UPDATED: Monday, April 26, 2010 18:44
VIEWED: 10638
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Monday, March 15, 2010 1:33 PM


Can it happen? I think it can. My name is Mike and I'm a Browncoat. I have come to you late in the game (I didn't see Serenity for the first time until it came out on Cable and then back-tracked to Firefly and Done the Impossible). I have done enough fan research to conclude that we have to continue the fight. I keep seeing from old and new fans alike an awesome amount of sadness in blogs, posts, and emails over the cancellation of the show. It is not too late! I repeat, it is not too late! I understand that the actors have moved on to other projects. I trully believe, however, that their hearts are still in the Firefly series. They will come given the right motivations. I know once Joss commits, he can get the rest of the Firefly family in line. On that note, I would like us to initiate another round of letters and emails from the Browncoats in order to restart Firefly and bring back the majority, if not all, of the original cast and crew (and of course Joss) to another round of Firefly. I believe that there is enough evidence to conclude that it would be financially savvy for any major network to carry it. I have posted on the Facebook Joss Whedon Fansite (under the discussions board heading: Firefly 2/Serenity 2) a business letter draft. I would like to request that every faithful Browncoat take that draft, shape it to a personal liking, and mail it to several involved parties (i.e. Joss, Fox, NBC Universal, SyFy Universal, Tim Minear, etc.). I will post the address' of several different involved parties on this fansite tomorrow or Wednesday depending on response. We are Browncoats and part of that means, to me, that we do not give up the fight. We are and forever will be mighty. Thanks for your time.


Monday, March 15, 2010 1:58 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I share your desire to see more of the Firefly 'verse on TV or on the big screen. However, I would ask that you not address anything of this nature to Joss, Tim or any of the other writers or actors. They know we want more, they all want more too. They are not the ones we need to convince.

It is the studios and network executives that need to receive the letters. I've written quite a few of them over the years and am willing to do so again. No offense, but I don't need anyone else to tell me what to say or how to say it.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, March 15, 2010 2:13 PM


Agreed, Joss and anyone involved directly with the development/production of the show need no convincing.

And also the Browncoat community is an intelligent, savvy and expressive one. No need to hand them a form letter. Mail barrages are a good idea, just like mentioned above, no need to spoon feed the community "how" to do it. You'll only be insulting the intelligence and fandom of this community.

"We need a hood ornament..."


Monday, March 15, 2010 3:51 PM


The below has been said by myself and many others many many times over the years.


Originally posted by SILVERSRFR:

There is enough financial evidence to conclude that it would be financially savvy for any major network to carry it.

No there isn't. If there was, we'd be talking about new episodes right now, or the series would have run its course. That's the point really. Convincing the networks that Firefly-y stuff is worth it, is about showing the money. It's not about writing letters or anything along those lines. It's purely about money. That can be done in two ways:

1) Buying Firefly merchandise showing that the community is willing to spend the dollars, and

2) Showing them that they are not making money by letting unfulfilled wants remain wants.

In short, buying shit and making our own shit, shit that they aren't making is the only way to get there attention.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, March 15, 2010 5:30 PM


Ni Hao,

I am well and I appreciate the commentary. I really do. I've heard some of this before.

ECGORDON: I don't want to tell anyone what to do or how to do it nor did I in my post. Everyone...every fan...every Browncoat does what they want when they want. I only offer them an option. I am excited at the old idea reborn. Also, the barrage of mail I'm suggesting isn't to convince Joss, Tim, or any of the actors to reboot the show but to inform them that we are still trying, still fighting, and still lamenting the abandonment of a series.

REENACT12312: I understand that this is not an innovative, imaginative, or original idea. I also understand that the fanbase is intelligent and highly imaginative but, recently, not so motivated. The only Browncoats I want to participate in this project are the ones who want to do something other than express themselves to themselves or to buy things that may or may not make a difference.

SIGMANUNKI: About the financial sense of things; I watched and re-watched "Done the Impossible" and they talked about that quite a bit of profit was made off of the advertisements (during the series) and the DVD sales after the series and the movie. If they were incorrect on their data, set me staight. Also, the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands of active fans on sites right now leads me to believe that they have a strong enough fan base to start anew (most of my data is from Facebook fansites).

