UPDATED: Monday, November 13, 2006 03:47
VIEWED: 3072
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:27 AM


I guess I missed the $12.00 off with free shipping at Circuit City for Final Fantasy XII, but my brother just pointed this out to me. If you don't mind waiting for the shipping time Family Video is selling it online for $39.98 after the $5.00 off coupon code.

Here's the code: NEWMEM96

Shipping is only $0.99

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Thursday, November 2, 2006 9:36 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Oooo, nice! I'll have to check that out. I'm trying to find a new game to play to get me away from Final Fantasy XI (so... damn... ADDICTING!! ). My brother just got it and said it was good of what he's played. I was thinking of picking up F.E.A.R. as well. Yay, shiny new games!


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Thursday, November 2, 2006 2:36 PM


Hmm...I should probably try playing some of those newer Final Fantasy games, as the most recent one that I play is Final Fantasy IX, which is for the old playstation system....
Can anyone say that the new ones are more fun than the really old ones?

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:11 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Well, I can speak for XI. It's probably the most unique out of all the Final Fantasy series, being the only mega multi-player online version of FF. I love being able to create a character, level it and interact with other people online. I personally play the PC version, but the great thing about the game is it doesn't matter what system you play it on, everyone on all 3 systems (XBox 360, PS2, PC) can all play together. You do have to pay a monthly fee (as with pretty much all online games), but it's worth it if that's something you can get into.


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Monday, November 6, 2006 12:50 AM


Nice Roxy.... you're a younger cuter sister of Kaylee and we can play video games together. I thought girls like you were as real as the Tooth Fairy. And if I find out the Tooth Fairy is real too then I want my damn teeth back. They're worth a lot more than the lousy fifty cents I got for em.

I'm not really into the games as much as I used to be. I've had to ween myself off them a bit. So many years wasted. I took up guitar instead and I find much more pleasure in it. Every year or so a game comes out that eats up about 2 weeks of my life though and this year it looks like there will be 2 of them. First was Dead Rising which will effectively recruit you as a member of the living dead for the weeks you burn playing it, and now Final Fantasy XII.

I've played these games since the first one came out back in like 1986 or 1989 or something like that for the regular nintendo and I've been hooked since. The only ones that I haven't played actually are IX and XII and maybe some smaller ones that might have been made for Game Cube or some handheld systems. Truth be told, if I were to start playing FFXI online, I would officially be a hermit within the week and there would be absolutely no chance of me being any contributing part to society... ever. I know how my personaility is and I will not allow myself to play any online games other then the occasional game of Spades or Texas Hold'em (not for money either).

If IX is the last one that you played, ASORTAFAIRYTALE, you should definately give it another chance. My brother is a big fan of FF games and he hated IX. Personally I thought FF VIII was great, but Final Fantasy X is probably my favorite game ever. It's story is so gripping and it draws you in so much that you actually really care about the characters. The end had me nearly in tears like a little sissy, but then again, that was probably due much more to the fact that I lived in my Grandma's basement with 3 cats because I used to spend all of my time doing stupid shite like playing FFX instead of living real life.

You should play it soon before the graphics are so inferior that they would turn you off to it. (Here's hopeing XII is even better)

Final Fantasy X2 had the best menu and fighting engines of any RPG that I've ever played, but I must admit that I felt a little embarassed walking to the register to pay for it... a 24 year old guy at Best Buy walking to a girl at a register (there were only girls there... believe me, I checked) and buying a game with 3 sexily drawn computer babes wearing very little clothing.... um, yeah. I could just imagine that cute black girl thinking "look at this perverted little white boy," and then telling other people about it when I left. Glad I don't have to do that again for FFXII. X2 was probably more fun and the graphics were better, but its fun was due mostely to it's overall lighthearted theme and some not so subtle references to lesbianism scattered thruought. I seriously felt like I was playing a Final Fantasy / Barbie hybrid and I was convinced that I would never tell a soul that I not only played X2 but that I actually enjoyed it. So now you know my deepest and saddest video game geek-life secrets, I have to kill you both.

