The Boys - Amazon Prime

UPDATED: Monday, September 16, 2019 14:29
VIEWED: 5072
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Monday, July 29, 2019 11:18 PM


America loves a winner!

Not bad. Midway through so far, and it's got a Watchman vibe to it, and a bit of every other Super Hero show ever made rolled into one.

Hadn't seen Brightburn yet, but I'm guessing there's some similarities there as well.

Aside from the Karl Urban awesomeness, and a few cameos and - w0w , Haley Joel Osment is small and round... a couple of things. Yes, political.

Hollywood seems perpetually fixated on mocking middle America, Christianity, and pretty much anything male, white and hetero.

Good grief, can they stop trying to project onto the world how they misread a fairly large segment of society and just TRY to give it the same level of sincere representation they give literally every other group, people, etc... on the fucking planet? It's just so damn predictable.

Also, the bending over backwards to shove this #MeToo, #TimesUp crap into every show, every character, and story line... I think they're way over compensating a bit.

Why does the rest of society have to pay for THEIR sins ? I just don't get it.

And I get it ' THE BOYS ', as in Boy's club ? Boys will be boys ? Really ? Funny how there are plenty of POS women on the show as well, but The Boys is really all that Hollywood will focus on for the next 20 years or more.

** Edit - The Boys - explained: Refers to the group of folks who, to some degree, stand up to and keep the super heroes in check. ( It's not as I mistakenly assumed above. ) So, I got that a bit off, though much of what I said still applies. Carry on.

This is Hollywood's mess. No one FORCED them to be degenerate back stabbing rapey a-holes, but sure as hell, the yokels in Fly-Over country are going to be portrayed as every knuckle dragging stereo type that the studios can dream up, all as a means of showing the world how " sorry " men are for what 98% of them never did.

Hollywood is going to mansplain, white guilt apologize itself right the fuck out of existence if they keep this crap up too much longer.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 3:19 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Not bad.

Hollywood is going to mansplain, white guilt apologize itself right the fuck out of existence if they keep this crap up too much longer.


Yep, Hollywood is going to go away because of you whining about aspects of a show no one forced you to watch.


You poor babies were made out to be the hero in EVERYTHING MADE FOR DECADES and now they show you for what you are you can't handle it.

PS. Thanks for the review, I thought it looked fun, but now I know I'll like it.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 10:57 AM


America loves a winner!

You poor babies were made out to be the hero in EVERYTHING MADE FOR DECADES and now they show you for what you are you can't handle it.

Alien. 1979

Literally 40 years ago.

Also 36 other movie / shows where women were the heroes & central figures of the story. Which we have already gone over in the captain Mary Sue threads. A movie which came out three months ago?

* thanks for admitting that you are talking about & taking sides on a show which you haven’t even seen yet. This shows how mindless and deranged the #MeTo movement has become. Thanks ever so much for proving my point.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:06 PM



White male obliviously spouting off about things they know nothing about and wouldn't ever bother to do thirty seconds of research on. Otherwise known as TUESDAY.....

Women made up 31.8 percent of speaking parts in the top-grossing films of 2017. Only 33 percent of those top films had a female lead or co-lead.

The statistics regarding race on the big screen are no better, with white people filling 70.7 of the speaking roles in the top films of 2017, a percentage that has barely moved since 2007.

Broken down even further, 20 of 2017’s films had no black or African-American speaking characters, 43 had no Latino speaking characters, and 37 had no Asian speaking characters.

People with disabilities also continue to remain virtually invisible in Hollywood, with only 2.5 percent of speaking characters being someone with a disability. Of those, 73 percent were white and 69.6 were male.

Of the 1,100 films examined, women directed only 43 of them.



Tuesday, July 30, 2019 2:22 PM


America loves a winner!

One. You’ve not seen the show yet, have you? And yet here you are, yammering on and on about a topic of what you literally know nothing about.