We have to change tactics. I have talked to Browncoats, I have watched and read many of the things that Joss and Tim have written and filmed. I sympathize with their frustration. Forgive me for saying this but this is no longer about them, it's about us, the Browncoats. The ones that haven't given up on the idea. The ones that haven't gotten bogged down in the muck of "I give up, too much time has passed". I believe that the birth of this show was, as many believe, much more than a show. It was the beginnings of a family and I believe that the leaders of that family have a responsibility to the ones that are looking up to them. I don't aim to offend but I do aim to get results. We don't have the time to sit patiently back anymore. Too much time has passed for us to sit patiently on our rears. We have to take a stand now otherwise it just won't happen. I haven't given up yet. I will carry on until there is no fight left in me. I am a Browncoat. I wear my colors proudly....and sometimes loudly. So, all of you grumpy ole' Browncoats out there, I salute you, but I also say "wake up" there is work to be done.


Monday, March 15, 2010 10:39 PM


I'm going to throw my two cents in here.

I'm in the production community. I know quite a few people that worked with Joss on the series and they are quite happy with their current projects (like Castle). Castle is a big network show. As much as there is love for Firefly, they love working on Castle and it shows.

Joss is busy trying to jump start his own mini-studio.

If you're thinking that it might start with a different cast or a spin off like Angel did. I have my doubts, but anything is possible if (as others have cited here) the sales figures on Firefly merchandise hold steady or grow.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:21 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Not the way to make friends and infulence people. I'll bet you don't know that Joss has his own board.....

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 3:34 AM


I'm sure Joss and Tim and a lot of the people behind Firefly know that we want more. The ones who go to conventions see it first hand all the time. Letters will not alert them to anything new.

I doubt letters to any of the networks will do much good either. They'll look at the bottom line and the bottom line is Firefly is not a cash cow. I know we would like to believe it is, but it's not. It isn't low brow humor. It isn't a crime drama. It isn't built to appeal to the mainstream audience. It just doesn't have a chance against CSI: whatever.

I think it's time to just be happy with what we got.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5:43 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I suspect FF Season 2 will be with younger actors, and lose the Joss Humor TM (no Joss).

Like Capt Picard's British lack of humor and love for regs replaced JTK's lusty smirk.

Lots of virtual sets and CGI, less space hookers.

Mal works for Blue Sun and the New Alliance is our friend.

Like GOP took over the Tea Party.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 8:49 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Zeek:
It just doesn't have a chance against CSI: whatever.

How about CSI: Persephone ?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:28 AM



Originally posted by SILVERSRFR:

...The only Browncoats I want to participate in this project are the ones who want to do something other than express themselves to themselves or to buy things that may or may not make a difference.

...About the financial sense of things; I watched and re-watched "Done the Impossible" and they talked about that quite a bit of profit was made off of the advertisements (during the series) and the DVD sales after the series and the movie. If they were incorrect on their data, set me staight. Also, the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands of active fans on sites right now leads me to believe that they have a strong enough fan base to start anew (most of my data is from Facebook fansites).

We have to change tactics. I have talked to Browncoats, I have watched and read many of the things that Joss and Tim have written and filmed. I sympathize with their frustration. Forgive me for saying this but this is no longer about them, it's about us, the Browncoats. The ones that haven't given up on the idea. The ones that haven't gotten bogged down in the muck of "I give up, too much time has passed". I believe that the birth of this show was, as many believe, much more than a show. It was the beginnings of a family and I believe that the leaders of that family have a responsibility to the ones that are looking up to them. I don't aim to offend but I do aim to get results. We don't have the time to sit patiently back anymore. Too much time has passed for us to sit patiently on our rears. We have to take a stand now otherwise it just won't happen. I haven't given up yet. I will carry on until there is no fight left in me. I am a Browncoat. I wear my colors proudly....and sometimes loudly. So, all of you grumpy ole' Browncoats out there, I salute you, but I also say "wake up" there is work to be done.

Don't worry about the sayers of 'nay' , and their like...

One wonders what they're even doing here , and then speculates that they're Alliance plants...

You are right , you know...

In the long haul , the tried and true Browncoats will get what we want .

It is in our DNA...


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 10:29 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
Don't worry about the sayers of 'nay' , and their like...

One wonders what they're even doing here , and then speculates that they're Alliance plants...

You are right , you know...

In the long haul , the tried and true Browncoats will get what we want .

It is in our DNA...

Once people resort to name calling I think they reveal that they're insecure about their own views.

I don't think we really need to set rules about what makes a person a tried and true Browncoat. Believe what you want. Just don't go around trying to force your beliefs on others or hurt them. That's my opinion at least.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:26 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

How many times has it been, and how often, that some newbie comes on the board trying to tell us old-timers that we don't care enough anymore and they know exactly what it will take to get Serenity flying again?

