Let's help support Enterprise if they are taking this from us

UPDATED: Monday, October 4, 2004 04:48
VIEWED: 6011
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004 6:05 PM


I have been watching the re-runs of the thrid season and since they are taking firefly from us. And it is great and I don't even like star trek. But Enterprise is awsome and you guys and girls should try it out. Just incase they do take this from us at least you'll have something to fall back on.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:01 PM


Enterprise, for me, is GAY!. I watched the frist season and half the 2nd, and couldn't stand watching any more.

Why would "they" take this site from us? This is a fan ran site, so I don't think it's going anywhere, not when a movies coming out in 7 months! Relax, if you want to watch GOOD T.V., see 3rd watch, or The West Wing. Both are VERY well written, and have great acting.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:54 PM



Originally posted by spacemonkey:
The West Wing...VERY well written, and have great acting.

Bullshit, The West Wing is for commie pinko assholes. Anyone who actually likes that show is an idiot. Martin Sheen's acting is pathetic. The only person on that boring show was Rob Lowe and he left the Left Wing.

Spacemonkey, the fact that you like that shitty little piece of crap of show and then actually accuse Enterprise of being gay proves you must in fact be GAY.




Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:43 PM


Hmm... I like Enterprise and I like West Wing... and though I liked Rob Lowe's character on it, the actor I consider a bit of an idjit.

Does Blue Sun sponser the Blue Man Group?


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:01 PM


Such an eloquent collection of posts. Such wisdom and wit - What can I say? I'm impressed.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:46 PM


hahahha, this thread is great. Enterprise does suck though. If you rumage through some old threads you will see LOOOOOONG debates we have had on whether it sucks, how much it sucks, why it sucks, if it is worth saving. The general consences, which i agree with, is it sucks, and isn't worth it. Granted with Manny taking over season 4 looks promising, but honestly, i think it is too little, too late, and good riddance.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:00 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SergeantX:
Such an eloquent collection of posts. Such wisdom and wit - What can I say? I'm impressed.


Agreed. The profanity and name calling really helps to further the arguements of the posters.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:16 AM



Originally posted by space:
I have been watching the re-runs of the thrid season and since they are taking firefly from us. And it is great and I don't even like star trek. But Enterprise is awsome and you guys and girls should try it out. Just incase they do take this from us at least you'll have something to fall back on.

Umm, what are you smoking ?
Dude, no offense to ya, but I cannot stand Star Drek and if sci-fi is gonna bend the way of clean-ship-perfect-people-no-money-utopian BS.... sci-fi can kiss my presence goodbye.

I CANNOT support the show, not because I hate it and think ill of it (believe me, if it would do anything for Firefly, I'd put a bag over my head and 'watch' it...) but because it's leading sci-fi in a homogenous, flavorless direction that I think would exterminate all of what sci-fi is.

It would do nothing for Firefly and would unfortunately wrongly reinforce the concept that such shows are what people want, which seems to be entirely untrue.

There's also the concept that, hey, we're FANS of Firefly, win or lose, in production or not, and the idea of that we should jump to another series is somewhat insulting to the idea of rabid core fanhood, in all honesty.

Some might even call it fan-treason, but I wouldn't go that far on it.

And fer me, this is being NICE, sooo...
Seriously, think about what yer saying, and asking, really ?



Wednesday, September 22, 2004 5:48 AM



Originally posted by space:
I have been watching the re-runs of the thrid season and since they are taking firefly from us. And it is great and I don't even like star trek. But Enterprise is awsome and you guys and girls should try it out. Just incase they do take this from us at least you'll have something to fall back on.

Hey look, someone from UPN Marketing.

Ever notice there aren't any Enterprise fans? I've checked the TrekBBS and it's nothing but Marketing people paid to post, giving an online "fan presence".

Hint: There isn't one.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:27 AM


Trek.... not a fan. Love the Original cause it was just that. a few good characters over the years. I'm even a Scott B. Fan. I own season 1 of Quantum Leap. Just can't watch Enterprise. Sorry.

Check out my shop!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:42 AM


I've been a Star Trek fan since watching TOS, first run when I was itty-bitty. I suffered through Enterprise because I kept thinking it really has to get better. The last episode of season 3 pretty much cinched the knot in the Enterprise noose for me. I don't care if they show Trip and Archer naked in every episode I'm still not watching. Supporting Enterprise does nothing to help Firefly. If I had a guarantee it would help, I too would put the channel on and walk away. The only thing that will help Firefly is fan support (that's us) for the BDM coming out! I did watch EVERY episode of all 3 seasons of Enterprise and I really kept hoping there was going to be a great episode...


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:43 AM


You should really start watching it again on the first two seasons suck


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:48 AM



Originally posted by Conscience:

Originally posted by spacemonkey:
The West Wing...VERY well written, and have great acting.

Bullshit, The West Wing is for commie pinko assholes. Anyone who actually likes that show is an idiot. Martin Sheen's acting is pathetic. The only person on that boring show was Rob Lowe and he left the Left Wing.

Spacemonkey, the fact that you like that shitty little piece of crap of show and then actually accuse Enterprise of being gay proves you must in fact be GAY.



