Lookin' back at Moore's BSG...

UPDATED: Monday, September 26, 2011 07:31
SHORT URL: http://bit.ly/nR99Hw
VIEWED: 3983
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Friday, September 23, 2011 9:13 AM


My take on the series, Bill & Ted style:

Dude, you're totally a CYLON!
No way!!!
Whoah... I guess I am...
Whoah dude! So AM I!!!
*air guitar*
Look dude, there's Earth! We found it!
Non, non non, non-heinous!
What now?
I don't know dude, we have no plan!
Time to call the Reaper.

So, in hindsight, any thoughts on this series?

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, September 24, 2011 10:47 AM


I know I'm in a minority but I never did get what was so great about Bill & Ted. I never once found them funny. William Sadler as Death was good though.

Putting aside the original BSG, as I know you prefer it, but I can never tell whether you like the new BSG or not?
Sometimes you seem to flip/flop with your tastes on some shows and movies which I'm sure is deliberately done to get a reaction.

I've stated many times that I really like the show and (as a whole) consider it one of the best shows in recent times. I can understand why people have problems with it, especially in later seasons, but a portion of those complaints apply to any show that goes on for a few years, not just BSG. I could go into a long post about it but I've made my points before and, frankly, I can't be arsed to type it all again so I'll do a quick recap of the main ones.

I liked that the tone was always dark and they didn't have 'lighter' episodes as it wouldn't have fitted the show.
They didn't shy away from subjects that other shows wouldn't touch.
Most of the characters were believable and had genuine faults that didn't just get washed over after a 'resolution' episode.
The FX and dogfights were excellent.
For the early episodes you really got the feel that they could be wiped out at any moment (if it wouldn't have ended the show).
The Galactica didn't miraculously get repaired after each episode (like Star Trek shows) and gradually became more and more battered over the years making it more realistic.
Edward James Olmos and Mark Sheppard. Nuff said.

Starbucks departure in the finale wasn't handled very well.
In the final season in particular there were too many filler episodes. Almost all US shows that run to 20+ episodes are guilty of this so it's not a big problem.

There's more points but that's enough for now.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Sunday, September 25, 2011 1:03 AM


An awesome show!

FRACKING RUINED! with the last 2 seasons...

I'll never be drawn into anything that has Ron Moores name anywhere near it ever again.


Sunday, September 25, 2011 5:54 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.


Originally posted by Calhoun:
An awesome show!

FRACKING RUINED! with the last 2 seasons...

I'll never be drawn into anything that has Ron Moores name anywhere near it ever again.

See, I hear people talk about hating the last two seasons a lot and I just don't get it. New Caprica was insane! Maybe even the best part of the whole show (next to the first half of season 2). The only thing wrong was they didn't spend more time there. Cut episodes like Hero and The Woman King and make the New Caprica plot arc longer! As for the last season, what was wrong with it? They told you who the cylons were so you lost interest? I'm glad they had the guts to show us before the very end so they could actually deal with it! Any other show would have waited till the very end to say several major characters were cylons, then they would have cheaply killed them off. The new BSG was willing to walk down the dark alleys that most TV shows can't even begin to brave.

Gaeta and Zarek? Awesome way to go out.
Earth 1? Holy crap, that was a crazy cliff hangar. I spent a year of my life saying, "what happened to Earth???"
Rosalyn and Adama? Couldn't have been handled better in my opinion.
Gaius and his angel? Superb!

Sure, Kara Thrace equaling the greek goddess of the dawn even though we thought she was named after the son of Ares was a bit weird and never really panned out. Yeah, the Tigh baby mama drama was half baked. But nothing's perfect.

Looking back, I want to find the time to watch it all again. Great show. I will be watching whatever RDM does next.

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.


Sunday, September 25, 2011 7:34 AM



Originally posted by DMI:

See, I hear people talk about hating the last two seasons a lot and I just don't get it. New Caprica was insane! Maybe even the best part of the whole show (next to the first half of season 2). The only thing wrong was they didn't spend more time there. Cut episodes like Hero and The Woman King and make the New Caprica plot arc longer! As for the last season, what was wrong with it? They told you who the cylons were so you lost interest? I'm glad they had the guts to show us before the very end so they could actually deal with it! Any other show would have waited till the very end to say several major characters were cylons, then they would have cheaply killed them off. The new BSG was willing to walk down the dark alleys that most TV shows can't even begin to brave.

Gaeta and Zarek? Awesome way to go out.
Earth 1? Holy crap, that was a crazy cliff hangar. I spent a year of my life saying, "what happened to Earth???"
Rosalyn and Adama? Couldn't have been handled better in my opinion.
Gaius and his angel? Superb!

Sure, Kara Thrace equaling the greek goddess of the dawn even though we thought she was named after the son of Ares was a bit weird and never really panned out. Yeah, the Tigh baby mama drama was half baked. But nothing's perfect.

A huge round of applause for you, DMI.
These are exactly my thoughts, especially regarding New Caprica, they definitely should have stayed there longer. It was also great to see that the aftermath of New Caprica was handled realistically as well and not just the usual case of an episode of arguing/fighting and then everything is hunky-dory after that.

I'm not saying that Calhoun fits into this but I've noticed over the last several years a trend in some viewers comments, both online and in real life. It seems like they get into a show, really like it and then when it doesn't go how they wanted (not that it necessarily became poor) they just ditch it and move on. Some viewers don't seem to stick with it even if they loved the show up to that point.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:06 PM


I vastly prefer original BSG to the new because I grew up during the great era that was 60's and 70's sci-fi tv. Once you're infected with that beloved blend of styrofoam, x-mas lights, plywood, and fresh paint, it never leaves you. Throw in 3 or 4 of the best looking young women to ever appear in a series, and there you have it. My wife still occasionally asks me put on my old Triad uniform to make her giggly and frisky.


Monday, September 26, 2011 7:31 AM


Never cared for the original, even as a child. Just too cheesy.

LOVE the newer version. I think it faltered near the end, but my problems were more structural in nature. I didn't have any particular problems with the answers the last handful of episodes provided - just in how they were given (having Anders explain 2/3s of the mysteries of the show from a bed wasn't the way to go).

Oh, and I thought New Caprica was excellent!

But all in all, I still think it's one of the best shows of the last decade, and one of my favorites overall.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"






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