I watched Firefly from the beginning on FOX, bought the DVD set as soon as it was released, have bought at least twenty sets over the years as gifts and donations, and now have both the series and BDM on Blu-Ray. I have purchased all the comics, the Visual Companions, the ornaments, the pvc figures, the card sets, the Alliance money pack and travel poster set (and most of those I bought doubles to give to my son). I have four different 'verse T-shirts (not counting those I made myself with iron-on transfers), one cap, two different Serenity patches, and a decal of the ship on my truck windshield.

I have met four of the cast, have autographs from all nine, Joss and Christopher Buchanan, and one day hope to meet all of them in person and get more. I have written letters to the FOX television network, 20th Century FOX Film Studios, Universal and the Sci-Fi Channel, all of them on multiple occasions.

I resent anyone telling me I haven't done enough, or that the next letter I write will magically make a difference.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:45 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

I think it's time to just be happy with what we got.

That strategy NEVER has changed a thing , nor has it ever gotten Folk what they needed...

If that's what works for some of you , Fine...

You know the sayings...

" We all got on this boat for different reasons...

...It's the Love that Keeps 'Er In The Air..."

Newish Folk are Welcome to bring all the enthusiasm they can find , and spread the Glow of Firefly Love
throughout the known 'Verse...


Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:52 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by Zeek:

I think it's time to just be happy with what we got.

That strategy NEVER has changed a thing , nor has it ever gotten Folk what they needed...

If that's what works for some of you , Fine...

It absolutely changes things. It lets people move on and find peace.

Constantly fighting for a lost cause is not healthy IMO. You will never achieve your goals. You end up missing out on the other things in this world you can spend your time and energy on to actually make a difference.

Yes, I would like to have season 2 of Firefly. I would like a lot of things. The world is not designed to be my personal paradise. I've gotten over it.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:20 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by ecgordon:

How about CSI: Persephone ?

Yanno... that would be a great show, a great show concept. Future science criminologa-whajamacallit stuff. Writers would have a completely open canvas (who's to say infrared sensitive eyeballs won't be possible?). I likey!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:59 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.

Are we really gonna have this argument every time a new browncoat pops in and wants to resurrect the show?

Listen, new guy, welcome. This place is generally pretty relaxed and the folks pretty friendly. I'm genuinely glad to hear that you liked the show and movie enough to come on here and join our little community, but as you can see you've touched a nerve. Try to understand that we've been fighting for this for the better part of a decade and we're starting to get as jaded as Mal.

I have to agree, don't bother Joss, but if you want to write letters, go for it. I'm not going to speculate on how the show could ever come back or why it hasn't but I guarantee that lack of fan effort is not among the reasons. We should try to be content with what we have but that doesn't have to mean abandoning hope.

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010 6:35 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Well, I haven't given up hope yet and I doubt I will as long as I draw breath, but it doesn't mean I think those hopes are very realistic. It also doesn't mean I can't enjoy other things that have come along since Firefly.

Again, to the original poster, I applaud your enthusiasm. Go for it. Write as many letters as you'd like and encourage others to do the same. Just don't tell me I don't care if I don't fall in line with your plan.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:35 AM


1.Picard was French.

2. Brits have a HUGE sense of Humour!

Devout Keeper of Jayne's Lunchbox


Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:30 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

I think it's time to just be happy with what we got.

It absolutely changes things. It lets people move on and find peace.

Constantly fighting for a lost cause is not healthy IMO. You will never achieve your goals. You end up missing out on the other things in this world you can spend your time and energy on to actually make a difference.

“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation...”

“Man can believe the impossible, but can never believe the improbable...”

“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best...”

Looks like Oscar Wilde could've been a Firefly Fan , if he'd been born in the correct century...

Looks like Teddy Roosevelt might've been a Browncoat , too...

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly.
So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Hey Zeek , nothing personal , but if giving up is your way of coping , have at it...

Just don't whinge about it while the rest of us entertain hope and apply ourselves to a more abundant Firefly Future...


Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:41 AM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
Just don't whinge about it while the rest of us entertain hope and apply ourselves to a more abundant Firefly Future...

If no one posts about their hope then I'll never post about my pessimism.


Thursday, March 18, 2010 12:22 PM


Hey there newcomer! Feel free to look around, we do have some stuff to tide you over, fanfics, even announcements for new comic books. Have you seen the existing comic books? Do you like comic books? I think they're nifty! If you don't have them yet and get them, try reading everything in the right voices. Ah. It's not live action but it's something.

