Save Dollhouse from Fox - its doesnt suck

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 07:38
VIEWED: 4228
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:31 AM


Whedon fans vow to save Dollhouse from cancellation -- eight months before initial airdate



Joss Whedon fans have already organized a campaign to stop his new show, Dollhouse, from being cancelled, even though the first episode won't air for another eight months. Whedonistas have witnessed so many kick-ass TV shows cancelled by callous goons from teeveeland, they're girding their loins for the inevitable fight and not waiting around for the disappointment before working up a good head of bitter outrage. Good on 'em! Preemptive strikes are just defense as practiced by precogs


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:32 AM


A Facebook fan page dedicated to the online campaign already has nearly 1,500 members.

anyone think this could backfire?


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 5:49 PM


I don't know about backfire.
But I'm definitely puzzled. Pre-emptive outrage?
If outrage is a genuine, powerful feeling, mustn't there be an event to evoke that feeling first?

Check out http://www.americasfunniesttshirts.com for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Friday, June 13, 2008 11:07 PM


yes, there should be a real reason for real outrage, but what does reason have to do with fans, which as we know is short for "fanatics".


Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:30 AM


If they put in a time slot next to a hit show it may become a hit in it's own rite.


Saturday, June 14, 2008 1:44 PM


Lets hope for the same results as Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Check out http://www.americasfunniesttshirts.com for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Monday, June 16, 2008 12:57 PM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
Whedon fans vow to save Dollhouse from cancellation -- eight months before initial airdate



Joss Whedon fans have already organized a campaign to stop his new show, Dollhouse, from being cancelled, even though the first episode won't air for another eight months. Whedonistas have witnessed so many kick-ass TV shows cancelled by callous goons from teeveeland, they're girding their loins for the inevitable fight and not waiting around for the disappointment before working up a good head of bitter outrage. Good on 'em! Preemptive strikes are just defense as practiced by precogs

Good news! FOX is putting Dollhouse in the time slot before 24!


Monday, June 16, 2008 4:07 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
Good news! FOX is putting Dollhouse in the time slot before 24!

That's the same time slot where DRIVE crashed and burned.

Check out http://www.americasfunniesttshirts.com for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Monday, June 16, 2008 4:23 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Yeah, but that's because Drive was basically unwatchable, pardon me for saying so. I like Nathan Fillion (I even liked him in White Noise 2), but that damn show just plain sucked.

And I still watched every episode they aired, just to show support for our Cap'n.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence[sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions

I can't help the sinking feeling that my country is now being run by people who read "1984" not as a cautionary tale, but rather as an instruction manual. - Michael Mock

The Myrmidons were an ancient nation of very brave and skilled warriors as described in Homer's Iliad, and were commanded by Achilles. - Wikipedia


Monday, June 23, 2008 8:16 AM



Originally posted by Stoweaway:
If outrage is a genuine, powerful feeling, mustn't there be an event to evoke that feeling first?

That event was called: cancellation of Firefly.

Cancel me once, shame on you. Cancel me twice, shame on me.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:15 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

Originally posted by Stoweaway:
If outrage is a genuine, powerful feeling, mustn't there be an event to evoke that feeling first?

That event was called: cancellation of Firefly.
cancellation of darkangel
Cancel me once, shame on you. Cancel me twice, shame on me.

da and firefly forever


Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:58 AM




Although we still have months to go before the premiere of Dollhouse, Joss Whedon followers may already have a reason to be worried. The show’s creator has just announced that he’ll be shooting a whole new pilot for his FOX show.

Dollhouse, the second Whedon creation for that network (he was also the man behind Firefly), stars Buffy vet Eliza Dushku as one of several agents for hire. Their abilities and memories, which are specifically crafted for each client, are immediately erased after an assignment is completed.

After showing Episode #1 to FOX execs - and even friend David Lynch - it was agreed that series could start off on a better note. In fact, some apparently found the segment confusing. To remedy the situation, Whedon is crafting a prequel that will air just before the pilot episode. He believes this will help introduce the characters better.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:45 PM




Friday, January 9, 2009 4:39 AM



You don't pitch "Buffy" with "The Body." You earn that"

Sometimes I worry that Joss needs to be saved from Joss. Okay, so you're here to do a show that's going to cost 2, maybe 3 mil an ep, and occassionally you're going to throw us a lemon?

If I recall a few years back Whedon refered to The Body as the worst mistake he made. It didn't get the show cancelled, the show had already been cancelled, but he said "We were all down about the cancellation, and our mistake was that we let it show" He admitted that the down stolid tone had cost the show 1/2 its viewership.

I think being tied to Sarah Connor is good. Once or twice she's already thrown us a lemon, but I hope that this isn't something to be looked up to.

I think I know what killed Firefly. If you read the boards while it was still on the air, the anime crowd was calling it a rip off of bebop or outlaw star. And that's probably 1/2 the sci fi audience. He needed to show them something unique, like more of the verse, weird worlds, etc.

