Boy sex ring/ties to Bush administration& Gunderson report Pt 2

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Monday, January 30, 2006 7:05 PM


Since the last thread was Hijacked by people who didn't want to talk about the story, only wanted to rant and inflame I'm giving this thread a Fresh start.

1.)I happen to think this is one of the most important stories of our time, I think if it ever comes to light and gets the attention that it Deserves, it has certain potential to not only send an earthquake through all levels of our governmen and topple its foundations

Even if people start to talk about it , it might have an affect

2.) Reason why this story is important is because its relevent today, even though it started in the 1rst Bush administration, the fact that over 80% of the same people from the 1rst administration is now back running the government.

3.) The possiblity that their is a Johnny Gosch/Jeff Gannon connection

4.) my own ramblings and thoughts, I've always wondered why so many conservative politians seem to tow the line no matter what!! has always seemed odd to me to the degree and level that they do. Hence the fact that the media seems to also tow the consrvative line, to such a degree that the news isn't even news anymore, I'm not saying that some of it isn't conservative ideology at the management level, but to the degree its gotton to ;it just doesn't seem right, if some of these politians and Business men have been or can be blackmailed well that would explain alot.

I'm adding the same links and info , but unlike the 1rst thread I'm also adding a portion of the Gunderson report.

of course anyone can post in this thread but like it says :I hope that you will post messages that are at least somewhat civil and in good taste.

if your only purpose is to come in and rant about something other then the topic itself for example," phychos at your sister's place of work, or because you don't agree, or the contents of the story pisses you off or to call the poster of the thread(me) crazy for something that has nothing to do with me, I didn't write the stories I'm just posting them, do I believe it yes I do!! if you don't, agree to disagree.

if you disagree with the story or have issues with it state it, don't just come in to say the story is hogwash when you haven't even read it. for those who dare to post in this thread, I'll warn you before hand anything having to do with Clinton thats unrelated to the topic, or thats a totally nonesensical post, unrelated to the topic will probably be totally ignored by me.

AS sick and horrifying as this story is, I think it needs to be talked about.

The Gunderson Report

On December 31, 1968, Franklin Credit Union was founded in a minority neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska. The primary purpose was to provide loans to minorities. In August, 1970, Lawrence E. "Larry" King, Jr., (a black man, not television talk show host) and fast-rising "star" in the Republican party, became manager and principle executive. Larry King was indicted by a Federal grand jury on May 19, 1989 and later tried and convicted of fraud and income tax evasion directly related to the Franklin Credit Union matter. He remains incarcerated in federal prison.

FBI- IRS RAID--On November 4, 1988, the Franklin Credit Union was raided and closed by the FBI and the IRS. Thirty-nine million dollars was missing. Shortly thereafter, reports began to circulate concerning pornography, videotapes, and photographs which had been confiscated from the Franklin Credit Union by the FBI. Then, in a trickle- which soon grew to a flood- other allegations began to arise. These allegations involved drugs, sexual misconduct, child abuse, pornography- even satanic activity. The names of prominent individuals in the Omaha community began to surface as those involved in these criminal activities.

GRAND JURY THROWS OUT CHARGES--On January 10, 1989, the Nebraska State legislature constituted a special committee to look into the allegations with State Senator Loran Schmit as Chairman. On January 30, 1990, Nebraska State Attorney General, Robert Spire, called for a grand jury to investigate allegations. February 6, 1990, former County District Judge Samuel Van Pelt was appointed a special prosecutor for the Douglas County Grand Jury, which convened on March 12, 1990. On July 23, 1990, after hearing many hours of testimony, the grand jury issued an unusual and unprecedented report throwing out all of the allegations concerning sexual child abuse and labeling the charges a "carefully crafted hoax".

VICTIM/WITNESSES NAME PROMINENT CITIZENS AS PERPETRATORS--Eighty children initially came forward as a result of newspaper publicity of the raid and subsequent stories in the local news. These children identified some of the most prominent citizens in the Omaha area as involved, including then Omaha Chief of Police, Bob Wadman; former Omaha World Herald newspaper publisher, Harold Andersen; Eugene Mahoney, former Omaha vice squad officer and later head of the Nebraska Forestry Service (he has a park named after him); former Omaha World Herald entertainment columnist, Peter Citron; Alan Baer, Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, Financier; and Omaha County Judge Theodore Carlson. The children who came forward reported, among other things, satanic ceremonies of human and animal sacrifice.

VICTIM/WITNESS TROY BONER RECANTS HIS TESTIMONY UNDER DURESS--Initially four victim/witnesses involved in the satanic cult/sex/drug ring were cooperative. Two of the four victim/witnesses, Troy Boner and Danny King, recanted their testimony.

One of the children who recanted his testimony was Troy Boner, a young teenager. Troy Boner recanted after his brother, Shawn Boner, died allegedly of suicide by a Russian Roulette gunshot wound on January 17, 1991. Troy Boner told John De Camp, attorney for some of the witnesses, that his brother was afraid of guns. Boner later left the Omaha area and disappeared. Danny King has also disappeared.

Years later, on October 27, 1993, Troy Boner made a sworn statement in which he said that he had recanted his original testimony because, "I truly believed and still do believe that it was a situation where I must either ‘lie or die’, and at the insistence primarily of the Federal Bureau of Investigation officials who were dealing with me at that time, specifically Mr. Mott and Mr. Culver." (p. 306)

Two of the victim/witnesses who refused to recant were Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci. They were both indicted for perjury on the basis of their testimony before the grand jury. They are now adults, but were children when they were first recruited into the satanic cult/sex/drug ring.

VICTIM/WITNESS ALISHA OWEN IMPRISONED--Alisha Owen testified at the grand jury in March of 1990 that when she was 14 years of age she had sex with the then Omaha Chief of Police, Robert Wadman. Because of this testimony, she was charged with perjury. While on bail awaiting trial, she attended college and was editor of the school newspaper. She was also an honor student.

On August 8, 1990, Alisha Owen entered a plea of innocent.

On November 9, 1990, Alisha Owen’s brother was found dead in a correction center cell, said to have committed suicide by hanging.

Alisha Owen was convicted of first offense perjury in 1991and was sentenced on August 8, 1991, to nine to 27 years in prison. During her prison term, she was in solitary confinement for a period longer than any female citizen in the history of the State of Nebraska.

Alisha was out on parole for a short period until September, 1997.

In September, 1997, television show "Inside Edition" reported that Johnny Gosch was still alive. Johnny Gosch is a highly publicized 1982 kidnap victim from West De Moines, Iowa, who has also been named as a victim in the Franklin child abuse matters, as described below.

One week after this show was aired, Nebraska authorities picked up Alicia Owen, and without explanation, said she must serve out the remaining lengthy sentence in prison. In spite of this, Alisha refused to recant. Alisha is still incarcerated. Alisha’s parents are raising Alisha’s daughter, Amanda Jayne, who according to Alisha was sired by Omaha Chief of Police, Robert Wadman. Alisha was 15 years old when she had Amanda.

VICTIM/WITNESS PAUL BONACCI IMPRISONED--In November, 1991, Ted Gunderson (this writer, see resume in reference list), was contacted by the Nebraska Leadership Conference and asked to become involved in the investigation of the Franklin case. Paul Bonacci, his first interviewee, then in his early 20’s, said he had been active in the operation of the satanic cult/sex/drug ring network since 6 years of age. Paul Bonacci first reported his abuse by Larry King, Alan Baer and others in 1986, to the Omaha Police Department, two years before the Franklin Credit Union case began.
Bonacci told me that when he was 10 to 14 years old, he was used as a decoy in malls, parks, etc., to lure other children his age near an automobile so the adult members could grab the victims and force them into the car. Paul and another youth would then jump on the victims and place a chloroform cloth over their mouth and nose. The victims would be taken to a secluded location and later auctioned off for up to $50,000.00 in Las Vegas, Nevada or Toronto, Canada. Bonacci advised me that the auction location in Nevada is approximately 50 miles north of Las Vegas on an air strip and that he saw children auctioned off, then placed in unmarked airplanes operated by foreigners with accents wearing turbans. Other children who were auctioned off were placed in campers after being drugged to ensure that they would be asleep in the event that the camper was stopped by the police. On one occasion, Bonacci recalled a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) plane that was used to transport the children. Gunderson was later informed by a Michigan private investigator of an other missing child case that he had knowledge that a barn outside of Lincoln Nebraska was also used to auction off children on at least one occasion

Paul Bonacci reported having attended six auctions in which as few as six, and as many as 36, children were auctioned off. (See section on Johnny Gosch below for more on child auctions).

Paul and other children told about youngsters, both male and female, being taken from orphanages, foster-homes, and Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska, driven to Sioux City, Iowa (184 miles) and then flown to Washington, D.C. for sex orgy parties with dignitaries, congressmen, and high level public officials at Larry King’s Embassy Row condominium. Larry King rented this condominium for $5,000.00 per month while earning a salary of only $17,000 per year.

Bonacci told Gunderson (this writer) that pictures were taken at the parties by Rusty Nelson, Larry King’s personal photographer. According to Bonacci, many of the surreptitiously photographed public officials were thereafter blackmailed by Larry King and others.

Bonacci told Gunderson that on a number of occasions he flew from Omaha to Los Angeles where he would meet a different man and woman each time. The unfamiliar man and woman would have up to five passports for different countries in different names. They would travel with Bonacci, pretending he was their teen-age son, and then make drug drops around the world. Paul told me he had made more than 100 such trips.

One of De Camp’s investigators told Gunderson (this writer) that Paul Bonacci has drawn a floor-plan of the inside living quarters of the White House, an area not available to the public.

Not long after the Franklin case became public in 1989, Paul Bonacci was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for briefly touching a young boy on the outside of his pants. Bonacci has been diagnosed by at least three psychiatrists with Multiple Personality Disorder, a psychiatric disorder now called Dissociative Identity Disorder, that is almost always a consequence of severe and early child abuse. Bonacci admits that one of his personalities touched the boy, but abruptly stopped when he switched personalities and a remorse-stricken Paul reasserted control of his functioning. John De Camp, Attorney, and former long-term Nebraska State Senator, represented Bonacci. De Camp believes this abnormally long sentence was an attempt to silence Bonacci in the Franklin matters.

SEVENTY-SIX CHILDREN WHO REPORTED SEXUAL ABUSE RECANT OR REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH THE INVESTIGATION--Following the dire consequences to victim/witnesses Alisha Owen, Paul Bonacci, and Troy Boner and Danny King, the seventy-six other children recanted their reports of sexual abuse in the Franklin matter.

WITNESS RUSSELL (RUSTY) NELSON ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE EVIDENCE--Rusty Nelson’s testimony is consistent with that of Paul Bonacci. While testifying in U.S. District Court, Omaha Nebraska, on February 5, 1999, Rusty Nelson stated that as a private photographer for Larry King, his duties included taking photographs surreptitiously of specific people and to make sure to photograph certain people if they were close enough to be photographed together. In his testimony, John De Camp asked Rusty Nelson, "Who was at these parties?"

Nelson replied:

"Politicians, dignitaries, wealthy business people. Young people. Larry, as far as I could gather, I left when I stared putting the pieces together, you know, realizing there were two sets of books.

"There were very, various discrepancies in the credit union. And the fact that he obviously was into pimping gay prostitutes and children too, basically for influence purposes. Whether it be politicians or whatever.

"He had extreme pull in the National Republican convention. There was one day where we were on a plane and he had a problem. And he couldn’t get Wadman [then Omaha Chief of Police]. Couldn’t get anybody here to work it out. He placed a call directly to Ronald Reagan."

Nelson testified that he not only took pictures for King, but surreptitiously took many photographs of King with other adults and young people involved and retained them for himself. Rusty Nelson testified that he also secretly took and retained other incriminating documents, including audio-tapes, computer discs, and paper copies of documents, including ledgers, without King’s knowledge. He testified that he often mailed these back to his home, again surreptitiously.

Rusty Nelson’s testimony explains his attempts to keep these documents in his possession for the years since to protect his own life. Some of the photographs of Larry King taken by Rusty Nelson were shown during his testimony on February 5, 1999. Rusty Nelson testified that Larry King "flat out told me" that he had "taken care of" killing a man named Charlie Rogers and made it to look like a suicide; "This was another deal I believe through Wadman [then Omaha Chief of Police]." Nelson testified to one direct threat on his life by Larry King, and in the ensuing years, many threats conveyed with symbols (such as a Burning acorn) that Larry King used to mean, "Drop it. Or you’re going to get burned". Nelson testified on February 5, 1999 that twice, these symbolic messages were quickly followed by his being shot at. His most Recent statement, made in writing on June 22, 2000, from jail (see excerpts of statement below) states that this has now happened three times.

In direct relation to the documents Rusty Nelson has attempted to retain for his own protection, he testified to the following:

the rest of the story is at the link below

If its true and Jonhnny Gosch is Jeff Gannon this could finally bring the case out into the mainstream public, I still wonder if the media would report it.
and please if you haven't read the Gunderson report please do so. the link is above. the link below is pictures of Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon aka Jeff Guckert, he seemed to have kept the 1rst letters of his last and 1rst name.

also here is an interview that Noreen Gosch gave last year (Johnny's mother) you've got to hear this its very compelling. there are two 1 hour segments make sure you listen to both segments

here is another interesting link, it talks about Rusty Nelson and Hunter Tompson, along with Jeff Gannon being Johnny Gosch


Monday, January 30, 2006 8:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yes, those are all excellent interviews. Noreen doesn't push the DNA testing since she fears it will just get her son killed. Paul Bonnaci testified that he was one of the boys who helped kidnap Johnny Gosch, aka "Jeff Gannon".


"I'm not going to end up tied down to a Pentagram with Henry Kissenger standing over me naked with his fat belly hanging out, holding a dagger in his hand, am I?"
—Alex Jones, from Jones' video Dark Secrets, as Jon Ronson was briefing Jones on how to infiltrate the Grove for British Channel 4 TV



VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Boners at Bohemian Grove - Music by Counter Coup and John Lee:


VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones of interviews Senator John DeCamp author of The Franklin Coverup, music by Counter Coup and Bohemian Club:

John DeCamp: I went in January, now this is Bonacci, this is Paul Bonacci writing this. This is directly word for word from his diary (which was admitted into evidence in US courts).

"I went in January of 84' on every trip. I was paid by men King knew for sex. The summer of 84' sometime I was (?) and had sex with several men King knew in a hotel. I flew on (YNR) airlines , by the way it's a private airline or private charter deal and Cam airlines, another charter deal normally for King. I never had much personally to do with King only went where he told me to go. In or on July 26th , I went to Sacramento , CA . King flew me out in a private plane from (Eplick) airfield in Omaha to Denver where we picked up Nicholas. A boy who was about 12 or 13 then we flew to Vegas to a desert strip and drove into Las Vegas to some ranch and got something. Then flew onto to Sacramento. We were picked up by a white limo and taken to a hotel. I don't remember the name of it. We meaning, Nicholas and I ,were driven to an area that had big, big trees. It took about an hour to get there. There was a cage with a boy in it who was not wearing anything. Nicholas and I were given these tarzan things to put around us and stuff like that . They told me to , I won't use the word, blank the boy and stuff. In other words have sex with. At first I said No and they held a gun to my genitals I'll use the word and said do it or else lose them or something like that. I began doing it to the boy and stuff. And Nicholas had anal sex with him and stuff. We were told to blank him and stuff and beat on him. I didn't try to hurt him . We were told to put our blanks in his mouth and stuff and sit on the boys blank and stuff and they filmed it. We did this stuff to the boy for about 30 minutes or an hour when a man came in and kicked us and stuff and in the genitals. And picked us up and threw us. He grabbed the boy and started blanking him and stuff. The man was about , I'm not sure how to say , the man was about so many inches long and the boy screamed and stuff. The man was forcing his blank into the boy all the way. The boy was bleeding from his rectum and the men tossed me and him and stuff and put the boy right next to me and grabbed a gun and blew the boy's head off. The boy's blood was all over me and I started yelling and crying and the men grabbed Nicholas and I forced us to lie down. They put the boy on top of Nicholas who was crying and they were putting Nicholas's hands on the boys blank. They put the boy on top of me and did the same thing . They then forced me to blank the kid. It's pretty crude. They put a gun to our heads to make us do it. His blood was all over us. They made us kiss the boys lips. Anyway, a few other things . Then they made me do something I don't even want to write so I won't. After that the men grabbed Nicholas and dragged him off screaming . They put me up against a tree and put a gun to my head but fired into the air. I heard another shot from somewhere and then saw the man who killed the boy drag him like a toy. Everything including when the men put the boy in the trunk was filmed . The men took me with them and we went up in a plane. I saw the bag the boy was in. We went over a very thick brush area with a clearing in it. Over the clearing they dropped the boy. One said the man with the hood would take care of the body for them. I didn't see Nicholas until that night at the hotel. He and I hugged and held each other for a long while. About 2 hours later then men or Larry King came in and told us to go take a shower since we'd had only been hosed off at some guys house. We took a shower together and were told to put on the tarazan things and after we were cleaned up and dressed in these things we were told to put on shorts, socks and a shirt and shoes and were driven to a house where the men were at some others. They had the film and they played it . As the men watched it they passed Nicholas and I around as if we were toys ….

Alex Jones: Stay right there. This is what the New World Order wants to do to your kids.


I suspect Johnny Gosch is screwing Bush Jr then kiss and telling as revenge for Bush Sr kidnapping and raping him. "Gannon" is why Scooter Libby is under indictment, who was just following illegal orders from Cheney and Bush.

And to think that this is what Joss based his Firefly and Serenity on - George Bush Sr's CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch program of mind-kontrolled sex slaves and assassins. What does Joss know and when did he know it?

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Pirate News TV
Knoxville, Tennessee
Winner Best Music Video
"We Never Went to the Moon"
(no rocket exhaust as Apollo LEM "blasted off" from the "moon")
Los Angeles Music Awards 2005


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 8:25 AM


Well Ihave to say. It's an incredible story. A fiction writer would have problems selling it. I'm no fan of the current Republican party but A story of this magnitued must have concrete proof. I just can'nt conceive that A story this large could be kept underwraps in A political system that springs leaks like A rubber raft on breakers. One thing I find strange. Serving 27 years for perjury! Only murder 1 or child molesters get worse in this country on average. Strange indeed. I believe in god, so if this story has any truth, it will come out. If it's not that should be known too.



Tuesday, January 31, 2006 10:18 AM


America loves a winner!


this is one of the most important stories of our time

Right behind the following:

- Roswell crash site of an ALIEN space craft.

- The REAL Bigfoot story!

- Loch Ness Monster: From the land that time forgot?

- The seedy underworld of Gosling juggling!

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:26 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by jhance11:
Well Ihave to say. It's an incredible story. A fiction writer would have problems selling it.

"Of course fact is stranger than fiction. Fiction, after all, HAS to make sense."
-Mark Twain (aka Samual Clemens, member of Bohemian Grove)


Originally posted by jhance11:
I'm no fan of the current Republican party but A story of this magnitued must have concrete proof.

