Violent Young People

UPDATED: Sunday, April 10, 2011 21:16
VIEWED: 1360
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 5:02 PM


Another story... kids pelt a nesting swan to death.

Are we breeding sociopaths faster these days, or has this kind of stuff always been so prevalent?


Thursday, April 7, 2011 8:09 PM


OMG. I have no words. That is unspeakably cruel.



Friday, April 8, 2011 4:48 AM


We restrain kids from following their natural urges. Every facet of their lives is controlled. I'm sure you know some people who make sure every moment of their children's day is spent productively. When they are not in school they are rushing them about to dance, music, sports, extra-curricular activities, supervised "play dates". And when they come home they have homework and an alloted time for video games.

When do these kids have time to be children? Ask one of these super parents that and watch what a defensive response you get.

Add into that fact that teenage boys have aggressive tendencies, that are even more strongly repressed by society. You have a boiling pressure cooker full of young adult hormones that *will* be expressed.

Is it horrible? Yes. Am I surprised? No.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Friday, April 8, 2011 9:15 AM


Like woman, I am a mystery.


Originally posted by Hardware:
We restrain kids from following their natural urges. Every facet of their lives is controlled. I'm sure you know some people who make sure every moment of their children's day is spent productively. When they are not in school they are rushing them about to dance, music, sports, extra-curricular activities, supervised "play dates". And when they come home they have homework and an alloted time for video games.

When do these kids have time to be children? Ask one of these super parents that and watch what a defensive response you get.

Add into that fact that teenage boys have aggressive tendencies, that are even more strongly repressed by society. You have a boiling pressure cooker full of young adult hormones that *will* be expressed.

Is it horrible? Yes. Am I surprised? No.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36

You are aware this took place in Australia and not the USA, right? Maybe Magons can shed some more light on my theory but I'd be willing to bet that kids probably aren't raised in Australia exactly the same as they are in America.

Socialist and unashamed about it.


Friday, April 8, 2011 11:30 AM


We're merely reaping the bitter harvest we have sown via a society gone rabid, an educational/indoctrination system gone malicious, and childrearing tactics which emotionally brutalise and dehumanize children.

Which has inevitable results on a long-term scale.

In order not to die, all mistreated children must totally repress the mistreatment, deprivation, and bewilderment they have undergone because otherwise the child's organism wouldn't be able to cope with the magnitude of the pain suffered. Only as adults do they have other possibilities for dealing with their feelings. If they don't make use of these possibilities, then what was once the life-saving function of repression can be transformed Into a dangerous destructive, and self-destructive force. In the careers of despots such as Hitler and Stalin, their suppressed fantasies of revenge can lead to indescribable atrocities. This phenomenon doesn't exist anywhere in the entire animal kingdom, for no animal is trained by its parents to deny its nature completely in order to become a "well-behaved" animal - only human beings act In such a destructive way.

As Hardware says in his own fashion - as I have stated many times in mine, the more you suppress a persons basic humanity, the more warped the fashion in which it will finally express itself, and it WILL express itself, much in the fashion a tree root expresses itself against a sidewalk, nature ALWAYS wins.

This is why the folk in the most restrictive, oppressive religions and societies wind up so goddamn twisted, it's inevitable, and by our social models attempting to crush all that is human out of children, the bitter harvest of that sowing is upon us - even now that some corners have been turned, we must now feast of the ashes of that misery.

Mind you, this also explains a lot of aberrant childhood behavior in schools, as the messages collide - what they're being taught it necessary to survive and prosper in our society, those horrible "values" of malice, greed, exploitation and hatred, come into collision with their natural instincts, and as the messages become more radically divergent from each other, as they have in the past 20-30 years, the more chaos and confusion goes in between their ears, finally expressing itself in a wide range of "unacceptable" behaviors we choose to classify and medicate the symptoms of without ever addressing the root cause - cough syrup for tuberculosis, as it were.

In this case though, they're simply acting out the malice WE teach them, they just happened to pick a socially unacceptable target, is all.

They learn, from US - and what we teach them damns us all.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, April 8, 2011 1:38 PM



Originally posted by Cuda77:

Originally posted by Hardware:
We restrain kids from following their natural urges. Every facet of their lives is controlled. I'm sure you know some people who make sure every moment of their children's day is spent productively. When they are not in school they are rushing them about to dance, music, sports, extra-curricular activities, supervised "play dates". And when they come home they have homework and an alloted time for video games.

When do these kids have time to be children? Ask one of these super parents that and watch what a defensive response you get.

Add into that fact that teenage boys have aggressive tendencies, that are even more strongly repressed by society. You have a boiling pressure cooker full of young adult hormones that *will* be expressed.

Is it horrible? Yes. Am I surprised? No.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36

You are aware this took place in Australia and not the USA, right? Maybe Magons can shed some more light on my theory but I'd be willing to bet that kids probably aren't raised in Australia exactly the same as they are in America.

Socialist and unashamed about it.

probably not exactly the same, but similar.

I'm not sure I totally agree with hardware. I've noticed that a lot of boys my son's age have little or no empathy for animals, unlike my son, I might add who prefers animals to most people I might add.

I'd say that there seems to be a general lack of empathy in general in our society. Empathy for others, empathy for animals. It's all me, me, me....


Friday, April 8, 2011 6:31 PM


On that note, then Magons - this would be an absolutely essential read, since it describes not only WHY that is, but lays out the mechanisms thereof in explicit, though quite coherent and understandable detail.

Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential--and Endangered

You'll note that the authors are respectively, americas foremost expert on child development, and the lady who helped drag the hellcamps into the public eye and get them smashed.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, April 10, 2011 9:16 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Whatever the cause, this behavior is not okay. To answer whether this is new or not, I don't believe it is, we just hear about it more because it ends up on the news or online.

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