVE about DOCTOR WHO. That no matter where they go through space and time, there's always a family to go back to, unlike Joss who gives the middle finger to biological families and have their characters make their own made up families.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Sunday, May 4, 2008 4:10 AM


Did anyone else get a laugh out of the Doctor in the gas-mask in last night's (3rd may) episode?

"Are you my mummy?" *snort*

Plus scary mother with axe? I was reminded of Joyce's first run-in with Spike...


Sunday, May 4, 2008 9:01 PM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Did anyone else get a laugh out of the Doctor in the gas-mask in last night's (3rd may) episode?

"Are you my mummy?" *snort*

Yes, that was so funny! It was also nice to hear about 'Sir' Alistair. They really need to get Nick Courtney back for a guest appearance!!!

Select to view spoiler:

And Rose appearing on the TARDIS monitor was interesting

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Monday, May 5, 2008 12:15 AM


Yeah the gas mask joke was great, almost a throwaway comment that I'm sure not everyone picked up on. A nice reference to the previous Doctor, who is of course this Doctor, if you get my meaning.

The 'flash' on the monitor was great. Again another blink and you'll miss it moment. I wonder if Donna will recognize or recollect these moments later on, or whether they will just be for the viewer.

I liked the Doctor correcting Donna on the miss-pronunciation of Sontaran as well. A nice touch as I'm sure lots of other people pronounce it wrong.

Next episode looks strange and will take a lot of explaining. I'm thinking created from DNA extracts or whatever rather than an actual 'made in the normal way' person.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, May 5, 2008 1:54 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Next episode looks strange and will take a lot of explaining. I'm thinking created from DNA extracts or whatever rather than an actual 'made in the normal way' person.

No - there's no problem with the idea:

(I just wish they wouldn't put spoilers in the "Next time..." trailers - kudos to lwaves for being appropriately cryptic - and I'd advise anybody who hasn't seen the ep. yet to hit 'mute' at the closing "wheeeoooowwwwnnnnDumDiDumDumDiDum" , but so I'm cloaking the following):

Select to view spoiler:

Back in 1963, the Doctor's first companion was his Granddaughter, Susan, who was presumably 'made in the normal way' (whatever the 'normal way' is on Gallifrey). In the "new" series, the Doctor has mentioned that he had children.

The only question is how many more "last timelords" are gonna come out of the woodwork - unless this one is half human and/or has dragged him back to the past... or the future (pesky time machines)...

Hey, she's blonde - maybe she's Rose's daughter!

...and were those proto-Daleks tramping around?

Meanwhile, another occurrence of the Doc's hang-ups about pressing the big red button and making the bad guys go boom!

I'm wondering if we're heading for a reprise of "Genesis of the Daleks": the Doctor #4 story in which the Doctor is sent back to wipe out the Daleks before they are created (a good candidate for the first shot in the Time War) but experiences his usual moral qualms at the critical moment.

What would have happened if, back when Tom Baker was holding up the two wires and agonizing over whether he had the right to erase the Daleks from history, Sarah Jane (hmm.... she's coming back, too) had acted more like Donna at the end of "Fires of Pompeii"...


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:01 AM


Yeah, that whole 'have I the right?' schtick is a good one. Though the last incarnation of the Daleks, when we found out what they were originally, was interesting, to say the least.

Oddly enough, I have it in my head that there is something in the mythos that has the Doctor as the Timelord who destroyed the Daleks AND Gallifrey to end the last Time War. Or have I gone crazy?

Looking forward to the Christie episode myself, if only to spot all the lit ref's.


Monday, May 5, 2008 6:18 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Originally posted by lwaves:
Next episode looks strange and will take a lot of explaining. I'm thinking created from DNA extracts or whatever rather than an actual 'made in the normal way' person.

No - there's no problem with the idea:

(I just wish they wouldn't put spoilers in the "Next time..." trailers - kudos to lwaves for being appropriately cryptic - and I'd advise anybody who hasn't seen the ep. yet to hit 'mute' at the closing "wheeeoooowwwwnnnnDumDiDumDumDiDum" , but so I'm cloaking the following):

Select to view spoiler:

Back in 1963, the Doctor's first companion was his Granddaughter, Susan, who was presumably 'made in the normal way' (whatever the 'normal way' is on Gallifrey). In the "new" series, the Doctor has mentioned that he had children.