And I honestly do think come 2012 when Fox no longer has the rights anymore that we might see something. Maybe not with the same actors, or maybe as a cartoon, but something.


It also doesn't mean I can't enjoy other things that have come along since Firefly.

Firefly reached something inside of me that ruined everything else for me. I will never enjoy anything as much as I enjoyed Firefly. Firefly was the only thing I'd watched in years, being that I dislike television and movies and I think they're a waste. It just grabbed me, right away, and NOTHING does that. I get told, you should watch this show! And nothing. Only Firefly.


Friday, March 19, 2010 11:25 PM



Originally posted by SILVERSRFR:

SIGMANUNKI: About the financial sense of things; I watched and re-watched "Done the Impossible" and they talked about that quite a bit of profit was made off of the advertisements (during the series) and the DVD sales after the series and the movie. If they were incorrect on their data, set me staight. Also, the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands of active fans on sites right now leads me to believe that they have a strong enough fan base to start anew (most of my data is from Facebook fansites).

The numbers you quoted (without citation) are not enough. Furthermore, even if true, just because fans exist, does not mean that they are willing to spend money. You're also using financial data from when the fan base was alive, growing and not during a recession.

It should also be pointed out that the movie barely scrapped by into the black. That even though the fans (including myself) went around and did massive amounts of advertising for Universal (that they didn't have to pay for).

FOX was actually the one that did the series. That one made a hefty chunk of change on DVD sales. They were also the ones that gave a green light on a MMOG that go killed when FOX's and Universal's lawyers started bitching over there respective cuts.

So, what we actually have is Universal, which wouldn't be willing to take another chance on the franchise given that they almost got burned the first time and FOX which isn't really willing to do anything TV/Movie with it. There's also the fact that the lawyers will kill anything because god forbid the other guy would make a profit when the other one isn't.


Originally posted by SILVERSRFR:

We have to change tactics

In this you are right. But, you're going about it in a very very wrong way. What you're doing is "We've done the impossible before, we can do it again." To be frank, that's delusional.

What is needed is for US to create the content instead of bitching at others to make it for us. So, instead of trying to get hundreds of thousands of Browncoats organized enough to matter, get a small group of Browncoats together and make a short film. Or something else. Hell, these guys have been at it (a game) for a years:

And are still plugging away (nearing completion I believe). Or a browser based alternative that has been announced:

Those are real tangible goals. Goals that, depending on scope, can be achieved.

But, no-one wants to do small things, right? Because if it isn't something grand and mind boggling, it isn't doing the impossible. And therein lies this fandom's fatal flaw.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, March 20, 2010 5:56 AM


Now I am learning about scary.


Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by Zeek:

I think it's time to just be happy with what we got.

That strategy NEVER has changed a thing , nor has it ever gotten Folk what they needed...

If that's what works for some of you , Fine...

You know the sayings...

" We all got on this boat for different reasons...

...It's the Love that Keeps 'Er In The Air..."

Newish Folk are Welcome to bring all the enthusiasm they can find , and spread the Glow of Firefly Love
throughout the known 'Verse...

Is it just me, or does this make it sound like we're trying to start a new religion?

Just sayin'.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Saturday, March 20, 2010 6:28 AM



Originally posted by SAVEWASH:

Is it just me, or does this make it sound like we're trying to start a new religion?

Just sayin'.

No , of course it's not just you...

Why do so many seem to think it's all about just them ?

It ain't about you , Jayne...It's about what
they need...

By the way , Brother , do you have any recent stories to tell about 'conversions' that you have accomplished ?

You don't fix faith...It fixes you .


Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:20 PM


Alright, everyone. First off, let me say that I am happy and humbled by the responses to this thread. Also, I have gone ahead and mailed two Fox executives, two Universal executives, and Joss and encouraged several other fans to do so. The reason I mailed Joss was to keep him aware of our efforts. I intend to mail letters to the rest of the original cast as well. Not to harass or to influence but to just thank them for creating such meaningful art.

Secondly, I have done some research, I am a fan, and I believe that everyone's voice can be heard. Now, I am not so naive to think that I could come onto an established website and not get some ribbing as the new guy but, honestly, there is a lot of negativity here. I might not know, personally, every Browncoat of stature that exists or what they have been through but I have an awesome respect for them and their efforts. Me and my efforts have been treated with say the least. Really, guys and gals, what harm would a little effort, being made in the realm of letter writing, cause? I came here for help and encouragement and have received little of either. I'm a little disturbed but I'm not angry by the responses. I have a job and I have a life but I don't believe that this is or ever will be a waste of time.

