Islam is more progressive than Xtianity about ........

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 13:40
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Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:42 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Birth control.


Mullahs help promote birth control in Afghanistan

Some mullahs in Afghanistan are distributing condoms. Others are quoting the Quran to encourage longer breaks between births. Health experts say contraception is starting to catch on in a country with the world's second highest maternal death rate.

Afghanistan has one of the world's highest fertility rates, averaging more than six babies per woman despite years of war and a severe lack of medical care. Awareness of, and access to, contraceptives remains low among many couples, with UNICEF estimating 10 percent of women using some form of birth control.

But use of the pill, condoms and injected forms of birth control rose to 27 percent over eight months in three rural areas — up to half the woman in one area — once the benefits were explained one-on-one by health workers, according to the report published Monday in Bulletin, the World Health Organization's journal.

"The main take-home point is that for women who do not want to be pregnant now, it can be a double tragedy for her to die from a pregnancy she did not want — especially when we could have helped her," said lead author Dr. Douglas Huber, who conducted the study for U.S.-based nonprofit Management Sciences for Health. "The fastest, cheapest, easiest way to reduce maternal deaths in Afghanistan is with contraception."

Afghanistan's maternal death rate of 1,800 per 100,000 live births is topped only by Sierra Leone worldwide, according to UNICEF. The U.S. rate is 11 per 100,000 births.

Quotes were used from the Quran to promote breast-feeding for two years, while local religious leaders, or mullahs, joined community and health leaders to explain the importance of spacing out births to give moms and babies the best chance at good health.

In total, 37 mullahs endorsed using contraceptives as a way to increase the time between births, some delivering the message during Friday prayers. The mullahs' major concerns centered on safety and infertility, the report said.

"All the mullahs at the community level knew of these things that the Prophet Muhammad himself advised his followers," Huber said. "This was not a hard sell."

Islam, unlike Catholicism, does not fundamentally oppose birth control. Everything from vasectomies to abortions are supported in various parts of the Muslim world.

Many Afghan mullahs are very open about promoting family planning, said Farhad Javid, program director of Marie Stopes International, a British-based family planning organization in Kabul. He was not involved in the study, but said his organization has trained 3,500 religious leaders nationwide on the issue since 2003. It distributed more than 2 million condoms last year.

"In a couple of districts, mullahs were taking our condom stocks and selling them during (night) prayers because the clinics were not open after 4 o'clock," Javid said.

During the study from 2005-2006 — which involved 3,700 families in three rural areas with different ethnic groups, including both Sunni and Shia Muslims — the Health Ministry collaborated with nonprofit organizations to spread the word that using birth control was 300 times safer than giving birth in Afghanistan. They also involved husbands in the project and sought to dispel beliefs that contraceptives have negative side effects, such as infertility.



Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:25 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Hmm, we're inevitably making generalisations here, but I'll play:

'Protestantism and Islam are about as progressive as each other when it comes to contraception.'
'Islam is less opposed to abortion than Christianity.'

Admittedly, my statements are not as sensational, but they look at things more closely.

Heads should roll


Friday, March 5, 2010 1:05 AM


See, that's one place we really screwed it though.

With all them damn "Crusaders" in our military trying to make it a damn holy war, and by attacking their religion, we blew any real chance of encouraging their own beliefs to support reforms - case in point, if you actually educated some of these younger folk, taught them to READ (and damn the american assumption that other people are literate!) the freakin Quaran, and then pointed out stuff like how mistreating noncombatants and women will get ya sent straight to hell...

But nope, both sides of full of morons who wanna go kill infidels, without a single damned thought to the fact that they're both of the line of Abraham and as such risk Cains punishment for the slaying of Abel, since ALL THREE belief systems based out of that clearly forbid brother killing brother!

And it's not like you can reason so well with folk when the bullets are flyin and you got those kinda problems to be worryin about - as I said, in ghetto terms, we need to be steppin OFF their damn corner before the talkin can start, and we don't seem inclined on doin that any time soon.



Friday, March 5, 2010 7:54 AM


I'm also wondering if it's too soon for them to be trying this. Much as I'd like to see death rates among mothers go down, this is very obviously one of those regions we've talked about where the population has a high birth rate to offset a high death rate.

There's still a war on, and I'm not really seeing much in the way of improvements that could establish a stable society where it would be SAFE to encourage a high-education more wealthy lower child birth rate social transition through female empowerment.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 1:40 PM


How progressive Shithole Asscrackistan has become

Taliban disavows some Afghan diplomatic missions abroad; rejects their consular services

the Term is 'Christianity' not 'X', the X thing sounds like Twitter or a Pronography site
and I don't know What-the-Fuck is X' tianity it sounds like someone who has issues when they grew up, like a problem with Christians but is too chickenshit to call out islamics
it sounds like the wrong term like a description of someone who worships Musk AI or 'X'

why is a more respectful term given to the islamist the jihadi, it could be called Ramadan-ity or 'Mohammed'-ism

inbred islamic jihadi goatfuckers marry their cousins as mohammedans have done for a long time, they rape animals as their prophet did but they also have many wives, also have is polyamory or multi-philia ...I don't know if they 'Love' their women as other cultures do seen as they mutilate genitals of girls and stone their women to death, some Arabs seem to have slaves rather than wives after the woman reports she was raped then the victim is blamed and she gets stoned or beheaded, is islamism life and the jihadi life of mohammed not a 'justification' for a harem? today the U.S. government has actions against 'polygamy' or sometimes Mormon polygamy who marry gets inbred fast, Hindu have all sorts of belief and goods, some worship the crap coming out fo the ass of a Cow and other law books harmashastras made provision for polygamy,
Religious views from North America to Europe to Asia to the Middle East to Africa, they range from rejection to welcome on the Polyamory multiple marriage thing but it is generally frowned upon, some Jews do kind of get a little inbred as there are certain sects of Israeli Jews who marry cousins as Christians do. Certain types of Buddhism seem to be weird and hedonist maybe went Tantra to appease the lusts of Asian Emperors.

Contraception is a way out of this, getting knocked up as you Copulate but

'Aborting' a child is a very different thing entirely






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