Don't worry... I'll give you a little time to give Final Fantasy XII a go before I come for you.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:02 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Ahhh, we DO exist! We really do! Dunno 'bout the whole "Kaylee" thing, but I am a girl gamer, last time I checked anyways. I am slowly trying to get myself away from the video games, for you are right, FFXI has pretty much taken over my life. >.< It's very sad. But I don't think I can go cold turkey from gaming entirely. Withdrawl ya know. Oh the pain. I'll have to find something to occupy my time that isn't online gaming. Then maybe I can get back to my real life a bit (*gasp* I have one of those??). My next drug of choice would have to be survial horror so I'll just have to wait for the next Resident Evil or dare I say, another Silent Hill. Hmmm, might even have to try another Final Fantasy. You make a strong case for it.

Guitar eh? Very nice! I actually do other things, shocking though it may seem. I love to draw, that's what I turn to besides the evil conroler. Also I love photography so me and a camera are a dangerous combo.


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Monday, November 6, 2006 10:34 PM


Drawing... very cool. I used to do it all the time all the way through high school, but then I kinda just stopped for some reason. My mom drew a lot too but she stopped at some point. I never knew she could draw anything until I was about 15 and I was up in the attic and I found a box full of drawings. A perfect likeness of Tom Selleck wearing those aviator sunglasses comes to mind. I was shocked. I should probably pick up a pencil and try my hand at it again.

I loved charcoal, but I liked working with pastels and water colors too. It wasn't until my Senior year in highschool that I won any awards (that's when I figured out that nobody was going to even give me an honorable mention for all of the demons and monsters I was drawing).

The way schools are today they probably would have forced me to undergo psychiatric evaluations and force fed me pills for the stuff that I'd draw. But my art teacher was cool and entered all of my stuff and had it hung on the walls anyhow. When I finally toned it down and listened to my teacher when he said that I was very talented but that all of my work was "trite", one of my works, though it didn't win best in show that year, won one of the categories (I can't remember which as it was watercolor and colored pencil combined) and it was the cover of the school's literary magazine. It's my favorite thing that I've made and the coolest thing is that it all started with an accident and just took off from there. I told my art teacher that and he said that some of the greatest works of art and inventions were created purely by accident. I'm getting a scanner soon, so maybe if I get around to it I'll put it up.

I would love to see some of your stuff sometime.

As for Final Fantasy XII, I'd try it out if I was you. And please, do whatever it takes to stop the Final Fantasy XI. I wasted a third of my childhood at least on video games and I don't even want to know how much I would have if I had online games to play. When you start getting old and wrinkley like I'm starting to get at 27, you're going to wish you had spent your time better.

Trust me, your parents were actually right about that one.....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 7:15 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Really? You draw? I'd like to see some stuff when you get a scanner. Love looking at people's work, motivates me. I did a lot of the "fantasy" type drawing while I was in school also a lot of comic book type art. Didn't go over well with most people either. I did get quite a few covers of school magazines and some art in the year book. Most of the awards I won were in photography and most of those were honorable mention cause my photos were, well, kinda crazy and a little too much for some people. But, my true love is drawing, pencil drawing. Haven't done much charcoal. I have painted a bit, but mostly on my walls, characters and such. Well, here's one of my drawings. I'll just post one cause I don't want anyone to piss and moan about this not being the thread for this, blah, blah, blah. lol!

OH, and just so this has SOME sort of mention of gaming... I got FFXII and I like it. And I'm also getting Gears of War tomorrow. And that thing about being 27, I'll be 27 in Feb. so wtf am I gonna do?? Is it too late for me?? hehe!


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:36 PM


Hey Roxy. Great drawing.... and all the way back in '99. I was never able to draw people too well. Anything that I did that was any good was pretty abstract. As far as people bitching about the thread.. well.. it's my thread so I can hijack it if I want to.

I work nights and when I left for work I saw that my FFXII came in the mail today. It's killing me knowing that that's waiting at home for me and I'm here. I really need to get a life.... or a girlfriend at least. All the good ones my age are married. Or they have kids already. Or they live 3,000 miles away.

LOL... here I am talking to you like you're a kid last post. You look like you're about 17. I thought I was talking to a high schooler or college newbie. Well, you know what I'm talking about then, kind of.... Somehow you've managed to stave off the wrinkles and keep that baby face of yours. I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that you must not smoke, but then again I saw your post with the gun on the pictures thread and you don't seem to me to be the type to be very anti-smoking.

It's never too late to cut down the playing... but you're right about needing something to do in place of it. Like chewing gum if you're trying to quit smoking. I just read in a magazine the other day that at a rehab clinic in
Amsterdam they opened a new wing which is the first of its kind in the world. It's rehab for video game addicts. If all else fails, you can go to Amsterdam to be cured.