Growing up, there is one thing that I was always taught, fight for what you believe in! We Browncoats, I have always thought, live by that credo. One of the most fascinating series in the history of television is Firefly. Firefly touched us all in different ways but I do believe that we have common ground. We are all fighters. We know we found something that we love and we don't want that sense of family to end. No thing worth fighting for is a wasted effort. I'm there.

Please, please don't be disgruntled. I can sympathize with the feelings tied to efforts that have been overlooked or forgotten. I know you folks have spent days, months, and years trying to sway the powers that be into another season or movie, watching our one season over and over again, sending letters, attending conferences, and buying merchandise...only to see the director, cast, and crew move on to other ventures. I know you have pushed yourselves, sometimes to extremes, sometimes to exhaustion. I know you haven't given up nor want to. I do not give up easily and will not on this project.

I have sent several emails, posts, and letters to involved people. I will continue to write to Fox and Universal until I get a response. I will give that up if and only if Joss says there is no chance in hell that Firefly will come back or that Serenity will have sequel. In that case, the king has spoken. I will bow and exit the stage.

I appreciate the comments of encouragement and I acknowledge and respect the opinions of the "ole" Browncoats. I want to, yearn to, to be closer to all of you. I am, as always, open to any and all comments.


Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:00 PM


"In this you are right. But, you're going about it in a very very wrong way. What you're doing is "We've done the impossible before, we can do it again." To be frank, that's delusional."

Hello, SigmaNunki,

This caught my eye. I think that your response was well thought out and that you put some effort into it. I appreciate that. However, I must disagree. I don't think that it's delusional to think that any effort, no matter how small, can't make a difference. I agree that money moves the Hollywood machines but I don't believe that the heads of these major studios are robots and not human.

I'm willing to bet that during the height of the "Bring Firefly Back" campaign in 2003-2004, that thousands of letters were composed and that only a few were opened and read. Those few, along with other efforts, may have made the bit of difference that changed the course of "verse" history (i.e. Serenity). I am hopeful and I am optimistic that our letters will get though to someone and make a difference in this campaign.

On changing tactics, "Fast is better than slow". I am not privy to Hollywood business so I don't know the correct method to getting things done in Hollywood. Also, I have never been intrigued by a television series so much as to start a letter writing campaign, until now. Unfortunately, I'm realizing that we still live in an elitist world and that my voice (by itself) doesn't mean a whole lot. However, no effort in this "verse" goes unnoticed.

I think that your way is promising and can be frustrating (since not all believe as you do). I'm doing what I can and will consider other methods. Give me a little time and I'll catch up to those still involved in the fight and I'll help where I can. Anyway, thanks again for your post.


Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:50 PM


Here is a draft of the letter sent if anyone is interested. I know it has some flaws. Give me a break, We've never written one of these before:

Subject: Business Proposal

Dear ______,

First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is _____ and I’m a ___ _______, by trade. I am a ____ ______ graduate and have served in the armed forces. However, I am a nobody in the entertainment business. I have never been truly interested in any form of entertainment until now and I consider myself to be an independent agent acting on the interests of millions of fans.

I represent an extensive group of citizens that would like to see an entertainment oversight corrected. This letter is being submitted to make it blatantly clear that a business opportunity of immense proportions has been overlooked and needs to be given immediate consideration. If it could be guaranteed that a television series would be one of the most popular/ successful shows in the history of television would you hesitate in producing it? I have such a show in mind and I have proof of its future and past success. This show has a very interesting history, a romance novel of sorts. The series is a David and Goliath, a Phoenix, and a Robin Hood all rolled into one. There are literally millions of people, worldwide, that are already in love with it, its cast, and its creator. The series was called Firefly.

The series, which originally aired in 2002, was prematurely canceled by Fox television studios. It was canceled after 11 episodes were aired. In a sense, it was killed before it could reach its full potential. The initial ratings just weren't there. It could have been the vague name, marketing, show time, the episodes being shown out of order, the then unknown and untested actors, or personal (executive) reasons. Who really knows? Basically, it wasn't given enough stage time for people to take notice. Over the months following the cancellation, the fans, writer/director, and cast/ crew rallied and made a movie based on the series. In the writer's words in was "unheard of" in Hollywood business up until then. Universal studios took up the colors at that point and a major (modestly budgeted) motion picture was produced. The movie was called Serenity. The movie was a cult hit and was well received by most who watched it. Also, the movie budget was well covered (mostly by DVD/ Bluray sales). My constituents and I believe that it would be a financial goldmine for any studio willing to faithfully produce/finance this project.