We will just what show that will be back next season and I am going to guess ENTERPRISE!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:01 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by SergeantX:
Such an eloquent collection of posts. Such wisdom and wit - What can I say? I'm impressed.


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Agreed. The profanity and name calling really helps to further the arguements of the posters.

Thanks for making an attempt to add some respectability to this thread, guys. Apparently nobody else here has read the general policy line at the top of the reply screen.

"While we have an open policy concerning messages, please be civil when responding to others."

Might as well be written in Bajoran.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:31 AM



Hey look, someone from UPN Marketing.

Ever notice there aren't any Enterprise fans? I've checked the TrekBBS and it's nothing but Marketing people paid to post, giving an online "fan presence".

Hint: There isn't one.

Hey Ghoulman, you and I have not argued about Enterprise or anything else in a while. I miss it, where you been hiding out.

Oh yeah, the reason for this post. I'm a fan of Enterprise, but I'm a fan of Trek more than I'm a fan of Enterprise.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:51 AM



Originally posted by space:
I have been watching the re-runs of the thrid season and since they are taking firefly from us. And it is great and I don't even like star trek. But Enterprise is awsome and you guys and girls should try it out. Just incase they do take this from us at least you'll have something to fall back on.

How can you enjoy that drivel? How can you get paid to say you enjoy that drivel? Egads! The little known factoid about Enterprise... it wasn't what the creators had in mind. They had a more dark, more We-Are-Just-Spreading-Our-Wings-And-Hope-We-Dont-Get-Our-Butts-Kicked kind of idea. Where Bakula would have to run from a fight... setting up why Kirk was so Gung-Ho later in the future. But the Money Folks said no, you do it our way.

I have found that the only folks who watched were only watching it for the Vulcan chick... did you notice that her clothing got tighter and skimpier?


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:01 PM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Deckroid (who at least didn't swear)
I have found that the only folks who watched were only watching it for the Vulcan chick... did you notice that her clothing got tighter and skimpier?

Tighter, yes. Skimpy, not so much. OH! you mean the necklines. FAH! Big whoop.

Vulcan Schmulcan. The woman's a block of wood, no matter what 'verse she's in (check out Stargate next time she's on, see how bad she is).

You wanna be a fan, you watch whatever your favorite actor is in, whenever it's on. That's either lunacy or devotion--take your pick.

Scott Bakula was brilliant in Quantum Leap, but I don't think he wants Archer to be another Sam, nor should he. He's taking it a little too far, and I've heard too much Kirk-like syntax in the delivery of his lines. Funny how nobody's made him stop.

Has it occurred to the "Drekkers" here that bashing Star Trek is the same as praising it? You're giving attention to it either way.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:15 PM


I think alot of people are missing some interesting language in this post which makes it seem... weird.

It seems to talk about the loss of Firefly in the present tense and says that if they take Firefly from us then we could fall back on Enterprise. It's just weird and smells of UPN marketing. And to think I though Ghoulman (sorry if I misspelled) was crazy for saying they would take the time to post.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:30 PM


I am a huge SCI FI fan and anyone who considers themselves of similar ilk wouldnt bag Enterprise.. granted its not the best show around but it beats the hell out of most of the NON-SCI FI garbage(reality TV, Sitcoms etc. etc.) that is foisted apon us by the TV networks..


Friday, September 24, 2004 7:42 AM


How about turning the TV off?? That's the smart choice to me. There is nothing on TV worth my time. Qualifier, I don't have cable, just Network stations.

Better yet, watch Firefly episodes


Friday, September 24, 2004 8:12 AM



Originally posted by fireflygal:
How about turning the TV off?? That's the smart choice to me. There is nothing on TV worth my time. Qualifier, I don't have cable, just Network stations.

Better yet, watch Firefly episodes

I'm with you completely. I also don't have cable any more. What's left on network tv is so bad (with a very small number of notable exceptions - Joan, Gilmore Girls, and possibly Lost - it has potential) that I've actually gone back to (Shudder, Gasp!) reading books. A good book is so much more enjoyable than a bad tv show. It's really no contest.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, September 24, 2004 11:28 AM


Books, books...wow, do they have pictures??


Friday, September 24, 2004 11:43 AM


Generally not. The one I just finished was Tom Clancy's "The Bear and the Dragon" - great reading, by the way, if you have a lot of time for it. However, I also recently read one with lots of pictures that I highly recommend. This should come as no surprise to anyone on this site: Joss Whedon's "Fray" is "a good read". If you miss "Buffy" and haven't read this yet, it's well worth the time and small expense.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, September 24, 2004 1:38 PM


i dont care if they take enterprise from tv. i dont have anything against star trek but i say the less sci fi shows there are on tv, then the better chance firefly has to come back.

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...


updated: 7/30/04!


Saturday, September 25, 2004 7:19 AM



Originally posted by standing8:
i dont care if they take enterprise from tv. i dont have anything against star trek but i say the less sci fi shows there are on tv, then the better chance firefly has to come back.

......uhhhhhh, the "logic" of that just makes my head hurt....off to get a drink...