This testimony was proven as truth in courts of law, both civil and criminal. Larry King, who sang the National anthem at 2 Republican National Conventions for Bush Sr, was ordered by a judge and jury to pay $1-million to Paul Bonnaci for raping him, forcing him to deliver cocaine for Bush Sr and CIA, and participate in snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove for Bush Sr. Former Nebraska state senator John DeCamp was Bonnaci's lawyer. King was found guilty of the $40-million bank robbery of Franklin S&L in Nebraska. King is now out of prison and living in Washington DC on Embassy Row, where he previously ran a homosexual prostitute and extortion service for Bush Sr and CIA, using Paul Bonnaci for midnight tours of the Bush Sr White House. One of the homo pimps, Barney Frank, is now an openly homosexual US Congressman, despite being named as a pimp by dozens of artcles in the Washington Times. Franks pimp partner and roommate allegedly killed himself before going to prison.


Originally posted by jhance11:
I just can'nt conceive that A story this large could be kept underwraps in A political system that springs leaks like A rubber raft on breakers.

The story is out. You read it yourself, don't you remember?


Originally posted by jhance11:
Serving 27 years for perjury! Only murder 1 or child molesters get worse in this country on average.

The average sentence for murder in USA is less than 2 years. But selling an ounce of hemp can result in a life sentence (when not licensed by CIA). I personally got a US govt hitman (operative), serial killer, mass murderer, drug dealer with a false passport convicted of his 2nd murder and kidnapping, but he was paroled after 5 years (3 years before his earliest parole date). He was sentenced to 2 years for his first murder, when he shot an unarmed man at a gas station. Now this convicted killer is still employed by Gangsta Govt as a "confidential informant", visiting the district attorney's office on a regular basis, and the prosecutor who convicted him was fired, for daring to lock up a CIA employee of the Bush crime family.


Originally posted by jhance11:
if this story has any truth, it will come out.

These uncontested facts have been out of the closet for over 10 years. But if you wait for the Media Mafia to cram it down your gullet every day, then you'll be disappointed.


"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
—William Colby, Director CIA, assassinated 60,000 people via CIA Death Squads in Vietnam Wars with Phoenix Project ("drowned" in a suspicious "canoe crash" while cooking dinner in Washington DC, after telling GOP Senator John DeCamp to write his autobiography "The Franklin Coverup" about pedophile Bush Sr's snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove)

That's why I have a cable TV show, which costs me $25/year fee, where I report this crime every week to 110,000 homes, that the Bush Gang are a pack of homosexual pedophiles. My websites on this particular topic are getting over 15,000 visitors every day. If they want to sue me for libel, then I get to put them on the witness stand and ask them questions about their sexuality, which they have to answer under oath. But Bush's lawyers in Gangsta Govt always claim in courts that he has a legal right to rape little boys and girls "for treasons of national security".

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:42 PM



Originally posted by jhance11:
Well Ihave to say. It's an incredible story. A fiction writer would have problems selling it. I'm no fan of the current Republican party but A story of this magnitued must have concrete proof. I just can'nt conceive that A story this large could be kept underwraps in A political system that springs leaks like A rubber raft on breakers. One thing I find strange. Serving 27 years for perjury! Only murder 1 or child molesters get worse in this country on average. Strange indeed. I believe in god, so if this story has any truth, it will come out. If it's not that should be known too.


I agree with you that the story seems like something out of a fiction novel, but you know the old saying truth is stanger then fiction, Its precisely the fact that the story is sooo out there ,that some people have a hard time buying it.( do you think the people in government who are involved in this don't know or understand this)

There has been alot of evidence and testimony concerning this case,( believe me if their wasn't any evidence I wouldn't have even bothered posting it, not only is their evidence and eye witness testimony, but the story in its eary developing stages was reported on my several major news papers. at the very least it should be investigated, but then you have to figure, these people aren't going to have themselves investigated.


Only murder 1 or child molesters get worse in this country on average. Strange indeed. I believe in god, so if this story has any truth, it will come out. If it's not that should be known too

actually on average most child molesters serve 2 yrs for their crimes.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:44 PM


piratenews wrote:
Monday, January


.And to think that this is what Joss based his Firefly and Serenity on - George Bush Sr's CIA MKULTRA Project Monarch program of mind-kontrolled sex slaves and assassins. What does Joss know and when did he know it?

yes It wouldn't surprise me if Josh knew about this case, I'm sure he knows about MKUltra program


NOREEN GOSCH AND PAUL BONACCI MEET--Following Paul Bonacci confessing in 1989 to his part in the kidnapping of her son, Noreen Gosch met with him. Bonacci told her that her son was taken into a "ritual abuse/mind control program called the Monarch Program". He said that the children taken were used for pornography, prostitution and various other forms of abuse and control. This program was started and sanctioned by our government under the CIA MK-Ultra mind-control program, a cold war covert operation beginning after World War II following Operation Paperclip. In Operation Paperclip United States Intelligence brought over hundreds of Nazi scientists to further develop their mind control techniques and human robots developed in the concentration camps for the purpose of assassination, prostitution, drug smuggling, and other covert intelligence operations. (See web-sites on mind control below in section on Michael Aquino)

I read that excerpt from Paul Bonnacci's Diary. I plan on going to get the book the Franklin Cover up this week

my heart just bleeds for him and all the other children who were abused and rape,by these sicko's Bush included. I'm just beyond horrified words can't describe it.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:49 PM


I just sent off an e-mail to Noreen Gosch,

I just wanted to let her know, that I'll do whatever I can to help get this STORY out=there , I'll post it and talk about it to people, WHENEVER AND WHEREVER I can. I even told her I posted it on this board!!LOL

if anyone else who is interested in this stoy wants to send her a message the e-mail is posted on the Gunderson report or you can go to her web page

if I get a reply I'll post it.


Friday, February 3, 2006 1:31 PM



apprently Gannon over a 2 year period spent 196 days at the white house/ this is all offical and substanciated information

196 days people, some of which he spent the night

he had 12 over night sleepovers at the Whitehouse


Now that is has been discovered that "Jeff Gannon" (real name James D. Guckert), a "reporter" for Talon News Service, a front operation run by the conservative Republican-oriented, was using an alias as a cleared White House reporter, details are emerging that threaten to immerse the Bush administration in a major scandal.

"Gannongate," which is only now being mentioned by the mainstream news media, threatens to expose a potentially damaging GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring dating back to the 1980s and the administration of George H. W. Bush. James D. Guckert, using the name Jeff Gannon and possibly other aliases, was also running gay porn sites, one with a U.S. Marine Corps theme that solicited males for prostitution.


Mother Bulldog’s Amazing Adventures in the Monkey Palace

My secretary has taken the Secret Service “Gannon” logs and transcribed them for me. I am including a précis of this and suggest that the curious look at Bush’s official activities which can be found on unless they have been discreetly removed because of the obvious conclusions curious people will immediately arrive at…every time Gannon was loose in the Monkey Palace , the President was there. Many times, Karl Rove was not, giving the lie to the rumors that Fat Karl was having his ditch ploughed by the mighty Bulldog.


White House, Secret Service Stories on Gannon/Guckert Passes Don't Match

Posted May 27, 2005

Friday, White House press secretary Scott McClellan told ePluribus Media that his

office had never requested a 30-day security clearance for James D. Guckert,

aka "Jeff Gannon," directly contradicting a statement made earlier that day by

the U.S. Secret Service.


The Press Takes a Pass on 'Jeff Gannon"

By Carol Towarnicky

Posted May 9, 2005

IF A REPORTER who doubled as a gay hooker had visited the Clinton White House nearly 200 times, think it would have made the news?

If "Jeff Gannon"/James D. Guckert had been unveiled, so to speak, as a liberal imposter who lobbed softball questions at Clinton administration press briefings, he would be as infamous as Michael Schiavo.

And if 39 of those White House visits were mysteriously unrelated to his "reporting" duties, imagine what innuendoes would be issuing forth from Planet Limbaugh. Imagine the organized phone call campaign demanding newspapers and TV stations report the story.

But Gannon/Guckert isn't being unveiled or innuendoed or even blipped on media radar screens, even among liberals.


Has Johnny Gosch Been Found?
Posted May 8, 2005

In 1982, a paperboy named Johnny Gosch was kidnapped in

West Des Moines
For years, his disappearance made national headlines. And now, 23 years later
investigators are investigating new developments in Johnny’s case.

Gannon Secret Journal

Posted May 3, 2005

Much terror here in the Fag Palace. It seems that Democratic Reps. Louise Slaughter of New York and John Conyers of Michigan
filed a freedom of information request and were given Secret Service
records of Gannon/ Guckert’s visits to the White House. We now know that
the dangerously indiscreet and very unhappy Gannon kept what has been
called a “very frank and revealing” personal journal. Conyers and
Slaughter have previously indicated that Guckert's journal might contain
information of value to the Valerie Plame investigation if, in fact,
Guckert had been given some sort of access to documents related to the
Plame leaks.

Seems that our professional male prostitute, phony
“news” reporter and keeper of a Forbidden Journal, using a Secret Service
day pass, visited the White House 196 times in two years, and spent the
night 12 times! That’s right, spent the night 12 times.

Who did he spend the night with?


Secret Service records raise new questions about discredited conservative reporter

By John Byrne| RAW STORY Editor

Posted April 27, 2005

In what is unlikely to stem the controversy surrounding disgraced White House correspondent James Guckert, the Secret Service has furnished logs of the writer’s access to the White House after requests by two Democratic congressmembers.

On at least fourteen occasions, Secret Service records show either the entry or exit time missing. Generally, the existing entry or exit times correlate with press conferences; on most of these days, the records show that Guckert checked in but was never processed out.

In March, 2003, Guckert left the White House twice on days he had never checked in with the Secret Service. Over the next 22 months, Guckert failed to check out with the Service on fourteen days. On several of these visits, Guckert either entered or exited by a different entry/exit point than his usual one.


Resolution of Inquiry on GannonGate

Reps. Conyers, Slaughter, Thompson, Rangel and Waxman Author Resolution

of Inquiry on GannonGate

Ranking Members Determined to Get Answers

Resolution Will Force Cooperation, Unless Blocked by House Republicans

Washington, DC - The Ranking Members for House Committees on Rules, Judiciary, Government Reform, Homeland Security and Ways and Means have authored a Resolution of Inquiry, which would require the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security to turn over all documentation regarding James Guckert’s (AKA Jeff Gannon) regular access to the White House.


21 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee Moved to Block a Congressional Investigation

On March 16, 2005, a group of 21 Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee moved to block a Congressional investigation into how male escort Jeff "Bulldog" Gannon gained daily access to the White House for two years under a false name.


Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile
and male prostitution ring, by Wayne Madsen
Amber alert on Capitol Hill

Witness says abducted children--23 now dead--abused by
20-30 pedophile members of congress at child sex parties
held at Embassy Row mansion where Secret Service-secured
presidential limo was seen parked outside
By Tom Flocco


100% Confirmation Gannon/Guckert Is Johnny Gosch
From Tim White


GOP pedophilia and S&M trysts: A long history going back to Bush 41 and Reagan

By Wayne Madsen, Online Journal Contributing Writer

Special Report ,

As with their fascist fellow travelers in Hitler's Germany , Franco's Spain , and "The Colonels'" Greece , many of the fascists associated with the Bush family have a predilection for sex with children and young recruits within the U.S. military. However, since the 1980s, the Bush cabal has been able to keep the GOP's dark secrets away from the disinfectant of sunshine and media attention.


Bless the Beasts and the Children

Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide

by Tom Flocco

Hunter Thompson’s death and the news blackout of Rusty Nelson’s simultaneous arrest raise questions that someone may be attempting to limit Nelson’s freedom or threaten him, since according to testimony, both men had allegedly witnessed homosexual prostitution and pedophile criminal acts in a suppressed but far-reaching child sex-ring probe closely linked to Senate and House members--but also former President George H. W. Bush.


"Why is Bush so hostile to the idea of gay marriage? Perhaps because until 1987, George W. Bush was gay."

According to a group of 29 Yale classmates who comprise Gay Ivy Leaguers for Truth, Bush was "known to be at least sexually experimental throughout his time in college." One of Bush's alleged former boyfriends, Anthony Berusca (class of '70), told The Dallas Morning News that Bush was "deeply conflicted about being gay, even somewhat self-hating."


Conspiracy of Silence Video -- Implicating President George H. W. Bush

On May 3, 1994, this video was scheduled to be shown on the Discovery Channel. It was even listed in the TV Guide. However, several influential Congressman persuaded the channel not to air this program. Then, all copies of this video were destroyed. Now, you have a chance to watch this "damning" exposé of Republican hypocrisy and political corruption.


Who Is John DeCamp?

DeCamp served four terms in the state senate where he was described by The Omaha World Herald newspaper as the most powerful and effective member of the legislature. Since taking on his investigation of the Franklin Savings & Loan debacle and its connection to high-level criminal activity...


Hunter Thompson friend confirms journalist was on to White House callboy story


Attorney General Responsible for Killing Jeff Gannon Investigation Now In Direct Violation of U.S.Law

Commentary By Jeremy Floyd: Where was the Christian Coalition on this one?


Karl Rove Seen at Homosexual Orgies in Washington

Widespread and profligate homosexuality seems to be a characteristic of cultures in terminal decline. It was apparent in the imperial Ming dynasty shortly before its final collapse. It is evident around the British Royal House of Windsor which is waited upon by what has been described as a "homosexual mafia". It flourished in the final days of ancient Rome and now it seems to be surfacing in and around the White House.

Yov've got to see these pictures of George Bush jr. with Jeff Gannon/ Johnny Gosch, check out the link below


Friday, February 3, 2006 2:28 PM



I'm still researching, this boy sex pedophile ring that both Bush administrations are involved, and thats precisely because over 80% of the same people are back now in Bush jr administration

but and I must say even though I did find out about this last year, most of you probablly are already well aware of this but, John Hinkly jr the man who shot Ronald Regan his father, John Hinkly sr is good friends with Bush sr.

could it be the John Hinkly jr was part of the same brainwahing program that Johnny Gosch/ Jeff Gannon and quite a few of the other abused children were used in.

it can't be a coincidence that John Hinkly jr also has ties to the Bush administration.


The Reagans hate the Bushes since the Bush CIA crime family ate dinner with their CIA best friend John Hinkley Sr. the same week John Hinkley Jr. was arrested for shooting President Reagan, promoting Bush Sr. to president 8 years early.


Friday, February 3, 2006 2:54 PM


Rigorous Intuition

What you don't know can't hurt them

February 20, 2005

Call it Poppy's First Law of Incumbancy: a Bush in the White House means truth is stranger than science fiction. "imagine if my name had been Mungo," the President teased a Scottish farmboy the other day. Sure; why not? No more will I dash my imagination upon the rocks of his strange truth. So Mungo the Merciless it is.

The "Gannon" scandal is proving one helluva shape-shifter. GOP shill? - whoa! don't blink - pornographer? - nuh uh; too slow - rent boy.... Are we there yet? Maybe not.

There is some mindbending speculation afoot here that is quite likely, and after a fashion, half-cocked. But if correct, would establish more than the mere pattern recognition of the Craig Spence debacle.

What if "John Gannon" isn't really "James D Guckert"? (And why should he be, since he's lied about everything else?) What if he proves to be Johnny D Gosch?

In 1982, Gosch was a 12-year old Des Moines paperboy abducted into a paedophile ring which practiced ritual, Satanic abuse and enjoyed covert sanction. Paul Bonacci, himself a child victim to Omaha's Lawrence King of Franklin Credit Union notoriety, testified that he had helped lure Gosch from his paper route. "Evidence links this same porno/paedophile ring to the 80's 'congressional call boy scandal', money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more," says The Johnny Gosch Foundation:

Like so many others, before and since, Johnny was subjected to severe trauma and torture of a satanic and sexual nature, in order to intentionally destroy the conscious personality.... This intentional application of trauma is a systematic procedure used to control these victims, in order to use them in sexual slavery, pornography and more. In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha Nebraska, Noreen Gosch testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother's help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit.

Johnny, says his mother Noreen, is living under an assumed identity.

Gosch would be 35 or 36. "Gannon" claims to be 47. But his "male4male" escorts profile lists him as 31 in 2000. That would make him, today, 35, or 36.

Here is Gosch at 12, and "Gannon":

An "age progression enhanced" picture of Gosch, as he may have appeared at 18, and "Gannon":

And something just discovered here that makes the room seem to spin: Noreen Gosch appealed to the editor of the Des Moines Register, the paper Johnny delivered, about police negligence in her son's case. He printed her private letter on the front page in mockery, and invited the police to dissect it. The editor's name? James Gannon.

I was afraid to open up the newspaper each morning, because I didn’t know who would be attacking us next. Nor could I understand “why!” I kept asking this question daily how could they do this and why … what was their motives? Why would Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register encourage and assist in the attacks against parents to find their child. Today, we know many important people in business and in government are themselves pedophiles or for one reason or another are sympathetic to those who are.

Crazy? Yes. But we went through the looking glass a long time ago. So there's no reason why this shouldn't be right, unless it's dead wrong. posted by Jeff at 3:01 PM

Gannon/Guckert A Kidnapped Iowa Newspaper Boy?
February 21, 2005

Plenty of indicators within this Gannon/Guckert saga point to the possibility of there being some mind control element within it. For example, there are the many aliases of Gannon/Guckert which coincide with MK-Programming "Alters" or personalities. There is also the element of discretion - a prostitution ring can garuntee discretion if its workers are able to file waway certain portions of their memories as is characteristic of mind-control victims. You can learn more about mind-control programming as well as hear about the strange case of Johnny Gosch by listening here. It's totally speculative at this point, but perhaps Gannon/Guckert was a Manchurian Candidate.

Remarks by Reagan:

"May I just interject something on that subject here? There've been two tragedies in Iowa that have saddened us all. In 1982, young Johnny Gosch disappeared while delivering newspapers on his morning route in Des Moines. Then, just 6 weeks ago, another newspaper boy, Eugene Martin, also disappeared. Well, I want you to know that I've spoken with Jim Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register. We've pledged our full support in the search for these two boys."

Jeff Wells has been on a tear, digging up some very weird stuff on the Gannon/Guckert saga. Specifically, Wells is speculating that Jeff Gannon may be kidnapped Des Moines Register delivery boy, Johnny Gosch. There may be a mind-control angle to this story, as Wells has uncovered some strange coincidences, such as the fact that the Editor of the Des Moines Register back when little Johnny was kidnapped was a man named James P. Gannon. What is Wells insinuating? Possibly that Gannon may have covered up for the kidnappers of Johnny Gosch.

If there is a mind control element, Michael Aquino is the connection here.

On February 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that "the evidence presented was credible."

During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted all of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers that millions of children in American face from this hideous, literally Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened," she told the court.

"What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold War because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.

"It was very successful. They could do it very well."

Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.

"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."

She continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."

Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."

Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."

From an interview with Johnny's mom, we see that Johnny was kidnapped and then auctioned off. She knew about this after Johnny visited her late one night to tell her that he was okay.

The key to this whole scandal involving Johnny and the Franklin affair and all of this child kidnapping and molestation is the very scary story of “mind control” experiments conducted by our own government agencies and those of foreign intelligence agencies.

Yes, it is. In my book, I tell the story of Michael Aquino [head of the Satanic cult, the Temple of Set]. You see, when Johnny was taken away, he was taken to a farmhouse and kept there for two weeks. After those two weeks, Johnny was sold for a sum of money. A man they called “the colonel,” came and took Johnny to Colorado. Paul Bonacci identified that man as Col. Michael Aquino. Aquino was involved in “psy-ops” and “mind war” experimentation for the U.S. government. He had a hand in developing mind control.

Unfortunately they began to experiment on men in the services—this is the concept of “The Manchurian Candidate”—one that could be turned into a killing machine and never remember, programmed by key words and phrases. Then they decided to experiment on prisoners in prisons. . . .

