The New Doctor Who Series. . .

UPDATED: Monday, April 4, 2005 16:11
VIEWED: 4841
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005 2:25 PM


I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. . .staying up until midnight so I could watch it on PBS.

My friend Ben had pretty much every episode taped. The Fifth Doctor, Peter Davidson, was my favorite until The Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy. I was also VERY much in love with Ace, Sophie Alred, The Doctor's last companion.

Ben was such a fan, he had a full-size representation of the Master Control Console of the TARDIS that he'd built himself from scratch.

Having said all that. . .I LOVED the first episode of the new series. I downloaded it last night and watched it today. I love The Doctor's new persona, and I'm sorry. . .HOW TASTY IS ROSE????


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 5:11 PM


Right there with you, Static. I still haven't recovered from the thrill of having the good Doctor back on our screens. I've watched 'Rose' four times already. Eccleston is a brilliant actor. His Doctor is just... wacky. In a really good way. This may sound heretical to some other Who fans, but I think I like the Ninth Doctor even better than the fourth.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Friday, April 1, 2005 8:00 AM


Static, where exactly can we find the download version?

"I've seen life on this planet, Scully, and that's precisely why I'm looking elsewhere."

-- Fox Mulder, The X-Files


Friday, April 1, 2005 9:06 AM


I'm sorry, this just isn't right - the world is not supposed to be lusting after little Billie Piper....OK, I can forgive you guys in the US, but any Brits should be ashamed of themselves.


Friday, April 1, 2005 9:38 AM


That`s not fair, just because she made a BIG mistake marrying that ginger haired wally of a radio DJ - don`t put her out of the way just yet, she`s a very good companion for the Doctor - just think of who you could have had, can anyone remember the other companions icluding Bonnie Langford as Mel & Nicola Bryant as Peri (actually Peri wasn`t all that bad), you get my drift?

Darin (Zol.)



Friday, April 1, 2005 10:14 AM


And after much better than expected viewing figures (about 10 million, compared to the 3 or 4 anticipated), the BBC commissioned a second series.

Three hours later, Christopher Eccleston announced that he was relinquishing the role of Doctor Who as he did not want to get typecast.

And no, this is NOT an April Fool.


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Friday, April 1, 2005 10:54 AM


Yep, Another Doc bites the dust.
And if I remember rightly he's only supposed to regenerate 12 time so we're running out of options here.
Oh, and Tegan and Nyssa were my favs if anyone remembers them.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 12:49 AM



Originally posted by Zol:
That`s not fair, just because she made a BIG mistake marrying that ginger haired wally of a radio DJ - don`t put her out of the way just yet, she`s a very good companion for the Doctor

I'm not criticising her as an actress, or choice of companion - she was just fine (although I did find the fake East-End accent a teensy bit annoying. It's just that she's little Billy Piper - when you remember her as a 13 year old pop moppet it's hard to get used to her as a sex symbol!


Saturday, April 2, 2005 1:47 AM



Originally posted by oldenglanddry:
Yep, Another Doc bites the dust.
And if I remember rightly he's only supposed to regenerate 12 time so we're running out of options here.
Oh, and Tegan and Nyssa were my favs if anyone remembers them.

Nope, my good friend, we're not running out of options at all!

The twelve regenerations thing was just a cool sounding concept they used in a couple of episodes, and aluded to in a bunch of others. But whose to say some plot-line can't revolve around the Doctor on a hunt to extend his life line?

Maybe with the coming war (eep, and that is a cool story arc idea by RTD) he realises that he's going to go through regenerations like me and a packet of jaffa cakes. So worried that his beloved earth, and indeed the rest of universe will be jeapordised in his absence - and being so hungry for life - that he embarks on a quest to extend that life with all the old enemies trying to foil him. But in doing so he sacrifices a lot and makes hard decisions, even foolish ones, and in the climax is brought to wonder whether it is right to do what he is doing.

And then he leaps into a black hole, or drinks an ancient potion from a wooden chalice, or speaks to the oldest man alive in the universe...

...or something cool, and he gets a set of extra regenerations.

It's a TV show. They can come up with any reason for him needing more, and use it to their advantage. It's not a legally binding contract.

Oh, and I still have tons of respect for Eccleston despite him deciding not to go for the second series. It's thanks to his and RTD's weight that the press have treated this comeback with some respect and publicity, and I look forward to his remaining twelve episodes. On some other forums (Outpost Galifrey) there have been disgusting attacks upon him, really hysterical screams of traitor and the like, and foolish maudlin cries of how he's destroyed Dr Who and that it will never survive now. Really creepy stuff that gives fandom a bad name.

He's an actor with the option for taking a second series. He didn't take it, and everyone in the crew was aware that he might not. It was his job, not his calling to play the Doctor. He wants to go and appear in other stuff. Fair enough.

Now let's see how the rather good David Tennant will do.

(Sorry for the pre-emptive rant, I just couldn't believe what was going on out there. Indeed Browncoats are cool, it seems, far cooler than some Who fans at any rate!)


"If you can keep your head whilst others... eurgh! Ack! I've spilt my ink! Ugh! Ink on my trousers! Agh! Ink on my shirt! My only hope! The window! Aieeeeee!" (Falls to death)
- Jonathan Nash


Saturday, April 2, 2005 2:26 AM


I still think Stevan Fry should be the Doctor, or Bill Baily, Or ME!!! I'd be great.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 3:02 AM


I think Hugh Laurie should be the Doctor - oh no, he already is


Saturday, April 2, 2005 7:44 AM



Originally posted by britchick:
And after much better than expected viewing figures (about 10 million, compared to the 3 or 4 anticipated), the BBC commissioned a second series.