Two. The Lie of proportionality. Wherever the hell this nonsense that women, blacks, gay, straight, blonde, tall, short, fat, thin, rich, poor, Etc... had to be exactly represented in film as they exist in real life , please go the hell back under to whatever slimy rock from which you came.

It’s funny how you are whingeing about one of the topics I never even brought up. Because I never saw it as being a problem. Had you seen the show, you would understand.

I am not complaining of any Mary Sue on the show. But I am questioning the title when it is clear that both men and women as represented on the show have both good and bad qualities. As happens in real life.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 4:56 PM


America loves a winner!

And to be clear, this is a super hero show, a genre which for decades has been ( and most likely will continue to be ) supported by a vastly male dominated audience. Not that women are excluded, by any stretch, in fandom or as characters, but there just aren't that many females who inhabit the particular area of entertainment, as compared to males.

I'm no comic book guy myself, never was, but IS there such a thing as a female comic book artist ? Must be a freakin' unicorn , assuming they exist.

Gary nails it, as usual. ( And he even mentions SERENITY ! )


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 5:40 PM


America loves a winner!

Wow, when I say I'm not a comic guy, I mean it ! This show is based off a graphic novel ( comic book w/ sex and violence, as I understand it ) and to say Gary knows a thing or two about it is vastly understating it. He's IN the gorram story !! ( The graphic novel, not the actual show )


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:08 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Wherever the hell this nonsense that women, blacks, gay, straight, blonde, tall, short, fat, thin, rich, poor, Etc... had to be exactly represented in film as they exist in real life

You are literally arguing that straight white males should be the focus because you are a straight white male and the other people on this planet shouldn't get equal (or in most cases ANY) representation. Can't have any efforts at equality because the narcissist incel said so. I'm so glad you don't breed...

I'm guess you only watched "The Boys" because you really thought it was going to be about people like you and are too dense to realize it's designed to be a mockery of the behavior TO BEGIN WITH.

Disappointed much?


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:36 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

You are literally arguing that straight white males should be the focus because you are a straight white male and the other people on this planet shouldn't get equal (or in most cases ANY) representation. Can't have any efforts at equality because the narcissist incel said so. I'm so glad you don't breed...

I'm guess you only watched "The Boys" because you really thought it was going to be about people like you and are too dense to realize it's designed to be a mockery of the behavior TO BEGIN WITH.

Disappointed much?

So, how many eps have you watched ? And how many had you watched before you waded into this thread ?

This should be fun.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 1:18 AM


Hollywood knows what they're doing.

Women would get more leads and more speaking roles if the money was there.

Just like only women would be employed and men would all be out on their asses if they actually made 76 cents on the dollar compared to men and the wage gap wasn't a complete fabrication.

Don't worry Rappy. The tide is turning and we're all going to look back and laugh at the 2010's as a pathetic and failed social experiment.

I'm already laughing about it all the time now. Why bother bitching about it and/or getting frustrated over it when it's only a matter of time before God Money steps in and corrects everything?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 2:33 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

So, how many eps have you watched ? And how many had you watched before you waded into this thread ?

I don't have to watch ANY to know that you liked it, but you feel dirty about liking it, and so you had to come here and whine knowing that I would punish you.

Either that...or you are in the closet and you want JSF or 6ix's attention. I mean they are pretty much all that's left here and they speak Incel-ese...

You can all get together and circle jerk while chanting "social justice warriors are bad, social justice warriors are baaaad".

What a buncha freaks


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 6:55 AM


America loves a winner!

Wow... the self delusion on display w/ this willful ignorance is impressive.

Category 1 Dunning Kruger derangement status achieved.

So lacking in self awareness of where you are ( Fireflyfans.net ) and the reason for anyone posting ANYTHING on this site , you've constructed this universe around in which anyone gives 2 flips about you at all.

I'm posting about ' other science fiction series ' related shows. The Boys LITERALLY just dropped, a few days ago, and I thought it worth while to start a thread on it.