The film Conspiracy of Silence was due to be aired in the United States on the Discovery Channel in May of 1994 and then just before airtime, it was pulled. Sometime later John DeCamp received a copy in the mail and he made it available to me. The BBC was ordered to destroy all copies.

Yet, a BBC employee, who was so shocked at this story and the censorship, made a copy and got it out to John DeCamp. It is said that the BBC was paid $500,000 not to air the documentary.

I imagine somebody in the United States did not want this story coming out, since it went all the way to the top in Washington. The video shows Paul Rodriguez, a reporter at The Washington Times, talking about the articles that were all written concerning certain congressmen and the call-boy service that was operating there.

You received a remarkable visit in your home.

There was a knock at my door at about 2:30 a.m. I went to the door and I could see through the peephole that there was a young man outside. I said, “Who’s there?” He said, “It’s me, mom. It’s Johnny.” I could see that there was someone with him, but I let them in. I don’t know who the other young man was. I asked, but he declined to tell me.

Johnny would have been about 24 years old at this point. What did he tell you?

It was very emotional. I asked if I could call someone to come and help us, thinking that he was home to stay. But Johnny was so terrified. He said, “You don’t understand. You can’t call anyone. No one can know that I’ve been here. If you do, my life is in danger and yours might be, too. They will kill me for what I know.”

Instead of pushing this issue, I said to myself, “No, I’m going to let him talk and tell me what’s happened.” So during our hour-and-a-half time that we had together. I learned a lot. I asked him names of people. I asked him how they did their organization. What type of things did they do? What methods did they use to traffic in children?

He was here in 1997, but I kept silent for two years and didn’t tell anyone about his visit until 1999 when I was on the witness stand testifying for Paul Bonacci in his civil case. But what I had done in the meantime was to make an appointment with the county attorney. I went in and told him that I had information from an informant. I gave the county attorney the names of the people involved and how the organization worked and asked him to begin an investigation. I did not tell him that the informant was my son.


Friday, February 3, 2006 3:14 PM


more stuff about MK or mind control in the CIA

An integral part of MK-Ultra is Project Monarch perhaps the most damning episode in the history of mind control, whereby the minds of women and children are brutally taken over in order to provide paedophiles, politicians, criminals and practising Satanists with willing sex slaves who could also double as covert operatives by having their personalities and memories switched on and off at will. (See also Further Examples of Manipulation ? Satanists)

The details of this horrific plan by the Elite to take over the planet through mass mind-control have come from the ex CIA mind-controlled slave, Cathy O'Brien, and are described in harrowing detail in her book Trance Formation Of America. After a lifetime in the clutches of the MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind-control program she became what is known as a 'Presidential Model', a sex slave used specifically by the presidents for perverted abuse. Her abusers include the presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush as well as a host of other key US politicians. These fiends would routinely torture and rape her and later her daughter, Kelly, for personal gratification whilst using drugs and electric shock trauma to further compartmentalise her memory of such events in order to hide their actions. Because of her status and entirely programmable mind Cathy was used in many major political/criminal covert operations and was used to pass on Top Secret information in such affairs as the Iran-Contra deals.

Cathy's life began as the victim of multigenerational paedophilic incest. Her first memory in life is being choked by her father's penis in her throat. This initial trauma began to cause her mind to compartmentalise into separate personalities which could deal with traumatic situations, as a mental survival tool, whilst her 'normal' personality was left to deal with everyday events. Her mind dissociated from the memory of abuse whilst developing another personality which belonged to her father and was triggered on the sight of his arousal. This was the beginning of the creation within Cathy's psyche of a phenomenon known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

One side-effect of MPD is the creation of a photographic memory. Since her rescue and de-programming in 1988, Cathy has been able to recall in stunning detail every encounter with her adversaries and their sordid plans for world domination. These were freely revealed to Cathy by leading US politicians and criminals over a number of years whilst presuming that their high-tech programming could never be interfered with and it was therefore safe to do so. Another side-effect of the programming is the development of a visual acuity which is 44 times that of the average person.

Subsequent abuse came daily from her father and uncles who had also been victims of paedophile parents. Separate personalities were created for each situation, whilst Cathy was still little more than a toddler.

Her Uncle Bob, a regular paedophilic abuser, often boasted to her that he was a pilot in Air Force Intelligence and worked for the Vatican. It was Bob who first introduced Cathy to child pornographer and head of the local Michigan Mafia, Gerald Ford (of the Warren Commission who investigated the death of JFK, and later became President of the US after Nixon). Ford had begun recruiting 'Multigenerational incest abused children with MPD for its genetic mind-control studies', a Top Secret Defence Intelligence Agency project. By selling Cathy into this programme, her father gained immunity from prosecution having recently been caught selling pornography which involved Cathy and her pet boxer dog, Buster.

Her father was soon enrolled on a two week course at Harvard where he was taught his role in preparing Cathy for the project. He then returned home to enthusiastically announce that the family would be having more children. Cathy now has two sisters and four brothers; each victims of paedophilic abuse.

Preparation for The Project was based upon continual trauma, food and water deprivation, sensory deprivation and included constantly slave driving Cathy into exhaustion just like Cinderella. She was repeatedly prostituted to local Freemasons, police, a Catholic priest, Satanists and relatives in order that she further dissociated and enforced the realisation that there was no place to run and hide. She was also prostituted to Michigan State Senator, Guy VanderJagt (later US Congressman and chairman of the Republican National Congressional Committee which appointed George Bush as president) who gave her a Rosy Cross necklace and told her that he and her Uncle Bob had been to the Vatican where the secrets of other dimensions of existence were kept. On one occasion, both he and Ford brutally raped her in an horrific threesome backstage at a political parade; they then took the stage in front of the crowd which included all of Cathy's schoolmates to present her with a US flag which only moments previously they had inserted into her rectum.

Despite these daily horrors she excelled at her studies; due mainly to her photographic memory. No one had any idea that any of this was going on.

In 1968, VanderJagt introduced Cathy to the Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau who then abused her and used her for porn involving a French poodle which he had given her as a pet.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 11:52 PM


Bumping this thread up until its next update


Friday, February 10, 2006 7:34 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I just finished Cathy O'Brien's 2nd book, "Access Denied for Reasons of National Security". It's great to know that Tennessee judges authorize pedophilia, and "exorcisms of MPD conducted by Satanists", "for (t)reasons of national security", especially when George Bush Sr and Ron Reagan Sr are involved. (Is that why Ron Reagan Jr is a gay ballet dancer?) O'Brien reported that the "autobiography" "Thanks for the Memories" by MPD incest victim "Brice Taylor" (aka Dr Susan Ford) is stolen fiction, based mainly on info from O'Brien, from when Ford lived with O'Brien.


Susan Ford's False Memory Scam

by John Lee Reviews

Brice Taylor's actual name is Sue Ford, a Beverly Hills debutant, and victim of incest and perhaps Multiple Personality Disorder, now named Dissociative Identity Disorder in DSM-IV. Ford got her degree in psychology before she "recovered" her memories, and perhaps was falsely influenced by reading other people's life stories. According to Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, in their 2004 book "Access Denied for Reasons of National Security", Ford stole the fictionalized novel from her "ex-roommate" and its ghost writer, Rod Robinson (also a victim of incest and perhaps DID/MPD. Robinson told O'Brien, "I am an author writing a FICTIONAL book on mind control that incorporates much of the information Sue was able to obtain THROUGH HER THERAPIST," (NOT from Sue herself). This book was never about Sue Ford, aka "Brice Taylor". It is more based on the life of Cathy O'Brien, who collaborated on the facts of her deprogramming for which Robinson's novel is loosely based. Ford paid Phillips $500/month rent in return for living with him and O'Brien and Phillip's brain-damaged mother, but Ford claims to have paid Phillips $75,000. After reading Ford's so-called notes of her memories, Phillips wrote, "she either is deliberately perpetrating fraud or is indeed the victim of false memories from her therapists." O'Brien's daughter is also named Kelly, who was kidnapped into a Satanic cult run by the state of Tennessee, and a Nazi electroshock hospital run by Vanderbilt University, and scheduled for a court-ordered "exorcism by Satanists" (oxymoron). "Laws do not apply for reasons of national security", according to Judge Andrew Shookhoff, ignoring the Tennessee legislature's new law in O'Brien's daughter's name. When Robinson said he was almost finished writing his novel, Ford replied, "Since my experience was only incest, I guess I have nothing to contribute.... I want my name on the cover." Robinson replied, "If you'll do the legwork on getting the book printed and pay half the printing cost, you can add your name to the cover." "Really? My name can be on the cover of STARSHINE?", she asked. Robinson replied, "Right after mine. You've got the manuscript right there. When you solidify the deal the deal to have it printed, I'll wire you half the money." O'Brien asked her why she wanted to use an alias on the book, wondering why a person with DID would want a new identity. "For legal reasons," Ford replied. "It never occurred to me, Mark or Rod that Sue would eventually remove Rod's name from his book entirely, ironically change the title to "Thanks for the Memories", and keep all the sales profits," O'Brien wrote. "She plans to release Rod's fiction book as her reality, so she can use mind control as a defense to any crime. We asked her to leave immediately." So "Brice Taylor's" book is useful, at least for general background on CIA' MKULTRA, and background on O'Brien's first book, "Trance Formation of America".

On Monday I have "traffic court" in Blount County, on a street named for Lamar Alexander, current US senator from Tennessee, former governor, former president University of Tennessee, former US presidential candidate. Bill Clinton-Blythe IV (Rockefeller) and Al Gore II called Alexander "the sleaziest politician in America". Cathy O'Brien testified that Alexander raped her into a coma by oral rape until she suffocated, which is a common way to murder MKULTRA Monarch slaves, especially children. Over $1-billion/year in CIA cocaine goes through this county, according to FBI, court records and newspapers, since Iran-Contra in the 1980s. Blount County and Tennessee legaislature named Interstate I-140 for an alcoholic convicted hit-and-run killer and crack cocaine kingpin named Senator Carl Koella. And I found out my judge is an alcoholic cokehead, and the appeals judge ins in the Gay Mafia (ie the Bush Gang). What is the heinous crime I'm defending myself for? Driving safely at 25mph!

As for Dick Cheney raping O'Brien and dislocating her jaw during oral sex, and Cheney and Scalia hunting naked women in the woods in "The Most Dangerous Game", check out "Big Dick" in the Milwaukee newspaper:

Note that Cheney obviously gets excited by little girls. According to Keith Olbermann on MSNBC TV, there's a company in Las Vegas that really does let hunters shoot naked prostitutes in the woods, but with paintballs not bullets.

BTW, Hunter S Thompson was the video cameraman for the snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove presidential retreat and homosexual nudist colony, as Bonnaci testified in court, winning $1-million from Larry King. King sang 2 National Anthems at Republican National Conventions for Reagan/Bush Sr. Thompson allegedly murdered himself, the same week Gannon/Guckert/Gosch was outed as a homohooker at the Bush Jr White House. Bonnaci is one of the kidnappers of Johnny Gosch/Guckert/Gannon in 1982.

"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain."
-Dr. T, censored Serenity pilot

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Saturday, February 11, 2006 10:12 PM


I went to Barnes and Noble the other day to order the book the Franklin cover up, but they informed me that its not available because its out of print, so its probably going to be awhile before I can get it, I'm sure I'll be able to get a copy through Amazon or Albris, but I hate purchasing off the internet.

Nothing that Dick Cheny or alot of the other crimnals do that are in the Bush admistration surprises me.

btw since you seem to be up on alot of news, I heard on the Ed Schultz show, that Halliburton under one of their subsidies have been given a 300 billion dollar contract to start building detention camps. sounds like something right out of the Nazi play book have you heard anything about it.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:56 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by piratejenny:
I went to Barnes and Noble the other day to order the book the Franklin cover up, but they informed me that its not available because its out of print, so its probably going to be awhile before I can get it, I'm sure I'll be able to get a copy through Amazon or Albris, but I hate purchasing off the internet.

You can get a copy from (not listed in alphabetical order). That's where I got mine. He has many great books, such as President John Q Adams' book "Letters on Freemasonry", about the Masonic kidnapping/torture/assassination of Captain Morgan, and Masonic corruption of the entire US political and legislative systems, vie death oaths to kill any member who refuses to perjur themselves in court to protect another Masonic criminal. Marrs also has a free monthly newsletter that's excellent. Professor/Pastor Texe Marrs was a Captain in USAF Intelligence (an Operative like Shepherd Book). He's written bunches of books and produced many videos, and his radio show is on worldwide shortwave right now, WWCR 5.070MHz in Nashville TN.


Nothing that Dick Cheny or alot of the other crimnals do that are in the Bush admistration surprises me.

Man Shot By Cheney 'Doing Fine'

Cheney "Accidentally" Shoots Fellow Hunter

Cheney goes on a rampage!!



Knowing Cheney, it was probably on purpose, just for fun, like his "Most Dangerous Game" with Cathy O'Brien...

I'm glad my wife turned down Cheney's bribe, er, job offer to work for him at Pentagon when he was Secretary of War in 1992. He probably would have killed her. As it was, she had 4 heart attacks at age 32, when she retired in 1993, thanks to "Gulf War Vaccine Syndrome".


btw since you seem to be up on alot of news, I heard on the Ed Schultz show, that Halliburton under one of their subsidies have been given a 300 billion dollar contract to start building detention camps. sounds like something right out of the Nazi play book have you heard anything about it.

That's what my wife blew the whistle on in USAF, was massive contract fraud, and "disappearance" of US/NATO weapons stockpiles during Iran-Contra (given to Iraq and Iran). Over $4-TRILLION has been looted so far from Pentagon CAFR pension funds since 2001. Sir Don Rumsfeld Knight of the British Empire refused to answer questions about this from Rep Cynthia McKinney:

Video Download:

"Now for you, you see that my reputation is not gossip.... Now for you, my reputation is FACT."
-Miska (MIShpucKA Mafia = Jewish Mafiya), Train Job

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:39 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's some relevant corroboration this week, after Dick Cheney shot a lawyer in the head while drunk:

Video News Downloads of Dead-Eye Dick:



to the tune of "Janie's Got a Gun" by Aerosmith

Flash animation and lyrics by the Bob Rivers Show with Tooned In.

Note the beer cans.






"Cheney was half lying across the plain military issue style desk in an apparent drug stupor as Bush talked. Still wearing his hunting coat and hat, Cheney aimed his rifle at me from the desk and threatened, 'Or a-hunting we will go.' Bush finished Cheney's threat by singing, 'We'll catch a fox and put her in a box and lower her in a hole.' Bush looked at Cheney and burst out laughing. The sight of him dressed in his hunting clothes with a huge bore double-barreled shotgun to his shoulder inspired Bush to tell him he 'looked like Elmer Fudd.' Cheney, imitating the cartoon character, said, 'Where is that waskily wabbit?'"
-Cathy O'Brien, TRANCE Formation of America

Relevant EXCERPT from TRANCE Formation of America, by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, as testified in Tennessee Courts, and pedophilia was ordered LEGAL by judges "for (t)reasons of national security":


A Most Dangerous Game

During Christmas vacation of 1974, my father flew us all to Disney World by route of Tampa, Florida. Ignorant of geography, it did not occur to me that Tampa was out of the way to Disney World until my father drove the rented van to the gates of MacDill Air Force Base. Military personnel met me there and escorted me into the base TOP SECRET high tech mind control conditioning facility for "behavioral modification" programming. This was the first in what became a routine series of mind control testing and/or programming sessions on government installations that I would endure throughout my Project Monarch victimization.

Whether I was in a military, NASA, or government building, the procedure for maintaining me under total mind control remained consistent with Project Monarch requirements. This included prior physical and/or psychological trauma; sleep, food, and water deprivation; high voltage electric shock; and hypnotic and/or harmonic programming of specific memory compartments/ personalities. The high tech equipment and methodisms I endured from that time on gave the U.S. government absolute control of my mind and life. I had been literally driven out of my conscious mind and existed only through my programmed subconscious. I lost my free will, ability to reason, and could not think to question anything that was happening to me. I could only do as I was told.

In the summer of 1975 (when I was 17 years old), my family drove all the way from Michigan to the Teton Mountains of Wyoming. I was ordered to ride in the back storage area of the family Chevy Suburban since I was forbidden to associate or communicate with my brothers and sister. So I dissociated into books, or into the metaphorical, hypnotic suggestions from my father and tranced deeper as I watched the prairie's seemingly endless sea of "amber waves of grain" streak past my window. Once when we stopped at a gas station, my father took me inside to show me a stuffed "jackalope" mounted on the wall. Due to my tranced, dissociative state and high suggestibility level, I believed it was indeed a cross between a jack rabbit and antelope. It was 100+ degrees in the Badlands when it cooled down at night. The intense heat of the day accentuated my ever increasing thirst. My father was physically preparing me though water deprivation for the intense tortures and programming I would endure in Wyoming.

Dick Cheney, then White House Chief of Staff to President (Gerald "Magic Bullet") Ford (Ford was a pedophile pornographer in the Michigan Mafia, who first recruited me into CIA's MKULTRA Project Monarch program - "Ford" was born Leslie Lynch King Jr according to, later Secretary of Defense to President George Bush, documented member of the Council on Foreign relations (CFR), and Presidential hopeful for 1996, was originally Wyoming's only Congressman. Dick Cheney was the reason my family had traveled to Wyoming where I endured yet another form of brutality -- his version of "A Most Dangerous Game," or human hunting.

It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and other slaves known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide," as well as traumatize the victim for ensuing programming. It was my experience over the years that A Most Dangerous Game had numerous variations on the primary theme of being stripped naked and turned loose in the wilderness while being hunted by men and dogs. In reality, all "wilderness" areas were enclosed in secure military fencing whereby it was only a matter of time until I was caught, repeatedly raped, and tortured.

Dick Cheney had an apparent addiction to the "thrill of the sport." He appeared obsessed with playing A Most Dangerous Game as a means of traumatizing mind control victims, as well as to satisfy his own perverse sexual kinks. My introduction to the game occurred upon arrival at the hunting lodge near Greybull, Wyoming, and it physically and psychologically devastated me. I was sufficiently traumatized for Cheney's programming, as I stood naked in his hunting lodge office after being hunted down and caught. Cheney was talking as he paced around me, "I could stuff you and mount you like a jackalope and call you a two legged dear. Or I could stuff you with this (he unzipped his pants to reveal his oversized penis) right down your throat, and then mount you. Which do you prefer?"

Blood and sweat became mixed with the dirt on my body and slid like mud down my legs and shoulder. I throbbed with exhaustion and pain as I stood unable to think to answer such a question. "Make up your mind," Cheney coaxed. Unable to speak, I remained silent. "You don't get a choice, anyway. I make up your mind for you. That's why you're here. For me to make you a mind, and make you mine/mind. You lost your mind a long time ago. Now I'm going to give you one. Just like the Wizard (of Oz) gave Scarecrow a brain, the Yellow Brick Road led you here to me. You've 'come such a long, long way' for your brain, and I will give you one."

The blood reached my shoes and caught my attention. Had I been further along in my programming, I perhaps would never have noticed such a thing or had the capability to think to wipe it away. But so far, I had only been to MacDill and Disney World for government/military programming. At last, when I could speak, I begged, "If you don't mind, can I please use your bathroom?"