And you can score some pretty wicked pot and smoke in the streets....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:14 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Yay! I get to post whatever I want. If that's the case then here's a couple more recent ones...

I really like drawing people's face's. Especially the eyes. The eyes are just the most beautiful part of the human body. It's like they make the person. When I used to draw people my mom would guess immediated who I was drawing just by the eyes. I also love hands. Haven't got the hands quite right, but it's something I'm working hard on.

Ok, WHY does everyone think I'm in high school?? It's the video games, isn't it? Damn it! lol! The smoking thing, yeah, don't smoke, but Sarge (my gun) I do like him. He's mainly for target practice. He's a lil big for me anyways, beats the crap out of my shoulder when he fires.

Oooo, ouch. FFXII is sitting at home waiting for you? Ouchie. I'd be hurting too. You do need a girlfriend. A game playing girlfriend so she can call you up and say "Hun, this game is wicked sweet!", give you the low down. Hey, couples need things to share. Besides the obvious. Ok, alonge with is fine.

Oooo, rehab. That sounds like a good idea. It's pretty bad, found myself playing for 3hrs and that's nothing in an online game. Guess it doesn't help that I made a lot of friends in the game. That's it, strap me down and give me the electro-shock. Oh wait, did you say pot? Well, why the hell didn't ya mention that in the 1st place?? lol!


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:26 PM


Wow... those are beautiful. I agree... the eyes are the windows to the soul and you seem to really have a knack for capturing their beauty. You can tell a lot about a person just from looking into their eyes. I was never able to make them look right on a face. And hands... forget about it. I couldn't stand drawing people because they always looked so deformed. That's one of the thinks that made the monsters and demons and stuff so appealing to me. I could make truly scary pieces of work that nobody could tell me was out of proportion because nobody was going to tell me what one of them was really supposed to look like. I was just a quiet kid that let his demons out in his artwork. If I were in highschool today I'd probably be some emo dude wearing weird clothes and dying my hair a different color every week.

Take the highschool thing as a big compliment. You're a little cutie and you got that babyface. The videogames thing has nothing to do with it, but it just makes it that much more fun. You're like a big kid at 27 with your drawings and video games. Maybe even a scary one with that big ass gun you got too. I'm all for the right to bear arms 100% but I must admit that I don't even own one myself. Now that I got a little cash flow I plan on picking one up this summer. What can I say? I grew up in Democrat owned, gun hateing Chicago and was raised primarily by a single mom who hated guns and hunting. I've known quite a few girls who were a bit more bad ass than I was growing up. I'm trying to get better now. My brother and guys from work go shooting a lot and want me to come along.

Only 3 more hours until I get to play FFXII.... yay. I know how 3 hours is nothing in an online game. I think of how often I post here and on MySpace and it would be nuts if I started makeing friends online for a game. I just won't ever allow myself to get into that. I tend to become very addicted to anything that I find enjoyable, good or bad.

Speaking of pot.......

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:18 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Thank you. I'm gonna have to do some good Firefly ones. Can you believe I actually haven't done any? I bet your monsters and demons looked wicked. I'd love to see them sometime. I think I was pretty quiet in school myself. The artzy girl. Hmmm, I seem to remember my hair being green at one point. For some reason I can't really picture you as quiet. I thought maybe one of those rocker guys or the class clown. Hehe!

Well, now you made me feel all guy-ish (as I sit here in my Halo shirt). I swear, I've worn a dress... once... lol! And I do girlie things... and when I think of some I'll let ya know. But seriously, yeah I guess I am just one big kid. Adult when I need to be (maybe) and just a video game playin, fun lovin chick the rest of the time. Ohhh, there's just no hope. Me? Badass? Eh, I think just deep down I'm a big softy. Shooting is actually quite fun. You should really try it. Just remember, if you haven't done it before expect loud and soreness.

So how are you liking FFXII? I really like it, but I just got Gears of War so I got diverted. Now that game is making me crazy. Only played it a day now and I wanna throw things at the screen. Donchya love games like that? So you're a Myspace junky too, huh? I am pretty hooked on it myself. I went a little nutty on my page and of course all the people I keep in touch with. So I have this site, Myspace and FFXI, is it a wonder my head hasn't exploded yet??? Guess I have an addictive personality myself.