The only question is how many more "last timelords" are gonna come out of the woodwork - unless this one is half human and/or has dragged him back to the past... or the future (pesky time machines)...

Hey, she's blonde - maybe she's Rose's daughter!

...and were those proto-Daleks tramping around?

A response to the spoiler.

Select to view spoiler:

Yeah you're right he did have a granddaughter. I'd forgotten about that as I haven't seen many of Hartnell's episodes.

As for the 'last timelords' comment, then I have to say that I wouldn't imagine all Gallifreyans would be Timelords, only the brightest etc.
When the Doctor is explaining about the Master he says that as a child you look into the vortex. Some run away and some go mad (and presumably some are okay). I would put this down as some sort of initiation. Only those that pass can go on to become Timelords. The ones that run away obviously fail.

The half human idea is also possible. In a Sylvester McCoy story (I think) it was hinted at that the Doctor was part human. Maybe they'll bring this in, maybe they won't.

Either way I should consider my Who lore a bit more.

Having wrote that though I still stand by my original thinking. Guess we'll see next weekend.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, May 8, 2008 9:42 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Having wrote that though I still stand by my original thinking. Guess we'll see next weekend.

Well, turns out the episode in question is actually called "the Doctor's Daughter" - so much for me worrying about spoilers!

Oh and the actress playing the eponymous person actually IS a Doctor's - Peter Davison's - daughter.

And the director is called Alice Troughton. Hmm. Talk about one big happy family!


Thursday, May 8, 2008 10:55 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:

Originally posted by lwaves:

Having wrote that though I still stand by my original thinking. Guess we'll see next weekend.

Well, turns out the episode in question is actually called "the Doctor's Daughter" - so much for me worrying about spoilers!

Oh and the actress playing the eponymous person actually IS a Doctor's - Peter Davison's - daughter.

And the director is called Alice Troughton. Hmm. Talk about one big happy family!

Well Patrick Troughton's son David has appeared in several Doctor Who episodes before with his father and with Jon Pertwee. David also used to share a flat with Colin Baker. And he worked with Peter Davison on A Very Peculiar Practice.

According to IMDB Alice Troughton is no relation (still a nice point though).

In a show running this long there must be lots of other links.

As for the spoiler episode title I hate that. The first new season episode that was called Dalek gave the game away. What was the point of the slow reveal of what was in the vault? It would have been much worse to have hidden in and then reveal it when the Doctor is trapped. Kids would have loved it and been scared by it in equal measure.
As it was you knew what was there.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:37 AM


The trouble is that Doctor Who is so big in the UK, it just couldn't have been concealed. I mean, they publicised the Daleks's return at the end of Season 2 before the season had even started. The papers are currently filled with pictures of the Christmas special, 7 months before it is due to air.

Can't wait for next week though.


Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:50 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
The first new season episode that was called Dalek gave the game away. What was the point of the slow reveal of what was in the vault?

Um - 45 years of tradition? Dalek stories have always been billed upfront as "Day of the Daleks", "Genesis of the Daleks", "Facebook Page of the Daleks**" and yet (back in the good old days where every story was a 4-6 part cliffhanger serial) the big reveal at the end of Episode 1 was inevitably the "shock" appearance of (gasp) a DALEK!!!! NeeeeeeooooooowwwwwwwDuDuDuhDum DuDuDuhDum DuDuDuhDum Woo-ooh...

(With cliffhanger music like that its a shame that we only get a couple a season now...)

What was more annoying was when they gave away too many clues in the trailer for "Army of Ghosts".

(** Xtermin8! Xtermin8!)


Thursday, May 8, 2008 11:55 AM


Yeah, I know. It's so hard to avoid everything. I don't bother with newspapers or the tabloids but I do get a TV mag and they can still give so much away. I was recently spoiled about BSG from my mag. I wrote an e-mail to complain and this week there was a spoiler warning in the same section. I like to think I played my part.

As for the Daleks I do remember the creators being asked if they would be in the first season, and they said no, they wouldn't. There was then so much uproar from the press and fans (each getting the other going) that the makers announced that the Daleks would be there.
In hindsight I do wonder how much that original statement was a bluff to try and hide the surprise. If so I wish they'd stuck to that idea.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:14 AM


If people haven't already heard: its been officially announced that Russel T. Davies is stepping down as executive producer of Who.