If you start out on Fox, you have abnormally high standards to meet (not I mean vs. some of the garbage that fox puts on) vs. the what Murdoch is going to expect for his money. He's only doing the cost/budget analysis. Notice that Farscape and others have gotten away for seasons on sci-fi or some other corner before really getting good. On fox, you have to be polished right out the gate.

Either that, or you have to be really cheap to produce.

just some random thoughts


Friday, January 9, 2009 7:52 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

If I recall a few years back Whedon refered to The Body as the worst mistake he made. It didn't get the show cancelled, the show had already been cancelled, but he said "We were all down about the cancellation, and our mistake was that we let it show" He admitted that the down stolid tone had cost the show 1/2 its viewership.

Huh? Are you thinking of The Message?

The Body aired looong before Buffy ended....

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, January 9, 2009 11:58 AM



Buffy was cancelled in the middle of season five. The Body and ep after it were the first two they made after they heard the news.

Buffy wasn't cancelled after season 7, weak as it was, it was renewed, but sarah refused to do another season as she had a great film career awaiting her :)


Friday, January 9, 2009 12:03 PM


That wasn't really a cancellation. There were disputes over episode costs, and then they moved networks when UPN was willing to foot the bill. But WB never literally pulled the plug in the show.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, January 9, 2009 4:29 PM


Welcome to a world where creative control doesn't exist:

Joss Whedon---"shooting a new pilot was my idea. Because the network, they were looking for something specific. I thought I delivered it because they were very excited about the script. They weren't as excited about the show so we talked about why and why and why and I figured out what they wanted. We talked about those things and it was obvious they wanted more of an action feel than a noir feel. What I had done was very sort of dark and moody."

I just don't understand how J.J Abrams can make anything he pleases, but Joss always seems at the networks mercy. Fox might as well create a show and just put Whedon's name on it. After all it's THEIR idea of what Joss should or shouldn't do. Joss has to feel a bit strange about this one. It was Fox that said"more action, more action" about Firfly. He's in that exact position he was in before, with the same message. Fox doesn't want this show. It's already apparent.
I don't want a brilliant show watered down by the network brass!! Sad.


Friday, January 9, 2009 8:17 PM


SM, technically, you may be correct, but there is an interview where Joss says that they were told that they were cancelled. After the show was over, they still thought there was no renewal. Somewhere in the off season, they got the more positive news and started shooting again. I've heard conflicting reports on who negotiated the sale to Fox. Someone said it was Joss, I heard that it was that Fox wanted to buy it after hearing that WB was giving up. At any rate, that was the time that they were told that it was cancelled. At the end of seven, it was never cancelled. He begged Sarah for some time, and then he begged her to do a movie. Failing that, he pitched "Faith the vampire slayer" Which might have flown, but while it was still in debate, Eliza got an offer for Tru Calling. She said that basically, a bird in the hand being worth two in the bush and all... means that everyone else is fired.

Anyway, she's coming back.


Friday, January 9, 2009 8:29 PM


I disagree, I think Fox wants the show. They scuttled firefly, but they've been pushing Dollhouse+Sarah Connor Chronicles, and that's a double meat medley. They also are shelling out some cash. I think that Murdoch wants to be entertained. He pours money into things that disagree with his political perspective and lose him money. Because he likes watching girls throw cops throw walls.

If firefly had thrown a few more people through walls, it would have stayed. It needed a little more serenity and a little less melodrama. Joss wanted to built up to the big crazy, and he did, but by the time he got there, he was already long cancelled. I mean, even by late eps.

Here's a strategy that would have worked better: Start with a disposable action thread, write it as pre-story. If the action was plausible, if could have involved the past, underworld dealings, battle of serenity war story stuff, engaging, and unique, it could have pulled in both Fox and an audience, and then he could have idled down into the story he wanted to tell. He has said in interviews that on Buffy they were very hands off. On firefly they were much more panicky, scrambled the order, screwed everything up. This is understandable because buffy had an established following, no reason to panic. Firefly was untested, they needed to make it fly, and they're Fox, they only know one way to make something fly: Pick it up and throw it, preferably through a wall.

Earlier today I said in reference to someone mentioning a headline that Fox had run, "Always bear in mind that the headline that Fox is always really looking for is 'Man Bites Crocodile'." Fox is what it is, but OTOH, what it is compared with other networks of power, is a lot less wussy. True, there are some out there cable only channels that run some intense stuff. But CSI Miami? Give me a break. And that's supposed to be action.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:02 AM


I never got any of these preemptive fan groups

If the show is good, that's great for me I'm sure many people will check it out and enjoy it, myself included. If Joss gets things right I'll be writing great reviews online telling everyone to check this series out.

However from what I've been reading it sounds like the show had problems and Fox was slicing bits off the show which it didn't agree with.

One thing that gets me about this particular fan group is that Joss will magically woo the fans with his new creation regardless of the creations quality. If the show is bad people should be ripping Joss a new one instead of brown nosing. There no doubt with be a sheepish people follow an overlord. As a fan of Joss I am also embarrassed by lemming like devotion over at some of those unconditional fan worship shrines. Sometimes I agree the man does create great magic like Firefly but sometimes I rate him as fail. The verses of Joss are becoming more Whedon-esque ass the years pass. The zombies might insist this is the best show since sliced bread but if I don't like it I'll stop watching


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:16 AM


The thing is the people around these parts are very likely to be the fans who have never been disappointed by Joss. That doesn't mean that they can't be disappointed by some of his work in the future. Serenity lost Joss a lot of fans. Many fans violently hated Wash's death. So, it's not like he can do no wrong.