Watch it, or don't, I really don't care. But don't come here tossing round insults and yapping on matters which you have no clue of and expect any more ' attention ' from me.



Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:06 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Hollywood knows what they're doing.

Women would get more leads and more speaking roles if the money was there.

Just like only women would be employed and men would all be out on their asses if they actually made 76 cents on the dollar compared to men and the wage gap wasn't a complete fabrication.

Don't worry Rappy. The tide is turning and we're all going to look back and laugh at the 2010's as a pathetic and failed social experiment.

I'm already laughing about it all the time now. Why bother bitching about it and/or getting frustrated over it when it's only a matter of time before God Money steps in and corrects everything?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm not even getting into spoilers for those who've not seen it yet. I finished the series ( only 8 eps ) last night.

Gary , from Nerdrotic, was saying how glad he was there was no politics in the show, and as he had just seen the pilot, back in May, that's mostly true. For the most part. I started this thread after having seen a few eps, and there was 1 in particular which gets a bit preachy, but after that, it gets back to the story.

Overall, it's refreshingly NON P.C. , with what amounts to an ep or so w/ some ' wokeness ', but it's just enough to appease the Hollywood gods with a bit of self flagellation. With all the garbage we've seen from Captain Mary Sue, Bat-wahman, etc... it looked like a decent series was about to be polluted w/ the standard garbage we're getting these days, but that's not a running theme w/ this 1st season. Thankfully.

Select to view spoiler:

My big question - Why did Butcher's wife keep this all a secret ? Did Vought Int'l force her to go into hiding, or was this all her idea from the start ? Seems even Homelander didn't know, and assumed he couldn't knock anyone up, was this all some scheme ? Were he and Mrs. Butcher carrying on an affair ? Very good cliffhanger for next season!

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 11:15 AM


What Would Mal do ?

not getting into the politics or the S/He movement with you kids...but to weigh in on just how sick and porno hollywood has gone.

I will accept that I'm just an old prude at this point..but I had been looking forward to the series based on the previews...solid cast of well-paid actors/actresses and Amazon's money behind it.

I bailed on the first episode when they entered the nightclub and some antman guy did a flying leap into...I had reluctantly stuck around that long, thinking it might get better after his girlfriend gets vaped into blood on the street curb, and aqua boy is standing there cranking up his candy cane in anticipation of some conference room roundtable work with AC/DC girl..and by the way..what's with the crappy homemade costumes?!

anyway.. I'm an old guitar slinger who enjoyed many bar nights, finally settled down and made 4 kids of my own...so likely not the prude you may think, but this stuff is just trashy, porn for nerds that never mentally made it past age 13...what is amazing is that there are a number of actors in there that have made the big screen..they are choosing to do this.. I'm sure the money is good, but they could and can get better grade of work...co-workers tell me it didn't get any better, in fact, got worse ..and that's as much as we can discuss in the workplace about it given the very strict HR rules of corporate america today and just plain decency...I've warned friends and family NOT to watch this stupid, cheap and blatant porn series..and it's dang close to making me pull the Prime app from my stream.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 7:52 PM


America loves a winner!

oldguy - I'm not a comic book guy, but I understand that the source material is FAR more graphic than what's on the screen, so there's that to be thankful.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, August 13, 2019 12:39 PM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:

... finally settled down and made 4 kids of my own...

And yet sex parties between consenting adults scare you. You must be a Conservative. And more of a prude than Rappy, which is saying something.

No one is allowed to have sex or portray it in any way but the ways you say so or you'll get mad and ALMOST delete an app? That's what I got from your post.

This is a fantasy world where people are supposed to ignore themselves and ...? have Missionary sex only??

You have ANY understanding that you have stepped into Fascist territory? Seriously, you don't like it, FINE, say you don't like it. It REALLY REALLY is not up to YOU to be the arbiter of other people's entertainment or choices in ANYTHING.