Cheney's face turned red with rage. He was on me in an instant, slamming my back into the wall with one arm across my chest and his hand on my throat, choking me while applying pressure to the carotid artery in my neck with his thumb. His eyes bulged and he spit as he growled, "If you don't mind me, I will kill you. I could kill you -- Kill you -- with my bare hands. You're not the first and you won't be the last. I'll kill you any time I goddamn well please." He flung me on the cot-type bed that as behind me. There he finished taking his rage out on me sexually.

On the long trip back to Michigan, I lay in a heap behind the seats of the Suburban, nauseated and hurting from Cheney's brutality and high voltage tortures, plus the whole Wyoming experience. My father stopped by the waterfalls flowing through the Tetons to "wash my brain" of the memory of Cheney. I could barely walk through the woods to the falls for the process as instructed, despite having learned my lessons well from Cheney on following orders.

The next year when our "annual" trip to Disney World rolled around, my father drove, pulling his new Holiday Rambler Royale International trailer. My father dropped me off en route at the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, Florida where I was subjected to my first NASA programming. From then on, I was "obsessed" with following the "Yellow Brick Road" to Nashville, Tennessee. Moving to Nashville was all I could talk about. If anyone asked me the question I could not think to ask myself "Why?", I would respond by reiterating it was something "I had to do."


The Most Dangerous Game: Revisited

George Bush was highly active in the Lampe, Missouri and Mount Shasta, California retreat compounds. Just like Lampe, Shasta's cover was country music. According to everyone I knew, singer and songwriter Merle Haggard supposedly ran the show at Lake Shasta, diverting any and all attention from the nearby Mount Shasta compound. Shasta was the largest covert mind control slave camp of which I am aware. Hidden in the wooded hills, military fencing corrals an enormous fleet of unmarked black helicopters and more mind controlled military robots than I saw in all of Haiti. This covert military operation served its own agenda, not America's. I was told and overheard that it was a base for the future Multi Jurisdictional Police Force for enforcing order and law in the New World Order. In the center of the high security compound, was another well-guarded military-fenced area that was regarded as a "Camp David" of sorts for those running our country. George Bush and Dick Cheney shared an office there, and claimed the outer perimeter woods as their own hunting ground where they played "A Most Dangerous Game." Predicated on conversations I overheard between the two, it was this world police military background that earned Dick Cheney his cabinet appointment as Secretary of Defense with the Bush Administration.

Houston stayed at Haggard's Lake Shasta resort while Kelly and I were helicoptered to Mount Shasta for our scheduled meeting with Bush and Cheney. The helicopter pilot directed our attention to the military fencing surrounding the outer perimeter of the compound. Rarely did pilots ever speak to either of us, but this one smiled wickedly as he told us we would need to know the outer limits for A Most Dangerous Game.

As soon as we arrived at Bush and Cheney's inner sanctum, noticed George Bush, Jr. was with them. It was my experience that Jr. stood by his father and covered his backside whenever Bush would become incapacitated from drugs or required criminal back up. It appeared that Jr. was there to serve both purposes, while his father and Cheney enjoyed their work-vacation.

Hyper from drugs, Cheney and Bush were eager to hunt their human prey in "A Most Dangerous Game." They greeted me with the rules of the game, ordered me to strip naked despite the cold December winds, and told me in Oz cryptic to "beware of the lions and tigers and bears." (6-year-old) Kelly's life became the stakes, as usual, which resurrected my natural and exaggerated programmed maternal instincts. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as Bush told me, "If we catch you, Kelly's mine (for pedophilia). So run, run as fast as you can. I'll get you and your little girl, too, because I can, I can, I can. And I will." Cheney, daring me to respond, asked, "Any questions?"

I said, "There's no place to run because there's a fence -- the kind I can't get over. I saw it."

Rather than physically assault me, Cheney laughed at my sense of "no where to run, no where to hide" and explained that a bear had torn a hole in the fence somewhere, and all I had to do is find it. He lowered his rifle to my head and said, "Let the games begin. Go."

Wearing only my tennis shoes, I ran through the trees as fast and as far as I could, which wasn't very far at all. Bush was using his bird dog to track me, the same one that had recently been used with me in bestiality filming as a "Byrd-dog" joke on my owner, Senator Robert C. Byrd. When caught, Cheney held his gun to my head again as he stood over me, looking warm in his sheep skin coat. Bush ordered me to take his dog sexually while they watched, then he and Cheney ushered me back to their cabin.

I pulled on my clothes and sat in the office part of the cabin awaiting instructions. I had no idea where Kelly was, nor do I in retrospect. Bush and Cheney were still in their hunting clothes when the programming session began. Bush said, "You and I are about to embark on a most dangerous game of diplomatic relations. This is my game. You will follow my rules. I will have the distinct advantage of hunting you with my Eye in the Sky (satellite). I'll watch every move you make. As long as you play the game by my rules and make no mistakes, you live. One mistake and I'll get you, my pretty, and your little girl, too. You die, and Kelly will have to play with me. I prefer it that way. Then it will be her most dangerous game. The cards are stacked in my favor because, well, it is my game! Are you game?"

There was no choice. I responded as conditioned, "Yes, Sir! I'm game." The parallels to the Most Dangerous game that had just occurred in the woods were deliberate and intended to make retrieval of memory "impossible" due to crypto-amnesia scrambling.

"Good. Then let the games begin. Listen carefully to your instructions. You have no room for error." Cheney flipped his "game timer" -- an hourglass. Bush continued, "This game is called the King and Eye, and here's the deal. You will be establishing stronger diplomatic relations according to order between Mexico, the U.S., and the Middle East (for drug running and slave trading). Your role will require a change of face at each new place. I'll chart your course, define your role, and pull your strings. You'll speak my words when I pull your strings. There is no room for error."

Cheney was half lying across the plain military issue style desk in an apparent drug stupor as Bush talked. Still wearing his hunting coat and hat, Cheney aimed his rifle at me from the desk and threatened, "Or a-hunting we will go." Bush finished Cheney's threat by singing, "We'll catch a fox and put her in a box and lower her in a hole."

Bush looked at Cheney and burst out laughing. The sight of him dressed in his hunting clothes with a huge bore double-barreled shotgun to his shoulder inspired Bush to tell him he "looked like Elmer Fudd." Cheney, imitating the cartoon character, said, "Where is that waskily wabbit?"

Operation The King and Eye would involve Reagan's #1 envoy Philip Habib (who cryptically played the Alice in Wonderland role of the White Rabbit with slaves such as myself) and Saudi Arabian King Fahd. So when Bush referred to the two as "Elmer Fahd and the Waskily Wabbit," he and Cheney laughed until they cried. Since both were already high from drugs anyway, they had a great deal of difficulty maintaining composure long enough to complete my programming.

read more excerpts:

VIDEO: British Marines Filmed Making Recruits Fight Naked (2005)

FOX VIDEO: Vegas 'Game' Has Men Hunting Nude Women
"A new Las Vegas game gets thrill-seekers out of the casinos and into the great wide open — to shoot naked women with paintball guns. In 'Hunting for Bambi,' men pay $10,000 each for the challenge of tracking the women, who are nude except for sneakers, and trying to blast them with colored paint. According to the site, the hunters also have the option of mounting their prey when they're done — and having sex with the women. Women's groups and legal experts are, not surprisingly, up in arms over the cruel game. 'I couldn't quite believe it. The site advertised this as really hurting people,' said legal expert Susan Estrich on Fox News. 'They're violating about 20 criminal laws, including assault.' The National Organization for Women has also spoken out against the game. 'It's appalling, and it's really frightening,' Rita Haley, president of NOW's New York City chapter, told the New York Post. 'It says something about the men who want to play this game and something about the financial climate that drives women to participate. The big fear is that somebody who plays will eventually want to use real bullets.'",2933,92070,00.html

VIDEO: Hunting for Bambi
Men Hunting Naked Women. It's About F**k'n Time!

Tennessee Code §44-8-410
Every owner of a bitch is required to confine the same for twenty-four (24) days during the time the bitch is proud.

Tennessee Code §44-8-411
Any person crippling, killing, or in any way destroying a proud bitch that is running at large shall not be held liable for the damages due to such killing or destruction.

"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain."
-Dr. T, censored Serenity pilot

I'm glad my wife turned down Cheney's job offer to work directly for him as SecDef at Pentagon in 1992:

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, STM, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Monday, February 27, 2006 10:36 PM




Wednesday, March 1, 2006 12:18 PM


are there any reputable sources for this story? Any newspapaers or websites of note? CNN, Washington Post, New York Times...

liberal or conservative....

anything credible?

I'd like to know if there is.



Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:37 PM



Originally posted by zeke023:
are there any reputable sources for this story? Any newspapaers or websites of note? CNN, Washington Post, New York Times...

liberal or conservative....

anything credible?

I'd like to know if there is.


yes try some of the links at the top, in its early stages the story was reported by several major news papers including the Washington Post, google franklin Coverup and you should come up with something. There is plenty of substansiated and reported evidence and testimony concerning this.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:17 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by zeke023:
are there any reputable sources for this story? Any newspapaers or websites of note? CNN, Washington Post, New York Times...

liberal or conservative....

anything credible?

I'd like to know if there is.


yes try some of the links at the top, in its early stages the story was reported by several major news papers including the Washington Post, google franklin Coverup and you should come up with something. There is plenty of substansiated and reported evidence and testimony concerning this.



Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:42 PM


George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin


Chapter -XXI- Omaha

On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital. ``Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker ``Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.''

The Times reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

The exposeé centered on the role of one Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker known for his lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Spence was well connected. He celebrated Independence Day 1988 by conducting a midnight tour of the White House in the company of two teenage male prostitutes among others in his party.

Rumors circulated that a list existed of some 200 Washington prominents who had used the call boy service. The Number Two in charge of personnel affairs at the White House, who was responsible for filling all the top civil service posts in the federal bureaucracy, and Secretary of Labor Elizabeth Dole's chief of staff, were two individuals publicly identified as patrons of the call boy ring.

Two of the ring's call boys were allegedly KGB operatives, according to a retired general from the Defense Intelligence Agency interviewed by the press. But the evidence seemed to point to a CIA sexual blackmail operation, instead. Spence's entire mansion was covered with hidden microphones, two-way mirrors and video cameras, ever ready to capture the indiscretions of Washington's high, mighty and perverse. The political criteria for proper sexual comportment had long been established in Washington: Any kinkiness goes, so long as you don't get caught. The popular proverb was that the only way a politician could hurt his career was if he were ``caught with a dead woman or a live boy'' in his bed.

Months after the scandal had died down, and a few weeks before he allegedly committed suicide, Spence was asked who had given him the ``key'' to the White House. The Washington Times reported that ``Mr. Spence hinted the tours were arranged by `top level' persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush''@s1 and later U.S. ambassador to South Korea.

We have already had occasion to examine Don Gregg's role in Iran-Contra, and have observed his curious performance when testifying under oath before congressional committees. Gregg indignantly denied any connection to Spence, yet it is public record that Spence had sponsored a dinner in Gregg's honor in the spring of 1989 at Washington's posh Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown.

George Bush was less than pleased with the media coverage of the prostitution charges and kept abreast of the scandal as it mushroomed. The Washington Times reported in an article titled ``White House Mute on Call Boy Scandal,'' that ``White House sources confirmed that President Bush has followed the story of the late night visit and Mr. Spence's links to a homosexual prostitution ring under investigation by federal authorities since they were disclosed June 29 in the Washington Times. But top officials will not discuss the story's substance, reportedly even among themselves.

``Press officers have rebuffed repeated requests to obtain Mr. Bush's reaction and decline to discuss investigations or fall out from the disclosures.''@s2 By midsummer, the scandal had been buried. The President had managed to avoid giving a single press conference where he would surely have been asked to comment.

As the call boy ring affair dominated the cocktail gossip circuit in Washington, another scandal, halfway across the country in the state of Nebraska, peaked. Again this scandal knocked on the President's door.

A black Republican who had been a leader in organizing minority support for the President's 1988 campaign and who proudly displayed a photo of himself and the President, arm in arm, in his Omaha home, was at the center of a sex and money scandal that continues to rock the Cornhusker state.

The scandal originated with the collapse of the minority-oriented Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, directed by Lawrence E. King, Jr., a nationally influential black Republican who sang the national anthem at both the 1984 and 1988 Republican conventions. King became the subject of the Nebraska Senate's investigation conducted by the specially created ``Franklin Committee'' to probe charges of embezzlement. In November 1988, King's offices were raided by the FBI and $40 million was discovered missing. Within weeks, the Nebraska Senate, which initially opened the inquiry to find out where the money had gone, instead found itself questioning young adults and teenagers who said that they had been child prostitutes. Social workers and state child-care administrators accused King of running a child prostitution ring. The charges grew with the former police chief of Omaha, the publisher of the state's largest daily newspaper, and several other political associates of King, finding themselves accused of patronizing the child prostitution ring.

King is now serving a 15-year federal prison sentence for defrauding the Omaha-based credit union. But the magazines Avvenimenti of Italy and Pronto of Spain, among others, have charged that King's crimes were more serious: that he ran a national child prostitution ring that serviced the political and business elite of both Republican and Democratic parties. Child victims of King's operations charged him with participation in at least one satanic ritual murder of a child several years ago. The Washington Post, New York Times, Village Voice and National Law Journal covered the full range of accusations after the story broke in November of 1988. King's money machinations were also linked to the Iran-Contra affair, and some say that King provided the CIA with information garnered from his alleged activities as a ``pimp'' for the high and mighty.

Pronto, the Barcelona-based, largest circulation weekly in Spain with 4.5 million readers, reported that the Lawrence E. King child prostitution scandal ``appears to directly implicate politicos of the state of Nebraska and Washington, D.C. who are very close to the White House and George Bush himself.''

The weekly stated that Roy Stephens, a private investigator who has worked on the case and heads the Missing Youth Foundation, ``says there is reason to believe that the CIA is directly implicated,'' and that the ``FBI refuses to help in the investigation and has sabotaged any efforts'' to get to the bottom of the story. Stephens says that ``Paul Bonnacci directly accused President Bush of being implicated'' in the affair when he testified before the Franklin Committee.@s3 Bonnacci, who had been one of the child prostitutes, is identified by leading child-abuse experts as a well-informed, credible witness.

Lawrence King was no stranger to President Bush. And Lawrence King was no stranger to Craig Spence. Several of the Omaha child prostitutes testified that they had traveled to Washington, D.C. with King in private planes to attend political events which were followed by sex parties. King and Spence had much in common. Not only were they both Republican Party activists but they had gone into business together procuring prostitutes for Washington's elite.

Bush's name had repeatedly surfaced in the Nebraska scandal. But his name was first put into print in July 1989, a little less than a month after the Washington call boy affair had first made headlines. Omaha's leading daily newspaper reported, ``One child, who has been under psychiatric care, is said to believe she saw George Bush at one of King's parties.''@s4

A full three years after the scandal had first made headlines, Bush's name again appeared in print. Gentleman's Quarterly (GQ) carried a lengthy article, viewed by many political observers in Nebraska as an attempt to refute the charges which would not die, despite the termination of all official inquiries. The GQ piece disputed the allegations as a conspiracy theory that went out of control and resonated because of some mystical sociological phenomena allegedly unique to Nebraskan rural folk who will believe anything and burn ``with the mistrust of city life that once inflamed the prairie with populist passion.'' Numerous polls over the last few years have recorded over 90% saying they believe there has been a ``cover up'' of the truth.

GQ reported that yes, there was theft, corruption and homosexuality in this story, ``but no children were ever involved in this case.'' In fact, ``the only child even mentioned was a 9-year-old boy, whom the least reliable of Caradori's witnesses claimed to have seen in the company of George Bush at one of Larry King's Washington parties.''

Gary Caradori was a retired state police investigator who had been hired by the Nebraska Senate to investigate the case, and who had died mysteriously during the course of his investigations.@s5

Sound crazy? Not to Steve Bowman, an Omaha businessman who is compiling a book about the Franklin money and sex scandal. ``We do have some credible witnesses who say that `Yes, George Bush does have a problem.'... Child abuse has become one of the epidemics of the 1990s,'' Bowman told GQ. Allegedly, one of Bowman's sources is a retired psychiatrist who worked for the CIA. He added that cocaine trafficking and political corruption were the other principal themes of his book.@s6

It didn't sound crazy to Peter Sawyer either. An Australian conservative activist who publishes a controversial newsletter, Inside News, with a circulation of 200,000, dedicated his November 1991 issue entirely to the Nebraska scandal, focusing on President Bush's links to the affair. In a section captioned, ``The Original Allegations: Bush First Named in 1985,'' Sawyer writes,

"Stories about child sex and pornography first became public knowledge in 1989, following the collapse of the Franklin Credit Union. That is not when the allegations started, however. Indeed, given the political flavor of the subsequent investigations, it would be easy to dismiss claims that George Bush had been involved. He was by then a very public figure...."
If the first allegations about a massive child exploitation ring, centered around Larry King and leading all the way to the White House, had been made in 1989, and had all come from the same source, some shenanigans and mischievous collusion could be suspected. However, the allegations arising out of the Franklin Credit Union collapse were not the first.

Way back in 1985, a young girl, Eulice (Lisa) Washington, was the center of an investigation by Andrea L. Carener, of the Nebraska Department of Social Services. The investigation was instigated because Lisa and her sister Tracey continually ran away from their foster parents, Jarrett and Barbara Webb. Initially reluctant to disclose information for fear of being further punished, the two girls eventually recounted a remarkable story, later backed up by other children who had been fostered out to the Webb's [sic].

These debriefings were conducted by Mrs. Julie Walters, another welfare officer, who worked for Boys Town at the time, and who had been called in because of the constant reference by the Webb children and others, to that institution.

Lisa, supported by her sister, detailed a massive child sex, homosexual, and pornography industry, run in Nebraska by Larry King. She described how she was regularly taken to Washington by plane, with other youths, to attend parties hosted by King and involving many prominent people, including businessmen and politicians. Lisa specifically named George Bush as being in attendance on at least two separate occasions. ``Remember, this was in 1985,'' emphasized the Australian newsletter.

The newsletter reproduces several documents on Lisa's case, including a Nebraska State Police report, a State of Nebraska Foster Care Review Board letter to the Attorney General, an investigative report prepared for the Franklin Committee of the Nebraska Senate, and a portion of the handwritten debriefing by Mrs. Julie Walters. Peter Sawyer says that he obtained the documents from sympathetic Australian law enforcement officers who had helped Australian Channel Ten produce an exposeé of a national child prostitution ring Down Under. The Australian cops seem to have been in communication with American law enforcement officers who apparently agreed that there had been a coverup on the Nebraska scandal. Subsequent investigations by the authors established that all four documents were authentic.

Mrs. Julie Walters, now a housewife in the Midwest, confirmed that in 1986 she had interviewed the alleged child prostitute, Lisa, who told her about Mr. Bush. Lisa and her sister Tracey were temporarily living at the time in the home of Kathleen Sorenson, another foster parent. Mrs. Walters explained that at first she was very surprised. But Lisa, who came from a very underprivileged background with no knowledge of political affairs, gave minute details of her attendance at political meetings around the country.

