Criminal charges filed against Dictator Hussein Obama for fake birth certificate

UPDATED: Thursday, June 2, 2011 15:51
VIEWED: 3457
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Dr Jerome Corsi has told a Cincinnati radio station that he is preparing to file criminal charges against the White House for producing a fraudulent birth certificate, as the controversial author of Where’s the Birth Certificate? closes in on the people within Obama’s inner circle he claims were behind the hoax.

“We believe the birth records released by Barack Obama on April 27th, the so called long form birth certificate, is fraudulent,” Corsi told radio host Bill Cunningham.

“I’m working on filing criminal charges on the White House, I think there will be criminal charges filed very soon for having fraudulently produced a birth certificate,” said Corsi, adding that he would seek an FBI investigation.

Corsi re-affirmed the fact that he was close to identifying the individual who played a key role in forging the birth certificate, as well as the source document which the White House used to create the composite fake.

According to The Birther Report, the Clear Channel radio station on which Corsi appeared, 700 WLW later scrubbed the interview from their audio archives, a claim that was also carried by World Net Daily. The You Tube video above was made by a listener.

Clear Channel was also behind the removal of a billboard that was part of a World Net Daily campaign to bring attention to the birther issue in November 2009.

As we reported yesterday, Corsi is closing in on the people within Obama’s inner circle who were responsible for creating the fraudulent document that was released by the White House in electronic format and contains a plethora of errors and clear evidence of manipulation.

“I’m pretty well on the trail of linking the characteristics of this document to someone who’s going to have a lot of explaining to do,” said Corsi, adding that he was “hot on the trail” of one individual who “may have had a hand in this,” and that his identity would be released this week.

In a new development, WND reports that Obama’s Social Security number was issued in Connecticut, a state in which he never lived.

“The first three digits of Obama’s SSN are 042. That code of 042 falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049,” states the report.

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“There is obviously a case of fraud going on here,” says Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels. “In 15 years of having a private investigator’s license in Ohio, I’ve never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.”

Daniels said that Obama decided to hide his identity in the 80′s by taking a Social Security Number he couldn’t possibly have acquired without breaking the law.

click for links:

Smoking Gun: Gov’t moles alerted investigator of planted Obama birth certificate 2 months before release


“I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles. For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barack Obama,’ but … we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots. I came here many years ago with a biker movie and we stopped a war. Now, it’s about starting the world. I sent an email to President Obama saying, ‘You are a fucking traitor,’ using those words… ‘You’re a traitor, you allowed foreign boots on our soil telling our military — in this case the coastguard – what they can and could not do, and telling us, the citizens of the United States, what we could or could not do’.”
-Peter Fonda, producer of “The Big Fix” about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Cannes Film Festival 2011,


Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:53 AM


Well, of course he's going to say it's fraudulent. He has books to sell to the stupid people!

By the way, he can't file criminal charges - the district attorney would have to file them.

He can file suit, but it would most likely be thrown out of court.

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, May 25, 2011 3:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Penguin:

Well, of course he's going to say it's fraudulent. He has books to sell to the stupid people!

By the way, he can't file criminal charges - the district attorney would have to file them.

He can file suit, but it would most likely be thrown out of court.

Obama's cousin the dictator of Kenya arrested Dr Corsi for looking for Obama's birth certificate.

Any person can file criminal charges against any other person, or make a citizens arrest.

1. Dr Corsi can go to a state grand jury without a prosecutor and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint, and the grand jury can issue a presentment (not an indictment).

2. Dr Corsi can go to a state magistrate or court clerk (no requirement to be a lawyer) and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint seeking an arrest warrant.

3. Dr Corsi can go to a judge in any state court with jurisdiction to handle criminal cases and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint seeking an arrest warrant. If a judge refuses to issue an arrest warrant he can file an appeal, all the way to the US Supreme Court if required.

4. Dr Corsi can make a citizens arrest under state law, then take his prisoner directly to a state judge and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint seeking an arrest warrant.

5. Dr Corsi can go to a U.S. prosecutor and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint. Fed prosecutors allege they can block citizens from appearing alone before a fed grand jury.

6. Dr Corsi can appear before any fed judge and file an Affidavit of Probable Cause for Criminal Complaint seeking an arrest warrant. If a judge refuses to issue an arrest warrant he can file an appeal, all the way to the US Supreme Court if required.

It's Democrats like Billary Clinton Blythe Rockefeller, and Democratic U.S. prosecutor Philip J. Berg pushing the Birther issue, which is why Obama is prosecuting Democratic candidate John Edwards as a threat to shut them up.


Friday, May 27, 2011 1:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Obama's cousin the dictator of Kenya arrested Dr Corsi for looking for Obama's birth certificate.

Then shouldn't the title of this thread more accurately read "Criminal charges filed against hack Jerome Corsi for faking Obama birth certificate!" ?

Because not a single thing you posted in your title has happened. You didn't even read your own cited article, did you? Corsi says he's PLANNING ON filing charges. Hey, I'm PLANNING ON winning the lottery, so I guess I can post that I won $380 million, right?