Three hours later, Christopher Eccleston announced that he was relinquishing the role of Doctor Who as he did not want to get typecast.

And no, this is NOT an April Fool.


Damn! I just find out the new Doctor Who has aired and then find out the new Doctor has already quit. All I'm going to say about that is I just hope BBC wises up and next time picks a Doctor who's looking to hang around three years was always considered the minium.

You know I really like U.K. actors in many respects they are better than American ones. But the one thing I don't get about them is their lack of desire to hang on to a role. And a season of shows is so short over there too. American actors you have to throw them out by canceling the show. And I'm sure that the great British actor "SHAME" of being in a science fiction series is some how involved too. Poor Patrick Stuart he's only recently over come his "SHAME" but is doing much better now. You can ask him about Star Trek on a talk show and he barely squirms at all anymore.

Oh well I'm glad to hear him likened to the 4th Doctor sounds awsome. Hopefully it will run on BBC America or PBS sometime soon.


Saturday, April 2, 2005 8:35 AM



Originally posted by dyairvatree:
... the one thing I don't get about them is their lack of desire to hang on to a role ...

I think Eccleston's decision is right and brave. I'd be happy for a change in lead performer for each season; as it's SciFi, we don't don't have problems with the suspension of reality, after all. But then, I always preferred Alan Arkin's Inspector Clouseau, so who am I to judge?


Saturday, April 2, 2005 9:34 AM


Well I'm not to upset by the change in Doctor's I'm sure BBC now that they know they have a hit on thier hands will make sure to get one they can hang on to a bit longer next time.

So I haven't heard any one mention the sets how do they look? Special effects? Still going for those way strange sound effects? BBC said in press release that this show was going to be top notch looking for the international market is it true? Are they using CGI or models maybe both?


Saturday, April 2, 2005 10:04 AM


2nd episode has just shown, with the Dr. & Rose travelling to the year 5,000,000+ ,the quality of alien costumes is very good, set inside luxury spaceship was very sparse but neat & tidy & there`s a few plot points given away for the series. still lots of humour & we also get to hear a bit about the timelords fate.

This 2nd episode felt a little rushed - trying to cram quite a lot into the 45 minutes, which may be it`s downfall.

Episode 3 trailer, looks interesting enough, with the timetravelling holiday makers making a visit to the year 1860 ("why 1860? does anything happen in 1860?" asks Rose) - back to the BBC period drama dept. for sets & costumes (all good of course)

Hope the next episode keeps us interested - there`s 13(?) episodes (or am I wrong on that?)

Darin (Zol.)

p.s. the 1st episode was based in modern day London, so couldn`t really do much wrong with the `sets` as such, a department store & several outdoor scenes (complete with devastation & destruction)


Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:40 AM



Originally posted by RhymePhile:
Static, where exactly can we find the download version?

"I've seen life on this planet, Scully, and that's precisely why I'm looking elsewhere."

-- Fox Mulder, The X-Files

I use a file sharing program called "BearShare". . .wherein I did a search for 'Doctor Who' and found many things, including the first episode of the new series.


Evil, Lecherous Hump


Saturday, April 2, 2005 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Zol:
This 2nd episode felt a little rushed - trying to cram quite a lot into the 45 minutes, which may be it`s downfall.

Actually, I found the second episode was a quantum leap on in getting the pacing better (not quite there, but much better).

Plus yet again you got some real emotion - Eccleston's mugging during the initial meet the alien sequence aside (it seemed as though they kept showing the same shot) - more than made up for with that tiny little interchange that hinted at a dark mythos building up.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, April 3, 2005 12:22 PM


Indeed, there is much reminiscent of Joss's work echoing in the new series, in terms of episode length, pace, dialogue (pop culture references ahoy) and now it seems there's an ongoing arc.

It's all going on!


Sunday, April 3, 2005 12:58 PM


I guess there`s going to be one hell of a cliffhanger at the end of this season

Actualy, yes the pop refernces were fun, definitely want one of those I-pods featured in that episode

Darin (Zol.)


Monday, April 4, 2005 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Zol:
Actualy, yes the pop refernces were fun, definitely want one of those I-pods featured in that episode

My favourite idea in the entire episode:

"The paper's a little bit psychic"

In the brave new world of emoticons, where can an old fashioned person go to LMAO?

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, April 4, 2005 4:11 PM


Watched the second episode on Saturday. Only just got the chance to come and chat about it.
It was amazing. The pace was really fast, but didn't feel rushed in the same way 'Rose' did. Some of the concepts were mind-bending:

Select to view spoiler:

(psychic paper; an alien race that are nothing but ideas; A woman who's had so much plastic surgery she's nothing but a piece of skin; tree people giving cuttings of their relatives as gifts; 'earth-death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite'; the year 5.5/apple/26;)

RTD has gone all out to make the future seem truly alien.
There was some more emotional stuff too, for the Doctor this time, which was great to see, and very poignant. The hints about the fate of Gallifrey were mouth watering

Select to view spoiler:

It seemed to me like the Time Lords had been destroyed in the past, before getting the chance to become time-travellers, and were therefore wiped from existence

I thought the costumes, sets and FX were all of a high standard. For those wondering, they were a mix of CGI and model work.
All in all: A+. Except for the Britney Spears music in one key sequence. Ouch.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."






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