Good news is that his replacement is going to be Stephen Moffat (yay!) writer of The Best Episode Ever ("Blink") plus "The Girl in the Fireplace" and "The Empty Child".

Fun quote from Moffat was: "I applied before but I got knocked back 'cos the BBC wanted someone else. Also I was seven.


Bad news is that its not on this Saturday because of the gorram Eurovision song contest (and if you're from the US and don't know what that is... you really, really don't want to know!)


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:52 AM


I'd heard he was stepping down but hadn't heard about his replacement.
Moffat is a good choice as the three episodes mentioned above are amongst the best (Blink being top of all).

Damn Eurocrappyvision.
Wogan mugging the screen again.
Terrible jokes.
Terribler 'songs'.
Nil points.

The non-European world has something to be grateful for.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 2:55 PM


Hey, I love Eurovision, and this ironically comes from someone who would describe myself as a "quality" music fan...

It may be as cheesy as hell, but it's still miles better than all that tediously dull so-called "RnB".


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 11:18 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:

So, anyone else psyched over the new season of DOCTOR WHO, or are we all just watching GALACTICA?

well - after watching for 30 odd years - including the dire patch in the mid-80s... i have to say that Dr Who finally and truly sucks:( and i aint watching no more.

Seems to me to have been a general decline since eccleston left (he was so damn good!) and after trying with S.4 - no more.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 12:39 AM



Guess we're going to have a difference of opinion here. I liked the Christie episode, though that's because I'm a sad geek who got all the refs, (plus the nod to another mystery writer.)

The next eps are the Moffatt ones,and considering the sheer mindfuck he pulled with 'Blink' etc., I'm wondering what he's going to do to make up terrified of libraries.

BSG, on the other hand, I have consciously avoided. It just sounds like a circle-jerk for godbotherers on the one hand, and an epic piece of miserablism on the other. Plus well in danger of disappearing up its own fundament a la 'Lost' (another avoider.) Of course, Katee Sackhoff was the funniest thing in 'Bionic Woman'.

ps Dr Who low point has to be Richard Briers as Bertie Bassett (wtf!?!)- after that, DT is gold, (and so much prettier than any of the other Doctors.)

Quick fic-pimp - check out frostfyre7 at fanfiction.net - the best Dr Who/FF crossover.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:01 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
The non-European world has something to be grateful for.

Grateful? Spoken like someone that hasn't had to sit through seven seasons of American Idol. We Yanks have our own ways of torturing the TV-viewing public.

And thanks for the fic rec, SpaceAnJL. I'll be sure to check it out.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 5:27 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:

Guess we're going to have a difference of opinion here.

it's always fun to have divergent views:)

don't get me wrong - i have nothing much against DT just that the show seems to have lost me bit by bit since he came on board... Blink WAS fantastic, the first part of human nature too - and the one about the Pit. But just nothing like The Empty Child, or Dalek... and gradually it just seemed to go OTT and shout all the time. i don't expect others to agree - dr who has always had splits... speaking as a davison fan, i've learned to cope with that!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:37 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

Grateful? Spoken like someone that hasn't had to sit through seven seasons of American Idol.

Sorry, but "American Idol" - like the computer and the jet engine - was a British invention (called "Pop Idol/Popstars/X Factor" over here). Unlike the computer and the jet engine you're welcome to take credit for it (and don't feel in any hurry to repatriate Simon Cowell) but the sad truth is that Ol' Blighty is now a net exporter of reality TV and quiz show formats. I fear that "Big Brother", "The Weakest Link" and "Deal or No Deal" are ours, too. The shame. Still, at least we can still sell something to the Americans.

Trouble is, back in the 80s we had a couple of smug late night TV shows showing clips of international TV and pointing out how crass they were compared to wonderful British telly. Oh how we laughed at crappy, sadistic quiz shows from Japan and elsewhere. Unfortunately, some people clearly weren't laughing - they were taking notes and thinking...

(One such show was hosted by the guy who went on to front "Who wants to be a Millionaire" - I rest my case!)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:11 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
ps Dr Who low point has to be Richard Briers as Bertie Bassett (wtf!?!)- after that, DT is gold, (and so much prettier than any of the other Doctors.)

