Other sci-fi series as good as Firefly

UPDATED: Sunday, October 3, 2004 08:40
VIEWED: 19374
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Friday, August 27, 2004 1:40 PM


Farscape, Buffy, Angel, Dead like me(i guess that's sci fi), star trek has its moments.


Friday, August 27, 2004 7:00 PM


Harsh Realm

damn you once again Fox

" If I going to get killed for a word....
Then my word is Poon-Tang "


Saturday, August 28, 2004 11:02 AM


I didn't like Buffy, Angel, DS9, Babylon 5, Voyager, or many of the others mentioned. And it wasn't so much the show but the type of show.


Monday, September 6, 2004 7:48 PM


Well, this is a Firefly site so suffice it to say it was excellent.

1. Farscape- I was seriously hooked. I agree that nthe first season was nsg.

2. SAAB- a short but great series

3. B5- It was an epic series but the casting was just so so.

4. Jerimiah- getting better

5. Lexx- as a scifi comedy at least as good as RD

6. Outer Limits- anthology, some good some bad often too depressing

7. All the Treks- TNG was the best.

8. SG1 and SG Atlantis- The best that's still on the air currently.

Looking forward to the return of Enterprise and the Farscape mini-series.

I expect that Enterprise will tank early this season but there is talk that Michael Straczynski may take over as EP for a new trek series.

Sliders was a great premise but the characters reminded me of Gilligans Island


Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:43 PM


Nervouspete, just wanted to thank you for the recommendation of Ultraviolet. Finally got my hands on a good copy (first copy I bought was bad halfway through the second episode, and had to go through much foofaraw to get it exhanged) and watched it all the way through. Cold, creepy, understated, and very very good. Would have been nice if there were more of it, certainly, but Ahearne told the story he wanted to tell and wrapped it up when he was done.


Monday, September 20, 2004 2:26 AM


There aren't many tv shows that come close to the quality of Firefly.

The shows that I love to watch include:

The X-Files - It's the reason that got me hooked on most Sci-fi shows. Mulder is sarcastic, witty and isn't afraid to break the rules in search of the truth. Adam Baldwin is scary in season nine!

Xena: Warrior Princess is closer to the style of Firefly. There's a mix of humour, drama and crazy fight scenes. Xena is sarcastic, smart and protective of her friends. The character relationships are so strong. The chemistry between Xena and 'Ares God of War' is great to watch. Not everything is as clean cut in Xena's mind. She does 'bad' things for the greater good. Some of the bad guys never die too.

Alias should be made illegal. There's nothing wrong with the show (except maybe the last quarter of season three, but that'll get fixed when J.J Abrams comes back for season Four.)
The character relationships are brilliant. The stories and action are crazy. It keeps you guessing until the end. Those cliffhanger endings are annoying but addictive!

Dark Angel was underrated. It was a cool show. Max was a good character. Alec was getting interesting too. He wasn't just a smart alec. Joshua was brilliant.

Stargate SG1 is still cool. It gets better and better. I'm not sure about Atlantis yet.

Buffy are Angel are great too. I thinks that's pretty much it. Are there any other shows out there that haven't been mentioned?


Monday, September 20, 2004 9:14 AM


My personal favorites:

1- Firefly
2- Babylon 5
3- Stargate SG-1
4- Battlestar Galactica (New One)
5- CSI (Not Sci-Fi but Science)

Children of Dune


Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:43 PM


I'll pitch in. here are my favorites:

-Blakes 7 - Avon is my kinda rotten. And ORAC is my kinda AI.
-ST:DS9 - try watching the episodes so that they are just "Dukat's Story" or "Jake's Story". Oh, and Worf finally gets to be a real butt-kicking neck-snapping Klingon. W00t!
-ST:TOS - nuff said
- Cowboy Bebop - If you've heard this has similarities to Firefly, it just goes to show that 2 stories can share some chrome and be complettely, utterly original and unlike each other
- The Prisoner - really more of a Kafkaesque fantasy
- Space: Above and Beyond - everything Starship Troopers should have been, and more
- Firefly - yeah yeah, okay. But watch it again, i'm gonna.

And now for the one I can't tell if I love or hate,
- Sliders - only the Tracy Torme episodes. Every week I would see the ad for next week's episode. And I would say, "oh that is just so ridiculous." And then the following week, I'd find myself watching it and thinking, "I'm going to turn this off and erase the tape." And by the time I could think that, I'd be engrossed. But I stopped shortly after Tracy Torme stopped steering it.


Sunday, September 26, 2004 3:54 AM


Anyone else grow up having TV dinners in front of BBC2 watching all the early evening sci-fi? Anyway, here are my favourites in no particular order:

*) Firefly (of course).

*) Red Dwarf. One of the best comedies ever.

*) The Outer Limits. I probably missed most of the episodes (it was late at night) but all those I saw were excellent. With each episode being separate with new characters they could really explore whatever themes they liked without being restricted by a regular setting and cast.

*) The X-Files. Though I think five series was enough and the excitement wore off after that.

*) Deep Space 9. Best of the newer Star Treks with good story arcs.

*) Quantum Leap. Whenever I watch Enterprise I keep willing Scott Bakula to say "Oh Boy!" just before the opening credits.

*) Sliders. Always interesting, though it wasn't as good when they lost some of the 4 original characters.

*) V. The five part miniseries. Very good.

Many others were entertaining too.


Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:21 AM


I'm definitely going to have to add to the list of Babylon 5 fans. The lead for season 1 was TERRIBLE, but once they got over that, the show was amazing. Until 5th, each season was appreciably better than the one before...better than staying good, B5 kept improving.

Sliders, too, was good (the first two seasons), and I'm a Buffy/Angel fan as well.