Some of the proof of success that exists includes: various (current) popular websites (fan-based and others) dedicated to the Firefly series (2002) and the Serenity movie (2005), scores of committed, loving, and very passionate fans, and a belief by those involved that they helped create and nurture something more than entertainment. An example of this proof is found on a Facebook Firefly fan site. This site has, at this time, more than 200,000 active members. Another site is called where over 16,000 fans have signed their names in support of the Firefly television series. These fans call themselves Browncoats out of love and devotion for the series. These Browncoats are made up of every demographic group including: the young, the old, the rich, the poor, men, women, artists, scientists, lawyers, writers, etc. The fans feel, as I do, that this series did something that most television series are incapable of doing. That is, the series accomplished an on-stage harmony that is rarely seen on television today. This harmony came from the near-perfect interaction of the actors with one another, with the story line, and with the director.

What we propose is that your studio produce/ finance several more seasons of Firefly (or call it what you will) and court the original cast and writer aggressively. This is not only a sound business decision, but also, is a proper conclusion to a unique and romantic saga that is near and dear to the hearts of everyone involved. Please bring the writer/director, the cast and crew, and the fans back home to the set of Firefly and at the same time receive excellent and consistent ratings. (P.O.C. _________ (206)________, email:

I am not placing blame nor do I wish to. I know that there is a complex internal history concerning this politics of this show. All I want (for myself and my constituents) is closure to an unique, beautiful, and unfinished story.

We will personally do whatever you wish us to do in regards to this project (i.e. contact involved parties, contact fans, arrange meetings, and negotiate).

Thank you for your time and effort in this matter.

Respectfully submitted,

____________, Independent Agent


Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:43 PM



Um, it wasn't our letters that got the movie made. Nor what it any of our efforts (I was involved in many btw). It was a combination of pretty much *everyone* in the fan base being active in some form or another with, and this is the important part, Joss, etc campaigning.

There's the rub. Joss is no longer campaigning. He's willing to do more, but isn't actively seeking it. Also, the fan base is weak and inactive today. So, what we have is, well, let me quote a character that we both know and love:

Ten percent of nothing is -- let me do the math here -- nothing into nothing, carry the nothing -- still nothing.

We are nothing without someone who actually carries weight "on the inside." Don't let your want for more steer you away from that.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:46 PM


That isn't a business proposal. It's an emotional plea.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Friday, March 26, 2010 3:50 AM



Originally posted by SILVERSRFR:
I appreciate the comments of encouragement and I acknowledge and respect the opinions of the "ole" Browncoats. I want to, yearn to, to be closer to all of you. I am, as always, open to any and all comments.

This type of talk really irks me. You respect opinions and are open to comments huh? Then how come you've ignored everyone's opinion that doesn't agree with yours?

You sure sound polite. Your actions speak much louder though.

Personally I'd rather not have you "represent" the fandom. That's my comment. I hope you're open to it and respect it.


Friday, March 26, 2010 10:39 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

...There's the rub. Joss is no longer campaigning. He's willing to do more, but isn't actively seeking it. Also, the fan base is weak and inactive today.

...Ten percent of nothing is -- let me do the math here -- nothing into nothing, carry the nothing -- still nothing.

We are nothing without someone who actually carries weight "on the inside." Don't let your want for more steer you away from that.

Quite the oddity , then , that Joss himself says , on the Video intro for Can't Stop The Serenity , that it was Folk
who " believed unreasonably " that got the film made...

Seems that your Math skills are seriously flawed , too...

Might be best not to emulate Jayne in your cackle-atin' !

Although he was right , you're still...Not .

" Can't " never could DO a thing...Just sayin'...


Friday, March 26, 2010 2:06 PM


I am a new Firefly Fan. The TV series just appeared in New Zealand on DVD. I love it, Its the best TV series I have ever seen. I bought the move first but then found out it had been a TV series. It has to be brought back. I cannot understand how it got cancelled. Fox must have done a shit job prommoting the series. My husband thinks its great too. I think the more people who see Firefly the more force can be applied to get it back.



Sunday, March 28, 2010 6:39 PM


Zeek, I am open to your opinion. I respect you as a person and as a Firefly fan. However, I respectfully disagree. I'll keep pluggin' along with or without your help. Preferably with. Take care all. I'll keep writing. I'll post here from time to time. Take the posts as you will. I might not be doing something smart but I believe I'm doing something right.


