Share your thoughts concerning the fighting arts...

UPDATED: Thursday, April 1, 2010 17:18
VIEWED: 4474
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Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:37 AM


Not to sound all Bruce Lee about it, but my take is that most martial arts are about conditioning. Getting muscles & reflexes tuned up through rote repetition. That all good & well, but any art needs to be distilled to it's most basic straight line & tightest circular motions to be effective in actual combat. Fluidity is the key- hard & soft poles within single movements.
Hey, I loves me my Wing Chun & Tai Chi, but in many instances, Drunken Boxing can combine both art's basic movements into a sort of usable nonsense.
The real answer is to not be bound by any particular martial dogma. Threads to all; cemented to none.

Okay, enough stream of MY thought, any others have any martial meditations?

The battle Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:02 PM


Meditation, ironic that you'd use that word...

What I know doesn't really constitute any particular form, being mostly of the too-bye-forr and krow-barr variety, but the one thing that gives me the edge despite being old and battered, although you've got a decade on me by a nudge, since the big four-O is creepin up on me shortly...

Is that when it comes to cases I reach a strange form of detached serenity, where time spins a little different, and every single motion however miniscule around me is magnified and highlighted the moment it begins - which from an internal standpoint means I have "all the time in the world" to make crisis level decisions, and from an external one it looks very fast and damn near precognitive.

While still very, very fast with my hands, the rest of me can't keep up though, and I am gettin too physically broken to play any more, blah.

But then I was too broken to walk once too, guess I have to wait once again for technology to catch up, eh ?



Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:59 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Is that when it comes to cases I reach a strange form of detached serenity, where time spins a little different, and every single motion however miniscule around me is magnified and highlighted the moment it begins

Heh heh, he said "serenity"...

Sorry, yeah, I know that timeless feeling, when neurons fire so fast the world slows...

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:31 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
guess I have to wait once again for technology to catch up, eh ?

They're workin' on it.
Truth is, were I needing one, I'd make my own. I'm a do-it-yourselfer. I'd be all weld-y & latex-y n' s**t.

Check this little quacker:
Real trouble is (as always) money.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:53 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Going to hijack the topic a bit and point out that Ip Man 2 is currently in production. Ip Man 2 continues where Ip Man one left off and takes place in Hong Kong, where Ip Man opens a school to teach Wing Chun and eventually a young Bruce Lee.

If you haven't seen Ip Man, I highly recommend it. It's one of the better martial arts movie in recent years.

Here are some production clips.

Sorry, no translation.


Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:57 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Not to sound all Bruce Lee about it, but my take is that most martial arts are about conditioning. Getting muscles & reflexes tuned up through rote repetition. That all good & well, but any art needs to be distilled to it's most basic straight line & tightest circular motions to be effective in actual combat. Fluidity is the key- hard & soft poles within single movements.
Hey, I loves me my Wing Chun & Tai Chi, but in many instances, Drunken Boxing can combine both art's basic movements into a sort of usable nonsense.
The real answer is to not be bound by any particular martial dogma. Threads to all; cemented to none.

Okay, enough stream of MY thought, any others have any martial meditations?

The battle Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010

Dear daughter took Tae Kwon Do as a little tyke in NY state (and made it almost to red belt) and then Karate when we moved here, to a small town in eastern NC.

She has high functioning autistic tendencies (Asparger's Syndrome) and loved the ritual and calming effect of martial arts.

After hearing her observations, she liked Tae Kwon Do better and would like to continue it as a now young adult but TKD is only available many miles away (one disadvantage of a small town).

The stylistic differences were too jarring to her and she only lasted about a year in Karate.

We would both like to try Tai Chi and have tried to do it using a book and DVD but with little success.


Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:05 PM



Originally posted by Haken:

If you haven't seen Ip Man, I highly recommend it.

It's on order. Waiting with baited Chi.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:09 PM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:

The stylistic differences were too jarring to her and she only lasted about a year in Karate.

Once a style is embraced fully, it's hard to change. Like eating margarine when you're used to real butter.
Drive as far as you have to for TKD- that's my advice.
I had a lot of fun in that style, btw.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:22 PM


Also, I have a book on Wing Chun by Ip Man. *ETA: I mean Ip Chun*

Very not bad.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, March 11, 2010 4:23 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

A slight clarification. Ip Chun is Ip Man's eldest son.

Concerning martial arts, I believe that regardless of style, they are all great because they instill a code of conduct and discipline that practitioners can live by. One may never use the combat skills in real life, but the ideology is constant and pervasive and teaches one how to live a just life.

My daughter used to be somewhat of a wild child before she joined TKD, it really helped her focus more in school. Step out of line in TKD class and it's 20 sit ups and 20 push ups. This was when she was 6. She learned very quickly to listen after that.

I wish they could do that sort of thing in the public school system. Some of the kids I see in my daughter's school really need discipline that apparently they are not getting at home or school.