What I find interesting is that 13% of the people voting the show 1 star are people that probably just could not deal with them portraying "superheroes" as anything other than shiny-happy-perfect people.

Fuck you, Disney...You are responsible for this


Thursday, September 5, 2019 3:46 PM


Watched the first two episodes. I'm on board. Loving it so far.

A few pretty dumb choices that I think they made so far, but if you're suspending disbelief far enough to enjoy the show, you can overlook them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 5, 2019 10:09 PM


BTW... the scene that sticks out in my mind as the dumbest decision isn't the hilariously over the top #MeToo bullshit, but a dumb gore joke scene that wasn't necessary AND would have lead to the death of the main character if any of this were real life.

Spoiler alert, although I'll try to be non-spoilery as possible...

I'm referring to the death of Translucent. Worst scene in the first two episodes.

Diamond alloy hard skin that is impenetrable and makes him invincible?

Shouldn't Dennis Quaid's son be a blood splatter on the wall too after they "turtled" him?

I mean, at the very least, shouldn't there have just been an invisible man-shaped impenetrable shell lying on the ground, with maybe a little bit of invisible blood leaking out here or there? Or maybe the blood would be visible? Not sure how the rules of invisibility actually work. When he drank water, what didn't dribble out of the cup was immediately invisible when he drank it, but his pee was visible the second it left his body.... so probably visible blood leaking out of the human shaped impenetrable shell.

I'm probably being too nitpicky, but I personally I think that it was a bad choice to take you out of the believablity of the show for a dumb blood gag.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 6, 2019 11:19 PM


The little Asian maniac was a welcome addition to the team.

I've got to disagree with Oldguy's take on the show. I'm the guy who has never seen the sequel to Silence of the Lambs in full because it was the only movie I've ever turned off in disgust. I don't watch torture porn, and I live by the words of Futurama's Bender, "Once you've watched it, you can't unwatch it".

I was pretty hesitant to watch it at first, given Oldguy's review and what my brothers had told me about it, but I'm glad my old man had me watch the first few episodes with him. It's obviously fake, when there is any blood, and it's pretty minimal.

Aside from my two gripes above, I don't have any other problems at all with the show, and I'm now through 7 of the first 8 episodes.

I'd say the thing that bothers me most about experiencing The Boys is the sad truth that if there were people with super powers in our future, this sort of commercialization and the lies and corruption that come with the money would be pretty much exactly how everything would play out.

It's one of those things that I sit back and enjoy and think to myself, "Man... as cynical as you are, you could have wrote this yourself and had a million bucks in your pocket right now".

Here's hoping they don't leave episode 8 on a cliffhanger, since we know full well here more than anybody else how much the assholes in suits just love cancelling great shows in the middle of their runs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 7, 2019 12:53 AM


So.... what?


What the hell just happened in the last 3 minutes there?

Did Butcher's wife skip town for 7 years, take her kid and hide from both Butcher and Captain Asshole?

I guess the story that she was raped was just a lie Butcher was telling himself and everyone else for years too?

Wasn't too broke up about seeing Adventures in Babysitting get what she deserved.

Bezos better fund season 2. That's not an acceptable end to the series.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 15, 2019 4:47 PM


America loves a winner!

IDK what the end was all about. Maybe Butcher was lied to ? Maybe wifey was having an affair, and got knocked up because even Homelander was told he couldn't have kids, so he assumed it was ' safe ' to bang around and told her he was sterile, and then he wasn't... No way she could claim it was Butcher's if it was a Super.

Yes, there is a 2nd season.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, September 16, 2019 12:21 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
IDK what the end was all about. Maybe Butcher was lied to ? Maybe wifey was having an affair, and got knocked up because even Homelander was told he couldn't have kids, so he assumed it was ' safe ' to bang around and told her he was sterile, and then he wasn't... No way she could claim it was Butcher's if it was a Super.

Yes, there is a 2nd season.