Sunday, March 28, 2010 6:41 PM


SigmaNunki, sounds like an insult to me. I didn't know we were going there. Me and a few other Browncoats put this letter together. There was time and a few emotions involved. When I started posting here I didn't know what to expect. I opened up to you as well as the rest of the forum out of respect and love for the Firefly family. I apologize if I stepped on your toes somehow, however, I would like some constructive criticism from you. Otherwise, I'll leave you alone in peace.


Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:05 PM


Squeekie, welcome to the site and to the Firefly family. If you read a bit, you'll find that your feelings toward the show and it's resurrection were shared and still are shared by most of the members of this site. Welcome to the fight.


Sunday, March 28, 2010 8:10 PM



Referring to Sig and others, what I think you fail to comprehend is that people have been at this since the moment they realized the next episode wasn't coming. That's over 7 years of people trying to stir up different efforts to get people to "help bring back the show." and the head of steam they were able to maintain culminated in Joss seeing the fight for the BDM was worth it. After which a cooling period set in. Partially with the realization that even with the 3 year gap and a full steam fandom, the community was not able to gather a big enough following to make the BDM a booming success.

Folks have been holding the banner of "I want more Firefly" for over 7 years, some taking up efforts with ads, fan art, mailings, and later showings of Serenity. Now, you show up, and your first communication is, "Hey guys! You know what I think? We should be fighting for more Firefly." Can you see that despite all the backpedaling and "respecting" you've done why people might not be in a hurry to jump up and yell "WE"RE WITH YOU" and that when you begin to prod them as being "lazy" or "poor" fans for it, you're going catch hell for it.

Most of these folks are not being negative, they are being realistic. Hollywood producers are people you are correct in that notion. They are however, money-operated, calculating people. Who do very simple math to see if something is worth the time and money. Unless, you get lucky, and a producer takes a personal fan-type interest in the concept. Which is part of what happened at Universal making Serenity possible, on top of Joss's unrelenting push.

To seek new material, and to support the production of new material by purchasing what material does come out (merch and comics), And also by sharing with our friends, loved-ones, and anyone who will listen, that sends a stronger message then any letter that will be dumped in the shredder by a secretary at Fox/Universal headquarters.

I don't pretend to speak for the long-time site goers. As I'm fairly new to this website, though been a browncoat for much longer. Only to share a sentiment that, a fight was made to continue the story. It culminated in the BDM which gave us resolution. Don't play that down by greedily yelling "MORE" show some contentedness with what was achieved.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Sunday, March 28, 2010 9:20 PM




I'm not failing to realize anything. I totally understand that I am a new browncoat, my passion is relatively new, most of these ideas have happened and been acted on before, and that my frustration has not yet had time to evolve for 5-7 years. Also, everything and everyone has cooled down, most of the effort is in the monetary realm, and I'm an idiot.

Browncoat condescension is definitely being felt here.

I am here because, to me, there is no more time. Even though the monetary efforts are an excellent idea, they are not working fast enough. Nathan is getting chubby (watch recent episodes of Castle). Joss and the rest of the crew are getting involved in other projects (i.e. moving on). Also, everyone involved is getting older. We have to move and move fast if there is even an infinitesimal chance of getting results. I understand realism. Let me repeat, I understand realism. There is also one more thing I understand, without effort there is no reward. I will not stand idly by and watch Firefly/Serenity fade into the sunset. As a Browncoat (which I am very proud to call myself), I must act and act quickly.

Any other ideas are welcome. Bring them on. Stop the f%$^ing criticism and hand out some enthusiastic (now there's a bad word), imaginative ideas. I don't pretend to know what's best for this community but I feel there is a immediate need for action.


Monday, March 29, 2010 1:33 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Again I have to repeat that I, as a longtime fan of Firefly/Serenity, resent you telling me what to do or that what I have done in the past wasn't good enough. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you need to be preaching to another choir.

Until the deadlock on franchise rights is broken between FOX and Universal there is not much we can do except to continue doing what we've been doing, spreading the good word about our show and gaining new fans. I am fairly certain there are many in the industry who share our love for Firefly, and many who know the cancellation of the show was a bad idea. But until that deadlock is broken there isn't much they can do either.

Everything you are proposing has been done over and over by many fans. Keep writing letters yourself, turning others on to the show, and like Mal says, "You hold."

