Help "Miracles" Find a New Network...

UPDATED: Sunday, April 6, 2003 10:03
VIEWED: 1487
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Sunday, April 6, 2003 10:03 AM


Hey "Miracles" Viewers,

Just a quick note following the cancellation notice on the show. I'm an entertainment publicist and because I love this damn show, I'm organizing a major national grassroots "Save Miracles" campaign which will hopefully bring together Miracles newsgroups and bulletin boards, viewers and fans, as well as entertainment and TV media writers and critics. I've already contacted the show's producers and our materials and efforts may actually help them with their next steps here in trying to shop/save/market the show and its remaining unviewed episodes, to other likely networks, including such prospects as USA, Sci Fi, UPN, or WB.

Anyone interested in helping out, taking part, or add their names to a mailing list, please feel free to contact me!

My goal is that we the viewers would be willing to:

* Express public support for the show and its creators as an example of truly exciting and intelligent television;

* Watch the show faithfully on another network;

* Show public support for the network that chooses to pick up the show;

* And perhaps most importantly, that we'd also be willing to express our public support of the show's new advertisers and sponsors, committing to viewing their commercials and buying their products as a sign of appreciation.

In addition, secondarily, I'm putting together viewers/mailing lists to:

* Express polite, cordial unhappiness with ABC executives at their decision;

* Express public dissatisfaction with ABC for its consistent inability to stand behind quality television;

* Express polite dissatisfaction to ABC's advertisers and their products on their participation in the network's unwillingness to support challenging and critically acclaimed shows (and boycott said products for their participation)

Ultimately, my goal would be to assemble grassroots efforts from several groups into one concerted effort to market/save the show, and will be releasing press releases and bulletins to media and entertainment magazines on our progress. (I already have commitments from a few TV critics I know who say they'll write about our efforts.)

Also, I'd love assistance from any who might wish to take part by contributing contacts, "Miracles" group mailing lists (where approved by members of course), and hard numbers like production costs and Nielsen ratings for comparable shows, etc. -- let me know!

My goal here is to take a campaign one step beyond the recent excellent (and very public) efforts of Farscape fans to save their show -- I don't just want to save Miracles because it's a great show, but demonstrate that in the long run that it's a great business decision to find the show a home, and that this show can in fact make money for the producers and the network that supports it.

E-mail me at SaveMiracles@aol.com -- I'll look forward to hearing from you.






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