And yes, I DID watch Enterprise the first two seasons; work cut into the 3rd one, but I found I really didn't care....and ask anyone, I am undeniably a sci-fi fan and Trekker, but Enterprise is just getting embarrassing.

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."
Shiny stuff for Browncoats at: http://www.cafepress.com/outtotheblack


Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:47 AM


And yes, I DID watch Enterprise the first two seasons; work cut into the 3rd one, but I found I really didn't care....and ask anyone, I am undeniably a sci-fi fan and Trekker, but Enterprise is just getting embarrassing.

I have to agree that the first three seasons have lacksed a certain flair but let us not forget that the cancer of Star Trek has long been Braga and Berman. Trek lost it's strongest line up with Piller, Ron Moore, Rene Echeverria and guys like like. Manny Coto is in charge now and he wrote some genuinely good episodes so there is time yet for Enterprise to turn around.

And to the poster that said Enterprise was poor due to it's "no conflict" and "boring" (I paraphrase) I would say that this is not a problem. It is simply Roddenberry's view of the future and the writers need to take that premise and create drama. Nicholas Meyer did it, and the writers I mentioned previously did too. Good writers can save Trek, I prefer to be positive and hope that they do just that.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 1:52 PM


I thought that the first few episodes of the first season were really intriguing. But then, the Enterprise was really not the best ship on the block and the crew on it weren't winning many fights by themselves. There was a sense of the darkness that one of the other posters in this thread spoke of... a sense that in any given episode, these guys just might get their heads handed to them by the next alien they met. It kept things a little edgy.

Then it started to mellow out. I was willing to buy into that... I thought maybe they were trying show the crew starting to learn from mistakes, get their spacelegs so to speak.

But then the stories became so hit-or-miss. The story arc attempt last season was noble. But it wasn't executed with the panache that Joss does a story arc. I thought that the story arc had about enough horsepower in it to carry half a season. A full season of it really had some dead spots in it.

All that said, I sorta like Enterprise, in the sense that it's not "Bachelor" or yet another "made for Sci-Fi channel" movie. If it gets cancelled, I won't cry. My biggest concern with its possible cancellation is that it leaves yet another gap in the evening schedule for a new reality show. If that happens, I wouldn't watch the replacement, but I fear for the long term deterioration that such fare is causing in the brains of the people who are fans of "reality" shows. I think its similar to alcoholism or tobacco use. Can't we run public service commercials warning of the danger of "reality show exposure"?

My TV watching is really whittled down now. There's about 3 shows I find worth watching. And 2 more new ones that I'm giving a chance to catch me.


Monday, October 4, 2004 4:37 AM



Originally posted by captaincdc:

Hey look, someone from UPN Marketing.

Ever notice there aren't any Enterprise fans? I've checked the TrekBBS and it's nothing but Marketing people paid to post, giving an online "fan presence".

Hint: There isn't one.

Hey Ghoulman, you and I have not argued about Enterprise or anything else in a while. I miss it, where you been hiding out.

Oh yeah, the reason for this post. I'm a fan of Enterprise, but I'm a fan of Trek more than I'm a fan of Enterprise.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I thought you hated my guts because you took offence when I implied you were a "smelly fanboy"? Here you are repying to me, how nice.

Well, I don't want to rant in your thread about my opinions, which is why I bumped my old "Boycott" thread, I don't want to cut into others fun even if I think they are blind or just vapid Fanboys (oh, that term again!). Let me say I'm an old "trekkie" who really only finds the original show to be truley special while all those shows that came after just aren't as well done. Sure, there is some above the board "stuff" in TNG, and DS9, but not enough to be truly special or long lasting.


Monday, October 4, 2004 4:48 AM



Originally posted by shinyhappyklin:

Originally posted by standing8:
i dont care if they take enterprise from tv. i dont have anything against star trek but i say the less sci fi shows there are on tv, then the better chance firefly has to come back.

......uhhhhhh, the "logic" of that just makes my head hurt....off to get a drink...

And yes, I DID watch Enterprise the first two seasons; work cut into the 3rd one, but I found I really didn't care....and ask anyone, I am undeniably a sci-fi fan and Trekker, but Enterprise is just getting embarrassing.

And I agree - but I feel the need to point out that "franchaise" programming is just what got Firefly cancelled.

That is - more Sci-Fi doesn't beget more Sci-Fi, but less!!!

With Enteprise being propped up by the money and francaise power of a multi-mega-corporate monster the wider market is viewed by Network CEOs as being "glutted". That is, why compete with Star Trek? Why put out more material that Trek will just kill in ratings, sales, etc?

Even if you thought your Sci-Fi show was better the Trek franchaise is propped up by that multi-mega-corporate monster I mentioned... and that monster will eat you alive if only to keep you out of thier market. This is business you know, no one at Paramount or FOX gives a tiny tribbles arse about Sci-Fi and Fantasy in general. If they happen to kill any popular interest in Sci-Fi by making Enteprise so egregious, sexist, etc. they will simply make more Reality shows.

To all Fanboys (sorry if that's offensive, but it applies. Ask me about it! ) - put down the plastic doll and read a book about the history of Star Trek. An old one, not the smarmy ones I 've been hearing about.






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