From Julie Walters' 50-page handwritten report:

3/25/86. Met with Kathleen [Sorenson] and Lisa for about 2 hours in Blair [Neb.] questioning Lisa for more details about sexual abuse.... Lisa admitted to being used as a prostitute by Larry King when she was on trips with his family. She started going on trips when she was in 10th grade. Besides herself and Larry there was also Mrs. King, their son, Prince, and 2-3 other couples. They traveled in Larry's private plane, Lisa said that at these trip parties, which Larry hosted, she sat naked ``looking pretty and innocent'' and guests could engage in any sexual activity they wanted (but penetration was not allowed) with her.... Lisa said she first met V.P. George Bush at the Republican Convention (that Larry King sang the national anthem at) and saw him again at a Washington, D.C. party that Larry hosted. At that party, Lisa saw no women (``make-up was perfect--you had to check their legs to make sure they weren't a woman'').
The polygraph test which Lisa took only centered around sexual abuse committed by Jarrett Webb. At that time, she had said only general things about Larry's trips (i.e. where they went, etc.). She only began talking about her involvement in prostitution during those trips on 3/25/86....

Lisa also accompanied Mr. and Mrs. King and Prince on trips to Chicago, N.Y. and Washington, D.C. beginning when she was 15 years old. She missed twenty-two days of school almost totally due to these trips. Lisa was taken along on the pretense of being Prince's babysitter. Last year she met V.P. George Bush and saw him again at one of the parties Larry gave while on a Washington, D.C. trip. At some of the parties there are just men (as was the case at the party George Bush attended)--older men and younger men in their early twenties. Lisa said she has seen sodomy committed at those parties....

At these parties, Lisa said every guest had a bodyguard and she saw some of the men wearing guns. All guests had to produce a card which was run through a machine to verify who the guest was, in fact, who they said they were. And then each guest was frisked down before entering the party.@s7

The details of the accusations against Mr. Bush are known to be in the hands of the FBI. A Franklin Committee report stated:

Apparently she [Lisa] was contacted on December 19 [1988] and voluntarily came to the FBI offices on December 30, 1988. She was interviewed by Brady, Tucker and Phillips.
She indicates that in September or October 1984, when [Lisa] Washington was fourteen or fifteen years of age, she went on a trip to Chicago with Larry King and fifteen to twenty boys from Omaha. She flew to Chicago on a private plane.

The plane was large and had rows of two seats apiece on either side of the interior middle aisle.

She indicates that King got the boys from Boys Town and the boys worked for him. She stated that Rod Evans and two other boys with the last name of Evans were on the plane. Could not recall the names of the other boys.

The boys who flew to Chicago with Washington and King were between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. Most of the boys were black but some were white. She was shown a color photograph of a boy and identified that boy as being one of the boys on the plane. She could not recall his name.

She indicates that she was coerced to going on the trip by Barbara Webb.

She indicates that she attended a party in Chicago with King and the male youths. She indicated George Bush was present.

She indicates that she set [sic] at a table at the party while wearing nothing but a negligee. She stated that George Bush saw her on the table. She stated she saw George Bush pay King money, and that Bush left the party with a nineteen year old black boy named Brent. Lisa said the party George Bush attended was in Chicago in September or October 1984. According to the Chicago Tribune of October 31, 1984, Bush was in Illinois campaigning for congressional candidates at the end of October.

Lisa added more details on the Chicago trip, and told why she was sure it was George Bush she had seen. According to a May 8, 1989 report by investigator Jerry Lowe, ``Eulice [Lisa] indicated that she recognized George Bush as coming to the party and that Bush had two large white males with him. Eulice indicated Bush came to the party approximately 45 minutes after it started and that he was greeted by Larry King. Eulice indicated that she knew George Bush due to the fact that he had been in political campaigns and also she had observed a picture of Bush with Larry King at Larry King's house in Omaha.''

There is no question that Lisa and Tracey Webb were abused in the way they claimed. But, in keeping with the alleged pattern of coverup, a Washington County, Nebraska judge in December 1990 dismissed all charges against their abusers, Jarrett and Barbara Webb. The judge ignored presented testimony of the 1986 report by Boys Town official Julie Walters. The report stated: ``Lisa was given four polygraph tests administered by a state trooper at the State Patrol office on Center Street in Omaha. The state trooper, after Lisa's testing was completed, told [another foster parent] he tried to `break Lisa down,' but he was convinced she was telling the truth.''@s8

Furthermore, numbers of foster care officials and youth workers debriefed the sisters. All of them fully believed not only their general story of abuse, but specifically their account of Bush's involvement. The March 1986 report on Bush was incorporated into the Foster Care Review Board's official report presented to the Senate Franklin Committee and to law enforcement. As Kathleen Sorenson wrote in a report dated May 1, 1989, ``This was long before he [Bush] was president. It seems like there were more exciting people to `lie' about if that's what they were doing.''@s9

The rumors about Mr. Bush were given new life when Dr. Ronald Roskens, the head of the Agency for International Development (AID), found himself the object of controversy. Executive Intelligence Review reported in the fall of 1991 that Dr. Roskens is the subject of a scandal in which he is being charged with violating federal laws and ethics codes, according to the Oct. 6 Washington Post. A report prepared by AID Inspector General Herbert Beckington, dated April 5 and leaked to the Post, charges Roskens with accepting thousands of dollars in payments from ``different organizations in compensation of his and his wife's travel expenses'' while Roskens was on official government travel. He also took money for a private trip from a company ``from which Roskens had agreed to divest himself as a condition of his presidential appointment.''

The inspector general concluded that the money accepted by Roskens was a clear conflict of interest and violated federal law against earning non-government income. But on Sept. 4, after reviewing the charges, the Department of Justice ... informed Beckington that it had decided not to prosecute--giving no explanation for its decision. The White House is reviewing the case.

Congressional investigators are already looking into the allegations. Should they scratch below the surface, they will find that this is not the first time Roskens has been touched by scandal. Although President Bush promised that he would not tolerate even the appearance of impropriety in his administration, Congress should not be surprised if the White House threatens to start ``breaking legs'' in Roskens's defense.

It is not just that Roskens is a personal friend of the President--although he is.... [A]n unimpeded investigation into Roskens could expose the link between Bush's little publicized birth control mania--much of which is carried out through the State Department's AID in the Third World--and the sexual depravity rampant in U.S. political and intelligence elites. Any such scandal could shatter the illusions of Bush's conservative base, many of whom still accept the President's claims to being ``pro-life,'' ``anti-drug,'' and an American patriot. It should also make anyone who thinks of the propaganda about Bush being the ``education President,'' deeply queasy.

Roskens left his home state of Nebraska for the nation's capital in early 1990 enmired in controversy. He had been fired suddenly as president of the University of Nebraska, in a secret meeting of the state Board of Regents in July 1989. No public explanation was given for his removal. Yet, within weeks, the White House offered Roskens the high-profile job in Washington. The administration knew about the controversy in Nebraska, but Roskens passed an FBI background check, and was confirmed to head AID.

The FBI appears to have overlooked a Feb. 19, 1990 investigative report by the late Gary Caradori [see footnote 5 below], an investigator for the ``Franklin Committee'' of the Nebraska Senate. He wrote, ``I was informed that Roskins [sic] was terminated by the state because of sexual activities reported to the Regents and verified by them. Mr. Roskins [sic] was reported to have had young men at his residence for sexual encounters. As part of the separation from the state, he had to move out of the state-owned house because of the liability to the state if some of his sexual behavior was `illegal.'''@s1@s0

There has been no independent confirmation of the accusation. As of late December 1991, a congressional committee was looking into the charges.


Return to the Table of Contents


Notes for Chapter -XX-

1. Washington Times, Aug. 9, 1989.

2. Washington Times, July 7, 1989.

3. Pronto (Barcelona, Spain), Aug. 3, 1991 and Aug. 10, 1991.

4. Omaha World-Herald, July 23, 1989.

5. On July 11, 1990, during the course of his investigations, Gary Caradori, 41, died in the crash of his small plane, together with his 8-year-old son, after a mid-air explosion whose cause has not yet been discovered. A skilled and cautious pilot, Caradori told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he feared his plane would be sabotaged.

6. Gentleman's Quarterly, December 1991.

7. Report, written on March 25, 1986 by Julie Walters and authenticated by her in an interview in 1990.

8. Report, early 1989, compiled by Jerry Lowe, the first investigator for the Franklin Committee of the Nebraska State Senate.

9. A book recently published on the Nebraska affair by a former Republican state senator and decorated Vietnam veteran, John W. De Camp, The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska: AWT, Inc., 1992) tells the whole story.

10. Executive Intelligence Review, Oct. 18, 1991.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 6:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



SATANISM & THE CIA: International Trafficking in Children

Ted Gunderson, the 27-year FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence and keen insight into the notorious McMartin PreSchool alleged child-molestation case. He shows the link between Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the international trafficking in children by the CIA. Ted shares the stage with Linda Wiegand, a mother who has suffered the grief of having lost her two boys to her ex-husband. A man accused by the children of sexuality molesting them under intimidation and threats to their life, and later given custody of them by the court. Fatal Vision: Jeff McDonald's family murdered by Satanic drug dealers working for US Army commanders and CIA

Conspiracy of Silence

Censored TV documentary on the Franklin Coverup, the Reagan-Bush Republican CIA child sex Iran-Contra narcoterror ring. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew child sex slaves to Washington D.C. for sex orgies and "midnight tours" of the White House. How Johnny Gosch (aka "Jeff Gannon") was kidnapped into sex slavery for espionage and extortion for CIA - At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. By BBC News

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and The Order of Death

Two documentaries in one - An employee of Bohemian Grove presidential compound used undercover video to capture the 50-foot-tall idol of Molech and "mock" human sacrifice up close and in broad daylight - Undercover video by

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove

Original full-length version - Infiltration of Jewish Bohemian Grove presidential compound and homosexual nudist colony that performs "mock" human sacrifice to 50-foot-tall idol of Molech - Where Bush Gang and Bill Clinton-Blythe IV (Rockefeller) vacation every year to worship Satan and run nekked in the woods with 3,000 homosexual world dictators - Undercover video by

Music video slide show at Bohemian Grove

New Bohemian Grove photos rise again from pit of Hell

Boners at Bohemian Grove

Music video by Counter Coup and John Lee at PNTV

Snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove

Alex Jones of interviews Senator John DeCamp author of The Franklin Coverup, music by Counter Coup and Bohemian Club

All world leaders attend Cremation of Care ritual "mock" human sacrifice to Jewish god of Molech/Lucifer/Satan at Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California - photo by Bohemian Club

"I'm not going to end up tied to an upside down Pentagram, with Henry Kissinger standing over me naked with a dagger with his fat belly hanging out, am I?"
-Alex Jones, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove

"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain. They opened up her skull and cut into her brain. The only reason you do that is to lobotomize somebody. They did it over, and over..."
-Dr T

"Guy killed me, Mal. He killed me with a sword. How weird is that? I got a short span here. They destroyed my equipment... but I have a backup unit. Bottom of the complex, right over the generator. Hard to get to. I know they missed it. They can't stop the signal, Mal. They can never stop the signal."
-Mr Universe (sexbot), Pirate TV, Serenity

"You can either watch TV or you can make TV. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn!"
—Joss Whedon, Firefly and Serenity

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:13 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Catholic priest on trial this week for ritual murder of nun in church on pagan holiday of Easter Sunday (Ishtar)


Priest's trial to begin in nun's slaying
Nun stabbed, strangled on Easter weekend in 1980

CNN News
Good Friday, April 14, 2006

TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- A day before Easter in 1980, Sister Margaret Ann Pahl was found strangled and stabbed in a hospital chapel.

The wounds on the nun's chest and neck formed what investigators say resembled a cross. An altar cloth covered part of her body.

The trail soon went cold and stayed that way for more than 20 years -- until investigators circled back to the priest who presided at her funeral Mass.

Rev. Gerald Robinson on trial

On Monday, the Rev. Gerald Robinson, 68, goes on trial for murder in a case swirling with allegations of an official cover-up, rumors of sexual abuse rites among priests, and suspicions that the killing was some kind of ritual slaying.

Robinson could get life in prison if convicted.

Investigators have not disclosed a motive for the slaying and have said the nun was not sexually assaulted.

Robinson was the Roman Catholic chaplain at Mercy Hospital and a popular priest in this blue-collar city of about 300,000, where a quarter of the residents are Catholic. He was especially well-liked in Polish neighborhoods because he delivered some sermons and heard confessions in Polish.

Nun stabbed 30 times

Sister Margaret Ann, 71, was the caretaker of the hospital chapel. She was stabbed 30 times.

Robinson was a suspect early on because he was near the chapel at the time of the killing. Police questioned him for hours and found a sword-shaped letter opener in his room that prosecutors now believe was the murder weapon. But Robinson was not arrested until two years ago.

Since then, some community members have accused the Toledo police and the Toledo Catholic Diocese of not aggressively investigating the slaying, as well as crimes involving priests accused of molesting children.

"We know this is a trial about murder, but the cover-up can't be ignored," said Claudia Vercelloti, director of the Toledo office of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

Current and former police officers deny there was a cover-up, saying Robinson was not charged earlier because there was not enough evidence. There were no fingerprints, no footprints, no witnesses. DNA technology was not available.

Bloodstains on altar cloth

Investigators who reopened the murder case say they found bloodstains on the altar cloth that matched those from the letter opener. They said the stains were created when the letter opener was put down.

Prosecutors also plan to use Robinson's statements made to police, including a claim that someone else had confessed to killing the woman. He later admitted making that up.

Investigators reopened the murder case in December 2003 after prosecutors received a letter about a woman's claims that she was molested by priests for years as a child. Among the names she mentioned was Robinson's. Police were unable to substantiate her allegations of sexual abuse.

There also have been whispers that a few priests, including Robinson, took part in ritual abuse ceremonies. A woman who filed a lawsuit against Robinson and other clergy members said they tortured and raped her in rituals performed in a church basement nearly 40 years ago.

Robinson's attorney, Alan Konop, has said the allegations did not "deserve the dignity of a reply." No charges have resulted from those claims, and police could not link any ritual abuse to Robinson, The Blade reported a year ago.

However, police have said the nun's killing appeared to be some type of ritual slaying. They have refused to elaborate, other than to say that the body was posed to look as though she had been sexually assaulted, with the nun's underwear pulled down.

Dave Davison, the first police officer to arrive in the chapel, said he saw no evidence of a ritual and called those claims a "smokescreen" set by the killer to throw off investigators.

Attorneys not commenting

It is not known whether there will be any mention of ritual abuse at Robinson's trial.

Dawn Perlmutter, an expert on religious violence and ritualistic crimes, has been assisting prosecutors, and said that in previous cases she has advised prosecutors not to mention claims of ritualistic acts.

"It just muddies the water," she said. "People do not want to believe these things go on. It can really affect the outcome."

Robinson was transferred from the hospital a year after the slaying and became pastor at three parishes in Toledo. At the time of his arrest he ministered to the sick and dying in nursing homes. He is on leave but is allowed to wear his priest's collar.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys are not commenting, saying the judge has ordered them not to talk about the case.

Robinson is free on bail. He cannot get the death penalty because it was not in effect at the time of the slaying.

Jack Sparagowski, a parishioner at an inner-city church where Robinson used to celebrate Mass on Easter weekend, set up a legal defense fund that raised $12,000. Some family members and supporters put their houses up to post a $400,000 bond.

"For someone to commit murder, you have to have a violent streak," Sparagowski said. "I've never heard Father raise his voice or show any expression of anger. The whole thing seems so bizarre."

The current Pope is also currently prosecuted for pedophilia and rape.


August 17, 2005 Jewish editors put horns on Satanic Pedophile Pope who was a member of Nazi Party - This cover of TIME was NOT altered in any way

Pope seeks immunity in Texas abuse case

Chicago Sun Times
Associated Press

VATICAN CITY -- Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court records show.

The Vatican's embassy in Washington sent a diplomatic memo to the State Department on May 20 requesting the U.S. government grant the pope immunity because he is a head of state, according to a May 26 motion submitted by the pope's lawyers in U.S. District Court for the Southern Division of Texas in Houston.

Joseph Ratzinger is named as a defendant in the civil lawsuit. Now Benedict XVI, he's accused of conspiring with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to cover up the abuse during the mid-1990s.

In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Gerry Keener, said Tuesday that the pope is considered a head of state and automatically has diplomatic immunity.

Lawyers for abuse victims say the case is significant because previous attempts to implicate the Vatican, the pope or other church officials in U.S. sex abuse proceedings have failed -- primarily because of immunity claims and the difficulty serving Vatican officials with U.S. lawsuits.


Secret Societies.
An organization whose members may not disclose the purposes, practices or activities of their society to civil or eclesiastical authorities. Among secret socieites forbidden by church law are the Freemasons.
—Catholic Pocket Dictionary, Jewish Dell Publishing 666 Fifth Avenue NY NY

Chief of the fallen angels. Other names for Satan are the devil, Beelzebub, Belial and Lucifer. Modern Satanism has become widespread in circles that pray to the devil and perform elaborate rites in his honor.
-Catholic Pocket Dictionary, Jewish Dell Publishing 666 Fifth Avenue NY NY - 1980

Mark of the Beast.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
-Revelation 13:18 Christian Bible NKJV

Apocalyptic Number.
The mystical number, 666, in the Apocalypse. The Greek letters of the word Lateinos (i.e., Pagan Rome) are also numerals which, added together, amount to this number. There are other interpretations, e.g., Antichrist.
-New Catholic Dictionary 1910

The testimony of Sister Charlotte is disturbing and shocking, but provides important insights into the worst of convent life as well as the dynamics of Romanism. Charlotte was born in 1898, and entered the convent in approximately the year of 1910. She experienced salvation in 1945, and began giving this testimony in the next few years following her conversion throughout the United States and Canada. She testifies that she was raped and tortured in convent, and witnessed serial killings and infanticide by priests and nuns.

The Convent Horror - The story of Barbara Ubryk
Twenty-One Years in a Convent Dungeon Eight Feet Long, Six Feet Wide

Sister Dianna Ortiz Details Her Abduction, Rape and Torture by U.S.-Backed Guatemalan Military.
Sister Dianna Ortiz speaks about her abduction and torture by security forces in Guatemala in 1989, when she worked as a missionary among indigenous peoples. She testifies for a mock trial of Bush administration officials for breaking laws on torture held during the “Call for Justice Weekend” in September.

Cathy O'Brien was raped and tortured by Bush Gang at Bohemian Grove - All world leaders attend Cremation of Care ritual "mock" human sacrifice to Jewish god of Molech/Lucifer/Satan on summer solstice in Monte Rio, California - photo by Bohemian Club

Cathy O'brien and her lobotomized daughter Kelly, were 2 of Joss' models for River. O'brien testified she was raped and tortured by Catholic priests in Satanic rituals at church and school, as part of CIA's MKULTRA "Project Monarch" sex slave progamming. Cathy's slave owner was Senator Robert Byrd in US Congress, who controlled her brainwashing in NASA installations and US military bases... just like River Tam.

Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien


History records that Catholic priests have been training and skilled in the black art of torture and mind control for centuries. The Catholic Inquisitions tortured and murdered millions of Europeans during the Middle Ages, for the victimless crime of alleged blasphemy to the King Pope and Vatican nation.

"Jeff Gannon" is
kidnapped Johnny Gosch

"Karl Rove and those guys think they control reality. The only thing they control is Jeff Gannon's underpants."
-Alex Jones, Infowars Radio

You wanna meet the REAL me now?!
-Mal, War Stories

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Happy Easter from


Sunday, May 28, 2006 5:14 PM


I read the Franklin cover up , I checked it out at my local library, its just sick whats happening thats all I can say. these crimnals should not be allowed to get away with this.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:11 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by piratejenny:
I read the Franklin cover up , I checked it out at my local library, its just sick whats happening thats all I can say. these crimnals should not be allowed to get away with this.