Dunno... Butcher told Randy Quaid's nephew that she was raped and then he saw a video of her sitting on the same park bench they were sitting on for three straight hours before walking off camera and never being seen again.

But then later in the show there's a flashback where he's watching her go into an office with Homelander for three hours and coming out looking rather disheveled, but not with an expression that would suggest she had been raped.

And up until the events of the show which had only taken place over maybe a couple of weeks, nobody knew that the Sups were created by the Compound V either, so had she just gone back with him and pretended it was his kid, he would never have become the Butcher we see in the show and probably would have been oblivious to it... at least until that secret came out by some other means which is pretty likely since that politician was trying to blackmail Adventures in Babysitting with the dirt he had about Compound V.

There's no way of knowing if that guy knew they were created by the stuff, but he probably at least knew that the Sups were juicing on the stuff.

The more I think about it, the more I start to wonder if there isn't somebody who manipulated her into going into hiding. I mean, it seems like she really loved Butcher, and it seems pretty silly that a single moment of weakness would make her fall out of love with him. Homelander was like a freebie. Most couples I know these days have a list of 5 or so celebrities that they (jokingly) say each other wouldn't get in trouble with each other for if they did it.

I think they scared the hell out of her. Let her know that Homelander might kill her for hiding the child from him, or possibly that he was completely deranged (which she probably had no clue at the time) and that if he found out the kid was his that he would kill Butcher and get him out of the picture.

And if this is the case I think whoever is pulling those strings on her had plans for the baby and won't be too happy that Homelander figured it all out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 16, 2019 8:10 AM


America loves a winner!

I don’t know about that freebie stuff. It’s easy to joke about it when there’s virtually no chance of it happening, like if Jessica Alba knocked on my front door… But then I’m reminded of Inara and how she cried her brains out after seeing that Mal had been with Nandie.

People tell themselves lies all the time and put up a good front, but when reality slaps them upside the face…

As for Butchers wife, who is to say that it was a single moment of weakness? She and Homelander might have been carrying on for a while, until she realized she was pregnant. She probably could tell very early on that it wasn’t Butchers. Probably because of how fast the pregnancy moves along. It’s one thing to keep a secret like that, cheating on your spouse. But when you have another’s love child in you, that tends to complicate things a bit.

Or maybe she was just part of some gigantic mind trick, putting on a show with the whole park bench business. Maybe she was being manipulated or participant in some grander scheme?


Monday, September 16, 2019 2:29 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by OLDGUY:
not getting into the politics or the S/He movement with you kids...but to weigh in on just how sick and porno hollywood has gone.

I will accept that I'm just an old prude at this point..but I had been looking forward to the series based on the previews...solid cast of well-paid actors/actresses and Amazon's money behind it.

I bailed on the first episode when they entered the nightclub and some antman guy did a flying leap into...I had reluctantly stuck around that long, thinking it might get better after his girlfriend gets vaped into blood on the street curb, and aqua boy is standing there cranking up his candy cane in anticipation of some conference room roundtable work with AC/DC girl..and by the way..what's with the crappy homemade costumes?!

anyway.. I'm an old guitar slinger who enjoyed many bar nights, finally settled down and made 4 kids of my own...so likely not the prude you may think, but this stuff is just trashy, porn for nerds that never mentally made it past age 13...what is amazing is that there are a number of actors in there that have made the big screen..they are choosing to do this.. I'm sure the money is good, but they could and can get better grade of work...co-workers tell me it didn't get any better, in fact, got worse ..and that's as much as we can discuss in the workplace about it given the very strict HR rules of corporate america today and just plain decency...I've warned friends and family NOT to watch this stupid, cheap and blatant porn series..and it's dang close to making me pull the Prime app from my stream.

Here here. I had the same reaction. "Creatives" sat around a room wondering what hadn't been done yet with the comic/super hero genre and figured they could squeeze some money out of going sleazy. This was so forced it was embarrassing.






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