"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, May 27, 2011 5:17 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Because not a single thing you posted in your title has happened. You didn't even read your own cited article, did you? Corsi says he's PLANNING ON filing charges. Hey, I'm PLANNING ON winning the lottery, so I guess I can post that I won $380 million, right?

I'm very accurate extrapolating the future. While its possible Corsi just got hot-heading during a radio interview, there's nothing to stop him filing criminal charges against the individual who calls himself "Obama" (alias).

So the title of this thread will soon be 100% accurate for past-tense events.

Unless Obama whacks Corsi, like Obama whacks his gay lovers in Chicago.


"Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mutherfuckers like you! You can put lipstick on a pig. Sorry ass mutherfucker's got nuttin on me. I inhaled frequently - that was the point. Pot helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Junkie, pothead. That's where I'd been headed. You ain't my bitch nigger, git your own damn fries!"
-Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father


Friday, May 27, 2011 6:37 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Obama's cousin the dictator of Kenya arrested Dr Corsi for looking for Obama's birth certificate.

Then shouldn't the title of this thread more accurately read "Criminal charges filed against hack Jerome Corsi for faking Obama birth certificate!" ?

Because not a single thing you posted in your title has happened. You didn't even read your own cited article, did you? Corsi says he's PLANNING ON filing charges. Hey, I'm PLANNING ON winning the lottery, so I guess I can post that I won $380 million, right?


"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill

I don't know, man...I think maybe I SHOULD hire PN as Mar's attorney...he can spin the bull-shit with the best of 'em. I do have to say I love his posts...I also listen to coast to coast am......


Wednesday, June 1, 2011 3:14 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

22-page brief filed with FBI claims 'irrefutable proof' document a fraud

By Dr Jerome R. Corsi PhD

This is the first of three articles on the criminal complaint that scanner-expert Doug Vogt filed last week with the FBI.

An international expert on scanners and document-imaging software filed a 22-page criminal complaint with the FBI, charging that the long-form birth certificate released by the White House is criminally fraudulent.

"What the Obama administration released is a PDF image that they are trying to pass off as a Certificate of Live Birth Long Form printed on green security paper by the Hawaiian Health Department," Doug Vogt writes, "but this form is a created forgery."

Get the inside details on what could be the most serious constitutional crisis in modern history, in "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President," autographed by the author!

Vogt's criminal complaint asserts: "I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense."

When the Obama birth certificate "forgery" comes to the public's attention, Vogt continues, "It will surpass all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration."

Since 1993, Vogt has owned Archive Index Systems Inc., in Bellevue, Wash., a company that sells a wide variety of document scanners worldwide and develops document imaging software.

Before that, Vogt owned Nova Typesetting for 11 years.

Curved and non-curved lines of type

Vogt says that the curved surface on the left margin of the Obama birth certificate suggests the county employee who did the original scanning of the document did not take the individual page out of the binder.

"The result is that all the pages in that book display a parallax distorted image of the lines and type," he says.

He claims, however, that the information typed into the form does not curve like the printed text on the form itself.

As seen in Figure 1 below, the word "Sex" on the printed form curves into the binder, while the typed word "Male" does not, Vogt argues.

Vogt observes that the word "Sex" printed on the form slants more to the left than the typed-in word "Male" below it.

He claims to have found another parallax problem in line 6c, "Name of Hospital or Institution."

The word "Name" printed on the form and the lines above and below drop down two pixels while the typed-in hospital name, "Kapiolani," does not, he says.

"The conclusion you must come to is that the typed-in form was superimposed over an existing original Certificate of Live Birth form," Vogt writes.

Vogt contends that the forger placed the typed-in text over the printed copy, creating a composite from a variety of original birth certificate forms.

"In fact, since I found some of the form headings scanned in as binary and grayscale, the form itself is a composite but the person who created it did not flatten the image of the blank form and save it as one file before they started placing the typewriter text on the composite form," he says. "The individual(s) who perpetrated this forgery could not evidently find a blank form in the clerk's imaging database, so they were forced to clean up existing forms and overlay the typewriter type we see here."


A "white-halo effect" around some of the printed and typed-in letters on the form convinced Vogt that the document was a forgery.

If the birth certificate were a scan, as the White House maintained, it should have been a grayscale image in which no haloing effect would be visible, he reasons

Vogt displays the figure below from the document released by the White House, demonstrating the white-halo effect:

He then compares the above example to a grayscale scan in which there is no halo effect:

The next image is a color scan in which there is no halo effect, with the green color of the security paper touching the edge of the type:

The figure below is a black-and-white binary image:

Vogt's argument is that a grayscale scan or a color image scan, as seen above, can be converted to a black-and-white binary image.

However, the presence of grayscale and binary images on the same scan is a clear indication of document manipulation, he contends.

"The important thing to remember is that you cannot have grayscale and binary on the same scan unless the image is a composite," Vogt argues. "This means that different components of the whole image are made up of smaller parts."

What produced the white-halo effect?

"We know that all the original Certificates of Live Birth were microfilmed because we can see the Nordyke certificate (below) was microfilmed," he explains. "Then, some time after 2004, the paper original copies, in post binder books, were scanned using a commercial document scanner with a flat bed, scanned as grayscale images."