Yes, and they are growing more powerful and more wealthy every day. They love pedophilia, because its the best test of evil character. Pedophiles are guaranteed to be capable of bank robbery, genocide and treason.

My brother ran for judge in divorce court this year, against a suspected homosexual judge allegedly involved in S&M bondage videos, who has been married 4 times. The judge loves putting people in jail and stealing all their money, in cahoots with homosexual nudist trial lawyers. It was an EXTREMELY vicious election campaign, with the judge posting my brother's mugshot on his website and mailings and TV shows, after the judge put my brother in jail for his inability to pay $30,000 of his ex-wife's lawyer fees of $130,000 (overturned on appeal). Many links to organized crime and human trafficking from Russia in my brother's divorce trial, that were investigated as terrorism by sheriff dept and Homeland Security, and signed confessions of this crime and sham marriage were ignored by this judge. Very crroked things were going on in this judge's court, to extort millions of dollars from children and kidnap their parents until their families could borrow the money to pay the extortion. God knows what they were doing in juvenile cases.

Here's an update on how the pedophile rings infiltrate govt agencies in order to steal children.


A synopsis of the Judi Chase story, a chilling expose that uncovers: a Satanic pedophile ring known as "The Fat Cats," pass-through nannies, staged adoptions, illicit baby brokering, murder, "legal" kidnapping, drug dealing, institutional stonewalling and a massive cover-up.

Ted Gunderson reported:

"The Finders was an organized crime ring which planted nannies in people’s homes in order to gain custody of children for trafficking purposes. I {Judi} felt tears well up in my eyes as he went on to describe the process. Apparently memos and files had been found on private families that were not related to The Finders. There appears to have been a systematic response to local newspaper advertisements for babysitters, tutors and nannies. Then a member of the Finders would respond and gather as much information as possible about the habits, identity and occupation of the family. Ted explained that this was used to get the child turned over to Child Protective Services so that this child could be sold. Apparently they had also found a large amount of data on various childcare organizations."

"You can't stop the signal!"
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:21 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

You guys are gonna love this. This shows why voter records are used to make mass arrests.


Pedophiles to launch political party

May 30, 2006

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday, proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!"

The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.

"A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.

"We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion," he said, adding the subject had been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in neighboring Belgium.

"We want to get into parliament so we have a voice. Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals," Van den Berg told Reuters.

The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party, while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.

"They make out as if they want more rights for children. But their position that children should be allowed sexual contact from age 12 is of course just in their own interest," anti-pedophile campaigner Ireen van Engelen told the AD daily.

Right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders said he had asked the government to investigate whether a party with such "sick ideas" could really be established, ANP news agency reported.

Kees van deer Staaij, a member of the Christian SGP party, also demanded action: "Pedophilia and child pornography should be taboo in every constitutional state. Breaking that will just create more victims and more serious ones."

The party wants private possession of child pornography to be allowed although it supports the ban on the trade of such materials. It also supports allowing pornography to be broadcast on daytime television, with only violent pornography limited to the late evening.

Toddlers should be given sex education and youths aged 16 and up should be allowed to appear in pornographic films and prostitute themselves. Sex with animals should be allowed although abuse of animals should remain illegal, the NVD said.

The party also said everybody should be allowed to go naked in public and promotes legalizing all soft and hard drugs and free train travel for all.

USA already has pedophile political parties, named Republican and Democrat. And everybody loves Jewish homosexual pedophile pimp extortionaist Congressman Barney Frank:

"Sex before 8 or it's too late."
-motto of pedophiles in USA

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:12 PM


Everytime I read something about these freaks, or everytime I see Bush, I see a pedohile, and I know its not just him, its both parties, its corrupt and its sick, I just want these freaks to pay for what they are doing and what they have done...I don't know if there are words to decribe how truly dispicable these people are, freak is to kind.

I'm going to read kathy O'brien's book Trace formatation America,

its like what can we do, the sad truth is the media will never report this stuff. even if someone wanted to make a clean confession, just look how quickly they killed the Jeff Gannon/ Johnny Gosch story.

and that whole thing with Boheiman Grove is just weird , I wonder what the so called christian right would think if they ever got to see such pictures with Bush and co dressed in robes and practicing mock sacrifcal rituals, guess is they probably wouldn't care.

yes we do already have our own politcal pedohile party, the only diffrence is that the dutch seem to be more upfront about what they want to do.


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:38 PM


here is some stuff on Michael Aquino for anyone who is interested, the 1rst time I came across his name I was researching secret societies, his ties to the U.S military is what makes him important, I also remember the pre school child abuse investigation that was in the news.

Also note that this isn't the 1rst media or public announcement of Miceal Aquino being involved in pedohile acts involving the government, Paul Bonacci also testifed to his involment pehohile and mind control experients at offet Air force base in Omaha Nebraska.

for the rest click on the link

CHILD ABUSE AT THE PRESIDIO Michael Aquino -- child molester? San Jose Mercury News, JULY 24, 1988



Were children really being sexually abused at the Presidio? The Army didn't want to believe it. The prosecution didn't think they could make a jury believe it. But the parents believe it.


By Linda Goldston

Even before Joyce Tobin arrived at the the Day Care Center on Nov. 14, 1986, she suspected that something was wrong. Her neighbor Karen Thomas had just called to say that Joyce's 3yearold son had begged to go home with her when she picked up her own youngster at the Child Development Center that morning. Joyce's son had said he didn't want to stay for day care after his preschool class ended.

When Thomas said she couldn't take him with her, the Tobin boy turned to his preschool teacher and asked if he could stay with her. But she had no choice. Joyce Tobin was at the dentist across town and had arranged for her son to be taken from his preschool class at the CDC to hourly care until she could pick him up. Until the boy started preschool two months earlier, he had been left at center once or twice a month for two years. It was only the second time he had been left in hourly care since September both times while his mother had medical appointments

The preschool and hourly care programs were both run by the US. Army at the Presidio of San Francisco, a sprawling compound of turnofthecentury wood and brick buildings, headquarters of the Sixth Army, the place that motorists glimpse through the pines on their way to the Golden Gate Bridge.

On that day that changed her life and the lives of her family, Joyce Tobin arrived at the Presidio day care center at 2:30 p.m. Her son appeared to be napping with several other children, and the teacher, Gary Hambright, was sitting at a table in the room.

When Joyce asked how her son had been that day, Hambright said the boy had been upset and had not eaten his lunch. He called the child a "darling little boy" and suggested that she bring him to the day care center every other day so that the boy could "get used to him." A lot of 3 and 4yearolds had trouble coming to his daycare room, Hambright told her. He suggested they were intimidated by the older children in the class

That night, while watching television with his older brother, the 3-year-old started playing with his penis, pulling it forward with both hands and letting go. "Mr. Gary do it," he said and kept at it. His brother ran for their mother, who was talking to a neighbor in the front doorway. Trying to keep her voice calm, Joyce asked her son what he was talking about.

The child's reply was terse and grim. "He touched my penis with his hand, and he bit my penis." The boy made a chomping sound with his mouth. Asked if "Mr. Gary" had done anything else, the boy said, "He put a pencil in my hole in my bottom. He do that, he do that to me. He hurt me and I cry and I cry."

Joyce Tobin was unsure what to think. "It seemed too impossible and horrible to be true," she said later. "I also thought how awful it would be to accuse someone of this if it were not true." She watched her young son bite his nails and turn his head away. He seemed nervous and upset.

When her husband, Capt. Mike Tobin, came home, the couple decided to observe their son over the weekend. They agreed they would not question him, but would wait to see if he said anything more. At bedtime, Joyce, who had trained as a nurse, examined the boy's anus; it seemed a little red.

That night, the boy came to their bedroom crying. He said he was scared. He said he wanted to sleep with them.

During the next few days, what had seemed at first "too impossible and horrible to be true" would not go away. The boy continued to talk about "Mr. Gary" hurting him.

The following Tuesday, on Nov. 18, Joyce Tobin was driving through the Presidio with the boy. When they came to the intersection where she would have turned to go to the day care center, he raised himself up out of his car seat, as if he were attempting to get out, and started to cry. "Are you taking me to day care?" He asked. "I don't want to go to day care. Mr. Gary hurt me and I cry." Reassured that they were not going to the day care center, the boy calmed down.

The mother could not. The incident convinced her that she should contact the day care center. On Wednesday, she called the director, Diana Curl and asked for an appointment to discuss her son's allegation. Despite the seriousness of the complaint, Curl said she couldn't see Joyce until Friday, two days later. Within half an hour of the call, Joyce was called at home by one of her son's pre-school teachers wanting to know what the problem was. The day care center staff had been told immediately about Joyce's call. Authorities did not search the center until Friday.

Joyce Tobin never got to meet with Diana Curl. The case broke before then. On Thursday, Mike Tobin spoke with a chaplain at the Presidio, who contacted the Army's Criminal Investigation Division. Officers from the CID made an appointment to interview and videotape the boy about his allegations. After the video taped interview on the morning of Nov. 21, the Tobins' son was examined at the Child Adolescent Sexual Abuse Referral Center (CASARC) at San Francisco General Hospital.

. CASARC reviews more than 700 cases of suspected sexual abuse every year. Among other things, the CASARC staff had often heard children describe anal rape as having a pencil put in their bottoms. When Dr. Kevin Coulter examined the Tobins' son, he observed that the child's anus dilated to approximately 20 millimeters in approximately five seconds, a much faster and wider dilation than normal. Coulter had conducted more than 300 examinations of children at CASARC. His conclusion was that such rapid and wide dilation was caused by trauma to the anus and rectum, consistent with penetration. The Tobins' 3-year-old son had been sexually abused, anally raped.

A FLURRY OF MEETINGS AT THE PRESIDIO followed the revelation that the Tobin boy had been abused. But for all the activity, the Army seemed in no hurry to proceed with the case. It took the Army 12 days to form a strategy group. And it took the Army almost a month to notify the parents of other children who had been in "Mr. Gary's" class that the incident had taken place, that their children might be at risk. Nearly a year would pass before more than 59 other victims children between the ages of 3 and 7 had been identified. And allegations would be made by parents that several more children were molested even after the investigation had begun.

Day care centers under state jurisdiction are routinely closed when an abuse incident is confirmed, but the Presidio center stayed open for more than a year after the Tobin boy said "Mr. Gary" had hurt him.

A strategy meeting on Dec. 10 set the tone for the case. The meeting was attended by all the brass from the Presidio, representatives of the FBI and the US Attorney's Office and staff from the Child Adolescent Sexual Abuse Referral Center. The CASARC workers told the Army to expect multiple victims, so many that CASARC could not offer its help. But the Army "didn't want to believe that," says one CASARC worker who attended the meeting.

Five days later, on Dec. 15, letters were mailed to 242 parents whose children were in Hambright's classes. "The Commander of the Presidio of San Francisco, has been apprised of a single incident of alleged child sexual abuse reported to have occurred at the Presidio Chid Development Center.......

"We have no reason to believe that other children have been victimized." Many parents who received the letter took the Army at its word. Many of them didn't learn until the following April, after the Tobins and other parents forced the Army to send out another letter, that their children had been victims.

Other parents found out right away. The children had begun to talk. And they kept talking. That was the problem. They kept saying things that no one, especially not the Army, wanted to hear. They kept mentioning other people besides "Mr. Gary," other locations besides the day care center. Among the allegations:

Some of the children said they were taken from the day care center to private homes on the Presidio where they were sexually abused. Two houses were singled out on the Army post and at least one home off-post, in San Francisco.

One girl said she played "poopoo baseball" at the home of one of her female teachers. The girl said the game involved throwing feces at the teacher.

Other children talked about playing the"googoo game" with "Mr. Gary". It involved Hambright having the children urinate and defecate on him. Then he would do the same to them. Sometimes, the children said, they were forced to drink urine and eat feces. Some said they had blood smeared on their bodies.

Some children said they had guns pointed at them. Others said they were told they or their parents would be killed if they told what happened.

One 3-year-old boy said he was sexually abused on his first visit to the center. That day was also his birthday.

A 3-year-old girl said "Mr. Gary" used special pens, black, blue, pink and red -- to doodle on her, starting at her legs and moving up over her genitals. The same child said she saw one of her friends at the center cry when "Mr. Gary's" friend, a woman, pointed a gun at the friend.

There were five confirmed cases of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, including two of the four daughters of one family.

A preliminary test of one boy for AIDS came back positive. Further tests revealed that a he did not have the disease, but fear of AIDS tormented parents for months.

DESPITE THE RUMORS AND ALLEGATIONS, THE Army, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office were united in wanting a simple pedophile case. The Army wanted the matter over with. The prosecutors wanted a case they would win. The more unusual the allegations, they felt, the harder it would be to win in court. So on Jan. 5, 1987, Gary Willard Hambright was arrested.

Hambright, 35, was an ordained Southern Baptist minister without a pulpit. After moving to the Bay Area in 1977 from his home in Tacoma, Wash., he worked as a substitute teacher in San Francisco schools before taking the $7.59 per hour job at the day care center in 1985. At his arraignment, he described himself as "an educator, not a criminal." His close friend Gordon Grover, a beauty salon owner, said the thin, pale man with blond hair is "probably one of the most gentle people you will ever know."

"He's always got time to give kids a hug when they're crying" Grover said "He's just really a kind person."

After the arrest, Hambright took part-time jobs cleaning houses and washing windows. He lived with friends and continued to be closely associated with Dolores Street Baptist Church in San Francisco.

The indictment that Assistant US Attorney Susan Gray had sought from the grand jury charged Hambright with molesting only one child. He was accused of sodomy, oral copulation and committing a lewd and lascivious act on a child.

In March, three months after Hambright's arrest, the charges were dismissed. US District Court Judge William Schwarzer refused to allow the admission of so-called hearsay statements, specifically the comments the Tobin boy made to his brother and mother, and to the nurse and the doctor who examined him about the abuse. Several states allow exceptions to the hearsay rules in child abuse cases, but federal courts and California state courts do not.

Schwarzer refused the hearsay evidence on March 4 and ruled that the Tobin boy would not qualify as a competent witness because of his age.

On March 20, the US Attorney's Office asked that the charges be dismissed without prejudice, meaning they could be refiled if new evidence emerged. Prosecutor Gray told the judge she had 12 more children saying the same things as the Tobin boy. Gray had counted on the judge's allowing the admission of statements the Tobin boy made to his brother on the day he first said "Mr. Gary" hurt him as well as similar comments made to the nurse and doctor who examined him. The medical evidence and the "perfect witness" parents made her even more confident. Joyce Tobin was a nurse. Mike Tobin was a West Point graduate and a nuclear engineer.

But the Army's investigation of the Tobin boy's allegations had gotten off to a shaky start when Army Criminal lnvestigative Special Agent Marc Remson was assigned to interview the child.

Remson had never interviewed a child younger than 8 years old. And while Army regulations required that the interview be taped, Remson had never used videotape in an interview. The regulation was later changed, but the damage had been done. The videotape was to be singled out repeatedly as an example of how the children had been coached and prodded to tell their stories.

Joyce Tobin, according to court records, said that during the interview, "apparently in an attempt to establish rapport with my son, (the CID investigator) said that Mr. Gary was bad and should be spanked. He said this numerous times. Thereafter, in the week that followed when [my son] spoke about Mr. Gary, he described Mr. Gary as bad and said he should be spanked.

"Prior to the CID interview [my son] had never said anything like that or attempted to make any value judgment about what had happened to him. He just reported what had happened to him," Joyce Tobin told the prosecution.

WITH THE CHARGES DISMISSED, GRAY'S attempt at a simple pedophile case had failed. The court would not hear of the Presidio again until the end of September 1987. The Tobins were disappointed but not defeated. They had begun calling and writing congressmen, calling and meeting with Army officials at the Presidio.

By April, another battle had shaped up outside the Courtroom. The Army insisted that the day care center was safe, that all of the victims had been identified. Parents feared otherwise because their children had mentioned people other than Hambright -- people who still worked at the day care center.

At first, it was the Tobins alone who kept asking: Was this done? Did you check on that? What about the other children? By April, the Tobins had been joined by the Runyans the Adams-Thompsons the Dorseys, the Foxes. Most had not met before. They were to meet many times in the months to come.

Their first priority was to get another letter mailed to Parents of other children who had attended the day care center. The Army saw no need for that. "Why are you doing this?" Lt. Col. Walter Meyer, the director of personnel and community activities, asked Mike Tobin. "Because parents need to know what's happening." Tobin told him. The letter was delayed for two weeks while Meyer argued over whether the number of victims mentioned in the letter should be 32 or 37. When Joyce Tobin and Brenda Fox went to his office to discuss the letter, Meyer said he didn't have time to talk, Fox recalls, that he was on his way "to make a videotape about the CDC, about it being a model day care center. He said, "despite what you may believe, this is a model day care center"

"I sat there thinking, 'this man has no soul,'" she says, "We told him the numbers were wrong." He said, 'no, they're not' . "We waited while he called and found out the numbers were wrong."

"Under the signatures of Joyce and Mike Tobin, Gretchen and Dennis Runyan, Sue and Tom Dorsey, Michelle and Larry Adams-Thompson, and Brenda and Don Fox, the letter, dated April 29, 1987, was mailed to parents. "We feel you should know there are now 37 children identified by the authorities as suspected victims," the letter said in part, "we are very concerned that there may be more children affected and in need of help, yet remain unidentified. "

The core group of parents consisted of professional people doctors, a dentist, a nuclear scientist. They spoke out loud and often. They said they spoke for those who could not, the children and the enlisted people who, they said, were too afraid to risk their military career to speak out. The enlisted people needed their jobs and the day care. The core group could afford day care elsewhere.

"When it first started, they had the chance to be heroes," parent Melanie Thompson said about the Army instead, they just didn't want to believe it, Now, they're just trying to cover it up like a bad dream."

NONE OF THE PARENTS WHO WERE PROTESTING the Army's handling of the case knew that signs of trouble had surfaced at the center at least six years earlier. And none of them knew that the Army had been dealing with sex abuse problems at its day care centers for years before the Presidio case broke.

The Army said nothing of prior cases at West Point and Fort Dix. The Army said nothing of an investigation six years before involving John Gunnarson, the Presidio's top day care official and the supervisor of the day care center during the time Hambright allegedly molested the children.

In 1982, Gunnarson was child support services coordinator at the center, responsible for the training of the center staff, when he was arrested on charges of assaulting an employee of the center, Pearl Broadnax. Broadnax had been complaining about conditions at the center and treatment of the children. She say she was branded a troublemaker and often called to task about her job performance. On Feb. 3, 1982, she and Gunnarson argued over the use of scissors by the children. He asked her to go into another room to continue the discussion, but Broadnax said she wanted to remain in the playroom. "At this time," according to an investigative report of the incident, "Gunnarson grabbed Broadnax by the left arm above her wrist and pulled her toward him. She then told Gunnarson, "don't touch me," to which he replied, I'm not touching you.' She felt that she was in fear of bodily harm at this point in the incident.

Gunnarson declined to be interviewed about the incident but responded to questions through Presidio spokesman Bob Mahoney. "I did not grab Mrs. Broadnax; I did not assault her, and I had no intention of harming her," he related to Mahoney. "In the course of our conversation, Mrs. Broadnax became agitated and appeared to be losing control of herself. I attempted to calm her by lightly touching her arm to guide her out from the room where we were talking."