I didn't manage to get past the first few Farscape episodes...they just seemed so...dumb. Creative, I suppose, but not intellectual in the slightest. Most of the others in this thread I haven't tried.


Saturday, October 2, 2004 10:14 AM


I've said it before and I'll say it again !


However, Farscape might rank as a very close second but it isn't as good as Firefly for a number of reasons. Most of the reasons Farscape hasn't done as well, or the reasons the alien world is hard to understand have been brought up by other posters but given time Farscape grows into a wonderful show


....haven't seen a whole lot of Farscape. However, from what I have seen, I can say this: Farscape is far more willing to take risks than Stargate. Sometimes it works out great; sometimes it falls flat on its face. But the willingness to risk is there.

.... Farscape world is rather deep, there are many characters and some episodes are complex. A show like Enterprise you can sit down and watch almost any epsiode and you'll understand what's been happening for the past 30 episodes almost immediately , Farscape isn't like this there are lots of sub-plots with the show, characters evolve and change, and there are many many cool aliens and ideas. Farscape starts out pretty regular , but if you have patience to and pay attention to the details it develops into a Fantastic show. It then becomes a gorgeous, mind-blowing series with the best aliens ever shown on TV, but the show requires viewers to pay attention.


Farscape, on the other hand... EVERYTHING is overblown and twisted. The start of the show, half the crew of Moya doesn't trust the other half. The characters all have their own problems and angst, and our hero John is literally the runt of the pack to start. The sci-fi cliches that get pulled out are usually stood on end to be a bit zanier, and are used as clubs to beat on our crew, and eventually hammer them together into one hell of a dysfunctional family. The relationships take over the core of the show, really - the sci-fi stuff, their constant on-the-run from enemies, one insane situation after another, all becomes just a backdrop for how these guys start to get along. More importantly, a backdrop for the love story between John and Aeryn, an epic of Herculean and Shakespearean troubles and twists. You can't really miss anything, or you'll miss everything. It gets complicated, it gets messy, and it gets crazy, and then when it gets serious, it gets worse... and that's why the people that love the show, LOVE the show (I happen to be one).

...Yes, the show is an acquired taste...but many Farscape fans (Scapers) are also Browncoats (like me) and the SaveFarscape campaign folks participated in the campaign to save Firefly. Lots of us bought the DVD's, which helped convince the fine folks at Universal to make the BDM. So, you might say that Farscape fans rock just as hard as Browncoats, just at a different party!

I heartily recommend Farscape to Browncoats. Start at the first season, and work your way up, and you'll be fine. You wouldn't want to watch the series out of order and lose interest, would you?

Farscape is a wonderful universe, it can look weird and with all the sub-plots and new creatures it is sometimes hard to understand what is great and where the show is going. However if you pay attention, catch the early episodes and have a little Patience it becomes one of the best shows ever shown on TV.
~ Quote
If you want to watch a sci-fi show with aliens then Farscape is simply the best.


Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:48 AM


There hasn't been and never will be a show as good as Firefly.


Anyway, my second favorite is Stargate SG-1 but that's been mentioned a coupla times, so let me bring up something new. This isn't really sci-fi and not really fantasy, though it has elements of both...does anyone watch The Dead Zone? I think it's very entertaining.


Saturday, October 2, 2004 12:25 PM


I watched The Dead Zone regularly in season 1, but I've only caught it sporadically since then.

Another show I watch reguarly is Joan of Arcadia. Don't be scared off by the "religion thing"----a lot of atheists have said they enjoy it as well. I'm agnostic, myself.

I've taken a look at the pilot of Dead Like Me, and that strikes me as another good show. Haven't seen enough to confirm, though.


Saturday, October 2, 2004 2:45 PM


I just have to say, although I think Firefly could eventually have been the best show ever made, I think it's ridiculous to claim that the 14 episodes we got can stand up against the entire run of some of the heaviest hitters out there, certainly not either of joss's other shows! (which in some ways, because they had stronger thematic purpose and style experimentation, as well as being THE best *metaphoric* representation of 'real life' and 'stages of maturity' that exists, actually go a lot farther artistically ...though I definitely think Firefly could have surpassed them given time, because its historical metaphors and future/past fusions and 'in the moment' style have huge untapped potential).
I'm not saying that the best episodes of Firefly aren't amoung the best sci-fi episodes ever made, i'm just saying that collectively these 14 episodes do not amount to the best run in tv history.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy shows that I think are incomparably better than Firefly (for now):
Buffy (season 3-7)
Babylon 5 (season 2-5)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Experimental Serial: Lain
Angel (season 3-5)
and Millennium and Twin Peaks, if you consider their fantasy elements 'large' enough.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy roughly comparable to Firefly:
The Xfiles (season 2-4)
Kino's Journey
The Prisoner
Key: The Metal Idol

good Sci-Fi/Fantasy, but not comparable to Firefly:
Carnivale (!)
Star Trek:TNG (season 2-6)
Star Trek: TOS
Cowboy Bebop
Dune and Children of Dune (miniseries)
Farscape (season 3-4)
Xena (season 3-6)


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:40 AM


Good Sci-Fi/Fantasy:

Babylon 5
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
New Battlestar Galactica
Dune & Children of Dune
Star Trek DS9

Good Drama:

The Shield
Dead Like Me
The West Wing
Las Vegas
Medical Investigation
Dr. Vegas

Good Comedy:

Penn & Teller: Bullshit
Family Guy
Tripping the Rift
Two and a Half Men

Good Cop Shows:

CSI: Miami
CSI: New York
Law & Order
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Without a Trace
Crossing Jordan

Good Reality TV:

Doesn't Exist

Good Daytime TV:

Doesn't Exist

"...we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity






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