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, March 29, 2010 3:46 AM


SilverSrfr you're obviously not getting the message. Let me put it in other terms and see if it helps. Think of it like a person who just got interested in architecture. They're really enthusiastic about designing a building so they start drawing their idea. Nothing is to scale. They aren't using the tried and tested tools of the trade. They present their drawings to architects who have been at it for years and are criticized because what they're doing is not going to achieve any results. Then you're turning around and telling them that you know better and that they should follow your example.

Do you see the issue now?

A ton of us have sent letters in the past. Letter 158,954 isn't going to have any more impact than letter 158,953. It probably isn't even going to be read.

What does get read? The sales figures of the dvds. That's why it was recommended you focus on buying things or bringing in new fans who will buy things themselves.

You've said before that you've done research. I'm not sure what research you've done but it's either incomplete or you're interpreting it incorrectly. From what I've heard letter writing had little to do with Serenity being made. It had much more to do with Joss's efforts and Mary Parent's (a Universal exec at the time).

If anything Serenity is a big black mark on our record. We showed just how badly quantity of fans wins over quality of fans at the box office. We showed that tickets will sell very quickly with rabid fans but they won't sell many. The prescreenings sold out in minutes. The issue is that there were only very limited theaters. So, if they're looking to sell out 30 theaters across the country then the browncoats can help them out no problem. That's not hollywood's goal though.

You may not like the criticism, but if you listen it can save you some time and effort.


Monday, March 29, 2010 9:44 AM


K, Zeek,

I hear ya. That's what I'm looking for. I need to hear what you are tellin'. I'm sure the research I did was incomplete and not an insider's perspective. Thanks for reading my posts, BTW. I appreciate it. Just trying to find a way, is all.


Monday, March 29, 2010 9:46 AM



By no means am I saying your efforts in the past weren't good enough. I think I need to work on my communication skills. Our current fan base wouldn't be where it is today without the 'ole Browncoats. I mean that respectfully, BTW. One favor, can you tell me more about what you know about the deadlock you wrote about. Thanks.


Monday, March 29, 2010 12:19 PM


Welcome to the boat , Squeekie !

Chow's in ten , no need to dress...

Thanks for all the Firefly Love from the Godzone...

Your whole country should oughta be full of Browncoats...SO...VERY...PRETTY !

We love meetin' new people ; would love to hear your interestin' stories...Send us some post , 'cause we LOVE gettin' post !

Xie-xie , and tsai-jian !


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:18 PM



the 'ole Browncoats

Just fair warning, we're called Veterans, not 'ole whatever'.

And the fight to save the show was happening even before the show started, THAT'S how far back we go.
7 years plus.............. it's not called losing interest, it's called being a little tired. That's longer than the Unification War I believe. You get tired honey, very tired. So keep that in mind when commenting about our efforts. Nice to see your enthusiasm, and it is most welcomed, but as others said, better to convert new recruits to fight, then tell the Veterans how to. Welcome.

<<<"You want to rule the world. What you don't understand is, there is no world anymore, only corporations.">>> Dr Evil's #2


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:57 PM



This is the last time I'll highlight this. I have the utmost respect for this community. Whether you call yourself the old Browncoats or the "Veterans", I'm glad you are here and have been here. I don't aim to step on any toes. I have to admit a bit of ignorance for Browncoat past efforts, I apologize, no hard feelings intended. I think my frustration was showing through. If I sounded like a 3year old that wanted it "now", I apologize. That was never my intent. Please be patient with me. Even though the mailing campaign has been done before, I don't think it's a waste of time. I'll continue to do so, until circumstances change.

I've been talking to some of the older Browncoats and I'm learning more and more about past efforts, trials, and tribulations. Also, they informed me of the newer Browncoats that arrive on this site wanting change and action. Well, I guess we all have to start somewhere. With a little patience and kindness and I'm getting there. I'm not that much of a hard head. Well, not all the time anyway. Just don't talk to my ex. One thing, I believe that action is, most of the time, better than inaction.

Any-who, the newer fan-base, that I have had the honor of communicating with, don't know the efforts that the veteran Browncoats have gone through. This is definitely more than fan site. We should have our own museum. Take care all.


Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:45 PM


SILVERSRFR - As a Paramedic from 9/11 I know what it is to be hopeless... I am behind you. I don't care if it is redundant.


Monday, April 26, 2010 6:44 PM


Hey thanks strummerguy,

Your support means more than you know. I appreciate you, buddy. All we can do is keep pluggin' along, right? I'll keep the fires burnin'. Take care of yourself.






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