The charge against Gunnarson was dismissed for lack of evidence. The incident could possibly be dismissed as an unfortunate misunderstanding, except that investigation at the time led to allegations of physical and sexual abuse of children at the center, according to former military police investigator Ed Albanoski, then the chief of juvenile investigations at the Presidio.

Now a deputy sheriff in Santa Clara County, Albanoski called after he read one of my stories about the Presidio case. "When I read the paper, I almost fell out of my chair," Albanoski said "'I couldn't believe [Gunnarson] was still working there" While interviewing Broadnax at the day care center after she had called MPs about Gunnarson, Albanoski learned that Broadnax was concerned about more than the alleged threat of harm to herself. She also alleged that employees had touched children's genitals improperly.

Broadnax had provoked an investigation of the center a year earlier, after talking to parents who said they felt their children were discriminated against because they were minorities. Broadnax also said she had seen the then director of the center hit a child in the mouth, making him bleed.

In a telephone interview from her home in Alabama, Broadnax told me she had complained many times about problems at the center during the four years she worked there "but just gave up. Nobody seemed to be concerned. I ended up having a nervous breakdown over that."

"Right before I left, I saw a woman beat a kid until he just threw up," she said "I did all I could to get something done about that. They removed her, but she was back working there after I left."

Capt. Robert J. Meyer was appointed to look into the allegations for the commander of the Presidio in a letter summarizing his findings, Meyers said, "at least three of the Child Care Center staff have been threatened with the loss of their jobs if they speak out and tell the truth about how the Child Care Center is being managed and how the minority children are treated." A hearing was held at the Presidio on the allegations in 1981. The director in question was reinstated.

The next year, when Albanoski reported the sex abuse allegations to Presidio officials, he was told "to stop any investigation I was told there was nothing to look into, that Gunnarson would be dealt with through his command channels ." Military Police Investigator's Report No 00193-82/MP1026-82-047, dated Feb. 4, 1982, was filed on the incident. Albanoski held on to a copy of that report. He sensed that it might be important some day.

The Army didn't take it quite so seriously.

"That particular case was not known to any of us in the chain of command," current Presidio Commander Joseph V. Rafferty said last December. "Mr. Gunnarson had one of the finest reputations in the Army with respect to running a child care center."

A year after he was arrested, Gunnarson was cited in an inspection report by officials from the US Army Forces Command for "doing an excellent job as the Child Support Services Coordinator. The staff training program he developed utilizing the Military Child Care modules is model for the Army."

But allegations of abuse at the day care center would persist.

Former Army Capt. Gary Boswell approached Gunnarson in April 1985 after picking up his daughter at the day care center.

"She had a red spot on her hand, where she had been burned. She said, 'the teacher burned me.' This girl was taking the kids and taking a magnifying glass and holding their hands until they jerked their hand away and cried," said Boswell, who now works as a civilian employee at the Presidio. "I went to see Gunnarson and wasn't terribly pleased. He said he'd look into it. We came back, the next day and he said he had talked to the person, that there were no eye witnesses and 'it's your daughter's word against hers, so we can't do anything' we took our daughter out of the day care center a short time later."

Sue Dorsey contacted Gunnarson in June of 1986 to complain about an abuse incident she says she witnessed.

Dorsey, the wife of Army Capt Tom Dorsey, a physician, said she had just dropped her daughter off at the day care center and was walking out of the building when she noticed "a woman on her hands and knees, bent over, putting her hand's in a little girl's pants." "The woman took her hands out from the little girl's pants and put them under the little girl's top and tickled her on both breasts and then went back down into the pants into the vaginal area and tickled her there."

After relating the incident to the assistant director of the center, Dorsey said she was told that the woman Dorsey had seen with the little girl "was just playing innocent tickling games"

Dorsey went to Gunnarson who, she says, replied "So what you're telling me is that she tickled the little girl on her private parts." Dorsey returned home and called Gunnarson later in the day. "He said, 'I'm going to write something up in her personnel file'"

Finally, after further calls to the captain who supervised the civilian employees at the center, Dorsey was told that the Army's Criminal Investigation Division would investigate the case.

The investigation, Col Rafferty was later to say, "proved that it could not be substantiated that abuse had occurred... From my understanding of the actual touching involved, there was a question of just exactly what was clearly a tickling type of incident that could be interpreted in a couple of different ways. I suspect the investigators took the care-givers' interpretation of what that was.

A year later, Dorsey learned that her own daughter had been sexually abused at the center.

DORSEY AND THE OTHER PARENTS WOULD also learn that there had been sex abuse cases involving day care centers at several other Army bases. West Point was one of the most serious --until the Presidio. In July 1984, a 3-year-old girl was brought to the emergency room at West Point Hospital with a lacerated vagina. The child told the doctor who examined her that a teacher at the West Point day care center was the one who hurt her. In August, another parent came forward. By the end of the year, 50 children had been interviewed by investigators.

Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed.

Some parents alleged that the Army tried to cover up the cases. "The whole underlying theme was that the image of West Point was more important than dealing with the reality of what happened," said Dr. Walter Grote, whose 2-year-old daughter was among the children allegedly abused at the center.

Grote is now in private medical practice in New Jersey. A former Army captain, he turned down a promotion to major in 1984 to protest the Army's handling of the day care case at West Point. He was well aware that the problem at the Point had started long before.

In August 1983, nearly a year before the sex abuse case broke, a 22 month-old child had been murdered by the mother's boyfriend, an Army staff sergeant. After a court martial hearing, the sergeant was given an 18 month suspended sentence and dishonorable discharge.

Col. Richard C Eckert, a doctor then in charge of West Point's Child Protection Case Management Team, was outraged at the leniency of the sentence. In an Aug. 1, 1983, letter to Lt. Gen. Willard Scott, Jr., then superintendent of West Point, Eckert wrote, "The community has received a devastating message--West Point and the Army take child abuse lightly and do not consider it a major offense."

The guy that murdered the 22 month-old baby was let off scot free," said Dr. Pat Jones, a former pediatrician at West Point now in private practice in Texas. "They just kicked him out of the Army to prevent any publicity."

Jones, who believes his 15 month old daughter was sexually abused at the center at West Point, was so outraged he resigned from the Army. "I tried to resign from the alumni association I feel ashamed for even being from that place."

No indictments were returned in the West Point cases.

Fort Dix was next in July, 1986, two female employees were accused of sexually abusing four 3-and-year-old girls. No indictments were returned in the case, and the women returned to work at the day care center. Then Fort Leavenworth, Kan. And Fort Jackson, S.C. By November, 1987 the Army had received allegations of child abuse at 15 of its day care centers and several elementary schools.

There were also at least two cases in Air Force day care centers. And at a day care center run by the Navy in Philadelphia, a civilian was sentenced to three years in prison for sexually abusing children.

The Department of Defense decided in April 1987 to form special strike teams to investigate sex abuse cases in the military. The goal of the teams "is to not let things get any worse," says Bob Stein, director of the Military Family Resource Center at the Department of Defense. "We need to be better prepared to deal with the magnitude of the problem. I don't think anybody was prepared" at the Presidio or West Point.

Despite the military's official stance of preparedness, a new horror surfaced in June 1988 when a special team of experts was sent to Panama to help determine if as many as 10 children at a Department of Defense elementary school had been molested and possibly infected with AIDS by a teacher who is dying of the disease.

Although the allegations of ritual abuse made by children at West Point and at the Presidio were similar, "we may never totally resolve whether there is any kind of external organization [of abusers] or if just a single pedophile" was involved in those cases, said Col. Jim Schlie, deputy director of the Military Family Resource Center.

But some of the allegations made by children at the Presidio, that they were taken to houses on - and off-post by men and women--led to investigation of the possibility that there was an "external organization" in San Francisco. INSIDE A CONCRETE BUNKER BEHIND THE MILITARY Intelligence Building at the Presidio, the words "Prince of Darkness" are painted boldly in red on one wall. Used decades ago to house artillery guns, the reinforced concrete batteries appear to have been converted to something like ritual chambers.

Emblazoned next to the "Prince of Darkness" is the word "Die," and what looks like a list of names, painted in red, that have been crossed out with heavy black paint. One wall is covered with the numerals 666, a sign of the devil, and occult drawings. A clearing in the center of the concrete floor, where the ground is exposed, is filled with refuse and partly burned logs. On the front wall beneath the window that faces the Military Intelligence Building is a huge pentagram inside a circle. In the rear, where sunlight gives way to darkness, white and black candle drippings sit atop a dome shaped recession in the wall, apparently a crude altar. Incense sticks lie half burned to the side.

At another battery farther up Lincoln Boulevard, a large drawing of Satan, with red eyes and horns appears on an outside concrete wall. Doors to the battery are secured shut; there are no windows to climb though. No entry is possible here. It would be easy to dismiss the satanic graffiti as the pranks of adolescents, taking advantage of the isolated bunkers to play new versions of "Dungeons and Dragons." But events in the Presidio case suggested something more sinister could have been involved.

Satanic goings-on are not new to the Presidio. In the early 1980's, when he was an MP at the Presidio, Albanoski recalls, "We got a call from the Portola MacArthur housing area. One person reported a man dressed in black holding a little girl's hand running toward the park. Another call came in saying they heard screams near the creek."

The search led to a gardener's shack at Julius Kahn Park, a strip of city-owned playground adjacent to the Presidio, behind the housing area. "We heard noises coming from inside," Albanoski recalls. "We kicked the door open and here's this nice little bedroom. In a corner was a mannequin with a gun aimed at the door. On the left side there was a bunk against the wall. There was a pentagram on the floor, a huge one. There were dolls' heads all over the ceiling, just off-the-wall stuff." Music was blaring from a radio.

Albanoski and another MP were given approval to set up surveillance of the shack. After a while, the investigation was called off. "We were sitting there, we've got a cult on the Presidio of San Francisco and nobody cares about it," Albanoski says. "We were told by the provost marshall to just forget about it". Though Albanoski's investigation went nowhere, the child abuse cases would raise the specter of satanism again.

Larry and Michelle Adams-Thompson had noticed changes in their daughter's behavior after placing her in Gary Hambright's class four or five times in September and October of 1986. The girl, who turned 3 in October, had begun having nightmares and would wet herself when frightened. Her parents believed it was just "a bad stage" she was going through until they heard about the Tobin boy in January. The girl was taken to a therapist at Letterman Army Medical Center in February. In therapy, the girl talked about being sexually abused by Hambright and by a man named "Mikey" and a woman named "Shamby" whose identities were unknown. On Aug. 12, 1987, the Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino.

"Yes, that's Mikey," the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, "he's a bad man and I'm afraid." As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino's wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman.

"Yes, that's Shamby," the girl said.

The family went home and called the FBI.

When interviewed by authorities the next day, the girl identified Gary Hambright from a photo lineup and said she had been driven to Mikey and Shamby's home by Hambright. There, she said, she was abused by Hambright, Mikey and Shamby in a room with black walls. She said that she had been photographed. She said Hambright and Mikey were dressed in women's clothes and Shamby was dressed in man's clothes.

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met "Mikey" and "Shamby." It was the Aquinos' house.

A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. With his widow's peak and arching eyebrows, Lt Col. Michael Aquino looks more like a pudgy Dracula than a high ranking Army officer with top security clearance. He is the founder and high priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set. His wife, Lilith, a gaunt woman with long, dark hair, is a priestess in the temple's Order of the Vampyre. The couple refer to the search as a "raid" and have branded the investigation a witch hunt.

"The Army has known about my religion for the last 18 years and has no problem," Aquino told me in a telephone interview late last year. "Not one single person in the US. Army, with the exception of the chaplain, would have the remotest notion that I would be involved in anything like this."

Indeed, Army spokesmen at the Pentagon label his military career as "extraordinary" and say he is entitled to his religious beliefs. As for his top security clearance, they say his openness about being a satanist makes him much less of a security risk than a homosexual or someone with drug or money problems would be.

The Army did not suspend his clearance when he joined the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, in 1969. Nor when Aquino founded his own satanic church in 1975. Nor when Aquino while on a NATO tour of Europe in 1982 performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle that had been used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler's SS elite in Nazi Germany. Nor did the Army move to suspend Aquino's top security clearance during the sex abuse investigation. "The nature of the investigation that prompted the search of his house, and I understand some of his belongings were taken by police, really is a question for the San Francisco Police Department," Maj. Greg Rixon, spokesman at the Pentagon said Aquino, who now works as a program analyst at the Army Reserve Personnel Center in St Louis, has vehemently denied ever meeting or having in his house the young girl who has alleged he abused her. He unsuccessfully tried to have court martial proceedings initiated against Adams-Thompson.

In a Temple of Set newsletter sent out two months after the search of his home, Aquino accused Adams-Thompson, who is an assistant chaplain for the Army, of trumping up the allegations as some sort of Christian vendetta "Also relevant is his profession as a Christian clergyman; I certainly doubt that he would have made such an outrageous accusation against any Lieutenant Colonel who was not known to be a prominent Satanist"

In April, Aquino wrote a four-page letter to the head of a children's advocates group in Southern California warning that "we do not intend to see a replay of what happened in Nazi Germany, when the reluctance of the Jews to challenge those who systematically and falsely accused Judaism of heinous crimes-including the sexual abuse and ritual murder of Christian children- led to violence against them."

Aquino said that the Temple of Set neither prescribes nor tolerates any form of harm, sexual or otherwise, to children or animals. "It is made clear in our membership publications that, should we have any reason to think that a member is engaged in any such activity, he or she will be immediately expelled and reported to the appropriate law enforcement or animal-protection authorities."

In a February appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show this year, Aquino said that satanists "are not servants of some God; we are our own gods; we are our own decision makers. And people naturally fear this." Their beliefs, he said, are "most closely aligned to that of Plato."

Neither Aquino nor his wife has been charged in connection with the case. San Francisco Police completed their investigation of the Aquinos in June and submitted their findings to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office. A decision on whether any charges would be filed was pending when this story went to press.

Now stationed at another post, the Adams-Thompsons say their daughter's nightmares and bed wetting have stopped. And they say their daughter has not given up.

"She still believes that some day some judge will hear all the facts and do right by her," Michelle Adams-Thompson said "A lot of people were not as brave as her."

AT 4:45 A.M. ON SEPT. 22 1987, A CALL came in to the Presidio Fire Department. A building in the complex of structures at the Presidio that houses the day care center was on fire. By the time parents started dropping their children off at 7 a m, the $500,000 blaze had been extinguished. The Army Community Services Building adjacent to the day care center, which housed some of the center's records, had been demolished. Perhaps only coincidentally, the fire occurred on the autumnal equinox, a major event on the satanic calendar. An investigation of the fire by the Army blamed the blaze on a faulty wire outlet.

Three weeks later, fire struck again, this time at the day care center itself. The fire was reported at 4:30 am. It caused $50,000 damage to a day care center building that housed four classrooms, including Hambright's.

Now faced with two fires, the Army called in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for help. Investigators found that both fires, contrary to the Army's finding, had been arson. They also found cinders under a building, evidence of a third attempted but unsuccessful fire at the center. The Army later offered a $5,000 reward for information on the fires. There have been no takers.

On Sept. 30, eight days after the first fire, and six months after the original charges had been dropped, Gary Hambright was reindicted on molestation charges involving 10 children. He was charged with 10 counts of lewd and lascivious conduct on a child and two count of oral copulation. The indictment included the Tobin boy but did not include the original charge of sodomy.

That day there was much backslapping at a press conference called by US Attorney Joseph Russoniello to announce the charges. A press release said the maximum penalty that might be imposed in this case is 96 yeas in prison and a $3 million fine.

Surrounded by Army brass from the Presidio and several FBI agents, Russoniello said there would be no more arrests; despite the children's allegations, there were no other suspects. But even Gary Hambright appeared to suggest that others had been involved. At a press conference Oct. 2 after he was arraigned, Hambright, reading from a prepared statement, said he was innocent of all the charges and added, "I cannot understand why these allegations and falsehoods have been, directed solely at me."

Geoff Hansen, the assistant federal public defender who represented Hambright, refused to allow his client to answer any questions, a policy unbroken throughout the long months after the indictment Hansen denied, however, that Hambright was referring to anyone else.

The parents had many questions about the new indictment. Why only those children? Why only one child on the indictment who had medical evidence? Why did the indictment not include the children with such medical evidence as missing hymens and rectal lesions? And why were the charges so vague?

Rather than specifying the actual crimes allegedly committed on the children, 10 of the 12 charges were committing lewd and lascivious acts. The other two charges, involving the Tobin boy and the boy who was abused on his birthday, were oral copulation. Hambright no longer was charged with raping the Tobin boy

The Tobin boy, the only child with medical evidence on the indictment, was included because he had been examined by CASARC, by a non-Army doctor off post. Cooperation between the Army and the U. S. Attorney had been weak from the beginning. The cases of chlamydia could not be used as evidence because the right kind of culture, had not been taken at Letterman Army Medical Center. When one couple called the US Attorney's Office to ask if they should take their children for another culture, the answer was no.

Assistant U. S Attorney Peter Robinson, who had been brought in by then to assist Susan Gray, said those 10 children had been chosen from the more than 60 victims because they would make the best witness.

In February, Assistant US Attorney Gray, now teamed with Assistant US Attorney Eb Luckel, asked that charges involving four of the children be dismissed because of problems with the children's testimony. Later in the month, Judge Schwarzer dismissed all but one of the remaining counts because the charges were too vague. Gray and Robinson had submitted a two page document listing a series of dates on which the abuse allegedly occurred for each child but did nothing further to spell out the accusations.

The only remaining witness on the indictment, the Tobin boy, was removed from the case a short time later on the advice of the boy's therapist.

Gary Hambright was a free man - again

THE STRATEGY FOR A SIMPLE pedophile case had failed again. Gray, the daughter of a district court judge, had never before handled a child sexual abuse case. The Presidio case, in fact, was believed to be the first such case handled by the US Attorneys Office in San Francisco. Gray had worked long and hard on the case but confined her efforts to the law library. Nether Gray nor anyone else in the U. S. Attorney's Office saw the need to hire experts on child abuse cases until about two months before the end. There had been a telephone consultation with Dr. Roland Summit, an associate clinical psychiatrist at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and a consultant in major sex abuse cases around the country.

"I reviewed some early documents in the case," Summit said "On the basis of the documents, they didn't want to go to court. There were too many allegations of weirdness and ritual without enough corroborating evidence. It is that kind of thing so far that is fatal to effective prosecution."

Summit, who has consulted on a number of ritual abuse cases, said the failure in such cases is "a scandal ... that we have to see some sort of material proof to get any sincere concern to what 300 to 500 children have sworn in the midst of terror was real. If you had 300 adults in any circumstance, wherever they were assembled, who would describe this same phenomenon, nobody would want to believe it, but I don't think the justice system could possibly be that indifferent..

"The smart money for any attorney is to stay away from it and try to sneak through by selecting witnesses who don't talk about it. Are you going to put somebody in jail on the word of a little kid?"

Failure to consult with abuse experts haunted the case. By the time the children had been in therapy long enough and felt comfortable enough to talk about some of the more bizarre aspects of the case, Gray was adamant that she could not take such things before a jury. "She sat right here on that couch and said she couldn't take that before a jury," said one mother.

Gray has refused to discuss the case.

Her colleague, Assistant U.S. Attorney Luckel, said the case fell apart at the end because "in the final analysis, when we reviewed the cases we had where there was a child who was prepared to go to court and was prepared to tell us what happened and describe something that actually occurred at the Presidio, as opposed to off-base, there was not much to consider."