God that was a low point. I am ashamed to admit I've seen that




Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:17 AM


I've unspoilered the following because it has nothing to do with the current series:

Originally posted by ImNotHere:
Back in 1963, the Doctor's first companion was his Granddaughter, Susan, who was presumably 'made in the normal way' (whatever the 'normal way' is on Gallifrey).

Originally the Doctor was Human as well. The back story has changed somewhat, at about the same time they needed to replace the first doctor. If you watch the first Dr Who Movie it's also clear that he is Human.

Point is, she and he weren't from Gallifrey, they were Human from Earth.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:20 AM


I refuse to admit that Colin Baker ever existed, and having the weird little bloke off kid's telly as the next one didn't help either...


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:35 AM



Originally posted by ImNotHere:
I fear that "Big Brother", "The Weakest Link" and "Deal or No Deal" are ours, too.

Actually Big Brother is Dutch, brought to British shores, along with Deal or no Deal, by Endemol, a Dutch company. Interestingly Peter Bazalgette is Endemol UK's Chairman, and Creative Director of Endemol Group worldwide, and is thus largely responsible for Big Brother and Deal or no Deal. Peter is the great-great-grandson of 19th century civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette, who created the Victoria and Albert embankments in London amongst other works, but is most famous for the extensive modern London Sewer works. Thus completes the family circle, Joseph dedicated his life to removing shit from our homes, while Peter...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:08 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
I've unspoilered the following because it has nothing to do with the current series:

Originally posted by ImNotHere:
Back in 1963, the Doctor's first companion was his Granddaughter, Susan, who was presumably 'made in the normal way' (whatever the 'normal way' is on Gallifrey).

Originally the Doctor was Human as well. The back story has changed somewhat, at about the same time they needed to replace the first doctor. If you watch the first Dr Who Movie it's also clear that he is Human.

Point is, she and he weren't from Gallifrey, they were Human from Earth.

PLEASE tell me you aren't referring to 1965's "Doctor Who and the Daleks" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059126/
that load of rubbish, too many changes were made to the story to "make it more accessable" to thise not familiar with the series.(the main reason Peter "Grand Moff Tarkin" Cushing was cast, was they felt he would be more recogniseable to US aduiences.) also note the years. Doctor Who (tv show) started in 1963. "Doctor Who and the Daleks" was 1965. look for the first episode"an Unearthly child" on youtube. the doctor clearly states that he and his granddaughter " are not of this race, or of this earth." "we are wanderers of the 4 dimensions of space and time, cut off from our own race and our own planet by eons, and universes beyond the reaches of your most advanced sciences."" I tell you that bfore your ancestors had turned the first wheel, the people of my world had reduced movement to the farthest reaches of space to a game for children"

he might as well have been green, and wearing a t-shirt that said "ALIEN" with a big arrow pointing straight up.
thus endeth my diatribe, now back to your regularly scheduled threads...

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:44 AM


Uhhh. Those movies make me cringe.
Daleks that didn't shoot lasers but what looked like steam (fire extinguisher?).
Wasn't Bernard Cribbens (Wilf in the new series) in one or both of the movies.

And for the record those movies are not considered canon.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:47 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

Originally posted by lwaves:
The non-European world has something to be grateful for.

Grateful? Spoken like someone that hasn't had to sit through seven seasons of American Idol. We Yanks have our own ways of torturing the TV-viewing public.

speaking as a yank my self: you haven't HAD to sit through 7 seasons of idol. i've managed to miss all of it with the exception of 1 performance earlier this year, and that was only cuz the kid is from my home town.

Idol is just part of a Long and storied list of uk shows being adapted for us audiences.
many, ney, most successfully they include such titles as:
the office (DUH!)
All In the Family - (Till Death Do us Part)
Cosby[not "the Cosby show", the one on CBS with Doug E.Doug] - (One Foot in the Grave)
Trading Spaces - (Changing Rooms)
Trading Spouses [fox]/wife swap[ABC] - (Wife swap [Channel 4]
Dear John [NBC] - (Dear John[BBC])
Junkyard wars [discovery] - (Scrapheap Challege[Channel 4])
Men Behaving Badly [NBC] - (Men Behaving Badly [ITV(series 1&2) & BBC 1(series3-6)]
Queer As Folk [Showtime] - (Queer as folk [Channel 4]* created and written By Russell T. Davies
Sanford and Son [NBC] - (Steptoe and Son [BBC])
Three's Company [ABC] - (Man about the House [ITV]
The Ropers{ spin-off of Three's Company} - (George and Mildred {spin-off of Man about the House})

and quite a few game shows and other junk listed here:

now the one Glaring failure that stands out in my mind is Coupling.

