Just finished BSG season 2.5... *SPOILERS*

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 05:27
VIEWED: 1077
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:57 AM


...and I thought the "one year later" thing was interesting and unusual. It would have been nice to see the conflicts between the new President and the military, and the struggles to establish the colony of New Caprica, but the Cylon conflict really is at the heart of BSG, so it makes sense that we would allow the Cylons the time to chart out their new course before we'd bring them all together again.

That said, though, I did find myself in the position of the Colonials, saying to myself, "What the frak do the Cylons WANT from us? First they try to exterminate us, then they say that was a mistake and they're going to leave us alone, then they march in here without so much as a diplomatic overture (sp?) and take over the place... what the frak?!"

It feels very real -- I'm sure Vietnam and Afghanistan and, oh, Iraq have all found themselves reeling over changes in American foreign policy in the last few decades -- but as a viewer it does leave me wishing plaintively for someone to explain to me what's going on.

An explanation I'm not going to get, I guess, until season 3 comes out on video.


Indigo S.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:02 PM



Originally posted by IndigoStarblaster:
An explanation I'm not going to get, I guess, until season 3 comes out on video.

RE explanation: don't hold your breath.

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007 5:27 AM


This isn't going to be like an X-Files thing, is it? 'Cause I was pretty loyal, and stuck with it right to the very last episode... and I'm happy enough to have seen all of the characters' lives that I did... but it ticked me off to no end to get there and _still_ have no resolution of the story arc.

I think, as season finales go, I preferred season 1 to season 2. At the end of season 1, I was gasping in disbelief and hurting for Lee (I can still see that last scene in my head, of him over his father's body) and babbling to anyone who would listen, "They wouldn't really kill Adama, would they? Would they?"

After "Lay Down Your Burdens", I'm now mildly interested -- will Baltar and Caprica Six get together again? What happened to estrange Lee and Starbuck? What exactly do the Cylons want now? And where is Sharon (the one that had the baby)? But I'm also dreading a little the military stuff. It's pretty clear that Starbuck is going to lead some kind of a rebel/ resistance/ terrorist thing on New Caprica, and Adama and Lee will eventually come back to try some kind of military attack, and they're going to win, because how else will we get back onto the main plotline of the Galactica traveling towards Earth...I hope they won't spend too much time on the battle sequences...

Then again, maybe I can look forward the BSG writers having more imagination than that...? I certainly hope so, anyway.

(It's funny; I don't consider this the greatest show, but I still find it compelling...not sure why...)

Indigo S.






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