"Dr. Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead! RING, RING! Hello! Is it you? Yep, you're dead." ~ Red vs Blue: Sarge


Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:00 PM


I was so shy in highschool that it was like a disease. I was on wrestleing though and I kicked a lot of ass for a small dude so I never got any crap from anybody. People that I know now don't believe I was quiet because in real life I tend to be as loud as I am on here, once I get to know you. I'm actually very shy around people I don't know. Probably like most guitarists are I would imagine. You gotta really like spending a lot of time with yourself to do all of that practicing.

I'm still undecided about FFXII. I didn't get to play it too much on my days off because I had a lot of other things to do. The story seems pretty interesting, but after playing FFX, it's really hard to have a story that can top it. The battle system I didn't really care for at first, but it's growing on me. I can also tell that as the game progresses there's probably a ton of stuff that you're going to be able to do that you can't in the beginning. I think I'll like it. It's definately got a lot of potential. My brother is getting Gears of War next week, so I'm going to have to fight him for use of the TV. I don't really want to play a game on my 27" TV in my bedroom, but he doesn't have one in his room, so I'll probably suck it up and let him use my 51".

If you didn't see my post in the other thread you should check out my music space. www.myspace.com/b49teen84

Might be a while before I get a working scanner so you can see something that I do here.

Talk to ya soon

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:26 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Yeah, ya just didn't seem very quiet, but then again people rarely ever stay the way they were in high school. You come to a point where the world kicks your ass in some direction and then the innocence of being a child is changed. I can be loud sometimes. Like you, gotta get to know people. They used to call me the stealth, cause I'd be quiet for the longest time and then just blurt out something that would make everyone look at me like this ----> Pretty funny actually. Never meant anything intentional.

I haven't played much more of FFXII myself. Maybe get back into it soon. See, this is why you never get two games at once. Gears of War is a lot of fun. Kinda short though, just beat it on easy. Oops, don't tell your brother. that. The online aspect has a lot of potential. Hey, I say fight him for the TV.

The music on your space is beautiful. Made me smile. I'm very impressed. I've always wanted to get into music myself and I applaud you for doing something like this. Don't think I could. Well, I sent a request so you have another person listening. Hey, music is art too, and a very lovely form. One form that I am very jealous of people that possess the talent.


"Is it you I want, or just the notion of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around." - Rain ~ Breaking Benjamin


Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:54 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
If IX is the last one that you played, ASORTAFAIRYTALE, you should definately give it another chance. My brother is a big fan of FF games and he hated IX.

He doesn't like IX? I totally love it!
It's not that I don't like Final Fantasy, it's just that the only ones I have are the super old ones, aside from the "Crystal Caravan" one, and it's sorta different from the normal Final Fantasies. And also I've been more a fan of the Mario games than Final Fantasy, but that's mainly because I kinda suck at Final Fantasy....they're still fun though!

By the way 6ixString, the music on your page was great!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:05 PM


Glad to see we have gamers with good taste here. I've played all final fantasy titles and love all of them to bits. I refuse to part with any of them and they take pride of place in my collection.

Unfortunaterly in the UK we have no accurate idea when XII will be out, which of course sucks. My Japanese friends don't think its as good as VII which is still my favourite. Do you guys agree?
I could get naked?

any society that gives up a little liberty for a little security, deserves neither and loses both - Ben Franklin U.S


Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:49 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Sorry you can't get FFXII KingJayne. It's rather good of what I've played. But that said nothing, and I do mean NOTHING will ever replace FFVII. And anyone who says otherwise should be stoned immediately! lol! The story is just brillant and the game play was addicting. And of course who doesn't love the choco-racing. I think I'm just gonna have to play a little more of FFXII, since I'm a little hooked on FFXI (still, ugh) and Gears of War right now. Too... many... GAMES! I'll let ya know more of what I think when I play if you care to know.


"Is it you I want, or just the notion of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around." - Rain ~ Breaking Benjamin


Sunday, November 12, 2006 1:56 PM


Cheers Roxy. I have a copy of XI but I don't want to dedicate my life to a new game in the way that I've heard that one requires. I know I'm missing out but I figure I lost so much of my life playing VII - X2 that I really should do something else for a year or so. Besides I spend all my time online with my communities, I have to choose one or t'other

I could get naked?

any society that gives up a little liberty for a little security, deserves neither and loses both - Ben Franklin U.S


Sunday, November 12, 2006 2:10 PM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

Yeah, don't sign up. Other than the cash deal, it is VERY addicting. You have no idea. MMORPG's are evil. Wait until you are bored of all else and even then, BEWARE. I only stayed cause I made quite a few great buds and we are just leveling away. The hook for me was there was a free Beta test on the 360. Ouch! And there it began.