According to Luckel, the US. Attorney's Office had decided that federal jurisdiction in the case ended at the boundaries of the Presidio. That meant that even though some of the allegations involved children being taken off post by Hambright, they were not to be part of the federal case. "When we got right down to it, there were just a couple of possible cases where federal jurisdiction existed," Luckel said. "Our decision was that we could only prosecute for acts that occurred at the Presidio."

Since San Francisco Police concentrated their efforts on investigating Aquino, that meant that many of the children's allegations fell through the legal cracks. More than 60 children were sexually abused but not at the right location.

So is the Presidio case closed? "We would not reopen it absent the discovery of new evidence," Luckel says. The statute of limitations for this case is five years.

ON APRIL 19, THE ARMY HELD AN OPEN house for a new $2.3 million day care center at the Presidio. That same day, several parents held a press conference to protest the closing of the federal case.

"We feel that it is vitally important that parents everywhere realize these things really happen.," they said in a prepared statement, "Cases such as this are being successfully prosecuted across the country at the state level. Why have Mr. Russoniello and the entire federal system failed to learn from these successes?" Referring to the victims, the parents said, "All have made statements that they were abused, they have psychological evidence of abuse and many have documented medical evidence of sexual abuse, including rape, sodomy and venereal disease."

The criminal case is closed, but by June, the parents of 23 children had filed $55 million in claims against the Army, the first step toward filing a civil suit against the government alleging negligence that led to the abuse.

Last December, the Army reassigned several people connected with the case, including Lt. Col. Walter Meyer, the director of personnel and community activities and John Gunnarson the director of child development services responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations of the center. Diana Curl, the day care center director, resigned. In late June, Gary Hambright was "still trying to decide where he wants to settle," said assistant federal public defender Nanci Clarence, one of Hambright's attorneys Clarence said he is "in and out" of San Francisco.

The case that so many did not want to believe is still very much alive in the nightmares and sexual acting out that continue for many children, in the jarring statements that come suddenly out of nowhere, such as the 4 year old girl who sat at her kitchen table a few months ago and told her mother she wanted to kill herself with a knife. Others say they hate themselves. One 6-year-old girl was playing with modeling clay at school one day when she suddenly started stabbing it. "Mr. Gary is bad and I'm bad because I let him do it," she told her teacher.

"People keep telling us we've got to let it go just forget about it and go on," said parent Gretchen Runyan. Two of the Runyans' four daughters were among the victims, both had confirmed cases of chlamydia.

"Three weeks ago, our youngest daughter was having nightmares and our other daughter was closing out the whole world, going to her room and sitting there, with no radio, no TV, no nothing. Tell me it's over."


[A motion] "in which plaintiff alleges that the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) has refused to..."

Discussion Forum -- Michael Aquino's response to the above, and, an investigator's response to same, lead off this discussion of Michael Aquino.

The following comment, as it has always existed, lead to Mr. Aquino's response (posted in the Discussion forum):

[To Mr. Aquino: If you have any rebuttal to anything posted on this page, feel free to send me copies and I will post. If claims as to existence of documents, I may require you to provide me originals to verify accuracy thereof. opf]



This is an action brought pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. S 552a(g), in which plaintiff alleges that the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) has refused to amend a Report of Investigation (ROI) which states that plaintiff was the subject of an investigation for sexual child abuse and related crimes. Plaintiff seeks to remove his name from the title block of the investigation, he seeks damages for the alleged willful and intentional misconduct of the Army for refusing to accurately maintain this record, and he seeks attorney fees and costs. Defendant United States Army seeks dismissal of plaintiff's Privacy Act complaint and judgment on the administrative record denying plaintiff's requests. First, plaintiff has failed to state a claim under the Privacy Act because these criminal law enforcement records are exempt from the amendment provisions of the Act. Second, plaintiff has failed to carry his burden of showing that defendant acted arbitrarily or capriciously in refusing to delete plaintiff's name from the report. And finally, even if plaintiff's claim was reviewable under the Privacy Act, it should be denied because plaintiff has failed to show that the report is inaccurate. Consequently, the court should not award damages, attorney fees or costs.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:26 PM


Barney Frank is one congressman who was speaking up about the phedohile ring, that is before they let him get off on his sex crime charges.

I wish someone would start publicly asking him questions again, since he knows alot about it and the people involved.


Monday, June 12, 2006 10:47 AM


Supposedly one of the former monseignors of Boys Town is working with DeCamp and willing to spill his guts, but the eternal problem is - who do you spill it TO, but the very folks involved ?

As for the mainstream media, they tried that and the station in question, which was to air the documentary, pulled it at the last minute and destroyed the tape after being warned off by management.

Investigative journalism ?
As far as the mainstream media goes, dead.
They're too busy copy/pasting stuff instead of actually digging - how many newspaper articles do you see word-for-word verbatim-exact, in six or seven different papers ?

Damn I miss Sam "The Shovel" Donaldson.. although I feel he should have taken a stand long before he did, at least he had the good grace to apologize on his way out - I think he's been relegated to the ass end of the AM radio dial these days, to slowly fade away unnoticed as the press supposed to be informing us is busy trying to distract and divert with endless celebrity crap no one truly cares about.

Anyhows, with investigative journalism dead and buried, it's all too easy to slip garbage, press releases, or what have you into the copy/paste stream of information most of these so-called reporters swipe from, one might try exploiting that, since it's been so heavily exploited by the OSP in the past few years, but credibility on that level is doubtful mainly because it's just a stream of crap for the most part.

Your best bet right now, and I wince to even say this, is Pravda, as they have carried interviews from noteable americans on other topics that our own media was uninterested in - but again, you have a credibility issue there, ironic that the former soviet unions propaganda rag is more newsworthy these days than primary US media.

I reccommend against pulling a Captain Midnight and commandeering airtime, even if the security is a joke, as anything like that will be immediately discredited via the tactics involved.

One you hit 100-monkey-point and have public interest, that will socially and politically force the issue, but getting to that point is the difficulty.

Offhand, I recall that Barry Crimmins, technically a political satirist, once took a stab at this general issue himself, at substantial risk to himself, and one might consider that avenue.

Also, presentation matters - you have to come at it in a manner that makes it look serious, without being alarmist, even if yes, there is cause for alarm.

Depending on your morality, it's also worth a cold, hard second thought of setting some of the principle creeps involved against one another, and then watching them sing like canaries when it starts to come apart, while providing supporting evidence as needed to help matters along, but that's an ugly and risky business... up to you.

Me, I wouldn't play nice - you don't go to a card sharpers house, play on his table, with his deck, by his rules, and expect to walk away a winner, hell no.

What you do about it is ultimately up to you, however.



Monday, June 12, 2006 12:38 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Jack McLamb, who is an ex-cop, ex-soldier and talk radio host, has a son who's a major in US Army during this 2nd Gulf War. His son's daughter was raped by a military doctor in Germany, perhaps in retaliation for Jack McLamb reporting on the pedophile Bush Crime Family. The Army refuses to arrest the pedophile doctor, and is sending the victim's father back to Iraq (where he might get eliminated by a coincidental bomb or bullet). Jack McLamb runs Police & Military Against The New World Order.

Pedophile pimp Jew Barney Frank is now running for US Senate. He's got enough extortion photos to get him a job in the White House.

White House counsel and convicted felon John Dean's wife "Mo" (the Ho) was also a hooker pimp, running call girls to reward GOPsters and extort Demorats in DC.


Former White House counsel John W. Dean III was charged with obstruction of justice and spent four months in prison for his role in the Watergate cover-up. Now an investment banker in Beverly Hills, Dean is the author of the Watergate memoirs "Blind Ambition" and "Lost Honor, " as well as a book on Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Mo Dean looks like a Ho

Dean's wife, Maureen, wrote her own memoir -- "Mo: A Woman's View of Watergate." The former financial consultant for Shearson-Lehman Bros. also penned two Washington novels, "Washington Wives" and "Capitol Secrets."

The Deans are at the center of Watergate conspiracy theories that sound as if they came from a steamy Washington novel. They filed a lawsuit prompted by the published allegations about them. The 1991 book "Silent Coup: The Removal of a President" suggested that John Dean masterminded the Watergate burglary to obtain documents linking Maureen and her roommate to an alleged prostitution ring.

Book text online except for the ho parts

The Deans sued "Silent Coup's" authors and two sources, G. Gordon Liddy and Phillip M. Bailey. Garrick said court approval is pending for an undisclosed settlement between the Deans and St. Martin's Press, the book's publisher.

Gordon Liddy was also a convicted felon lawyer for the Nixon White House who helped run the burgleries, and was an FBI agent who bit the head off a live rat.

Silent Coup is the ONLY news report that homosexual Jew Bob Woodward was in the US Navy intelligence stationed on spy ships in Vietnam Wars, and that during Watergate, Lt Woodward was active duty military stationed in the Pentagon, working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff as liason to General Alexander "Deep Throat" Haig, who was Tricky Dick Nixon's White House chief of staff. Woodward's military job was to visit Haig in the Nixon White House... Funny how Robert Redford's and Jew Dustin Hofman's movie censored that fact.

Silent Coup: The Woodward-Haig Connection

These facts are never mentioned by any US news source when Woodward appears on TV today. Woodward is currently editor of the Jewish owned Washington Post, owned by the Jewish Grahams, who are CIA agents, linked to the CIA's drug-running pedophile kidnapping rings.

"They've got a big target on there, ATF. Don't shoot at that because they've got a vest on underneath that. Head shots, head shots.... Kill the sons of bitches."
—G. Gordon Liddy, talk radio host, White House legal counsel and FBI agent, August 26, 1994 (Leslie Jorgensen, FAIR Extra!, "AM Armies", March/April 1995, referring to the Massacre of 80 Christians in church in Waco Texas)

How about I stay out of your whoring, and you stay out of my thieving.
-Mal, Trash

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation


Friday, June 23, 2006 5:00 PM



Supposedly one of the former monseignors of Boys Town is working with DeCamp and willing to spill his guts, but the eternal problem is - who do you spill it TO, but the very folks involved

and there in lies one of the main problems, who do they spill it to..

I'm thinking they may have to take this story out of the it all over the western world 1rst...

then start going on the radio, as for main stream media in this country..its just not going to happen..

obviously to many people are involved an to many people are being black mailed

After I read Senator Decamps book the Franklin cover up, he said he was going to start working on another book about Paul Bonacci and the Mind control stuff, because he said without really understanding about that it would be very hard for people to know whats really going on. I'm so glad that he is still trying to get the truth out there, I pray that he stays safe and is protected from harm..

Thats just it, if the story could get out to the public enough to draw intrest, that would be the start..that what has to happen.

The former monseignors of boys town, do you know if anyone has got them on tape , if they are still alive they must have something as insurance!!


Friday, June 23, 2006 10:00 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
After I read Senator Decamps book the Franklin cover up, he said he was going to start working on another book about Paul Bonacci and the Mind control stuff, because he said without really understanding about that it would be very hard for people to know whats really going on. I'm so glad that he is still trying to get the truth out there, I pray that he stays safe and is protected from harm..

Well, see, a lot of the info for the second book, would have been dependant on the testimony of Alisha Owen and Troy Boner, thing is, right after the publication of the first book - Boner showed up, injured and hysterical, in the emergency room of a new mexico hospital, ranting that someone was after him because of the book.

Personnel sedated him and put him in a room for observation, but conveniently did not bother to ever check on him till the next morning, when they found him quite dead and bleeding profusely from the mouth.
(autopsy records, if any, have been confiscated, but it would not be unreasonable to assume someone cut his tongue out.)

So there's not likely to be another book, too many 'accidents' have occured to the people who would have been providing the information to base it on - the monseignor has probably already spilled or at least given over whatever notes and testimony is possible, and likely instructed DeCamp to wait until he kicked off this mortal coil before handing it over, as a policy of insurance, one might say.
(A practice commonly known as deathboxing)

The Franklin/Boystown/Bonacci issue is pretty much a dead letter, as it stands, in spite of the pitiful few arrests... public knowledge, court investigations, infighting and a few unspecified actions by individuals operating outside the scope of the law have made that particular 'chain of supply' unusable to them for the immediate future.

Any further investigation would be best done via the offices of Patrick Fitzgerald as regarding the Abramoff case, because it was ole Jack who picked up on Larry Franklins action, you see.

Again, many of the so-called prostitutes he provided were not old enough to apply for a drivers license (the media is using the word prostitute instead of victim to protect their rethuglican buddies here) and this is corroborated courtroom quality testimony entered into the evidence of record, look it up if you like.

The game never changes, but the players do - your best bet is to have a talk with Pat Fitzgerald about it, if at all possible, but if you come off as a moonbat, you won't last five seconds.. you wanna go that route, you make DAMN sure all your ducks are in a row and you've got good cards in your deck before you play.

Fair enough ?



Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:21 PM



Well, see, a lot of the info for the second book, would have been dependant on the testimony of Alisha Owen and Troy Boner, thing is, right after the publication of the first book - Boner showed up, injured and hysterical, in the emergency room of a new mexico hospital, ranting that someone was after him because of the book.

Personnel sedated him and put him in a room for observation, but conveniently did not bother to ever check on him till the next morning, when they found him quite dead and bleeding profusely from the mouth.
(autopsy records, if any, have been confiscated, but it would not be unreasonable to assume someone cut his tongue out.)

so Troy is dead now too....,I'm not surprised

I had no idea, I was wondering about why there wasn't another book yet because I know the 1rst one came out in 1997-1998, I was even going to write to Senator DeCamp and try to find out some information, I may still write to him, just to let him know how grateful I am that he is still trying to get the truth out there and get some justice.


Any further investigation would be best done via the offices of Patrick Fitzgerald as regarding the Abramoff case, because it was ole Jack who picked up on Larry Franklins action, you see. ...

he game never changes, but the players do - your best bet is to have a talk with Pat Fitzgerald about it, if at all possible, but if you come off as a moonbat, you won't last five seconds.. you wanna go that route, you make DAMN sure all your ducks are in a row and you've got good cards in your deck before you play.

well thanks for the info and the heads up, I'll defintely continue to look into this,and do as much reseach as I can, I knew that this was all still going on..


Monday, September 4, 2006 4:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!




VIDEO DOWNLOADS - "On my birthday I received a package with the following pictures inside. The first photo is of my son Johnny, shortly after he was kidnapped on Sept. 5th, 1982. He was still wearing the clothing he had on the day he was taken. He is bound and gagged. The second photo is three boys all bound gagged. The boy on the far right is my son, Johnny. We do not have the identity of the other two boys. We are currently working with the police and the National Center for Missing Children in hopes of learning the identity of the other two boys. There are two families who would probably like to have news of their children. If anyone viewing the second photo knows who these boys are, please contact me." -NOREEN GOSCH, AUGUST 2006


These photos look like the photos of JonBenet Ramsey's dead body in her CIA parent's house:

Then John Ramsey campaigned for US Congress, to join all the other pedophile slave traders.

Cathy O'Brien and her lobotomized daughter Kelly were also composited into River's character, after being sold to the pedophiles in US Congress and the Bush Sr and Billary Clinton (Blythe Rockefeller) White House.

Even Scifi's Battlestar Galactica had a scene where pedophile sex slave traders were shown running the fleet, and even the military was afraid of them. Sounds like the scriptwriters were plagerizing the O'Brien family.

You can see video of Cathy O'Brien's Satanic vagina, during her OB exam for GNN TV:

The Tennesse legislature passed HR1462 and S902, named for her daughter Kelly, who was still kidnapped by The State and forced by Judge Shookhoff's court order to participate in "Satanic exorcisms" (an oxymoron) to create more dissociative identities and amnesia for plausible deniability.


"Laws do not apply in this case for reasons of National Security."
-Judge Shookhoff, State of Tennessee versus Kelly O'Brien, Access Denied for Reasons of National Security, page 244

"National Security was invoked in this case. All court records were sealed."
-Scott Roseburg, assistant district attorney candidate for juvenile judge, GNN TV, "The Most Dangerous Game", Access Denied for Reasons of National Security, page 389

We're in the middle of a Civil War, and Tee Vee is the main battleground for Winning Hearts And Minds to overthrow USA for the NWO's global Alliance. Notice that Mal was fighting a Civil War. The current owners of FF, Bush Gang's Carlyle Group (aka Blue Sun), are the Real World monsters that Joss warned you about.

For those who hope that cops and coroners are 100% trustworthy to determine cause of death, beware to tale of Dr Pedigo MD, police firearms trainer for Knoxville Police Dept, and medical examiner for Knox County. In his full-time teaching job at University of Tennessee Medical Center (owned by Canada), Dr Pedigo kidnapped and raped young male interns. He invited them to his home via pretext, drugged them, stripped them, raped them and photographed them. It wasn't until Tennessee Bureau of Invistigation raided his home for hiding the murder gun in a copkilling by a towtrucker, and shooting Dr Pedigo 6 times for resisting arrest, that police found his stash of pedophile rape photos. Pedigo had over 100 guns stolen from storage of police confiscations. Would YOU trust this guy to determine cause of death perped by a high-ranking pedophile?

Note that when radio talk show host William Cooper was gunned down by Police State Death Squad in Egar, Arizona, it was the trespassing county coroner who made the initial false complaint against Cooper, that led to the midnight summary execution by silenced machine guns.

In the CIA's Iran-Contra Arkansides, Dr Malik followed the illegal orders from Governor Bill Clinton-Blythe Rockefeller and President George Bush Sr. Over a dozen murders were classified as "suicides", including the dismemberment of children who stumbled upon CIA cocaine drops at Mena Airport.

My point being, the coroner in the JonBenet case must follow unlawful orders, or get carved up on his own slab.

Note that convicted pedophiles run the so-called "False Memory Syndrome Foundation", and publish books on how to rape children.

When I was in Los Angeles for the 9/11 Convention this year, one speaker reported that John deCamp lectured in California that the name of the kid sacrificed in snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove with Bonacci was named Collins. Bonacci and other witnesses said Hunter Thompson was the photographer at the Grove. Collins is one of the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines, according to Fritz Springmeier. John Todd eyewitnessed child sacrifices by the Collins family, then Todd was killed for giving lectures about it.

"'They're hurting us. Get me out!' The Government was playing with her brain. They opened up her skull and cut into her brain. The only reason you do that is to lobotomize somebody. They did it over, and over..."
-Dr Tam, Firefly

Tangerine Dream - Thief Soundtrack: Confrontation

Does that seem right to you?


Saturday, September 30, 2006 6:56 PM


Bumping this thread up


Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:35 PM


According to the grapevine, there's trouble "on the hill" (meaning Capitol Hill) but i just got back from being out of town and have to head back out in a lil bit - keep your eyes on the news for more Congresscritters and such to get busted or at least embarrassed....

Too bad no one dares investigate, cause these creepers tend to sing like canaries if you threaten to send them to Remora.


*EDIT - Oops, I see it's already started to come out, with it's own thread - this is just the beginning folks, if he sings, and if anyone cares.. it's domino time.


Monday, October 2, 2006 5:16 PM


In order for him to start talking, he would have to be under some serious pressure, he would have to be going down and decide that he's not going alone. I think he would end up six feet under before they would let that happen. Even if they thought he might crack he would end up dead!!

you see how he's been conviently checked in to rehab, my guess is they have him somewhere where they can keep an eye on him and nobody can get to him until this blows over!!

Foley's not going to talk, and the American public is going to sit on their fat arses and do nothing as usual.


Saturday, January 26, 2019 4:28 PM







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