Thursday, March 11, 2010 4:44 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
A slight clarification. Ip Chun is Ip Man's eldest son.

Whoops. My martial bad.

One may never use the combat skills in real life

Unless one grows up in Hempstead, Long Island...

, but the ideology is constant and pervasive and teaches one how to live a just life.

My daughter used to be somewhat of a wild child before she joined TKD, it really helped her focus more in school. Step out of line in TKD class and it's 20 sit ups and 20 push ups. This was when she was 6. She learned very quickly to listen after that.

I wish they could do that sort of thing in the public school system. Some of the kids I see in my daughter's school really need discipline that apparently they are not getting at home or school.

At 14 - 17 years old, I was in an Okinawan Karate school where the teacher would kick you or hit you with a plastic baseball bat if you messed up. We *never* hated him for that.
It's a thing of the past...

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Friday, March 12, 2010 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Haken:

Haken, man, I'm drooling for the 2nd movie 'cause of these clips, and I haven't even received the first one yet!
Michelle Yeoh's Wing Chun has been my perennial favourite (silly as parts are)- I suspect Ip Man might replace it (not a big fan of wire work usually).

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Friday, March 12, 2010 12:46 PM



chrisisall wrote:
Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:37

The real answer is to not be bound by any particular martial dogma.

Isn't that the essence of Lee's Jeet Kune Do?

I used to own a book called "Tao of Jeet Kune Do", pretty sure was written by Bruce himself. It has his actual drawings and everything.. was a prized possesion until a truck crashed through my house one day and it was lost.


Friday, March 12, 2010 12:58 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Isn't that the essence of Lee's Jeet Kune Do?

Essentially. I took his words seriously as a young'un, & took every style I could.
Okinawan karate, Tai Kwon Do, Praying Mantis(lots of fun), Aikido, Tai Chi from a friend who teaches, Jeet Kune Do from two different schools, and Wing Chun, also from two different schools. I also studied Drunken Boxing & Chinese Fast Wrestling from books & videos.
Wing Chun was and is my favourits, although my personal applications incorporate some of all of the above.

I used to own a book called "Tao of Jeet Kune Do", pretty sure was written by Bruce himself.

I have it, and the re-structured versions published later. Great stuff. Sorry for your loss.
Worth buying again, IMO.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Friday, March 12, 2010 9:30 PM


I really enjoyed this book

In Search of the Warrior Spirit: Teaching Awareness Disciplines to the Green Berets

It is about training in meditation, aikido, and biofeedback...

The results of the six month course were quite interesting...

the expected improvements in endurance, marksmanship, etc were there

but the thing I found interesting was most of the guys on the course commented that the end result helped in their marriages, and dealing with their kids because it make them calmed, and better able to deal with conflict resolution.. One guy said he never really knew how to relax, and destress himself until he learned meditation techniques.

The positive mental aspects I find very intersting

and while I do not have time for a course myself, I try to walk myself thru some of it from books...

Not sure if I am doing it right... but I think I am seeing balance and agility improvement and I seem to have more focus.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:40 AM


When I first heard about UFC from a friend years ago, it sounded amazing. All styles of fighting mixed, and dedicated martial arts. Then I saw a couple matches. Yikes, if anyone remembers the early days of UFC it was horribly brutal. Many broken bones and worse(I watched a guy get pummeled until his cheekbone exploded). And while it was fun to see Judo performed in a real fighting arena, I was kind of turned off by it, and decided not to get lessons.




Saturday, March 13, 2010 9:24 AM


I'll stick to my sidearm I think. Good ol' Equalizer. Thank you Mr. Colt.


Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:17 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Yikes, if anyone remembers the early days of UFC it was horribly brutal. Many broken bones and worse(I watched a guy get pummeled until his cheekbone exploded). And while it was fun to see Judo performed in a real fighting arena, I was kind of turned off by it, and decided not to get lessons.

That's the severe end of the martial spectrum- professional full-contact bout fighting.
Pretty much overshadows the grace, exercise & spiritual content of the arts in that context.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:14 PM



Originally posted by reenact12321:
I'll stick to my sidearm I think. Good ol' Equalizer. Thank you Mr. Colt.

BUT, like when a Samurai loses his sword, you must have a fall-back art.
Just sayin'.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Thursday, April 1, 2010 5:07 PM


My Buddha, I'm STILL waiting for Ip Man!!!

Backorder SUCKS!!!!

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, April 1, 2010 5:18 PM


Ever fight with a cat? They can move in ways that humans cannot.
BUT, broken structure, nonsensical patterns disrupts their natural rhythm.
In this way we are martially superiour; we can confound nature through the way of the Drunken Fist.

Just don't fight a fu**ed up ape without backup.

- the wise words of MasterChrisisall

The laughing Chrisisall






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