"Is it you I want, or just the notion of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around." - Rain ~ Breaking Benjamin


Sunday, November 12, 2006 2:55 PM



Originally posted by RoxyFreefall:
MMORPG's are evil.

That they are. Ever played World of Warcraft??

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Sunday, November 12, 2006 6:10 PM


Roxy - I'm glad gears of war is short. My brother shouldn't be taking up too much time on the TV then. That's cool that the online sounds good. What kind of game is it? A shooter? That's how Goldeneye was for the N64. I thought the 1 player game was fun, but the all out 4 player battle was the best. Wish I had a bigscreen back in those days when we'd sit around the TV pounding beers, gettin stoned out of our minds and blowing each other's heads off.

Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad you liked the song. It needs a little work, but it's the first one that I've actually let anyone listen to. I'm hoping to get some more up there soon, but I'm usually pretty spontaneous with my playing and the recording takes a bit of set-up and I just have to be in the mood for it. I was jamming away, playing "That Thing You Do" by the Wonders and "Handle Me With Care" by the Traveling Wilburies yesterday after work and about midway through I thought it was sounding so good that it was a shame I wasn't recording, but I didn't want to take the time to get everything setup because when you're in that zone you can lose it pretty quick if you're distracted.

ASortaFairyTale - Yeah... can't speak about IX myself as I've never played it. The only Final Fantasy titles I've played for playstation were XIII and Tactics. I was hardly playing any video games during those years except for pickup games of Mario Kart and Goldeneye on N64. I've always heard that XII was great and I did have the demo disk for it and I was impressed by it, but by the time somebody had lent it to me years later, I had already played FFX on Playstation 2 and I was too put off by the graphics and the slower pace (comparitevly speaking). I'd love to play an updated version of it if they ever made it. I can't remember if you said that you did or did not play FFX, but if you didn't, you should try it. The characters were so well developed and the storyline was awesome. It was like playing out a great movie. I think that's my problem with FFXII so far... they've jumped around so many times and I've already played like 3 different people at this point and I don't really know anything about them or care about them at all now. I recommend playing FFX instead of getting wrapped up in an online game. I know people who don't do anything but play those damn online games anymore. I know myself and I know that I would be the same way, so I limit my online time to fff.net, MySpace and the occasional game of Spades on Yahoo.

Glad you liked the music too!

King Jayne - Yeah... I'd have to say that Final Fantasy is the best series ever made. I've loved every one that I've played. (FFX2 as well, even considering the disturbing subconscious rewiring that I suspect that game may have caused me).

I won't say too much because we never know who's watching what we post, but I recently rewired a certain system (that shall remain nameless) that I own and I have every Final Fantasy title on it now for the NES, SNES, Gameboy and Playstation 1.... not to mention Marios, Castlevanias, Metroids, and Contras. It's so cool playing my old Playstation games right off the hard drive. I should get a chance to play the ones that my brother had that I missed in my free time now.

BTW... love your sig quote. That's one of my favorite quotes of all time.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Monday, November 13, 2006 3:47 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

asortafairytale, I haven't played WoW, but I do have a bud that just started and if it's anything like FFXI, God help him, lol! Kinda curious about it myself, but fighting it, FIGHTING IT!! I really don't wann be broke and brain dead... more than I am.

Jack Gears is shooter. Kinda reminds me a bit of Resident Evil, especially that damn Berserker. Tell your brother to have fun with that one, lol! What's fun about the online is that not only can you do a Halo type play where you just go out and beat down on another team for rank, but you can also join up with people online on the campaign and play through the whole game to unlock achievement points. I always liked Goldeneye, it was a lot of fun. I think that was the 1st game I started playing.

Song was still pretty damn good. You definitely should get more music up there. Yeah, I think if you took the time to get out all your equipment might have lost that moment. But hey, the rest of us gotta hear it sometime, huh.


"Is it you I want, or just the notion of a heart to wrap around so I can find my way around." - Rain ~ Breaking Benjamin






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