However, to the majority of people here his work has been stellar. If you had an author that wrote 10 novels and you loved each one wouldn't you be dying to get your hands on the 11th novel? If some publishing company started mucking around with the 11th novel wouldn't you be concerned? The only difference there is that with Joss we already experienced what can happen when his work is mucked with. Most people don't want to lose a masterpiece again. Once bitten twice shy.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:02 AM



Well said.

I'm not a Joss fanatic, he's misfired a few times, he can even do so spectacularly, but on balance, he's very good. I'm a fan. Joss is likely to create something that will have relatively few misfires. I'm not bothered by his obsession to kill what he loves, which he does incessantly on Buffy, but he loses me when he's not committed. Like on season seven Buffy, when he just walked away, or Angel. Sure, there were moments of greatness, but suck can creep in.

The other pitfall for Joss is a pitfall for everyone: Everyone needs an editor, and a team is better than any single person. A lot of times you'll have people get what I now call Lucas syndrome, where a writer thinks that they have a monopoly on good ideas, and won't listen to anyone else, even if that person is Spielberg, who himself has fallen into this trap.

My issue with Dr. Horrible, which I enjoyed, is that with no budget, Joss doesn't have his full team, and he needs his team. I'm glad that Fox is pouring money into Dollhouse, I think that it will help make it not suck. Money isn't a cure all, but lack of money can certainly reduce your production staff, and things can fall apart.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by JaynezTown:


After showing Episode #1 to FOX execs - and even friend David Lynch - it was agreed that series could start off on a better note. In fact, some apparently found the segment confusing. To remedy the situation, Whedon is crafting a prequel that will air just before the pilot episode. He believes this will help introduce the characters better.

I see what the problem is. Fox needs to hire more intelligent executives.

It appears the pilot was not "cancelled", just a "prequel" was added? One more free episode?


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:55 AM


Oh god. not more of the same shuffle stupidity that they did to firefly. Okay, someone at Fox hates Joss and wants him to fail


Friday, January 16, 2009 8:42 PM




Saturday, January 31, 2009 11:23 AM



Thursday, February 5, 2009 10:02 PM


Joss Whedon updates us on Dollhouse


The launch of Dollhouse is only eight days away, and creator Joss Whedon discusses its origin, its time slot, and its problems.

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is just over a week away from making its debut, and there is still some uncertainty of how it will turn out. The sci-fi show's production has been a roller-coaster ride already, with high expectations and horror stories sharing the same track.

In a conference call with reporters this morning, Whedon addressed Dollhouse's ups and downs, shared updates on the show's current status, and gushed over his lead Eliza Dushku.

Dollhouse stars Dushku as Echo, one of several "Actives" in a super-secret organization. The Actives can be implanted with memories, personalities, and skills, and serviced out to clients for almost anything--espionage, expertise, and even sex. The best part of the business? When the implant is wiped free, the Active has no memory of what just happened…or so people think.

The sci-fi show started with big buzz before running into some obstacles in the form of rewrites and reshoots, leading many to be concerned for its health. The genesis of Dollhouse was most similar to that of Angel, Whedon said, in that the initial direction of the show didn't quite match the final output.

"Most of the changes [to Dollhouse] were about how we brought [the audience] in," Whedon explained. Fox execs were very excited about the project, but wanted more of the show's structure to be apparent immediately--they didn't want an origin episode--hence the re-working of the pilot. The goal was to let the audience know that Echo would be in a different place each week and to highlight the fact that it would be standalone. "It seemed like a no-brainer to give [Fox] something they can get behind more… we're out to make people uncomfortable, but maybe not our bosses."

The result is a show that Whedon says has hit its stride and overall isn't different than his original vision. He assured us that the show ends up going exactly where he wanted it to go originally, and that the last few episodes he shot has the entire crew particularly excited.

But are Whedon's words enough to appease his devoted fans, who have their finger on the button to launch a "Save Dollhouse" campaign before it even airs? Probably not.

"Usually words of calm in these situations, they lead to panic," jokes Whedon. "My concern isn't whether the show gets saved, it's whether the fans love it… At the end of the day my biggest concern is that I give them something worth panicking over."

And if what he says about the show's delivery is true, it looks like there will be plenty to panic about. Joss--never one to shy away from innovation--says one of the more intriguing elements of Dollhouse is the way he will be playing with perspective. Instead of just showing episodes just from Echo's point of view, they’ll come from all over: clients, other Actives, and--this is the one that got me excited--one episode (the sixth) from the perspective of a normal man on the street.

Ratings will end it

I think Fox will keep Terminator SCC and cancel dollhouse


Saturday, February 7, 2009 12:19 PM


Joss return to Fox : SEE SHARK JUMPING


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 7:38 AM







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