Copy of microfilmed original long-form birth certificate of Susan Nordyke, born in Honolulu the day after Obama's reported birthdate.

Vogt concludes that the forger was forced to convert the microfilmed images of original birth certificates to grayscale, as seen below, before the originals could be used to form a composite.

Susan Nordyke microfilmed birth certificate converted to grayscale

Next, Vogt says, the forger converted the grayscale converted image to a binary image and placed it onto a background form image.

"The problem was that there were still image values for the pixels around the placed type," Vogt observes, "so when he/she placed the type image over the background and instructed the program to bring the type "forward" it blanked out the background image, hence the haloing effect around the type."

'Another smoking gun'

Finally, Vogt contends that the birth certificate released by the White House is loaded with binary and grayscale letters, "which is just another smoking gun that this form is a forgery."

Some of the lines and some of the boxes on the White House birth certificate were scanned using grayscale, but only some of the form headings and some of the letters were grayscale, he said.

Vogt produced the image below to illustrate his point:

Vogt explains:

You will notice the H and al in Hospital, and I in Institution. If and again the h and l in hospital were grayscale images, but the rest of the line is binary. The typewriter line below was scanned in as a binary image. I can also tell you for certainty that the form type was scanned in at a lower resolution (≤200 dpi). This is because of the size of the pixels on the letters were such that the openings on the a and s on the first line are not visible and filled in. This may also further indicate that forger took some of the type images from the microfilmed copies.
As another example of grayscale and binary type on the same line, Vogt selected the name "BARACK" from the form's box "1a," as show below:

"For some reason the 'R' is a grayscale image and the rest is binary," he writes. "That means the 'R' was originally on the form and the rest was not until it was added."

Vogt asks why the forger would leave some grayscale images in the form and not just erase the whole form.

He answer is that the forger needed to leave the grayscale images to re-establish the baseline of the type in order to place the superimposed binary type properly, in line with the other typing on the form.

"This also told me that the forger was an experienced graphic artist," Vogt concludes.

Another example was the birth certificate number itself, as seen below:

"This is just another example of a cut and paste job," Vogt noted. "It also means we do not know what the real birth certificate number is, if there even is one."

Vogt's verdict

Vogt concludes that the Obama birth certificate document released by the White House on April 27 is an "outrageous and obvious" fraud.

"You could truly call this a Frankenstein Certificate of Live Birth," he says in summary.

"It is a logical conclusion," he says, "that since President Barack Obama felt it necessary to have a Certificate of Live Birth forged for himself then we must conclude that there is in fact no birth certificate in Hawaii and therefore he was not born inside the United States, as the Constitution requires, and he knew it and others also knew it but wanted him in office for whatever reason."


Illegal Alien Rogelio Baena Plans To Sue Illegal Alien Arnold Schwarzenegger Over Falsified Birth Certificate of Illegal Alien Anchor Baby

BOGOTA — The ex-husband of Arnold Schwarzenegger's lover told a Colombian magazine Sunday that he plans to sue the former governor, alleging that the birth certificate of the couple's love child was falsified.

Rogelio Baena, a Colombian native, was married to Mildred Patricia Baena, who was a housekeeper to the Hollywood star-turned California governor and his celebrity wife Maria Shriver.

Rogelio Baena only recently learned that his 13 year-old son with Mildred Baena was actually the love child of Schwarzenegger and his ex-wife.

Yet Rogelio Baena's name appears on the birth certificate as the boy's father, and attorneys have told him that if Schwarzenegger and Mildred Baena knew this was not true, they engaged in conspiracy to falsify a public document -- a serious crime in California.

Rogelio Baena separated from his then-wife after 10 years of marriage in October 1997, just weeks after the boy was born. The couple however did not file for divorce until February 2008, according to US entertainment media.

Mildred Baena, now 50, worked in Schwarzenegger-Shriver household for 20 years. The California power couple have four children between the ages of 14 and 21, and their youngest son was reportedly born just days before the Schwarzenegger-Mildred Baena love child was born.

Schwarzenegger, 63, announced his separation from Shriver after 25 years of marriage on May 10, and soon after revealed that the split occurred after he told her about the love child he had fathered and kept secret.

Schwarzenegger has put his movie comeback plans on hold to handle the family crisis sparked by his admission.

He told his agents that work on new projects including "The Terminator" franchise would stop "until further notice" as he grapples with a media storm four months after leaving political office.

Shriver, a daughter of the Kennedy political dynasty, has hired a top divorce lawyer, Laura Wasser, according to People magazine.

Pictures of Mildred Baena and her son with Schwarzenegger -- who bears a striking resemblance to Arnie -- have circulated online since the actor admitted to the love child, and apologized to his family.

Dirty White Boy anchor baby Obama failed to keep daddy from deportation


Thursday, June 2, 2011 3:51 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Coast to Coast can be pretty interesting/entertaining sometimes. Back in the good days when Jennifer lived in town and we would camp together, our favorite nighttime activity was to take my 10 dollar radio and find all the interesting things on at night to listen to and Coast to Coast was always a favorite one to come across.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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