Wikileak: United Nations' Food for Sex Program

UPDATED: Monday, September 5, 2011 19:42
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Friday, September 2, 2011 3:07 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Begian UN troops rape you to death, eat your flesh and sew your skin into their clothing, and if you're very lucky, in that order

Cable: UN peacekeepers traded food for sex, so Dictator Hussein Obama takes his war orders from UN not Congress

By LAURA BURKE, Associated Press – 21 hours ago

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) — United Nations peacekeepers in Ivory Coast enticed underage girls in a poor part of the West African nation to exchange sex for food, according to a United States Embassy cable released by WikiLeaks.

The cable written in January 2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu, an area that has been at the crosshairs of the nation's 10-year-long conflict.

A random poll of 10 underage girls in Toulepleu by aid group Save The Children U.K. in 2009 found that eight performed sexual acts for Benin peacekeepers on a regular basis in order to secure their most basic needs. "Eight of the 10 said they had ongoing sexual relationships with Beninese soldiers in exchange for food or lodging," the diplomat wrote in the cable, citing information shared with the embassy by a protection officer.

On Tuesday, United Nations spokesman Michel Bonnardeaux confirmed that in April, 16 Beninese peacekeepers were repatriated to Benin and are barred from serving in the U.N. following a yearlong investigation.

"We see it as a command and control problem," said Bonnardeaux who spoke by telephone from New York. Of the 16, 10 were commanders and the rest were soldiers.

The commanders, he said, "failed to maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and abuse."

Sexual misconduct by U.N. troops has been reported in a number of countries including Congo, Cambodia and Haiti — as well as in an earlier incident involving Moroccan peacekeepers in Ivory Coast.

In 2007, a 730-strong battalion of peacekeepers from Morocco was asked to suspend its activities in the northern Ivorian city of Bouake after the U.N. received allegations of sexual misconduct involving local girls.

A report published a year later by Save the Children U.K. identified Ivory Coast as one of the places where sexual barter between peacekeepers and girls was occurring. The peacekeepers traded food as well as mobile phones for sex, the report said.

The recently released cable identifies for the first time the Benin peacekeeping contingent.

It also makes clear that the sexual exploitation continued through at least the last month of 2009, quoting a protection officer with Save the Children who spoke to the embassy in January 2010. The officer said that the "sexual exploitation and abuse problem among (United Nations) personnel is more extensive than is recognized."

Parents were encouraging their daughters to sleep with the peacekeepers so they would provide for them, according to the cable.

Bonnardeaux said that 42 allegations of sexual abuse by U.N. staff in Ivory Coast have been reported since 2007. Sixteen involved minors. None have been reported yet this year, according to U.N. records.

A Brussels military court Monday acquitted two Belgian ex-paratroopers of maltreating a Somali child by roasting him over a fire during a humanitarian mission in the African country in 1993

Beasts in Blue Berets


Friday, September 2, 2011 8:08 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Since When Does the United States Take Orders from the U.N.?

At least one member of the Democrat Party is raising the issue of impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama for ordering air strikes against Libya without the approval of Congress.

The War Powers Act, passed in 1973, states:


SEC. 2. (a)

It is the purpose of this joint resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgement of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicate by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities or in such situations.
SEC. 2. (b)

Under article I, section 8, of the Constitution, it is specifically provided that the Congress shall have the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution, not only its own powers but also all other powers vested by the Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.
SEC. 2. (c)

The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

Obama “ordered the U.S. military to join U.N.-sanctioned international action against Gaddafi” in an act of treason against the United States of America by disregarding settled law and the U.S. Constitution. Ironically, Obama said that he gave the order for missile strikes under United Nations Resolution 1973.

Since when does the United States take orders from the United Nations?

On March 8, 2011, the Seattle Times reported that Obama “…has little enthusiasm for military intervention in Libya or for the no-fly zone in particular. Gates has said that beginning the flights would require an assault on Libyan air defenses…”

On July 10, 2009, Obama and Gaddhafi had shaken hands, and it was reported at that time that “Libya now has normal relations with the United States and Ghaddafi.”

But today, March 21, 2011, “U.S. forces joined those of four other countries in launching strikes against Libya on Saturday and… Barack Obama insisted U.S. involvement was limited and only in support of an international effort.”

What about the constitutionality of such an action made by the person acting as president without the approval of Congress or a declaration of war?

Violating the Constitution is not new to Obama, who has been accused of “Posing as an imposter president and commander in chief” in a criminal complaint which has never been answered. A second such complaint was issued on March 17, 2011, with no response thus far. Over 3,000 such complaints have been filed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation without a response to date. Why?
As Japan reels from the earthquake and ensuing tsunami and Libyan dictator Muommar Gaddhafi digs in his heels, Obama is “juggling” these challenges by playing soccer in Brazil. A “warning” to Gaddhafi to cease attacks on civilians apparently went unheeded.

Perhaps it is no wonder, as Gaddhafi is reportedly still referring to Obama as “my son” as he previously has done in front of the United Nations. Gaddhafi has also stated about Obama, “The black people’s struggle has vanquished racism. It was God who created colour. Today Obama, a son of Kenya, a son of Africa, has made it in the United States of America.”

On March 17, 2011, an opinion piece posted at Fox News stated that Obama had “still has no defined objectives or plan of action” in regard to Libya.

It is now clear that Obama acted under the resolution of the United Nations when he ordered Tomahawk missiles without a declaration of war nor consultation with Congress. However, The New York Times reported that Obama had “pushed” for the U.N. “to authorize military strikes against Libya that would target Muammar Gaddafi’s tanks and heavy artillery.”

Even Obama supporter Chris Mathews has asked “with what constitutionality authority” Obama has acted in ordering the Libyan air strikes. Mathews has also asked Obama to release his original birth certificate to the public, but Hawaii Governor Abercrombie has reportedly stated that Obama does not have such documentation on file there.

It has been reported that a very small percentage of Americans believe that Obama has demonstrated his eligibility to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief.

So why is the U.S. military following his commands? Are they also guilty of treason? What if the commands are not legitimate, as Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin wanted to know?

Is this Treason Writ Large?


Monday, September 5, 2011 7:42 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Ew, yucky.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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