the original had been a decent hit in the Uk, and NBC decided to bring it over here, but in one of the worst decisions ever made, they imported the scripts wholesale, no real adaptation was made for US Tv, they re-shot what were essentially the original British scripts,(only real changes being moving the show to America) with American Actors, who were poorly Cast. only 4 of the 10 episodes shot(11 counting the unaired pilot) were Aired.

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:57 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Uhhh. Those movies make me cringe.
Daleks that didn't shoot lasers but what looked like steam (fire extinguisher?).
Wasn't Bernard Cribbens (Wilf in the new series) in one or both of the movies?

yes, he was in the second "Dalek's Invasion Earth 2150 AD" listed as "Tom Campbell" the Time-displaced Policeman

Thank you IMDB!

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:00 AM


Calm down sparky.

Originally posted by optimus1998:
PLEASE tell me you aren't referring to 1965's "Doctor Who and the Daleks" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059126/
that load of rubbish, too many changes were made to the story to "make it more accessable" to thise not familiar with the series.

It's still the first Dr Who Movie.

also note the years. Doctor Who (tv show) started in 1963. "Doctor Who and the Daleks" was 1965.
I know the movie came after the series.

he might as well have been green, and wearing a t-shirt that said "ALIEN" with a big arrow pointing straight up.
It's possible I've gotten various disparate pieces of information mixed up, it's along time since I watched the older Dr Whos. Though I doubt being green would have helped much since Dr Who was originally black and white.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11:49 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Calm down sparky.

Originally posted by optimus1998:
PLEASE tell me you aren't referring to 1965's "Doctor Who and the Daleks" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059126/
that load of rubbish, too many changes were made to the story to "make it more accessable" to thise not familiar with the series.

It's still the first Dr Who Movie.

also note the years. Doctor Who (tv show) started in 1963. "Doctor Who and the Daleks" was 1965.
I know the movie came after the series.

he might as well have been green, and wearing a t-shirt that said "ALIEN" with a big arrow pointing straight up.
It's possible I've gotten various disparate pieces of information mixed up, it's along time since I watched the older Dr Whos. Though I doubt being green would have helped much since Dr Who was originally black and white.

ok, i'll give you that it was technically the first movie, but NO ONE (in their right minds that is) considers those movies cannon..

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 12:53 PM


And while we're correcting Doctor Who canon (I know, I know, we'll do UNIT dating next), Richard Briers was in Paradise Towers in 1987 (21 years before his appearance in Torchwood) while the Bertie Basset lookalike (actually called The Candyman) turned up the following year in The Happiness Patrol.

I also like my victims to die with smiles on their faces.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 10:06 PM


OH, God, my eyes....

It's all a horrible blur to me, from the end of PD until the manic grin of Eccleston.

'Lots of planets have a North...'


Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:23 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
OH, God, my eyes....

It's all a horrible blur to me, from the end of PD until the manic grin of Eccleston.

'Lots of planets have a North...'

Yup - the show went to a very bad place for a while and needed to be put out of its misery. Mercifully, I had to rely on a communal TV for much of the late 80s and was spared the worst excesses (I failed to miss Bertie Basset, though - oh, the pain!)

I was struck by how - on the recent Dr Who Confidential - the 1970s Sontarans actually held up pretty well bearing in mind that they didn't have modern prosthetic make-up (or a budget), but the 1980s Sontarans were absolutely rubbish - it looked like some one had gone out and bought a couple of John Prescott masks from a joke shop.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:46 AM


Hey, guys, home alone at the moment with no-one to squee with joy at.

Who's seen the latest episode, Silence in the Library?!

Oh my god, so very, very good!

I was watching with friends the week before last and kept having to explain that it was supposed to be tongue in cheek and you just had to accept the moments of supreme cheesiness and love it for the quirky humour.
I got some agreement and some dubious looks. Why couldn't it have been this weeks ep. I showed to my friends? They'd have all been hooked!

Plus I'd have people in the house to look after me because it's starting to get dark here.....

Hold me, I'm scared!







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